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"Hurry, Baby Has the Colic" Don't take dangerous chances by letting baby fret, cry andsuffer-use the safest proven remedy for colicky or teething babies. MRS.WI NSLOW'S SYRUP Tke Infaat' and Children's Regulatet It quickly aids baby's stomach to digest food as It should and keeps the bowels open. brings surprisingly quick relief from colic, diarrhoea constpation. flatulency anad other similar troubles. Madeof purely vegetable ngredients. guaranteed to contain no narcotics, opiates, alcohol nor anything harmful. This complete, open published formula appears on every label: Senne Sodium Ctrate Oild Anis C Rlubaab Sodium Biacbooate Fennel sa Sees' At All Drrugists MICIO.AMERICAN DRIUG CO.. 215-217 Fakte Stees. N1w Terk Geesal Sellin Ass: Harold F. Richia & C..lInc. I NewYnek Londoan Torotso Write for the booklet "Our Mrs. D. S. Hamilton, of Milner, Wives and Daughters." Full of Ga., Route 1, writes: "It gives information every women should me pleasure to testify to the have; including voluntary testi- benefit which both my daughter and myself have derived from mony and advice from women in the use of STELLA VITAE. all walks of life who know by For some time the doctors of experience what tella Vitae our neighborhood had treated will do for women. my daughter without success. willa do for women. One bottle of STELLA VITAE Stella Vitae is the famous pre- In three weeks' time completely scription of an old family phy- cured her. My own health has sician, successfully used in a been restored by STELLA long, life-time practice, Sold VITAE; and no doctor has been called upon to treat any mem under agreement that if the first ber of my family since I began bottle fails to benefit money will using Dr. Thacher's Reme be refunded. Ask your druggist. dies." THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanaooga Tea... U.S.A. I. 5. I g gan The trouble with good advice is that few of us recognize it when we hear It. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of catarrhal deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All druggists 75. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio ASKING A LITTLE TOO MUCH Under the Circumstances Actor Was Justified In Refusing Parts Manager Allotted Him. Owin' to the limitations of his purse the manager of a theatrical show on the road traveled with a show company. One afternoon he called one of his players to him and remarked: "Look here, Wellington, you'll have to play three parts tomorrow night in The Silent Foe'-Henderson, Uncle Bill, and the Spider." "Can't do it!" retorted Wellington, briefly, but firmly. "Can't do it? Won't do it, you mean!" snorted the manager. "Why won't you do it?" "Because it can't be done. No hn man being could play these three parts at the same time. In the third act Hen derson and the Spider have a fight and old Uncle Bill rushes in to sep arate them." Severely Practical. "Ciarley, dear," said young Mrs. Torkins, "that was a beautiful bou quet you brought me." "Glad you liked it." "But-" "But what?" "Bread Is expensive and liable to be scarce. The next time you have any thing sentimental on your mind tell it with flour." What she means now by "Just a cheap little thing" Is a hat that cost her 35 beans. Sooner or later people tumble to the fact that the banana peel is a nul &.ance. For your breakfast (Orap eNuts A ready-to-eat food that costs but little and is full of the sound nourishment of wheat -_____ and. malted barley. . Appetizing -_- Economical -A pt roe " .--------------- --------------------------- t "Nothing is so strong as gentlenessi nothing so gentle as strength." Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes. I That itch and burn with hot bathi of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe. cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti' cara Talcum is dusted on at the fin 'bh. 25c each everywhere.-Adv. It is as difficult to get some men to talk as it is to get some women to quit. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot=Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled is the foot-bath. The Plattsburg Camp Man ual advises men in training to use Foot= Ease in their shoes each morning. It pre vents blisters and sore spots and relieves painful, swollen, smarting feet and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Always use Allen's Foot=Ease to break in new shoes.-Adv. CHINESE HOLD HILL SACRED Huang Shan Created a Shrine More Than Three Hundred Years Ago, Is Tradition. More than 300 years ago in the Ming dynasty a Buddhist priest named Pu Men visited the Huang Shan in the South Anhul hills. Ie was charmed with the place and became infatuated with the idea of making it a sacred mountain. A journey to Peking and an audience with the royal household resulted in the appropriation of large sums of money' for developing this fairyland of the gods. A brass pagoda was prepared for the first temple. It was decorated with 1.000 little Bud dhas and was called Thousand God pa goda. The temple, whose halls it decked, was christened the Purple Sand temple and is now restored and called the Merciful Light hall. At that time, says the North China Herald, hund(reds of priests came to the mountains, and there was a period of Buddhist prosperity. Roads were built to the tops of all the Important peaks, and at least one temple was erected far above the line of perennial springs. Measuring Time. Ernest was learning to tell time. He had Just mastered the numbers on the fac3 of the clock, but had net learned the meaning of the minute hand. "What time is it?" I asked him, when the minute hand pointed to 1fre minutes of 12. He looked a long time, and then said: "Why, it is just an inch to 12." -Exchange. lastNight's Drms -What They Mean DID YOU DREAM OF GARDENS? FREUD relates a long and compll cated dream of a garden which he proceeds to analyze, making the ap parently innocent vision of the night a series of dream symbols for re pressed animal emotions which got past the dream-censor; that part of our psychic intelligence which is sup posed by him to play the part of the late Anthony Comstock in Dreamland --disguised as the usual contents of a garden. But it must be reem"ereed that Professor Freud is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of Euro pean authorities on neurosis, and it is from the dreams of neurotics that he has drawn the larger part of the ma terial for his dream theories. It would hardly be fair to interpret the garden dream of a normal person in the man ner in which Freud interprets the gar den dream of his neurotic patient. In the analysis of another dream in which flowers appear he traces the connection to the fact that the day be fore he had talked with a man named Gardner and attended a patient named Flora-which appears quite reason able. No nol-mal person need fear to dream of a garden. In fact, to walk in a dreamland garden is a form of exercise most highly recommended by the mystics. Simply to see a garden in a dream indicates good fortune ahead; if you walk in one it is still better. To take such a stroll indicates much money and one's business will Increase. It is a good omen for farmers and sail ors especially, and to the lover It is a sign that he will not only marry the one he loves but will have all sorts of success in life. But if the garden ap pears to be weedy and ruinous the omen is not so good. Havelock Ellis takes a garden as a symbol of the ground he has covered in his book, "The World of Dreams," and says: "I have cultivated, as far as I care to, my garden of dreams, and it scarcely seems to me that it is a large garden. And yet every path of it, I sometimes think, might lead to the heart of the universe." (Copyright.) -0-- Even the clearest and most perfect cir cumstantial evidence is likely to be at fault, after all, and therefore ought to be received with great caution. Take the case of any pencil, sharpened by a wom an; if you have witnesses, you will find she did it with a knife; but if you take simply the aspect of the pencil, you will say she did it with her teeth.-Mark Twain. Company Cake. This recipe makes two large square loaves of moist, delicious fruit cake. If put away in a tin box with a tight cover it will be Just as good when six months old as it was when it was turned out steaming and spicy on the cake cooler. Do not ice it, as the brown cake discolors the icing when it stands. Two scant cupfuls of butter, three cupfuls of dark brown sugar, seven eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately; one pound each of raisins and currants, three-quarters of a pound of citron sliced thin,' one-half cupful of good molasses, one-half cup ful of sour milk, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of cloves, one-quarter of a cupful of sour cherry juice, one teaspoonful of soda, with four cupfuls of sifted flour. Mix and beat well. Dust the fruits with flour and fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Line a square pan with greased paper and bake two hours in a moderate oven. Test with a toothpick. When cool, wrap in towels and put away in a tin box. Buttermilk Cake. Take one egg and one egg yolk, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of rich buttermilk, two tablespoonfuls of shortening, one teaspoonful of soda, one-quarter teaspoonful of baking powder, the same of cloves, one tea spoonful of cinnamon; salt, raisins and vanilla. Bake in layers or loaf. English Tea Cake. Sift two cupfuls of flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; beat two eggs light; add one-quarter cupful of sugar and one-half cupful of lard mixed together; add one-quarter cup ful each of currants and milk. Drop on baking sheets to make six cakes. Serve warm with butter. (Copyrlght, 1920. Western Newspaper Union.) 0 MILIT NT-MARY~ ["ooked. or rYi , joy.ond love, and.Life refused-me PLAT So-now"Iussk for.nothinq.FOR IM -SURE.OF OETTING THAT !!! I P.it4gh In addition to comfortable salaries. baseball players are given an annual trip to California or some other attrac tive region. That is one reason why sandlot ambitions do not run toward the presidency. Women in Paris are wearing war paint. In this country women do not have to resort to such measures to keep their husbands in subjection. Men's trousers pressed on the side rather than the front would never do in these days of revolving doors. Sure Relief 6 BELL-ANS SHot water A' Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION To abort a cold and prevent com" plications, take al O S The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain. ed and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c. Indeed, It Did. "So they wanted a boy, and it was a girl." "Yes, it came a-miss. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs'" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only-look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle You must say "California."-Adv,. His Job. Belle-Do you know what a make up man does on a newspaper? Nell-I suppose he puts the pieces in that tell you how to get a good complexion. It's a pity that more of us are not willing to follow the advice we give to others. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep theme organs healthy by taking GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid trouble. PIamol since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sises, all danggits. Guaranteed as represented. leek See the nasme GeCold Medal on eerg km and aecept me inCit~rte Holstein Calves #3-84ths pure. 5 to 7 weeks old, beautifully marked and from heavy milkers, $25.00 each. crated for shipment anywhere. Will ship upon receipt of $5.00 down on each to guar antee express, crating and feed. Write or order direct. EDGEWOOD DAIRY FARMS GENERAL HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES Contractors' Supplies, Butldera' Hardware, Etc Prices and In formnatton furnished on request PEDEN IRON & STEEL CO. HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO t Cuticura Soap . -! Imparts [ The Velvet Touch " Sep 25c, ~iatamst 25 sd S5c, Tal. 25cl. HOUSTON HARBOR Do you know that Houston Harbor Ad- I dltion is surrounded by many great in- t dustriesa, employing thousands of men? Do you want an agency to sell these lots in your town on very easy terms and Iib. eral commission? Write at once for full Lnformation and maps. L BRYAN & COMPANY 5th Floor Beatty Bldy. Housto. Teims Kill AII Flies I .s ' Pissed 7rwhee. DAISY FLY KILLa attrcts L nd kills eir . Neat. cleea, r.asmental, ceaeeinet sad Sehea. Lasts alls sue. Made ofmetal, can't pill orti oer;, anWthin. Guanted SDAISY b at .er desise HAROLD SOMESD. aL Di b . Broei n, .,T. FRECKLES -- ,, , , PADJT EVFMNG NA FA1L)TL IJ f DEER TALK. "It's nice," said the Dybowsky deer, "to have four horns." "And it's nice," said the Axis deer, "to have two curved horns in front and two long ones. Oh, yes, that is very nice." "I'm glad," said the Dybowsky deer. "that I'm not an Australian whistler, for example." "And I'm glad I'm not a screech owl who calls the other birds about to fight or to play or whatever it is he does call them for," said the Axis deer. "I'm glad, too, I'm not a jealous cockatoe." said the Dybowskl deer, "or a goat four years old and fully grown, with the stupid home that he has, even though he may live long." "I'm glad," said the Axis deer, "that I'm not a prairie dog and that I don't dig holes in the ground where I stay all winter. "When the turtles are in the zoo be cause they are indoors they don't know that It is winter so they don't go to bed for the winter any more than the snakes do. "And the bears don't sleep for the winter because they're not allowed to get a great meal ahead which will last them for months." "But." said the Dybowsky deer, "what makes you talk about the crea turee who go to bed for the winter when it is spring? Why don't you talk of the ones getting up now that spring has conic?" "I thought I would be a little differ ent in my talk," said the Axis deer. "But I don't mind what we talk about, do you?" "Not in the least," said the Dybow sky deer. "Then we can talk about anything," said the Axis deer. "We can even talk about nothing," said the Dybowsky deer. "How can we talk about nothing? If we talked about nothing there would be no talk." "Youre' wrong there," said the Dy bowski deer. "Lots of creatures talk about nothing, but they talk right along." "How?" asked the Axis deer. '"They talk, but they say nothing that is worth while. That is how they talk about nothing. See?" "Ah, yes," said the Axis deer. "I'm glad I'm not a lion or a tiger running for cover. If I were free and if there were danger then I'd have to hide." "Gracious," said the Axis deer, "why are you glad of so many impossible things?" "Well, aren't you?" "To be sure," said the Axis deer. "And," said the Dybowsky deer, "rm just talking to hear myself talk--I mean. I am talking for the sake of hearing my voice, not because I have anything special to say. It isn't be cause I think my talk is one, as you might imagine." "It would take too much imagination to think that," said the Axis deer. "I'm not in the least Insulted," said the Dybowski deer. "But I wouldn't **g* "I'm Glad I'm Not a Screech Owl." have been able to say all these things I have said if I didn't live in the zoo and so know something of zoo life." "Oue thing about your talk I have liked," said the Axis deer, "is that you've talked and chatted about other creatures and you've been glad you weren't like them, and so have I been, and yet you haven't said mean things about themn. As far as that goes, neither have I." "Well," said the Dybowsky deer, "our whole family are supposed to be rather sweet and gentle--I mean the whole dcer family. There is a word which is like our family name which is spelt differently but which has a nice meaning I hope we live up to In spite of the different spelling." "What Is that?" asked the Axis deer. "You see," said the Dybowsky dleer. "the word dear means sornethig very sweet and nice and, while it is a word not meaning our family and not mean ing any animal, till I do believe the whole deer family have always tried to be like the word which is just like their name as far as its pronunciation goes." "What does pronunclation mean?" asked the Axis deer. "It means the way a word sounds when it is said. Don't you think we've all tried to be like the word?" "I do," said the Axis deer; "it's a .ice word-that word dear--and I say let's always try-each one of us-to be a dear deer. Wouldn't that be nice?" "It would, and we'll try," said th'e Dybowsky deer; "yes, even we will Very Striking. Mrs. De Jinks-Did you take Willie :o school, Hezekiah? Mr. De Jlnks-Yes, I did; and an excellent school it is. The scholars are perfect in their deportment and tie instructor struck me as a man of ability. Little Willie-You ought to have stayed there about an hour and seen how he struck me. Nut Without a Shell. What's the only nut without a shell? L doughnut. CALOMEL DANGERi TOLD BY DO Says You Cannot Gripe, Sicken, or Salivate Y You Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Inst Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quick silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your drug gsit sells for a few cents a large bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is The man who takes himself serious ly usually marries a woman who doesn't. -",p~ gr*'* STOMACH GOOD AS NEW. FOUR DOC TORS GAVE HER UP Mrs. Hendricks, Bedfast Five Months, Was Able to Work in Two Weeks. "I was sick last winter for five months with stomach and bowel trouble. Could not turn myself in bed without help. I - was under the care of four doctors, and they gave me up. Then Mr. Mills, the druggist, persuaded my husband to try a bottle of Milks Emulsion. I had only taken it two days until I was sitting up in bed, and in two weeks I was doing my own work. When I began taking it I weighed only 70 pounds: now I weigh 190 pounds."-Mrs. Mary Hendricks, 900 Litch. field Road,. Owensboro, Ky. Thousands of people who have suffered for years from stomach and bowel troubles have found relief almost from the first dose of Milks Emulsion. And it is real, lasting benefit. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutritive food and a corrective medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do ing away with all need of pills and phys ics. It promotes appetite and quickly puts the digestive organs in shape to as similate food. As a builder of flesh and strength Milks Emulsion is strongly rec ommended to those whom sickness has p weakened and is a powerful aid in resist- a ing and repairing the effects of wasting diseases. Chronic stomach trouble and constipation are promptly relieved-usu ally in one day. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. ' No matter how severe your case, you B are urged to try Milks Emulsion under b this guarantee-Take six bottles home with you, use it according to directions, h and if not satisfied with the results your 11 money will be promptly refunded. Price 50c and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emul sion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by drug gista everywhere.-Adv. ti L GAVE AMATEUR "SOFT" PART B Pompous Individual Duly Awarded Him "Place in the Sun," as He A Had Requested. The Swamptoh Dramatic society wanted their annual performance to be a success, so they engaged a pro- M fessional from London to arrange it w all. As soon as this gentleman ap- st peared one of the amateurs tackled di him. yi "I must have a role to suit me," he ai began pompously. "I always play one is of the principal parts in our shows, bi and so far I've been most successful." K "Excuse me," interposed the pro- ai fessional, "but you must allow me to T be the judge of the most suitable ei cast." In The first rehearsal occurred a few days later. When the cast was read a1 out the pushing amateur found he had ly been left out altogether. cl "Why have I not got a part?" he be demanded angrily. m "You have a part, all right," re- w plied the producer. "You are to be bi the first banana in the fruit-market tt scene."-London Answers. he A Solo Part, hi Paula-I had a charming call from o1 Mr. Jollyboy last night. t May-What did he talk about? Paula-Why, he just sat and listened hi to me. He never opened his month. When a man blushes a woman is apt he to wonder whether he's a lobster. tc Try Postum Instead of Coffee { at the family table for a week or two and see if everyone doesn't relish the change. Postum Cereal a drink of delicious flavor --should be boiled fully fifteen minutes to bring out its full-bodied richness. Better health and comfort usually follow a change from coffee to Postum. "There's a Reason" ,a*debPOsTaUM CEREALs CO., Ic.. BattW.eCr .r.E entirely vegetable ani take and is a perfect calomel. It is guaranteed liver without stirring y and can not salivate. Don't take calomel f .I trusted any more tha a a wild cat. Take Dods's which straightens you makes you feel fine:. e children because it is less and doesn't grips. y After you eat--a AT TO. -one or two table InstantlyrelievesH .i Gassy Feeling. Stopg food souring, reCpeti the many miseree Acid-St 0 EATONIC is the best h the harmful acids and of the body and, of well. Tena ofthoua benefited. Guaranteel money refunded byYour girt Cost aitle. KING CHEWING Has that hcorice Honestly, don't you people who do not agree wrong? 99 OUT OF Of the little ills and Toothache, nervous ness agywhere may be by applying Vacher harmless. Keep it hast Imitations. If you cannot buy V cally, send 30c in stagP to E. W. Vacher, Ile., La.-Adv. BABOON PUT TO US As Shepherds, the Ani to Develop Traits Almost Humea{ I have often wondered, W. C. Scully in the Ati why more baboons are so shepherds. The creature develop an absorbing a young animals, human or are placed in their charge, is a well-authenticated baboon taking charge of A Kafir infant, and guardt and day for more than The simian foster parent every necessary function ing the child. Several baboons have as shepherds. In a case tha ly himself observed the, b charge of several hundred became passionately atta members of the flock, and with them all day long at brought them back to th., the evening. His only fault herd was the outcome of Ncitude; if he heard the baboons in the distance it of the day, he would at the sheep, and with every of the livellest terror h home. For theman who can pay honestly acquired coin the too good.