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pla Ha nd Muric. TIE PRINCESS TIIE ATRE e On these chilly days, the Princess is all cozy in everything-Program for Week Beginning Sunday, June 13th, 1920. Music on Wurlitzer at a p f fs ia4 4t lm srn w . mt uns s SUNDAY A Real-Art Picturel Mary Miles Minter IN "Judy of Rouges Harbor" A delightful little drama of adven ture, just tilled with effervesence, and sparkling with the youthfulness, and beauty of winsome, Mary Miles Min ter. Its a picture, we'll recommend for the whole family! Added Feature Attraction 8nub Pollard and Sambo Comedy Doors open at 3:30 p. m. ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 25c Compensation for Dark Days "There are not many happinesses so complete as those that are snatch. ed under the shadow of the sword." Some of life's brightest blossoms bloom along its hardest ways, and looking back on days of poverty, sick ness and hardship we often see the that we have ever known. Anyone may choicest treasures of, love and loyalty share our joys with us, but the one who shares our trials comes close in From a man who has traveled a million miles "My A. B. A. Cheques were just as good as gold and twice as andy-negotiable at any time and anywhere," says a well known lecturer and-writer on travel topics. He carries "A. B. A." Cheques because he knows they are everywhere accepted and because they are safe. Until the owner has placed his countersignature on each Cheque in the presence of the person accepting them, they are useless to a finder or thief, if lost or stolen. Ask for attractive booklets further describing the conven ience and safety of these Cheques. Planters Bank & Trust Company BANK On and cwith The Opelousas National Bank OPELOUSAS, LA. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE PARISH Resources ample to care for its friends and Customers ACCOUNTS SOLICITED OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: E. B. Dubuisson, President Chas. F. Boagni Chas. F. Boagni, Vice-President E. B. Dubuisson A. Leon Dupre, Vice-President, A. Leon Dupre and Gashier It. LeBourgeois M. J. Pulford, Assistant Cashier Robert Sandoz A. A. Comeau, Assistant Cashier R. L. Fields, Utility Lumber and Shingles OPELOUSAS, LA. PHONE 241 Cypress and Hardwood Building Lumber, Rough and Dressed. Pickets, Mouldings, Siding, Flooring, Etc. CYPRESS SHINGLES We are producers and sell direct to the consumer. GET OUR PRICES And figure yourself what you can save SONIAT & DEBLIEUX INCORPORATED. MONDAY William Fox Presents Gladys Brockwell IN "The Devils Riddle" A stirring story of a woman who pawned her heart! A drama that will appeal to every woman! Gladys Brock well in a new drama of the stage-can you guess the Devils Riddle--Come! Also Jack Dempsey, in "DARE DEVIL JACK" Did he fight-is he fit for Carpenter --well after seeing him in action in the first episode--we'll say he is? Added Attraction Fox News Doors open at 4:30 P. M. ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 25c a friendship that will never be for gotten. An outsider, pitying the weary attendants in a sickroom, cannot know how near to heaven its companion ships often lie, nor what blessed bits of happiness are snatched under the shadow of the suspended sword. The dark days have their compensations. -Montreal Herald. 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Apetite and Head aches, due to Torpid Liver.-sept25. TUESDAY Jack Pickford IN "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come" A drama of the mountains, where ad venture is foremost! Jack, little Mary Pickford's brother in a drama that fits hip youthful personality like a glove Hey there fellows-'member his as, Tom Sawyer-well here's another boy story, only its a little better. Also, Prizma and Burt Holmes Weekly Doors open at 4:30 P. M. ADMISSION, 5, 15, and 25c Do You Remember The Old Bon Ami Performances 10 Years Ago? A glance back into the moving pie oires of yesterday. We grouped our way through ti darkness, and after several unsucces ful attempts, at finding a seat, havin sat on one lady's lap. We walke down the isle, where the reflectic from the light upon the screen, pe mitted us to find a seat. A phonograph was playing loudl: and the small boy who was attendin to it, was so intent upon seeing tb picture, that he did not change i needle but twice during the whole pe formance, whereas, you may imagin the squeeking and scratching effet it made. Having seated ourselves, I observe the screen for the first time. Tb serene was a large one, the light co' ering about one half of it. The figure moved around the screen in a jerk fashion, and the scenes changed wit a rapidity that made us wonder jut how fast the machines were being rut Suddenly after much flickering th picture stopped, and a slide appearin bearing the words: "One minute, th Operator is having trouble with th film." After a wait of five minutes o more, the operator resumed hsi tast Between reels as there was only on machine, a slide was shown announc. ing that "The operator was changin; reels." The feature, a three reel afte under the title of "The Running Awa; SEngine," starring Helen Gibson. Ther was very little plot to the story, any what little there was built around the one thrill, an engine running will down the track. And Helen Gibson' attempt to reach the switch in time to save the limited, which incidentall2 Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, ... and the pains were very se-:ere. A friend told me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardui?... I did, and soon saw it was helping me... After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lackof good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who sUffered-it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. Lrr WEDNESDAY Made in New Orleans! Alice Joyce IN "The Sporting Duchess" Seven Reels The dynamic Drury Lane Melo drama of beautiful women, intrepid men and glistening thoroughbred race horses. Heaping sensation upon sen sation and thrill upon thrill and sweep ing into a climax that leaves the spec tator dizzy with breathless excitement and startled surprise! Modern society scenes, lavish in splendor and beauty taken at the country club in New Or leans! Race track scenes from fair grounds in New Orleans--Come! Also Comedy and Weekly Doors open at 4:30 P. M. ADMISSION, 5, 15 and 35c t- was bringing her sweetheart to her, It was an old Selig production, and had come to Opelousas with quite a reputa e tion. -I When we go into a theatre, that is g scienticly ventilated today, a mod d ern theatre, where pictures are pro-i n jected by expert projectionists, and r' each picture presented with a musical score, and the theatre is artificially ,lighted, with a usher to show you to g a seat, a real honest to goodness com-. e fortable seat, try and realize the great h strides the motion picture industry has r- made in the past ten years. e Ten years ago, we could have bought %t sugar, fifty per cent less than we pay today. The price has increased, but d the quality remains the same. Now e in the moving picture the prices has r- increased a trifle, but the quality is s 100 per cent better. STry and realize this when you visit' h a modern theatre. EDITORIAL COMMENTS e Advertising experts will tell you e that in the gentle whisper there lies e the power of a thousand trumpets r blown by the stately couriers of a ! royal court. • A standard of proved excellence, like sweet memories of a midsummer night's dream, needs but the dawn of r days to echo its realization to an ap r preciative and hopeful audience. The audience that come to the I Princess theatre, have whispered words around, that are not unfamiliar I with us, .knowing .the products that i we exhibit. These audiences, wisely seeing the standard of the product, we exhibit, have exchanged confidence right in the calm of a crowd in our lobby. They have learned to one side, shaded their mouth with the palm of their hand, and whispered: "Why is it that we always see a good picture at - the Princess." There's a reason why. We always r exhibit a good picture. The reason is for three years we know exactly the best quality. Having been with you for three years. we know, exactly the kind of pictures you- want to see! When motion pictures stand up and pass the test day in and day out; when unbiased critics point to those 4 productions as models of capable and 4 ifuture construction, pulsating plots 4 and brillant enactment, producers and directors, who know how to produce, that Belasconian genius to translate into understandable animated form from the very heart of life as it hap pily, tragically gorgeously happenings 4 belongs to only those famous directors j who know human nature, and whose superior knowledge and tremendous resources are concentrated to the ful filment of all that is demanded by the whispering audiences, which after all, represent the greatest tribunal in the e court of popular opinion! Then you may realize why we show a good pict- " ure every day! Manager Dietlien announces the booking of the new Marshall Neilan # production, "Don't Ever Marry." This S picture ran to capacity audiences at 4 the Strand Theatre in New Orleans, last wek. The date has not been an nounced. The big Vitagraph special produc tion "The Courage of Marge Doone" recently given a private screening for members of the Opelousas press, will be shown in Opelousas on June 23 and 24th. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy Every family should keep this pre paration at hand ready for instant use when needed. Severe attacks of colic and cholera morbus often prove fatal before medicine can be procuured or a physician summoned. The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy and the prompt cures which it has effected have made it a staple article of trade. SWEET POTATO PLANTS For immediate shipment in any quantities, pure Porto Rico Slips, $2.25 per thousand at Goldonna, La., Guarantee to arrive in good condition.* Order today. Send check with order. First come, first served.-ROWE & DURBI~N, GOLDONNA, LA. may 29 3t THURSDAY Stardom Wanda Hawley (Seen In, "Everywoman," "Old Wives for New," "Six Best Cellars," and others.) Is now to be seen in her first star ring production. "Miss' Hobb" In this swift moving dramatic ro mance fascinating Wanda Hawley scores the greatest triumph of her ca reer., With the allurments of youthful audacity; she will make your head whirl in giddy admiration! Added Attraction William Duncan in, "THE SILENT AVENGER" Thrills pilled upon thrills. Doors open at 4:30 P. M. ADMISSION, 5, 15and 25c Out of Town Folks Seery in the Princess' Lobby Among the large crowd that motored over from Washington last Sunday and saw Mary Miles Minter the Louis iana girl were Mrs. Sam Plonsky and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thistlethwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and daughters, Fred Bailey and party. Messrs. Sol Klaus and Wiliam Wartelle. Jack London's widely read sea nov el, "The Sea Wolf" proved to be quite a drawing card, last-Friday and Saturday. Large crowds greeted each performance despite the bad weather of Friday. Among them numbered: Dr. Pavy and family or Leonville, Mr. Douglas Cain, Dwight and 'Jess Thistlethwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Sibille, and many others. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Delahousaye and fam ily of Arnaudville attended the shows of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bertinot with daughter motored over and saw the show Sun day night. Mr. Smith of Sunset came over with a party witnesses, "Jennie Be Good" on Sunday night. SENNETT'S 'DOWN ON THE FARM' PROVES TO BE A SMASHING HIT Mack Sennett's "Down on the farm" his new, big five-reel comedy which is being released by United Artists Cor poration, made a tremendous hit with the critics of San Francisco, upon its first showing in this country at the Imeprial theatre. The Imperial theatre set aside the week as its comedy week for the year and piesented 'Down on the Farm' in a lavish manner, bringing to the theatre capacity business during the entire week. Thomas Nunan of the San Francis Orove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can soon fel its Strength ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 50c. Well I'll Say He Does? His uncle said " that was all he could. But he showed + his uncle something, same as he's go to show you. We're talking about Wallace Reid IN The Dancin' Fool" A Saturday Evening Post Story With an unusual supporting cast--including BEBE DANIELS The good-bad little girl Saturday, June 19th. PRINCESS The Home of Better Photoplays! Admission, 5,15 and 25c. Doors open3:30 p.m. 141FV_110 010low 001 FRIDAY A Metro Classic Alice Lake IN "Shore Acres" Remember! The thrilling breath catching storm scenes in "Should A Woman Tell?" Well-the ones in James A. Herne's immortal story, I "Shore Acres," eclipse even those! Alice Lake, star of "Should a Woman Tell?" In another heart stirring story. Also Fox News Doors open at 4:30 P. M. ADMISSION 5, 15 and 25c co Examiner in his review of the pro duction said: "This is funny week at the Imperial theatre and if your doc tor says it will kill you to laugh, be sure that you stay away from the Im perial. Mack Sennett's "Down on the Farm' is the funniest comedy I have ever seen on the screen." Thomas W. Bailey of the San Fran cisco Chronicle had this to say in his review: "When Mack Sennett con ceived 'Down on the Farm' he must have carefuly measured the actions in the scenario, because for every foot of celluloid he has injected a hearty laugh." George C. Warren of the San Fran cisco Daily News had this to say: "Everybody laughs, even a critic, at the funny photoplay 'Down on the Farm,' Mack Sennett's ambitious five reel comedy which yesterday began a limited engagement at the Imperial theatre. Th picture brings tears-but they are tears of laughter." Edward Boland of the San Francisco i Bulletin said: "Laugh at the Imperial No bunk about this announcement! If you go to the playhouse you can figure on leaving dull care at the door and if. you assume it on emerging it is your own fault." Folks Who Eat Ordin Corn Flakes dorit kno how good Corn Flakes ca be-until they try POST TOASTI At Grocers Everywhere ! 3 ..,,,J.I SATURDAY: Oh, Boy! Herse'o Jm WallyR _ AND SEBE DANIELS, the Bad Girl. IN The famous Saturday 1v story. "The Dancin' Fes "Ves" Tibble was his n ville his station. But the ' given him a pair of synco One day. he struck New y regular job was brushing 45 Uncle Enoch's moth eaten ness, for a dollar a day ence. His secret side lin, "Pierre and la Peonie" 4 Broadway cabaret. For $200, O and the love of a wonderfu;l til one night-! Also Mutt and Jeff, and R Doors open at 3:30 P. ADMISSION, 5, 15 anf Old Fish Market Mu"st Billingsgate, London's o1 market, is about to move. of time and the modern di transport are responsible for to remove to another site a of access, and in which not always be at a premium, Billingsgate was the most quay on the Thames in times, and fish, among othUr were landed there. By the" Edward I the market wras lished, and the king, who firmed food controller, flxýi of maximum prices. This lst; one dozen best soles, 6 cents; let, 4 cents; best haddock, 4i best Thames or Severn cents; gallon of oysters, 4 best porpoise, 12 to 16 best fresh salmon, after to be sold at four for $1.6.g in the days when the Thames of salmon, and one could ca. ders and, flatfish on a lisne over London bridge. The water salty during high tide, but tUe do not come up any fu Gravesend, which is 20 m down.