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- .i Cooking Made Easy, in a Cool Kitchen With a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove in your kitchen you have under your finger one to four separate cooking fires--every one controlled to burn either at white heat or for gentle warm ing or stewing. No heat is wasted. The kitchen doesn't swelter. There is no soot, smoke or disagreeable odor to the New Per fection. No carting of coal and ashes, either. It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts, and you don't have to learn to juggle several dishes so as to give each one its turn over the hot coals. The New Perfection comes in one to four burners, with or with out cabinet and oven. Used in over 3,000,000 homes. For best results use Stanocola Burning Oil NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES STANDARD OIL CO. OF LOUISIANA Home:Office andlReflnery, Baton Rouge, La. uu Sales Department and Main Stations Ittle RockArk. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Memphis, Tenn. " Fear Spread of Blindness A plague of blindness is sweeping the oasis towns of the Sahara desert, according to a dispatch received at Washington from Biska. Dr. Toulant. of the Pasteur Institute of Ophtal mology, who is conducting experi ments on a herd of monkeys in an ef You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get more enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on the system, causing weakness, laziness. nervousness and sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the'cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC is not a patent medicine, it is simply IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it the favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ago, folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S I TASTELESS Chill TONIC when a member of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving tonic. The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it from any drug store. 60c per bottle. "Excuse me a moment, please, while I answer the telephone." Answer Your Telephone Promptly One habit that will do much to help im prove the quality of your telephone service is the habit of answering your telephone promptly. Promptness in answering is a courtesy that your telephone caller appreciates-delay may cause him to abandon the call. In one large city records show that on nearly seven out of every 100 telephone calls there is a delay of more than a minute be fore the called party answers. This occurs thousands of times daily, and in one-fourth of the cases the party calling does not wait. To help yourself and others to receive a better quality of telephone service, why not make it an invariable rule to answer your telephone promptly? CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Incorporated fort to isolate the germ which is blind ing tens of thousands of Arabian chil dren, has informed the American Rec Cross that eight of every ten childrer in the Sahara are now affected. The white nuns of the Sahara are treating the eyes of hundreds of chil dren. With Biskra, "the Gardens ol Allah" oasis, as their headquarters they tour the desert on camels, visit ing the oasis town where the plague is at its worst. With the approach of the hot months it is feared the disease will become even more widespread. The filth of the oasis towns and the uncovered camel meat market breed countless millions of flies even during the win ter months. Flies are believed to carry the germs of granular trachoma with which in northern Africa 100, 000 Arab children are infected. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pot son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. IALARMED AT DREAD DISEASE Spread of Sleeping Sickness Threatens Entire World, According to Scien 1- tists of Prominence Sleeping sickness, called encephali tis lethargica by the doctors, seems now to have become a domestic evil, says the Medical Record (New York) in quoting a study of thsi formerly rare disease by Doctor Lhermitte in a French medical journal. d It appears that the disease is epi demic all over the world and that it manifests itself in many forms, the only symptom possessed by all in com a mon being that of deep and prolonged sleep. In true encephalitis lethargica there are four cardinal symptoms-ocular paralyses, hypersomnia, fever and the general state. The ocular paralyses many be absent at the outbreak of the disease, but once p-"sent they are characteristic. So, too, is the type of hypersomnia. It is a narcolepsy, but the subject does not arouse quickly, as in the condition which commonly goes by the name and in which the seizures may ,be only momentary. However, the permanent sleep may be preceded by narcolptic crises. Doctor Lhermitte notes hypertension of the muscles and a state suggesting catalepsy. Tremors are often mani fest; the temperature goes to 104 de grees F. He says a Wassermann test and examination of the spinal fluid should always be made. Now is the Time To Get Rid of Your Rheumatism If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumatism buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and massage the affected parts twice a day with it. You are certain to be very much benefited by it if not actuaully cured. Try it. Japan's "Year of the Monkey" Every year, in a series of 12, is known in Japan by the name of an animal, as in the signs of the zodiac; and this is the year of the monkey. Consequently the many millions of New Year cards exchanged were for the most part decorated with simian representation of various kinds. The year of the monkey is not considered a propitious one for marriage, as the word saru (monkey) also is a verb which means "to leave" and there is a supersition that all who marry in the monkty year are likely to leave their partners for life. Consequently all the couples who intended entering the married state in 1920 had to rush the ceremony through in December of 1919, keeping country registries and shrines very busy during that month. The post office had a gigantic task in delivering the hundreds of millions of New Year cards dispatched the day before the first of January. No Cause for Court Maysville, Ky.-When the Robert son county circuit court met recently It failed to find any work to do. There's not a case on the docket, no one in jail and no prospects. Prohi bition threatens to put the court out of business. No Worms In a Healthy Child All ehildren troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disetrbance. GROVE'S TASTELE chill TONIC given regularly for twor three weeks will enrich the blood, im pmrove the digesa.on, and act ass GeaeralStregth ening Tak to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. WANTS $1,000; MAKES THREATS Student Turns Blackhander In Effort to Get Easy Money TRIES IT ON BANKER Young Man is Trapped by Officers After Mysterious Calls on Phone Are Traced and Makes Full Confession Fort Collins, Colo.-C. H. Thompson, a student at the conservatory of mu sic of the state agricultural college, confesed to District Attorney Russell W. Fleming and Professor Alexander Emslie, head of the conservatory of music, thtahe had attempted to extort by means of "black hand" letters $10, 000 from Charles R. Evans, wealthy banker and live stock man of this city, according to the two men to whom the confession is said to have been presented. Thompson declared that he had no accomplices and that the sole reason for his selection of the banker as his expected victim was his need for ready money. Mr. Evans received the first letter in which "blackmail" tactic were sus pected last week. It notified him that he had been elected to donate $10,000 to the American Equalization organi zation: Family Threatened Direction for the hiding of the money for the "blackhanders" were to be phoned to Evans, the letter tated, threatening him and his entire family with death if he failed to comply. Mr. Evans notified Sheriff Elmer I. Cooke and District Attorney Russell W. Fleming, who were unsuccessful in locating the sender of the missive. On Saturday night came a telephone call, later traced to the stock judging pavilion at the agricultural college, him to place the money behind Unity threatening the banker and instructing - church. The officers and Evans drove to the spot, but nothing happened. On Monday night, Mr. Evans re- r ceived another telephone call from a d man who directed him to hide the money at a certain spot near the agri- p cultural college grounds. o Blowing up of Car Threatened I The man also warned Mr. Evans not to have any officers around as he a did on Sunday night or he would ' blow the auto and all to pieces. The officers went to the spot, but no sign o of the mystery man ,eould be found. s Early last evening Mr. Evans re- c ceived another mysterious telephone 1( call, during which the speaker gave d him detailed instructions on how to 0 take the $10,000 to an alley three blocks south of the college grounds. Deputy Sheriff Byrd Halligan and City Policemtn Fred Cave were in Mr. Evanss' home when the call came in. They slipped out of the house a mo ment or two after th speaker had hung up his phone. When Halligan and Cave reached the alleyway to which the voice directed Evans to come, a man stepped out of the dark ness and jumped on the running board. The two officers grappled with him,. but he wrestled himself free and fled as they fired shots after him without effect. A monent later Thompson called precipitously at the home of Professor Emslie, the professor said later. He was out of breath and explained the the darkness and had been overcome fact by saying that he had fallen in by heart trouble, to which he was sus ceptible. Professor Emslie was suspi cious and reported the call to the sher iff. Thompson was taken into custody and later confessed. The Strong Withstand the Wiater Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Health, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifles the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel its Strengthening.Invigorating Effct. G0e. MULES SEEf US Mouret & Co. U OPELOUSAS, LA. LANDRY STREBT Also ALL KINDS OF ANIMAL FEED STUFF i MARES SWith"rkaowledgcl~ sst to X. C. B" AIidht ,Bill YU cam.stop 'em BILL TOLD me. AND HE bought a pack HE HAD a good joke. OF THESE cigarettes. ON THE maker. AND I asked him. OF A wellknown brand. "WHERE'S THE joke, BillS OF CIGARETTES. AND BILL said. LAST NIGHT, Bill said. "WHY THE darn fools. HE READ an ad. SPENDING THEIR money, OF THIS cigarette. PICKING ON me." IN A magazine. 80 I said, "You bought 'emI IT SAID "They Satisfy." DIDN'T THEY satisfyt AND THIS morning. AND BILL said "Sure, IN HIS newspaper. BUT HERE'S the Jokes HE READ "They Satisfy." FOR OVER a year. AND ON a billboard. I'D ALREADY been smokld AND ON a card. THAT BRAND." IN THE streetcar. *" " 9 rXE admit it, the joke's on us. AND IN the dealer's window. V And over three million other * " smokers are "in on it" with BilL AND ON the counter. But the real joke is on anybody HEAD-_-- who looks for "Sati·uf" 'ai here HE READ "he Satisfy." hut in Chesterields- or the Chee * * terfield blend cn't be copiedI © CIGARETTZ W • I,.... The True University Every true tniversity should make room in its scheme for life out-of doors. There is much to be said for John Milton's plan of a school whose pupils should go together each year on long horseback journeys and sail ing cruises in order to see the world. ....John Burroughs has a college on a little farm besides the Hudson and John Muir has a university called the Yosemite. If such men cross a field. or thicket they see more than the seven wonedrs of the world. That is culture. And without it all scholastic learning is arid, and all the academic degrees known to a man are but Chine oranges hung on a dry tree.-Henry. for 20 yenrrl HOBO Cured me" People who believe that there is no remedy for kidney and bladder diseases are invited to read the following unsolicited testimonial: I suffered for more than 20 years witi kidney and bladder trouble. I had three hemorrhages. The phy sician said I must be operated on for stone. in the kidney, but thank the Lord I found HOBO medicine and it cured me. I know there is hardly anyone who has suffered as I did. I have seen the time when death would have been a relief to me. Now I enjoy life and am recommending HOBO Kidney and Bladder Remedy to many who are afflicted with kid ney trouble. MRS. G. W. LEE, Laurel, Miss. No matter how severe your kidney or bladder trouble may be, HOBO can give you prompt and blessed relief. Don't keep on suffering! Buy a bottle of HOBO and begin taking it according to directions. HOBO contains no alcohol, no habit-forming drugs-you can take it as freely as you wish without bad after effects. Ask your druggist for HOBO now. Price' $1.20 per bottle. Made by HOBO Medicine Mfg. Com pany, Shreveport, La. For Sale Cott on Seed Hulls and MEAL Produces More Milk. and Butter Cheapest Cow Feed On Earth Opelousas Ice & Bottling Opelousas, Works Louisiana COMFORT, GOOD TASTE, AND HOSPITALITY RADIATE FROM Beaver Board Rooms To the house owner who would have the .rooms of his home present distinctive but pleasing appearance, BEAVER BOARD appeals as a product possessing many more posibilities than the wall and ceiling mraterial usually used. BEAVER BOARD is moisture proofed by a patented process of surface sizing and sealing to protect it from moisture, dryness or climatic changes. No other wall board is so protected, which makes it important that you see the BEAVER BOARD trade mark on the back of the wall board you use. We have just received and unloaded the the first FULL CAR OF Beaver Board to reach OPELOUSAS which places us in a position to furnish YOUR wants, LARGE or SMALL, RIGHT on the MINUTE. Let us Design a Beaver Board Room for You The A. C. Skiles Lumber Company Ltd. Opelousas, Louisiana