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BANK 12On and with lhe Opelousas National Bank OPELOUSAS, LA. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE PARISH Resources ample to care for its friends and Customers ACCOUNTS SOLICITED OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: B. Dubuisson, President Chas. F. Boagni F. Boagni, Vice-President E. B. Dubuisson . Leon Dupre, Vice-President, A. Leon Dupre and Cashier R. LeBourgeois ý, J. Pulford, Assistant Cashier Robert Sandoz .. A. Comeau, Assistant Cashier - L. Fields, Utility UNFORTUNATELY The Homes and Barns of our rual districts do not enjoy the protection P - afforded by the 'ire de - o use! partments of our cities FARn and towns, hence the greater need of insur ance against loss or Sdamage. SEE US ABOUT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE! OPLLOUSA8 'INSUP&NCE AGENCY t - )H.D.L anRCsAJ. - : . GENERAL INSURANCt JEAVLR OARD" SThe Mark that wnures thte R esut Oocey, a realoe the s peaer " and permaearnce of Beaver waiusnd selings yea'l urn 5 in your own horn. When tshe dm ecomes or pladng Mar order, be very sure, however, gUtgamre Beaver Board. This joanation yoe should take solely 7or own Intereet. For your you wihl Sad a large Board trade-eark plalnly on the back of every Beaver nanel The Beaver trademark Be mark that aeaares the rweslt When you coae to ns for Beaver Board you get y a mm what you ask for. No *- enteen (Mslandeemserts her..e LOU SS, l l CatL rir hap thSIbt a me5bdl o * a Beavr Boardad take aloud a aowerP T eALL KI OF ANIMAL STUFF MARES MAREAS OPELOUSAS SHOWS SPIRIT OF GROWTH BFiORE UNKNOWN Despite High Cost of Labor And Material Many Houses Built MODERN BUNGALOWS, BRICK STRUCTURES Still Scarcity of Homes and Many More Could be Used Opelousas has shown an unprece dented building growth during the past year or eighteen months, and that, too, despite the' fact that all building material and labor has been at top prices and only recently show ed a marked disposition to take a slump. During the period of time mention ed, innumerable modern homes and bungalows have been erected, and it they were all collected on 'one or two residence streets would present quite an imposing and favorable appear ance for a city the size of this. These homes have cost in the aggregate a large sum of money, and taken singly have cost various sums, ranging in several instances as high as ten thous and dollars. Out on East Grolee street a number of bungalows have gone up, On Main street several more have appeared, one of the most imposing being the "Known as the , "The Best Best" c " Known" RT5S Manhattan Shirts, Thirty Per-cent off, Beginning Monday Don't Miss This Opportunity To Buy Your Winter Shirts Because of the recent drops in the cotton market, the Manhattan Shirt Co. has cut it's prices thirty per-cent. Naturally, we are do ing the same thing with the shirts we have in stock. SThis offers you the opportunity to buy your winter shirts at a great savings. And Manhattans are'real'shirts in every sense of the word. Their excellent tailoring offers you a correct fit; their distinctive patterns offer you something "different"; their high quality, insures long service. ' Here are the prices; be on hand early Monday and get the 'picking' $4.00 Values, $2.80 $4.50 Values, ' 325 $5.00 Values, 3.50 ' $6.00 Values, 420 ,$7.00 Valnes, 4.90 $&00 Values, 5.60 $8.50 Values, 5.95 .$12.50 Silks, Crepes, 7.50 SSEE WINDOW DISPLAY WI NSBERG'S "The Quality Shop" magnifient .fJut ;completed tp L. J. I adeOn South Main street Dr. A. M. Haas' ne hoe is well a~l vanced and wheafished will im prove the appearances of that section of the city remPj bly. Quite a numher of the older resid ences have beef- reconstructed at great cost',and as they Were originally built of the best grade -of lumber i once easily obtained-they are today classed as practically new buildings and bid fair to last for many years to come. A number of citizens, long contem plating the erection of new hotnes but held back by the excessive cost, are thinking seriously of starting to Work on these plaza, now that material has decreased in cost. It -is rumored that within a short time several magnifi cent homes will be erected for occup ancy by their fortunate owners. On the other hand, there is not a vacant residence in toawn and there, still seems some demand for rental property. According. to ,well posted parties, the gleat .aston why more homes for rent havg not been erected was the high cost of building and the low rental income. Therefore, one who invested his capital in homes for rent faced an actual loss. In the matterif business structures, several structures have gone up, not ably the big brick building of the Christman-Riseman company, on South Market street and the Stander store on West Landry. In normal tirpes, when brick and labor was much cheaper- these buildings could no doubt have been erected at one-third less- than their actual cost. However, I their owners could not and did not wait until the doubtful *turn of nor . =, __ mal times and preferred to build at the presedt time and get in business .~lle the running was good. After the present demorilization in markets and prices subsides, it is generally believed, there will be an active resumption in the building ac tivity so conspicuous in the past eigh teen months. While prices were high and constantly rising everyone rush ed in to build before things got high er. Now that there is a tendency to fall, people are waiting until the botton of prices has been reached, and then watch Opelousas grow! LOST IN SHUFFLE, AMENDMENT EMERGE ST. LANDRY ELECTORS CAST FAV VORABLE AND UNFAVORABLE VOTES ON SAME - - Owing to the fact that all political interest was centered on the contest for president, the convention call and ,the fate of the five candidates for the convention; little was thought of the favorable or adverse vote cast by St. Landry electors on theeight proposed amendments to the constitutional con vention. However ,after the big shuffle had subsided and order had begun to come out of chaos some notice was taken of the fate of the amendments. and a tabulation of the returns of the par ish brilgs the following to the sur tace: S. , For Against No. 1 .....................706 558 No. 2., ... ...............459 617 ' L ." a.'l-ý R- ' ý.'w . ' :. "" No.3 ....................388 607 No. 4 . ...................375 579 No. 5....................387 612 No 6. ..................689 515 o. 7...... ' .............. 99 958 No. 8 .....................462 607 The vote cast for and against the call for a convention is published else where is this issue. The Streot Withstand the Wnter Cold Better Than the Weea You must have Health, Strength and En durance to ight Colds, Grip and Influena. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not cieulate prcply, a system Is unable to withstand the Winat cold. (IROVE'S TASTIEESS Chill TONIC FortMfes the System Against Colds. Grip and Infenzsa by Puriyinag and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic prop eties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel it Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. c, FOR SALE TwoDesirable Farms near Opelousas. Apply at once to; ST. LANDRY REAL ESTATE AGENCY W. J. & L. B. SANDOZ, Managers. 121 W. Landry Street, Opelousas, La. List Your Property for Sale with Us Now! NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Tree- planting time is about here and, since we have had no agent in your city this season to solicit youar order, we want you to know that we are still in the business and will give your mail or phone order our best attention, or, better still, drive over and select your trees, shrubs, etc., yourself. Our new price list is ready, write for it. THE JENNINGS NURSERY, nov 64t Jennings, La. No Worms In a Hethy Child All ohdren trbleM d wih weans have an an bea.hy color, whkh idistes poor binod, and as OOaV t$ is nor es stoh dalebace. chill TOINIC guea rtegujy Ir two or woes wGl ear sh ie bed im prove the Q eon, and act as a Geamels·aI igh. sning Tin. o t' she whole syetm. Naermm wltthen ow e or heel the worms, and the hild wlI be Sperfect bed. Plesant to ake. O per bottle.