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C LIP THE COUPONS MAIL THEM TO-DAY THIS AD. With $2.00 to UCOBS NEWS DEPOT JAC COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. and get a JACOBS SPECIAL SELF-FILLER FOUNTAIN PEN. Better Than Ever MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFACTORY SEND this ad. WITH $3.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. FOR ONE PAIR - BALL-BEARING rollerskates Mention ir FOR BOY OR GIRL SEND THIS AD. WITH $1.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. and receive a 1920 DESK CALENDAR Useful ON ANY MAN'S DESK SEND THIS AD. SEND THIS AD. WITH $1.00 TO WITH $7.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. OPELOUSAS, LA. You Will Get the best A 11-PIECE ONE DOLLAR COMB, BRUSH AND BOX OF PAPER MIRROR SET, You Ever Saw Ebony Finish, BUFF, PINK, BLUE, Silver Trimming WHITE, GREEN, Will Be Sent You LAVENDER A Beauty Any Lady STATE COLOR WANTED WILL BE PROUD TjO HAVE SEND THIS AD. SEND THIS AD. WITH $1.00 TO WITH $3.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. OPELOUSAS, LA. And Receive They Will Mail You COLLIER'S WEEKLY, AMERICAN ONE JACOBS HERO SAFETY RAZOR WOMAN'S With Six Extra Blades HOME COMPANION s MONEY BACK The Coming Year IF All Must Be NOT SATISFACTORY SENT TO ONE ADDRESS SEND THIS AD. SEND THIS AD. WITH $3. 50 TO WITH 50 CENTS TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. OPELOUSAS, LA. And Get a Genuine One EVER READY SHARP DAISY BLUE-STEEL PUMP BREAD AND CAKE KNIFE GUN—THE Will Be Sent You By Mail KIND EVERY BOY WANTS NEEDED IN EVERY HOME SEND THIS AD. WITH $1.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. / And the Next Mail Will Bring You the Best 2-BLADE POCKET KNIFE That Money Cun Buy State if You Want LADY, BOY or MAN SIZE SEND THIS AD. WITH $2.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. For a SENGBUSCH SELF-CLOSING INKSTAND The Best INKWELL MADE TODAY SEND THIS'AD. WITH $3.00 TO JACOBS NEWS DEPOT COMPANY, OPELOUSAS, LA. Next Mail Will Bring You ONE 3-PIECE WHITE PARISIAN IVORY COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SET A PRETTY XMAS GIFT REMEMBER SANTA CLAUS IS WITH US AGAIN—WE HAVE WATERMAN'S SEALS, TAGS, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS, FOOT, BASKET TENNIS BALLS, RACKETS AND * FOUNTAIN NETS, DRUMS, FOR GIRLS, PENS, DOLLS, GAMES, TOYS OF BOYS, AND GROWN-UPS, BABY BOOKS ALL KINDS, DICTIONARIES, STORY BIBLES, BOOKS AND AS USUAL WE HAVE THE PRETTIEST, THE BEST, THE LARGEST AND CORRESPONDENCE CARDS: BUFF, GREEN, LAVENDER. PRICES 25 CENTS, 50 $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $7.0© PAPER IS BETTER; PRICES UNE OF BOX PAPER BLUE, WHITE, ' PINK, CENTS, 75 CENTS, 1.00, AND $10.00. NO HIGHER Magazines Makes Good Christmas Gifts SEND US YOUR ORDERS We Make Special Prices to Church and School Bazaars, %Jso to Merchant* Who Buy in Large or Small Lots. WE SAY BUY ALL YOUR WANTS FROM JACOBS NEWS DEPOT CO. MAIL ORDED HOUSE, OPELOUSAS, — — . — — — DOLLS — — —- LOUISIANA NOTI GE OF REGISTRA TION. iwiLL BE AT THE FOLLOWING VOTING PRECINCTS ON THE RESPECTIVE DATES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGISTERING ONLY THOSE VOTERS WHO HAVE NOT REGISTERED. ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE REGISTERED Slit'CE JANUARY, 1917, ARE NOT REQUIRED TO RE-REGISTER. BIG CANE, Monday morning, December 8,1919 MORROW, Monday afternoon, December 8,1919 MELVILLE and BAYOU CURRENT, Tuesday, December 9,1919 KROTZ SPRINGS, Wednesday morning, De cember 10 1919 ■* PALMETTO, Wednesday afternoon, December 10,1919 PORT BARRE, Thursday, December 11, 1919 (IENRY LASTRAPES, JR. Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Registrar of Voters. SELF-FEEDER HELPS SOLVE LABOR PROBLEM "With the high prices of labor it becomes necessary for the farmer to look for economic production of pork," says M. M. LaCroix, assistant boys' club agent, extension division, Louisiana State University. "The use of the self-feeder will assist in this undertaking because it does not require continuous daily attention. The principle of the self-feeder is that the hog will have accessible •grain at all times, along with the pas ture crops. The attention due it will depend upon the size and number of hogs having access to it. "A self-feeder consists of a hopper or compartment to hold the feed and a trough below it into which the grain flows as the hogs eat it. The hopper is made of such size that it will con tain several days' supply of feed ; and the inside walls are made as smooth as possible, in order not to obstruct the flow of grain to the trough. At the bottom of the hopper, leading into the feed trough, an adjustable slide should be placed to control the rapid ity of the grain flow. This slide usu ally takes the form of a board run ning lengthwise of the feeder and fastened to the hopper by king bolts. A certain amount of flexibility i* de sired in this slide, as it will aid mate rially in preventing clogging. The hopper may be divided into compart ments for feeding different grains spearately, if desired. "The self-feeder is especially de sirable in the feeding of young grow ing pigs. Where the pigs are sucking and the mother is kept in an individu al pen, the feeder should be place.! about one hundred yards from th THE HINDENBURG FAMILY OUT FOR A STROLL Herr and (insert) Frau Paul von Hindenburg'out for a stroll in Han over, Germany.. This is a new pho to of the former leader of the Ger man army, showing him as he now is—a private citizen of Hanover. pens, which will necessitate the pigs taking exercise in going to and com- ing from the feeder. There should be a little salt placed near the feeder when used for either pigs or hogs." -o JUDGE DUPRE TELLS WHY HE SUPPORTS MR. PARKER 'Would Have Gone Down to the Dreamless Dust" Rather Than Oppose Parker To the Editor of the Item : Many thanks for your editorial in this morning's paper evidencing how Mr. Parker effaced himself for Judge Hall in 1918. I always believed Mr. Parker had done so, although I was unaware of the fact. Now that I know it, I am going to cling to him with hoops of steel. I do hope the people will appreciate the sacrifice he then made. Gave up the ambition of a lifetime whereby to assist a friend. I would not have done done so. Who else, other than John M. Parker, would have given up three years in the senate to be had for mere acceptance of the offer? I have al ways compared this act with that of the base Indian who threw a pearl away, richer than all his tirbe. San ders threw away a five-year senator ship to which he had been elected, to assist the ward bosses, and they thereafter assassinated him. I don't want to say anything harsh about Judge Hall. I am sorry for him. He is a pathetic figure. But I would have gone down to the "tongueless silence of the dreamless dust" rather than have opposed Mr. Parker's candidacy. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John M. Parker laid down his political life for Luther E. Hall in 1918. Lather E. Hall is op posing Parker in 1919. But Judge HalPs friends will not follow .hin».. Here in St. Landry these are standing behind Mr. Parker's candidacy like a stone wall. There are twenty-five precincts in this parish. Mr. Parker will carry every eee of these. Yours truly, GILBERT L. DUPRE. Opelousas, La., Nor. 27, 1919. —--o 125 JERSEY COWS ARE SHOWN AT STATE FAIR E. R. A. The dairy cattle show at the recent Louisiana state fair was the strongest in the history of the fair, according to C. H. Staples, dairy husbandman, extension divisoin, Louisiana State University. "The Jerseys were in the majority, there being 125 shown," said Mr. Staples. "The Holsteins followed, with 38, and the Guernseys with 10. Prof. Hugh G. Van Pelt of Iowa, who judged the dairy cattle, stated that it was one of the best exhibits of dairy cattle he had seen in the South this year. He said further that great im provement iiad been made since ht has been judging at the Louisiana state fair during the last few years. "During the fair the Louisiana- Mississippi breeders sold 49 pure-bred Jersey cattle for f 12,360, which was an average price of $252.24 per cow The price for which these cattle sold indicates not only an improvement in the quality of the cattle offered, but also an increase in the demand for good dairy cattle in the state. It shows also an appreciation on the part of dairy farmers as to real worth of good Jersey cattle." -o UNION PARISH BOY MAKES. GOOD RECORD Lester Norris, a l%yçar-old pig club member of Union parish ,and one of the four hundred club njembers who were awarded scholarships at the annual short course held at the Louis iana State University last August, makes the following report of his club work: "In February, 1918, I joined the pig club and bought a registered Hampshire gilt for twelve dollars and fifty cents. In September of that year I refused an offer of $70 for her, and in January, 1919, she far rowed nine fine pigs, one of which was killed while still small. Six of thase 1 sold for $60, gave my father Jos. G. Cannon The Dean of American Politics \ "«.tu les man »hotr.i- ma Oc a »jioiu'crm r«.\orü throughout .1 inn« ' K or i'uoii. -ernte. . ■ • Politician, Statesman, Sage, Philosopher, and an un qualified success as each—such is the somewhat unique record of "Uncle Joe" Cannon. Mr. Cannon is one of that number of great Ameri cans who have attained the height of prominence unaid ed, except for his own wonderful ability. He is shrewd, deep-thinking, quick-acting and essen tially thrifty, as all successful men and women must be. Thrift, after all, is the primary requisite for success. With it all things are possible. Without it, no real prog ress can be made—no matter what other desirable quali ties may be present. A savings account in this bank would be a start in the right direction. DIRECTORS: E. B. DUBUISSON, CHAS. F. BOAGNI, R. LeBOURGEOIS, ROBERT SANDOZ, A. LEON DUPRE. OFFICERS: E. B. Dubuisson, President. Chas. F. Boagni, Vice-President. A. Leon Dupre, V.-Pres. and Cashier M. J. Pulford, Assistant Cashier. Arthur A. Comeau, Assistant Cashier Robert L. Fields, Utility. PARKER-BOUANCHAUD ITINERARY —FOR THE— SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CALCASIEU PARISH SATURDAY, DEC. 13 SUNDAY, DEC. 14 Hayes.......... 10:00 A. M. Vinton.......... 3:30 P. M. Sulphur........ 7:30 P. M. (Spend night at Crowley.) Church. Point .... 10:30 A.M. (Acadia Parish.) Eunice .........3:30 P. M. (St Landry Parish.) ACADIA PARISH .Iota .11:00 A. M. MONDAY, DEC 15^=VS&£ JEFFERSpN DAVIS PARISH TUESDAY DEG. 16 2:00 p M lUUVAI, IV Uke Arthur ..... 7:30 p. m. CAMERON PARISH Grand Chenier ... 11:0C A. M. Leesburg ........ 2:00 P. M. Lake Charles.....7:30 P. M. (Calcasieu Parish.) WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17 ALLEN PARISH THURSDAY, DEC. 18 Oberlin.........10:30 A. M. Sugartown......3:30 P. M. (Beauregard Pariah.) Oakdale........ 7:30 P. M. (Allen Parish.) BEAUREGARD PARISH Merryville.......11:00 A. M. (Beauregard Parish.) DeRidder........2:00 P.M. Kinder.........10:00 A. M. (Allen Parish.) Elton ........ 1:00 P.M. (Jeff Davis Parish.) (From here via Frisco to Opelousas.) FRIDAY, DEC. 19 SATURDAY, DEC. 20 ST. LANDRY PARISH SUNDAY, MONDAY, DEC. 21 DEC. -22 Leonville........10:30 A. M. Arnaudville.....3:00 P. M. Sunset.......... 6:00 P. M. Melville........ 1:00 P.M. Opelousas......7:30 P. M. EVANGELINE PARISH TUESDAY, DEC. 23 Grand Prairie ... .10:30 A. M. (St. Landry Parish.) Ville Platte...... 1:00 P. M. Mamou......... 4:00 P. M. a nice sow pig and kept tow nice meat hogs, each of which now weighs 231 pounds. These are entered In the club contest for the greatest gains in weight now being carried on in this parish. "On September 16 my sow farrow ed ten more fine pigs, practically all of which are already sold .and at present the sow and pigs are worth at least two hundred and twenty-five dollars. "My record in the pig club work •von for me a scholarship at the an nual short course at the Louisiana State University, which I attended [with much profit and pleasure^' J. L. Fletcher, Jr., demonstration agent in Union parish, reports that this young man is also a member of the boys' corn club. "Last year," says Mr. Fletcher, "when the corn crop was almost a total failure in this section, Lester made twenty-five bushels of corn on his acre, which is more than the average yield for the parish in the best years." FOR SALE Detroit Automatic Scale, practi cally new and one 120 gallon capa city Bowser Automatic Oil Tank, half gallon stroke. If you want a real bargain, see THE STAR-PROGRESS. oct4-tf