Newspaper Page Text
ECONO j Is the dominating impulse of the hour. I "How to save," is the important ques tion. That's why we want your busi iness. NOW IS ' THE TIME TO SELECT YOUR GIFTS PER FUMES RAZORS CONKLIN'S PENS (You should see our Xmas packages of iWiley's and Norris' candies; and our Stationery. OUR XMAS CARDS AND CAL ENDARS ARE NOW ON DIS PLAY. j Opelousas Drug Stores, (THE QUALITY STORE) Inc. i Day Phone 300 Night Phone 329 Saizan Building - OPELOUSAS, LA. IT COSTS NOTHING To have your New Home attractive in place of unsightly and box-like. If your home is planned by men who know how to add little touches that cost little but mean much, then you will really save money and get more Home value. That's why we furnish our customers with plans to build from. Then to make it easy, we have a large selection of ac tual photos of homes and plans to choose from. We can tell you the cost to build and of course furnish you with the best in ma terials, from foundation to roof. "SERVICE THAT SERVES' I The A. C. Skiles Lumber Co. Ltd. f ;; OPELOUSAS, — — LOUISIANA OH, YES! REMEMBER WE HAVE GARAGE PLANS, TOO! SIGN SHOP Window Lettering FRANK TATMAN,, Main Street, Opelousas, La. — AMERICAN AVIATORS IN POLAND Premier Ignace Jan Paderewski of Poland greeting in Paris members of the Kosciusko Squadron, a unit composed of American aviators who have volunteered their services to Poland and are now wearing the uniform of officers in the Polish army. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE POLICE JURY (Continued from Page Three) 12.50 1.27 11.68 5.70 Coupee and Caleasjeu par ishes .................. 26.30 St. Landry Lbr. Co., furnish ing and repairing Beard vat ......... ». ........ 144.80 N. L. White, on« mas for as sessor's Ollaco .......... Hy. Laatrapes, Jr., freight pd on one crate filing cases .. Hy. Lastrapes, Jr., freight pd on 5 boxes filing cabinets J. J. Healey, freight paid on disinfectant, etc......... Chas. Borchers, Bix grate blowers ............... 10.00 Jonas Roos, various state ment December 1 ....... 116.45 R. E. Budd, assisting clerk month of November — 50.00 E. M. Boagni, rent ware house August 1 to Novem ber 1, 1919............ 22.50 J. A. Dejean, two brooms . . 2.20 Star-Progress, publishing pro ceedings, etc., November.. 194.75 Star-Progress, miscellaneous printing, November . — . Star-Progress, publishing pro ceedings, etc., October .. . D. M. Fontenot, feeding and maintaining prisoners for November .............. 194.50 PUBLIC ROAD CLAIMS Albert'\Burleigh, road work, 1 ward.......... 30.00 Sidney Guidry, road work, 1 ward ............ 10.00 Willie Peck, road work, 1 wd Oily Arnold, rod work, 1 wd Hugh Blacksher, road work 1 ward ................ Ernest Savoie, road work, 2 ward .................. Alcide Leger, road work, 2 ward Tr.-. . — Sylvester Miller, road work, 2 ward ... —............ Earl Vautrot, road work, 2 ward................ Hopkins Bros. Co., lumber, 2 ward.................. Alcide Leger, hauling, 2 wd Thibod 276.75 206.80 5.00 5.00 10.00 7.00 $.00 20.00 5.00 Sidney Thibodeaux,road work 2 ward .............I-. 27.30 2.60 6.00 8.00 40.00 12.00 40.75 17.50 25.00 26.25 f 70.00 '3.60 25.42 1.80 4.14 Ignace Meche, road and bdge work, 2 ward .......... Onezime Castille, road work 2 ward.......... /.•••• Henry King, bridge work, 5 ward .................. J, E. Duffel, road work, 6 ward.................. Albert Burleigh, road work, 6 ward ................ Orner La fleur, road work, 6 ward.................. C. N. Bertrand, road work, 6 ward .................. Albert Bourgeois, road work 6 ward ................ 13.70 Joe Boone, road work, 6 wd % 4.50 Leandre Labbe, road work, 6 ward .................. 44.85 Ernest Bihm, road work, 6 ward..... *.....».»««•• 54.00 Andrus Fontenot, road work, 6 ward ................ 36.00 J. B. Hidalgo, road work, 6 ward .................. 63.00 Soniat & Deblieux, lumber, 6 ward .................. 36.04 Soniat & Deblieux, lumber, 6 ward . *................ 20.37 Soniat & Deblieux, lumber, 6 ward .................. 14.40 St. Landry Lumber Co., lumber, 6 ward ........ 18.94 MAINTENANCE GRAVEL ROADS St. Landry State Bank, cash advanced for labor...... Jos. Bordelon & Son, sundries Soniat & Deblieux, lumber. . Albert Clary, sundries ---- L. V. Me gin ley, cash paid for express and labor ...... Texas Oil Co., gasoline, in voice L-7 .............. 13.20 St. Landry State Bk, cash ad vanced for express on bonds of 1st sub-road dist 2nd ward . .w,........ 23.10 St. Landry State Bank, cash advanced account sale of bonds of 1st sub-road dist 2nd ward ....... ». ......4,975.00 W. J. Sandoz, services in appeal of suit T. & P. Ry vs. Parish of St. Landry acct 1st road dist, 6 w.. R. M. Hollier, engineer's es timate No. 6, account of 1st road dist 4th ward. . 2,643.78 Motion by Dr. Pavy— Resolved, that the claim- of R. M. Hollier, contractor on the Kroti Springs road, amounting to $2,643. 78, net, be paid by this body, as per contract on file. Mr. Brown moved as a substitute that the claim remain unpaid until the same is approved by the Board of Su pervisors of said road district. I Substitute lost for want of a sec ond. 4 Voting for original resolution as follows : • Messrs. Larcade, Mills, Cummings, Pavy, Catlett, Rushing, Martin, Syl vestre, Dejean, McCoy—10 yeas. Against—Messrs. Dailey, W. F. Brown—2 nays. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Catlett— Resolved, that the committee on claims resolve itself into regular ses sion of Police Jury. (Continued on Last Page) 150.00 FARMERS MEET PRAIRIE RONDE Quarterly Session of St. Landry Farmers' Union Will Be Held Today Weather conditions permitting, there will be a large crowd of farm ers and their lady folks in attendance at the regular quarterly session of the St. Landry Farmers' Union at Prai rie Ronde today. A large number of invited guests will also be in attend ance, and it is understood that some of the candidates for parochial office have been asked to mingle with the farmers on that occasion. An interesting program has been arranged, and unless bad weather sets in, the Prairie Ronde farmers are in for a day of entertainment, as the largest meeting of the year is plan ned. An old fashioned baskèt picnic will be the feature of the meeting. Interesting discourses on subjects close to the farmers' hearts will be delivered by good speakers. BAYOU BOEUF AND WAXIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT Mr. Beall offered the following or dinance, which ordinance is in words and figures as follows: ORDINANCE An ordinance ordering and calling a special election in the Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage Dis trict of the Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana, for the purpose of subiiiittmg to the qualified prop erty taxpayers of said 'district the propositions to incur debt and issue bonds of said drainage district, to the amount as here inafter stipulated and for the purpose of creating, constructing and improving a system of grav ity drainage in and for said drainage district, by the clean ing with dredges or otherwise, the bayous, laterals and ditches connected therewith ,ae herein after named and outlined in red on the map of the said drainage district. Section 1—Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Ba you Boeuf and Waxia Drainage Dis trict of the Pariah of St. Landry, State of Louisian«, that it is advis able and expedient to incur indebted ness in said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District, in the amount and for the purposes herenafter mention ed, and appearing in the propositions, as follows: Section 2—Be it further ordained, that a special election be and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held in the Bayou Boeuf and Wax ia Drainage District of the Pariah of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, on Monday, the 12th day of January, A. D. 1920, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. Section 3—Be it further ordained, etc., that at said special election there will be submitted to the taxpaying electors, qualified to vote under the constitution and law's of the State of Louisiana, the following propositions: (a) To incur debt to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200, 000), and issue and sell serial nego tiable semi-annual interest bearing coupon bonds of the said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District, representing the said indebtedness; the amount of saild bonds being less than ten per cent (10 per cent) of the assessed valuation of the proper ty within the boundary of said drain age district, as shown by the assess id drainage dia ment rolls of the said trict last completed, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per centum (5 per centum )per annum from their date, payable semi-annual ly, which bonds are to run for a pe riod of from one to not exceeding thirty-five (35) years from their date. Said bonds to be of such de nomination and the interest and principal thereof to be payable at such time and place as shall be deter mined by the Board of Drainage Com missioners and both principal and in terest of said bonds to be secured and ? >aid by a sufficient ad valorem tax e ' ' " - - evied and collected in each year that any ofieaid bonds are unpaid and out standing in accordance with the pro visions in that respect contained in Article 281 of the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, and amendments thereto. The proceeds of said bonds to be used for the purposes of providing and creating a system of gravity drainage in and for said drainage dis trict, by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the Bayou Waxia, Cow bo you, Little Waxia bayou, and the lat erals and ditches conected with said bayous, as outlined in red on the map of said , district, and the maintenance and improvement thereof, and the in habitants thereof, the title to whieh shall vest in said drainage district. PROPOSITION FOR THE ASSESS MENT AND LEVYING OF AN ACREAGE TAX OR FORCED CONTRIBUTION THE TIME HAS COME TO PREPi For Winter, but a few weeks ahead—the bleak, cold wig ter days will soon be upon us before we know it. It be a source of comfort if you know that your new 0'Coj t is ready when the time comes. Made-to-Measnre SUIT or OVERCOAT $35.00 Up Trench, Pinch Back and Belted Coats are the Stylish Things This Season. Hundreds of Patterns to select from. Fit, Workmanship and Materials Guaranteed. Let us take your measure NOW. We'll have it ready before the cold I weather. L. LEVINE Landry Street Phone 395 STEAM GLEANIN6 AND PRESSING (b) To levy and collect an acreage tax or forced contribution of sixteen (16 cents) cents per acre per annum upon each and every acre of land sub ject to state taxation, situated within the said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District, Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, for a period of thirty-five (35) years, for the pur pose of providing and creating a sys tem of gravity drainage in and for said drainage district and the mainte nance and improvemen thereof. FOR THE FUNDING OF THE AVAILS OF SAID ACREAGE TAX INTO BONDS (c) To incur debt in the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00), and to issue and sell serial negotiable semi-annual interest bearing coupon bonds of the said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District to reperesent same. Said debt to be secured and paid by the avails of the aforesaid acreage tax or forced contribution of sixteen (16 cents) cents per acre per annum. Submitted in the proposition for the assessment and levying of an acreage tax or forced contribution as hereinafter set forth and to be voted upon by the taxpaying electors of said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drain age District of the Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, qualified to vote under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana and to rep resent the funding of the avails of the said taxes into bonds, to run for a pe riod of from one to not exceeding thirty-five (35) years from their date and bearing five per cent (5 per cent) »er annum interest from their date, payable semi-annually, said bonds to be of such denomination and both the principal and the inter est thereof to be payable at such time and place as shall be determined by the said board of drainage commis sioners, the proceeds of said bonds to be used for the purpose of providing and creating a system of gravity drainage in and for the said drainage district by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the Bayou Waxia, Cow ba you, Little Bayou Waxia and the lat erals and ditches connected with said bayous, as outlined in red on the map of said district, and the maintenance end improvement thereof, as herein before stated, and the inhabitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said drainage district. Section 4—Be it further ordained, ate., ttet a notice «f said special elec tion be duly published'for thirty (SO) days prior to the date of «aid election, according to law,in the Star-Progress, ...... - Pariah of the official journal of the St. Landry, State of Louisiana, a newspapaper of general circulation therein; the notice of the election to embrace substantially all things set forth herein, and to further state that the said board of drainage com missioners will meet in open session at the office of the said board in the City of Opelousas, Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 14th day of January, 1920, and then and there proceed to open the ballot box, examine and count the ballots in numbers and amount, examine and canvass the re turns and declare the result of such election and make, file, publish and record a procès verbal of their pro ceedings. Section 5—Be it further ordained, etc., that the proposition to be sub mitted at said special election shall be as follows and the ballots to be used shall be in the following form: BALLOT For tho Issuance of Bonds Proposition to incur debt and issue and sell serial cou pon bonds of the Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District, Parish of St. Lan dry, State of Louisiana, to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000. 000 ), to run for a period of from one to not exceeding thirty-five (35) years from their date and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5 per cent) per annum payable semi-annual ly, for the^purpose of provid ing and creating a system of gravity drainage in and for said drainage district, by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the Bayou Waxia, Cow bayou, Little Waxia, and the laterals and ditches connected with said bayous, | as outlined in red on the map of said district and the main tenance and improvements thereof and the inhabitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said drainage district. Taxable valuation ....$ YES NO Signature of Voter. Notice to Voters—To vote in favor of the proposition submitted upon this ballot, place a cross (X) mark in the square after the word "YES," and to vote against, place a similar mark after the word "NO." FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND LEVYING OF ACREAGE TAX OR FORCED CONTRIBU TION Proposition to levy an acreage tax or forced contri bution of sixteen cents (16 cents)per acre per annum on Warm Up the Raw Weather Instantly—with a Per fection Oil Heater. Brings glowing warmth to the spot when and .where need ed. Burns 10 hrs. on a gallon of Stanocola Burning Oil. Safe, clean, odorless. At all regular dealers STANDARD OIL CO. OF LOUISIANA. <► «> A î^pèaracTioS <» PERFECTION Oil Heaters each and every acre of land subject to State taxation in said YES Bayou Beouf and Wax- | ia Drainage District, Par- { ish of St. Landry, State of j Louisiana, for a period of | thirty-five (35) years, for ; the purpose of providing | and creating a system of j gravity drainage in and for) said drainage district tfcwid ] the maintenance and im- j provement thereof. | Taxable valuation .... $— NO YES Signature of Voter. Notice to Voters—To vote in favor of the proposition submitted upon the ballot, place a cross (X) mark in the square after the word "YES;" to vote against it, place a similar mark after the word "NO." FOR THE FUNDING OF THE AVAILS OF SAID ACREAGE TAX INTO BONDS Proposition to incur debt in the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand ($150,~ 000.00) dollars, and to issue serial negotiable coupon bonds to represent the same, the said debt to be se cured and paid by the avails of the acreage taiaor forced contribution or sixteen cents (16 cents) per acre per annum, submitted in the proposition for levying and collecting of acreage taxes or forced contributions, as hereinbefore mentioned and voted upon this day by the taxpaying electors of said Bayou Boeuf and Waxia Drainage District, Parish of Si. Landry, State of Louisi ana, qualified to vote under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, and to represent the funding of the avails of said tax into bonds to run for a period of from one to not exceeding thirty-five (35) years from their date, bearing five per cent (5 per cent) per annum interest from their date pay able semi-annually, and to be issued for the purpose of providing and creating a sys tem of gravity drainage in and for the said drainage district, by cleaning with dredges or otherwise the Ba you Waxia, Cow bayou, Lit tle Waxia and the laterals and ditches connected with said bayous, as outlined in red on the map of said dis trict, and the maintenance and improvement thereof and the inhabitants thereof, the title to which shall vest in said drainage district. Taxable valuation .,..$ NO Signature of Voter. Notice to Voters—To vote in fav or of the propositon submitted upon this ballot, place a cross (X) mark in the square after the word "YES;" and to vote against it, place a simi lar mark after thé word "NO." Section 6—Be it further ordained, etc., that the president of the Board of Drainage Commissioners of the said drainage district of St. Landry parish, State of Louisiana, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to have the necessary ballots for the said election in ace with law and the provisions «I ordinance; he shall also provide ballot boxes and the blanks and tellers' sheets and paraphernalia for the holding sf i election. Section 7—Be it further etc., that the clerk of court and j officio registrar of voters for « parish shall furnish the elect io« ficers herein mentioned with a liât \ the taxpayers entitled to vote in : son or by written proxy at said : cial election, together with the : ed valuation of each of thp said payers' property as shown by tkej sessment rolls last made and prior to said election. Section 8—Be it further or etc., that the election shall be held _ Whiteville, La., at J, P. Savant"» store; Beggs, La., at Jack Cassini store; Rosa, La., at E. V. Hudspeth 1 » store, in said drainage district, and the following persons are hereby ap pointed and empowered to act as con» -miasioners and clerks at said election, Rosa, at E. V. Hudspeth's stare- Commissioners : R. C. Andres, W. B» , Baker, Arthur Fogleman; clerk, E. V.. Hudspeth. Whitevilie, at J. P. Savant's etorr —Commissioners : James Milbtash J. H. Baldridge, Adam Stagg; clerk: E. E. Singleton. Beggs, at Jack Cason's store— Commissioiners: J. C. Whitley,CUun* Stevenson, Joe Reeves; clerk: W, K Peckham. The officers of election abovt named shall hold said election to con form with Act No. 256 of 191Ü all acts amendatory and supplemen tary thereto, and shall make due re turns of said election to the Board ol Commissioners of said drainage dis trict at the said meeting to be at the said office of the said board in the City of Opelousas, Parish of St Landry, State of Louisiana, on toe 14th day of January, 1920, and the 1 said officers of election shall be com pensated in accordance with law . t Section 9—-Be it further ordained, etc., that the Board of Drainage Com missioners of the said drainage dis trict shall if the majority of the tax payers in numbers and amount of as sessed valuation voting at said spe cial election vote in favor of theprijP' ositions herein submitted, annuMv levy and collect, beginning with the year 1920, while any or all or said bonds are#unpaid and outstand ing in excess of all other taxes, a sar i fieient ad valorem tax and the acre of ei afl Inum as hereinabove mentioned to pW [the semi-annual interest and the p?W' cipal of said bonds at their respecBV* maturities. - The foregoing ordinance after b* ing duly seconded by Mr. Savant, tow read to the board and adopted by to® following votes: _ _ ... For the Ordinance—J. P. Savan > J. E. Beall, A. J. Richard, C, E.Do<* worth, Allotes Thistlethwaite. Againät the Ordinance-—None. Adopted December 4, 1919 ALLOTES THISTLETHWAITE. President Board of Drainage missionera Bayou Boeuf *■?* Waxia Drainage District. L. A. ANDREPONT, __ Secretary. iicieni an valorem ibjc hhu -> age tax or forced contribution of i teen (16 cts) cents per acre per mim as hereinabove mentioned to ]