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UESDAY, JUNE 15th THE BENNETT STORES, INC. The Name is the Guarantee is Establishment We Tell You this Will be the GREATEST MERCHANDISING EVENT EVER STAGED in this SECTION. As Usual We Stand SRANGE AND MARK DOWN STOCK S"YOUR OPPORTUNITY" on Every Grade and Kind of ItEXTRA SPECIALS FROM ALL SETTis HEAVILY REDUCED. * Good grade whitens Men's Clothing hinb a le pair YOu ot next Fall. This is the TIME TO BUY, Sfrand l baatj LSfor EVERY SUIT in our BIGSTOCK e itis M HERE THEY ARE: p at- lG Good grade white envelopes, 6 3-4 size,30 ni lorane es uck " hck. of 25, at 6c, 5 pacakges for 25c. $1,coc.......64 MY o30 Genuine Lorraine S1uie ring. It Your pportunity on Shoes for the Family Suit, sizes 33 and 34 only, slightl custom- . me values jf4 Space does not permit cataloging the different styles and prices ly soiled, ............... English ...... 4.95 of this Canvas work gloves, 25c value, per pr..15c of our standard lines of shoes. We therefore mak a straight Our regular line of Lorraine Seer SAll leather work gloves, mule skin, per 10% REDUCTION ON EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THE FOL- sucker Suits, all sizes, narow or S lpair ........................................................45c LOWING LINES: Crossett and Leonard, Shaw & Dean Men's wide stripe, lots 9006 and 9007, Se, ", Shoes; Duttenhoefer and Crossett Women's shoes and Billiken best make -------- -----...............$10.75 frankly o and Life Line Childreu's Shoes. Dark gray Seersucker Suits......$11.95 AND NOW THE OPPORTUNITY SPECIALS: the items r sMexican Harvest Hats, wide brim, highS All regular model Palm Beach Suits, t less roomy crown, 2c value,............... 19c Men's Mahogany calf oxfords, English flat last, $6.50 value solid colors and newest fancy de m ,- 1.......2 .. ........................................... .$4.95 signs, practically all sizes ....$12.75 Mn us. Fall s o , 50 pair Goodyear welt oxfords, v ennebec and Augustan brand. higher . some of all sizes and lasts, vales up to $10, choice.....--$6.45 YoungMen's model Palm Beach Suits, none reserved y material. American made imitation Guyat Suspend- 50 pair mahogany chrome and tan vici oxfords, Bates Bench- 150 Lorraine Spanish Linen Suits, all patterns and sizes,....$195 imply and er, value .......................................45 made, Kennebec and August, values $10.50 to $12Suits---------------$.95 TUNITY" choice................ .............. ..................................$7.95 White poplin suits, about 30 in the lot, slightly soiled 2 value, Tfriends ___ Boy's high grade lotus calf oxfoos, English flat last, sizes 2 1-2 choice of lot ........................................ 95 Al Arrow Collars oft or stiff, 30c re- to 5 1-2, $7.50 regular, at ... .......$5.45 One lot Palm Beach and Cool Cloth Suits, most all sizes in the lot tage for -------------------------- 2c 1 Boy's gun metal high toe shoes, English flat and other lasts, solid but only one or two of a kind, worth up to $15, at,. $7.95 imilar op- and dependable, worth up to $5, choice............................3.45 Panama Cloth Suits, natural cream color, Norfolk back.......$4.95 y months Boy's chrome calf, Village School make, 2 1-2 to 5 1-2...... $5.45 50 Suits consisting of genuine Palm Beach in natural cream shade j. m t 'Same in size range 12 1-2 to 2 at....................------------------. -......-......$4.95 light color Tropical Worsteeds and Silk striped Cool Cloth, F Men's umbrellas, full size, good grade twill Boy's white canvas oxfords, very dressy, 12 1-2 to 2-.........-$1.49 worth up to $18, choice . ...------------------------..$9.45 j cloth, splendid assortment bent wood Lot 347 and 867, 25 pair boy's solid leather shoes, sizes 1, 1 1-2, Young Men's model all wool blue serge suits, detachable S.IN4C 7 1 handles, $2 value f -..............-- fo$1.49 2, 5 and 5 1-2 only, choice ...1.98 belt. ....----------- .... .--------.--------.............. .......................... $24.95 - .. Lot 602, boy's scout shoes, solid Milwaukee make----------------$3.25 10 Tropical Worsted Suits, no lining elegantly tailored, dark _______"______ Men's Sea Island canvas welt oxfords, broken sizes, $4.50 to $5 shades, young men's model, sold for $26.0 at..............$19.95 . Women's and children's hndkerchiefs, value, choice ...........---------..---------.................-.. --------....................$2.49 S plain hemstitched and fancy border, 8 1-3c Men's white canvas and Palm Beach Oxfords, $2.50 value...$1.49 EVERY HIGH GRADE WOOLEN SUIT DIVIDED INTO hvalue, at .....- .... s...e8............... :.. 5 31 pair welt shoes, Munson Army Last, light and dark tan calf, THESE TWO LOTS ,e ba Edmonics and Endicott-Johnson make, to-day's cost $7.50, choice ......................... ------------------ -------------------$7.45 Lot 1-ll woolflannels, seges and cssimeres, mainly our 5c soft collar pins and clasps 5c 100 pair work shoes, scout ad blucher pattern, all solid leather, $37.50 and $40 lines, choice---------------------$29.95 PECIALS 100 pair linsoft cuff buttons, c eguand clasps..29c worth up to $4.50, choice-----------------------$.95 Lot -Every other suit in the house, ot one less than $45.00, 100 pair link cuff buttons, 50 regularWeyenberg Milwaukee made scout style work shoes, solid as a mainly our $50 and $55 line, choice...................... ..$39.45 rock ........ .Lrrain h ---------- -n pats. .------------------------------$3.39 Hama Straw Lot 804 Godman made blucher work shoes, will hold in any kind Alterations other th pants bottom will be at customers's ex a1-4 to 7 1-4, 4 Sur'e-Lock Cuff Buttons, ideal fo soft of wor1k .... ......... -.......-...... $3.98 pense. We however will give personal attention as u s u al . worth $1.50 cuffs, enameled designs similar to the very Lot (604 our highest grade work shoes, full stock----.....---... .....$4.49 and guarantee fit. -- ...............98c expensive kind .. ......------------------45 Women's kanaroo f. work shoe........ ...-------------------....................... $1.98 THIS IS THE BIG NOISE Cil 150 pair women's and children's shoes, canvas, leather, patent, practically all sizes in PANTS '. Children's Tennis Shoes, sizes 8 to 1, as- lot, nmostly low quarters but some high tops, choice 98c er Caps, Palm sorted black and white, choice...------..... 35c No exchanges or refunds on this lot) to $1, choice The sensible thing for those desiring to prctice thrift i he purchae o an extra to $1, choice 75c pair Wmen's and children's high and low top shoes worth from $2.75 to $4.00 pair or so of trousers. Down here one can do withou a coat most of the tme anyway. ichoice . .. ..............._....... ...........$1.49 AT THESE PRICES YOU HAD BETTER BUY FOR FALL TOO. -p xa4 63 pailLadies' pur Cups, oxfords, one and two straps, vici and patent, worth all the way ÷ 20 x 40 inch. Turkish Bath Towcls, heavy ho 6,- cl-oie- ................... ................. ---------------------------$1.98 Daytonia, light, and cottonade, dark worsted patterns,, made trouser style, choIce..$1A9 absorbent nap, 65c value .-...-................49cj 50 pair high grade boots and high tops, pumps and oxfords, including genuine turnS Otis pin check, blue and gray strIpes, twill khaki, $2.50 values, choice ........$1.89 . and welts, choice- --................ ... .................. .$2.98 Heavy Government standard Khaki pants, cuff bottom, blt-rite and fit-rite, $3 valueo Daytonias and Broaken lots of $6, $7 and $8 shoes, high and low, only a few sizes of a kind, but some at ............................................ ....$2.39 - full trouser Boys Nains nion Suits, size 28 and 30 of every size, choice Heavy moleskin pants, worth to-day 5 at ......... ............. --.-- .$1.49 I ony--on -- -. .. --49c The cream of all, takes in all broken lots of highest grade $9 to.$12 ladiqs' shoes, most- Lorraine seersucker pants, all izes.......................... . t .. .4 "D uring_ _ __ale_ _ne w_ _ch ar ly low quarter ate . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ac oi g a s s ac r c- - p $4.98 Lorraine Spanish Linen pants ...... ...................... . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 All canvass Keds, high and low top, black and white, sizes from boy's No. 4 to man's Young men's Beach Cloth pants, new patterns of brown and green... .......... $4.9 I' No. 10, worth up to $1.75, choice- - - . .........-.---------------- -98c Lot 7614, all wool French serge pants-.......................$6.25 ty sA t20 x 40 inch. linen huck towels, to-day's Itg 1 Lot high grade worsted and cassimre pa ................... ............ .t4.4 sizes, ________________ Odds of $8 and $8.50 high grade pants ............... .................$6.95 Odds of $9 and $10 high grade pants...95 b Form-fit polished wood suit hangers, i- Please note that in addition to the drastic cuts on boy's Summer Suits, wept i·n -i poied . O acii n- have received some hundred of our Fall suits for boys in correct Fall models We1ha. We have uicouf79 h _ar1 Sserted ood bar for trousers, 15 val.....8 included these in this sale at least 20 Per Cent under Fall price. i Play Suits, 35 Crash suits in sizes 8 to 17, gray and tan, wel made and wash well, $5.50 regular fat-- -------------------------- -.........-.1y$4.39 Sox Cos, Suts Sier 40 Cool Cloth ad$8 and $9, choice---- .........$.45 rg rava. W "p ----------.89c Entire line genuine Palm Beach Suits, our pri g has been $9.50 and $10, while others Most men always ne sto 4 years..... 9.. 1.0 no.......... $8.95. Mo.t men alway6 need sex. "o 1, ................ ..................9 You vt i more Import- save sx try buying a sze lar 100 FALL SUITS JUST ARRIVED ,nt to youir looks than most er than usual-to save money, Sany other article of attire. load up on these. ._ " n l w r cn30 Suits, good grade cismeres In neat dark colors, price will be $16, your opportunity 35 combed cotton yarn 12 tems advertised be accepted. We respectfully' a~k custom- at---...$7.95 and pdtterhf Of eur tieS. This hose in black, brown, blue ............ .7 ... ... ... . " I...... . . is "your bp. .rt.h.ity" t8 re- and gray, your opportunity tit. At these 36 n the beautiful brown shades for Fall, lining to match material, new yoke effect plenish your tie stobk burti- price 24a pair esareaty to bes ers who have regular accounts to pay cash, back, Fall price $17.50, your opportunity now. ................s.$13.95 fully andflor less money thrl Fine huage 1-2 hose, double solei RgaOad5wll noo-------------------- .....----- - 16.95 500 beautiful soft silk in- fnish. 29c-8 pair $1.50 , U S AAke ea, e-.o ... for hthe tfirst htime a ayear bat " drmercerized5A d lisle Esox, in black please state if be axed .the utmost and your co-opera- the old staple price o....4 white, cordovan, Palm Beach, -are sold out. tion will relieve us'to that extent and be S iJuvenile u ts 500 beautiful soft silk 4-in- Steel ¶avy, 58c paIr-or 6 pair * /. to your greatly appreciated." $ signs, tolether with high grade poplins $1 grade fibre arid thread silk hose, ____$2.75 and $3 line'all go at ........----------- $2.24 Magnificent selection of new silks, $2.00 worth $2, a ................$1.29 l Cloth Suits age 3 to 8, regular $5 at. ..$3.95 regular at ............... $1.49 Cl C" s a..... 5 We will supply our relular wholesale All wool blue serge Juveniles . $4.95 customers at these prices while stock AllwoolbluesergeJuveniles---------$.95.. of different items lasts. Cotton Knee Pants, cool and washable, 6 to 11 12 to 17 years ........-......................79c bag, durable frame, good lock S T O -- . Good grade Khaki Knee Pants, a to 11 years......79c 12 to 17 years ...............................89c Solid brown cowhide suit case, G Khaki Play Suits for boys and girls 3 to 8 years.89c - .ell finished and'sewed.S13.45 1 k Rompers, 3 to 7 years, 89c value ' . :59c Fibre suit cases and bags as One lot percale blouses, small sizes ..........39c cheap as $1.89 for full size. Regular $1 and $1.25 line of blouses in all izes ................. ..89c 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON Boy's Shirts, collar attached, splendid grade percale and madras, specially well made ALL OTHER BAGS AND and fitting............ ....... $129 SUIT CASES WITHOUT RE O UISIA N A High grade shirts, made with neckband, $2 value.... ..............$1.49 SERVE,