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NANNIVIERS RIELE BRATION a 200 fine felt hats in THE GREAT PRICE SMASH which this Store inaugurated on October 20 has had Hayne's Blue Label finWoman's Coats practically all colors, far-reaching results. Aside from the tremendous business done by our two Stores, shirts and drawers, all sizes and shapes, hats, Opelousas and Eunice, other stores throughout this trade territory have folowed strictly firsts, al The most complet showing selling to-d in most suif, and you have reaped the benefits. ALL PRICE REDUCTIONS then made by weight for this climate The most co show us are yet in force. In fact, on many lines our heavy sales have permitted us to re- best know brand in th ing in this part of the state, stores from $5 to $6, our buy at lower levels and to make FURTHHER REDUCTIONS. But now comes an bet know brand in thet t Anniversary price EVENT in this Store's history which deserves special celebration. On Saturday, priceperganniversary oicest from and at surprising $2.95 November 20, it will be just FOUR YEARS since the present management took p e per garment- ompices. Evey coat `charge of THE BENNETT STORES, INC. Those four years have shown the great- _ 8 is cut to the quick, and in est growth for this institution of any similar establishment in this section of the THIS IS MY OWN COLUMN addition we have picked BOY'S SUITS State. You, our customers, have made Ois possible. It is fitting that we should set E. K. Eaatham, Manager out for this Anniversary aside ten days beginning on Monday, tIe 15th, and continuing through Thanksgiv- Naturally I take pride in the Celebration several lots OVERCOATS ing Day, the 25th, to celebrate this ANNIVERSARY EVENT. During that time h of THE BENNETT and made prices on same OVERCOATS-- As the big Anniversary greater values will be offered throughout the Store than ever before in our history. achievement i a laudable human which we are assured can RAINCOATS Special from this depart- It is our attempt to show our appreciation of your favors in a substantial manner. awell asd ness tho f le not be duplicated any Prices back practically to ment we have taken 100 iY. But it has been your support where. pre-war levels. suits which were listed. S and patronage, Your apPreciation 50 serviceable coats, good during our price smash J hn B Stetson to gie that has made stles, large collars, black this achievement possible. In grate Men's black kersey coat, campaign at $12.75 and O n . etson atuthis acowledging evint fact an ad loose back conservative which are actually $15 to " thanking you in heartfelt way, it sizes, values from $15 tO thatis likewise l c o me" to tell c model, cut full and long, $16.50 value, suits which You've worn them. Do you honestly think there is that the only cre"itm n cllm n $20, Anniversary price last season's $25 value, are not only all-wool fab- the matter is in attaching to our .95 " stores the most loyal and cons Anniversary price..$12.95 rics but tailored in high a better hat at any price? We don't. Here is your t the most loal and Small lot Sport, or short 25 young men's model ov- grade men's suit fashion, big chance if you have waited for your Fall and Win- cgener le which any sto comalts , 1-2 and full silk ercoats, tailored at Fash- styled to the last moment, this pra, Iintrouce to linedt, beautiful pure-wool ion Park, all wool tweed durably venetian lined, ter Hat to buy at considerably less than for next you these rien and assbeautifulociat pure-wool S- Omixtures, n atld'e:lo, velours, Llama cloth and mixtures, inade to sell t yoke and panelled effect -- ,. Spring. Any fancy shape or color in the house in FAD HOLGuER, . gold and silvertones, our $40, Anniversary price- packs, green and brown B. GL GIL. ce Smash ,n these ws $22.75 shades predominating; the Stetson felt line, soft or Derby, during Anniver- E. P. MEýANCON, SABNER ROY, $14.95, Anniversary 15 young men's short coats sizes from 8 to 181 and n sary sale-.. - . -... ... ... ..........$7.98 Moss LURA price.. TONY vENEZIA. all wool mixture .....$9.95 have made the Anniver- In the deflation process MISS CARMEA VOORHp About 25 coats left from. English Garbadine Coats, craven- saxy price of ._......$10.95 now in swing throughout Any one of our Famous First Quality Felt Hats $4.95 At ic MPHIL. A-- 1 ot etted, silk lining. English belted the count-.A our "u - At ice woaer iot 01 model ideal combination coat for Boy's Overcoats, durable the country, our Souther the wonderful lot of $22.75 this climate, can be used as either wool materials, lined, belt- farmers have been hard MORRIS TANiKE.ager Price Smash coats, most overcoat or raineoat, - $40 val- hit O prosperity rests And s Tiny Tim would say, "A ne, at Annlversary price ...29.75 er effect, $10 values, An- hit. Our prosperity rests Anda Tny Tim would sall." n ll sizes and colors yet left A splendid raincoat in tan or gray niversary price ........6.45 directly on the farmer. We oe ad lt, full silk lined many nsde rubberzed outside a close have therefore listed be- FURNISHINS SILK AND SATIN of them and built to sell texture cloth, $8.50 value, Anniver- $15 value boy's overcoats, have therefore listed be- FURNISHINGS sary price .... .............t t es grays and fancy mixtures, low items of particular in- . 'DRESSES as high as $50, to close oEcoht coabnette, te value, all sizes to 18 yearsf Anni- terest to the farmer and ricesare declining but the collection of quickly during Anniver Anniversary price ..........$24.95 versary price ............$9.9 his help and have madeining ut theeasos latest modes, Celebratio, chce Heavy weight guaranteed raincoat, in all the wanted materi rubberized centre ta or gray, $ Little fellow's over- prices way under anything it will be many a day till in al the wanted materals $19.75 value, Anniversary price......$7.95 that 'has been seen for a ofdsome coats, tailor coats sizes 4 to 8 years, number of years.s the meuse, taffetta. We buy ed effects, fur and em sary price .....:.........5.95 ties are unlimited, so stock prices here named for our this line only one or two of broidery trimmed in lot, sary price ... .. up as far as you think is . a kind and this makes it original price up to $45, Exceptional quality of prudent. Anniversary Celebration. impossible to adequately Anniversary price..$32.75 prudraincoats for boy's, some All leather gauntlet work Mercerized, silk lisle sox, described the line in detail Plush coats, one or two of girls wear the same gar- gloves, $1 value, Annier- or to give price on each a kind, mainly samples of mernt on account its room- gloves, $1 value, Annir- double sole and heel, best style. Let us say this we a prominent manufactur iness and tight buttoning sary pricewool wok so... 75..............69c KEITH & PRATT had reduced every dress er but every garment per effect, Anniversary Heavy wool work sox, 75c wearing and best lookinggr heavily during oul great 'fect, not the space to liste price ...... ....$6.45 of any hose except the Price Smash-well we each coat, but tess than Our $22.50 line of-highest Heavy blue chamra pure silk, price on this have made additional cuts wholesale cost. grade boy's overcoats, An- Heavy blue chama y pure silk, price on this These are Brocton made which means cost or less niversary price ......$14.95 work shits, wellr mde 10and number reahed 75c pair, shoes, the home of the of this desription. Better , full cut, were $1.50 value, of this desiin ter Anniversary price.......-98& Anniversary price. 39c world's finest shoemak- makeour selection today. TREMENDOUS DRIVE Heavy Amoskeag Outing Combed cotton 1-2 hose, l shoemak- mkeourelon today. ON SILK SHIRTS Work Shirts, 2 pockets, -'igal---er et Every silk shirt in the house, com $1.75 value, Anniversary fine guage, price was 35e ing, all Goodyear welt Ladies usally look furth priln crepe-de-chine s, plan andm price ........ ............... 29 to 40c, Anniversary benchbuilt, four best er ahead In preparing for! fancy stripes, baby broadcloath and Heavy pin check overalls ih fthe holiday season than do i25 of the choicest suits from satin stripped broadtcloth, jersey lasts, English flat, con- the men folks. our stock, some are hon Park all shirts which a short time ago and jumpers, $2.75 value price .... e ................... ac Their tailored and tiken from their reg- were selling at $12.50 to $15, about a short time since, Anni- servative, straight and gifts therefore are more ular $65 line, some are made by one hundred in lot, Anniversa Versary price ......$1.49 e Irish linenhandker- intelligently chosen. Now Knofp of Rochester. Every sit is price...................$6.45 versary price $1.49 Pure Irish linen handker- extra roomy, leathers of it is only six weeks till handtailored, silk sewed, models (A suggestion--buy these now for Heavycotton work sox, chief full gentlemen's Xmas and while this store for every age and figure. Tle cloths Christmas gift purpose-its only a 2 pound weight, Anniver-s, genemen best crome calf maho- Xas and while this store are of course every fibre virgin few weeks off). 2po undeweightcAnnihor- wool. The meet minute style do. 25i. high grade woven madras sary price, 17c, 3 pr for 50c size, fine and sheer, many will make no special holi tails ard apparent in every feature negligee shirts, beautiful assort- yimn ganyorblackandfine da display till after GEORGEOUS of every suit. Not a suit in the lot ment of designs, high grade make, Heavy winter weight work ladies buy this number vici, Spring price $11.50 Thanksgiving, yet our could have been bought four months were $4 to $4.50 values, Anniver- pants Of gray denim, well o GEORGETTE ago refullyor selectss than d..We have sary price .. .. ...$2.49 made in full pants style and embroider the initials to $13.50; Anniversary stock is to-day most com- GO E every taste and to furnish the one *eSmash irie smashed again. Value, Anniversary price price- line that lends itself to This special wl worthly carry sary Sale. our eboice ote lot Flurther reduction of $1.00 pepar pair $1.98 pair regular, Anniversary practical giving. We may aot ebdabehind this Annl $33"75° from the already big reductions. Lot 105 heavy khaki pants cut price..................49c $8.75 pair well call ourselves THE cause us to be long remem All wool suitslow s.. The price range now runs like this trouser style, $3.50 value, Anniver- SHP. May we not bred bRe at our a separt-ary price-R h l$22.95 $4.5 $3.5, $4.95, $.5, '.95. $239 pair 100-dozen fine cambric Crosstt and Leonard, suggest therefore that you mnt hics by the awas not o words $7.95 now buys the $2.39 p0-uozen fine camric Crd, take adivantage of the spe- in existence four years ago. and Other ies priced $24.95 ther now bus the yet to-day is bne of the busiest $29.95, $32.45, $39.95. est pants in the store, those Lot 548 genuine fustian pants, warm handkerchiefs, full size, Shaw & Dean shoes' cials so lavishly displayed places in our store. every other highest grade suit and durable, dark brown in color, during this Anniversary s5 blouses of georgette and in the ouse, mainly Fshion Park's which formerly sold for $10.50 to cuff bottom $4 value, Anniversary have been 20c, back to old continue at the flat re- Celebration to lay in a heavy crepe-dchlne, plain tan $88 and $90 line, our Price Smash .price...................$289 ored effects, others elaborately on these as $, your choie now bWinter underwear, shirts and draw- price for Anniversary cele- duction of 15 %. large part of your Hoilday trimmed with new embroidery for this Anniversary Celebration- somewhat broken so come early ers, ribbed and fleeced, Anniver o t ne Cebron somea .sary prie .. ........85 g arment bpurchases? We will care effects, bought to sell $5.95 to :...............$49.75 for best selection. bration ......................10c for them if you so desire. 1.s, AnLniversary pree..s.95 SThe Bennetf Storos, IC.;Th Denf Str, Inc. I Opelousas and Eunice, La. Opelousas and Eunice, La,