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INTING AND DIZZY SPELLS Cause of such Symptoms and Remedy Told in This Letter. Srse, N. Y.-"When I conm Led the Change of Life I was poorly, had no appetite and had fainting spells. I suffered for two or three years be fore I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and the Liver Pills which I saw ad vertised in the papers and in your little book. Itook about twelve bottles of your Vegetable pound and found it a wonderful y I commenced to pick up at and my suffering was relieved. I Jave told others about your medicine s. d know of some who have taken it. Sam , lad to help others all I can." UM It. E. DEMING 437 W. Lafayette Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. While Change of Life is a most crit jSal period of a woman's existence, the snnoymg symptoms which accompany it may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Moreover this reliable remedy con tains no narcotics or harmful drugs and owes its efficiency to the medicinal ex tactives of the native roots and herbs which it contains. Tan-No-More aaB T porteDlon '="c ^ G or ght 1 t the berms ing ann or blister to the skin the O v1 vety softness of youth. Uied4 before #D out In the evening. It 'us Sfaultless eompler tlo. Iurmtn: T.e bssmsCit e mdl.mss r - eN le ase r IfYat ee-lrs s m e pi y. $skar Laboanrito, ?elodalhd oImiAIIN-s.100 acre stock farm, Menard County, Texas. Highly improved. ItrrigateL Black smail. Get oil right. $21.60 acre. Terms. A. Cnnlng. 614 W 7th. Fort Worth. Texas. The Milk Bottle Only. Skagit County Times: 'The first duty of the American people is to pre pare the youth of the land for the bottle of life."-Boston Transcript. Men are always trying to get rid o! some habits and form others. BRACE UP! The man or woman with weak kid eys is half crippled. A lame, stiu back, with its constant, dull' ache and sharp, shooting twinges makes the simplest tuk a burden. Headaches, dizzy spells, urinary disorders and an "all worn out" feeling are daily sources of distress. Don't neglect kidney weakness and risk gravel, dropsy or Bright's diseas. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. They have helped other people the world over. Dk youtr neagtborl A Teus Cam OMrs. IL L. Glover, 107 Broad way. Whit.sboro T ex., says: "I had kidney trouble, e and my back = pained. If I tried to move, sharp twinges darted through my en tire body. The action of my kid neys was irregu lar. I was get ting discouraged, as I couldn't even walk. I heard about Doan's tidney Pills and after taking a few I was benefited and two boxes cured me entirely." DOAN'S estL arW = IFTR.IM.ILBURN CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. e amster's Life Saved "Peterson Ointment Co., Inc. I had a very evere sore on my leg for year. I am a teamster. I tried all medicines and salves, but without success. I tried doc tors, but they failed to cure me. I couldn't sleep for many nights from pam. Doctors said I could not live .or more than two years. Finally Peterson's Ointment was recommended to me and by its use the sore was entirely healed. Thankfully yours, FWilliam Haase, West Park, Ohio, care P. G. Relts, Box 169." Peterson says: "I am proud of the above letter and have hundreds of others that tell of wonderful cures of Eczema, Piles and Skin Diseases." Peterson's Ointment is 60 cents a box. Mail orders filled by Paterson Ointment Co., Buffalo. USE ANTISEPTIB UL-EN-OL AS A MOIUTH WASH SAND DENTIFRICE It Clean Ut. Tuft, OWt t. Mb t and lgeps the umag Firm Tad Health SPRAI Tb.i mo thinglr heal ng peuotrtiang mnediy takes ialot the smarting pain 0ut of burns Bald, cuts. sprls etc.a. and quckl e he'ls theInJury Gets. 3Ce r ' ttelltd rl, gltg today. -, HUNT UGIHTEIN. OIL d DI 50 T, FOR N N*TI CELS *t AI F!TU I.mgSr CmN siU. f HlUSTTs. N. 2i2 20su. Rasgem Coelr ud 1 -ttoGraysadFadedHr I chr. ut Ptehosne.r . i. HEN er.,ot ·II . ensun comfort tomt.J e ,.1 mak.e w Iioa,:K. by smallt e u. W. N. U., HOUSTON, NO. 22-1920, Taxes on Corporations Should Be Repealed and Entire Indemes Taxed. By.R. G. ELLIOTT, Nat'l Ass'n of Credit Men. If the world war has not been fought in vain, then benefits will accrue to posterity by reason of the sacri fices of the present generation. Is it not reasonable then that posterity should bear some of the financial burden arising out of the war? The country is being injured by the present unjust and confiscatory tax laws which should be revised at once. The time for retiring the war debt should be ex tended. The government should be conducted on a sound economical business basis. The annual budget should be cut to the minimum that taxes might be reduced to a point where they would cease to curb productive energy. As the income.of the individual must, in the last analysis, bear all the taxes, the laws should be revised so as to tax directly that income at rates which will raise the necessities of a minimum federal budget. This means that the taxes on corporations should be repealed, for a corporation is just a group of people, many of them of small means, who are being taxed unjustly through their share of their corporation's profits being taxed at high rates. If the tax was placed on the entire income of every individual, then no income would escape taxation. None would be taxed more than once and it could all be taxed once and equitably. This ideal situation is now reached with respect to individuals in busi ness and private individuals, also individuals conducting business in partnership. If corporations are permitted to retain a limited portion of their earn ings for capital requirements, which seems necessary, practical difficulties make it seem unwise to tax the stockholders in general on these earnings which they do not actually receive. A graduated tax on the undistributed earnings of corporations would be the practical solution of the question and should be at rates that would encourage distribution of dividends. Should the business need additional capital and the stockholders so desire, reinvestment could be made after meeting the tax obligations. We Must Begin by Making It Possible for the Farmer to Handle the Job. By H. A. MOEHLENPAH, Federal Reserve Bard. Money and credits should be mobilized and swung to the weakest place in our whole economic program and put behind the farmer in sufl cient amount as he goes to his summer's work, to make it possible for him to make good on the task we have laid upon him. Our government, through the operation of the federal banks and the joint stock land banks, can do much by way of extending credit for long time at low rates. But it remains for the country banker to use these long time credit facilities of the government so that he may always have ready and afiple funds with which to meet the short time credit demands of the farmer and other legitimate demands of his community. Greater production in all lines is urged by statesmen and economists. Financiers are admonished that every available American dollar should be turned into productive channels. But if we are to increase the nation's output of essential products we must begin by making it possible for the farmer. to-handle=thejbtr we tha'e cut oit fot *him. Otherwise, not only will there be a shortage of food and clothing, but there will be also stagnation in many related industries. So, let's get behind the farmer. "Millions of American Women Seem to Be Simply Fashion Mad Today." By REV. DR. J. R. STRATTON, in "Menace of Immorality." We cannot escape the unpleasant fact that millions of American women today seem to be simply fashioh mad. They are nothing else but slaves to "style." Women are complaining today of the "double standard of morals," and they do right to complain; but in heaven's name let them be con sistent, and not by their mode of dressing, their dances, and 'other follies unconsciously foster the very double standard of morals which they so righteously denounce. A fossilrzed octogenarian or a self-complacent mollycoddle with ice water in his veins may be able to look at the sights which any man can see in modern society todAy, and in the dance hold in his arms a throbbing, beantiful young woman with almost half her body exposed and the other half clothed largely with good intentions-such a man, I say, under these circumstances may maintain a philosophical calm. but any young fellow with red blood in his veins and the elemental forces of nature operating in him cannot easily do so. "We Have the Best Form of Government; We Need Not Be Afraid of It." By W. L. HARDING, Governor ef Iowa. In my opinion the best government is the one that governs least. We must get back to government conditions as they existed before the war. We must localize government. The federal government has its functions, and they are well defined. The same is true of our local governments. But during the war period there has been great encroachment on the part of the federal government on the prerogatives of our local institutions. The best way to tackle our economic unrest and to meet the reds in their attempt to Russianize America is to carry on an aggressive cam paign of education, telling the people of our institutions and the rights and privileges of the individual citizen under our form of government We have the best form of government that has ever been conceived by man-we need not be afraid of it. Senator Johnson of California-I cannot cure the high cost of living. You cannot cure it By we can run the scale scientifically from the original producer to the u"ltimate consumer, and when we ascertain where the profiteering is we will take the profiteer and treat him as the traitor he is, and punish him as he ought to be punished. Admiral William S. Sims-The missing element in Americanism is that it does not include adequate solicitude for our safety. The govern ment, and to a certain extent our people, resent criticism of anything American. This is a dangerous attitude that has cost us many thousands of lives and many millions in treasure. COULD NOT HOLD OUT LONGER Virginia Lady Realized She Couldn't Stay Nervous, Weak, Pale, and Hold Out Much Longer.-Cardui Helped Her. Dublin, Va.-Mrs. Sallie Hughett, of Route 2, this place, recently related her interesting experience in recover ing her health, saying: "When . . . came on I was in a very bad condition and nothing the doctor gave me did me any good. Some say you have to let this take its course ... but I knew there ought to be something to give relief. I was nervous, weak and pale. I couldn't eat or sleep to do any good, and felt I couldn't stand this very long. "I heard and read of Cardul, and how it had benefited other womed in the same condition, so decided to use it myself. After my first bottle I felt better, so, of course, kept it up, and it did the work. "It helped me as nothing else did. I began to pick up right away. I ate and slept and could rest. I knew I was getting better. I kept it up and it did wonders for me." Thousands of women, suffering as this Virginia lady did, have used Car dut with equally happy results, and voluntarily relate their experiences, so that others, troubled with disorders common among women, may learn to take Cardui. Let your d2ruggist supply you, today, -Adv. Cranberries. The cranberry section in the world is in the Cife Cod district of Massachusetts, with an avergge yield of 30 barrels an acre. ASPIRIN INTRODUCED BY "BAYER" IN 1900 Look for nmme "Bayer" on the tablets,. then you need never worry. If you want the true, world-famous Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, you must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" is stamped on each tablet and appears on each pack age for your protection against imi tatiohs. In each package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" are safe and proper direc tions for Colds. Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain in general. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicy licacid.-Adv. Used tot. 1skg Visitor--Have you ever been bitten by a horse? Soldier-Have I? Why, the longest ! time I ever went without getting bit ten was the week I was in the hospital from bein' kicked! To Housekeeers Everywhere: We know you will endorse any sincere move ment to reduce the High Cost of Living. We believe you will welcome the announcement that Dr. PRICE' S " Cream" Baking Powder Now made with Pure Phosphate Sells at about HALF the price charged when the powder contained Cream of Tartar Our methods of production make Dr. Price's "Cream" Baking Powder the "cream" of pbosphate Baking Powders. The same trade marks and the same name famous for 60 years are your guarantee of scientific manufacture and perfect results in baking. Here are the prices: 25c for 12 oz. 15c for 6 oz. 10c for 4 oz. r. Contains no alum. Never disturbs digestion. - UFT OFF CORNS! Doesn't hurt a bit and costs only a few cents Magic! Just drop a little Freezone on that touchy corn, instantly it stops aching, then you lift thr. corn off with the fingers! Truly! No humbug! Try Freezone! Your druggist sells a ?iny bottle for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without one particle of pain, soreness or irritation. Freezone is the discovery of a noted Cincinnati genius.-Adv. The Way of It "So your husband absents himself for weeks at a time. Well, you must be patient with his shortcomings." "So I am, but not with his long goings." "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out: Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness.-Adv. Not interested. Miss Quizzer--When you were in Rome did you visit the Colesseum? Mr. Filmhound-No. I was going to look into it, but they told me it had been closed' for repairs for several years, so I passed it up for the live, up-to-date picture houses. "Would you say tha$ two can live as cheap as one?" "`ot at present prices." To an ignorant man a learned wom an I" a literary nithtmare. ECZ INA' THIS isn't one of those fake free treatment offers you have seen so many times. We don't offer to give you something for nothing but we do guarantee that you can try this won derful treatment, entirely at our risk, and this guarantee is backed by your local druggist. This makes the offer one which you can ab solutely depend upon, because the druggist with whom you have been trading would not stand behind the guarantee if he did not know it to be an honest and legitimate one. Hunt's Salve, formerly called Hunt's Cure, has been sold under absolute money back guar antee for more than thirty years. It is especially compounded for the treatment of Eczema, Itch, Ring Worm, Totter, and other itching skin dis. eases. Thousands of letters testify to its curative properties. M. Timerlin. a reputable dry goods dealer in Durant, Oklahoma, says: "I suffered with Eczema for ten years, and spent $1,000.00 for doctors' treatments, without result. One box of Hunt's Cure entirely cured me." Don't fall to give Hunt's Salve a trial-price 75 cents, from your local druggist, or direct by mail (f he does Let handle it. A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Texas DON'T LET THAT COUGH CONTINUEi ' Spohn's Distemper Compound S will knock It in very short time. At the first sign of a cough or cold in your horse, give a few doses of "SPOHN'S." It will act on the glands, eliminate the disease germ and prevent furth er destruction of body by disease. "SPOHN'S" has been the standard remedy for DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA. PINK EYE, CATARRHAL FEVER, COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter of a century. 60 cents and $1.15 per bottle at ll drug stores. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY. Goshe!. Ind. Occasionally a man discovers that he has a friend who is a friend. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con tion, they may cause the other organs to `become diseased. You may sufrer pain in the back, head ache and loss f aed ition. Poor health makes y.s ervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; It makes any one so. But hunadreds of women claim that A r. Kibie'. Swamp-Root, by restoring health to tie kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed ,to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample Bett~a to e what Swamp-Root, the great ' , liver and bladder medicine, will do lot them. By enclosing ten cents to. Dr.. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, ., Y., you may geceive sample size bottlUby Parcel Post. You can purchase mnediua and large size bottles at all drug stores.-Adv. Happy fact: Most people's worries are only 24 hours long. e Important to Mothers $ Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and ireand see that it ' Bears the Signature of In Utie for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Casoria At the Circus. , J eaUyea-waemeas - fes*ttre mendous." "Natuktl ; she comes from Chicago." The wise merchant knows that it is the women who shop today and buy tomorrow. " , w ru tha. yw-tistLIye Patu tII aIwel ar met l wukig a s ee . =mit aqat to h bet ri ht ad h rshLt. I There's nothing new unde the son, unless it be the 'present price & feod and raiment. ASK FOR "DIAMOIND DYES" Don't Buy a Poor Dye That., Fad. Streaks or Ruins Mlterial, ' Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dye a new, rtch, fadeless color into worn, shabby garl ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes"-an dther kind -then perfect results are guaranteed even if you have never dyed befora Druggist has color card.-Adv. NO 'Mustache for British Tar. -.A. btt·ue ket in the. fltish navy t,'` not )erxmitted to etnittrate a mustache; If he attempts ft he is fined a mottht pay. Orators seldom convince; they con. firm their hearers in their convictions,