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Image provided by: Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA
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All-wool Clothes Y OU want to know frankly whether you are getting all wool or not. Every now and then we're asked, "Is it all wool?" or "There isn't much wool in clothes these days., is there?" Let us put you right about this. It's a fact, there are a lot of adulterated fabrics on the market these days, and the joke of it is these suits are be ing sold for just a trifle less than you can buy all wool for; and you know as well as we do that all wool gives the best service. Is it any wonder, then, that we confidently urge you to come to us for— Hart Schaffner & Marx and Styleplus Clothes They're always all-wool, perfectly tailored and designed by the world's master designers. We'll show you some very strik ing ideas in young men's suits and topcoats, as well as some very attractive new conservative models. All reasonably priced. WINSBERGS "THE QUALITY SHOP" Opelousas, — Louisiana Styleplqs Clotnes CROWLEY HOST TO HUNDREDS K. C/S Opelousas Delegation Report Having Had Great Time at Big Gathering Sunday More than fifteen members of the Opelousas council, Knights of Col jmbus witnessed the initiation of ap ÜhetTevr Loraine V/ Boston Electric Shoe Shop SOLE AGENTS I. CHAPMAN, Prop. OPELOUSAS,- - - LA proximately one hundred candidates at Crowley on last Sunday afternoon. Hundreds of knights from surround ing parishes were also in attendance. A line extending over several city blocks marched in a body to the beau tiful Crowley church at 10 o'clock Sunday morning to attend solemn high mass. Rev. Father Isenberg, the popular and beloved pastor of the Crowley church, delivered what it claimed by the oldest members, the greatest address of true knighthood ever heard. This beautiful literary treat was the outstanding feature of the day and will long be pleasantly remembered by the hundreds of knights who were fortunate to hear it. Following the initiation, Crowley council was the host to all members in attendance at the most elaborate banquet yet served on such an oc casion. Addresses were made by sev eral prominent members of the order and a campaign for building a fifty SaveMoiiey I Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater Win quickly pay for it self in fuel bills saved over imitations and oak type stoves. Stop the scan dalous waste of fuel money now escaping up the chimney unsaved. You pan heat your home with the valuable gas part of your fuel saved only by this remarkable heater. Bums any fueL Come see our splendid assortment. F.l. SANDOZ OPELOUSAS, LA. * Ko. 761 thousand dollar home started by Hon. P. J. Chappuis, grand knight, assisted oy other leading members of the Rice City council. The Crowley members evinced so much interest in the pro posed new home that when called up on to respond to the cause so many members stood up as to convince the promoters of the project that the finest club house in Southwest Louis iana will be gracing Parkerson ave nue, Crowley, within six months. Among those from Opelousas who attended the Crowley initiation were Oscar Mistric, John M. Prescott, A. A. Mendoza, Yves Andrepont, Dallas Pitre, Albert St. Cyr, Alfred Vid rine, Joseph Chachere, Goldman Las salle, George Vidrine, Edward Es torge, L. O. Barry, John Dufilho and ! L. A. Andrepont. They are loud in their praises of the courtesies ex j tended to them by Crowley members and report having, had the most en joyable time j et exeperienced at in itiations. BIDS ON ROAD WORK. Sealed bids will be received up and until 4 p. m. November 25, 1919, by Jhe Board of Supervisors of the First Roqd District of the Fourth Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Lan dry, La., at Krotz Springs, La., by the cubic yard of approximately sixty thousand cubic yards of dirt to be [placed on the Krotz Springs road, as ! per specifications ana profile with said Board of Supervisors. All bids I must be accompanied with a certified I check to the amount of five (5) per j cent of the bid. Bids must be address 1 ed to the Board of Supervisors of said Road District, at-Krotz Springs, La., with additional wérds on sealed envelope, viz.: "Bids on Road Work." The Board reserves the right to reject any or al lbids. A. W. KROTZ, Secretary of Board of Supervisors First Road District Fourth Po Catarrh Is a Real Enemy and Requires Vigorous Treatment When you use medicated sprays, atomizers and douches for your Catarrh, you may succeed in un • stopping the choked-up air pass ages for the time being, but this annoying condition returns, and you have to do the same thing over and ever again. Catarrh has never yet been cured by these lccai applications. Have you ever experienced any real benefit from such treatment? Throw these makeshift remedies to the winds, and get on the right lice Jury Ward, St. Landry Par ish, La. ALCEE DEVILLIER, oct!8-6t FOR SALE Detroit Automatic Scale, practi cally new and one 120 gallon capa city Bowser Automatic Oil Tank, half gallon stroke. If you want a real bargain, see THE STAR-PROGRESS. oct4-tf RESOLUTION By Mr. R. L. Garland, seconded by Mr. Mizzi: Be it resolved, that whereas, at the general election to be held on the fourth Tuesday after the third Mon day of April, 1920, it will be neces sary to elect the officers of St. Lan dry parish for the ensuing four years ; and, Whereas, it is necessary to select the nominees of the Democratic party for parochial and ward offices to be voted for at said election; therefore, be it Resolved, that a white Democratic primary election is hereby called throughout the parish of St. Landry to be held on the 20th day of Janu ary, 1920 ,for the nominees of the Democratic party in said parish for the offices of sheriff and ex-officio tax collector, clerk of court, assess or, coroner, three members of the House of Representatives to the Gen eral Assembly of the state of Louis iana, four members of the police jury from the first police jury ward, two from the second ward, two from the third ward, three from the fourth ward, three from t|ie fifth ward and two from the sixth ward of the par I ! I j ! ! treatment. Get a bottle of S. S. S. today, and commence a treatment that has been praised by sufferers for nearly half a century, because this plan of treatment tends to remove the cause. S. S. S. gets right at the source of Catarrh and gives satisfactory results. S. S. S. is a splendid sys tem cleanser; it is not sold or rec ommended for venereal diseases. For sperial medical advice free re garding your own case, address Medical Director, 51 Swift Labora tory* Atlanta, Ga. ish of St. Landry. Also, a judge and constable of the city court of Ope lousas and a justice of the peace and constable for each of the magistrate wards as now fixed by law. Be it further resolved, that all white Democrats registered as such and possessing the qualifications of an elector shall have a right to par ticipate in said primary election. Be it further resolved, that all per sons desiring to become a candidate at said primary election shall file either with the chairman, John M. Prescott, or the secretary, L. A. An drepont, before midnight of Monday, October 27, his written notification to become a candidate as said pri mary, designating the office for which he is a candidate, accompanied by a declaration that he is a duly qualified elector under the constitu tion and laws of the state of Louis iana, and that he is a member of the Democratic party of said state. Be it further resolved, that each, candidate shall at the time of the filing his declaration of his inten tion of becoming a candidate deposit with the chairman or secretary the sum as follows, in which amount is in cluded the sum required to be for warded to the secretary of state, to wit: For sheriff, the sum of fifty dol lars ($50.00). For clerk of court, the sum of fifty dollar ($50.00). For assessor, the sum of fifty dol lars ($50.00). For member of the House of Rep resentatives, the sum of ten dollars ($ 10 . 00 ). For coroner, the sum of .fifteen dolars ($15.00). For judge of the city court, the sum of ten dollars ($10.00). For constable of the city court, thc sum of ten dollars ($10.00). For member of the policé jury, the sum of five dollars ($5.00). For justice of the peace, the sum of five dollars ($5.00). AUCTION SALE ▼ a t I will offer for sale at Public Auction t at my home in Plaisance, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15I At 11 a. m., the following described ji property, to-wit: . 3 Wagons 1 Milch Cow 3 Buggies 18 Head Mules 2 Head Horses 1 Hack ! 1 Gasoline Engine and Grist Mill I If you are looking for bargains be ! sure and attend this sale Cash or | I on Terms. j LECESTER SYLVESTRE ! Ville Platte, Route No. 1 ! Near Debaillion Bridge BUY YOUR LUMBER FROM 1 The Craft Lake Lumber Company'! KROTZ SPRINGS, LA. lAnd Save the Middle Man's Profit j Manufacturers of Hardwood and Cypress Lumber Build- =5 ing Material, Timbers, Etc. Phone Us at Krotz Springs, Louisiana ICRAFT LAKE LUMBER COM SIGN SHOP Window Lettering FRANK TATMAN, Main Street, Opelousas, La. For constable of the justice of the peace ward, the sum of five dollars ($5.00). Be it fruther resolved, that at said primary election there shall be elec ted a parish executive committee to serve for the next four years and to be composed of seventeen members to be distributed as follows, to-wit: Five members to be elected from the parish at large and two members to' be elected from each of the police jury wards of the said parish. That all candidates for office of commit teeman shall wihtin the time pre scribed for all other candidates file written notification of intention to become a candidate for member of said committee together with his dec laration that he is an elector „of the state of Louisiana and a member of the Democratic party. Provided,how ever, that such candidate not be re quired to make any deposit as is here in required of other candidates. Be it further resolved, that said primary election be held under the laws of the stete of Louisiana regu lating the holding of primary elec tions, at the polling places now fixed by law, and that the eelction shall be held within the hours on the date herein fixed ,as designated by law. Be it further resolved, that in the event that it becomes necessary to hold a second primary for the pur pose of determining who shall be de clared the nominee of the Democratic party for any of the offices herein named said second primary shall be held on the 28th day of February, 1920, before the same commission ers and election officers who pre sided at the first primary hereinabove provided for. . Be it fruther resolved, that when this committee adjourns it adjourns to meet on October 30, 1920, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of de termining who have qualified them selves to become candidates for nom ination for office in said primary election.