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4% Paid on Savings Deposits PLANTRS BANK TRUST CO. Paid on Savings Depo OFFICERS: CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00 SURPLUS, - - $20,000.00 DIRECTORS: Robt. Chachere, President; Dr. J. P. Saizan, Vice President; Robt. Chachere, J. P. Savant, Vice President; We Sell and Buy Foreign Exchange; We Sell and Buy Travelers Checks, Good as Currency any- Dr. J. P. Saizan, J. A. Perkins, Cashier; where in the World; We Buy and Sell United States Bonds, all Denominations, at Market Price. Jno. P. Savant, or Fred Guidry, Assistant Cashier; Dr. G. Richard, Louis Guidry, and F. N. Halphen, Book- OURS IS G. Richard, keepers; OURS IS A BANK OF SERVICE G.H. Cretin Miss Stella D. Lambert, Stenographer; We Cater to the Small as Well as the Large Depositors; We are Always Ready to Help Our Friends J.A. P R. L. Garland, Attorney. 4% Paid on Savings Deposits jE PAY 4% PER CENT ON SAVINGS AND TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 4% Paid on Savings Depo Mr. Simon Stelly offered the following resolution: Whereas, more than one-fourth (1-4) of the qualified property taxpayers of the city of Opelousas. La., have petitioned this board to call an election to submit to the qualified property taxpayers of said city the proposition to incur debt and issue bonds of said city in the sum of Two Hun dred and Fifty Thousand ($250,000) Dollars for the purpose of (1i improving and ex tending the Waterworks and Electric Light Systems of said city, and (2) improving and draining the streets of said city: and Whereas, this board deems it advisable, expedient and necessary that said works of public improvement should be made, and that bonds for the payment thereof should be issued in conformity with the petition hereinabove referred to; therefore, be it Resolved, by the mayor and board of aldermen, of the city of Opelousas, La., in special session convened, that a special election be and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held in the city of Ope ouias. -La, on -ire 'to day-of the month of June, A. D., 1920, between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m., and 5 o'clock, p. m. Be it further Resolved, that at said special election there shall be submitted to the taxpaying electors, qualified to vote under the Con ,atitution and laws of the state of Loutsi ana, the following proposition, viz: To incur debt and issue and sell negoti able, semi-annually interest bearing, cou pon bonds of the city of Opelousas, La., evidencing the said indebtedness: the amount of said bonds being less than ten per cent (10) of the assessed valuation of the property within the corporate limits of said city of Opelousas, La., as shown by the assessment rolls of said city last com pleted, the said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5) per annum, payable semi-annually, and to run for a. period not exceeding thirty-five (35) years from the date of the bonds, the principal and interest of said bonds to be payable at such place as this board may determine, and both principal and interest to be secured and paid by a sufficient tax levied and col lected in each year that said bonus are out standing in accordance with the provisions of Article 281 of the Constitution, and laws of the state of Louisiana. Be it turther Resolved, that a noti:e of said special election be issued by the mayor of this municipality and duly .dvertis'ed for thirty (30, days prior to tido date of said elec tion in accordance with the law, in the St. Landry Clarion, the official journal of the city of Opelousas, La., and having a gen eral circulation therein; the noti:e of said special election to embrace substantially all things set forth herein a.nd to further state th:.t the board of adermr.n of the city of Opeklusas. La., will meat in open ses icn at 4 o'clock p. m.. on the 9th day of June A. D.. 920, and then an'l there proceed to opeen the ballot boxes, examine and count the returns, and declare the result of such election, and make a proces verbal of its proceedings. Be it further . Resolved, that the proposition to be sub anitted at said special election, shall be the following, and the ballot to be used there at shall be in the form, to-wit: For Issuance of Bonds. Proposition to incur debt and is ape negotiable bonds of the city of Opelousas, La., to the amount of "Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($250.000) Dollars, to run not to exceed Thirty-five (85) years, pay able serially, and at such times as shall be prescribed by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city YES of Opelousas, La., and in conform ity with the Constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent (6) per annum, payable semi :annually, for the purpose of (1) improving and extending the Wat reworks and Electric Light Sys tems of said city, and (2) improv ing and draining the streets of asid city, to be used in the propor tion of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($1560000) Dollars for improving and ettending the Wat- NO erworks and Electric Light Sys tems of said city and One Hundred 'Thousand ($100,000) Dollars for improving and draining the streets .; isaid city, the title to all of ch improvements shall vest in *aid municipality. Taxable valuation-----_ -$ Signature of Voter. NOTICE TO VOTERS: To vote in favor of the pronosition submitted upon this bal iot place a cross mark in the square after the word "YES": to vote against the pro position place a similar mark after the word 'NO." Be it further Resolved, that the mayor of the city of Opelousas, La., be and he is hereby auth orized and directed to have the necessary ballots printed for the said election in ac cordance with the law and the provisions of this resolution: he shall also provide bal lot boxes and the necessary blanks and tally sheets. and other paraphanalia for the hold ing of said elect:on. Be it further Resolved. that the clerk of court and ex officio registrar of voters of the parish of St. Landry, La., shall furnish the election officers hereinafter named with a list of taxpayers entitled to vote in person or by proxy at said election, together with the Svaluation of each of the taxpayers property, as shown by the assessment rolls last made ,imi i i un.r • . Be the Home Humble or Pretentious A Cottage or Mansion it has an intrinsic value which the owner can ill af A720, ford to jeopardie, by neglecting to keep it well insured at all times Some one has said "Forethink though you can not foretell." and again, "Caution is the par Sent of safety." See Us For Fire Insurance ! OPELOUSAS INSUIRAgINCE AGENCY_ SH.D.LARCADE JR. HGR.. - GENERAL INSURANCE I l' and filed prior to said election. Be it further Resolved, that said election shall be held at the legally designated polling precinct of each of the four (4) .city wards of said city of Opelousas, La., and the following persons are hereby appointed and empow ered to act at said election, viz: First Ward: at Dr. B. A. Littell's office: J. B. Carson, Lee Danel and L. H. Morn hinveg, commissioners, with Robert E. Budd, as clerk. Second Ward: at St. Landry Lumber Co.'s office: J. G. Lawler, Edward Morn hinveg and B. L. Sanders, commissioners; with Sidney Garland, as clerk. Third Ward: at Court House: Oscar J. Mis tric, W. T. Stewart and H. F. Richard, com missioners; with A. J. Bercier, Jr., as clerk. Fourth Ward: at J. A. Haas' Office: J. L. Comeau, E. K. Eastham and Henry Chachere, commissioners; with Allen De zauche, as clerk. The o;ficers of election above named h€all hold said election to anfor" it- the provisions of Act 256 of the General As semby of Louisiana of the year 1910, and the laws amendatory thereof, and shall make due returns of said election to the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Opelousas, on the 9th day of June, A. D., 1920, and said officers of election shall be compensated in accordance with the law. Be it further Resolved, that the Board of Aldermen of the city of Opelousas, La., shall, if the majority of the property taxpayers in num ber and amount voting at said special elec tion vote in favor of the propostion herein submitted, anpually levy and collect, be ginning with the year, 1920, while any or all of said bonds are outstanding and un paid, in excess of all other taxes, a tax suf ficient to pay the semi-annual interest and the principal of said bonds, at maturity. Tie. foregong resolution, after having beenyduly read and considered by the board of aldermen of the city of Opelousas, La., at this special meeting, held on this 26th day of April, A. D., 1920, was adopted by the following vote: Yeas: Gosselin, Fields, Danel and Stelly. Nays: None. Absent: C. P. Dunbar. Adopted April 26th, 1920. M. HALPHEN, Mayor. Attest:-J.. J. PERRODIN, City Clerk. There being no further business, on mo tion of Mr. Fields, duly seconded and car ried, the meeting was adjourned. M. HALPHEN, Mayor. Attest:-J. J. PERRODIMJ, City Clerk. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION I, Michael Halphen, Mayor of the City of Opelousas, La., in accordance with the auth ority vested in me by a resolution adopted by the board of aldermen of the city of Ope lousas, La., at a special meeting held Mon day, April 26, 1920, and the laws of the state of Louisiana, do hereby proclaim and give notice that a special election will be held in the city of Opelousas, La., for the purpose of voting upon the following pro postion: To incur debt and issue negoti able coupon bonds of said city, said bonds to run not to exceed thirty-five (35) years and to bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5) per annum, payable semi-annually, the proceeds of said bonds to be used ex clusively for the purpose of improving and extending the Waterworks and Electric Light Systems of said city and improving and draining the streets of said city, as designated in the proposition to be submit ted to said property taxpayers of said city rit said special election, said propositon be ing as follows: FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS Proposition to incur debt and issue nego tiable bonds of the city of Opelousas, La., to the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand ($250,000) Dollars, to run not to exceed thirty-five (35) years, payable seri ally, and at such times as shall be pre scribed by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Opelousas, La., and in con formity with the Constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5) per annum, payable semi-annually, for the purpose of (1) improving and extending the Water works and Electric Light Systems of said city, and (2) improving and draining the streets of said city, to be used in the pro portion of One Hundred and Fifty Thous and ($150,000) Dollars for the improving and extending the Waterworks and Electric Light Systems of said City, and One Hun dred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars for im proving and draining the streets of said city the title to all of which improvements shall vest in said municipality. The special election shall be held at the legally designated polling precinct of each of the four wards of the city of Opeousas, La., on TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1920, between the hours of 7 o'clock a. .m., and 5 o'clock p. m., on said day, with the fol lowing persons as officers of election, in the respective voting precincts of said city, viz: First Ward: at Dr. B. A. Littell's office: J. B. Carson, Lee Danel and L. H. Mornhin veg, commissioners; with Robert E Budd, as clerk. Second Ward: at St. Landry Lumber Co.'s office: J. G. Lawler, Edward Morn hinveg, and B. L. Sanders, commissioners; with Sidney Garland, as clerk. Third Ward: at Court House: Oscar J. Mis tric , W. T. Stewart and H. F. Richard, commissioners; with A. J. Bercier, Jr., as clerk Fourth Ward: at Dr. J. A. Haas' office: J. L. Comeau, E. K. Eastham and Henry Chachere, commissioners; with Allen De zauche, as clerk The board of aldermen of the city of Opelousas, La., will meet at the city hall, in said city, on Wednesday, June 9, 1920, at the hour, of 4 o'clock p. m., of said day, where they will in open session, then and there proceed to open the ballot baxes used at said election, and count the votes cast thereat, and examine and canvass the re turns of said election, and make, file and record a procee verbal thereof. Dated at the city of Opelousas, La., on this 27th day of the month of April, A. D., 1920. M. HALPHEN. Mayor of City of Opelousas, La. Attest:-J. J. PERRODIN, Clerk. Board of Aldermen, City of Opelousas, La. Notice to Purchasers of Timber Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a resolution of the School Board of the parish of St. Landry Superinten dent W. B. Prescott, Opelousas, La., will receive sealed bids up to 10 o'clock a. m. on July 6th for all mer chantible timber on the following de scribed property: One 16th Section, Township 4, South of Range 6 East containing 642.72 acres. 'Said bids to be opened at a meeting of the School Board on July 6th, 1920, at the office of the said School Board in the City of Opelousas, La. Bidders to accompany their bids with certified check of two per cent of amount bid. Terms of sale to be cash or on terms to be approved by the Board and bid ders should state the time required for the removal of this timber. The privilege is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids. W. B. PRESCOTT, june 5 5t Superintendent. Notce to Justice of the Peace Parish of St. Landry. In accordance with article 126 of the constitution and act 155 of the Gener al Assembly of Louisiana for 1898, amended by act 39 of 1904, you are hereby directed to report to the office of the superintendent of public educa tion in the city of Opelousas on Wed nesday morning, June 9th at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of qqualifying under the educational requirements for said office. Article 126 of the con stitution of 1913 states that "Justices of the Peace shall be free holders and qualified electors and possess such other qualifications as may be pres cribed by Law." Act 155 of 1898 says that "In addi tion to the qualifications pprescribed by article 126 of the constitution, Jus tice of the Peace shall be able to read and write the English language cor rectly, etc." and "that nt, commission shall hereafter be issued to any person as justice of the peace until he shall have filed in the office of the governor or secretary of state, a certificate signed by the board of school examin ers showing that he posseses all of the qualiications required of him by law." Act 39 of 1904 requires that this certificate be filed within sixty days from the date of election. Repectfully, W. B. PRESCOTT, may 29 Superintendent. SWEET POTATO PLANTS For immediate shipment in any quantities, pure Porto Rico Slips, $2.25 per thousand at Goldonna, La., Guarantee to arrive in good condition. Order today. Send check with order. First come, first served.-ROWE & DURBIN, GOLDONNA, LA. may 29 3t STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. If i ate anything with butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. I began to have regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE U sm iARKET COMMITTEE IN 3 DAY SESSION The special co-operative marketing committee of the American Cotton Association held a three day meeting in Memphis last week and developed what they consider a practicable plan to inaugurate co-operative marketing f the Southern cotton crop. This com mittee composed of five members at large and one from each cotton state. is headed by D. S. Murph, head of the marketing division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, with Cap tain Charles H. Teal of Grant parish as Louisiana's member. The plan which the committee fin ally agreed on comprises the county unit system, with warehousing, class ing and handling of cotton, local stan dardization of production and co-oper ative selling through county market ing organizations to be organised un der the auspices of the American Cot ton Association. A sub-committee to perfect details and submit the com pleted than to the board of directors July 15th was named as follows: D. S. Murph, A. F. Lever, Dr. Clar ence Poe, Harvie Jordan and Dr. J. F. Duggar, with S. G. Rubinow as sec retary. It is hoped to be able to start the plan working in a large number of counties in time for this year's crop. The national executive committee and the national finance committee will hold a meeting in Atlanta on June 1st. A tentative report, on the marketing plan will be considered by these committees. The Louisiana Division has been ac tive, in the preparation of the legisla tion which was agreed upon at the re cent meeting of the state committee. Three measures have been drawn and submitted to the attorney of the divi sion, W. O. Hart, and after the ap proval of the governor, will be intro duced in the legislature by members of the American Cotton Association who are members of the general as sembly. Pending the issuance of the nation al Cotton Journal and having discon continued the publication of the bulle tin "Unity" all members of the Louisi ana Division are now receiving "Mod ern Farming," which contains a cot ton column conducted by the Louisi ana Division. Ten thousand subscrip tion have been taken out by the di vision for its members and the readers of the "Unity," who are now getting besides the usual cotton news, much other valuable farm news. On receipt of news of distress in Catahoula, Concordia and Avoyelles parishes, due to the backing up of flood waters, Chairman W. B. Thomp son, of tl~e Louisiana Division started the circulation of a petition among the local cotton men and -$2,000 was raised and sent to the Red Cross fi nance committee in Marksville. R. D. HUDSPETH Dental Surgeon Opelousas, La. Office in Landau Building. - NO P .. I Refrigerators, Water Coolers, . Ice Cream Freezers ELECTRIC FANS EST. J. B. SAND Mrs. Newbride-My dear, I'm so worried. Our cook is carrying on some thing awful. Mrs. Oldbride-fMine did the same: thing. Carried away enough to start a small grocery store. F. C. O'CONNOR Tombstones Monuments, Headstenes, Etc., Lettered and Cleaned in the Cemeteries. Opelousas, - Louisiana. The Reason "Don't go into this spelling bee." "Why not?" "Because with your limitations, you will find yourself in a hornet's nest." Why That Headache? When you know the cause of a dis ease a cure may often be effected. This is particularly true of headache. Headache often results from constipa tion or a disordered condition of the stomach which may be corrected by taking a dose or two of Chamber lain's Tablets. Try it. These tablets are easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. No Smoking Alowed "Did you tell her that smoking isn't allowed?" "Yes." "Did you point out the, notice?" "Yes." "Well, what did she do? "Lit her cigarette with it."-Tit Bits. The 'Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Health, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. (ROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC F~ortfies the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and hen in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel i Strengthening Invigoratinga Fect. W0. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days SDraQists refund monif PAZO OINTMENT ll o care Itching Blind, Bleeding orProtruding Piles, Instantly relieves Itching P leand yon can get restful eep after the hrat appiat Price 6c LOST OR MISLAND Notice is hereby given that Savings Passbook No. 79 issued to Mrs. R. L. Schuler and Savings Passbook No. 116 issued to Hurley Lee Campbell of Barbreck have been lost or mislaid and that duplicates have been applied for. PLANTERS BANK & TRUST CO. may 29 6t The following ordinance was read and carried. An Ordinance No. 31 To require all able bodied male in habitants between certain ages to work the streets of the town under supervision of the street commission er, whenever summons by him so to do; to provide for a street tax in lieu of such compulsory street duty and to provide penalties for the violation of this ordinance. Section ,1. Be it ordained by the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Melville, La., that all able bodied male inhabitants of the Town of Melville, La., between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five years of age be required to work the streets of the town under supervision of the street commissioner whenever summoned by him so to do, not exceeding five days in any one year provided that any per IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY` LIST IT WITH US If you wish to buy-Come and see US C. P. Dunbar & Bro Farm, Timber and City Property Bought and So A. L. Lacombe Building. Opelousas, I PHONE 72 son may relieve himself of pulsory street duty by paying tax of $3.00 per year in lie payable as herein after Sction 2. Be it further etc., that any person des himself the privilege of street tax in lieu of wo streets, as provided for in se of this ordinance shall mak& payment to the town tax-co later than June 1st of each year. Section 3. Be it further etc., that all funds collected inhabitants of the town ordinance shall be expen sively upon the streets of and the improvements and same. Section 4. Be it further etc., that any one violating nance shall be punished by not less than five nor more t ty dollars or imprisoned not one nor more than eight days at the discretion of the Section 5. Be it further 0 etc., tht any and all ordinS parts of ordinance in con with be and they are hereby Section 6. Be it further etc., that this ordinance for sufficient reason take effect after its adoption. I Thus done and passed in session convened on this eleVi of May, A. D., 1920. Moved by Mr. White and, by Mr. Jones that the above o be passed as read. Carried. PAUL W. LAFLEU, I Attest:-E. J. LeBLANC, Clerk.