Newspaper Page Text
THE ENNETT ES YOUR OPPORTUNI THE oNieNEame is e Gu tO *.I . Starts the most smashing 15 days Drive Against High Prices Ever Heralded to the People of St. Landry and Surrounding Parishes. With all *t Back of Every Statement in This Ad. and Behind Every Item of Merchandise Offered. Consider STORE CLOSED MONDAY THE 1 " Women's Wear Hats OLD TIME BARGAINS PICKED AT *Women s ear eRANDOM $z: Here "your opportunities are perhaps greater during this sale $* than anywhere else in the store. This for several reasons-it is A New Straw Will Add More to Your Appearance and Comfort j seasonable merchandise and MUST BE MOVED at the right than most anything else. Hefe is our entire line of straws oppor- Sanitary packed handkerchiefs, full size, fj time. Then too there have been declines in certain lines of silk tunely offered in June at August prices. Seize "your opportunity" soft finish, 2 in glassine sealed envelope, .. goods and garments. We have secured the advantage of these de- Dressy Italian "Panamas" for men and boys, all sizes and shapes, regular 2 for 35c, at............ ..2 for 25c clines by our care and foresight in buying and are now the first $2 to $2.50 values at ......- -.......... ......... ...-----------------....---... 98c to pass them on to you. By all means come early while sizes and One lot stiff straws, mostly large sizes, $3 value ............... .$1.49 assortments are unbroken. Regular $3 line of stiff Sennetts ..........-2...............---------- $2.49 BLOUSES AND WAISTS-STARTLING REDUCTIONS $4 line best grade Sennetts ---------------$3.24 35e vlue ........ 25 " Embroidered Georgette Waists, new models, choice colors, 50 inTOY O PANAMAS ALL SHAPES AND SIZES- lot at the ridiculously low price of ..............................$2.98 Genuine Boston Pad Gart $7 and $8 Georgette Blouses, stunning models ---------............ $4.95 Values up to $4, mostly the regular $3.50 line ..............----- $225 en e Boston Pad Gart $ 20% REDUCTION ON EVERY TRICOLETTE BLOUSE, SEA- $6.50 line of genuine South American Panamas, none reserved ers, 40c value, ...............29 SHORE SPORT BLOUSE AND ALL THE EXCLUSIVE $4.95 GEORGETTE CREATIONS. ....$6.50 line of Bangkoks light and airy, a shape and size to suit f-. gh a --------- --- $4.95 Blue chambray and cheviot Work Shirts, SSheer, dainty Voile and Organdy Blouses are a necessity of the and fit you $4.95 Blue chamray and cheviot Work Shits, Summer wardrobe. Buy and save. Balliluks and Balibuntals, the finest, dressiest, lightest straw ever yoke, double stitched, faced sleeves, extern $3.50 line, several styles, all as dainty as the hand made, very woven, $8.50 and $9 lines at..-............... $6.95 sio neckband, pearl buttons, one pocket, fine quality voile ....................----------------------------------------------- $2.39 $10 line at -----------------45 u----------t full, sizes 14 1-2 to 17...-.............. :.$1.2 9 Those that were at regularly $2.50, now ..$........--------------- 1.69 Fine straws for the little men in black and white, rah-rah shape, - -- Really wonderful values at ...................... -------------. $1.19 $2 value at ..........- ...----- $1.69 PRICES ON FELT HATS FOR FALL HAVE AD- CRibbed shirts and drawers, Fall and Wint HOSIERY VANCED FROM 33 1-3% TO 50% WHILE I er weight, $1.50 value for next Fall, all sizes PRICES NOW NAMED ARE BELOW SPRING if you buy now ................... ...................98c Every pair strictly first quality, our regular standard brands. We advise you to buy PRICES NOW NAMED ARE BELOW SPRING half dozen pair at least. Each pair will last proportionately longer and the saving is PRICES. ver Lots 360 and 043, fibre silk hose, white, gray, bronze, mercerized lisle elastic topr 2 big ot of Fet, mot a coor and hape S............................................89crs and shapes 75c Leather Belts, handsome slide buckle $1.0 value, choice .......... .. .......... .... .................... ....... " SSensational valuewhite, black and cordovan silk drop stitch hose, all sizes, $1.75 value.29. $2.45 and $3.45-every hat worth double. 49c . at................................................................ 9 $ Thread hose, Butterfly brand was exceptional value at $2.75, now.......... .$2.19 First Quality" line, none better under any Buster Brown and Rivoli full fashioned heavy thread silk, higher priced silk hose on Our "First Qualit" line, none better under any the market but few of higher quality, sale price ................................$3.95 brand, will be $7 for Fall, now..................$4.95 Men's Tennis Shoes, sizes 6 1-2 to 10, white +fi Lots 820 and 2280, very fine guage, mercerized lisle hose, white, black and cordovan, a 75c retailer .-...- .-....................... ........ -.. ........................59c a at prices oa 4d Fine guage combed cotton hose, lisle finish, black and white, 35 value.............20c John B. Stetsons at the Spring prices $7.50 and $8.50 on all fancy 25 dz. Black hose, fast color, seamless, 20c value.............................. hapes. Children's ribbed hose, white, sizes 6 to 7 1-2 only .................... ......... 15c Misses' fine guage ribbed hose, all sizes, white, black and cordovan, 6 value...... 45c "First Quality" wide rim blacks, $7.50 value..........----Boy's and small men's Overalls, from 26 CInfants sox, white .ith colored tops, mercerized 50c value; sizes 4-6 at ..........39c "First Quality" wide rim grays or belly, $5.45 Boy's and small men's Overalls, from 26 to Children's sox, mercerized lisle, sizes 6 to 3, '0 in 75c value ....................45c stockman's hats-ask for Laldo 31 waists, 2.45 weight blue denim, cut full S20% REDUCTIONALL SILK UNDERWEAR, SILK KIM- These are the staplefarmer's and stockman's hats-ask for Lao well ma de, 2.45 weigh t blue denim, cut full.....$1.39 20% REDUCTION ALL SILK UNKERT EAR, SIor Laloo, Jr., Style. and well made, worth $2.00, at-----$1.39J ONAS SILK SKIRTS Palm Beach and other light weight caps ..--------------------------------39c -=. Not a garment reserved from this slashing sacrifice. Boy's military shape caps, 2 in 1, white or khaki color---..---......79c .BDress oy's $2 line of cloth hats ..-------------------------59 5 dz. Athletic Undershirts, while they last Remarkable Dress War tax 10% additional on prices in excess of $5.00 29e +jf -Values Ve ValueSYOUR OPPORTUNITY ON SHIRTS - 50 rinted voile dresses, as cool and charming a Boy's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, both line of Summer frocks as you'll meet up with, val- One lot shirts, mostly large sizes, laund- knee and full length, value 50c to 60c each, f ues up to $12.50, choice...................$6.95 ered percale. $1.19 at................... ........... .....................29 - - . Small lot voile and lawn dresses, some slightly ere$2.50 and $2.75 line of ff soiled, not one worth less than $4.50, choice..$1.98 $2.50 and $2.75 line of shirts, soft and stiff cuffs, at ..n................. a---.. $2.19 Every Georgette, Crepe de Chene, Taffeta and Meteor Satin Genuine MONARCH SHIRTS, white . Women's fast black stockings, firsts, per Dress at One-third Reduction. This is less than cost of most laundered, to-day's wholesale price pair ..................................... of them. $27 dozen, at ... ............. 39 , Collar attached shirts, soft mercerized SilkPoplin Skirts, Susquehanna Poplin, wide range of materials, $3 regular,....--....- $2.49 - Men's fine guage double carded yarn cotton colors at ........... ................------------------ $2.98 Entire line of $3.50 and $3.75 shirts, ex- -- sox, black, tan, navy, gray, 35c value every YOUR OPPORTUNITY ON UNDERMUSLINS OF QUALITY tensive range of material and a-where, at .............. ......................24c - The reductions have been grouped at following prices: t ---___ _ - Envelope chemise- - ................... . 98c $1.49 $1.98 All $4 and $4.50 shirts, the grade sold mobst places at $5, choice 75e flowing end silk 4 in hand ties, choice S Night gowns ................. ......... $1.49 $1.98 $3.35--3 for $10 of 300 while they last, at........................49c S Petticoats ..............----------....... ......98c $1.49 $2.98 Choicest silk stripe madras, Shantung silk, silk mull shirts, value J SChildren's gowns, 4 to 14 ....................................89c up to $6, choice ~. ----------------- $3.95 Children's Princess Slips............... ...... ..89c Any Silk Shirt in the house, Crepe de Chene, Baby Broadcloth, A crackajack heavy weight blue denim I Bloomers ...9.8.c................... .........................98 $1.49 $1.98 Satin Stripes, values up to $12, choice.................... ..........$7.95 overall, full cut and well sewed, $2.50 to -S V War tax 10% additional on prices in excess of $3 $3 value, at .....................................$1.98 SNAPPY SELECTED SPECIALS _ _ Middy Blouses, Women's and Misses', Lisle thread vests, full taped neck and ail orders will be filled in rotation and if possible on. day re Max$2.75 and $3 value at.e adbz.$2.24 vss ................... ........v249c U i t t m be.. reure and. moe reune I - --- $2.75 and $3 value at.........$2.24 arms.....- --24 ceived. Please state if we shall substitute on items closed out. Blue denim Jumpers to match above over Max Mayer silk gloves, white and black E~ tra size vests, 39c value..........29c uC....... - ..... $1.98 double tip, 1 and 2 button, $1.75 regu- Winter weight ribbed Union Suits, Fall refunded I all ...............................: S far .. ...........................$1.19 price $2, at .....................$1.25 promptly. W e prepay parcel post charges as usual .- - /d Crepe de Chene handkerchiefs-......19c Winter weight Vests and Pants, extra ' Women's knit Union Suits knee quality, Fall price $1, at..........79c ."_ lengths ...... ..... -..... 49c 17 Infant's Bath Robes, white embroider- YOUR OPPORTUNITY ON UNDERWEAR wh Children's winter weight Vestck..s and... Terry Cloth Ladies' Bath Robes... . $595 On every item of underwear here listed to-day's price is materially Pants, 16 to 24.. ...... ................. .45c Children's Hose supporters........ ..10c higher than when we bought. We quote large reductions not on During sale new charge accounts cannot SSizes 26 to 34 ......................65c Velvet Grip Hose Supporters........19c the -basis of thd present market but on the basis of old market be accepted. We respectfully ask custom (These are worth 50 per cent more) In fant's long and short dresses, fine prices. The saving is correspondingly greater. ". Choice of $2 to $2.50 fancy ladies' and nainsook, neat tucks and embroidery-- ers who have regular accounts to pay cash, S children's parasols- .............$1.49 89c, $1.19 Lot 355 Men's Nainsook Union Suits, sleeveless or - quarter sleeve .............................79c if possible, during sale. Our facilities will br V. ,CHILDREN'S DRESSES Genuine Cooper's Nainsook Union Suits, none better be taxed to the utmost and your co-opera- t -* in any brand ..............................-$1.69 :. • ' Thoroughly well made, durable material, charming stlyes tion will relieve us to that extent and be we $3 Line Cooper's sheer, mercerized Unions....$2.24 -, Pink and blue chambray with vest of plaid gingham, 7 to 12 - B.V.D. Union Suits, the genuine .............$1.79 greatly appreciated." years.... .......... ................... $1.98 y---Seal-Pax and Topkiss checked nainsook shirts and \ "Yankee-Maid" brand, fine grade of blue chambray, $3, drawers, $1 value, per garment. ..9.. .6 value,. ................... ....-.........- .......$2.24 1 75c Balbriggan shirts and drawers..............59c Dainty printed voile dresses, ribbon trimmed round neck, Athletic Undershits, 75 value ..................49 short sleeves, 8 to 14, $5 value at....................$3.95 Elastic seam drawers, Scrivens design, made of gen Tfw ' uine Pepperell, $1.24 value ..................I98cI _ ____ mBOYS' BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS The observance of the following sugestions will aid our service ,. 60c Value ........... ............. 29c to you during this sale. Shop as early in forenoon as .possible. Please do not ask that several items be sent on approval. On Boy's Uhion Suits, checked Nainsook, No. 30 only ................-...............49c _ _ __ __ C. O. D. orders in the City yoi" may pay delivery boy with Boy's Union Suits, Catamount brand, highest grade and best made, sizes 24 to 34..98c safety and he will receipt your bill. In ordering over the phone, please give order to clerk at the phone, since the spe- store open at cial clerk you prefer will probably be busy. In that case leave During sale storewill open at 7:30 A. M., and close 6 P. M. your number and clerk will call you up at earliest opportunity. Please shop as early in forenoon as possible to avoid afternoon " We thank you. congestion. O P E L +4. OP+EL:*+4 __________________44