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REMARKABLE RECOVERY Extraordinary Curative Power of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa.- "I want to let you know what good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has done me. I had organic trou bles and am going through the Change of Life. I was taken with a pain in my side and a bad head ache. I could not lie down, could not eat or sleeps I suf fered something terrible and the doc tor's medicine did me no good at all-my pains got worse instead of better. I began taking the Vegetable Compound and felt a change from the first. Now I feel fine and ad vise any one going through the Change of Life to try it, for it cured me after I had given up all hopes of getting better. You can publish this and I will tell any one who writes to me the good it has done me."-Mrs. MARGARET DANZ, 743 N. 25th Street, Phila., Pa. It hardly seems possible that there is a woman in this country who will con tinue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkldam's Vegetable Compound a trial after all the evidence that is continually being published, proving beyond contra diction that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffering among women than any other medicine in the world. Kind Invitation. College professors are proverbially absent minded and many stories are told along this line. One is told about the late ,Professor Cleveland, beloved of all Bowdoin men of several dec ades ago. One day the professor bad a powerful electric current run ning over an insulated wire in the class room. "If a man should touch this wire," he said to the class in physics, "he would be killed instantly." Then, beamingly absent mindedly upon the nearest student, he said: "Now, Mr. Smith, will you kindly touch that wire ?"-Portland Express. Changing the View. A cylindrical tool, described in the Popular Mechanics' Magazine is meant to aid the portrait photographer in posing his subjects. From a switch mounted on the rear of the camera, wires lead to an electric motor con cealed in the base of the stool. With his hand on the switch, the photog rapher is constantly able to turn his subject until the desired view, profile, full face, etc., is seen. Prayed for Cure Finds it After 10 Years Food Would Sour and Boil -Teeth Like Chalk Mr. Herbert M. Gessner writes from his home in Berlin, N. H.: I had stomach trouble over ten years; kept getting worse. I tried everything for relief but it came back worse than ever. Last fall I got awfully bad; could only eat light loaf bread and tea. In January I got so bad that what I would eat would sour and boil; my teeth would be like chalk. I suffered terribly. I prayed every day for something to cure me. One day I read about EATONIC and told my wife to get me a box at the drug store as I was going to work at 4 p. m. I took one-third of it and began to feel relief; when it wts three-fourths gone, I felt fine and when it was used up I had no pains. Wife got me another box but I have felt the pain but twice. I used five tablets out of the new box and I have no more stomach trouble. Now I write to tell you how thankful I am that I heard of EATONIC. I feel like a new man; I eat what I like, drink plenty of water, and it never hurts me at all. Tan-No-lore "Ime &&in . "anner." - always between Vwt .. anmd the 5an. Is a sure protection against the beam ing sun or blister to he skin the vel vety softness of youth Used before going out in the evening It assures Sfaultless complton. amaas: Tsadrasaist's asithlaesd we ld ysr am f Tan.5.l*r. falls to pluas yr. Balkr laboratorig, em1hmI m KING PIN CHEWING The tastiest ' tobacco you ever tasted. MONEY BACK without question if Hunt's Saltv fails in the treatment of Uuemna, Tetter, Ringworm. Itch. etc. Don't become diseouned because other treatments failed. Hunt's Salvo hs relleved hundreds of such cases. on can't lose on our Mon3 guar.tMe. Tr i t at our risk sO POBad far ve CAPUDINie STOVE POLSI$ Shines Quick u E-Zdetal Poishsf eNickel I IDDl VIENING I!ARY TAL[ THE CHOSEN DAY. "Ah," said the little brownie to the purple fox glove which was just out "I am very glad to see you." The purple fox glove bowed its pret. ty flower head and said, "I thank you, little brownie. "And pray do you like my speckled center? I feel it ih quite smart. And do you like my sis ter here in her plain nwhite dress?" "I do, indeed," said the little brown ie. "I think your speckled center with your beautiful purple frock is lovely and your sister's white dress is indeed beautiful." "To think," said the little brownie, "that not long ago I was at this little place so near the sea and that on one of the rivers not far away I saw some sea gulls sitting on the ice." "We didn't see that," said the pur ple fox glove, "or rather I mean we didn't see them." "I guess we were asleep," said the white fox glove. "Yes," said the little brownie, "then it was winter, and now it is the late, late spring. It's quite a cloudy day, too, and nice for the eyes-doesn't tire them, I mean, though I think the sun is lovely, too. Ever since I joined Peter Gnome's club called the Every Day-Is-Nice Club, I have really and truthfully found something nice each day." Just then some people came along. "Well," said one, "it makes me mad. Here I had chosen this one day to take off from work and now it has gone and turned out cloudy and horrid. It does make me mad." "It makes me mad, too," said an other. "This very day I planned to take off and then it has to be as it is 0 "I Feel Dreadful." now, and goodness only knows any moment whether it will rain or not" "That's so," said the first person, "one can't decide what to do because the weather itself doesn't seem to know what to do." "It does make me mad," said the second person again, "to think of choosing this day when it is such a horrid one. Oh, dear, I am so angry and so put out." -So the people went on grumbllng and talking to each other and the two fox glove flowers which had been talk ing to the little brownie said, "They should join Peter Gnome's club?" And they smiled when the little brownie answered, "Indeed, they should, indeed they should." Just then along came a creature who looked very fine and also as though very nice if one got to know him better. He wore a heavy cape of gray around his shoulders and he looked a trifle sad. Still he did look very nice. "Who are you?" asked the little brownie. "I'm Father Weeks' child. rm Tuesday." "Why, you're today," exclaimed the little brownie. "I am," said Tuesday, "and I feel dreadful to think that folks should talk about me so. You see it wasn't my fault they chose to come to the seashore or to this seaside place to day. "I had certain work to be done which could only be done in such weather and when the sun was not shining too brightly. "Well, they blamed me as if it were my fault for having been chosen. And they acted as though because I had been chosen as the day they were tak ing off I should do everything to oblige them. "Of course I'm sorry I can't oblige everyone but I can't, and I do wish folks would understand it instead of complaining and blaming me. "Now, this morning, I was running around with some of the Happy Mo ment Daughters and I heard someone say, "'Isn't this fine, the day will be cloudy and maybe it will rain and I'll do a lot of odds and ends I'd saved to do on the first day that wasn't sunny.' "You see. one can't please everyone." "One can't." said the little brownie, "but don't be hurt, dear Tuesday. You'll come back again and not leave us without any, dear Tuesday, won't you?" "Oh, yes," smiled Tuesday, "for though I know folks often blame me and blame my family too, and the oth er days, I know that deep down there are lots of folks who like me. 'They like old Tuesday. They've had happy Tuesdays and they're going to. have more. I won't let a few com plaints discourage me and make me unhappy !" Hatred at First Sight Uncle-Weal, Johnny, after looking over the new house, how do you like it? Johnny-I don't like it a bit. There's two bathrooms in it and ma says rye got to take a bath every day. Geographical. "Papa, where is Atoms?" "Atoms? I don't know, my boy. You mean Athens probably." 4-Notmaean teMm-hthe place where. .DANDERINE" stops Hair Coming Out: Doubles Its Beauty., A few cents buys "Danderine." Af ter an application"of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dand ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness.-Adv. Cutting Out the Cottonwoods. In many cities of the Southwest, the cottonw'ood trees have become a nui sance by reason of the litter which they make at certain seasons of the year when little wads of cotton a're dropped from them and the matter is being met by the wholesale cutting down of these trees. Thousands -of these beautiful shade trees are being sacrificed. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. there's no longer the slightest need: of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine -double strength-is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine-double strength-from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that mOre than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othiae, as this is sold under guarantee of morsy bask if it fails to. remove freckles. Price Mark. Willie, age three, while watching mamma giving his little sister her morning bath, noticed a birth mark on sister's little neck and exclaimed: "Mamma, God forgot to take off the price mark." SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. t., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.-Adv. .Enthusiasts. Mrs. Gabbiegh (at the musical) Oh, Mrs. Noodle, I had so much to say to you, and now the pianist is through. ,Mrs. Noodle-I'm just dying to hear it. Let's encore him. AVOID INFLUENZA, COLDS, LA GRIPPE, ETC. By keeping the bowels and liver active. The best remedy for this is BOND'S LIVER PILLS. They not only act di rectly on the liver, but remove all poi sonous matter from the bowels. At the very first sign of a cold, take a Bond's Pill at bedtime.-Adv. Handicapped. "I tried to tell that lady about my new Paris gown, but she wanted to talk about the new books." "Embarrassed you, eh?" "Yes; I don't know a thing about the latest style in books."-Louisville Courier-Journal. Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub in Cu ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This is only one of the things Cuticura will do if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used fbr all toilet purposes.-Adv. Safe Plan. "Make haste slowly. That's a good adage.' "What is 'slowly' now?" "Keep within the traffic rules. any how."-Louisville Courier-Journal. A BRIGHT, CLEAR COMPLEXION is always admired, and it is the lauda ble ambition of every woman to do all she can to make herself attractive. Many of our southern women have found that Tetterine is invaluable for clearing 'up blotches, itchy patches, etc., and making the skin soft and velvety. The worst cases of eczema and other torturing skin diseases yield to Tefterine. Sold by druggists or sent by mail for 50c. by Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga.-Adv. The Birds. "Those birds fly over here to feed. 'rheir sleeping place is many miles away, but they return every night." "I see. They commute."-Louisville Courier-Journal. W~y buy many bottles of other Vermi fuges, when one bottle of Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" will act surely and promptly? -Adv. A Crazy Idea. "Now, in this film you make violent love to your wife. And, if you like, you may have that part played by your 'Ip. o~ Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and FreezsOR costs only a few cents. I With your fingers! You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callous. In stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or cal Ious right off. root and all, without one bit of pain or soreneg. Trulyl No humbug'l-Adv. The Fly's Entry. A fly's leg made $40 look like $140 on the bankbook of a St. Paul concern the other day. We've been swatting files with our bankbook since early June with precisely ?the reverse effect. Some folks are born to luck !-Buffalo News. GET READY FOR "FLU" Keep Your Liver Active, Your System Purified and Free From Colds by Tiking Calotabs, the Nausdless Calomel Tablets, that are De lightful, Safe and Sure. Physicians and Druggists are advis ing their friends to keep their systems purified and their organs in perfect working order as a protection against the return of influenza, They know that a clogged up system and a lazy liver favor colds, influenza and serious complications. To cut short a cold overnight and to prevent serious complications take one Calotab at be4time with a.swallow of ''s ll. NQ saltd no nause , no griping, no sickenig after effects. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is puri fied and refreshed and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please-no danger. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Every druggist is authorized to refund your money if yeu are not perfectly. delighted with Calotaba.-(Adv.) _ Inevitable. "They say that Washington never told a lie," ruminated the Red Chevro nite, "but I donu believe it possible. Why, look here, when he got his dis charge somebody was bound to ask him to tell about his war experiences, and "No, sir. Washington just must have lied some."-The Home Sector. Frequently a chorus girl's success depends upon her understanding. Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear dkin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system In order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL ..-. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of life and looks. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. asek for the name cold Medal on ever he acd ascent so imitation ALLEN'S FOOT EASE iTe Aithptlic Powder to Shakee Year Shees And sprinkle in the Foot Bath. It takes the sting out of Corns, Bunions, Blisters and Callouses and gives rest and' com fort, tired, smart ing, swollen feet. More than 1,500,000 pounds of Powder for the Feet were used by our Army and Navy during the war. - Allen's Foot. Ease, the pow der for the feet, takes the friction from the shoe, fresh eps the feet and makes walking a de Ifght. Nothing relieves the pain of tight or new shoes so quickly or thoroughly. Try it to-day. Sold everywhere. Cuticura Talcum SFascinatinly Fragrant - Always Healthful Seeoap 25c, Ointmenst 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. eye eamfort for tboe alicted with week. sore eyes or granulated Ids. 6t e-At AU Dreggdr lEye .s.o SalVYeFORE EYES 0AISY.FLY KIL ER ACDAIS ALL yLIS. Neat, all.<gieýL'de lastNight'sDreams -What They Mean DID YOU DREAM OF FLOATING? D REAMS of floating are closely al lied to dreams of flying, though probably not so common. Investiga tors who seek for a physical cause for dreams explain them as they do dreams of falling-by the skin becom ing so highly Insensitive that all im pression of the support of the bed Is lost. But falling and floating are sensations so diametrically opposite that the explanation is not convinc ing. Nearly all the scientific investi gators regard dreams of floating as purely mental, or psychic, in their origin and Greenwood says: "Every physiologist who, to .the best of his ability, marks out the seat of mind and traces the various communica tions of the senses with the cerebro spinal center, knows at every moment that when he has completed his exposi tion he will have thrown no light on the mental faculties themselves, nor have followed them a single step into the fields they work In." And further" "If credulity stifles the mind, skepti cism is a kind of cramp; nor pan there be much doubt that it is felt by many who boast of it as a high sort of freedom." The mystic interpretation of a dream of floating in the air is that it is a favorable omen, unless you sud denly lose your buoyancy in which case- there is unexpected trouble ahead of you. If you should dream that you are floating in water it ti also a sign of good business and much comfort awaiting you provided the water is clear. If it is muddy look Out for hidden enemies and pre pare for a struggle. The "occult" fol lowers of the teaching of Mada.i BlAvatsky regard this dream as an evidence of the existence of the "as tral body." BuT, according, to Ellis, Caesar de Vesme, who edits the French "Annals of Psychical Re search," after an elaborate investiga tion, declares it to be, like the flying dream, "a purely psychological phe. nomenon and no evidence of the as tral body's existence." 'In this case the mystics would appear to be about as satisfying as, and much more definite than, the scientists. (Copyright.) '"Babes are not all born free and equal; some come into the world boed up-'tith the mental and physical traits that they have inherited from moral, healthy an cestors; others weighted down by the de. grading predilections and physical deform ities transmitted by weak and sinful pro genitors." All children should be born free and e-ual, but the sad fact remains that they are not. Simple Economioal Dishes. When not too rich, a pudding is wholesome and takes the place of pastry or cake more difficult to make as well as digest. Creamy Rice Pudding. Take one-half cupful of well washed rice, one quart of sweet milk, one-half cupful of sugar, one-half cupful of raisins, a pinch of salt. Bake slowly until the rice Is done and it is of a creamy consistency. Flavor with nut meg or any preferred flavor and serve hot with hard sauce. Spice Pudding. Take one-half cupful of good molas ses, one-quarter cupful of shortening, mone-half cupful of sour milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda. salt and spice, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one-half cupful of seeded raisins; place in a pudding dish in a steamer and steam two hours. Serve with any kind of fa vorite sauce. Suet Pudding. Take one cupful of chopped suet, one cupful of sweet milk, one cupful of molasses, one cupful of chopped raisins, three cupfuls of flour, one teaspoonful of soda; steam two and mone-half hoursj serve with an egg sauce. Pudding Sauce. Take one-half cupful of sugar, one cupful of water, two teaspoonfuls of cornstarch and a pinch of salt; mix and cook until well done. Add a little butter, nutmegror any flavoring extract and a tablespoonful of vinegar. Brown Betty. This may be made of any fruit, but chopped apple is the one most com nonly used. Put a layer of buttered bread crumbs 1,i a buttered baking dish, next a layer of apples, then a sprinkling of sugar, with a dusting of nutmeg or cinnamon; repent until the dish is full. Add one-half cupful of rater; bake in a moderate oven; serve xith a sauce or cream and sugar. Chicken Tamale. Take one cupful of cornmeal, scald with one cupful of boiling water, add ,ne tablespoonful of butter or bacon at, one tablespoonful of onion juice, ,ne cupful of tomato, three table spoonfuls of oil, one cupful of cooked hicken chopped fine, one cupful of hopped stoned olives, four tablespoon uls of catsup, cayenne pepper and alt to taste. Put in a buttered bak ing dish and bake half an hour. tCopyright. 1920, Western New.vpapr Uione) Turkish Superstltion. Upon the graves of the dead In the Turkish cemeteries little vessels et water are placed for the benefit of the birds, the superstlf'tlon being that birds carry messages about the living to the dead. Plgeon. as Fire Flghters. The pigeon braneh of the navy has .00 birds. Plent are available for mim.plntsm mre MOTHER! "California Syrup' of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only-look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California."-Adv. Talk is said to be cheap, but a mar ried man will tell you that it comes high. 99 OUT OF 100 Of the little ills and hurts, such as Toothache, nervous Headache, or sore ness anywhere may be quickly relieved by applying Vacher-Balm, which is harmless. Keep it handy, and avoid imitations. If you cannot buy Vacher-Balm lo cally, send 30c in stamps for a tube, to E. W. Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La.-Adv. Anyone can make predictions, though few can make them stay pre dicted. COUGHING, WEAK AND RUN-DOWN AFTER FLU Regained flesh and strength quickly, and tells how. "I nearly died from 'flu' last October, and it left me with a terrible cough. The doctor gave me one bottle of medicine after another, but it did me no good. Went to Charlotte, N. C., and took treat ment of a specialist without any perma nent benefit. "I saw Milks Emulsion advertised and started using it. It helped me right from the start. I had no appetite and my stomach was in bad shape. But 12 bottles have straightened me out entirely. PI eat anything without distress, my cough is gone, and I have gained back my strength and flesh."-Emma Withers, Box 50, Bel mont, N. C. Dont' trifle with a weak, run-down con dition. It leaves you open to serious dis eases. Get your strength back. Milks Emulsion costs nothing to try. Milk '.mulsion is a IIai food and a corrective- medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do ing away with all need of pills and phys ics. It promotes appetite and quickly' pus the digestive organs in shape to as similate food. As a builder of flesh and strength Milks Emulsion is strongly rec ommended to those whom sickness has .weakened, and is a powerful aid in re sisting and repairing the effects of wast ing diseases. Chronio stomach trouble and constipation are promptly relieved usually in one day. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee-Take six bottles home with you, use it according to directions, and if not satisfied with the results your money will be promptly refunded. Price SOc and $1.20 per bottle, The Milks Emul -son Cf., Terre Haute, Ind. Bold by drug gists e'verywhere.-Adv. A Tramp's Reply. "Have you no friends?' "No, ma'am; I cannot afford luxu rles these days." ACUTE INDIGESTION SOON RELIEVED Arkansas Lady Says She Was lp a Serious Condition, But Promptly Recovered After Taking Thedford's Black-Draught. Peach Orchard, Ark.--Mrs. Etta Cox, of this place, says:. "Some time ago I had a spell of acute indigestion, and was in a bad fix.. I knew I must have a laxative, and tried Black Draught. It relieved me, and I soon * as all right. "I can't say enough for Thedford's Black'Draught, and the great good it did for me. "It is fine for stomach and liver trouble, and I keep it for this. A few doses soon make me feel as good as new. I am glad to tell others the good it did." Acute indigestion is a serious matter and needs prompt treatment or dan gerous results may ensue. A physi cian's help may be needed, but a good `dose of Thedford's Black-Draught will be of benefit by relieving the system from the undigested food which is the cause of the trouble. Thedford's Black Draught is purely vegetable, not disagreeable to take and acts in a prompt and natural way. So many thousands of persons have been benefited by the use of Thed ford's Black-Draught, you should have no hesitancy in trying this valu able, old well-established remedy, for most liver and stomach disorders. Sold by all reliable druggists.--Adv, When people get tired of looking foi statistics to support their argument they invent some. The young man parts his hair, buf the Iald nun has parted from his. p usu, so w _~ . ~~~A~a~d=I Sure Relief BE LL For Grip, Co MA 7-11 (HIL kills the Malaria regulates the 25 CEN' It's abedless a meer - tees af because It e kut.r a eiftlume I taken e r tw'w at qush ly wt inbato o l gdste taftw fre .1 SieL Itcep d Joe FRECKLES Ahr gshe wanted nt to got up to say at T4 insisted that she -u the floor." "I told her anl that from the sho had on it." Sk;es FortelW seCen through elou weather, while a y Swantedpto do Easgotily Passed it Althout the had on It."eu out co mp orletely. AcceptedW Instrs u · it were I to ssed Altwholou Condition W.s S hav ka nbje' t toro iee at loUrt t enty-five poundst I had taken so many relief I became was told there was no "At last I 1egan withe paedle a life insurance without any trouble. yeaor haone since Ofe cures Eus uIE perminGPit. Stoorn to before sues GEOIORE W. D DOAN'S GENERAL HA AND SUPPO Contractors' Su lie ("ardware. Etc formation furnished PEDEN IRON & SA HOUSTON loejran out of burns scald. Inury. (letsa S oo bo700 from your druggist MUNT' LIGMHYIMP HOUSTON I Do you know that Hout dition is gurrounded by dustries, employing tho Do you want an agenCy to In YourX town on very ea5V eral commission? WritS at information and maps. L BRYAN & 5th Floor Beatty Bld'.