Newspaper Page Text
St. Landry Clarion. H. BODEMULLER, Publisher. O.)'ELOUSAS, - - LOUISIANA. THE WORLD AT LARGE. Summary of the Daily News. WASHINGTON NOTES. R. E. GOODELL has completed the transfer to the federal government of Evergreen lakes, sixteen miles from Leadville, Col. It is intended to estab lish there the largest hatchery in the country, with a capacity for 7,000,000 fish. THE April disbursements on account of pensions aggregated $10,152,300, as against $12,871,761 for the month of April, 1893. The disbursements for the ten months of this fiscal year amount to $117,303,184, as against $133, 678,345 for the same period last year. The regular monthly statement of the director of the mint shows the coinage executed at the United States mints during the month of April to have been: Gold, $10,184,000; silver, $554,000; 5-cent pieces, $12,500. Total coinage, $10,750,000. THE agricultural appropriation bill reported to the house appropriates $3,180,643 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1895. Compared with the ap propriation for the department of the present fiscal year this is a decrease of $142,856. I'OSTMASTER-GENERAL BIISSELL has formulated a policy of barring saloon keepers and bartenders from appoint ment as postmasters. UNITED STATES CONSUL-GENERAL WILLIAMS, at Havana, in a report to'' the department of state shows that of 1 the sugar crop of Cuba for the first quarter of 1894, the United States took 95.31 per cent., or 387,86. tons; Canada, I 2,489 tons; Spain, 8,414 tons, and Great Britain, 3,821 tons. MAJ. ANDREWS, special agent of the interior department, who was recently at Guthrie, Ok., to look up mat ers re lative to the Kickapoo reservation stated .e did not believe that the land would )e thrown open before fall, and the opening' would be on instant notice, allowing no time for crowds to gather. somethinr unforeseen haD pens President Cleveland will partici pate in the ceremonies attending the a unveiling of the Mary Washington o monument at Fredericksburg, Va., on the 10th. t SENATOR WALSIH has introduced a bill for the repeal of the tax of .10 per cent. on the circulation of state banks. - The senator said in reply to a question L that the bill was intended to provide c for unconditional repeal. S, Bv a vote of 37 to 1, forty-four demo crats being absent, the democratic sen- e ators in caucus on the 3d adopted a res- e olution agreeing to support the tariff t bill of the finance committee, includ- i ing the compromise amendments that 0 had been agreed upon. Senator Hill was not placated. He gave the caucus b to understand that his vote would not be for the bill if the income tax re mained in it. A. C. FISK, of Denver, Col., president e of the Pan American Bimetallic league, t has issued a call for a bimetallic con- l, vention to be held in the city of Wash- t ington, D. C., on the 22d of May, com- O posed of representatives from the d United States, South and Central America and all the states of Mexico, to memoralize the congress of the United States to restore silver to its t ancient right at a ratio of 16 to 1. s THOMAS E. BENeDICT, of New York, a has been confirmed as public printer by the senate. THE postmaster-general has come to 3 the conclusion that all claims from mail carriers for overtime must be set tied in the court of claims and not through the department and by 'in ap propriation by congress. This decision concerns the mail carriers of every city, and since it is a fact that congress never pays any of the claims allowed by the court of claims the decision is looked upon as a hardship on the car TIrE fifteenth annual convention of the American Ticket Brokers' associa tion will be held in Washington on May 9, 10 and 11. PROr. C. V. RILEY, for many years chief entomologist of the department of agriculture, has resigned by request I of Secretary Morton, the resignation to take effect June 1. TITE indian appropriation bill carries $6,550,141, which is less than any ap propriation since 1888. Go(.n exportation continues, and it is expected the gold reserve will soon be reduced to $92,000,000. l.EI'PRESENTATIVE 1lOATNER, chairman of the special committee of the house, appointed to investigate the Northern Pacific decision of Judge Jenkins, has submitted in behalf of the majority a report to the full judiciary committee, in which strong grounds are taken against the injunctions in the North ern Pacific case, whereby the men were stopped from quitting work after their wages were reduced. It states that Lhey were a gross abuse of the power of the court and supported by neither reason nor authority. THE EAST. Two persons were burned to death and three others badly injured in an explosion and fire at the dyeing house of C. Jolly & Sons, at New York. In 1 the basement of the building was a tank of benzine which is supposed to have exploded. THE grand jury has refused to indict Joseph T. Magee for the shooting of Martha Fuller, typewritist, found dead in Lawyer Mullen's oiffice on Nassau street, New York, March 17. ARCItaIBIOP CORRIGAN, of New York, was the object of a crank's attention the other day just as he was preparing to go from his residence to the Cathe dral A servant, responding to a ring at the door bell, found a man on his knees in the vestibule. "I want to be forgiven," shouted the stranger, who clutched his hands spasmodically. A policeman, attracted by the noise, ran up the steps and seized the crank, who was taken to the police station, and subsequently committed to be examined as to his sanity. MCCoRMICK, aged 75 years, and his grandson, 2 years old, were struck and instantly killed by a railway train near Brownville, N. Y. CLEARING house returns for the week ended May 4 showed an average de crease as compared with the corre sponding week last year of 30.9; in New York the decrease was 38.4; outside, 20.0. MRs. MARGIERY MCINTYRE, aged 75, was burned to death in the Glenn house, 0ochester N. Y. which was destroeed. BRADSTREET's review of the state of trade for the week ended May 4 said the movement of general merchandise throughout the country was smaller in volume, trade being of a hand-to-mouth description, the strikes emphasizing the depression. Wheat scored its fifth or sixth lowest price on record at New York during the crop year. Corn, oats and cotton were lower. THE wives of the foreign coke strikers went to the McClure coke works at Scottdale, Pa., on the 4th to drive away some men who were working, when the superintendent and bookkeeper, who were on- guard with a lot of deputies, fired a shot to scare them. In less than a minute over a hundred strikers were on the scene. The two officials were terribly beaten and several rioters shot The sheriff has arrested thirty men im plicated in the riot It was feared that this was not the end of the disturbance. BOB FERGUSON, the old-time ball player and National league umpire, died of apoplexy at his home in Brook lyn, aged 4S. RICHARD CROKER, the Tammany chief, is said to be contemplating permanent retirement from politics. His physician has advised him to take an indefinite period of rest. It is therefore probable that he will give up the leadership of Tammany. THE WEST. DESPERADO WILSON, one of the gang of burglars who killed Marshal Wil liams, was lynched at Missouri Valley, Ia, by about 150 men, who met at the school house at midnight, organized, went to the jail and broke in. Wilson was hanged in the city hall. THE Children's home at Temesca, Cal., was burned to the ground. One hundred babies and children were safely removed. THE Iowa state miners' convention was held at Albia: on the 2d. Four thousand miners were represented. The delegates stated in advance that a strike would be ordered. It will affect 9,000 men. ON the 2d a riot occurred at Cleve land, 0., 6,000 unemployed workingmen raided several factories, smashed the windows and machinery and drove the workmen away. The mob then raided a scrap iron yard and armed themselves and the police charged with drawn clubs so effectively that the mob soon scattered. The mayor ordered out the militia and has issued 'a proclamation warning all people from congregating on the streets. KATIE EARLE, 2:213, by Earle, died at the Ketcham farm near Toledo, 0., on the second. She won more money in 1893 than any horse on the American turf,and her owner George H. Ketcham, refused $20,000 for her. AN international conference of the Y. 1M. C. A. general secretaries of the United States, Canada and Mexico 01 convened in Cedar Rapids, Ia., with 250 secretaries presentg WVILLIAM PENN NIXON, who has been se editor of the Chicago Inter Ocean for Se eighteen years, has purchased the con trolling interest in that paper from H. at I. Kohlsaat, the price paid being $400,- b D00. THE miners' convention at Albia, Ia., t by a vote of 65 to 55, ordered a strike. This will take out 9,000 men. ti FIFTEEN hundred Finns struck on the ai Meseba range, near Duluth, Minn. Tel- tl egrams were received from Virginia W that 700 miners were threatening to ta loot the stores in that town. At one of the mines the magazine was broken open and forty kegs of powder and e' dynamite stolen. The sheriff, adjutant- 01 general and a company of state militia D have gone to the scene. at FIFTY warrants are in the hands of h the United States marshal of Minne- Cl sota for the arrest of Great Northern strikers. THE funeral of Senator Stockbridge 21 took place at Kalamazoo, Mich., on the 2' 3d. Beside the congressional commit tee there were present Gov. Rich and si the heads of all the state departments D and delegations from Detroit, Grand n Rapids and elsewhere. UY direction of the assistant secre- e' tary of war the few remaining Indians a composing company I, Second infantry, at Fort Omaha, Neb., and company I, ti Sixteenth infantry, at Fort Douglas, ti Utah, have been discharged. thereby e: practically wiping out the organiza- t tions and marking another step to- n ward the total abandonment of the scheme of separate Indian companies. WORn has been received in Denver. i Col., that \V. D. Vallandingham and Torm Winn, miners, were held up in the La Sol mountains near Montrose and robbed of gold nuggets valued at $25, 000. THE jury in the Chief Telegrapher Ramsey case returned a verdict of not a guilty. It was out twenty-two hours. f ONE of the largest and richest min eral bodies ever found in Colorado has L been uncovered in the Golden Fleece mine at Lake City. It is an eight- 14 foot vein of solid tellurium and ruby b silver that will run at least $3,000 to the ton. ILIINoIS prohibitionists, in conven tion at Bloomington, nominated Dr. A. G. Abrigdon for United States sen- 1 ator. AT the meeting of the Colorado pop ulist state central committee it was unanimously agreed that J. Warner t Mills should receive the nomination for ii the governorship and Gov. Waite for C the United States senate and Repre- F sentative Bell to succeed himself. IN Litchfield, Ill, all the miners, c about 100 in number, employed by the ° Litchfield Mining and Mercantile com pany, have gone out on a strike. -TRIKING brick-molders in Chicago threatened to destroy the yards of D. V. Purington & Ca, but were driven e away by officers. IN Peru, Ill., the City Electric rail- I way has been compelled to shut down. Owing to the miners' strike there is no coaland not a car is moving. THE SOUTH. THE corner stone of the great Pyth- o ian university of the Order Universal Knights of Pythias was laid with im- b pressive ceremonies on the 2d at Gal latin, Tenn. TIE Lexington (Ky.) Ministerial d union passed resolutions condemning Col. Breckinridge's course, and they declared that his canvass for renomi- t nation and election is "an open de- I fiance of all personal chastity, domes- I tic purity and religious integrity, a corrupt misrepresentation of the social order of our community, a debauching i example for youth and in every way a F peril to truth and righteousness" THE Texas state court of appeals has t decided that the laws prohibiting prize fighting in the state are null and void because of fatal defects in their draft- t ing. The only penalty now enforceable in the state is a small fine for assault ° and battery. FULTow, Ark., has been inundated by the Red river, THE town of Bolton, Miss, has suf fered the destruction of its business section by fire of incendiary origin. The loss is about $50,000. ALSATIAN, 5 years old, one of the most valuable stallions in the west, was killed at the trotting track at Lex ington, Ky. John Farris was driving Alsatian to a sulky, when the horse suddenly bolted and falling broke his neck. He was very fast and was valued at $6,000. GENERAL. THE disease classed as cholera has reached Fundao, near the Spanish frontier. IN Belgrade it was reported that King Alexander will go abroad for sev eral months, and that his father, ex-King Milan, will act as regent. MAY day was quiet in general in Eu ropean cities, although at Hamme, Belgium, there was some rioting, but the police soon dispersed the mob there and also at Berlin and Vienna. SOME time ago Luis E. Torres, gen eral of the northern and western de partments of Mexico, started with 500 picked troops to subdue the Yaqui Indians The report has just come that his force was ambushed and de feated by the Indians and 200 at least killed and wounded. A SHARP shock of earthquake was felt throughout the district of Cardiff, Wales, on the 2d. The disturbance was so severe that crockery and furni ture in many houses were overturned. Forty miners in the Pnety Fridd dis trict were so alarmed by the shock that they fled in terror from the mines. Little or no damage was done any where. ONE thousand men have been dis charged from the Canadian Pacific railroad service between Montreal and Vancouver, owing to the slackness of business. A FIRE on the grounds of the arsenal at Mourillon the other night destroyed the great saw mills connected with the arsenal, causing a loss of $1,300,000. At one time the shipyards were threat ened. THE international bimetallic confer ence, under the auspices of the Bi metallic league, was called to order in the Egyptian hall of the Mansion house, London, on the 2d, the lord mayor presiding. A TERRIFIC boiler explosion occurred in theC.aitz rendering factory at Ham merbrook, near Hamburg, killing five men and fatally injuring several The building was demolished and the dead and wounded were buried in the debris. A sANGUINARY encounter between workingmen and gens d'armes is re ported from Ziedlitz, Bohemia, the trouble growing out of the May day celebration of the former. One work man was killed and a number injured on both side. AccoRDING to reports from the hydro graphic office 1,628 derelicts have been seen in the Atlantic ocean in the past seven years AN employe of the British embassy at Paris, of the name of Vallaume, has beaten the cycling record for six hours, having covered in that time the dis tance of 117 miles and 1,022 yards. THE 3d was the last day for registra tion under the Chinese act and the amendments thereto. It is learned there has been a general compliance with the law in all parts of the coun try. IN Liege thirteen anarchists have been arrested for connection tWith the explosion of dynamite at the residence of Dr. Benson, in the Rue de la Paix. Dr. Benson is terribly wounded. There are several deep holes in his chest and his leg is broken. It is feared that he cannot recover. THE failures for the week ended May 4 were 233 in the United states, against 216 last year, and 35 in Canada, against 27 last year. THE carnet. unholsterv and cabinet stores of Arnott & lo. (limited), of IL Dublin, were4estroyed by fire the other de sight. Thrde hundred employes, who at were sleeping on the premises, succeed- ec td in escaping. The loss was estimated at tt $1,000,000. hi A LATE San Salvador dispatch said ghat a battle had taken place between R the government troops and the revolt- s8 crs in Santa Ana, in which Gen. An- o0 tonio Ezeta, commanding the govern- ° 1 nent forces, was victorious. hi ft THE LATEST. ci Ex-President Harrison is in Now York cit c, for a few days' visit. A silver nugget weighing 3,300 pounds and ft worth $25,000 has just been taken from the Sniuggler mine at Aspen, Col. Eugene J. Cruendet, head of Eugene Jaccard c1 Jewelry Co., St. Louis, died Friday of slow ti paralysis. ti Morrison's St. Louis army of Coxeyites were a] met at Trenton, Ill., with a brass band and were fed by the citizens. All the miners of the Bloomington district have quit work and there is a coal famine itn C that city. et The cash in the state treasury of Texas is so ,i low that the treasurer will pay by warrant hereafter. Unless more coal is obtained within twe weeks the electric and cable lines of St. Louis must cease operation. it There are now about thirty cases of small-pol it at Atchison. Kas., and the citizens are becom. ing frightened; The memters of the International League ot Press clubs were royally entertained at St Augustine, Fla. c. The failures for the week have been 233 in ci the United States, against 216 last year, and 45 I in Canada against 27 last year. OThirteen anarchists were arrested at Liege Belgium, for blowing up a doctor with dyna mite. T' The Peru (Ill.) electric railway has been f, compeled to shut down. Owing tffthe miners' B strike there is no coal. Legal proceedings have been begun to dis. solve the Tin trust, of which the St. Louis Stamping Co. is a part, in New York. Small-pox is Increasing at an alarming rate ri in Chicago by reason of the wretched method4 employed by the health department officials. The census of children of school age in St. Louis shows 73,759 white males. 76,118 white females, 4,055 colored males, 4,420 colored fe males. Grand total. 158,352. Lillle, the accomplished 19-year-old daughter Bt of County Treasurer Walker, swallowed two ounces of carbolic acid and died almost in- i stantly, at her home in Columbus, O. 'Twas all ti on account of a love affair. Mrs. Margery McIntyre. aged 73 years, was burned to death in the Glenn house, Rochet P ter, N. Y., which was destroyed Friday. ti The list of army officers recently nominated C for brevet rank for gallant service in the It. dian campaigns was confirmed, with the ex ception of First Lieut. Joshua W. Jacobs, Seventh infantry. I Burglars exploded dynamite in the Win a throp (Ia.) state bank. One side of the build ing was blown out, but the burglars did not get into the safe. O Catarina Garza, the famous Mexican border revolutionist, is at present officiating, accord ing to advices received by the Mexican state s department from Central America, as chief of C police at Port Limon, in Costa Rica. V The St. Louis Candy exposition was closed r by creditors. Three attachment suits, aggre gating about $503, and a falling off in httend ance were more than the exposition could stand. It is said that the total loss on the en terprise was about $6,030. a Frank Matthews, a farmer aged 27, was in- t stantly killed by lightning while planting corn. 9 miles southeast of Saybrook, IlL, in Bellflower township. He ws changing a ohec fower when stricken. THROLUGHOUT LOUISIANA. A Noted HIostelry Burned. The St. Charles hotel, New Orleans, was destroyed by fire the other night The old St. Charles hotel was completed in 1838, the work of construction beginning in 1835. The cost of the building was .60.0.), and the ground $100.003. It was a magnificent structure, and was destroyed by fire in 1851. Rebuilding of the hotel Was begun at once At the time it attracted general attention, because of the fact that it was the finest hotel in the World, and the first great hotel of the United States. The hotel comfortably accommoda ted between ti00and 700 guests. The historic building was closely associated with the his tory of Louisiana and New Orleans. In "Parlor P" Jefferson ,)avis and the leading southern politicians met and agreed upon the course to be pursued at the Charleston convention of 1860, and since then the fate of hundreds of aspirants for public honors was sealed in these histofid precints. Since the war the St. Charles was the central point of the very stormy politics of Louisiana. In its rotunda democrats, re publicans and members of every politicalparty have met to exchange views and to discuss the affairs of the state and nation. Parlor P alone made for itself a national reputation. It was occupied by no less than six congressional investigation committees, trying to understand the chaotic condition of affairs which at that time became known over the country as "The Louisiana Question," but it is not in political history alone that parlor "P" was famous. Count less other associations, to discuss great questions of trade and com merce, were held there-railroad meetings to build new railroads and meetings of ladies to solve great problems of balls and dress. There, too, came Rex when a visitor to New Orleans, piarlor "P" being his recognized official headquarters for his short reign of two days during the carnival Mr. Hildreth, one of the proprietors at the com mencement of the war, was a relative lf Gen. Ben Butler's wife, whose maiden name was Hildreth. When Butler took charge of the city in IF62, Mr. Hildreth refused to receive I Butler in the hotel, and a riot was narrowly prevented in consequence. The doors were thrown open to the returning ex-confederates at the close of the war, and there they were welcomed "wi tnout money and without price." Sewer Building in New Orleans. New Orleans is the only city in the J nited States without a sewer system. Some time ago the council granted a private company, which is well backed with capital, the privilege to establish a sewer system on the Waring plan, the one adopted in Memphis, Tenn., and to charge householders for the removal of sewerage. Ground was broken in the neighborhood of the old parish prison, which has been purchased by the sewerage company. The main sewer will run along Orleans street. When this was dug it produced an unexpected result. The digging of the sewer caused the land in the neighborhood to sink, cracking the Treme market and threat aning to bring it down, and caused a settling in I number of neighboring houses, so as to crack the roof and plastering, pull the doors out of plumb, and cause a great deal of alarm among the inhabitants. This result is at tributed to the digging of the sewer, which had squeezed the water out of the surrounding land as though from a sponge, causing it to sink, The engineer decided that it was not due to ary quicksand, and that the difficulty could be 3 'viated by deep piling and strong bracing. In tihe meanwhile, however, the beginning of the sewerage work to which New Orleans has looked so long has created apprehension among the people. The Land Office. Says the New Orleans Picayune: Re ceiver Chas. P. Johnston and Register Brumby of the land office have for warded their report of the April business of the land office to the interior department at Washington. The report shows that 100 homestead entries were passed, embracing 11,812 acres. The office passed 48 final homestead proofs, embracing 6,325 acres. It also passed 35 cash entries. Mr. Johnson says that the business of April was more exten sive than that of any recent month. Gleanings. Congressman Wilson, chairman of the house committee on ways and means, reached Baton Rouge the other day. He dined at the governor's man. sion and was given a public reception at the statehouse. After devoting a day to seeing the sights of Baton Rouge and the state institutions lo cated there, he left for New Orleans. Nash Ogden, son of W. W. Ogden, president of the Fifth levee district, was drowned near Waterproof, Tensas parish. The young man drove into deep water to allow his horse to drink, and in trying to save himself became entangled in the harness. His father and Frank Kempe endeavored to save him and nearly lost their own lives. The state fair grounds at Baton Rouge were sold recently at sheriff's sale and were bought in by the Bank of Baton Rouge for $10,000. The bank purchased merely to secure a mortgage held on the property, and offers to sell for the amount of its bid to any asto ciation of persons who may desire to continue the enterprise. The musical chime of bells ordered from Cincinnati by the rector, E. J. liavaqueric, of St. John the Baptist church, at Edgard, St. John Bap tist parish, have been received. The three bells weigh over four tons, and are very full and rich in tone, and can be heard for 15 miles. The body of Bella Vice, aged 25, who committed suicide in New Orleans sev eral weeks ago, by jumping into the river, has been recovered. She had relatives at Houma, Terre Bonne par ish. On the Magnolia plantation, in Rap ides parish, two negroes were engaged in a friendly scuffle, when a revolver was accidentally discharged and one was fatally wounded. The committee on revision of the constitution, Chairman A. D. Land, convened at Baton Rouge on Friday, May 4, to sit until the legislature as sembles. Near Cades station, Iberia parish, Joseph Romero was shot, and perhaps fatally wounded, by Leopold Lopez Both are of respectable families. New Orleans Picayune: Senators Caf fery and Blanchard will not be down to take active part in the senatorial race before the legislature. At Pointe-a-la-Hache, Plaquemines parish, a cyclone damaged the Pro testant church, and other buildings. Hail ruined gardens. Four negroes, implicated in the as sassination of Manager Boyce, in Mad ison parish, were sent to the peniten tiary for ten years. The courts have decided against pouring sewerage and drainage into the New Basin Navigation canal. New Orleans. Lucius Barker, colored, has been taken to the penitentiary from St. Landy parish on- a life sentence foe murd e r. THaE Central Congregational church, of Brooklyn, sent to its former pastor, Dr. Henry M. Scudder, $700 in gold and a congratulatory letter on the oo casion of his golden wedding, whidh was celebrated at Winchester, Mass., recently. ALL-WHITE Irish-point embroideries are of open pattern, and many of them are wrought in Vandykes. They are the handsomest of this class of trim mings. In 1888 the population of the British pooulons numbered $,0Q0,090. IMr& Matb.e Lupton Dukedom, Tenn. Gave New Life Sick Headache and Neuralgia Cured by Hood's. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has done me a great deal of good. I have been a sufferer from Sick Headache and Neuralgia nearly all my life. The pains had become so intense that my bands would cramp for hours so that I could not use them. The doctor told my husband there was little help for me. The different medicines tried had greatly disheart ened me. Since using two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I have realized relief, so much so that I feel like a new person. Our lit, ood Sarsa oU s S parilla Cures tie boy has been troubled with his throat but since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla soreness and hoarseness have gone and he is in better health." Mns. MATTIE GUPTON, Dukedom, Tenn. Hood's Pills assist digestion and cure headache. Sold by all druggists. 25c. BILIOUS1NESS, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, -AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE UVER. TE5TI1rMONT. I have used Brodie's Pills for many years In niy family and have found them invaluable in all cases, and as a Liver Pill do not think they have an equal. GEO. H. WILEY. O8LD BY ALL DRUCCISTS. PRICE, Me. a Box. LL LYONS & CO., Proprietors, N.e OrleasmL. C.a. - 4DDRES5TFE.. o "'ý-- USA WHEliYU WAtITA HORSE POWERIL SWIr g T STACKER, ~SAW Ml LL, SELF EEDpER. AS THEY.-A R .TH E EEST You want an Organ. Of course You want the BEST. The MASON & HAMLIN has won. HIGHEST HONORS At AH Important World's Fairs since 'that of Paris, 5867, in cludingChicago,i893, and is absolutely UNRIVALLED. I Cg If your local dealer does not sell our Pianos and Organs, we will send on approval direct from factory, to responsible par. ties, at our expense. New Style 53. Write for particulars. Nlew Styles at Popular Prices just out. Soldon onur Easy Payment Plan or Rented until purchased. Catalogues free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN & PIANO CO., BOSTON, NEW YORK, CBICAGO, KANSAS CITY. .1 I The Genuine De Long PAT. HOOK AND EYE has on the face and back of every card the words: See that hump? Richardson & De Long Bros., Philadelphia. -" s W. L. DOUGLAS *3 SHOu equals custom work, costing from ' s to $6, best value for the money N n the world. Name andprice stamped on the bottom. Evet. pair warranted. Take no subats tute. See localpapers for full description of our complee lines for ladies and gen. tlemen or send for 11" w. ' lu.,tralt Catalog lustr giving is urrm structlons /L555- . how to or. byI.I.l Postagefre. You can get the ba a eof da ( wao ia or shoes. ioasUiptivesC and people w.o have weak lngs or Asth ma, should use Piso'uore for Cornsstsptlnn. t has eared ,i osue. It I not badto t ke.s ItI I t the best oough syrup. 11td eveywhern. 5we. *~B~: b[~f· THE WASHINGTON BRICK YARD, JULIEN CLAUDE, PROPRIETOR. Has always on hand a LARGE SUPPLY of No. t Building Brick at thb Lowest Market Prices. Also on hand Fire Bricks, Lime Cement and Sand.! ST. LANDRY STATE BANK. OPELOUSA9, LA. CAPITAL, $75,000. DIRECTORS: ALPHONSE LEVY, President, ANT. DIETLEIN, Vioe-Pres., E. LATREYTE. J. T. SKIPPER, Cashier, JULIUS MEYERS, I. M. LIOHTENSTEIN, H. KAHN. Money to loan on approved security in amounts to suit borrower. Collections! on all points in St. Landry and adjacent parishes promptly made. Deposits re-i ceived subject to check. Foreign and Domestic Exchange bought and sold, andi all matters pertaining to legitimate banking given careful attention. -i Your Business Solicited - J. P. BSSELL, President. W ASHI NOTON J LEON OLFF, iesn' t. GEO. W. CURTIS, Caqhler. CxPITXL, STATE BANK, $50,000. WASHINGTON, ST. LANDRY PARISH. LOUISIANIkA FISCAL AGENT OF THE DIRECTORS:-Phllio Jacobs. Leon Wolff, 4 T. C. Gibbens, Jullen Claude, J. P. Bussell, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. s. A. Knapp, o. W. Cutas. Money loaned to any amount desired on approved security. Collections onl all points in St. Landry and adjacent parishes promptly made. Deposits re-i ceived subject to check. Foreign and Domestic exchange bought and sold andil all legitimate banking matters given close attention. jan27y Your Accounts and Collections Solicited. ------'--i: FOR CHEAP LUMBER, AL KINDS OF LUMBER,' GIBBENS & NiOLSON IE.AVTE IT ALSO THREE-FOOT BOARDS, AND SPLIT AND SAWED SHINGLES. AND PLENTY OF IT, GO TO WASHINGTON, IRA HOUSE, . . ... Board and Lodging. W. I. HARGRODER, Proprietor. Board by the Day or Week at Reasonable Rates, Corner Main and South Streets, Opelousas, La. THE OPELOUSAS BARGAIN GIVERS. ROBERT CHRCHERE & BRO, Are Prepared to Offer Unprecedented BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE! '0.................u.......................... DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYWARE, TINWARE, PLANTATION SUPPLIES5 AND IN FACT EVERYTHING IN A FIRST-CLASS STORE) ........ .. .................... THEY ALSO HAVE THE ". ". . SFINEST SALOON IN TOWN Where Choice Liquors and Cigars are constantly kept. Ca Tables in Connection. WILLOW GLEN FqIYM Four Miles South of Opelousas, La. The Trot- RTriTdT .ad n ting-Bred a,7o9. R Stallion, Record 2 Will make the Season on the above Farm, beginning Feb. I, endnlag4 CURRENCY is a rich dark bay with full black points, $tands 15B)d high, and is acknowledged by horsemen to be the handsomes hOrse ever brough to this section. He is a horse of superior action, and magnifcent style, perfect ly gentle and level-headed, and is one of a family who are not only race horse themselves, but are the producers of race horses of the first water. Tis re.uts tion is too well established in this section to need more than s passing notile. Ta-ILMAB[-In consideration of the shrinkage in values of all classea the scarcity of money, and the very liberal patronage formerly extended mi horse, I have decided to make the charges as follows: FOR SEASON...................................... ..... 82.00. PARTIES BREEDING TWO OR MORE MARES, each.... 20.00. Mares will be fed on grain twice per day at $1.s25 per week, and pasttured a 50 cents per week. Not responsible for escapes or accidenta .l&..Co T3EII Ohl.IR&Tt nD J'AAIc, Imported direct from Spain, will make the Season on the s farm at the very low fee of TEN DOLLARS. TASCON is a Jack of superior form and size, being nearly 15 hands standard measure, and presents extra advantages to those desironus of raist good class of mules. feb-a94 F. E. STOKES, Sunset, Louisiana. ANDREW MORESI, President. C. A. HOY, Sec. and Treasurer. OPELOUSAS ICE and BOTTLING WORKSI OPELOUSAS. LOUISIANA. -Manufacturers of ICE and Carbonated DRINIS, FROM PURE DISTILLED ARTISIAN WATER. Is now ready to fill all orders in any quantity desired. Prices furnishe on application. Correspondence solicited. apr7y C. J. THOMPSON. J. R. MAYS. THOMPSON & MRYS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS If you wish to BUY, SELL, or MORTGAGE Lands, Insure Your Perso against Accident or Death, or your Property against Fire, call on or write TUifPSOi AY3, Opolovs. s t. La.dry Parld, a.uiaa,