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STATE BANKS SHOW MUCH PROSPERITY BY STATEMENT Institutions Report of Recent Date Show Increase of $60, 202,041 for Fiscal Year PROSPEROUS WAVE HAS HIT THEM ALL Louisiana's Tremendous Re sources Given Wide Pub licity by Institutions The combined resources of the 221 state lianks in Louisiana at the close of business September 23 shows an increase of $15,763,339 during the last quarter, according to a state ment issued last Saturday by L. E. Thomas examiner of state banks. For the year ending on that date the in crease in resources was $60,202,041. Since September 25, 1916, the in crease has been $146,182,512. To tal resources on that date were $281, 518,044. Mr. Thomas says in his statement the resources of the nine New Or leans state banks totaled $175,065, 324.53, an increase within the last three months of $8,744,478.85; an increase of $41,453,750.88 since Sep tember 18, 1918—a period of twelve months; an increase of $75,093,557. 33 since September 25, 1917, a peri od of two years; an increase of $92, 268,280.62 since September 25, 1916, a period of three years; and an in crease of $101,268,258.71 since Sep tember 21, 1915, a period of four years. This amounts to an increase in the resources of the state banks of New Orleans within the last four years of 130 per cent. The resources of the 212 state banks of Louisiana outside the city of New Orleans totaled $106,453,620. 07, amounting to an increase within the last three months of $7,018,861. 12; an increase of $18,748,290.62 since September 18, 1918, a period of twelve months; an increase of $37, 549,577.27 since September 25, 1917, a period of two years; an increase of $53,372)552.30 since September 25, 1916, a period of three years; and a increase of $57,513,168.33 since September 21, 1915, a period of four years. This amounts to an increase in the resources of the state banks of FINE FARMS FOR SALE! A 230-acre Farm, with good residence, tenant houses, bams, deep well and other improvements, near the nor thern outskirts of Opelousas. Can be bought at a fair price if the deal is closed soon. We also have a 96-arpent farm near Lawtell; a 350 arpent plantation in Plaisance; a 100-cre farm in Belle vue; a 200-acre farm near Opelousas, and other fine country and town properties for sale. See us now, if you want one of these bargains. ST. LANDRY REAL ESTATE AGENCY (W. J. and L. B. Sandoz, Managers.) 121 West Landry Street, — — — Opelousas, La. HIGH GRADE MEAL and HULLS FOR SALE Let us serve you again as we have in the past-WITH THE BEST. A shipment of fresh hulls and meal has just arrived. Phone or write us your order. Our price will sell you. Opelousas Ice & Bottling WORKS PHONE 77. OPELOUSAS Louisiana outside the city of New Or leans within the last four years of practically 120 per cent. individual deposits subject to check have increased $8,306,809.15 during the last three months, although a de crease of $1,192,761.46 is shown in bank deposits during the same period. Deposits of all kinds on September 23, 1919, aggregate $222,092,986. 39, compared with $210,163,142.33 on June 30, 1919, an increase of $11. 930,844.06. During the three months preceding June 30, 1919, deposits all kinds increased $ 14 , 450 , 186 . 82 , or a total increase during the last six months of $26,391,030.88. Individ ual savings deposits show an increase for the quarter of $3,720,449.69. United States bonds, represented almost entirely by Liberty bonds own ed by state banks on September 23 1919, amounted to $24,236,394.85 an increase in such holdings since June 30 last of $1,324,231.76. Total bond holdings, including United States bonds, Louisiana spite bends and all other bonds, stocks, securities etc., now amount to $47,256,148.79 an increase over the figures shown on June 30, 1919, of $5,226,693.17. All the state banks on September 23, 1919, had total loans amounting to $150,580,703.33, representing an increase of $13,331,387.82 during the last quarter. Loans increased $7, 275,927.76 during the period March 14, 1919, to June 30, 1919, which is an increase for the last six months of $20,607,315.58. Reserves of cash on hand and in other banks shows a decrease since June 30, 1919, of $1,266,135.11, but notwithstanding this slight decrease, reserves are $21,275,909.31 in excess of legal requirements. The law re quires reserves of cash on hand and in other banks amounting to 20 per cent of demand liabilities, whereas the banks on September 23, 1919, had such reserves amounting to 33.4 per cent of their demand liabilities. Bills payable and rediscounts amounted to $19,650,113.93 on Sep tember 23, compared with $16,947, 649.44 on June 30, 1919, showing an increase of $2,702,464.49. These lia bilities, however, during the three months preceding June 30, 1919, de creased $4,159,956.77, amounting to a total decrease during the last six months of $1,457,492.28. Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid, aggregated $4,047, 524.26 on September 23, which is an increase of $776,071.03 over figures shown June 30, 1919. Reserve for in terest and taxes on September 23 was $775,081.22 against $766,760. 84 during the last three months. The following consolidated state ".V** .. % A . . Every Dot represent« Ten Satisfied Del co -Light User» More Than 75,000 Satisfied Users DELCO-LIGHT was designed and built by men who were raised in farm homes—who experienced the dis comforts and inconveniences of farm life—and who set out deliberately years ago to develop an electric plant that would provide city advantages for rural communities. They were the same men whose engineering talent had made DELCO Starting, Lighting and Ignition Equip ment for automobiles the standard of the world— They knew electricity—and they knew the needs and limitations of farm life— They knew that an electric plant to give service in a farm home must be simple, so that it would not get out of order and require complicated repairs— It must be easily operated and require little attention— It must be very economical in operation— It must be built to stand hard usage and it must last indefinitely— It required five years to develop a plant that would measure up to these specifications. There were five years of hard engineering effort back of DELCO-LIGHT before the first plant was put on the market three and a half years ago. • Today DELCO-LIGHT is furnishing the conveniences and comforts of electricity to more than Seventy-five Thousand farm homes. It is providing an abundance of clean, bright, econom ical electric light for these homes. It is furnishing power to pump water, operate washing machine, chum, sep arator, vacuum cleaner, electric iron, milking machine, and other small machinery. And everywhere it is demonstrating its wonderful efficien cy—find actually paying for itself in time and labor saved. DELCO-LIGHT A compte* electric Üght and power plan! for forma and country h o m a e, md.f.cranking— air cooled— baU baaringe—mo bete— only one pla ce to Qa-Tk&PU*#t—Lo*9 Li ** d Battery-RUNS ON KEROSENE L. S. Melton, 1513 2nd St. Alexandria, (Dealer) G. M. Foos, 207 3rd St. Baton Rouge, Distributor way, Oajtoa* Oiaio, Maher» of DELCO-LIGHT BxoimZz, t i I Tho Domartir i T n«i —riof ment shows in detail the resources and liabilities of the banks: RESOURCES: Demand loans.....$ 40,420,098.81 Loans secured by mortgage ....... 22,379,684.35 Other loans and dis counts ......... 100,780,920.17 Overdrafts secured. . 405,569.54 Overdrafts unsecured 1,072,033.17 United States bonds 24,236,394.85 Louisiana state bonds 291,293.42 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.... 22,728,460.52 Banking house, fur niture & fixtures 6,917,341.30 Other real estate owned.......... 1,926,772.21 Cash items........ 604,570.05 Reserve in federal reserve bank .... -7,712,471.31 Due from banks and bankers (other above) ......... 33,469,501.52 Checks for clearing house .......... 5,272,478.70 Checks on other bnks 223,800.27 Gold coin ........ 214,170.55 Gold certificates ..... 200,125.00 Silver, nickel and copper coin ..... 1,017,317.11 National bank notes and all issues U.S. government (ex cept gold cert.) , . 4,654,078.00 Customers' liability on letters of cred it and acceptances 6,534,444.89 Suspense acct. 357,418.85 Total ........$281,518,944.59 LIABILITIES: Capital stock pd in. .$ 18,205.660.46 Surplus .......... 9,328,394.68 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid ...... Unearned disent. . . Due to other banks & bankers ........ 23,859,037.77 Dividends unpaid . . 50,666.09 Certified checks .. . 615,170.95 Cashier's checks out standing ........ 1,335,809.65 Individual deposits subject to check.. 126,660,792.62 Demand certificates of deposit ...... 1,150,266.99 Trust funds on de posit ........... 4,268,479.75 j Individual savings deposits ...----- 49,049,325.00 j Time certificates of > posit ....... T... 12,524,987.45 ' 4,047,524.26 375,954.16 Certificates of depos it for borrowed money ......... 205,899.18 Bills payable...... 18,029,240.24 Notes and bills re discounted ......'. 1,620,873.69^ Liability on letters of credit and accept ances .......... 6,882,979.49 Reserved for inter est and taxes ..... 775,981.22 Bonds borrowed .... 210,250.00 Amount due to per sons not included in foregoing .... JJ,372,609.00 Total ........$281,518,944.59 F R SALE —Five pairs young Mis so souri mules fifteen and one-half j hands high, In first class shape and at a bargain. J. P. SAIZAN, Opelou sas, La. octl8-tf T respass notice—T he public is hereby notified that hunting and trespassing on my properties in the Port Barre neighborhood is forbid den. Violators will be prosecuted according to law. J. P. SAIZAN, Op elousas, La. octl8-6t j j ' FOR SALE 184 arpents of land, known as the Edmond Deville place. 240 arpents between Raoul LeBour geois and Calendry. 1 six horsepower engine and boil er (portable). PIERRE MISTRIC, oct. 4-tf Opelousas, La. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ESTATE OF EDWARD NELDARE. No. 7054, Probate Docket, Sixteenth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana. Whereas, Alva D. Hanks has ap plied to be appointed adminisrtator of the above numbered and entitled ; estate- and estate; and, Therefore, notice is hereby given to any and all interested parties to show cause, if any they can or have, in writing, in this office within ten days of the first publication hereof, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. By order of Court dated October —, 1919. HENRY LASTRAPES, JR., octl8-2t Clerk of Court. n RENT—Residence of L. J. Dossmann, on Market Street. Ap ply to CHAS. VENTRE. octll SUCCESSION SALE ESTATE AUREL1EN V ALLAIRE No. 7040, Probate Docket, Sixteenth Judicial Dstrict Court, Parish .... of St. Landry, Louisiana..... By virtue of an order of Hon. B. H. Pavy, Judge of the Sixteenth Judi cial District Court of the State of Louisiana, in and for the parish of St. Landry, and pursuant to a com mission of said court issued thereun der, directed to the undersigned ad ministrator, or any duly qualified auctioneer of St. Landry parish, there will be sold at public auction, to the last ahd highest bidder, for cash, at j the last residence of th*e deceased, in Mallet, St. Landry parish, Louisiana, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 at 11 o'clock a. m a the following de j scribed property, to-wit: "Mary, rT "-— First—Fifty (50) arpents, more or less, of prairie lands, with buid ings and improvements thereon, sit uated at Malet, St. Landry parish, Louisiana, and being the last resi dence of the deceased, and bounded North by property of Finnin Der banne ; South by lands of Arthur Bellard; East by lands of Ozeme Le jeune and West by lands of Arthur Bellard. Second—One grey mare named Third—One top buggy. Fourth—One jack screw. Fifth—One lot of agrcultural im plements. Sixth—Growing crop of cotton. Seventh—Corn in the field. Eighth—One branding iron. CYRIAC VALLIARE, oct4-6t Administrator. MEETING OF CITY COMMITTEE Opelousas, La., Oct. 9, 1919. Notice is hereby given that the Democratic Executive Committee of the City of Opelousas, Louisiana, will meet at the office of the Mayor, in said City, on SATURDAY, OCTO BER 25, 1919, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said date, for the pur pose of ordering that all nominations for elective municipal officers shall ___________ ________ be by ir primary eïe*rtion~heïd*for the purpose, and to fix the date for the holding of said primary election, and to transact such other business as may properly come before said Com mittee. , H. D. LARCADE, SR., Chairman Democratic Executive Committee of the City of Ope lousas, La. Attest— H. BODEMULLER, Secretary. r :s ti SPASS NOTICE— Hunting or trespassing on my Linwood Plan tation, near Opelousas, is positively forbidden. Violators will be prose cuted. M. D. CHANOVE. octl8-6t » Cotton Seed, Hulls and Meal. We have a fresh shipment of Meal and Hulls. Get our price before you buy. Don't feed Mixed Feed, Bran, etc.— MEAL and HULLS are CHEAPER and produce more MILK. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Y( MARKET PRICE PAID FOR C< TON SEED. QUALITY, SERVICE, CORRECT WEIGHTS—OUR MOTTO. OPELOUSAS COTTON OIL » »»■» » »»■»fr»» I FOR SALE 200 Gallons of Pure Cane . Syrup at $1.25 per gallon. JOHN DORE, Leonville,