"Your Opportunity
June 15th"
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L Personal
Mrs. M. J. Sandoz of New Orleans
who had to undergo a serious opera
tion is on the road to complete recov
ery and is recuperating at the beauti
ful mansion of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pierre Mistrio.
Misses Maybel and Leonie Mistric
were in New Orleans for several days.
I. W. Jordan will spend the week-end
in Colfax. Watch your steps' girls
Bill is going up home to meet his
old sweetie.
Mrs. Simon Levy of Grand Coteau,
motored to Opelousas on Monday and
spent the day with Mrs. Kelley An
Claude Barrilleaux is visiting hi.
father in the Crescent City.
Peter.Casse of New Orleans trans
acted business in town Thursday and
Friday of this week.
Hrace Haydel f St. James was at
Horace Haydel of St. James was at
SATURDAY, JUNE 5th, 1920
For 30 IiDay Only
I have just moved into my new loca
tion on Main Street, and will celebrate
the event by offering to the people of
Opelousas and vicinity
ever given them before, either by ourselves or
anyone else. We have a complete line of Men's
Ladies' and Children's Shoes, so you can get
shoes for the entire family at this sale, at the
bargain prices.
Don't Miss this Opportunity to Save Money!
Boston Electric Shoe Shop
Main St., next to Dejean's Grocery Store
Opelousas, Louisiana.
tending business in town Thursday.
The many friends of Mrs. F. J
Green will be sorry to hear of her
sudden attack of appendicits on
Monday and hope to see her up and
about soon.
Geo. Harry of Alexandria attended
the dance at Barrilleaux's on Thurs
day night.
Ray Cain passed through Opelousas
on Thursday enroute to his home in
Leonville. Ray has been attending
school at Sam Marcos, Texas this past
Misses Irene Shute and Anita Mou
lis returned on last Friday from Hot
Springs where they spent three weeks.
Dr. L. A. Guidry and wife of Coulee
Croche motored to Opelousas on Sun
day and took in the picture show.
Miss Edith Dupre returned home
this week to spend the summer
months with relatives. Miss Dupre
has been teaching for a number of
1years at S. L. I. I. Lafayette.
Miss Evelyn Lewis, charming
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Lewis, left on last Sunday for Beau
mont, Texas, where she will be the
guest of Miss Julian Fletcher.
Mrs. W. B. Roberts and daughter of
Lafayette are spending a few days
here guest of relatives.
Miss Lura Sandoz left on Sunday
for Vicksburg, Miss., where she will
be the guest of friends for two weeks.
1iss Joyce Stagg of New Orleans is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Laurant Stagg.
* * s
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chachere and
family and Mrs. Andrew Moresi and
Master Andrew, Jr., spent the day last
Sunday at Krotz Springs, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Krotz.
Mrs. M. S. Boapni returned this
week from New Orleans with her new
King 8 Roadster.
(Miss Helen Fux returned on Tues
day from Alexandria after spending
three idays with her brother.
.Mixed Peas
Having bought a car of Peas at a
Bargain, I will give my Customers
the benefit.
Call Early and Get Your Supply
F.L. Sandoz
E. H. Phillips made a business trip
to Dallas, Texas this week.
Mrs. W. F. Clopton and daughter,
Miss Helen of Lafayette passed
through Opelousas Saturday on their
way to Morrow Station.
Miss Clyde Lawler returned Sunday
From Mt. Herman, where she been
teaching school for the past session.
* a *
Misses Maxie Ewell and Winona Mc
Caffery of Washington were visitors to
Opelousas on Wednesday.
Dr. Louis Bauman made several
trips to Prairie Ronde the past week
trying to put over an important deal.
Miss Anita Veltin, after spending
several days in Crowley, returned
home on Tuesday accompanied by
Clyde Bergin.
Misses Sadie Printz of Marksville
and Adeline Messinia of Crowley are
the guest of Miss Sadie Garbo.
Misses Mamie and Eleanor Anding,
who have been attending the State
Normal at Natchitoches, returned
home Tuesday to spend the vacation
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Miss Mildred Brown is visiting in
Crowley the guest of Miss Lyman.
Miss Ira Durio and aunt, Mrs. La
tiolais left Sunday for Port Arthur,
Miss Corine Hidalgo is spending
sometime in Ville Platte with Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Derouselle.
Mrs. Arthur Latour of Ville Platte
spent several days in town with
Miss Eula Sylvestre who has been
employed at Elizabeth, is spending sev
eral days here with relatives.
Lester Burr of New Orleans spent
several days in town this week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Derouselle of
Ville Platte spent Sunday in town
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hidalgo.
* *
Misses Noemie, Sydalise and Emma
Burr spent Saturday and Sunday in
Ville Platte the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Emile Pecheu.
Wheeler Roberts, who has been at
tending college at Tyler, Texas, re
turnd home this week to spend the
summer with his mother, Mrs. A. C.
Dr. L. J. Bauman, Carlie Dejean and
Crayton Shute attended the bas bhall
game in Lafayette on last Sunday.
J. B. Hidalgo motored to Crowley on
Monday to attend to busineass
Mrs. L. G. Kirk, W. B. Prescott, Ted
Roberts and Miss Myrtle Duro attend
ed the graduation exercises in Grand
Prairie on Wednesday night.
Just received full line o
Special reduced prices
Pivers" Powders . . . $1.
Pivers' Toilet Water . $1.
Pivers' Extracts . . . $2.5
Get them now whilewe have them
We fill all doctors prescriptions-thd
most complete line of drugs and chemi
cals in the city.
Mail Orders Mail Same Day
The Home of Drugs