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PROGRAM For Week Beginning Cooled by Giant Typhoon SUNDAY Coldwyn Present» Good-looking TOM MOORE, —IN— "JUST FOR TO-NIGHT." "A wonderful picture! That's the description we ein pve."_Mov ing Picture World. A story of a beau tiful girl in danger—and a brave young man. You know what that means! Folks, it's some love story— and Tom Moore with that smile— come along! —ALSO— HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY. _ Doors open at 4:00 P. M. ADMISSION---S, 10 nnd 2 0c >«♦++♦♦♦+♦++ SELLING OUT! Jos. Firnberg's ENTIRE STOCK. OF Dry Goods and Notions —AT— Absolute COST! tf-t III Htf f #»***■ »■ ** ****■***♦ ♦ ♦♦♦++♦♦******** ALWAYS GHMINO „ BY WAY A. PLAY t fOV-K* vtÄAXi&er a WWAMWAL Roue 3Ä 1 o UR methods of conducting the g Lumber business are as square g as the squarest carpenter's square g that ever squared a right angle on a g proper piecé of wood. One way to in- g vestigate our business methods and g our prices is to pay us a visit. Our j quality Lumber will entertain you. g St Landry Lumber j Company, Limited L HY. L. CLEMENTS <t»4 »| i ♦♦♦♦ 111 * * J. B. CLEMENTS J ! Clements & Son I RICE BUYERS Opelousas, La. ' ♦ Big but nwurltet price pud for Ric^ Plume or write. Min i m i ' - .» " 1 ..... mi ■ 11 ■ n i 1 1 wm m » »* «♦ * *♦** Advertise in the Star-Progress MONDAY b „ T " ht What Everybody's Been Waiting For "BETTER TIMES?' —WITH— ZASU PITTS —AND AN ALL-STAR CAST. The most human picture ever . _ ----- pictures that'll make you think,laugh and bring tears to your eyes. She screen. One of those is positively great in this one. And then we have— SMILING BILL PARSONS. —IN— "CHASING RAINBEAUX," —EXTRA ATTRACTION— PATHE NEWS. ADMISSION---5, 10 aad 20c TUESDAY The Man With a Million Dollar Smile, HALE HAMILTON, —IN— "THAT'S GOOD." One of those full-of-pep stories— the kin d that pleases everjdxxjy. It . . ,c * n 8 adventures in the country where dark-eyed maids abound. It's } s a story of a young daredevil Amer just chuck full of romance, and has oodles of thrills! —ALSO— TWO-REEL VITAGRAPH COMEDY 'SUBMARINES AND SIMPS" —ALSO— BRAY PICTOGRAPH. ADMISSION---S, 10 and 20c NEWS OF THE OIL FIELDS According to a bulletin from the United States geographical survey, more than 2,100 cities and towns in the country are supplied with natural gas which is furnished to domestic consumers at rates that should arouse the envy of those consumers of arti ficial gas who have to pay about $1 a thousand cubic feet. The average charge for natural gas has been found to be 30 cents and the average price charged to manufacturer less than 12 cents. Up until .quite recent ly strangers to the oil fields of Tex as were shocked at the colossal waste of natural gas at the wells. This waste has now been shut off by the railroad commission and gas will soon be generally used in Texas. Three-dollar oil is predicted for the near future by an enthusiastic Okla homa man who also adds that 75 per cent of the oil produced in Wichita county, Texas, is being pumped across the line into the Oklahoma re fineries. Oklahoma is unquestion ably rich in petroleum but Texas seems to have shoved her sister state aside in publicity and has shown the greater amount of development. This is no slam on Oklahoma. Some day investors will wake up and realize there has been something overlooked in the sister state of the Lone Star territory. / Burkbumett has been having trou ble in bunches. Pipe line shortage, wells pinched down, cut in price of oil, bad fire that at one time threat ened greater damage than it did, and then plenty of waste. However, ev erything is turning.out all right again ancl that startling oil performer sim ply can't be kept down. Speaking of rain,, there has been a terrific down pour all over the oil territory and West Texas has not escaped. It is reported at the offices of the General Oil Company that not only were many of its operations in Glasscock and Howard counties temporarily halted by the rain but the storms have greatly hindered all outside work. This company is busy in sur veying and laying out some of the large new tracts of acreage just se cured in Howard county, and the rain bothered a lot in accomplishing that work, while all the operators in that section were hampered by the down pour one way or another. In accord ance with its policy of advancement all along the line, the company an nounces rapid progress on its refin ery enlargement at Wichita, comple tion of all details for the actual re alization of its pipe line to Burk and other features of its program for the winter. The General Oil Company has the most encouraging reports from its drilling operations in north west Burkbumett extension and with the resumption of drilling in the Glasscock county field, something of interest will undoubtedly be coming out of there before long. It is re lated by Field Director L. B. House that two scouts for other companies were recently weeded out from the crew at the McDowell well ,they hav ing applied for jobs and being given work. This is taken to indicate that more attention is being paid to the development in Glasscock county than moat people realize and it, I comm, in as a big producing field j m ..„ ....... a, the ' «onld mean another stampede by the oil men and their army of followers | in all departments of the business. More and more are the big com panies going into the ontercircles for acreage and it is said there are two reasons for this .first that they desire to be able to protect them selves at all times in case of some new development that will open up a big producing field; and, second, to have their money invested in proper ty that will relieve them of paying an immense federal tax. It is not that the companies object to paying the government what it asks in taxes but they don't feel like paying taxes on idle'money. There are so many inde pendent and small operators work ; ing out in the "unknown" now ' that I the big companies have begun grab bing up all the territory possible in the potential fields and if one of these little fellows should get some thing, well, the big chaps have land right there automatically increased in value and strong potentially. One oil publication says: "It is reported that the holdings of the Empire Com pany in Texas now total nearly a mil lion acres, which other companies, such as the Sun, Cjulf, Humble and in fact, ail of the leading subsidiaries of the Standard, are following Hie lead taken by the Doherty interests." The Pleasant Grove Methodist Church, one of the richest churches In the United States and the richest for its me in this country at least. WEDNESDAY the —, -— —----,-------— as they did that all she stole was a good looing young millionaire's heart. YS LESLIE, —IN— MANY- CROOKS." id she was a baby vamp-^ stole jewelry, and oh, my! but did say some awful things about her; but in the end you'll find out Folks, this is a peach of a play Qn hand , _ALSO LLOYNS-MORAN COMEDY —and— . PATHE REVIEW, With the famous slow-moving pho be tography section. has finally found a home. It had to leave Ranger where the drilling rigs were getting too thick and too messy, and finally the flock is said to have wound up on some land in Olden, between Ranger and Eastland, where it will be safe from the en croachment of the driller for some time. The church, which made all its money from royalties on oil land leased to drilling companies, is prob ably in a position to .do more good with its treasure box than most funds for any purpose in this country. According to adispatch from Tuc son, Arizona, large interests have been negotiating for the control off thousands of acres in the territory where oil production is most proba ble. Drilling has been active at Bowie, Flagstaff, where Wyoming capital is interested and in other sec tions. That Arizona may be des tined to be numbered among the oil producing states is encouraged by the fact that the attention of investors is being directed that way. Colorado is also coming into the spot again as a possible oil state. It is understood that Burkbumett op reators among whom are the Thrift people, who brought in the first big well in the extension, are getting busy in Colorado where a field known the Fountain field has attraetd them. Recent examinations made by geologists—one of them being the same who selected the Thrift com pany leases in the Burk extension long before the oil fraternity or the general public ever imagined gusher wells would be developed there— have checked and verified an old re port made 30 or 40 years ago and which stated that oil sands existed under a large area of territory be tween Colorado Springs and Pueblo and about 100 miles south of Denver. After making separate examinations two geogolists. reported identically and favorably. The estimates as to depth by two cover from 1,700 to 2, 700 feet. Reports from the Wichita Falls district, which means Burkbumett, are to the effect that the district is not only on the eve of an era of con solidation, but that such is inevitable. A group of properties on the town site are being assembled to put under one management and the manage ment contemplates putting only one or two wells of the 25 or so in the gipup on the pump. Every piece, of unnecessary machinery and all un used materials will be sold, lease su superintendents, other unneessary salaried officers and pumpers, to gether with heavy incidental expen ses, will be done away with. This is taken to mean that the wells will be operated for the new organization to produce oil for a number of years and at a minimum of expense. It is felt that experiences and careful management will make the Burkbur nett field a paying producer for many years. Operators see brighter days ahead when the government has retired $2, 000,0000,000 of war bonds. They ex pect to Jbe relieved of heavy taxes and that will make the way clear for larger investments in producing prop erties and relieve the trading mar ket of its hazards. One of them as . _ .......,. .... I »«s that m the« day, it reqmre, a wiole b.r o, to interpret ' lews tor moneyed man to heap , ^ ^ ^ to th , ! i | nun legally road DR. J. R. MELÂNC0N Amaudville, La. Practice limited to the regulat ing of Teeth. aug30-3m CHARTER State of Louisiana, Parish if St. Landry. Be it known, that on this 17th day of the month of September, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen, before me. Oscar J. Mistric, a notary,public duly commissioned, qualified and sworn, in and for the parish of St. Landry, Louisiana, and in the presence of the undersigned legal and competent wit nesses, personally came and appeared the persons whose names are hereto subscribed, who declared, that they desire to avail themselves of the laws of the State of Louisiana, relative to the organization of corporations, they do by these presents form and consitute themselves a body corpor ate in law, for the objects and pur poses under the agreements and stip ulations following to-wit: 1. The name and style of this cor poration shall be, "The Antioeh Bap tist Church," and under this name j and style, shall have all the rights--- and privileges of a corporation, an- j der the existing laws of this state, for a period of ninety-nine years; to make and use a corporate seal, and the same to break, alter and change at pleasure ;to hold rea. estate, per mam THURSDAY MADELINE TRAVERSE, —IN— "WHEN FATE DECIDES." A strong drama of the ®pitfalls of society. Madeline Traverse is con ., , , . . , smered *>? "any as being the most beautiful woman on the screen. See her in this one. —AND— "SMASHING BARRIERS," The serial that's smashing all rec ords. ADMISSION---5, 10 and 20c Suffering From Trouble ? Wy let such things worry you when you can get from us •—* . f jj? |igs&gs Pyrotol Dandruff Remedy which relieves itcching hair instantly and is a guaranteed cure, and if your hair are t ill i- *- falling a box bottle of 4 Butex Hair Dressing will do the trick, stop the falling of hair and make the growth of hair beautiful and wavy Both are guaranteed. One bottle is suf ficient to convince you. i JUST TRY ONE Littell1920Drugstore "A Live One" •1 J- .«J'M Phone 156 declared to be the worship of Al mis hty God, «cording to the rit» of sonal and mixed property; to sue and be sued in its corporate name; to make such agreements of its af fairs as may be necessary, to mort gage and sell their property, and do all things necessary and requisite to be done in the proper management of its affairs. 2 The domicile of this coropration shall be at Melville, St. Landry Par ish, Louisiana, and all citations and other legal process shall be served on the president and in thft case of his absence, upon the vice-president, acting in his place. 3. The objects and purposes for which this body corporate is established are the Baptist Church of the United States of America ,-the dissemination of Hie gospel of Jesus Christ and the diffusion of charity an <1 religion, and the education of the colored race. 4. All the corporate powers of this corporation shall be excercised by a board of directors, consisting not less than six nor more than nine, and a majority of whom shall consitute a quorum for the transaction of busi ness. The board of directors shall elect annually from their number, a president, secretary-treasurer and a vice-president. 5. The first board of directors shall be composed of the following named persons: P. J. Adams, Emile Ander son, Lloyd Hatch, Parish Levy, Burt Snead and S. A. Anderson, all of Melville, St. Landry Parish, La., of whom Burt Snead shall be president, Pariah Levy, vice-president; P. J. Adams, secretary and P J. Adams, treasurer. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be on the second Monday of the month of Sept ember of each year, unlees the said day and date., be a legal holiday, then on the next succeeding day. 6 . That there shall be levied an as sessment of twenty five cents per capita, payable on the first of each month; that it shall be the duty of secretary to collect said assessment, and turn over the same to the treas urer, on or before the fifteenth day _ _ - of each month. Tnat on the first of ~ ' " * September of A. D. 1920, and on each sacceeeding month, and year there shall be levied mid assessment of Two and 50-100 Dollars, ms each male member of the church, and one ytfÜH FRIDAY The Play that Made Blase Broadway Staad Up aad Take Notice! "SAHARA," With a wonderful cast, including Louise Glaum, Matt Moore and Ed win Stevens. This is a story of three things—Fascinating Paris; Mysteri ous Cairo 4 Beautiful Woman; a Crafty Tempter. It is a drama of a woman who whipped a devil in her self. 1 —ALSO— LARRY SEMON, —IN— "WELL, I'LL BE -!" A two-part comedy that'll make your sides ache. Doors open at 4 P. M. ___ ADMISSION---5, 10 and 25c »♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦» ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦ fr I Lumber Cypress and Hardwood Building ber, Rough and Dressed. Mouldings, Siding, Flooring, CYPRESS SHINGI/ We are producres and sell direct consumer. Get our prices and yourself what you can save. Soniat & OPELOUSAS LA., PHONE 7n », » I itittt îf**** »«.»*** ****■****. ** »» ** »»» »» » dollar for each female member of this church. 7. That the secretary and treasurer may at the option of the board of directors be one and the same per son. 8 . « That all ehelks, drafts, etc., shall be signed by the president of this corporation, to be countersigned by the secretary and treasurer. 9. For the purpose of purchasing real estate, or selling same, the trustees of this corporation shall have full authority to sign for* said corpora tion .which shall be composed of three members of the church, and they shall remain in office for a per iod of one year, and shall be elected at the first meeting of the board of directors , the first three trustees shall be Burt Sneed, P. J. Adams and Parish Levy. 10 . The partie# hereto annexed their SATURDAY ELSIE FERG' —IN /'THE WITNESS FOR FENSE," ^ drama ot a woman's ^er honor. A role for ^son that is better than Exile," and that is saying But mean jt. Seeing (j ome along! —ALSO— —AND— __ ___ „ * FORD'S WEEKLY. , , „„ nM _ _5, I® MUTT AND JEFF ADMISSION-- signature to those corporation on the day, year aforesaid, in the Jos. Paul Boagni and legal and competent nesses, who have pear er s and me, i mg the whole. (Signed) P. J. S. A. Anderson,^ Anderson, Hurt WITNESSES: j 1 Boagni, Ed. H. (Signed) State of Lo Parish of St. I hereby foregoing is a true of the original, / and of record in Book No. 1, of Witness my at Opelousas, La,. Sept. 1919. A. J. T.