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With acknowtedgme.,t to# K. C. B, "How I saved. a pobmkn lif EVEN THE eggs. DID SMELL good. WERE TIRED that morning. AND I followed him. AND THE coffee. INTO A store. DIDN'T FOOL me one bit. HE THREW down two dimes~i BUT WHEN after breakfast. AND SAID "Thsame. AND SO did I. MY CIGARETTE tasted awful. AND SO did IT WAS too much. AND SO I'm still smoking IT WAS too much. • k * * ` AND STILL keep that. AND A grouch started. . * * . OFFICE BOY and I let that AND WALKING to work. . . W * * HANDSOME POLICEMAN llve, I SWORE off smoking. * * , S* AND I'M going to boost. AND DECIDED to fire. * . . * * * THAT MAN I followed. MY OFFICE boy. . * * * FOR PRESIDENT or somethin$g BUT JUST before I decided. * o e FOR REALLY those cigarettes. TO KILL a policeman. * * * * * DO SATISFY. A MAN passed me. * * * STSMOKING UST a whiff of that spicy aroma SMOKING A cigarette. qJ of fine Turkish and Domestic • 4 tobaccos will make you hungry for AND SAY but the smoke, this "satisfy" smoke. There are " * blends and blends, but none like THAT DRIFTED back. this one. Chesterfield's blend is a secret and it cannot be copied. CIGARETTES L Grand Coteau George Barry of New Orleans was a recent visitor here. M. and Mrs. Ralph Voorhies of Car encro and Miss Verna May Goings of Huoston, Texas were in town at the1 week-end. Dudley Dunbar, Miss Isabella Snmith, Mrs. Cook Smith and family were vis itors to Opelousas on Sunday. Miss Beatrice Barry was the guest of relatives at Opelousas for several days. Misses Julie and Alice Petetin, Eth el Barry and Mary Anna Brinkhaus autoed to Lafayette on Thursday. Mis Grace Smith of Opelousas is the guest of relatives here. Miss Julie Richard visited Mrs. He bert Richard at Opelousas for a cou ple of days. Mrs. E. V. Barry and daughter, Viola were in Lafayette at the wek-end. J. J. Barry and family and GlennI Richard attended the graduation ex ercises at the Industrial Institute at Lafayette. Misses Odilia and Mary Anna Brink haus were visitors to Lafayette for a fdw days. Madames M. R. Dunbar, M. E. La fleur, Misses Alma, Julie and Alice Petetin and May Lafleur motored to Washington Sunday. Ludwick Brinkhaus who was attend-; ing the dentist school at Loyola Uni versity New Orleans this past session is home on a vacation. W. W. Olivier of Lake Charles was in our midst Sunday. Rev. H. S. Maring. S. J., of Loyola University, New Orleans and a fqrm er president of St. Charles College is the guest of the Jesuit here. Charles Genin of Opelousas repre senting I. L. Lyons and Co., of New Orleans was in town this week on business. Mrs. Dora Barry returned from the Crescent City Monday after a visit of several weeks. She was accom panied back by her datighter, Ruth who attended the dental schooi at the Loyola University. Leo Burleigh who visited relatives here for a couple of weeks left San day for New Orleans. Mrs. Ed1lT '3urleigL oc_ Lak Each Cup Of INSTAiTI PoSTUM contains the same uniform qdult of goodness that makes this table beverage so popular. Make it strong or mild as you prefer by varying the quantity used. No wonder so many prefer it to coffee, not alone on account of taste but because of its abundant healthftilness. Truyr Thereea1(eason"for POSTUM Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Creek. Michigaj +-t~ apirs~- ........ . ........r ... ... - - · ' ·-- - ··! r .. ... . . ++; I Charles was n ,rwn SundIav Miss Leonie Burleigh and Mr. Richard Burleigh were in Lafayette recently. Mrs. John Dougherty of Beetle, Tex as is the guest of Dr. Tarlton and family. Miss Mary Burleigh is the guest of Miss Julia Thomas at Rosa, La. fLioner Elmer was a visltd( to New Iberia this week. Mr. John M. Oge left for Lufkin, Texas, and other place. Carlton Oge returned to New Or leans after visiting relatives and friends here. Washington Week-ena visitors from Lafayette were, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bittle and daughter, Miss Helen, J. J. Carriere and daughter, Miss Jimmi. Lineman Soule of Ville Platte trans acted business here this week. Dr. and Mrs. I. M. Foler of Eliza beth, are guests of Mrs. Foler's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voltz. Mrs. Olevia Broussard and little daughter of Rayne visited Mrs. J. M. Lalanne and family this week. Mr. Lewis of St. Landry spent Sun day at the Ewell home. Father Collard of Opelousas was in town during the absence 'f Father Jansens. Mrs. Irean Curley has returned from a month in Shreveport, where she was the guest of her son, C. Roy. Dr. and Mrs. James T. Mary and family visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. P. J. LeBlanc, in La fayette, the past week. Mrs. Charles Samuels and children of New Orleans are guests of her sis ter, Mrs. Sam Plonsky. Eugene Lowery of Morrow Station visited here on Tuesday. Mrs. George Thompson and children left on Monday for New Orleans and other points. Mrs. Kertly Lynch and little Brom ley were recent guests of Mrs. J. N Callahan at Mermentau, La. Those from here wh oattended the K. of C. initiation ceremonies in New Orleans were: Rev. P. J. Jansens, Mayor Goings, L. A. Poche and Willis Boudreau. Mrs. Irean Curley has returnde from a month's visit to her son, Chas. Ray, in Shreveport. A. B. Browne accompanied hi sis ter. Miss Lena as far as Alexandria; she being en route to the summer term at Natchitoches. Before returning here, he visited his home at St. Ga briel. Mrs. Stelly Wayne left on Tuesday for G-uayden, La. Roch Schmit of Morgan City visit ed his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Schmit re cently. Mrs. Viola Anderson is in Lafayette for the summer term of school there. Mrs. Chas. Samuels and children of New Orleans are the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. S. M. Plonsky. Clay Breau of Crowley and Adolph Carriere, now of Houston, spent the week end, at "Nifty-Nook," the guests of Jess Thistlethwaite. Died: At his home here June 1st, at 3 p. m. John Neville St. Amant, age 70 years. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can soon fl its Stre.ath ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 6c. The following ordinance was read and carried. An Ordinance No. 31 To require all able bodied male in habitants between certain ages to work the streets of the town under supervision of the street commission er, whenever summons by him so to do; to provide for a street tax in lieu of such compulsory street duty and to provide penalties for the violation of this ordinance. Section 1. Be it ordained by the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Melville, La., that all able bodied male inhabitants of the Town of Melville, La., between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five years of age be required to work the streets of the town under supervision of the street commissioner whenever summoned by him so to do, not exceeding five days in any one year provided that any per son may relieve himself of such com pulsory street duty by paying a street tax of $3.00 per year in lieu thereof, payable as herein after directed. Sction 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that any person desiring to avail himself the privilege of paying a street tax in lieu of working on the streets, as provided for in section one of this ordinance shall make the said payment to the town tax-collector not later than June 1st of each and every year. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc.. that all funds collected from the inhabitants of the town under this ordinance shall be expended exclu sively upon the streets of the town and the improvements and upkeep of same. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., that any one violating this ordi nance shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more then twen ty dollars or imprisoned not less than one nor more than eight days or both at the discretion of the mayor. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., tht any and all ordinances or parts- of ordinance in conflict here with be and they are hereby repealed. Section 6. Be it further ordained, etc., that this ordinance for good and sufficient reason take effect from and after its adoption. Thus done and passed in special session convened on this eleventh day of May, A. D., 1920. Moved by Mr. White and seconded, by Mr. Jones that the above ordinance be passed as read. Carried. . PAUL W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Attest:-E. J. LeBLANC, Clerk. FOR SALE One bicycle for $10.00, one 3x5 printing press for $5.00. Apply C. T. GRIFFITH'S residence, 779 W. Vine StreeL jaI.~t~·-:sil~ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION State of Louisiana. I, the umlersigned secretary of state of the State of Louisiana, do hereby certify that consent in writing to the dissolution by the stockholders of the "Palmetto Produucts Co.. Inc.," domi ciled at Palmetto, Parish of St. Lan dry, Louisiana, signed by the stock. holders, was filed in this office the twenty-fourth day of May, 1920, and recorded in book "Record of Chart ers" No. 98. folio-, and the said cor poration is hereby declared dissolved. Given under my signature, authenti cated with the impress of my seal of office, at the City of Baton Rouge, this 24th day of May, A. D.. 1920. ' JAMES J. BAILEY, Jun 5 5t Secretary of State. CLEAN UP NOTICE June 2nd, 1920. The Board of Health of the City of Opelousas, having re-appointed me as health inspector. I. therefore de sire to inform the general public that commencing on Monday the 7th, in stant, I will visit daily thereafter all premises situated in the city, as it is the desire of the board to have the city placed in a sanitary condition as early as possible I will therefore ap preciate the full co-operation of all the people as much better results may be obtained thereby. A. L. HOLLIER. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains, etc.-sept 25. FOR SALE 1 Two Story Building, corner Main Street. Now a hotel Two blocks from Bank and Postoffice. Apply, A. C. MATT, june 5 5t Eunice, La. - FOR SALE One typewriter in perfect condition. Apply 24, The St. Landry Clarion. LIBERTY BONDS PURCHASED AT MARKET PRICE CHAS. .. 3OAGNI, Office, 136 Bellevue, Street, I OPELOUSAS, LA. feb25-tf Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antisep tic; itkills the poison caused from in Ifected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. sep 25. APPLICATION FOR PARDON Notice is hereby given that I am applying for a pardon. m 22 3t EDMOND MILLER. NOTICE Is hereby given that I am applying for a full and unconditional pardon. JOSEPH RATHER. may 29 5t TAKEN UP NOTICE One Red cow about 5 years old on last December, on my place on the Little Teche, said animal is branded on left hip thus: Owner is hereby notified to come forward and prove property and take same away. WILFERD DARBONNE, m 22 5t Route 3, Opelousas, La. No More Corn . Suffering "Gets-It" Never Leaves a Corn O0 Any Foot For Very Long. The hurting "pep" goes right out of that corn the moment a few drops of "Gets-It' lands thereon. It is through, and "for keeps." ' VP-s Cern and Gets-It" Can't Live You'll have no more pain but will notice the corn getting loose and wobbly. In a day or so. you lift it right off without any feeling. That's the end of the corn and of your troubles. Millions have proved "Gets-It" tO be the one and only unfailing, common sense corn re mover. Why not you? "Gets-It" costs but a trifle at any drug store and carries a money back guarantee. Mf'd. by E. Law rence & Co., Chicago. Sold in Opelousas and recommendIed as the world's best corn remedy by a hute's Drug~ tore.. i . . - Sh..ý ...- .. ·, _ : .- '- . . THE MRK ON O,4LITY LUMBER Less Work--More Pleasure "The work in the kitchen must be finisher." You wife has been denied many pleas ures for that reason. Convenience will make both your wife and home happier. Supply her with those things which will save her hundreds of useless steps each day. The right kind of kitchen cabinets, drain board and convenient cupboards will do away with useless kitchen drudgery. She will have more time for recrea tion. Let us tell you how to "build in" these improvements to the beet advantage and at a moderate expenditure. We can supply you with Long-Bell trade-marked lumber, noted for its uniform high quality and with the best of other building materials. Remember-Convenience in your home means less work, fewer steps, more pleas ure. We'll be glad to help you make your home convenient. ST. LANDRY LUMBER CO. Mrs. Frank Roberts returned to her home in Crowley on Wednesday after a pleasant stay with her mother Mrs. Lena Meginley. Charlie Clay of Port Barre passed through Opelousas on Thursday en route from Sunset to Port Barre. LOST OR MISLAND Notice is hereby given that Savings Passbook No. 79 issued to Mrs. R. L. Schuler and Savings Passbook No. 116 issued to Hurley Lee Campbell of Barbreck have been lost or mislaid and that duplicates have been applied for. PLANTERS BANK & TRUST CO. may 29 6t R. D. HUDSPETH Dental Surgeon Opefousas, La. Office in Landau Building. Service Garage 1 .1 TO A PROSPECT; DEAR SIR:- Don't make a mistake and buy an out-law car when a Standard Machine can be had. Backed by the oldest Automobile Manufactory Concern, one who has an universal' distribution of parts which means cash to you after the new one wears out. One that has a service station to co-operate with the factory and take care of your, factory guaranteed for twelve months. Let me have your address for a demonstra ntio of a new BUICK. No harm done I will give you facts on buying an out-law machine and a Standard Machine. Yours 'truly, BUICK SERVICE STATION, G. L. JORDAN, Mgr. CUBANS TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT SUGAR SHORTAGE Havana.-The Havana Chamber of Commerce petitioned the Cuban gov ernment to take necessary steps to see that 400,000 saks of sugar of the present crop be retained on the is land and witheld from export. The Chamber of Commerce explained that unless this measure is taken, the shortage of sugar in Cuba will be very acute. DENIES PROPOSAL TO ADMIT VATICAN TO NATIONS LEAGUE Rome.-Reports published late last week that Arthur J. Balfour, former British secretary of state for foreign affairs, had proposed the admission of the Vatican to the League of Nations are denied in an official statement printed by the Conservatore Romana, organ of the Vatican. It is also said that "no other person" has made any such proposals. Former Cadets Pay Visit Baton Rouge.-T. G. Lawrence, a former Louisiana state university student and now identified with Paul Pfleigner and Company, cotton brok ers of New York and Belgium, arrived in Baton Rouge yesterday. He is visiting his father, B. T. Lawrence of Baton Rouge. Lawrence was accompanied by Ben Prescott, also former Louisiana state university student, who is studying in Havard. Prescott is a son of Colo nel A. T. Prescott of Louisiana State University. flabitu Costlpat CMned 1I 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specdally preparedSyrupTonic-Lazatdve or sabiual Constipation. It relieves propdtly but should be take reularly for 14 to 21 days toinducereulsr action. RStimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. Os per bottle.