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PARKER-BOUANCHAUD « )f I ftt AAA **'**** : *' :, ^* ,! " i '^ w * * *** * THIBODEAUX ELECTED SHERIFF; LASTRAPES CLERK "nOLAN & ANDREPONT Publishers Book end Job Printers, star-progress BUILDING, The Star _the_ OFFICIAL JOURNAL —OF THE— PARISH OF ST. LANDRY VOLUME XI—NO. 14 OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE PARKER SWEEPS THE STATE AND PARISH FOR GOVERNOR Aati-Ring Candidate Elected by Surprising Majority Over Col. Frank P. Stubbs ST LANDRY RETURNS THE BANNER MAJORITY loonanchaud for Second Place Leads All Candidates, Be Btg Popular With All There never was any doubt as to the Porker ticket having a majority à St Landry parish, but now even the most enthusiastic supporter of the independent candidate had any ides that old SL Landry would roll ap s majority of more than fourteen handled for the Orleans candidate. Bmritt Bouanchaud's majority for lieutenant governor, in St. Landry, appears to have been above the eight ten hundred mark, apaprently having led Mr. Parker. Seven precincts, all bat one going for Parker by substan tial majorities, have not been heard •n the lieutenant governorship, tritiwut them Mr. Bouanchaud a bad over his opponent of 1, tes. In Opelousas the Pointe "eajan" received the flatter majority of 221 votes, while at ! Croche, where Parker receiv i majority of 31 vptes, he led Gil by 191 majority. Of the polls [ from not one has gone for Gil Krotz Springs, having gone for Returned a majority of one ' Bouanchaud. Only two polls in the entire parish rent for Stubbs, these being Waxia two and Krotz Springs by 5. which gave Pleasant a ►1 majority four years ago, went ■ Parker by a vote of 153 to 24. Landi y Parker leaders felt ju over hte returns Tuesday it was early indicated 'candidate had rolled up five votes more than they ex » would. It has been con estimated that Parker r a majority in the neigh of 1,000. Opelousas, which Hied by the Stubbs forces, re . a majority of 119 for the in t candidate for governor, ia the unofficial tabula ' governor and lieutenant gov • by precincts in St. Landry: FOR GOVERNOR Parker Stubbs 278 24 1 lee Cloche ..... . 156 125 id Coteau ...... 54 . 36 11 105 SÖGVj Uc ....... . 127 74 » Current ..... 7 29 13 41 9 16 ........... 15 h Springs . . 20 50 *d Prairie..... 84 5 2 23 ........ 140 ®w»me Point .. .. 152 40 ■Hp *........ 1223 «sot's majority, 1,423. ! Lieutenant governor Bounehaud Gilbert 439 217 ! Carrent Ptairie kerr and horn win with ease City Judge and Marshal are Re Elected in First Ward by Handsome Majorities Judge E. S. Kerr and Marshal Plais Horn of the Opelousas city court de feated their respective opponents George T. Edwards and Joseph An selm, last Tuesday with apparent ease, both successful candidates mak ing a wonderful race and carrying both precincts, Opelousas and Belle vue, by large majorities. Judge Kerr has been on the bench of the city court since its establish ment, as has also Mr. Horn been the marshal of the tribunal. Both are popular with the voters of their ju risdiction and their re-election attests to their strength among the rank and file of the people of the ward. The vot# for each of the candidates is as follows : Vote for City Judge Precinct Edwards Opelousas ..............271 Bellevue ............... 29 Totals ...............300 Precinct Vote for Marchai Anselm Opelousas ..............268 Bellevue ............... 6 Totals ...............274 448 469 Judge Kerr's majority over Mr. Ed wards is 148 votes, while Mr. Horn's majority over Mr. Anselm is 195. The Vote for Sheriff Throughout Parish (Note—The first column of figures is the number of votes Ariel Fonte not received at the different precincts and the second column represents Mr. Thibodeaux's vote.) Opelousas ......... 374 310 Plaisance ......... 95 66 Bellevue........... 51 15 Grand Coteau ..... 70 152 Coulee Croche ..... 52 230 Leonville.......... 73 222 Notleyville ........ 5 42 Arnaudville ....... 74 125 'Bayou Current..... 12 If Melville ........... 51 61 Waxia ............ 8 20 Palmetto ......... . 30 31 Big Cane ......... 25 30 Morrow ........... 33 22 Port Barre ........ 31 86 Krotz Springs ..... 23 12 Washington ....... 129 68 Garland........... 5 20 Whiteville ......... 36 47 Grand Prairie ..... 88 115 Barbreck.......... 8 17 Faquetaique ....... 10 24 Mallet ............ 94 100 Plaquemine Point .. 72 116 Eunice............ 290 211 Totals .......... .1738 2168 Popular School Teacher To Be Married Next Month The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Liz A. Marrioneaux, former teacher in the Opelousas high school, to Mr. Levere Bird, at Plaque mine, Iberiville parish, La., on Feb ruary 2. This information comes as news to the many friends here of the bride-to-be, who during her stay in this city made many acquaintances, all of whom wish her and the fortu nate groom all the joys of a happily married life. Knights of Columbus Organize a Club Here The K. of C. Club was organized here Wednesday night by the mem bers of Opelousas Council, Knights of Columbus, for the purpose of pro moting the social features of the council. The following were elected officers: Lawrence B. Sandoz, pres ident; Jos. D. Chachere, vice presi dent; C. W. Roy, secretary; Frank C. Fox, treasurer; A. A. Mendoza, cus todian. The club will have its first entertainment on February 2. —Jim Bellard, prominent citizen of the Mallet section, was here on last Thursday. Whiteville .......... 69 8 Eunice ............ 383 108 Faquetaique............... Plaquemine Point .... 154 38 Mallet ............. 130 62 Totals ......'......2397' 828 Bouanchaud's majority in polls reported, 1,571 votes; indicated ma jority, 1,850 votes in the parish. ly by ed by of the ton up has on the of or or in in BRIEF RESUME OF THE ELECTION RESULTS IN ST. LANDRY Thibodeaux Wins for Sheriff Over Fontenot in Hotly Con tested Race for Place CLERK AND ASSESSOR RIDE A LANDSLIDE Dupre, Alex Lafleur and Schell New Representatives in the Next General Assembly There never was an election in St. Landry parish that did not attract deep attention. By the same token there never was one that was not hot ly contested—that is, when the con test involved parish offices. This old story held good in the election last Tuesday, and while there was a seem ing absence of vituperation, general mud-slinging and the like, still there was an apparent deep interest taken by voters as well as the many can didates for office in the final result. This was evidenced by the tremen dous vote polled in every one of the twenty-five precincts, practically ev ery man qualified under the law go ing up and registering his free Amer ican privilege as to which candidates should hold office for the next four years. As usual, the race for sheriff was the one which attracted most atten tion, both candidates being well known throughout the parish and uni versally popular with their many friends, supporters and backers. Their popularity in the various pre cincts of the parish shows how each stood in those particular localities. The vote has been cast and count ed and Charles Thibodeaux has won by a handsome majority. Ariel Fon tenot having met defeat at the hands of the successful candidate. Mr. Fontenot made a splendid showing, having carried the three precincts of the first ward ; the two ns of Washing ton and Eunice by handsome majori ties, and only the big majorities piled up against him in the second and third wards (always conceded as being strongholds of Mr. Thibodeaux) would have proved a formidable can didate indeed. The new sheriff is known to prac tically every man in this parish. Ha has been a candidate for the same of fice, as well as that of assessor, in elections before, but this is the only time in which he ha3 appeared be fore the people as a candidate for of fice that he has been successful. His majority at the various polls is 430 on the complete returns. In a signed statement, published eleswhere, Mr. Thibodeaux thanks the voters for their vote of confidence and assures them that he will make his campaign promises good and that he proposes, among other things, to make St. Lan dry a clean place morally and one in which any man would be proud to live in. The contest for clerk of court be tween Mr. Lastrapes, the incumbent, and Mr. John M. Prescott was one of the cleanest political fights ever staged in St. Landry.. Both were ac knowledged as being splendid types of citizenship, thoroughly capable, and the selection of either would have assured the people of the parish a fine administration of the off ice.. Mr. Lastrapes is the winner, his majority attesting his universal popularity among the voters and a testimonial from all that his services have been appreciated. On the other Jiand, Mr. Prescott, who has never been in pol itics as a candidate for a parish of fice, made a fairly good showing, con sidering the fact that he went up against one of the most popular and strongest men in the parish. Rene C. Fontenot, known far and wide as 'Rene Black," won for assess or hands down. He carried nineteen or twenty of the twenty-five pre cincts of the parish and his total ma jority mounts up close to one thou sand. His unsuccessful opponent, Mr. Andrus, who has held the office the past four years, was the victim in many cases of the assessment law in force and is in no wise to blame for-the higher taxation. The people, however, would not look at the mat ter in this light, blaming the big in crease of taxes to the assessor and ! , j i ] JUDGE DUPRE EXTENDS * THANKS TO VOTERS * Opelousas, La., Jan. 22, 1920. * To the Voers of the Parish of St. * Landry: Permit me to heartfelt thank * you for the expression of eonfi- * dence shown me by your votes * on the 20th instant. I should be * insensible indeed if I were not * deeply touched at this manifesta' * tion of your esteem and eonfi- * dence. You can rest assured I * am going to prove worthy of the * confidence bestowed upon me, * and that I am going to serve you * with an eye single to the public * good. * Gratefully yours, GILBERT L. DUPRE. * CANDY KITCHEN IS UP TO DATE Installs Electric Piano and Will Allow Dancing After the Very Busy Hours Pass Mamalikas & Balias, the genial proprietors of the well known confec tionery, the Candy Kitchen, on Lan dry street, announce the installation of a magnificent new Cremona elec tric piano in their up-to-date estab lishment, and that hereafter music of all sorts will be furnished free to the many patrons of this popular place. They also state that dancing will be allowed after the busy rush, and as their place of business is so commo dious the lovers of the terpsichorean art will always have the opportunity, to indulge in this pastime. The Candy Kitchen has always been a very popular resort, and with this addition to its many attractions, its large patronage undoubtedly will increase rapidly. ! ; ° , Recapitulation of the Vote Cast for Coroner Tuesday j , (Note—The following is the entire vote cast for coroner in the election i Tuesday. The first column of fig ures represents the vote received by Dr. W. R. Lastrapes; the second col umn the vote received by Dr. R. M. Littell. ) Opelousas ........ . . 216 461 Plaisance ........ 68 93 Bellevue.......... 28 38 Grand Coteau .... 65 •153 Coulee Croche .... .. 107 175 Leonville ........ .. 122 172 Notleyville ....... 3 43 Arnaudville....... 49 148 Bayou Current .... 5 24 Melville .......... 38 71 Waxia ........... 10 18 Palmetto ......... 11 50 Big Cane ........ 14 42 Morrow .......... 10 45 Port Barre ........ 22 94 Krotz Springs .... 15 19 Washington....... 72 127 Garland.......... 3 26 Whiteville ........ 25 52 Grand Prairie .... 44 161 Barbreck ......... 11 14 Faquetaique ...... 4 28 Mallet ........... . . 115 79 Plaquemine Point .. 85 107 Eunice........... . . 167 244 Totals ......... ...1209 2484 Race for the State Senate Between Three Candidates The three candidates for the state senate, Messrs. Barousse, Haas and Mouton, one from each of the three parishes constituting the district, all made a splendid showing in St. for this reason they undoubtedly vot ed against him by hundreds. Dr. R. M. Littell, who has been the coroner off and on for many years, ] evidently holds his grip on the confi dence of the people of St. Landry, as he defeated his opponent, Dr. W. R. Lastrapes, by a handsome majority and will again act in his old capacity for the next four years. In the six-sided race for three seats in the lower house of the gen eral assembly, Judge Dupre led the field of parish candidates, receiving over three thousand votes, while his colleague in the last assembly, Mr. Eastham, who was also a candidate for re-election, went down in defeat. The three members who will represent St. Landry in the next legislature are G. L. Dupre, Alex Lafleur and J. Franklin Schell, Mr. Jas. J. Lewis of Eunice losing by a small margin. NEXT POUCE JURY TO HAVE MAJORITY NEW MEMBERS Only Seven of the Sixteen Had Seats in the Body Which Will Retire In Spring SOME WERE DEFEATED AND A FEW DID NOT RUN Larcade, Catlett and McCoy Defeated and Other Old Ones Did Not Enter As a result of the Tuesday election the next police jury will have nine new members and only seven old ones in its membership. Several of the old members did not stand for re-elec tion, while several who did stand were defeated. In the first ward both Mr. Larcade and Mr. Pitre were defeated and in the second ward Mr. Dailey, who has been a member for many years, did not stand for re-election, and will be succeeded by a new man. In the third ward Dr. Pavy will come back and one new member, Mr. Moreau. Both were nominated without opposition. In the fourth ward Mr. Catlett was deefated and Mr. Rushing did not run and bis seat will be filled by Mr. Go deau, a new member. The other new member is Mr. Clopton. In the fifth ward neither Mr. Martin nor Mr. Doucet were candidates, while the other old member, Mr. Sylvestre, has been re-elected. The two new mem bers from the fifth are Mr. Desho tels and Mr. McCaffery, the latter having been a member of a previous police jury. Over in the sixth Mr. De jean will succeed himself, while Mr. McCoy, who was defeated, will be succeeded by Mr. Guillory. Here is the vote for various can didates in the six wards of the parish : First Police Jury Ward E. M. Dupre.................536 H. D. Larcade, Sr............509 R. Lee Mills .................719 F. H. Phillips................574 Jules P. Pitre................452 Jos. T. St. Cyr ..............612 Messrs. Dupre, Mills, Phillips and St. Cyr are the winners. Second Police Jury Ward E. A. Cumings ............. 477 C laverie Guidroz ............287 Arthibus Landry .............232 Messrs. Cummings and Guidroz are the winners. Third Police Jury Ward Fourth Police Jury Ward W. F. Brown ................245 K. T. Catlett ................170 B. W. Clopton................422 Mr. Godeau..................400 A. A. Richard................224 Messrs. Clopton, • Godeau and Brown are the winners. Dr. F. O. Pavy and Mr. Moreau were both nominated without oppo sition. Fifth Police Jury Ward J. E. Bacon .................257 J; E. Beall ..................253 Thos. McCaffery .............275 A. Deshotels ........ 325 A. Sylvestre .................272 H. B. Walters................206 Messrs. McCaffery, Deshotels and Sylvestre are the winners. Sixth Police Jury Ward C. N. Bertrand ..............307 Peter Brown.................315 W. C. Dejean................445 E. O. Guillory ...............509 Allen McCoy ................215 Messrs. Dejean and Guillory, hav- ing led the ticket, are the winners. -o- Strikers Use Sun Glass to Burn Argentine Wheat Dispatches from the province of Cordoba, in Argentine, report that the agrarian strikers of the district are using sun glasses to destroy the wheat stacks. This is the explanation of the mysterious manner in which the wheat stacks have bee^j burned re cently. The glasses are placed in po Landry. Full returns from the other three parishes have not been received in Opelousas up to Friday, hence it is unknown who has won out for the two seats, though it was reported that Barousse and Mouton had won. The following is the vote for St. Landry: Barousse ...................2492 TT»n« .......................2544 Mouton ..................* * 2225 FULL VOTE FOR LEGISLATURE Dupre Makes Remarkable Run and Shell and Lewis May Have to Run Over The six-cornered race for the three seats in the lower house of the state legislature were hotly contested for by the six candidates last Tuesday. It was a foregone conclusion that Judge Gilbert L. Dupre would be one of the lucky ones and he has led the ticket. Mr. Eastham, who was one of the representatives from this parish in the last general assembly, went down to defeat, while on the face of the fol lowing returns Mr. Alex Lafleur of Washington has won out, and if there is a second primary for the third seat it will be between Mr. Schell and Mr. Lewis, who were third and fourth in the race. A calculation of the vote, according to the methods heretofore used shows that neither Mr. Schell nor Mr. Lewis received a majority of the votes cast, hence both are entitled to enter a second primary for the last seat. Here is the vote for each of the six candidates: Dupre .....................3112 Eastham ...................1533 A. Lafleur .................1963 P. W. Lafleur ..............1481 Lewis............... 1632 Schell .....................1868 o - The Total Vote Cast for Assessor in St. Landry (Note—The following vote was cast in the pariah last Tuesday. The first column of figures represent the vote received by Mr. A. L. Andrus, while the second column represents the vote cast for Mr. Rene C. Fontenot.) Opelousas .......... 347 336 Plaisance ......... 76 85 Bellevue ........... 29 38 Grand Coteau ...... 150 71 Coulee Croche ...... 127 153 Leonville........... 72 223 Notleyville.......... 29 16 Amaudville......... 47 151 Bayou Current...... 10 18 Melville ............ 73 /39 Waxia ............. 2 26 Palmetto ........... 29 32 Big Cane .......... 22 34 Morrow ............ 28 26 Port Barre .......-... 43 73 Krotz Springs ...... 22 12 Washington ........ 42 154 Garland............ 1 29 Whiteville .......... 10 67 Grand Prairie ...... 32 175 Barbreck........... 4 21 Faquetaique ........ 6 27 Mallet ............. 45 150 Plaquemine Point .... 14 178 Eunice............. 217 268 Totals ............1477 2402 Lastrapes Wins for Clerk By Enormous Majority Note—The following is a table of the votes in the parish for clerk of the district court. The first column rep resents the vote of Mr. Lastrapes, the second column the vote received by Mr. Prescott.) Opelousas .......... 532 149 Plaisance; ..... 148 13 Bellevue............ 25 42 Grand Coteau ...... 169 >54 Coulee Croche ...... 225 56 Leonville ........... 226 72 Notleyville ......... 42 3 Arnaudville......... 155 41 Bayou Current...... 22 7 Melville ............ 91 19 Waxia ............. 25 3 Palmetto ........... 36 26 Big Cane........... 48 8 Morrow ............* 53 3 Port Barre ......... 102 16 Krotz Springs ...... 31 4 Washington ........ 108 91 Garland......... 25 5 Whiteville .......... 76 1 Grand Prairie ...... 138 63 Barbreck........... 24 1 Faquetaique ........ 27 6 Mallet ............. 143 52 Plaquemine Point .... 137 54 Eunice ............ 313 177 Totals ............2921 -o 966 —Mrs. Damon Durio and daughters Mesdames Brinkman and Henderson, of near Port Barre, visited relatives in Opelousas this week. sition during the night, the dispatch es say, and catching the rays of the sun early the next day, cause fires. Incendiarism in Cordoba and Buenos Aires provinces continues. L0E6 DEFEATS BOTH OPPONENTS BY 53 VOTES MAJORITY Ex-Mayor Returned Victor Ov er Mayor Halphen and J. Lawler by Large Vote PRUD'HOMME IS NEW CHIEF OF POUCE Mouret Defeats Bodemuller in Close Race for Alderman at Large and Clark Wins The city democratic primary pass ed off quietly on Tuesday, when 489 voters marched to the four city pre cincts to select their municipal offi cers for the ensuing two years.. Ex-Mayor E. L. Loeb, who was de feated by Mayor Mike Halphen by » majority of twenty-seven votes, two years ago, was returned the victor for that office over the incumbent and J. G. Lawler by a majority of 53 votes. The prettiest race in the municipal scrap was that between A. C. Mouret and H. Bodemuller for alderman-at large. Neither candidate had made any campaign for the office, simply leaving the matter to the will of their friends, and as a result the contest was intensely interesting, Mr. Mouret being elected by a majority of 18 votes. W. L. Prud'homme, better known as "Six-Shooter Bill," won out over George Goodloe, incumbent, for chief of police by a majority of 58 votes. In the fourth ward John W. Clark, well known jeweler, defeated C. P. Dunbar, real estate dealer, by 13 votes for alderman, the vote being Clark 77, Dunbar 59. Followings is the vote by wards for the various offices: For Mayor FIRST WARD— Halphen .... 48 Lawler.................*......31 Loeb ........... !............5® SECOND WARD— Halphen .....................28 Lawler.......................26 Loeb .............. 62. THIRD WARD— Halphen —......... 18 Lawler.......................20 Loeb ...... 70> FOURTH WARD— Halphen ......................27 Lawler ......................2T Loeb ...... 83 TOTALS— Halphen ....................114 Lawler .....* ................104 Loeb .......................271 Aldonaaa-at-Largo FIRST WARD— Bodemuller ....' ...............69 Mouret ......................64 SECOND WARD— Bodemuller ................. .34 Mouret ......................57 THIRD WARD— Bodemuller........... 49 Mouret ......... 57 FOURTH WARD— Bodemuller........ 61 Mouret............... 73 TOTALS— Bodemuller........ 233 Mouret ................. ,...251 Chief of Poise* FIRST WARD— Goodloe......................72 Prud'homme ..................64 SECOND WARD— Goodloe ............. 45 Prud'homme .............. 66 THIRD WARD— Goodloe ......................36 Prud'homme ......... 72 FOURTH WARD— Goodloe ................ 61 Prud'homme ..................70 TOTALS— Goodloe............ 214 Prud'homme .................272 WHITE-CLARK Mr. J. W. White, prominent cotton buyer of Gueydan and a brother to a former Opelousean, Louis White, and Miss Eunice Clark of Church Point were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sully on last Wedensday evening by the Rev. J. D. Harper. The couple enjoys a large circle of friends in this city and surroundings, all of whom join the Star-Progress in wishing them happiness and prosper ity in their wedding journey.