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St. Landry Clarion ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BY THE CLARION COMPANY, LTD., PROPRIETORS RATE OF SUBSCRIPTION: ONE YEAR .......................................................$1.00 Invariably Cash in Advance All Postoffice, Express and Bank Money Orders, Checks, Drafts, Etc., for Subscription and Advertising must be made payable to the order of The Clarion Co., Ltd., or to the Business Manager. Entered at the Postoffice at Opelousas, La., as Second-class Mail Matter. VOTE FOR BOND ISSUE On next Tuesday, the eighth, the tax payers of this city will be called upon to vote for or against the proposed bond issue of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the proceeds of which it is intended to devote to the rebuilding of the power house ma chinery and lines, and extending of the light and water systems, and street. paving. It is estimated that $150,000 will be required to install the needed new machinery at the power plant and that this sum will also take care of rebuilding the electric light lines and extending the light and wat er service to parts of the city which have up to now been deprived of bath light and water. One hundred thousand doilar3 will be set aside to defray the city's pro rata of such street paving as may be petitioned for by the property own ers, and since the city will defray on ly the cost of paving street intersec tions it may be readily seen that quite a large amount of paving work can be taken care of out of the $100, 000 dedicated to that purpose. It would seem that the tax will carry by practically a unanimous vote as we have been unable to learn of any opposition to this highly progres sire and much needed measure. Some thought thatan issue of $500,000 should have been voted and the power pant entirely rebuilt in a more cen tral location. But our information is that the city's assessment would not warrant the issuance of a half million dollars of bonds since, under the law, a municipality cannot vote a bond is sue in excess of ten per cent of its assessment and the assessment of Ope lousas is not sufficiently large to carry h bond issue of a half million dollars. Besides, it is considered that the advantages to be gained by plac ing the power plant in a more central location would be relatively small com pared with the additional needless ex pense. The voters of the city will be re quired to vote at their usual polling place in each of the four city wards, and the polls will be open from seven o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon. Let every property taxpayers come out Tuesday and help carry the issue unanimously it possible. While we do not even re motely suspect that the election would fail we earnestly urge the tax payers to go to the polls and cast their ballots for the bond issue. BILL PROPOSES TO REDUCE SALARY OF PRESIDENT Washington.-A bill providing for reduction of the salary of the presi dent of the United States from $75, 000 to $50,0000 a year was introduced by Senator Smith, Democrat, of Geor gia. Senator Smith also introduced a resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution which would limit the president to one term of six years. FLOOR OF HOUSE REFUSED TO IRISH SYMPATHIZERS Washington.-Irish supporters in the house were confronted Wednesday with a refusal by Speaker Gillett to grant the floor to any member for the purpose of calling up the resolu tion expressing smypathy for Ireland because of lack of time. The resolu tion had been favorably reported by the foreign affairs committee and had been turned over to Representative Mason, Rpublican, of Illinois, who was to handle it on the floor. MAY USE FLAME AGAINST EPIDEMIC IN VERA CRUZ Mexico City.-Twelve cases of bu bonic plague have been discovered in Vera Cruz, according to El Demo crata. A cordon of troops has been thrown around the city and is prevent rng the entry or departure of anyone. of the houses of Ver ru-ra. will be burned because of the bbwa, 'c plague infection i" has been :dele~iled by the citizens of, that city, s aOco,93 to the Excelsior. TrE) AS .TA, 'ES ACTION A AINST BOLL WORM A` Austin, Establishment of a -gulat~d e pink boll worm regulat o t west Texas as infested area in Sout. se and senate recommended by th hot gislature. -oofmmittes to th state g conduced The committees, which n appro jdolnt hearing,. recommended "rse far Pittation of $1,000,000 to reimb, under aers ifor any cotton destroyed ade 15e 'proposed regulation and an ' of quate appropriation for enforcemen, tie law. The committee expressed apprecia tion to th efederal horticultural board I did the Department of AgriculturalI for aid in finding a solution of the problem. Federal qitarantine of Texas cotton recently was threatened usless the state took immdiate steps to. radicate SENATE CAMPAIGN EXPENSE INQUIRY ABOUT BLOWN UP FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS STILL IN DOUBT PENDING POM ERENE ACTION Washington.- Senate committee in vestigation of pre-convention presiden tial campaign activities had approach ed a new phase if not a virtual con clusion, future developments being in doubt pending action in the senate on Senator Pomerene's proposal to change radically the scope and pur pose of the inquiry and carry it be yond the November election. Action on the resolution, which would bring congressional as well as presidential campaign within the com mittee's jurisdiction, was delayed at the request of Senator Lodge of Massa chusetts, Republican leader. It will come up again Thursday and the com mittee, pending any alteration of its charter powers, began winding up the hearing of witnesses already summon ed. The day's sessions were considera bly interrupted by senate votes on ad journment, which drew members to the floor. Three witnesses were heard however, two of them throwing addi tional light on the financing of Major General Wood's campaign for the Republican nomination, while / the third brought additional Information as to activities for Senator Harding and Governor Lowden in Missouri. FARM MARKET BILL . FAVORED IN SENATE Washington.-Favorable report was ordered by the senate judiciary com mittee on the -house bill authorizing producers of agricultural products to form associations for the marketing of their products. The committee struck out house pro visions to give the secretary of Agri culture authority to institute proceed ings against such associations if in his opinion, they restrain trade or lea sen competition and gave the Feder el trade commision the same power. As passed by the house, the bill would affect farmers, planters, ranchme4, dairymen and fruit growers. SOUTH'S POTATO GROWERS CALLED TO MEET IN ATLANTA Atlanta.-Eweet potao growers and storage house men of the south have been called to meet in Atlanta June 8 to discuss plans of organization along the lines of the Georgia, Florida and California fruit exchanges. In crease in the production and use of the sweet potato is the object of the movement, according to the Georgia association and the Georgia Federa tion of Farm Bureaus, which has call ed the meeting. Literal Improvement "When she was taxed with her want of neatness, she swept out the room with disdain." "It would have been more to the purpose if she swept it out with a broom." PROCEEDINGS OF THE DOARD OF ALDERMEN Opelousas, La., June 1, 1920. The board of aldermen met this day in regular session. Present: E. L. Loeb, mayor, presiding; Aldermen A. C. Mouret, J. A. Dejean, L. L. Danel, Simon Stelly and Jno. W. Clark. All members present. Meeting called to order. On motion of Mr. Danel, seconded 'by Mr. Clark, the. reading of the min utes of the previous meeting was dis pensed with. Report of Street Commissionr. Opelousas, La., June 1, 1920. Hon. Mayor and Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen: I beg to make this my I .. . ....__ __ __ __ For Sale at a Bargain The Morgan Sandoz RESIDENCE On Bellevue Street St. Landry Real Estate Agency 121 W. Landry Street Lis Your Property for Sale With Us -+" _+L I., . i: - "'i '. i' ' ..'.+. .i,+'++. +.+ .i':+ . +. .,..::w i n report for the month of May. I worked 112 squares of streets, hauled 131 loads of dirt, six days sprinkling streets; I put down five new bridges and repaired 11; I put down two foot crossings and repaired .seven foot bridges. I braced the street bridge over Tesson on Grolee street; one-half day grading baseball park. I buried one dog. I swept the blocks twice per week. The approximate cost of work done in each ward is as fol lows: First W ard .............. $ 84.00 Second Ward ............ 62.00 Third Ward .............. 52.00 Fourth Ward ..:.......... 56.00 $254.00 Respectfully submitted, OCTAVE DURIO, Street Commissioner. On motion of Mr. Danel, duly sec onded and carried, the above report of the street commissioner was re ceived as read and ordered filed. Report of City Clerk and Tax Collector Opelousas, La., June 1, 1920. To the Hon. Mayor and Members of the Board of Aledrmen, Opelou sas. La. Gentlemen: I beg leave to report that I have collected during the month of May, 1920, and have turned over to the city treasurer, as per his report, the sum of twelve thousand five hun dred forty-three and 45-100 dollars, for the following funds, to-wit: City tax, 1919:......$4850.73 Sewg. tax, 1919...... 816.48 City tax, 1918........ 886.40 Sewg. tax, 1918...... 252.50 City tax, 1917....... 317.80 Sbwg. tax, 1917...... 101.02 $ 7224.93 Power plant: Light and water service ........ 3359.13 Sale 42 gallons crude oil ...... 5.04 Sale Ild junk to Ostrosky ........ 30.80 Licenses,;,1920 ..... 1090.00 Fines ............ 102.50 Stock fines ........ 35.00 Market dues ....... 257.75 Ins. fds. for fire dept. ............. 438.30 Total ...........$12543.45 Total balances to the credit of various accounts as per statement of May 1,1920...$39866.63 Total collected during the month of May, 1920, as per above statement .......... 12543.45 $52410.08 Less warrants issued during the month of May, 1920... 2998.47 Balance on hand June 1, I 1920 .....................$49411.61 Distributed as follows to the credit of: Corporation tax, 1916 ...... $ 3307.85 License tax, 1915 .......... 5.00I Interest .................... 19.06 S. W. assmt. 1909 .......... 15.11 Power plant ins............. 10.31 License, 1916 .............. 5.00 Licensee, 1917 .............. . 5.00 Loan account ..............4774.85 Map account ............... 10.50 Licenses, 1918 .............. 17.43 Cerporation txo, 1917... ... .1387.16i Sewerage tax, 1917 ......... 100.671 Licenses, 1919 .............. 20.22 Insurance funds fire depaprt ment .................... 438.30 Fines ...................... 208.49 Market ................. 291.72 City tax, 1918 .............. 19158.33 Sewg. tax, 1918 ............ 1052.61 Licenses, 1920 .............. 1396.88 City tax, 1919.............. 5984.38 Sewg. tax, 1919 ............ 917.88 $51546.75 Less pow. plant overdrawn.. 2135.14 May 1, 1920, over draft was ......$3438.42 Col. during -May.... 3394.97 Bal. old overdraft.. 43.45 Warrants drawn in May for said acct. 2091.69 making present overdraft ....... . $2135.14 which is more than offset by accounts to be collected for the month of May. Bal. June 1, 1920............ $49411.61 as per above statement. Respectfully submitted, J. J. PERRODIN, City Clerk and Tax Collector. On motion, duly seconded,' and car ried the above report of the city clerk and tax collector was accepted as read and ordered filed. Statement of City Treasurer. Statement of A. Leon Dupre, treas uruer of the city of Opelouusas, La., for the month ending June 1st, 1920. DR. May 1, 1920-To balance on hand as per last report..$40,233.76 June 1, 1920-To cash from J. J. Perrodin, C.C. & T.C. 12,543.45 $52,777.21 May 1, 1920-By sundry war rants paid since last report to June 1, 1920, as per warrants hereto attachced$ 2,944.70 June 1, 1920-To balance on hand .................... 49,832.51 " $52,777.21 Respectfully submitted, A. LEON DUPRE, City Treasurer. On motion, duly seconded and car ried, the above report of the city treasurer, was referred to the finance committee who. after examining and finding same correct, ordered that the city treasurer be credited with the sum of $2944.70 and vouchers for this amount cancelled. Moved by Mr. Danel, seconded by Mr. Clark, and carried, that a stand ing committee composed of'the mayor, Mr. Stelly and Mr. Mouret, be and, is hereby appointed to supervise the affairs at the power house, and with authority to prepare a wage scale for the employes of the power plant, said ccmmittee to submit monthly re ports to this board. On motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Danel, the request of the city. board of health that one of the police officers be delegated to act as inspec tor for said board, thereby making a saving to the city of the salary of an extra officer, was granted. The communication from Mr. Henry Martin was received, read and filed. On motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Clark, and carried, the mayor and clerk to issue a warrant in favor of the Hope Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, for the sum of $438.30, being amount received from the State of Louisiana for insurance funds for fire depart merit. In motion, duly seconded and car ried, the following bills were approv ed: E. Attaway ..................$ .20 R!. V. Miles .................. 9.80 Albert Clary ................. 11.10 James O. Domique .......... 2.00 Clerk's office 3.50 A. L. Hollier ............... 3.70 Burgess Repair Shops ........ 16.50 A. D. Gucchereau ............ 60.00 Est. J. B. Sandoz .............. 2.05 Est. J. B. Sandoz ............. 12.55 Dietlein & Jacobs Gro. Co..... 24.75 St. Landry Lumber Co., Ltd... 169.91 St. Landry Luumber Co., Ltd... 77.13 Dr. B. A. Littell (vital sta.).. 13.50 A. C. Skiles Lbr. Co. Ltd..... 26.70 Mouret and Co. ............ 198.05 Standard Oil Co. of La....... 56.70 Standard Oil Co. of La......... 11.70 Standard Oil Co. of La....... 15.60 Texas Oil Co................. 71.45 Texas Oil Co ................. 36.00 Texas Oil Co ................. 30.87 Texas Oil Co................. 31.50 Texas Oil Co ................. 37.17 Texas Oil Co ................. 99.90 Texas Oil Co ................ 1.30 Texas Oil Co ................. 36.00 Texas Oil Co.................. 2.60 Interstate El. Co.............. 5.30 Stauffer, Eshleman & Co., Ltd. 26.37 J. W. Thompson ............. 91.54 There being no further business, on motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. E. L. LOEB, J. J. PERRODIN, Mayor. City Clerk. IF YOU WANT TO BUY IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED CITY OR COUNTRY PROPERTY -or- If You Want to Sell Improved or Unimproved City or Country Property List the same with me as I have purchasers now waiting t6 buy. FOR SALE CHEAP-The business place occupied by Joe Trapany, also two impproved lots and two vacant lots adjoining. -see-- "The Old Reliable Real Estate Man" MULLS r . SSEE US Mouret & Co. U OPELOUSAS, LA. LANDRY STREET Also ALL KINDS OF ANIMAL FEED STUFF MARES For Sale Cotton Seed Hulls and MEAL Produces More Milk and Butter Cheapest Cow Feed On Earth Opelousas Ice & Bottling Opelousas, Works Louisiana J. A. HAAS ALLEN DEZAUCIIF Lands Lands Lands, If you have farm or timber land for sale, see us. We` will sell it for you. We are in close touch with the land market, handling many real estate deals and are in a po sition to find you a purchaser. If you want to sell your farm, list it with us; If you want to buy a farm, see us; If you want to buy or sell City property, see us; NO DEAL TOO LARGE--NONE TOO SMALL HAAS & DEZAUCHE Opelousas, Louisiana. 93 iddn S at341. S>10 dOLnO S311 o Ano -~ . 3 U .iOOJL ltV 3H. MO A3H.L NNV )Hoo10.tAHL (LOA .LN Bargainsin :Used 1 New Maxwell Truck Ton_............................. 1 Saxon Six .-.-.......... . .......--......................... $350. 1 New Maxwell Touring .....................-.......... 1 Buick Five Passenger ............... -... .....-5O0( 1 Lexington 7 Passenger .............................. $11 1 Overland 854, 5 Passenger __...........................$65 1 Ford 1-2 Ton Truck ...... ................................$400 THE ABOVE CARS ARE GUARANTEED TO' IN A-i CONDITION * * * * COMFORT, GOOD TASTE AND HOSPITALITY RADIATE FROM Beaver Board Rooms To the house owner who would have the rooms of his home present distinctive but pleasing appearance, BEAVER BOARD appeals as a product possessing many more posibilities' than the wall and ceiling material usually used. BEAVER BOARD is moisture proofed by a patented process of surface sizing and sealing to protect it from moisture, dryness . or climatic changes. No other wall board Sis so protected, which makes it important that you see the BEAVER BOARD trade mark on the back of the wall board you use. We have just received and unloaded the . ` the first FULL CAR OF . Beaver Board to reach OPELOUSAS which places us in a position to furnish YOUR wants, LARGE or SMALL, RIGHT on the MINUTE. Let us Design a Beaver Board Room for You The A. C. Skiles Lumber Company Ltd. Opelouas, Louisiana a