TIE ST. LANDRY CLARION er* $ the Prm. . the People's LRights MainAgM, A A we by Iaflueoe and U.,ribed by ain." VOLUME XXX-NO. 3. OPELOUSAS, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, tE 19th 1920 ONEDOLLAR PER YEAR N ADVANCE (OMENCEMENT AT ST. CHARLES HELD ON LAST MONDAY oses School Year With Program of Beautiful Exercises MANY MEDALS AND HONORS AWARDED Edward Dubuisson and Austin Fontea not, Opelousas Boys, Receive a Number of High Honors Grand Coteau, La., June 18.--On Monday at 9:30 a. m. the eighty Charles College `wass held before a large crowd, considering the inclement weather. One hundred and seventy six students were enrolled during the past season. The following interest ing program was rendered: Entrance March--Athalia, Mendel ssohn--College orchestra. Chorus-La Marseillaise, Rouget de L'Isle--College glee club. Address to the Graduates-Mr. T. M. Callahan. Instrumental Quintette-Declaration of Love, Raft. Recital for certificate of music: (a) Cdllo--Liebefreud, (Kreisler), Willis Billeaud, A. B. '20; (b) Piano--Grand Walts, Op. 42, (Chopin), Alexander Azar, A. B. '20. Conferring of degrees. Cornet Solo--O Sole Mio, Di Caiuah -.-Camille Broussard. Valedictory-Edward Dubulsson. Vecal Quartette-(a) Bendemeer's Staeam, (Moore), (b) It Was a Dream, (tassen). Roll of Honor-Class excellence leaders. Chorus-Star Spangled Banner, Key ---College glee club. Award of Medals. Flnale-Stony Point March, Lauren deau-College band. Roll of Honor. The following students were di-tia guished during the year for good ton duct and application to study. Senior division-A. Azar, A. Ber nard, W. Billeand, E. Dubuisson, W. Emmer, L. Gardiner, R. Koeing, N. Mire, S. Mire, T. Mire, R. Olivier, Al bert Pavy, Alfred Pavy, G. Wright, S. Young, B. Andrus, C. Boagni, C. 0. Broussard, Jr., M. Davidson, G. Morvan, H. Richard, A. Trahan, B. Myers, H. Tiblier, D. Grace, J. John= son, C. Paredes, S. Mistrot, Jr., M. Youag, A. Broussard, D. LeBlane, W. R1~4 d C. Voorhies, G. Richard, R. rWist, ,H. Grace, S. Wright. onu.ir Diviion-R. Brenux, P. Beeh et, G. Castille, B. Cast te, T, .Deval ero, A F ontiennbt' ^ W`uidRy,- y : " Id fleur, F. Moutpn, A. Petijean, M. Peti Jean, R. Rosas, C. Stemmans, G. Azar, C. Benoit, H. Carmouche, A. Moore, C. Castille, F. Demarest, A. Olivier, H. Hellen, H. Lyle, E. Landry, E. Pa redes, J. Billeaud, P. Olivier. Class Excellence Leaders: A. Azar, nior; A. Broussard, fourth high clas sical; H. Carmouche, second year grammar; D. Chaleron, second high IT WAS MIDNIGHT THE TRANSCONTINENTAL WAS SNOWBOUND ON THE EDGE OF THE ARCTIC INSIDE ONE OF THE COACHES SAT DAVID RAINE. HE WAS TELLING HIS STORY. HE WAS RUNNING AWAY FROM A SHATTERED ROMANCE AND TRAGEDY. HE WAS TRYING TO LOSE HIMSELF. "IT WAS LATE WHEN I REACHED HOME UNEXPECTEDLY," SAID DAVID. "I HEARD VOICES FROM HER ROMM. I WENT IN "NO. I DID'NT KILL THEM. I DON'T KNOW WHY I DIDN'T KILL THE MAN. , WAS A COWARD THAT MAN. ý,E CRAWLED AWAY LIKE A WORM. PERHAPS THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T KILL HIM. AND THE WONDERFUL PART OF IT. MY WIFE SHE WAS NOT AFRAID SHE STOOD UP IN HER RAVISHING DISHELVEMENT. AND SHE LAUGHED! YES, SHE, LAUGHED. A MAD SORT OF LAUGH. A LAUGH OF FEAR, PERHAPS, BUT LAUGHTER! WILL CELEBRATE AT PORT BARRE JULY 4th Announcement has been made that arrangements have been completed for a big Fourth of July celebration at Port Barre for the benefit of the Sac red Heart Catholic church at that place. A courtbullion supper will be served at 6 in the evening after which a musical program will begin at 8 o'clock. non-classical; S. Coco, first high non classical; M. Davidson, third high non classical; C. Demarest, second high! classical; A. Fontenot, firt high classi cal; E. Jeanmard, freshman; T. Si mon, first year grammar; H. Tiblier, third high classical; A. Trahan, fourth high non-classical. Award of Medals. The Christian doctrine medal, in the senior division, donated by Sir Law rence Fabacher, K. of St. G., New Or leans, La., for excellence in Chris tian doctrine and ecclesiastical histo ry, was merited by Wiltz Emmer; next in merit, Robert Olivier. The catechism medal in the junior division, donated by Very Rev. W. J. Teurlings, dean, Lafayette, La., for the best examination in catechism, was merited by George 'Azar. The philosophy medal, donated by Very Rev. Canon J. M. Langlois, V. G., New Iberia, La., for the best essay in thics was merited by Edward Dubuis son; next in merit, Wiltz Emmer, Alexander Azar. The alumni medal, donated annually !by the St. Charles College Alumni as oclation for the highest yearly scholar hip average "in course," was merited by Alexander Azar. The excellence medal, donated by Mr. Wilfred Boudreau, Sunset La., drawn for by those students who made a yearly average in studies of 95 or over was merited by A. Azar (sepior), iW. Emmer (senior), A. Broussard (fourth high classical), H. Tiblier (third high classical), A. Trahan (fourth high non-classical). The Hill-Provost Latin medal, do nated by Mrs. J. A. Provost, Jeaner ete, La., for the best paper in Latin was merited by Alfred Mouton; next in merit, Henry Tiblier and Andrew Broussard. The arithmetic medal, donated by Very Rev. Canon M. Bardy, Jeaner ette, La., for the best paper in arith metic, was merited by Henry Tiblier. The algrebra medal, donated by Rev. A. M. Richard, Breaux Bridge, La., was merited by Allison Trahan; next in merit, Henry Tiblier. The good conduct medal in the sen lor divilon, donated by Rev. F. J. Rog er, Church Point, La., was merited by Lessley Gardiner; premium, Allion Trahan; honorable mention, Edward Dubuisson, Willis Billeaud, Andrew Broussard, Wilts Emmer, Olivier Broussard, Jr., Alexander Asar, Si moon Mitrot, Jr., .Marion Young. The good comduct medal in the Jun or: dlfvidsr, .dm at by r is merited by Alfred Mouton; premium, Joseph Billeaud; honorable mention, Austin Fontenot, Andrew Moore, Franklin Mouton, George Azar, Ray Breaux, Ernest Jeanmard, Adolphe Petitijean, Delery Chaleron. N. B. The gold medals for good conduct have been awarded by the votes of the stud ents, with the approbation of the fac ulty. The English medal donated by Hon. THAT'S A WORD PICTURE OF' THE OPENING SCENES, "THE COURAGE OF MARGE O'DOONE." THE BIG SPECIAL PRODUCTION BY VITAGRAPH, MADE FROM THE GREAT STORY, BY, JAMES OLIVIER CURWOOD. THE GREATEST LIVING AUTHOR OF TALES OF ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE IN THE FROZEN NORTH. IT IS A MASTER STORY MADE INTO A MASTERLY PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTION WITH STRONG MEN AND PLUCKY WOMEN, HALF BREEDS AND WOLF DOGS, MYSTERY AND BREATHLESS SUSPENSE. WITH A CAST HEADED BY NILES WELSH AND PAULINE STARK. SHOW FOR TWO DAYS, AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE, THE HOME OF BETTER PHOTOPLAYS. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 23 AND 24TH. `COME! St. Charles Alumni Association Meets Alphonse Dupont, Henry Tiblier, Bich at Gremillion. The college elocution medal, donat ed by Mr. J. Arthur Roy, Lafayette, La., was merited by Simeon Mistrot; next in merit, Randolph Briant. The high school elocution medal, was merited by Henry Tiblier; next donated by Rev. A. Doutre, Rayne, La., in merit, Clayton Voorhies and Austin i Fontenot (ex aequo), Nichols Mouton. The grammar school elocution med al, donated by Mr. M. Billeaud, Jr., Broussard, La., was merited by Edwin Landry; next in merith, Henry Car mouche. The memory prize, a purse of twen ty4ive dollars, donated by a friend, was merited by Edward Dubuisson; next in merit, Robert Olivier. The athletic medal, donated by Mr. Sidney B. Simon, Mobile, Ala., for in dividual championship in the St. Charles College R. O. T. C. Inter-Com pany Field Meets, was merited by Ca det Sergeant Randolph Brian; of Com pany B.; next in merit, Cadet Battal !on Sergeant-Major Andrew Broussard. attached to Company A. The R. O. T. C. inter-company field meet's championship loving cup, do nated by the senior and junior divis ions of St. Charles college, was mer Joseph A. Grace, Plaquemine, La., or' the best English essay, was merited by Edward Dubuisson; next in merit, Ited by Company B, Cadet Captain Ed ward Dubuisson, commanding. Score: Company B four meets, Company A three meets. The R. O. T. C. individual rifle cham pionship medal, donated by "A Pro moter of Military Training," was mer ited by Cadet Sergeant Ewell Smith of Company B; next in merit, Cadet Lieutenant Marion Young of Company The R. O. T. C. military art medal, donated by the Knights of Columbus Council, No. 1173, of Opelousas, La., for excellence in military science and tactics, was merited by Cadet Corporal Alphonse Dupont; next in merit. Ca det Sepond Lieut. Marion Young, Ca det Second Lieut. Wiltz Emmer, Ca det First Lieut. Alexander Azar. Big League Base Ball in Arnadville Arnaudville, June 17.-In the pret tiest game of the season the crack; Arnaudville team met its first defeat last Sunday. The fame of Arnaudville's undefeat ed champions had spread far and wide, so when Lafayette accepted their chal lenge the latter came with an all-star aggregation, composed of players re-I cluited from Baton Rouge, Franklin, Breaux Bridge and Lafayette. Rain' put an end to the game in the seventh i -intgin, with a score of 3 to 0, in favor' of, the visitors. With two more in-I 5 t ta* ý ma.e-est-bet-alrd iond -bie' Ainiaudllle rasa force d"tf give up the game by a thundershower. The Arnaudville fans fell that had not Jupiter Pluvius interfered, victory would have remained perched on the standard of their champions. ýBtteries: Wilson and Platt for the visitors; etlly and Cailler for Arnaud ville. Grand Coteau, June 18.-Sunday` was Alumni Day at St. Charles Col-. lege. In the morning at 11 o'clock sol emn high mass coram episcopo was' sung at the Sacred Heart Catholic church. Rev. Joseph B. Frankhauser,, S. J., pastor of the church was the celebrant; Rev. K. Nowlan, S. J., dea con; Mr. William Harty, S. J., sub-dea con; Mr. William Kearney, -4. J., mas ter of ceremonies. Right Rev. Jules B. Jeanmard, D. D., bishop of Lafay ette officiated from his throne. The mas wa sung by the college choir, and Rev. A. F. Isenberg, rector St." Michael's church, Crowley, and super intendent of Catholic education of the Lafayette diocese, preached the bacca laureate sermon. After the mass sol emn benediction of the blessed sacra ment and te deum was sung. In the afternoon the eighth annual meeting of the St. Charles College Alumni Association was held at the Knights of Columbus half. Dr. C. A. Gardiner of Sunset presided. After the reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting sixty members answered the roll call . On account of the high cost of everything the an nual dues were raised from one to two dollars. Several letters from absent members expressing their regrets of uot being present were read. One was from Albert Martin of Breaux Bridge, the oldest member of the association who attended school here in 1846. The members were interested in the meet ing and at the banquet which followed Before adjournment the folowing offi cers were elected: Very Rev. Emile A. Diebold, S. J., honorary president; Judge William Campbell, Lafayette, La., president; Rev. Frederick I. MacDonnell, S. J. first vice-president; Dr. J. T. Abshire,. Kaplan, La., second vice-president; Dr. T. T. Tarlton, Grand Coteau, La., third vice-president; F. Vavasseur Mouton, Lafayette, La., fourth vice president; Olivier Broussard, Sr., Rayne, La., fifth vice-president; J. Gilbert S. Julien, Lafayette, La., sec-, retary; F. S. Barry, Grand Coteau, treasurer. At the banquet which was a first class one Judge William Campbell was! toastmaster. Rev. Father Diebold,' president of the college delivered the toast of welcome. Others spoke as fol lows: "Louisiana and the Church," J. Gil bert S. Julien "Louilana and the Education," Rev. I R. M. Brooks, S. J. "Louisiana and Agriculture," Willis Roy. "Patriotism," A. L. Andrus. "Louisiana and Its Future," Lessley Gardiner (one of this year's grad uates). "Fighting Indeceny," Rev. A. F. Isenberg. A paper by Captain Chas. L. Steel, who was unavoidably absent, on "The Trining of Officers," was read by 1Dr. C. A. Gardiner. BIG REALDG DEAL IS OOSED THURSDAY OPELOUSAS MOTION PICTURE CORPORATION PURCHASE NEW HOME SITE ON LANDRY ST. • I On Thursday morntig the owners of the Opelousas MotioA.Picture Cor poration, now operatingf'ie Princess theatre, purchased the .l J. Healey property on Landry -Steet, situated between, Aaron Jac~e s dws. 4epot, and Levines tailor shqo :h e.tract is 34 feet wide, and 170 fed deep. The deal was closed ThUre y, after a meeting of the stockhelrps' of the company. The purh4eA "rice was ~10,000.00. The Opelousas Mo Picture Co.,n a corporation headed inessmenI of Opelousas, are to Wngratulated upon their purchase. .:'"ompany is nred to her h wee at 4h while the p met course at L.'. Little Miss Doris Beaumont, Texas, the t st aunt, Mrs. Abe Solindk, Miss Alta Gibson is Whiteville visiting Mr. and Mrs.i. hn Erhardt. Misses Maxie EwellF 4 l9ona Mc Caffery spent several. . at Hot Wells this past week. ," Miss leez Neyland 'ip. Wednes day for Convent and ot~4t points on the river. Mrs. A. A. Kerr is in ryville, the guest of her daughters hts. Arthur Briggs. Mrs. Jac Block and o eai Plon sky of Alexandria were ,tie guests of Mrs. Block's mother, Mrs. 'S Plonsky, Tuesday. Prof. Mendoza of Opeloisas was a business Visitor here on Wednesday. Misses.Heloise and E~lpt Lazaro are the guests' of Mrs. Quirk'.McCaffery. i Mrs. W ,aulbertson of Garland was visiting in town on Wednesday of 'this week. ' Mrs. L. A: Tuma of Lafayette was the charming guest of Mrs. E. J. Go ings recently. J. A. Goings visited ~la' ,Lafayette and Longville the past eek Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Aeblsice of La fayette were the giesf ot Mrs. Le Ilanc's parents Sunday >ast. Miss Louise Mary has tnnrid from Lafayette where she vited er sis ter, Mrs. P. J. Leble Ls, bA.. Poole and i . £ . FBrown motored to Lafayette recently. F. L. Bailey and W. R. Boudreau were visitors to Cottonport recently. Miss Aline Dezauche of Melville was a guest of the Crawford home this week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thistlethwaite and family left Monday for Franklin, after a visit to Mrs. Thistlethwaite's relatives there, they will spend sonde time in Chicago and Indiana befor e returning home. Mrs. Daisy Halphen of Crowley at rived on Wednesday to nurse her mother, Mrs. W. E. Gay, who is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Richard. Miss Ethel Andrus of Waxie, La., is the guest of her brother, Fred An drus, near town. Archie Quirk is at home after at tending a session of the school at Con vent. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tate of New York were at the Neyland home on Wednesday. Mr. Stewart of Elton was a business visitor in town the past week. Mrs. Alexandre Lazaro Dies at The Age of 96 Mrs. Alexandre Lazaro, died at the home of her son, Congressman L. La zaro, in Grand Prairie at midnight June 14 and was buried in the Ville Platte cemetery the following day. Mrs. Lazaro ha dreached the ripe age of ninety-six years. Her funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends who had known her through a long and useful life. Demonstration and Picnic at Washington An all-day demonstration in canning and dairy work was held in Washing ton Thursday by the students of the Washington and Grand Prairie schools under the direction of Mrs. L. G. Kirk, demonstration agent, and Mr. M. B. Giesen, district agent, assisted by Miss Lena Marine and Miss Ruth Spie:. A large number were present and were very much interest in the work. A picnic was served to those who attended. Delivers Commencement Address Dr. R. A. IMayer delivered the com mencement address to the students of Moreauville last week. Letters re ceived by a prominent citizen here from Moreauville stated that the doc tor delivered a very strong and able address on "The Relation of Good Roads to Matrimony." NUMA DURIO DIES AT ARNAUDVILLE Numa Durlo, aged 48 yers, died Wednesday at his home in Arnaudville and was buried in that place Thurs day morning. Mr. Durio leaves, in addition to a large number of friends, a wife, son, two brothers and two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Thibodeaux and Mrs. Elrie Gui dry, to mourn his death. headed by Jesse P. Barnett, as presi dent; F. J. Dietlein, vice-president nad manager; M. Winsberg, secretary and treasury; with H. U. Callahan and Mel Dietlein, on the board of directors with the previously named gentlemen. These gentlmen have been responsible for the high grade of attraction that have been exhibited to the people of this city. Work on a new theatre, that will project pictures, as wift also show legitimate attractions, will start as soon as present lease on the prgp erty expires, which will be shortly. The Opeloauas Motion :Pict~e -C., is in no way.connected;With the Ope lousas Amusement Co. ROSA DOTS AND DASP4i. We are having' somee b . weather here now- and Al. water are a thing of' , . ch esteemed . nd .~ol ulia Thomas, hat d6 has been pJi*. of her at the was so exq a large crowd a attended it reported a time. Mrs. N. Rutledge, who has recentlY been visiting hqr mother, Mrs. Cason, has returned to her home with her daughter, Mrs. Norman, in Pineville, La. Miss Esther Hudspeth of St. Landry has been visiting relatives here. Mrs. Bell of Pelican, La., has been spending awhile with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Foote have been enjoying a visit from their sons re siding in Arkansas and Texas. Our thriving merchant, Ned Huds peth, has purchased himself a fine car. Mrs. Jno. Hill is visiting her daugh ter in Echo, La. Mr. Elgee Hicks made a brief busi ness trip to Alexandria, La., in his Dodge and reported the roads in very good traveling condition. Miss Bonnie Fogleman is attending the summer term at Lafayette, La. Miss Edith Baker and brother, Her bert, have returned from Forest Hill school. Miss Alma Bakel and brother, Irwin, have returned from visiting their lug her seise, Mr. Ylenii koy ma in Welsh, La. Miss L. Catlett.is spending the sum mer with her neice in North Louisiana. Mrs. R. Walker has been entertain ing quite a -number of relatives and friends from Opelousas and ':elville. She has an ideal country home and her hospitality to her guests cannot be surpassed. Services are held at the Methodist church every second Sunday and the meeting begins at the Baptist church on the fourth Sunday of this month. All that are in reach of these churches are cordially invited to attend. Jules Coco of Cottonport recently visited relatives here. The crops in this section of the country are very promising and the merchants and clod-hoppers are all living in hopes that there is to be something 4n store for them when harvesting time arrives. Jacques Derouselle Dies Tuesday Evening Jacques Valsin Derouselle, aged 78 years, 5 months and 24 days, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Hidalgo, west of Opelousas, Tuesday evening at 4 o'clock. The funeral was held at the Catholic church with interment in the Cath olic cemetery. A. T. Sandoz Buys Landry St. Property The St. Landry Bank & Trust Com pany sold this week to Allen T. Sandoz the property situated at the southwest corner of Landry and Liberty streets and which was at one time owned by the late Mrs. P. A. Gray. The residence building on the prop erty will be moved to another portion of the lot on which it is situated, and will be thoroughly renovated and mod ernized. This will leave the corner clear for the erection of a business building, the site being considered ideal for the purpose. A Big Tent Meeting The first service of a protracted meeting will be held next Sunday at 11 a. m., in the tent opposite the ho tel. This meeting has been in con templation for, several months, and active planning has been under way for several weeks. Pastor Pevoto and the members of the Baptist church have left nothing undone for the comfort of the people. .The place is accessable, and the best talent available has been secured. In this, Mr. Pevoto is showing his usual concern for Opelousas. State Evangelist L. T. Hastings will have charge of the services. He is a rceent addition to the Baptist forces of Louisiana from Texas. He has held several successful recivals since com ing. The singing will be directed by Mr. W. J. Lites who is a highly trained Gospel singer and a man of strong personality. The public is cordially invited and al who attend will receive a hearty welcome. Services every day in the week at 8 p. m. Commencemst at Sacred Heart Convent Grand Coteau; Juan 17.-The com mencement exercises at the normal school of the Secret Heart, Grand Co teau, were held on the afternoon of Monday, June 14, at 4 o'clock. The program opened with a festive chorus which was followed by a gracious' French salutatory. A scene from Fa biola carried the audienee back to Rome of the third century to hear the boy-martyr, Pancratius, discuss with his mother the events of his last schooling day. The class essay was a new departure in the way of valedic tories, being a clever rehearsal of the varied impressions of a normal stud ent during her senior year. The enter tainment closed with Dudley Buck's "Lead Kindly Light," in four parts. The normal graduates were: Misses Belle Coreil of Ville Platte, Inez Dugal of Carenecro. Lilly Dugas of Paulina, Beat*t Lions of Laplace and Dena Es C. Mouton of Lafayette con gratulated the graduates in words which bespoke the heart of a. father dnd the genuine interest of a sincere friend. He reminded the young ladies tat the value of life depends upon th f!lakl.. ~ itthe li'er. "Wherever your, athh' i life may lead, iny dear grad uates, may it be Inspired by the .lisk es a -nioble aimes Incaieatet Sbieh6p of Lfa atte was unavoid ably Absent from the commencement, was replaced by Reverend A. F. uperintendent of, the Cath he diocese. He, too, saying in part: work in ore your sense of The niembers Charles College, the. graduates and a number, wre present at the comencem . Entertainment at atit A very enjoyable evening was spent on Monday, June 7th at a lawn party given by the charming ladies and gen tlemen of Sunset on the Sunset park grounds. The following were present, Misses. Georgette Horaist, Leonie and Therese Bernard, Edna and Vivian Andrus, Virginia Sibille, Estelle Lynn and Bella Burleigh, Estelle and Ethel DeValcourt, Louise Durio, Regina Stelly, Agatha Lavergne, Martha Gardiner, Lilly Dugas, Angele Darby, Maud Bertinot, Francis Wills all of Sunset. Mesorl. Louis Pres ton Clay, 4l B.odl'aerb 8*sdB]ur leigh, Aloysulia CyleaC ril Cu title, Aristide dfas ,J Dinpo Clay Sibille, Paul Breauzt, a Willie Ren'. il ! all of Wint. . Ber'. nard, Mrs. Horaist, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Terreboune, Mrs. Babe De Valeourt, Mr. and Mrs. Mellie tbitlle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lavergne, all of Sanset. Misses Virginia Moutot, Leimle, Be.a trice, Hean Viola and Mfiltlidia Barry,, Leonia Smith, Lil Castiile, Odlia and Mary Anna Brinkhaus, Rath Barry, Josephine Lafleur, May .Glibean all of Grand Coteau. Messrs. George Barry, Ludwig Brinkhaus, Ewell andl A. D. Smith, J. S. and Tom Barry, Sid ney, Antola, Arnaud, Jr., and Ellie astille, Nicholas Mouton, Walter Bar ry, Richard Burleigh, Jessie Swallow all of Grand Coteau. Misses Ethel Burleigh, Ethel Louise and Wilmay Mills, Gudle Peck, Martha Eve and Pauline Lavergne all of Shuteston. Messrs. Numa Lucfous and Romain Lavergne, James and Chapman Mills, all of Shuteston. Messrs. Remi, Raoul and Henry Sibile of Bristol. Messrs. Leo and Benny Durio of Opelousas. Mr. Robert Sibille of Donaldsonville. .Messrs. Curley and David Wimberley Paul MacBride, Oscar Ledger, Carol Barousse all of Church Point. Re freshments were served and all en joyed themselves to their hearts' con tent. Attend Officers' Training Camp Grand Coteau, June 17.-Sergeant William S. Reese, infantry, unassign ed, U. S. A. assistant instructor at St. Charles left this week for the reserve officers' training camp at Columbia, S. C., with the following college stud ents: Alexander Azar, Crowley; Ca mille Broussard, Maurice; Norville Roth, New Orleans; Seymour Wright, George Wright, Arnaudville; Nick Mouton, Ewell Smith, Grand Coteau; Lastie Broussard, Rayne; Hickman Grace, Daniel Grace, Plaquemine; Sosthene Daigle, Church Point; An drew Broussard, Richard Abshire, Al lison Trahan, Kaplan. The sergeant and boys will arrive at camp June 17 and leave July 28. DEYO NEW SECRETARY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE L. J. Deyo of St. Louis, new sec retary of the local chamber of com merce arrived in Opelousas and has assumed the duties of his new posi tion. Will Assist Local Agent Miss Lena Marine has been appoint ed to assist Mrs. L. G. Kirk, parish demonstration agent, during the com ing season. Enjoy Hayride. A number of young people of Ope lousas enjoyed a very pleasant hay ride to Church Point Thursday night. Among the party were Misses Thelma Winchiel of Kingsville, Texas, Fleta Morgan, Cecil Chachere, Ida Mae and Nettle Dufllho and Elise Du French Retreat Begins Monday. Grand Cotean, June 17.-The French retreat for the ladies of the world at the Sacred Heart Convent which be gins Monday night of next week and closes Friday morning will be given by Rev. P. A. Plamondon, S. J. The English retreat one week later will be conducted by Rev. K. Nowlan, S. J. GAMBLERS GUILTY; JUDGE KERR SAYS ORDINANCE VALID Tried on Charges a .s By Charles Thibodeaux As Sheriff. ONE PAYS FINE; OTHERS APPEAL Judge Kerr's Decision Clear and to the Point-Evidence ie Con clusive That Men Were Violating Law. Judge Kerr Monday morningrendler ed .a decision in the matter of the harge`' against a number of citizens for ngablitg and preferred in the city oourt by Sheriff Thlibdeaux. "The de fendants -cbntedted the charge both on the ldgidty cpastitutionality of the. on the lack of evi dcbeb ie. The cases were t;r4ed :some . oand Judge Kerr otdvisemaent for tafully a. of the district court M sad the suprefl .co are ed with ordinance is al, it will tie to convict under/ d i'age. and the legislature on tiess be called upon to pass some remedial legislation. His honor's written judgment on the matter is as follows: Judgment. City of Opelousas vs. S. L. Hebrard et al, No. 2714, City Court, Opelousas, La In the above entitled matter where e defendants, 8. L. Hebrard, A. S. Leonce Carrier, Yoriak oux, Dublanc Le are charged 2, tion. preferred to be ueonstt' void for reasons fully se motion, which motion Was or for reasons orally assigned, The case thereupot. proeeded o o it merits, and it having developed upon the trial thereof that defendants Yor ick Ledoux and Lee Otilbeau should in no wise be held as party defendants, were accordingly discharged, And case submitted on briefs, in which detePnd. -antr reviewing at length4the aw with a view to obtin a redonslderation of the Court's to mer. f$l ." The Coioort t ivn e t 4d and careful roldeiof ei fully law isen of ýtih law is questioned,i.(and posly a, de batable one,) the inperior ourts should act very reluctantly before- de laring it illegal, null and void, a rear ponsibility which should devolvei qyip a higher tribunal. The Court, thhrefore, 6 .of the opin ion that the ordinance, in question is legal, and the 'city charter, sec. 15, par. 266, art. 136 of 1898, authorlse' the punishments of games as well ab gambling houses and rooms. It has been shown that the defend. ants in this prosecution were engaged in a card playing game, comm'only known as "poker" at the "St. Landry Club" room, of which defendant, A. S. J. Campbell, is the secretary and treas urer, who applied for and obtained on July 5th, 1919, from the mayor of this municipality a written permit to con duct games of cards, conditioned upon the fact that said games shall not be played for money or any representa tive of money, and without "take-off," etc. It has been established beyond doubt that this permit has been con ducted in a manner violative of the or dinance. These defenaants playeG "poker," it is true no money was exhibited or employed, but in lieu thereof, the usual and customary "chips" as representa tive of money, not only by tacit under standing but expressed. "I make it $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00-" hence a $4.00-limit game is certainly not a social game without money or "take off" for gain, it necessarily follows, and there is no other conclusion to be drawn, It is either gain, "take-off" or both. It is therefore for these reasons to gether with other facts and sworn testimony adduced upon the trial of this case, ordered, that defendants each, 8. L. Hebrard, A. 8. J. Campbell, Leonce Carrier, Moyon Ledoux and Dublanc Ledoux, pay a fine of twenty five dollars and costs, and in default of payment to ten days in jail. Done, read nd signed in open court, this 14th day of June, 1920. E. 8. KERR, City Judge. Dublanc Ledoux paid his fine and 8. L. Hebrard, A. 8. J. Campbell, L. Carrier and Moyon Ledoux gave no Stice of an appeal to the higher courts. Judge Kerr's decision is founded on solid facts of law and abundant evi dence and has been received with satisfactlon by the respectable people of Oplousas. Mr. Thibodaux's activity In this mat ter is a fulfillment of his pre-election pledge to use every etffort to put the gamblers out of business and his stand has given him the honor of being the first sheriff of St. Landry parish who ever made any attempt, after election, to carry out his promises. SEEKS GREEN FIELDS AND PASTURES NEW The newspaper plant of the Star Progress was loaded on trucks Thurs day and carried to Crowley where the owners will establish a weekly paper. American Legion Notice - Members of the Opelousas Post, I American Legion, are requested to be Spresent at a meeting of that order at the court house Monday, June 21st, I at 7:30 p. m. sharp. Important busi ness.