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1 CAPITAL STOCK, — — Planters Bank & Trust Company 1 $ToO, 000.00 SURPLUS,---" WE PAY FOUR PER CENT ON SAVINGS AND TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT $ 20 , 000.00 We Sell and Buy Foreign Exchange; We Sell and Buy Travelers Checks, Good as Currency anywhere in the World; We Buy and Sell United we y State Bonds, all Denominations, at Market Price OURS IS A BANK OF SERVICE—We Cater to the Small as Well as the Large Depositors; We are Always Ready to Help Our Friends. ROBERT CHACHERE, President. J- A PERKINS, Cashier. _ - _.....aa*aaa*«***aaaa«aaaBB,aaaBa*BaaiaatB*aaa>aaaaiiaaiaaiallliaillllllllltllBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|j|| AUCTION = OF Jos. Firnberg's entire stock AT FIRNBERG'S STORE 12 and 13 SALE BEGINS AT 10130 DAILY f tAWÄY WWW I -C<t>ot»c\---- wot I i|rERRY CHRISTMAS everybody. | g lU. Hope you have a Happy New n M Year. We hope this season will bring jg M to all our friends and acquaintances §g ! and their friends enough happiness g Lumber business. Again we wish g y ou one and all a Merry Christmas. St. Landry Lumber | Company , Limited . ORDINANCE Mr. Gosselin offered the ordinance which is in words and figures as fol lows: An ordinance ordering and calling a special election in the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified property taxpayers of said Drainage District a propo sition to incur debt and to issue and sell serial negotiable cou pon bonds of said Drainage Dis i trict in the sum of Ninety-five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00), as hereinafter stipulated, for the purpose of constructing a sys tem of gravity drainage in and for said Drainage District by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the bayous, laterals and ditches hereinafter named and outlined in red on the map of the said Drainage District. SECTION 1 Be it ordained by the Board of Drainage Commissioners of the Ba you Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, that it is advisa ble and expedient to incur indebted ness in said Bayou Mallet and Plaque mine Drainage District to the amount and for the purpose hereinafter men tioned. SECTION II Be it further ordained, that a spe cial election be, and the same is here by duly called and ordered to be held in the Bayou Mallet and Plaauemme Drainage District of the Parish of St. the 1919, and 5 Landry, State of Louisiana, 22nd day of December, A. D between the hours of 7 a. m. p. m. SECTION III Be it further ordained, etc., that at said special election there will be sub mitted to the taxpaying electors qual ified to vote under the Constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, a proposition to incur debt, issue and sell serial negotiable coupon bonds of Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drain age District of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, to the amount of Ninety-five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00), to run for a period of from one (1) to not exceeding forty (40) years from their date, bearing interest at the rate of five per cen tum per annum from their date, pay able semi-annually, for the purpose of constructing a system of gravity drainage in and for said Drainage District by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the bayous, laterals and ditches as follow#: Bayou Plaquemine and Bayou Mal let and the laterals and ditches con nected therewith, also Ditch No. 2 with the laterals connected therewith, and thereby improving the gravity drainage in and for said Drainage District and the inhabitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said Drainage District ; all of which ba yous, laterals and ditches are named and outlined in red on the map of the district, made by R. M. Hollier, civil engineer, Opelousas, La. The amount of said bonds being less than ten per cent (10 per cent) of the assessed valuation of property within the boundaries of said Drainage Dis trict, as shown by the assessment rolls last made #f the said Drainage District; said bonds to be of such de nomination and the interest and prin_ cipal thereof to be payable at such time and place as shall be determined by the said Board of Drainage Com missioners and both principal and in terest of said bonds to be secured and paid by a sufficient ad valorem tax levied and collected in each year that any of said bonds are unpaid and out standing, in accordance with the pro visions in that respect contained in Article 281 of the constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana and any and all amendments that may now exist or that may hereafter be made thereto. SECTION IV Be it further ordained, etc., that a notice of said special election be duly published for thirty days prior to the date fixed for holding said election, in accordance with tne law of this state, in the Star-Progress, the offi cial journal of the parish of St. Lan dry state of Louisiana, a newspaper of general circulation therein. The notice of election to embrace sub stantially all things set forth therein and to further state that the Board of Drainage Commissioners of said Drainage District will met in open session to be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1919, at the office of said board in the city of Opelousas, in the said par ish of St. Landry, state of Louisiana, and then and there proceed to open the ballot boxes, examine and count the ballots in number and amount, examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the election and make, file and publish and record a process verbal of their proceedings. SECTION V Be it further ordained, etc., that the proposition to be submitted at such special election shall be as fol lows, and the ballots to be used shall be in the following form: BALLOT For th* Issuing of Bonds A proposition to incur debt !— issue and sell serial negoti- | able coupon bonds of the | Bayou Plaquemine and Mal let Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, to the amount of Ninety-five thousand Dol lars ($95,000.00)! ho run for a period of from one to not exceeding forty (40) years from their date, and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5 per cent) per annum from their date, payable semi-annually at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Drainage Commissioners under the constitution and laws of tiie state of Louis iana relating thereto. For the purpose of con structing a system of grav ity drainage in and for said Drainage District by clean ing with dredges or other wise, the Bayou Plapemine and Bayou Mallet and the laterals and ditches con nected therewith, also Ditch No. 2 with the laterals and thereby improving the gravity ' drainage in and for said drain age district and inhab itants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said drainage district, all of which bayous and laterals and ditches are named and outlihed in red «on the map of the district made by R. M. Hollier, civil bngiheer, of Opeloûsas. Taxable valuation $..... YES NO (Signature of Voter). To vote for the proposition sub mitted upon this ballot, place a cross (X) mark in the square- after the word "YES," and to vote against, place a similar cross (X) mark after the word "NO." SECTION VI Be it further ordained, etc., that the President of the Board of Drain Commissioners of the said Bayou and Plaquemine Drainage Dis trict of the Pariah of St. Landry, state of Louisiana, be and he is hereby duly authorized, empowered and directed age Cc Mallet a to have the necessary ballots printed for the said election in accordance with the provisions of the laws of this state and this ordinance. He shall also provide ballot boxes and the ne cessary blanks and tally sheets and other paraphernalia for the holding of said election. . SECTION VII Be it further ordained, etc., that the clerk of court and ex-officio reg istrar of voters for said parish shall furnish the election officers herein mentioned, with a list of the taxpay ers entitled to vote in person or by writen proxy at said special election, together with the assessed valuation of each of said taxpayers' property as shown by the assessment roll last made and filed prior to said election. SECTION VIII Be it further ordained, etc., that the election shall be held at Bertrand Bros, store in Prairie Ronde, in said Drainage District, and the following I persons are hereby duly appointed \ and empowered to act as commission- J ers and clerk at said election : C. N. Bertrand, J. S. Lafleur, J. P. Pitre, commissioners; Geo. Vidrine, clerk. The officers of election above nam ed shall hold said election to conform with Act 256 of the Acts of the Gen eral Assembly of the State of Louis iana of the year 1910 and all Acts amendatory or supplementary there to, and shall make due returns of said •lection to the Board of Drainage Commissioners of said Drainage Dis trict at the meeting to be held at the office of said Board in the City of Opelousas, in the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1919. SECTION IX Be it further ordained, etc., that the board of Drainage Commissioners of the said Drainage District shall if a majority of the taxpayers in num bers and amount voting at said spe cial election vote in favor of the prop osition herein submitted, annually levy and collect, beginning with the year 1920, while any or all of said bonds are unpaid and outstanding, in excess of all other taxes ,a sufficient ad valorem tax on all the taxable property in said Drainage District to pay and retire the principal and the semi-annual interest coupons attach ed to said bonds at their respective maturities. The foregoing ordinance after be ing duly seconded by Mr. Ledoux, was jead to the meeting and adopted by the following vote: For the ordinance— S. J. Gosselin, V. Ledoux, J. D. Bertrand, Sr., T. T. Atteberry. Against the ordinance—None. Dated at Opelousas, Louisiana, this 14th day of November, A. D. 1919. T. T. ATTEBERRY, President. Attest— J. D. BERTRAND, JR., Secretary. PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION AND NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION the that Dis duly I, T. T. Atteberry, President of the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drain age District of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority vested in me*by an ordi nance adopted by the Board of Drain age Commissioners of the said Drain age District on the 14th day of No vember, A. D. 1919, and the constitu tion and laws of the State of Louisi ana, do hereby proclaim and give no tice that a special election will be held in the Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of voting upon the prop osition to incur debt and issue and sell serial negotiable coupon bonds of said Drainage District, said bonds to run for a period of from one to not exceeding forty years from their date and to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from their date, payable semi-annually. The proceeds from the sale of said bonds to be used for the purpose of constructings a system of gravity drainage in and for said Drainage District by cleaning with dredges or otherwise, the Bayou Plaquemine and Bayou Mallet and the laterals and ditches connected therewith; also, Ditch No. 2 and the lateral connect ed therewith, as named and outlined in red on the irfap of said Drainage District and as designated in the proposition submitted to the electors under the ordinance adopted by the Board of Drainage Commissioners of the said Drainage District, this 14th day of November, A. D. 1919. The proposition to the electors at said election is substantially as fol lows: A proposition to incur debt and is sue and sell serial negotiable coupon bonds of Bayou Mallet and Plaque mine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, to the amount of Ninety-five Thousand Dollars ($95,000.00), to run for a period of from one (1) to not exceed ing forty (40) years from their date, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum per annum from their date, payable semi-annually for the purpose of constructing a system of gravity drainage in and for said Drainage District, by cleaning with dredges or otherwise, the Bayou Plaquemine and Bayou Mallet and the laterals and ditches connected therewith, also Ditch No. 2 with the laterals connected therewith, thereby improving the gravity drainage in and for said Drainage District and the in habitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said Drainage District. All of which bayous, laterals and ditches are named and outlined in red on the map of said Drainage Dis trict, made by R. M. Hollier, civil engineer of Opelousas, Louisiana. Said bonds to be of such denomina tion and the interest and principal thereof to be payable at such time and place as shall be determined by tike said Board of Drainage Commis Camels are mold everywhere in acientifie ally sealed packages of 20 cigarettee; or ten packages (300 cigarettes) in a glass ins-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office supply, or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY ■ N. C. C AMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had I Camels give such universal delight,such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you'B call them a cigarette revelation! If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoke Camels 1 If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body"—well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can! Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste ! You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight! Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price! ? 1 u sioners and both principal and in terest of said bonds to be secured and paid by a sufficient ad valorem tax levied and collected in each-year that any of said bonds are unpaid and out standing, to pay the amount of prin cipal and interest falling due in such year in accordance with the jirovis ions in that respect contained in the constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana and any and all amend ments that may hereafter be made thereto. The said special election will be held on the 22nd day of December, A. D. 1919, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. The polling place is hereby designated as follows: At Bertrand Bros.' Store, in Prai rie Ronde, in said Drainage District. The commissioners and the clerk at the said polling place are as fol lows : C. N. Bertrand, J. S. Lafleur, J. P. Pitre, commissioners; George Vid rine, clerk. The Board of Drainage Commis sioners of said Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louis iana, will meet in open session to Be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1919, at the office of said Board, in the City of Opelousas, in said Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, and then and there proceed to open the ballot box, examiné and count the ballots in number and amount, examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the election and make, file, publish and record a process verbal of their proceedings. Dated at Opelousas, State of Louis iana, this 14th day of November, A. D. 1919. T. T. ATTEBERRY, president of Board of Commissioners of Bayou Mallet and Plaquemine Drainage District. Attest—J. D. BERTRAND, JR., Secretary. novl5-6t * p iUBLIC AUCTION. I have sold my plantation near Lawtell, and in order to have a clear ance sale of all my movables, I will offer at auction at my residence, near Lawtell, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, at 10 a. m., the following articles: Household furniture. Farming implements. Sixteen head of cattle. One pair of mules. Three mares. One buggy horse. One fine three-year-old colt. (He is a "beaut." One new wagon and body. One buggy and harness. One mowing machine. One sulky plow. Five hundred barrels of corn. Four hundred bales of hay. One lot at Lawtell. Numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH, or bankable pa per. _ DR. PAUL FOSTER, nox29-2t Lawtell, La. * p -s WANTE m HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALL SIZES PECANS. —SEE US BEFORE SELLIN* Fucich& Mistro* Headquarters—Waldorf Restaur« and Express Office. 1 Lumber and Sbingl Cypress and Hardwood Building Li ber, Rough and Dressed. Pickets Mouldings, Siding, Flooring, etc. CYPRESS SHINGLES We are producres and sell direct to consumer. Get our prices and figt# 6 yourself what you can save. Il Soniat 8 Deblieux, I W OPELOUSAS LA., PHONE