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VIA L- 4 , AT. ANDRY CLARION Li r ""Here Shall the Press the People's Rights Maintain, Unawed by influence and Unbribed by Cain." .-O. 31. OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1894.1 PER YEAR. Adjoining the Opera House. --JUST OPENED WITH A Large Stock of Hardware. A FINE LINE OF "STOVES, TINWARE, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BARB WIRE, NAILS, ETC. -AND AN ELEGANT LINE OF Pocket and Table Cutlery! Agent feor the famous BUCK'S BRILLIANT Stoves and for the Q U ICKIj ',AL Gasoline Stoves. rh..-3m. A. I-AC K L. NEW JEWLRY _STORE. FRANK J. DIETLEIN, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, .JŽN. D ENGC-RA'V]-EIR, Has just opened his Jewelry Store and Watch Repairing Establishment, on Lan dry Street, near the bank, where he will keep for sale, at the most reasonable prices, a full and select stock of Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Ware, Plated Ware, and every thing to be fonnd in a first-class establishment. Repairing of Watches, (locks andl Jewelry, given prompt attention and work guaranteed. Public Patronage Respectfully Solicited. m5 "+ n7tM. LING , +" FASIIOT.ABLE BARBEIE 10 LA D'Y STRmEET, NEAR THE BANK BUILDING. - FRANK DIETLEIN. J. T. SKIPPER. DIETLEIN & SKIPPER, BICYCLE DEALERS. WE HANDLE THE Victor, Gormully & Jeffrey. Columbia, Cleveland and several other high grade wheels. Bicycles sold on - i easy payments. Correspondence solicited. . Address or call on DIETLEIN & SKIPPER, mch 17-3m OPELOUSAS, LA. LEWIS & LACOMBE, UL , FIRE E, es Opelousas, La. All Classes of City Risks Insured Also--SUGAR HOUSES, .T LOWEST CURRENT RATES. SAW MILLS AND GIN HOUSES. All Property Worth Owning is Worth Insuring. Losses promptly adjusted and paid at Opelousas, La. apl7y C. Lazard Co. Limited, S0e TH--HE OLD RELI7.BLE One Price Clothiers, Furnishers, and Hatters, 29, 31 and 33 Canal Street~ Cor. North Peters, New Orleans. Notice. LaD OFFICE AT NEw OnmEAs,. -xprl v, 1 . LAD Or.icE AT Nuw ORLa.AN. Notice is hereby given that the following April 27. 1894. named settler has liled notice of his lnten Notice Is hereby given that the followitng tion to make final proof in support of his named settler has tiled notice of his i .ten- claim, and that said proof will be made be tlon to make final proot in support of his fore E. North Cullom, U. S. Commisslonerat claim, and that said roof will be mader - ogelousas, La., on Monday, June 4, 1594, Opelomas, on Tuesday, June 12,151, ViZ: THEOPHILE REED, ARMAND HEIBERT, who made Homestead Entry No. i567, for who made Homestead Entry No. 9891, for the Et of NWV and WA2 of N~1 Sec. ~a Tp. t R I W.Wa Meri dian. i names heollowng witnesses tor - a naees the following witnesses to his continuous residence upon and eu tiva prove , is costlM resiaence upon and tion of.rid lan, viz ......... ,A ate Fustier.. Henry Ed. Solean, Granger, Uole Ilanueli, all of St. Landry S y Joseph Belon. an otf St. iLandry Parish. La. "·c Bd R Y S mafi t .Mo. B earsy newlter. ,5 aCnnt. Register. Public Sale. ESTATE OF THEOPHILE B. FONTENOT. No. 5296, Probate Docket, District Court, Parish of St. Landry. By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Ju dicial District Court in and for the parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auc tion, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administrator, or by a public auctioneer, at the last residence of the de ceased, at Prairie Mamon, on Thursday, May, 31, 1894, the following described property belonging to the above estate, to-wit: The plantation on which the deceased last resided, situated in Prairie Mamouth, St. Landry parish, containing one hundred and seventy-three acres, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, bounded on the north by public land, on the south by Gus tave Hollier, on the east by public land, and on the west by the Nez-Plque bayou. One vacherie of cattle, consisting of about seventy head; fifteen head of gentle cattle; one brown horse; one reaper, one wagon; one pair oxen; a lot of farming Implements; one saddle horse; one shot gun; a lot of household furniture; all the buildings and hmprovements on homestead entry No.~ 184i2, It being SEI of NET of NRW of SESI and lots 3, 5 and 6, of section 12 In township i I south of range 1 W, La. La. Meridian. r Terms and Conditions.-The land to be C sold for $260 cash, balance of purchase price c payable in two equal annual Installments, c with s per cent. annual interest from date of sale, special mortgage and 10 per cent. attorney's fees. The movables: All adju dlcations of ten dollars and under, cash; over ten dollars payable in two equal an nual payments, with 8 per cent. interest from day of sale; purchasers of movables to furnish security to the satisfaction of the administrator. AZELIEN FIIUGE, apl2S 6t Administrator. Public Sale. ESTATE OF ALPHONSI.E LASTRAPES, DECEASED, IN COMMUNITV WITH HIER SURVIVING HUSBAND. No. 5~i8, PROBATE DOCKET, DISTICT COURT, PA.luis OF ST. LAN-DRY. By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Ju dicial District Court in and for the parish C of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administrator, or by a public auctioneer, at the residence of Hon. E. T. Lewis, near Opelousas, St. Lan dry parish, La., on WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, 1894, the following described property belonging to the above estate, to-wit: A certain tract of land situated about two mniles southwest of the town of Opelousas, La., containing twenty acres, together with all the buildings and improvements situated thereon, consisting of a dwelling house, carriage house, barn and stable, two small shed houses, one outhouse, and described as follows: beginning from point C at south east corner of said Mrs. Alphonse Lastrapes land, thence along the lower side line No. 68 degrees 15 minutes thirty-four chains to the southeast corner of E. T. Lewis' land No. , 65 east 1380 chains and set-post, thence 88 degrees 15 minutes 1264 chains and a set-post thence south 1065 w. 1580 chains to lower side lne of said Mrs. A. Lastrapes' land and set post, thence south 88 degrees 15 east 1264 chains to the place of beginning. This land Is at present bounded north, east and west by lands of the estateof Alphonse Lastrapes deceased, and south by lands of Mrs. Gilles pie, being the same property acquired by E. r. Lewis of Marianne Bullard, wife of Al phonse Lastrapes, on the 18th of June, 1868, recorded in alienation book It. No. 1, folio 98. Terms-Cash. E. T. LEWIS apl 14-5t Administrator. ~ 15 * It SHERIFF'S SALE. EMILY ROACH, WIDOW, VS. EDWARD ALCOTT. NO. 15Ai, 11TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LIANDRY, LA. By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale Is sued out of the Hon. 11th Judicial District Court in and for the parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled and numbered suit, and to me directed, I have seized and will pro ceed to sell at public outcry, to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the courthouse at Opelousas, on Saturday, May 26, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. in., the following described property, to-wit: A tract of land in St. Landry parish, La., containing one hundred and six acres more or less, situated one-half mile east of Bayou .muf, in Tp. 4 South of Range 4 East, La. meridian, being the northern part of Sec tion (57) fifty-seven and a part of Section (61) sixty-one; bounded north by Beggs, south by State road, east and west by Beggs, formerly by James Anderson, being same property acquired by inheritance from Geo. W. Htudspeth, and by heirs of Green Hud speth, as per act in book S, page 720; clerk's office. Terms-Cash. T. S. FONTENOT, ap1216t Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landry. Public Sale. ESTATE OF JOSEPH CELESTIN, DEC'D. No. 5287, PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. Ily virtue of an order of the ~on. 11th Ju dicial District Court in and for hne parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auc tion, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administrator, or by a public auctioneer, at the last residence of the de ceased at Mamouth, on Wednesday, May 23rd, 1894, the following described property, be longing to the estate of Joseph Celestin, deceased, to-wit: 1st. A certain piece of prairie land situated In the parish of St. Landry, in BigMamouth, together with one house and fencing, con taining Two Hundred and Twelve arpents of land, bounded on the north by Etienne Fusiller, on the south by Ollvriel Guillory and Louisa Victorianne, and on the west by lands of Tom Isacks. TERMS-Cash. JOSEPH CELESTIN, apl21 St Administrator. PUBLIC SALE. ESTATE OF ALPHONSE LASTRAPES, DE CEASED. No. 5038, Probate Docket, District Court, St. Landry Parish, La. By virtue ofanorderof the IIon. 11th judi clal district court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auc tion, at the residence of Hon. E. T. Lewis, near Opelousas, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, I894, the following described property, belonging to the above estate, to-wit: An Irregulartract of land containing about 10 acres more or less, lying southwest of the town of Opelousas about two miles, and be ing part of the land belonging to said estate described as follows: Bounded on the south by lands belonging to Mrs. Gillesple and to E. T. Lewis, on the east by land belonging to the estate, being lot No. 6 of plat of lands of the estate, and by land belonging to H. L. Garland, on the north by lot No. 4 of said plat. designated by a gully, and on the west by the public road or lot \o. 3 of said plat, said land to be sold being lot No. 5 of plat of lands of the estate on file in the record. This land is to be sold exclusive of the Improvements. Terms--Cash. apl 14-5t E. T. LEWIS, Executor. Notice. LAND OFFICE AT N.w OawAs, March 30, less. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore E. North Culiom, U. S. Commissioner. at Opelousas, on Saturday, May 12, 1684, vis: JEAN M. VIDRINE, who made Homestead Entry No. 11006 for the W4 of SEA and Ets of SW'% Sec. 20 Tp. I S. R. 1. West, La. Meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Honest Ardotn, Alcee Gaullory, iSdney Fontenot, ThomaDaA'elllon. apl7 St G. McD. BiWUMJIT. Riegister. TI-I E CHAMPION, SELF EEA.TINTG Gas Flat iron. No Iore Fire on Ironing Day. Iatks its on Gas. Absolutely Safe to Handle. Saves Money, Time, Labor, Fuel. Will last a LMelf e. Seeing is Believing. PRICE $5.00. Very shortly Mr. Arthur Gardlner of Sun set will shortly begin canvassing in this pe-rish and give every-ine interested an op portunity of seeing one of the greatest mo ney saving inveitionsof the age. Any one desiring to buy parish rights In this State can apply to me by mall or in person at my orce in Grand Coteau. E. V, BARRY, Agent, may 28-3m Grand Coteau and Sunset, La. TOTICE OF TABLEAU. ESTATE OF SOPIIIA COLLINS. No. -, Probate Docket, District Court, Parish of St. Landry. Whereas, R. Percy Collins, administrator of the above estate, has filed his tableau of classification of debts of said estate, ac companied by his petition praying for the homologation of same, and Whereas, the prayer of said petition has been granted by an order of court bearing date Now, tihrefore. notice is hereby given to all parties interested to make opposition to saidtableau to file same In writing In my office, within the time required by law why the said tableau should not be homologated and confirmed. May 5-2t C. M. THOMPSON, Clerk. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. ESTATE OPF PAULINA GUILLORY, DECEAS ED WIFE OF JOSEPH J. LANDRENEAU. No. 5284, 11th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry. WntiTRAs, Alphonse Levy, of the Parish of St. Landry, has applied by his petition to be appointed administrator of the estate of Paulina Gulllory, deceased. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all par ties Interested to make opposition to said appointment, to file same in writing, in my office in Opelousas, within ten days from the date of this notice. C. M. THOMPSON, May 5-2t Clerk of Court. Notice. LAND OFFICE AT NEW ORLEANS, May 1, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore B. Bloomfield, U. S. Commissioner, at Opelousas, La., on Tuesday, June 12, 1894, viz: THEODORE DOGUET, who made homestead entry No. 10i80, for the Wm of SEIt and Eta of SW", Sec 34 Tp 6 S 2 West, La. Meridian, iHe names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Anatole Bellon, Adam'Young, F. X. Ben non, Jessy Young, Sr, all of St. Landry par ish, La. may 56t ,. McD. BRU3MBY, Register. FOR SERVICE. The best bred trotting stallion in Lou isiana, combining the blood of Hamble tonian 10, Geo. Wilkes, Nutwood, Bel mont, Electioneer, Onward, Strathmore, King Rene, Mambrino Chief, Maud S, Sunol, Direct, Directum, Palo Alto, Ax tell, Allerton and almost every turf ce lebrity. The stallion referred to is strictly trotting bred, and a trotter; lim ited to a few ouside mares, at $15.00 cash. The above can be substantiated by the records. He combines six great brood mares in his pedigree. Who is the own er of a stallion who can say as much. Call at Sunset Stock farm, St. Landry parish, La,. apl 28-4t $10 REWARD! Lost, Strayed or Stolen F ROM ME, AT BELLEVUE, ON the 17th of April, one roan filly four years old, branded thus: foretop cut, tall but slender, a colt of Milan Wilkes. A reward of Ten Dollars will be paid for its return to me at Ilevue. CLIFTON LEMONS. April 28-1m. NOTICE. The undersigned hereby give notice that they will at the ensuing session of the Legislature, introduce a bill for the purpose of having the State donate to the St. Landry High School, the prop erty known as Franklin College. V. K. IaoN, THos. H. LEwIs J. J. THoxPsON. a21430d. Trustees of Franklin College. FOR RENT. O(NE HUNDRED ARPENTS OF Land, with buildings and improve- t ments, known as the "Franklin College Property." For particulars, apply to either of the undersigned. T. II. LEWIs, Trustees J. J. TRoMPsoN, fl0tf V. K. Iuios. Notice to the Public. VILLE PLATTr, LA., April 10, 1894. I take pleasure in notifying my friends and the public generally that I will give especial attention to all succession business entrust ed to my care and will promptly settle to the satisfaction of all parties any and all such business. L. J. DO-SSMANN, api 14-nm Notary Public. For Sale. An improved plantation with stock and implements, three miles south of Opelousas, in Bellevue, containing 766 acres. Apply to DR. E. S. BARRY, feb 17-3m Opelousas, La. ! TAlElEN UP by the undersigned, at Cataro, four miles north of Washington, a red, sway back cow, about five years old, branded. on left hip about thus: S, and left ear t with two underbits, and right ear with i one underbit. Owner will please call c and prove property and pay costs; if not claimed within six weeks will kill her. a28-5t. T. It. CARROLL, SR. TAKEN UP By the undersigned, near Sunset, La., a dark brown mare about four years old this 1 spring, branded thus: 716. Owner can hae property by proving same and paying costs of this advertisement. aplia-St ALEX. BuRLEIGIIH. OT'I'ICE.-I will apply to the Legis lature at its next session for the re-im bursement of moneys paid to the State for Lots 1 and 2, Section 29 in Tp 1 S R 8 E, patented to me Feb. 21,184 GEORGE O. ELMS. Opelousas, April 25th, 1i91. spl28-tf COTTAGES, Celntra ated nd quet nU17itf tel OS5 SUCCESSION SALE. LSTATE OF LOUISE RICHARD, WI DOW WM. LABARGE. o. 5295, Probate Docket, District Court, Parish of St. Landry. By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Judicial District Court in and for the parish of St. Landrf, there will be sold %t public auction, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administra tor, or by a public auctioneer, at the res idence of Louis Johns, at Cataro, where leceased last resided, on Tuesday, June 12, 1894, the following described property belong Eng to the above estate, to-wit: A certain plantation situated at Ville Platte prairie, St. Landry parish, La, iontaining one hundred (100) arpents, bounded north by Paulin L. Fontenot, outh by land of'Edgar Lafleur, east by Valcour Soileau, and west by lands of V. Soileau and Edgar Lafleur, being the iame property acquired by Louise Rich trd, deceased at the public sale of her leceased husband, William Labarge. One bay horse; one dark bay horse; ne sorrel mare and colt; one brindle sow; one blue beef; two head of hogs; ne old wagon; one open top buggy; me toilet; two bedsteads; two feather beds, and a lot of bedding; one armoir; me lot of bed covers; one lot of tables; washboard and lot of chairs; one lot of :rockery, cooking utensils; lot of car penter tools; one branding iron. Terms and Conditions.-All the mov tile property to be sold payable on the first of December, 1894, purchasers to fur aish their promissory notes with two Jood and solvent securities to the satis faction of the administrator. The plan' tation to be sold and parable in three equal installments, as follows: On the tirst day of January, 1895, first day of January, 1896, and first day of January, 1897, purchasers to furnish their notes with two solvent personal securities bearing eight per cent. per annum in terest from the first day of January, 1889, until paid, and ten per cent. for at torney's fees in case of suit to enforce payment of same, PIERRE B3AUDOIN, may125t Administrator. S HIERIFF'S SALE. MICHEL LION VERSUS CHRISTIAN MORNHINVEG, JR. No. 13803, 11th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Hon. 11th Judicial D.iMot Court in and for the parish of St. Ldry, in the above entitled and numbered suit, and to me directed, I have seized and will proceed to sell at public outcry, to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the courthouse at Opelousas, on Saturday, June 16, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. m, the following des cribed property, to-wit: All the rights, title and interest in and unto the undivided one-fifth of the property following, to-wit: A certain plantation situated in St. Landry par ish, 4 miles south of the town of Opel ousas, near Rider or Wyble's bridge, con taining '27 arpents superficial measure, together with all the buildings and im provements thereon, bounded as follows: :North and west by lands formerly of John Wyble, now T. S. Richard, east by lands formerly of Andre Wyble, now Martin Zacharie,south by lands former ly of Simon Wyble, now , being same property purchased by C. Morn hinveg, Sr, from John Emrein, Nov. 24, 18V , The undivided one-fifth interest in and to the following property, to-wit: One third of a lot and improvements, boun ded north by Medicis, south by Dietlein, east by Union street, west by Main street. One lot and improvements, bounded north by Grolee street, south by Pasquier, east by Ben Cuney, west by Hollander. Terms.--Cash. T.S. FONTENOT, may6 6t) Sheriff of St. Landry parish. A DMINISTRATION NOTICE. ESTATE OF OZEME DAVID. No. 5291, Probate Docket, District Court, Parish of St. Landry. Whereas, Caroline Guillory, of the parish of St. Landry, has applied by her petition to be appointed admnistratrix of the estate of Ozeme David, deceased. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all parties interested to make opposition to said appointment, to file same in writing in my office in Opelousas within ten days from the date of this notice. May 12 2t C. M. THOMPSON, Clerk. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. ESTATE OF MARGUERITE DAVID. No. 5301, 11TH JUDICIAL DIsrRIcT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. Whereas, Hilaire J. Guillory, of the parish o' St. Landry has applied by his petition to b appointed administrator of the estate of Mirguerite David, dcc'd. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to al parties Interes ted to make opposition to said appointment, to flle same in writing, in my oflce in Opel ousas, within ten days from the date of this notice. C. M. THOMPSON, May 12-2t Clerk of Court. Attention ! Dog Owners. Take warning that after ten days from date of this notice I will kill all dogs found within the corporate limits of the town which do not bear the dog tax stamp. Parties desiring to secure stamps can procure same by applying to me. ARTHLTUR DEJEAN, May 12-2t Town Constable. IN THE STUD! The Trotting Stallion, LOUIS P., RACE RECORD. 2:2194. Sired by Chas. Caftery, trial &:26, and sire of Robbie P. 2:18; Kate Caffery 2:25 and ten more in the 30 list. Dam Julia, dam of Louis P. 2:2194; Wanamaker . 292; and Jennie Cobb 2:304, by Happy Medium, sire of Nan cy Hanks 2:04, and 84 more In the 30 list. Thus it will be seenthat Louis P. Is brad in the height of fashion, that his dam has pro duced three with records better than 304 and is half sister to the great Nancy Hanks and full sister to Maxey Cobb 2:13 who was for 5 years the champion stallion. Louis P. Is as good as his breeding. lie got his mark of 2:294in the 5th heat of a race which he won on a poor half mile track. He started 13 times In s2, and got 11 first moneys and one second. Louis P. Is also the only horse in this parish who is standard under more than one rule. He is by breeding and by performance, and he is the only horse ex cept Currency, who is out of a producing dam : Louis P. has shown himself a sire by siring Fred. P., yearling record 2:45, the champion race yearling of Nebraska, STORM CLOUD, Is sdark brown horse, full sixteen hands high, very showy and has a race record of 2:34. He isb Black Clo7d r8t) sire of Char. maer 2 . and out of Preclosa by Knicker bocker, sire of Onward 2d-0 Stephen G. 21204 and ten others in the 30 lst. These horses will make the season of 1994 at the Tweedle place in Bellevee, foer miles south of OpeloMsas, Louis P. at VA, Storm (load at $1~5. They will make one day of each week at Cherchpoint, and one at Washington. For further imrtlculars, ad aplt-tf Opeloesas, La. NOTISCt.--4mung land trensspess probibiteq ata Oplodaw.'Rlc m~lt"~'""B.o!t IIKRINVEG.~i7 OficiaN l Proceedings of Board of Police. OPELOUSAS, May 7, 1894. Members present: C. J. Thompson, p resident, in the chair; S. L. Hebrard, E. S. Andrus, A. B. Chachere, T. S. Isacks, Ike Roos and H.D. Larcade. All members present. Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. On motion of T. S. Isacks, duly sec onded and carried, Be it resolved, That the Market Ordinance be amended, so as to allow parties to sell fish and game on the streets of Opelousas without the payment of a license. On motion of H. D. Larcade, duly see onded, that a committee of three be ap pointed to ascertain if the culvert where the railroad crosses the Bayou Tesson is of sufficient capacity to admit the free flow of water. Chair appoints on said committee Larcade, Hebrard and Cha chere. On motion of Mr. Isacks, duly secon ded, that the same committee be reques ted to investigate the drainage near his (Isacks') warehouse. On motion of Mr. Roo,.that a commit tee be appointed to purchase a chande lier forthe purposeof lighting the coun cil hall. Chair appoitst I. Roos on said committee. Mr. Hebrard offered the following cemetery ordinance, and moved that the same be read and adopted, and the said ordinance having been read, the same was unanimously adopted as follows: CEMETERY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the town of Opelousas: 1st. That whoever shall go on, or about the Opelousas Protestant Cemetery, and interfere with its Sexton while engaged as such, in supervising, or, performing other duties of his office, or shall intrude upon, or, use insulting, obscene, or abusive language or epithets to any member or members of his family, shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Mayor of the town, or before any Jus tice-of-the-Peace acting in his place, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars, or in default of paying said fine to be condemned to five days' imprisonment in the parish jail, or to work on thepub tic streets of Opelousas five days, as the Mayor or Justice-of-the-Peace may de termine. 2. Be it ordained, that climbing over the wire fence inclosing said cem etery is hereby denounced as a misde- c meanor, punishable by a like fine, im prisonment or labor as prescribed in section one of this series, 3. It shall also constitute a misdemea- : nor for any one to mischievously pluck % flowers, etc., from around and about the graves and tombs of the dead, unless it be those who placed them there. Any person so offending shall be condemned r to a fine of two dollars, or two days of I imprisonment, or labor on the streets of I Opelousas for two days. 4 Be it ordained, That whoever shall 1 be found guilty by the Mayor of open ing tombs, or in any manner disturbing or disfiguring a tomb, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon trial s and conviction thereof shall be fined ten dollars, and in default of paying it, shall be imprisoned ten days, or con demned to work ten days on the streets of Opelousas. 5. Be it ordained, That driving over the graves of the cemetery, or outside the spaces designed and marked out for the passage of.vehicles of any kind with in the cemetery, shall be deemed a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of five dollars. 6. Be it ordained, That every person desiring to bury his dead within the in closure of said cemetery, shall before doing so obtain a permit from the Presi dent of the Cemetery Board; and Be it further ordained, That in each and every case of the infraction of any one or more of the above and foregoing ordinances, condemned parties-shall pay all costs of trial, and in defalt thereof shall be condemned to work on the streets of Opelousas at the rate of one dollar per day, and fraction thereof. 8. Be it further ordained, That all fines paid to the Mayor imposed on persons and collected of them for the violation of any of the foregoing ordinances,shall go, anid shall be placed by, the Mayor and Treasurer of the town, to the credit of the said cemetery fund. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor of the town of Opelousas, upon affidavit made before him charging any person or persons with the violation of any one or more of the foregoing ordinances, to cause such person or persons to be brought before him by the town constable, to be dealt with according to law. Thus done and passed at a regular meeting of the Towg Council of the town of Opelousas, La, this 7th day of May A. D. 1894. C. J. THOMPSON, Prest. of Board of Police of Opelousas. W. R. COCHRAN, Clerk. Sealed proposals from the Courier and St. Landry CLARION for publishing the town printing were opened and read as follows; OPELOUSAS, May 5, 184. To the President and Members of the Board of Police, Opelousas. Gentlemen.-WV e will do the town printing at the rate of 20 (twenty) cents per square for first insertion and ten cents per square for each subsequent in sertion. Respectfully, L. & L. A. SANDOZ. OPELOUSAS, May 7, 1894. To the President and Members. of the Board of Police, Town of Opelousas. Gentlemen.-I will publish the "pro ceedings" of your honorable body, your "ordinances, etc.," and the "other news paper publications usually paid for by the town," on the following terms: The minutes, or proceedings proper, for noth ing; the reports of committees, of the SeCretary, Treasurer, Collector, or any other officer of your body, ordinances, resolutions, etc, etc, at eight (8) cents per square for the first, and four (4) cents per square for each subsequent insertion, one hundred words to constitute a square, and fractional parts of"squares to count as whole squares. Yours Respectfully, H. BoDEMULLER, Publisher. On motion of S. L. IIebrard, duly see onded and carried, that the town print ing as advertised for, be awarded to the St. Landry CLARION, it being the lowest bidder. The following suggestion from Mr. H. Bodemuller was received and read: To the Hon. President and Members of the Board of Police of the town of Op ousas, La. Gentlemen.-I desire to suggest that the job printing of the town be given to the official organ which you may elect, as a matter of courtesy, provided the cost of same does not exceed the prices heretofore paid by the preceding coun eils. Yours Respectfully, H. .ODIMXULLR,I Publisher. Mr. Larcade moved that the above sau. gestion be adopted. As a substitute, Mr. Roos moved that a committee of ane, composed of the President, be appointed to ascertain where the cheapest rate can be obtained for doing the rest of the town printing not provided r r in the proposals for bids. A vote having be. a taken on the substitute, the eame was carried; voting nay: Larcade al He brard; yea: Roo, Andruas, t seere and Isaacks. On motion of Mr. Rooe,duly seconded, that the clerk be arthorlsei to erree iond with Mr. W L. Cov- to asereta what arehit intentai o t~ retard .to waterworke eoltraeit w~ith I5 ow Opelousas. The same having been put to a vote, was lost. On motion of Mr. Roos, duly seconded, that the contract between the Sun Vapor Street Light Co, and the town of Opel ousas, be cancelled, and that the (lerk of this Board be authorized to notify said company of this resolution annull ing its contract with said company Carried. The following-named parties were kept on the relief list: Mrs. Paul Mezzie, Harriet Lee, Emerie Houston and Isa hella Johnson, and the name of Gillus Thompson was added to the above list. The following bills were read and ap proved: Sun Vapor Street Light Co, for quarter ending April 1st,184.... $175 0 Waters Pierce Oil Co,1l bbl. oil for March and May, 1894............ 5 05 J. Wilkerson, 2 blocks for market 4 00 A. Dejean, commission on collec tiols..... ........................ 10 32 Jos. Ducharme, feeding two pris oners.......... ............... 1 40 W. R. Cochran, Notary, passing 3 acts of sale for town,at 3.75each 11 25 On motion, the Board adjourned sub ject to call. C. J. THOMPSON, W. R. CocHaAn, President. OPELOUSAS, May 1st, 188s. Editor of the CLARION : Dear Sir.-Please allow space to in form the public that the Colored Baptist Suiday School Association met in the town of Opelousas April 27 and 28. Pres ident Rev. Giles North, chairman, con ducted the meeting. Some of the white citizens attended the meeting. This was the best meeting of its kind ever held among us. Several subjects were discussed, such as Education, Tem perance, Teachers, and the Holy Bible. These were important subjects; Tem perance was discussed by J. K., of Big Cane, Education by Rev. L. C. Simon, of Opelousas, Teachers' Qualification by Rev. A, G. Jackson, of Washington, Bi ble Work by Prof. G. F. PriestIy. These subjects were much s preciated. We can truly say that the -hite people of Opelousas are the best we know in this State for peace and quietness and bene volence. The officers for this ensuing year are: Rev. C. '. W. Boyd, President;. A. D. Moore, Vice-President; Rev. D. B. Gib son, Recording Secretary; V. B. Bryant, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. G. North, Treasurer. On Sunday night Rev. G. North preached a soul-s!irring sermon to an overcrowded house at Mt. Olive Cthurch. It was quite impressive on the audience. They gave strict attention. We can also say that the people of Mt. Olive church and citizens of the town entertained the association grandly. The people of Opelousas, both white and colored, are energetic for industry as farmers. dairymen, carpenters, mer chants and fruit growers. The farmers have as much as they can do to rush their crops from a throw back of rain. The dairymen are busy sending in their milk. the carpenters are busy erecting new buildings in every direction of the town; the merchants are busy furnish ing supplies to make the crop; cash sales are dull, but credit sales are lively. The colored people of this town are expecting to organize a newspaper com pany on the 16th of May, 1%54, of which they hope to have the approval of all. We wish success to the present papers. REV. J. G. GIBSON, Chairman. C. J. W. BoYD, Secretary. lResolufton of the Parish Farm. ers' Alliance, Adopted at the Meeting Held at Mamounth Hafll. Aprlr 19, '94. Resolved, That we re-endorsed the resoulutions passed October 5, 1893, condemnatory to Senators White and Caffery. The resolu tions are as follows: We your undersigned committee to draft suitable resolutions con demnatory to U. S. Senators White and Caffery, beg leave to report as follows: Resolved, that we, the Farmers' Alliance of the Parish of St. Landry, assembled in Opelou sas, this 5th day of October, 1893, do most heartily denounce the ac tions of said U. S. Senators in their opposition to Silver and Hatch bills, and against the interest and welfare of the people of the State. Therefore, let it be further re solved, that we earnestly request and recommend our representat ives in the State Senate and Le gislature, not to vote for the re turn, of said Senators. Be it fur ther resolved, that we do most earnestly solicit the co-operation of our sister parishes in passing like resolutions. (Signed.) J. J. THOMPSON, B. F. VANOY," PAT. DONAHAY. Resolved, That we earnestly re quest our Representatives in Con gress to do all in their power to force all railroad claims held by the government upon said railroads to a settlement, and in case of failure of said corporation to comply with the law, that the government fore close all mortgages, take charge of said property contract, and run it in favor of the people. Resolved, That we demand from Congress a fair and honest ballot, such as known as the Australian ballot. Resolved, That we condemn the proposed franchise Amendment to the State Constitution requiring an educational qualification. Resolved, That we return our heartfelt thanks to the generous citizens of Mamouth, and particu larly the ladies, for their kind en tertainment, resolved further, that we will long and kindly remember such marks of kindness and gene rosity. E. E. ORTEGo, Secretary. Cogent easoas. John F. Wade, of Kansas, an nounces the following cogent and pertinent reasons, why he aban doned the waning fortunes of the "populists" and rejoined the Re publican party: "Because the populist party is run by lawyers without clients; by doctors withodt patients; by preachers without pulpits; by women without husbands; farmers without farms; by financiers with out finance; by educators without education; by statesmen out of a job." Coxey and his "army) of tramps ~o now %$~ing" salwthaae~ hoptl