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A Few Christmas Suggestions and Prices Diamond Rings $25.00 to $1200.00. Diamond Lavalliers $15.00 to $175.00. Platinum and Gold Diamond Bar Pins $20.00 to $300.00. Wrist Watches $14.00 to $90.00. Ivory Sets from a Few Dollars to $65.00. Make use of our fifty years experience IN BUYING, AND GO RIGHT THIS XMAS. R Mornhinvee & Son. Main street Jewelers. ■ lvl\/I ■■■■■■■ " ^ V1 *5 Optometrist, Watchmakers, Engravers. 4» 'Yia oM- XW &aX Mwvum fi yffUÂ Utt l —■ nr_ Our splendid toilet preparations will make everybody but a "small boy" enjoy a bath. We carry SUPERFINE toilet waters, pure, scented and unscented soaps, the best sponges, bath brushes and crash bath mittens, and many other delightful bathroom accessories. Come in and see our stock and you will be glad that there is a "live" drug store in this town. THE BEST DRUG STORE We Give Yon What Yon Ask For Shiite's Drug Store Day Phone No. 4 Night Phone No. 136 Grand Coteau Notes Grand Coteau, La., Dec. 3.—The annual election of officers of the so dality of the Blessed Virgin was held Sunday at the parochial school. Rev. J. B. Frankhauser, the new pastor, was present. He has already made many friends here. The following were elected for the ensuing year: Miss Marie Smith, president; Mrs. Dora R. Barry, first assistant; Mrs. Marie Mouton, second assistant; Mrs. Aline Martin, secretary; Miss Louise Smith, treasurer; Mrs. E. S. Barry, Mrs. M. E. Lafleur, Mrs. Aline Bary, Mrs. J. M .Oge, Mrs. M. R. Dunbar, Misses Ethel-Barry, Noemie Richard, anad Julie Petetin, councellors. The garage Mr. Theodule Chatrain is constructing here is rapidly going up and in a short time it will be com pleted. Mr. Ralph Voorhies of Carencro spent Sunday here. Mrs. W. B. Barry of Alexandria is he here visiting her mother, Mrs. T. V. Richard. Mrs. E. J. Burleigh of Lake Charles is the guest of Miss Leonie Burleigh. Mr. and Mrs. John Sibille made a flying trip to Donaldsonville this week. Mrs. Archie Oge and children of Lafayette were the guests several of Mrs. J. M. Oge and family. Miss Edith Barry returned to her school at Plaquemine Point after spending Thanksgiving here with her mother, Mrs. Aline Barry. SJiss Ethel Hargroder of Port Bar re was in town at the week-end. Miss Louise Burleigh of Lafayette spent a couple of days here this past week. Mrs. Cook Smith and Miss Lorena Smith were visitors to Opelousas on Saturday. Mr. Des Mizzi and family of Ope lousas spent Thanksgiving here. Misses Leonie Barry, Helen Barry. Mary Burleight and Frances Tarl ton who are teaching school in La fayette parish, spent Thanksgiving here with their respective relatives. Mrs. E. V. Barry and daughter, Rita, spent a couple of days in La fayette this past wek. Misses Marie and Louise Smith wore Monday visitors to Opelousas. MANY ITALIANS ARE QUITTING THE U. S. FOR NATIVE LAND More Than 80,000 Have En tered Port of Naples Since January 1, Last Naples, Nov. 29.—About 80,000 immigrants have returned to Italy from the United States through the port of Naples since January 1. The number is increasing month by month and with the recent release of ships hitherto requisitioned by the Allies, it is estimated that 10,000 Italians will greet Vesuvius again every month. The fortunes brought by the re turning Italians are gladly welcomed by their relatives, made needy by the war. The prosperous appearance of the passengers is generally comment ed on, being probably the result of five years of savings at war-time wa ges in America, and their well-made clothes and substantial baggage form a striking contrast to the bags and rags in evidence when emigrants leave for America . Emigration of Italians to the Unit ed States by way of Naples, the most important embarkation point of emi grants in southern Europe, is still very far from pre-war levels. Data from the Italian emigration office in this city indicate that, aside from re turning reservists, 3,217 Italians sail ed to the United States, who have hitherto been prevented from joining their familiies because of conditions incident to the world war. The num ber of actual emigrants as the word is ordinarily used, is practically negli gible. In contrast with th:3 condition, it may be noted that in 1913, the last year before the war, 198,664 emi grants left Naples for the United States. The difference between the two totals is ascribed to the results of the operation of the literacy law of 1917, dearth of ships and abnor mally high passenger rates, and the continuance of American passport LIST OF PETIT JURORS Drawn to Serve for the Week Com mencing Monday, December 8, 1919 1. Armstrong Smith.. .Arnaudville 2. Eddie Richard........Bellevue 3. J. W. Richer ..........Eunice 4. W. J. Reeves..........Garland 5. Henry Richard . .. Grand Coteau 6. Numa A. Richard......Bellevue 7. Bernard Ray, Jr... . Washington 8. Fred Roberi.....Grand Prairie 9. Clebert Roy.......Arnaudville 10. Edmond Richard......Bellevue 11. Joseph Vidrine, Jr. Grend Prairie 12. Abe Seigel..........Opelousas 13. Robert Meyers ........Eunice 14. Jno. Montgomery. . .Washington 15. A. B. Reed........Washington 16. Bernard Ray......Washington 17. Oscar Roy.........Arnaudville 18. Alcee Richard......Arnaudville 19. Leonce Richard ......Leonville 20. Zepherin Miller ... .near Eunice 21. L. J. Muller ......Washington 22. Willie Mistrot........Leonville 23. Treville Meche... Coulee Croche 24. Charley Dejean......Opelousas 25. Willie Derbanne......Opelousas 26. Luke Darby .. :..... Sunset 27. Lee Mallet ........ Leonville 28. Frank Moreau ____... Leonville 29. Antoine Speyrer .....Leonville 30. Louis Miller......Coulee Croche A TRUE COPY: W. D. LASTRAPES, dec6-lt Deputy Clerk of Court L OST—Between Ville Platte and Opelousas, a bunch of six keys, tied together with a small ribbon. Re turn to this office and receive a re ward. dec6-lt NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION I, Allotes Thitlethwaite, president of the Board of Commissioners of the Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District of St. Landry Parish, State of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority in me vested by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of the said drainage district on, the 4th day of December, 1919, and the laws of th£ State of Louisiana do hereby proclaii proclaim and give notice that a spe cial election will be held in the Ba you Boeuf and Waxia Drainage Dis trict of St. Landry parish, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of voting on the following propositions: Tq in cur debt and sell and issue negotiable coupon bonds of said drainage dis trict, said bonds to run for from one to not exceeding thirty-five (35) years and to bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5 per cent) per an num payable semi-annually, the pro ceeds of said bonds to be used for the purpose of creating, constructing and improving the gravity drainage in and for said drainage district by the cleaning of the bayous, laterals and ditches in connection therewith, by dredging or otherwise, as designated in the propositions submitted to the electors herein. The propositions to the electors at said election, is sub stantially as follows: For the Issuing of Bonds Propositions to incur debt and issue and sell negotiable coupon bonds of the Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drain age District of St. Landry parish, State of Louisiana, to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200, 00.00), payable serially to run for a period of from one to not exceeding thirty-five years, said bonds to be of such denomination and payable at such time and place as shall be pres cribed by the Board of Commisioners under the constitution and laws re lating thereto, bearing interst at the rate of five per cent (5 per cent) per annum payable semi-annually, both principal and interest of said bonds to be secured and paid by a sufficient ad valorem tax, levied and collected in each year that said bonds are out standing in accordance with the pro visions in that respect contained in Article 281 of the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana and the amendments thereto. The pro ceeds of said bonds are to be used for the purpose of cleaning the ba yous, laterals and ditches in connec tion therewith by dredges or other wise, and the imporvement of the gravity drainage in and for said drainage district and the inhabitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said drainage district. Proposition for the Assessment and Levying of an Acreage Tax or Forced Contribution To levy and collect an acreage tax or forced contribution of sixteen (16 cts.) cents per acre per annum upon each and every acre of land subject to state taxation in the said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District, Parish of St. Landry, State of Louis iana, for a period of from one to not exceeding thirty-five (35) years for the purpose of providing and creat ing a system of gravity drainage in said drainage district and the main tenance and improvement thereof. For the Funding of the Avails of Said Drainage Tax Into Bonds To incur debt in the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand ($150, 000.00) dollars and to issue and sell negotiable semi-annual interest bear ing coupon bonds of the said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District to represent same. Said debt to be secured and paid by the avails of the aforesaid acreage tax or forced con tribution of sixteen (16 cts.) cents per acre per annum. Submitted in the proposition for the levying and collecting of an acre age tax or forced contribution as hereinabove set forth and to be voted upon by the taxpaying electors of said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District in the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, qualified to vote under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana and to represent the funding of the avails of the said taxes into bonds to run for a period of from one to not exceeding thirty five (35) years, payable serially and bearing five per cent (5 per cent) interest per annum, payable semi annually, said bonds to be of such denominations and payable at such time and place as shall be prescribed by the said Board of Commissioners the proceeds of said bonds to be uesd for the purpose of providing and creating a system of gravity drain age for the said drainage district and the maintenance and imporvement thereof, as hereinabove stated, and the inhabitants thereof, title to which shall vest in said drainage district. The said special election will be held on the 12th day of January, 1920, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p. m., and the polling places are hereby designated as follows : Rosa, at E. V. Hudspeth's store— R. C. Andrus, W. B. Baker, Arthur Fogleman, commissioners; E. V. Hud speth, clerk. Whiteville, at J. P. Savant's store —James Milbum, J. H. Baldridge, Adam Stagg, commissioners; E. E. Singleton, clerk. Beggs, at Jack Cason's store—J. C. Whitley, Claude Stevenson, Joe Reeves, commissioners; W. A. Peck ham. clerk. The Board of Commissioners of the said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drain age District of St. Landry parish, State of Louisiana, will meet in open Session in the office of the Police Jury in said St. Landry parish, in the City of Opelousas, State of Louisiana, on the 14th day of January, 1920, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., and then and there proceed to open the ballot boxes used at said election and exam ine and count the ballots in number and amount, and examine and can vass the returins of said election and declare the result thereof and make and file and record a procès verbal thereof. Dated at the City of Opelousas, Louisiana, this 4th day of December, 1919. ALLOTES THISTLETHWAITE, President Board of Commissioners of Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drain age District. ATTEST— L. A. ANDREPONT, dec6-6t Secretary. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE POLICE JURY Dr. Pavy in the chair. The committee on claims reported through Chairman Mills that they had examined the claims as above detailed and found same correct. On motion of Mr. Dailey— The report of committee was ac cepted and committee discharged. Mr. Mills offered the following or dinance, duly seconded by Mr. K. T. Catlett : AN ORDINANCE To amend and re-enact Section 1 of the original ordinance of the Po lice Jury of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, adopted on the 9th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1919, creating the Bellevue and Coulee Croche Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisi ana, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE "Of the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, creating the Bellevue and Coulee Croche Drairiage District of St. Landry Parish, State of Louis iana, and fixing the boundaries thereof; constituting said drain age district a body corporate in law, and vesting it with power and authority incident thereto; vesting the government and con trol of said drainage district in a board of five (5) commission ers, and fixing their domicile; providing for the qualification of said commissioners, the man ner of their appointment and fixing their term of office ; pro viding for the first and subse quent meetings of the board and the election of officers, and fix ing their compensation; author izing and empowering the board to make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for its govem ' ment and that of its officers; re quiring the board to keep the proper books and accounts; and providing the method af procur ing funds for the district." Section 1—Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the said Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, now in regular session duly assembled, that all the land and property situated within the following described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 4, Township 8, South, Range 3, East, thence running due east about three and seven-eighths miles to where the south line of Sec 1, Township 8, South, Range 3, East, intersects the west line of Section 43, Township 8, South, Range 3, East, which point also strikes fork in pub-' lie road leading from Opelousas to Bristol, via Chretien's Point; thence running in a northerly direction, fol lowing said public road for a distance of about eight miles, to the northeast corner of the property formerly known as the old Truman plantation, now owned by E. W. J. Evans, said point being also situated in Section 142, Township 6, South, Range 4, East, and at the intersection of pub lic road leading to West Bellevue from main road hereinafter mention ed ; thence following the public road leading to West Bellevue in a westerly direction, about twenty-five chains, to where the same intersects the east line of Section 144, Town ship 6, South, Range 4, East; thence running in a northeasterly direction, following the east line of the W. D. Horn property! about twenty-eight chains to where the same interesects the north line of Section 143, Town ship 6, South, Range 4, East; thence runing west following the north line of Sections 143, 144 and 145, Town ship 6, South, Range 4, East, about fifty-three chains to the northeast corner of Section 146, Township 6, South, Range 4, East; thence running due north twenty-three chains ; thence runing west to the east line of the Bayou Plaquemine Drainage District, being about thirty chains; thence fol lowing said east line of said Bayou Plaquemine Drainage District, in a southwesterly direction to the south west corner of North half of north west quarter of Section 21, in Town ship 7, South, Range 3, East; thence running due south three and three quarters miles to the point of begin ning. Containing Approximately eighteen thousand seven hundred fifty (18, 750) acres be and the same js hereby incorporated into a drain age district, to be designated and known as the Bellevue and CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING MATC JACK LABELLE VERSUS FLOYD CARSON of Opelousas, Lav—Weight 138-Pounds. ROUNDS OLD PRINCESS THEATRi OPELOUSAS, LA. MONDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 8, AT 8: 6-ROUNDS MONK SIMONS VS, BED DOLAND Reserved Seats $2.00 War Tex Extra. General Admission $1.00 Wer Til Reserved Seats on Sale at Waldorf Restaurant, Shute's Drug Store, Lacombe Hotel, Dietlein's Jewelry Store. Coulee Croche Drainage District of the Parish of St. Landry, State of ; Louisiana, and all the land and prop erty situated within the boundaries of said drainage district shall be sub ject to taxation for the purposes of more perfectly draining the lands of rain water within said drainage dis trict. Section 2—Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance shall take ef fect immediately from and after its adoption. Voting for the ordinance—Messrs. Larcade, Mills, Dailey, Cummings, Pavy, Catlett, Rushing, Martin, De jean. Voting against the ordinance None. Adopted this 2d day of December, A TV 1919 F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. ATTEST— J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. On motion of Mr. Martin— The reading of the minutes was dispensed with and stand approved. On motion of Mr. Catlett— The Police Jury adjourned until the first Monday of January, 1920, being the fifth day of said month. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. ATTEST— J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. s UCCESSION SALE. ESTATE OF N. L. WHITE No. 7002, Probate Docket, Sixteenth Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana By virtue of an order of Hon. B. H. Pavy, Judge of the Sixteenth Judi cial District Court of the State of Louisiana, in and for the parish of St. Landry, and pursuant to a com mission of said court issued thereun der, directed to the undersigned ad administratrix, or any duly qualified auctioneer of St. Landry parish, there will be sold at public auction, jto the last and highest bidder, for cash, at the last residence of the deceased, in Opelousas, St. Landry parish, Louis iana, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de scribed property, to-wit: First—A certain lot of ground, Delay Is Costly! TTTTTT /VTTT'I Put in your order now for Winter Suits and Overcoats! suits overcoat: I mad« to your IndMdua/ÿlfeasure 9 Best Ctaality ai" ri^Ki Pirices CleaniT^-Pressin^- Altering You will save money and get the] Latest Styles JOHN FAKOURI EAST LANDRY STREET PHONE 1371 with all the buildings and improve ments thereon, situated in the City of Opelousas, St. Landry parish, Louis iana, and having a front of one hun dred and ninety-four (194) feet on Cheney street, by a depth of one hun dred and seventy-four (174) feet. Bounded north by Mrs. Gusmann Ca hanin, or assigns; south by Cheney street; east by property of L. J. Dossmann or assigns; and west by Y. T. Sensat, and being the same property that N. L. White, deceased, acquired in original Act'No. —, and recorded in Mortgage Book No. 48, at Page No. 160. Second—A certain tract of land, containing eighty (80) acres, situat ed in St. Landry parish, Louisiana, being t&e south half of northeast quarter of Section One (1), Towu ship five (5), South, Range six (6). Third—Two shares of stock in the Basile State Bank. Fourth—Two shares of stock ih the Opelousas Stone and Brick Com pany. Fifth—Three certificates of the Parish of Evangeline. Sixth—One note of the Port Ban* Timber and Tie Company, Incorp orated. Seventh—Two cows. . Eighth —One lot of household fur niture. TERMS—CASH. FANNY LIVEZEY WHITE, nov29-6t Administratrix»