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THE STAR-PROGRESS Official Journal of St. Landry Parish, Reaching More Homes than any Paper Published in St. Landry. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY L. A. ANDREPONT, Editor. _ w - F * NOLAN ' Bu ' ,ncM Man ** er * Entered at the Postoffice in Opelousas, Louisiana, as Second Class Mail Matter. ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE STAR-PROGRESS. » ,, « I » » » »WMM I ** * *** * * ** *************** » • - ••••* ****-*•*****• NEWS AND NOTES OF WASHINGTON, LA. Miss Hannah Klaus spent the week end in Baton Rouge last week with her sister, Miss Carrye Klaus. The grade teachers of the Washing ton high school entertained the se nior and junior basketball teams at a very nice luncheon on Wednesday evening in the home economic depart ment. The high school teachers and the senior class were the only guests. The menu consisted of hot cocoa and cakes which were made by the class in home economics. Messrs.John and William Reed went to Dubuisson Wednesday evening on business. Mr. James T. Mary and Mr. A. S. Pierrol made a business trip to Bun kie on Wednesday evening. Mrs. George Thompson was in Op elousas Wednesday evening on a shopping trip. Mrs. Chas. Gibson departed Wed nesday evening for Erath, La., where she will be employed by the railroad. Mr. Edwin Frank of New Orleans was a business visitor here on last Friday. Mr. Alfred Guilbeau of Opelousas but now a student at L. S. U., visited friends in Washington from Friday to Sunday of last week. Mr. John Peckham was in town on Wednesday on business. Miss Anna R. Labbe spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her par ents in Lafayette, La. Mr. and Mrs. John Emory of Corw ley were guests at the home of Mrs. Desirable Xmas Presents ' The wise buyef is the one who picks out his Pres ents early. We have a complete line of Christmas Presents. They are going at a rapid gait and we would advise our customers to do their Christmas shopping at once. The most particular customer can certainly pick something appropriate for the Yuletide Season in our beautiful line of JEWELRY consisting in part of Beautiful Diamond Rings varying in price from $75 to $250; Diamond Brooches from $12 to $75; Diamond Scarf Pins from $12 to $45; Diamond Lavalliers $25 to $200 _ Diamond, Cameo, Ruby Set and Plain Bar Pins to suit everybody's pocket Largest Stock of Rings ever carried in Opelousas on display. Just the most exquisite assortment of French Ivory, Cut Glass and Silverware. Such a won derful variety that you can have your pick by buying early. You could buy no more suitable a present than a Pathe Phonograph, the best your money can buy. Do Your Christmas Shopping Here And Be Satisfied JOHN CLARK == Sandoz Building JEWELER Landry Street Opelousas = is , Emory's uncle, Mr. G. R. Baillio, on Sunday last. Mrs. Emory was for merly Miss Helene Lang of this place. Miss Lizzie Kilpatrick of Crowley spent the day Sunday with her father and mother here. Prof. Childress of Lawtell attend ed the supper given at the home of Mr. T. C. Q. McCafferey on last Sat urdày night. Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Oertling of Crowley were in town last Sunday as guests at the home of Mrs. J. M. La lanne. Mrs. F. W. McCaffery of Baton Rouge is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Baillio, this week. Miss Margery Kilpatrick of Alexan dria was in town from Thursday to Sunday of the past week. Messrs. Jules Gibson and William Wartelle, now employed in Crowley, spent the day in their home town last Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Baillio and family re turned to their home at Basile last Sunday after spending the Thanks giving holidays here. Mr. Dwight Thistlethwaite of Bat on Rouge was in town from Thursday to Sunday of last week. Misses Jimmie and Mamie Carrière and Josie Quirk of Lafayette spent the week-end here as the guests of Mrs. L. A. W. Quirk and while here attended the Thanksgiving dance at the Barrilleaux auditorium in Ope lousas. Miss Vidrine of Ville Platte has been the guest of Miss Clayton Gard ner for the past few days. Mr. W. B. Burke, principal of the local high school, spent the day in Op elousas last Sunday. Mr. Culver Quirk entertained at a bird supper last Saturday night sev eral of his chosen friends. The sup per was given at the home of Mr. T. C. Q. McCaffery and it is useless for us to say that everyone had a very delightful and enjoyable evening. Those present were: Misses Gabe Bidstrup, Eleanor Wartelle, Inez Neylar.d, Suzanne Gibson, Sue Bail lio, and Mrs. T. C. Q. McCafefry, and Messrs. Culver Quirk, T, C. Q. McCaffery, Leo Quirk, C. P. Helluin, Prof. Childress and Dr. L. A. Poche. Dr. C. H. Green, our leading local dentist, made a business trip to Alex andria last Sunday. Who is the fire bug that is on the trail of Howard Allen? Not being satisfied with burning his automobile less than two weeks ago, the house in which he rooms came near burning down also on last Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mi Plonsky left for New Orleans last Sunday morning where Mr. Plonsky has gone for med ical attention. Mrs, Abe Solinski, after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. S. M. Plonsky, left Sunday morning for her home in Beaumont, Texas. Mr. G. R. Baillio spent several days of this wek fishing and hunting at Second Lake. Mr. L. J. Muller was in Opelousas on business last Monday. Hon. James A. Going attended the Parker meeting in Opelousas last Bennett Stores , Inc. OPELOUSAS This Store Presents A Remarkable Fall And Winter Showing Of FineWues In Men's Clothes TAILORED BY THE FAMOUS KIRSCHBAUM SHOPS $ 35 , $40 and $45 The woolens were bought months ago, far below present prices. Our orders were placed with the Kirschbaum shops when materials, work manship— all clothes making costs — were much lower than today. Every bit of this advan tage, we pass on to you. Kirs^hbaum jStyle— Kirschbaum Quality— Kirschbaum Value in every garment FILL YOUR NEEDS NOW (opyricht, 19iy, A. B. Kirschb»ua» I Tuesday and was made one of the vice presidents of the Parker club for this parish. Mr. Going reports that the meeting was largely atended and that there was a feeling of en thusiasm with every one present that is seldom seen in a political gathering. Mr. F. P. Martin has been attend ing the police jury meeting in Opelou sas this week. Mr. J. Franklin Schell, one of the candidates for a seat in the general assembly, transacted business in Ope lousas on Tuesday last. The Eunice high school basketball team will play the team of the local high schol at the school grounds here on Saturday evening at 3:30 p. m. The Eunice team gave this team a trouncing several weeks ago s6 watch out for a reverse of dope in this game. ^ Mr. Jno. M. Prescott, candidate for clerk of court, was in town on several different occasions this week. While here he announced that he would open up his campaign here on next Thursday, the 11th, with an address by himself and several others at the Plonsky opera house and that the talks would be followed by a dance. Bishop Jules B. Jeanmard of La fayette will be here on Monday for the closing of the ceremony of the forty hours adoration. Mr. W. R. Boudreau, Jr., returned on Monday last from a few days spent in New Orleans on business. Manning Wartelle had a most pleasant time in Opelousas last week, performing jury duty and attending the street fair. Rev. P, F. Jansen attended the fu neral of Father Durand in Scott last , Sunday. Miss Elvie Pitre returned to her school at Prairie Ronde last Sunday, after spending Thanksgiving at her home here. Miss Justine Feigel of Pass Chris tian, Miss., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Guillory in Grand Prairie, was a guest of Miss Ophelia Pitre from Thursday to Sunday of last week. Mrs. Chas. Gibson of Breaux Bridge has returned to her home here for a visit. Mr. Willie Drews of Lafayette spent Thanksgiving in town with his folks and while here enjoyed a hunt with several friends. ' According to information received recently from a local friend who is from St. James parish, Col. Frank P. Stubbs is making a very poor showing in that parish and that Mr. Parker will get a heavy majority. Mr. Dennis Winkler is in town this week visiting his mother. Mr. Joseph T. Mary left for Hous ton, Texas, Wednesday evening where he will be employed by a large brok erage concern. Hon. Henry Lastrapes was in town Wednesday for the purpose of regis tering those who have reached their majority within the last year. Mr. Dunbar Wilkins and Miss Eu- genie Poulet were quietly married at the rectory of the Catholic Church in Opelousas at 5 o'clock on Wednesday evening. After the ceremony the" bridal party repaired to the home of Mr. J.P. Barnett where supper was served. Mr. Howard Allen acted as best man for Mr. Wilkins and with Mr. Osie Bordelon were the only two who attended the wedding other than members of the imemdiate family. We wish the newly-weds a very long, happy and prosperous life. -o —The local chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold a regu lar meeting at the Masonic Temple •n next Monday night for the pur pose of election of officers. F° R SALE—One large horse and dray; one mare and buggy; two milch cows and calves; one heifer; one antique sideboard. Apply to D. CONKLIN, Opelousas, La. dec6-2t L OST—Between my residence and Sunset, on Wednesday night last, from $125.00 to $140.00—six $20.00 bills and one $5.00 bill and the bal ance in small change, the amount of which I don't remember. Reward for return of same to ARTHIBUS LAN DRY. dec6-tf N OTICE OF ELECTION. STATE OF LOUISIANA, Parish of St. Landry. Pursuant to authority vested in me by an ordinance of the Police Jury of the Pai^sh of St. Landry, La., adopted on the first day of December, 1919, I, F. Octave Pavy, do hereby give no tice that an election will be held in Road District No. 4, Fourth Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Lan dry, La., on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920, between the hours of 7 o'clock a .m. and 5 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of submitting to the vote of the property taxpayers of said road district quali ified to vote at said election under the constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, the following proposi tion, to-wit : PROPOSITION To incur debt and to issue serial negotiable coupon bonds of said Fourth Road District, Fourth Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Lan dry, La., to the amount of seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), to run for periods of from one ( 1 ) to thirty (30) years, and to bear inter est at the rate of five per cent (5) per annum from said date until paid. Interest on all said bonds to be paid semi-annually and said bonds or funds derived from the sale thereof, to be used and expended under the direc tion and control of the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Landry, La., as the governing authority of said Fourth Road District, Fourth Police Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, La., for the exclusive purpose of con tracting for, acquiring, laying out and constructing a system of modem public roads within the limits of said road district ,the title to which shall vest in the parish and the public. A sufficient tax shall be levied each year to meet the payment of the bonds and interest as the same ma tures. That said election shall be held at the following places by the following named officers, each of whom is a registered voter: At Palmetto—At Ganson's Store: CommissioQers, Chas. Meyer, M. L. Clark, Wm. Fitzmaurice ; Clerk, I. Isaacson. At Bayou Current, at Nat Cam pisi's Store : Commissioners, R. A. Gordon, Morgan Gordon, Ira Mc Adams; Clerk, Holmes Berger. At Melville, at City Hall: Commis sioners, S. J. Deloach, F. B. Cason, C. A. Goudchaux; Clerk, P. W. La fleur. And that* on Monday, the 2nd day of February, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m., the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Landry, La., will meet at the Police SUR That the gift you choose will $ with it the stamp of individuality—a gift that has been carefully selected. We have a beautiful assortment ol Crepe-de-Chine and Pico-Crepe H kerchiefs; NOTASEME and 0 \ Hosiery. Our line of NECKWEAR is complete in every respect. Prices ranging from i 75 cents to $3.00. LEON WOLFF WASHINGTON, LOUISIANA Jury room in the City of La., and will then and there session proceed to open the 1 es, examine and count the ____ number and amount, examine ; canvass the returns of said declare the result thereof, vide for the promulgation of the I in accordance with law. Given under my hand at Louisiana, this 1st day of A. D. 1919. _ F. OCTAVE PAVT, A True Copy: J. J. Healey, Cleric.