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TH E ST. LANDRY CLARION. "Here Shall the Press the People's Rights Maintain, Unawed by Influence and Unbrlbed by Cain." VOL. IV.---NO. 34. OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1894. $1 PER YEAR. HAGKL'S HARDWARE + HOUSE. ,1VA.IN STREET, Adjoining the Opera House. -JUST OPENED WITH A Large Stock of Hardware. A FINE LINE OF STOVES, TINWARE, HOUsE-FURNISHINO GOODS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BARB WIRE, NAILS, ETC. -AND AN ELEGANT LINE OF Pocket and Table Cutlery! Agent f£ famous BUCK'S BRILLIANT Stoves and for the QUICK MEAL Gasoline Stoves. A. HAC KL. NEW JEWLRY STORES ." FRANK J. DIETLEIN, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, i AN'D ENGCRA'VER, Has just opened his Jewelry Store and Watch Repairing Establishment, on Lan- l dry Street, near the bank, where he will keep for sale, at the most reasonable s prices, a full and select stock of Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Ware, Plated Ware, and everything to be found in a first-class establishment. Repairing of Watches, Clocks ana Jewelry, given prompt attention and work guaranteed. Public Patronage Respectfully Solicited. m5 c + " nL M7. LI N A, "+ FASI-IONTABLE BARBER r Ht. x e NEAR THE BAND BUILDING. FRANK DIETLEIN. J. T. SKIPPER. N DIETLEIN & SKIPPER, BICYCLE DEALERS. WE HANDLE THE s Victor, Gormully & Jeffrey, Columbia, Cleveland o and several other high grade wheels. Bicycles sold on i ------- a DI DIET LEIN & SKIPPER, [ BICYCLE DEALERS. 1t WAT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. SAW NDILLS AND GIN HOUSES.THE andAll Property Worther high grade wheels. Bicycles Insuring. C. Lazeasy payments. Correspondence solicLimited, TLEWIS & LACOMBLE, One Price Clothiers, Fuarnishers, and Hatters, 29, 31 and 33 Canal Street, Cor. North Peters, New Orleans. Notice. LAND OFFICE AT NEW ORLEANS, April 27, 189.. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tionto make final roof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore B. Bloomfield. U. S. Commissioner at Opelousas, on Tuesday. June 12, 184, vis: ARMAND HEBEIRT, who made Homestead Entry No. 9895, for the 6S of SW Sec 8 and N½ of NW Sec 17 Tp 6 S R 1 W. La. Meridian. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Appollinarie Fusllier, Henry Ed. Soileau, Dupre Roy. Joseph Bellon, all of St. Landry parish. La. may 6t G. McD. BRUMBY, Reglster. LAND OFFICE AT NEW ORLEANS, April 24, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore E. NorthCullom, U. S. Oommissionerat Opelousas, La., on Monday, June 4, 1894, viz: THEOPHILE REED, who made Homestead Entry No. 15657, for the E½ of NWs and W7 of NE1t Sec. Si Tp. 5 S R 1 East, La. Meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Theodore Tate, Ferdinand Tate, Lastie Granger, Onile Manuel, all of St. Landry Parish, La. G. MCD.i BUiMBY, apl8-6t. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. MICHEL LION VERSUS CHRISTIAN MORNHINVEG, JR. No. 13803, 11th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Hon. 11th Judicial District Court in and for the parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled and numbered suit, and to me directed, I have seized and will proceed to sell at public outcry, to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the courthouse at Opelousas, on Saturday, June 16, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. m, the following des cribed property, to-wit: All the rights, title and interest in and unto the undivided one-fifth of the property following, to-wit: A certain plantation situated in St. Landry par ish, 4 miles south of the town of Opel ousas, near Rider or Wyble's bridge, con taining ±27 arpents superficial measure, together with all the buildings and im provements thereon, bounded as follows: North and west by lands formerly of John Wyble, now T. S. Richard, east by lands formerly of Andre Wvble, now Martin Zacharie,south by lands former ly of Simon Wyble, now -- , being same property purchased by C. Morn hinveg, Sr, from John Emrein, Nov. 24, 1868. The undivided one-fifth interest in and to the following property, to-wit: One third of a lot and improvements, boun ded north by Medicis, south by Dietlein, east by Union street, west by Main street. One lot and improvements, bounded north by Grolee street, south by Pasquier, east by Ben Cuney, west by Hollander. Terms.--Cash. T. S. FONTENOT, may6 6t) Sheriff of St. Landry parish. SUJCCESSIOI SALE. ESTATE OF LOUISE RICHARD, WI DOW WM. LABARGE. No. 5295, Probate Docket, District Court, Parish of St. Landry. By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Judicial District Court in and for the parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administra tor, or by a public auctioneer, at the res idence of Louis Johns, at Cataro, where deceased last resided, on Tuesday, June 12, 1894, the following described property belong ing to the above estate, to-wit: A certain plantation situated at Ville Platte prairie, St. Landry parish, La, containing one hundred (100) arpents, bounded north by Paulin L. Fontenot, south by land of Edgar Lafleur, east by Valcour Soileau, and west by lands of V. Soileau and Edgar Lafleur, being the same property acquired by Louise Rich ard, deceased at the public sale of her deceased husband, ~William Labarge. One bay horse; one dark bay horse; one sorrel mare and colt; one brindle cow; one blue beef; two head of hogs; one old wagon; one open top buggy; one toilet; two bedsteads; two feather beds, and a lot of bedding; one armoir; one lot of bed covers; one lot of tables; washboard and lot of chairs; one lot of crockery, cooking utensils; lot of car penter tools; one branding iron. Terms and Conditions.-All the mov ir's I b er - sla sonTh nish their promissory notes with two good and solvent securities to the satis faction of the administrator, The plan tation to be sold and payable in three equal installments, as follows: On the first day of January, 1895, first day of January, 1896, and first day of January, 1897, purchasers to furnish their notes with two solvent personal securities bearing eight per cent. per annum in terest from the first day of January, 1895, until paid, and ten per cent. for at torney's fees in case of suit to enforce payment of same, and special mortgage and vendor's lien and privilege to be re tained on the property sold until full and entire payment of the notes, inter ests and costs. PIERRE BAUDOIN', may125t Administrator. PUBLIC SALE. ESTATE OF WM. WALL. No. 5276, Probate Docket, District Curt, St. Landry Parish, La. By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Juiu* cial district court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auc tion, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administratrix or any duly qualifed auctioneer at the last residence of the deceased, in this parish, on THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1894, the following described property, belonging to the above estate, to-wit: One hundred arpents of land situated in section 2, township 3, south range 1, also one bay mare, one bay horse, two cows and calves, 3 head of hogs, one old wagon, one jumper and harness, a lot of unthrashed rice, one plow, one harrow, 25 bushels of corn, and a lot of household and kitchen furniture, also a fourth interest In one cart and three yoke of oxen. Terms--Cash. SAJJLLIE WALL, may 19-St Administratrix. Notice. LAND OFFICE AT NSW ORLEANS, May 1, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore B. Bloomfield, U. S. Commissioner, at Opelousas, La., on Tuesday, June 12, 1896, viz: THEODORE DOGUET, who made homestead entry No. 10809, for the W½ of SE' and E4 of SW½s Sec 34 Tp 6 S R 2 West, La. Meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Anatole Bellon, Adam Young, F. X. Ben non, Jessy Young, Sr, all of St. Landry par ish, La. may 16t G. McD. BRUMBY, Register. Notice. LAND OFFICE AT NEW ORLEANS, May 9, l194. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore B. Bloomfield, U. S. Commissioner, at Opelousas, on Saturday, June 30, 1694, viz: ARISTIDE O. GUILLORY, who made Homestead Entry No. 11264 for the W of SWA S EI4 of SWi and SWti of SER Sec 36 Tp 3 SR 1 W La Meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Jesse Reed, Gerome Solleau, Napoleon Johnson, and Joseph Clark, all of St. Landry parish, La. may 196t G. McD. BRUMBY. Register. To the Public ! And Friends of St. Landry Parish: I am agent for one of the best medicines on earth, backed with bankable paper. I was a living wreck for years and I am now sound and hearty from its use. Hundreds of persons are using this medicine and I am yet to find a person that is not entirely sat sfled. The name of the medicine is '"Root I Tea-Na." Anyone wishing the medicine can get it through me at Plalsance, La., or else to Felix Lastrapes, Opelousas, La. Cir culars sent onapplcation. Address EUGENE LACHAPELLE, apl 7-tf Plaisance, La. For Sale. An improved plantation with stock and implements, three miles south of Opelousas, in Bellevue, containing 766 acres. Apply to DR. E. S. BARRY, may 17-tf Opelousas, La. PUBLIC SALE. ESTATE OF P ALINA GUILLORY, DEC'D. No. 5284, PaoBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT COU.T PARISH Or ST. LANDRY, By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Ju dicial District Court in and for the _parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at publlc auction, to the last aid highest bidder, by the undersigned administrator, or by a public auctioneer, at the last residence of the deceaseed, in Prairie Mamouth, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1894, the following described property, belonging to the above estate,:to-wit: 1. The residence Where the deceased last resided, situated 4. Point-aux-Pins, in prairie mamouth, SL Landry parish, con sisting of two hundre4 arpents of land more or less, together withball the buildings and improvements thereon, bounded north by railroad land, south tb Honore Fusilier and J. H. Parker, east byEuchariste Fontenot, and other land of the succe.and west by other land of the $uccessiov 2. Another plantgtl. i in the same locality, contnlgo and thirty arpents, nrtdr s~ , north by land of JullenGuillory, and hers, south by Don Louis Gulilory, east by Christoval Soileau, and west by the above plantation. 3. Another plantation in the same local Ity containing one hundred arpents of land, more or less, together with all the improve ments thereon, bounded north by railroad land applied for by Augustin Berza, south by J. H. Parker, east by the residence which is item one above. 4. A tract of prairie land in the same lo cality, containing one hundred arpents more or less, bounded north by land of Ozeme D. Fontenot, south by homestead of It. O'Connor, east by Olubin McCauley, and west by J. P. Lafleur, Jr., and others. 5. Another tract of prairie lalhd situated In prairie Mamouth, above parish, contain ing one hundred arpents, more or less, bounded north by homestead of Henry Gaty, south by railroad land, ehst by land occu pied by Jos. Brenen, and west by land of Alcee Vidrine. 6. Another tract of prairie and wood land at Pointe Grand Louis, containing one hun dred arpents, more or less, bounded north by land of Emile Reed, south by Jos. Boutte, east by railroad land applied for by Aze lien Fruge, and west by Mrs. Ange Shuff. 7. Another tract, all prairie. in the same locality, containing fifty arpents, more or less, bounded north by land of Portalls Guillory, south by Angelas S. Fontenot, east by Hermogene Granger, and west by Porta lis Gulllory.. 8. Another tract of fifty arpents of wood land in Point Grand Louis, aforesaid par ish, bounded north by Lenfroy J. Fontenot, south by Emile Reed, east by railroad land and west by unknown. 9. Another tract of woodland in Point Grand Louis, containing seventy-five ar pents, more or less, bounded north by un known, south by Alcide P. Fontenot, east -, west- 10. Another tract, mostly wood, in up per Mamouth, aforesaid parish containing thirty arpents, bounded north by south by - , east by - , and west by Emile Fontenot. About fifteen head of horned cattle, seven pairs of work oxen, one sorrel American horse, one dun American horse, one bay American horse, one roan Creole horse, one sorrel Creole horse, three bay Creole mares. About eight wild mares ranging in prairie Mamouth, one old two-horse wagon, two old ox-wagons, one old peddling hack, two old hacks, one old two-horse wagon, one reaper and binder, one old buggy and har ness, one gig, theundivided half interest in a rice thresher, one corn sheller, one lot of about twenty hogs, one lot of pine lumber, 2500 pine covering boards, two plows and gears, a lot of household furniture and bed ding, a lot of kitchen furniture and cooking utensils, one old sewing machine, three old clocks, one cooking stove, one lot of crock ery, one shot gun and shot pouch, one lot of rough rice, seventeen sacks of rough rice stored at Opelousas, six bales cotton, about scale, one old counter Platform scale, the stock of goods, wares and merchandise now in the store at the last residence of de ceased. TERMS-CASH. ALPHONSE LEVY, 53-6t. Administrator. .UccESSION SALE ESTATE OF GUSTAVE DELAHOUSSAYE. No. 5267, PROBATE DOCKET, DISTICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. By virtue of an order of the Hon. 11th Ju dicial District Court in and for the parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned administrator, or by a public auctioneer, at the late residence of the deceased, in Coulee Croche, St. Landry parish, La., on Saturday, June 30, 1894, the following described property belonging to the above estate, to-wit: One tract of land, with the buildings and improvements, described as follows: South half of the Southwest quarter of section 9, in township s, South of rane 5, east, La. meridian, _onnta nin"a a)nd S910 acres; one pair of oxen; one Creole horse and mare; one cow and calf. Terms-Cash at not less than appraise ment. A. B. DELAHOUSSAYE, May 2.-5t Administrator. TAKEN UP-By the undersigned, near Sunset, a black Creole mare with blaze in the forehead, branded on the foreshoulder, thus: 1 and on the right hip thus: Also a light bay mare colt, about one year old, branded on the hip thus: 729. Owner can have property by coming forward and proviig same and paing costs. A.X. BURLEIGk. May 25-5t. NOTICE.-An act will be intro duced at the next session of the Legis lature to give the Judge of the 11th Ju dicial District, comprising the parishes of St. Landry and Acadia, the right to fix the terms of his court in said parish es as in his discretion may seem best; to provide for the drawing of grand and petit juries in said District; to regulate the trial of cases therein, and the effect of judgments rendered in said District; and to repeal all laws on said subject matters now in force. KENNETH BAILLIO. TAKEN UP-One light dun Creole mare with white mane, branded thus: Has been around the premises for four years. Owner can have same by prov Ing property and paving costs of this notice. DUREL MILLER., Seeleyville P. O, La. May 26-4t Notice. VILLE PLATTE, May 14, 194. I will apply to the Legislature at its present session for return to me of the moneys paid by Widow Godfroy Solleau for Lots 2 and 3, or Fractional South half of Section Ten (10) in T. 4, 8. R. 2 E, the claim of the State having been re jected. DOMATILLE SOILEAU, (Widow Deronen.) Notice to the Public. VILLE PLATTE. LA., April 10, 189. I take pleasurein notifying my friends and the public generally that I will giveespecial attention to all succession business entrust ed to my care and will promptly settle to the satisfaction of all parties an and a sue business. L.J. DOSSMANN. apl l--m Notary Public. IAT fl FOR SALE.---I have some AIA P | desirable lands which I will sell chaap and on reasonable terms. Any one who has a l1ttle money and wllm work can get a farm and home. am at home on Mondays gen erally. (SEORGE O. ELMS. CEMETERY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the town of Opelousas: 1st. That whoever shall go on, or about the Opelousas Protestant Cemetery, and interfere with its Sexton while engaged as such, in supervising, or, performing other duties of his office, or sh~ll intrude upon, or, use insulting, obscene, or abusive language or epithets to any member or members of his family, shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Mayor of the town, or before any Jus tice-of-the-Peace acting in his place, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars, or in default of paying said fine to be condemned to five days' imprisonment in the parish jail, or to work on the pub lic streets of Opelousas five days, as the Mayor or Justice-of-the-Peace may de termine. 2. Be it ordained, that climbing over the wire fence inclosing said cem etery is hereby denounced as a misde meanor, punishable by a like fine, im prisonment or labor as prescribed in section one of this series. 3. It shall also constitute a misdemea nor for any one teo-Isehieveusly plaek flowers, etc., from around and about the graves and tombs of the dead, unless it be those who placed them there. Any person so offending shall be condemned to a fine of two dollars, or two days of imprisonment, or labor on the streets of Opelousas for two days. 4 Be it ordained, That whoever shall be found guilty by the Mayor of open ing tombs, or in any manner disturbing or disfiguring a tomb, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon trial and conviction thereof shall be fined ten dollars, and in default of paying it, shall be imprisoned ten days, or con demned to work ten days on the streets of Opelousas. 5. Be it ordained, That driving over the graves of the cemetery, or outside the spaces designed and marked out for th% passage of vehicles of any kind with in the cemetery, shall be deemed a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of five dollars. 6. Be it ordained, Teat every person desiring to bury his deed within the in closure of said cemetery, shall before doing so obtain a permit from the Presi dent of the Cemetery Board; and Be it further ordained, That in each and every case of the infraction of any one or more of the above and foregoing ordinances, condemned parties shall pay all costs of trial, and in defalt thereof, shall be condemned to work on the streets of Opelousas at the rate of one dollar per day, and fraction thereof. 8. Be it furtherordained, Thatall fines paid to the Mayor imposed on persons and collected of them for the violation of any of the foregoing ordinances, sall go, and shall be placed by, the Mayor and Treasurer of the town, to the credit of the said cemetery fund. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor of the town of Opelousas, upon affidavit made before him charging any person or persons with the violation of any one or more of the foregoing ordinances, to cause such person or persons to be brought before him by the town constable, to be dealt with according to law. Thus done and passed at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the town of Opelousas, La., this 7th day of May A. D. 1894. C. J. THOMPSON, Prest. of Board of Police of Opelousas. W. R. COCHnAN, Clerk. IN-THE STUD The Trotting Stallion, LOUIS P., RACE RECORD. 2 ;94, Sired by Chas. Caffery, trial 2:26, and sire of Bobbie P. 2:18; Kate Caffery 2:25 and ten more in the 30 list. Dam Julia, dam of Louis P. 2:294; Wanamaker 2:29%; and Jennie Cobb 2:304, by Happy Medium, sire of Nan cy Hanks 2:04, and 84 more in the 30 list. Thus it will be Centhat Louis P. Is bred in the height of fashion, that his dam has pro duced three with records better than 301. and is half sister to the great Nancy Hanks and full sister to Maxey Cobb 2:13 who was for 5 years the champion stallion. Louis P. is as good as his breeding. He got his mark of 2:2911n the 5th heat of a race which he won on a poor half mile track. He started 13 times in 92, and got 11 first moneys and one second. Louis P. is also the only horse in this parish who is standard under more than one rule. Ife is by breeding and by performance, and he is the only horse ex cept Currency, who is out of A producing dam: Louis P. has shown himself a sire by siring Fred. P., yearling record 2:45, the champion r.cear1itof Nebraska, STORM CLOUD, is a dark brown horse, full sixteen hands high, very showy, and has a race record of 2:34. He is by Black Cloud (783) sire of Char mer 2:27, and out of Preclosa by Knicker bocker, sire of Onward 2:20, Stephen G. 2:204, and ten others in the 30 list. These horses will make the season of 1894 at the Tweedie place in Bellevue, four miles south of Opelousas, Louis P. at $25, Storm Clond at $15. They will make one day of each week at Churchpoint, and one at Washington. For further particulars, ad dress, O. J. STOKES, apl7-tf Opelousas, La. Lucius G. Dupre, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Opelousas, - - La. Office with K]rrEETH BAILLIO, EsQ. Special attention given to collec tion of claims and investigat ing land titles. NOTARY PUBLIC. AUCTIONEER. Notice for Bids. In compliance with the resolution of the Police Jury, I will receive sealed proposals until Monday, June 11th, to do the work of improving the public road beginning at the bridge between J. M. Boagni's and the Burky place to its out let at the bayou Plaquemine, according to the suggestions and plans submitted by the committee appointed at a pre vious meeting, which report and a plat showing the work can be seen by appli cation to the Clerk of tje Police Jury. The Police Jury reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. E. H. McGEE, President Police Jury. CarseandTrade-Marks obtaid,and al PaR l buines conducted for MoorzarA Fees. Ouu.Omeg !s OPosnr' U. S. PATENTr OrIE andwe can scure patent in icsu time than those remote from Wulhagton. Send modd, drawing or photo., with dscrip tion. We advise, i petaMble or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secared, A PAMSPE, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of inthe . S. and foreincountries C.A.8NNOW&CO. Orr. PATrNT OInCE. WASHINGTON, D. C. COTTAGES Centrall, located and quiet uly tf M. VIASE A TILLE PLATTE, LA., May 29th, 1894. Still hot and dusty. - The sound of the carpenters' hammers tells us that the town is undergoing im provements. Mr. O. Dardeau is having the interior of his house remodeled. Mr. T. Coreil is having considerable improvement made on his house-the chimney torn down and changed place; the old openings of the house taken out and new and larger ones put in their places, making the house much cooler. He will also have an addition built to his house, in the shape of an octagon. The store of A. Currie & Co. is having a change of roof. We had the pleasure of being at the entertainment given for the benefit of the school house at Chataignier last Sunday. It was a success, as was evinced from the sweet smiling face of the fair teacher, Miss Swayze. The second nine of the J. D. C. Base Ball Club, of Ville Platte, entertained their neighbors of Chataignier on last Sunday, on the Chataignier grounds. The game was -closed by mutual consent on the sixth inning. lhe J. D. C.'s were victorious. The J. D. C. first nine will play the C. M. Thompson Hustlers next Sunday, the second game in a series of two out of three. Come everybody; the game will be a good one. We are informed that Mr. Frank Dietlein will be umpire. We are glad of that, as Mr. D. is a good um pire. We are going to make an effort to have our mail delivered from Opelousas instead of Washington. Won'tyou help us in the move, Mr. Editor? Then we may have a line of hacks running be tween the two places. JAKE. CHATAIGNIER 28 M1ai, 1894. Un temps magnifique a favorise la re presentation et le bal donne au benefice de l'Ecole du Chataignier. Nous re mercions cordialement nos voisins de Ville Platte qui nous ont apporte leur genereuse aidg, ainsi que le String Band, amt ne par le professeur Mouilland qui est venu nous assister. Nous vous ren drons la pareille, voisins!! A 8 heures du soir, le rideau s'est leve, et le Docteur Moncla, dans un magnifi que speech, a expose a l'assemblee lo but que le comite de l'Ecole publique avait en vue en donnant au Chataignier une representation, et montrant en le prouvant le benefice de l'education. En suite est venue une piece Francaise, "ie billet rose" jouee par Messieurs Henry et George Guitlet, et par Mile. Marthe leur seur. La piece a eu beaucoup de succes, et a ete parfaitement interpretee. Les tableaux sons la direction intelli gente et Melle. Lilly Swayzee, notre maitresse d'ecole, et de Melle. Mammie Mouilland de Ville Platte, ont ete su perieurement rendus. Mr. Eddy Ozee a chants avec beaucoup dechic une vieille chanson "old joe," et nous a beaucoup amuse. Apres lui Melle. Marthe Guillet a debite av c beaucoup de justesse et d'intelligence, le poeme Francaise "la mort de Jeanne d'Arc. L'assistance choisie qui assistait a cette representa tion a ete surprise de voir pareille chose dans notre endroit et nous a beaucoup felicite des progres accomplis; ce que nous devons aux families A. Guillet, Fabius Vidrine et Louis Veillons. Mal gre une opposition stupide et fanatique de certaines personnes qui voudralent voir le fermier continuer a brouter les paturages de l'erreur et de l'ignorance, Panrtidvr it3 wi irs iedthrasnrligdo tous ces ennuyeux bourdonnements. Le succes de notre entreprise a ete magnifique et nous avons collecte $70.95. Nous avons done lieu de nous feliciter de notre reussite, et nous etions loin de prevoir un succes aussi complet. Notre endroit du Chataignier en sera honore et de pareilles choses doivent etre en couragees. BIBI. VILLE PLATTE 30 Mai, 1894. Depuis longtemps les Inspecteurs lo caux de 1'Ecole publique du Chataig nier, avaient decide de continuer pen dant quelques mois encore lee cours de leur Ecole, afin de donner aux enfants qui la frequentaient la duree normale d'une annee scolaire. Pour arriver a leur but; ils avaient convie, non seulement les habitants du Chataignier, male lee populations voi sins, a un grand festival qui s'est donne, Samedi 26 du present moles, et avec un plein succes, Cette fete, unique, dans lee annales de nos compagnes se com-posait: d'une co medie francaise "Le billet rose," ta bleaux. recitations, etc. Le rideau s~est le-ve a lieeur.- d soir. Apres une marche vivement enlever par lee musiciens de l'orchestra, Mr. Henri Guillet a presente a l'auditoire Mr. le Dr. Moncla. Dans une improvisation aussi elo quente que bien inspiree; l'orateur s'est fait longuement applaudir, en faisant le parralele du Passe et de l'Avenir. Le Passe, vigoureux, honnete, mais desarme de tous see avantages, faute d'Instruction; l'Avenir avec lee memes qualites de force et d'energie; mail aide, soutenu, eclaire par une solide educa tion. Le "billet rose" (comedie-vaudeville en deun actes) a ete enleve avec une verve endiablee par Messieurs Henri Guillet, Georges Guillet et la toute gracieuse Martha Guillet. La "mort de Jeanne d'Arc" un chant de bercense, ont etc tres-remarques. Les tableaux vivants parfaitement re ussis, out ete tree-applaudis: un surtout merite une mention toute particuliere. LE JOUR ET LA NUIT. Melle. Lillie Swayze, jeune Alle char mante, institutrie et titutrice de 1'Ecole du Chataignier, etait tout simplement exquise, certainement on ne pouvait mieux personnifier tn beau Jour de printemps. Melle. Aimee Mouillaud, de las Ville Platte, representait ia nuit, et je vous assure que cette euit n'avait rien d'ef frayant; drapee dans an costume noir, constelle d'etoiles, elle en etait presque lumineuse, et le croissant d'argent qui brillait sur son front, avait des reflets si dour qu'il nouns faisait presque deviner l'Aurore. "Old black Joe" a ete par faitement rendu par le Jeune E. Hoses. Le tout s'est termine par une ssuterie qui n'a pris fin qu'aunx premieres lueurs dujour. Mais pour arriver a ce resultat ii a fallu un travail obstine, une patience a toute epreuve, une energie encroyable. Malgre une opposition tree forte et meme violente, lee directrices et direc teurs, a qui incombait sla tache et le de voir de mener a bien cette entreprise, out reassi d'ane maniere complete. Tout le merite leur en revient, et nousn devons citer leurs noms. Mesdames Bertha Guillet, Josephine Moncla, Ce lestin Veillon, Fabius Vidrine; qui out ete parfaitement secondees par Mes sieurs Dorsin Lafleur, Alphonse Guillet, Fabuis Vidrine, Dr. Moncla, Celestin Veillon. J. M. MERS~Y FARMI Miles Soith I ! FAR , of Opelouss. TERSEY STOCK FOR SALE, GOOD tl milkers and butter producers. OPELOUSAS STOKE POGIS at head of herd, sire Butis Stoke Pogis, grand sire Prince of Melrose; dam: iRomping Miss; record 23 pounds, one ounce in seven days. Correspondence solicited. May 19-3m W. 8S. OBIER. NOTICE .-Hunting and tresspasslng on Imy home farm near Opelousas, strictly prohibited, under pjenalty of law. nitf JO. M. MONHINYEVG. A ~iloonlight Picnic. A novel and withal enjoyable moon light picnic was given at Woodworth springs last Friday night by some in cognito gentlemen. I am of the opinion however, that the Lexicon contains oth er words more applicable than "Moon light," as the absence of that astute in dividual's effulgent countenance in tote precluded even the propriety of its use. However, I shall discontinue my anno tations on such insignificant circum stances and proceed to tell what a moon light picnic is, omitting the first com pound word. With commodious surries and spirited teams, we lined up at the house of our chaperons, Mr. and Mrs. Irion preparatory to starting. At last, when the word was passed down the line, we started off, I may say funereal like. But everybody arrived there in glowing spirits. The entire scene was illuminated with gasoline jets and the merry laughs from the jubilant hearts echoed and reverberated throughout the labarynths of defl and vale. After the numerous baskets, bundles, te., were l'y wd tir iS ion, the cry arose ote mu when lo I nothngbut the neighboring hills gave back the echo of their cries. "Old Tom" heard not their calls, but methinks was safely ensconced on some conveni ent mound recuperating from the effects of a healthy "jag." Search was vain. Notwithstanding the many oaths and promises extracted from him, he failed to report. A serious and puzzling ques tion presented itself. Where was the musician to come from? At eleven o'clock, was it possible to secure one ? Surely chagrin and disappointment was ours. Nay, not so! For when visual disappointment settled on each troubled brow, two sons of chivalry, loth to see the fair ones disappointed7 secured a team and were "on to Washington" and in what seemed hours to the waiting ones, they returned triumphant, with Mr. Richard. Again all was mirth and gladness. The inovin feet undulated with the beautifu music. Happy voices once more malte the old woods ring. Everything was conducive to the utmost pleasure: the ride, the music, the delicious supper and the pleasant environments. Some, we noticed, despite all the aus picious circumstances seemed to be af fected with quietude. One character I cannot forbear to mention. We 'noted the evolutions of his cogitations. IHe sat aloof with sedate mien and immo bile countenance. Some ineradicablo evil seemed to be rankling in the pro fundities of his heart, and lie descended from his lofty perch, and unnoticed save by "mine eyes," stole silently out into the obscurities of the Stygian dark ness. My apprehensions were immedi ately arousd did that fixed and deter mined look, those compressed lips and grating teeth mean a suicidal intent ? No, I am relieved! With a deep sigh he drops on a rustic bench, and "ever and anon" I catch the sonorous vibrations of his voice. I hnow he is saved. I say in my heart: 0 woman, look on thy work. When the long table was finally set and we were called upon, all responded with avidity. Even the despondent child of. adversity arose from his im promptu bed and lost no time procuring a desirable position at the table. After supper dancing was indulged in until way after the proud monarch of the n.ght broke the chain of darkness and smiled down upon the happy throng, as If in approbation of the scene. n tmm·mu'rmf-tni -c -r o ..e . woods, we were on our way home, each satisfied, I may add with a few excep. tions, with the evening's enjoyment. ONE or Tnmar. Governor Foster on Cri~mnal Expenses. To the Editor of the CLARION: I see in the Governor's message to the General Assembly an allusion to the criminal expenses of the several par ishes, where he says that at least one third of the revenues of the parishes goes toward defraying criminal expen ses, and that they consist mainly in the support of accused parties in jail await ing trial, witness and jury fees, justices of-the-peace and constables' costs; that the great bulk of criminal prosecutions are for minor offenses, and that they in volve burdensome charges, both in the justices and district courts. And the Governor goes on further and prescribes as a remedy that an amendment be made to the constitution divesting jus tices-of-peace of all criminal authority save that of committal for trial, and the crettion aitt-di tablishni5nt of an inor criminal court in each parish. While I approve the views of the Gov ernor on criminal expenses, I do not be lieve it safe to create another criminal court, as, in my opinion, we have courts enough in the districts, and justices-of the-peace; only give the latter more jurisdiction. It is my firm belief that if the justices-of-the-peace were vested (not divested) with more authority, so as to try all these minor criminal eases with the assistance of a jury of five, that the criminal dockets would be greatly reduced, and thereby reducing the crim inal expenses, as the witnesses in crimi nal casesare not paid by justices' courts, and it would be seen that the hoodlums and toughs of the different parishes would soon learn to fear and respect the law, because these little minor offenses, as a general rule, instead of dragging from term to term in our district court, would be immediately brought to trial before a judge and a fury personally ac quainted with the accused and the wit nesses, thereby assisting them in acting more intelligently. In great many of these minor cases if the accused parties would be speedily and sumarily tried and if found guilty given the full extent of the law, it would tend towards warning them for the future, and they would not, in great many instances, in after years, fill the grave of a hoodlum. As to criminal expenses regarding jus tices-of-the-peace and constables, let the Constitution be amended so as to allow them salaries to be based on the number of votes cast in their respective wards, as it is done now in this parish by agree ment between the latter and the police jury. A JUSTIca-ov-~rnH-PRACs. Ville Platte, May 22nd, 1894. TAKE NOTICE ! rHAT In my neighborhood, two miles northeast of the town of Opelousas, the following unknown animals can be found, upon paying the advertlsqment of same; One dun horse, apparently gentle, branded on shoulder and hip; three red cows and one calf, all branded; one ted ball, appar ently of ine stock, branded. For further particulars apply at my omce. ju2 2 J. B. G. DONATO. COPYRIGHTS. CA I o. r o. er . o Atet a tdum tbnud Murat Dedatal rneeats m frsolena Amoemtatcsomehn, sor awet t r. puend. h .with Dpsiaaabutti o show the 00., 33Wt1Y ýs. s BUOADW