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Opelousas, L., Sept. 21st, 1920. the Honorable President and Members of th e Police Jury: Gentlemen-We, your committee ap at the regular meeting ol body of date: September 6th 20, to frame a budget of edpenses aired for the parish of St. Lan for tre year 1921, beg leave t< bmit the following budget which we ommend for adoptiol, to-wit: UDGET PARISH OF ST. LANDRY' FOR YEAR 1921 i, Officers and members..$ 5,500.00 Assessor's Salary Fund 7,500.00 District Attorney's Sal ary ... .. .... ...... 1,200.00 Sheriff's Salary Fund.. 11,750.00 Sheriff's Contingent Cri wninal Salary .......... 300.00 Maintenance of Prioners 2,400.00 Coroner and Parish Phy sician .... .. .......... 800.00 Magistrates and Consta bles ................ 4,579.68 Grand and Petit Jurors 2,000.08 Witnesses in Criminal Cases ....... ... 2,000.00 President Board of Health .............. 500.00 Fiscal Agency Fund.... 2,500.00 Public School Fund.... 41,079.00 Internal Improvement Road and Bridge Fund.. 18,000.00 Contingent Expense Fund ....... ......... 12,000.00 Acct. Bond Issue .... 14,775.00 One-Quarter of 1 Mill tax for $45,000 Bond Issue 2,250.00 Refund to School Board for 1919 .............. 5,492.34 Community Nurse .... 1,200.00 . -Acct. Existing Debt ... 16,000.00 Total ..................$151,826.02 Respectfully submitted, W. F. BROWN, JOS. T. ST. CYR, W. C. DEJEAN, R. LEE MILLS, I approve of the above budget of rses with the exception of the .em of $1200.00 for a community T. MOCAFFERY, Budget Committee. ,Mr. B. W. Clopton offered the fol g ordinace, duly seconded, to An Ordinance Calling a special election to be held Road District Nqmber Three (3) f the Fourth (4th) Police Jury Ward the parish of St. Landry, state of fana, to take the sense of the operty taxpayers of said district, aified to vote at such an election sder the constitution 'and laws of state of Louisiana, on the proposi as to whether or not the police as the governing authority of d road district, shall on behalf said road district, in addition to debt previously incurred and .s previously issued, incur debt o the amount of Sixty Thousand Dol ($60,000.00) and issue negotiable d. of said district to represent debt, said debt to be incurred and s issued for the purpose of con ng and maintaining public and highways within the ter 1 limits of said roads district, particularly for the purpose of pldtlng the gravel highway al surveyed under direction of the e Highway Department, com g at the eastern limit of said District just west of the vil of Palmetto, and running in a I northwesterly direction paral to the Texas and Pacific Railroad the Northern limit of said Road ct, being the Avoyelles-St. Lan parish line, said gravel highway constructed under the direction supervision of the state highway ment, and with the financial ce of the state ef Louisiana of the United States government ach assistance be obtainable. it ordained, by the police jury e parish of St. Landry in regular convened: tion 1. That a special election .ad it is hereby ordered and call to be held in Road District Num -Three (3) of the Fourth (4th) Jury Ward of the parish of Landry, state of Louisiana, on 7y, November 11th, 1920, be the hours of seven o'clock a. and five o'clock n. m., to take the of the property taxpayers of satd district, qualified to vote at an election under the constltu and laws of the state of Louisi ron the propoqition as to wheth . not the poll8e Jury, as the gov authority of said Road Dis in addtion to the debt previous Look! Bargains! Bargains! Here is your chance to get a first class automobile guaranteed to be in A-I condition. 1 Oldsmobile, 8-cylinder, 7-passenger -------------$400 1 Dodge, 5 passenger_---------- ------------$5$500 1 Ford, Touring ---------- ------------------$290 I Ford, light truck _-------_ -- ----- - ---- ---------$250 1i Two-horse power stationary engine ---------. $50.00 We will be glad to call and demonstrate the above cars. P hone or write, Garbo's Garage VINCENT GARBO, Prop. PONE 408 Opelousas, La. ly incurred and bonds previously is sued in said Road District shall on the 1-2 of said road district incur debi to the amount of Sixty Thousand Dol lars ($60,000.0) and issue negotiable bonds of said Road District to repre sent said debt, said bonds to be serial bonds running from one to twenty (20) years, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5) per annum payable semi-annually, and said debt to be incurred and bonds ,issued for the purpose of constructing and main taining public roads and highways within the territorial limits of said Road District, and particularlly for the purpose of completing the gravel highway already surveyed under the direction of the state highway de partment, commencing at the eastern limit of said road district just west of the village of Palmetto, and run ning in a general northwesterly di rection parallel to the Texas and Pa cific Railway to the northern limit of said road district, being the Avoy elles-St. Landry parish line, said grav el highway to be constructed under the direction and supervision of the state highway department, and with the financial assistance of the state of Louisiana and of the United States government if such assitance be ob tainable. Section 2. That on Monday, the 15th, day of November, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m., the police jury of the parish of St. Landiy shall meet at the police jury room in the city of Opelousas, and shall then and there in public session, proceed to open the ballot boxes, examine and °count the ballots in number and amount, exa mine And canvass the returns of said election, and declare the result there of, which result they shall thereafter promulgate according to law. Section 3. That said election shall be held in said district at the W. F. Clopton and Company store, at Mor row Station; and at the Goudchaux store at Big Cane, which are here by designated as polling places, and those of the property taxpayers quali fied to vote at said election, who re side within the bounds of the Mor row election precincit as established by ordinance of this body, shall vote at the Morrow poll, and those of said electors who live elsewhere in said road district shall vote at the Big Cane poll. Section 4. That the following reg istered voters of said district are hereby appointed as election officers to serve at said polls, with compnsa tion at the same rate paid such offi cer in general elect ons, namely: At the Morrow poll, B. W. Clopton, H. B. Lowrey, and B. S. Haw, commis sioners, and Oscar Q. Foster, clerk; at the Big Cane poll, Sylvan God chanx, L. A. Havard and E. V. Hud speth, commissioners, .and C. A. God chaux, clerk. Section 5. That the ballot boxes, the necessary blanks for tally sheets, lists of voters, valuation of property and compiled statement of the vot ers- in number and' amount, shall be providgd by the police jury,' through its clefk, who shall also cause to be printed the necessary ballots for use at said election, which balots shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: 'Preposition to incur debt 1- I and issue serial negotiab'e I bonds of Road District Num bee Three (3) of the Fourth (4th) Police Jury Ward of St. Landry parish, state of Louis3 lana, in addition to the debt YBS previously incurred anti bonds previously issued for said District, said additional debt to be incurred and bonds to be issued to the amount of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60, 000.00),'and said bonds to be serial bonds running fro one to twenty years, bearing in terest at the rate of five per centum (5) per annum, pay able semi-annually, said Addi tional debt to be incurred and bonds issued for the purpose of constructing and maintain ing public roads and. high ways within the territorial limits of said road district, and particularly for the pur pose of completing the grav el highway already surveyed under the direction of the State Highway Department, commencing at the eastern li mit of said Road District just west of the village of Palmet to, and running in a general northwesterly direction paral lel "to the Texas & Pacific NO Raiway to the northern limit o ~ of said Road District, being | Sthe Avoyelles-St. Landry par ish line, said gravel highway to be constructed under the direction and supervision of the State Highway Depart [ ment, and with the financial assistance of the state of Louisiana and of the United States governement if such assistance be obtainabld. i- Taxable Valuation $ Signature of Voter: Notice to Voters: To vote in favor of the proposition submitted upon the ballot, place a cross (X) mark in the square after the word "YES"; to vote against it, place a smiliar mark in the square after the word "NO." Section 6. That notice of the said election shall be prepared and signed by the President of this body, em bracing substantially all matters set out in this ordinance, stating the proposition to be sumbitted to the taxpayers and the time and place of said election ,and further setting forth that this body, the police jury of the parish of St. Landry shall meet at the police jury room in the city iof Opelousas, La., on Monday, Nov vember 15th, 1920, and shall then, and there in public session proceed to open the ballet boxes, examine and count the ballots in number and amount, examine and canvass the re turns of said leection, and declare the result thereof. Said notice shall be advertised for thirty days in the offi cial journal of the parish of St. Lan dry, by not less than four weekly in sertions, the first of which shall ap peaer on October 9th, 1920, at least thirty days before the date on which the election is to take place. Section 7. That for good and' suffi cient reasons this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Adopted. October 5th, 1920. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Yeas: Mesrs. J. T. St. Cyr, E. M. Dupre, E. A. Cummings, C. Guidroz, F. O. Pavy, D. P. Moreag, B. W. Clop ton, A. Deshotels, A. Sylvestre, W. C. Dejean, Eloie Guillory, W. F. Brown, 12 yeas. Nays none. Absent: Messrs. R. L. Mille, F. H. Phillips, M. J. Godeau,, Thos. Mc Caffery, 4 absent. F. OCTAVE, President. Attest: J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Mr Guillory offered the following ordinance, duly seconded, to-wit: An Ordinance Of the police jury of the parish of St. Landry, state of Louisiana, creating the Eunice-Choupipue Drainage Dis trict of the parish of St. Landry, and fixing the boundaries thereof; con stituting the said Drainage District a body corporate in law and vesting it with power and authority incident thereto; vesting the government and control of the said Drainage District in a board of five commissioners and fixing its domicile; providing for the qualifications of said commisioners, the manner of their appointment and fixing their term of office, providing for the first and subsequent meeting of their term of office; provindihg for of said board, the election of officers the first and subsequetn meetings of said board, the election of officers thereof and fixing their compensa tion; authorizing and empowering-said board to make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for its govern ment and that of its officers; requiring said board to keep proper books of account; and.previding for the meth od of securing funds for said district Section 1. Be it ordained by the police jury of the parish of St. Lan dry, in regular session convened, that a drainage district be, and is hereby created and formed and - that said drainage district shall embrace and comprise and be composed of all the land and projerty included within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the south west quarter of section thirty, town ship six south, range one east, Louisi ana Meridian, thence running north following the quarter section line to the intersection of the public road along the Texas and Pacific Railway, thence following said public road in a northeast direction to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty township six south, range one east thence running north following the quarter section line and a continua tion of the same to the line which divides the parishes of St. Landry and Evangeline ,thence east following said parish line to the northeast cor ner of the northwest quarter of section fifteen (15), township six south, range one east, thence south fellowing the half section line a flie and one-half to the center corner of section twenty two, township six south, range one east thence west following the half section line one-half mile to the west to the west section line of section twenty two, township six south ,range one eat, thence south following the sec tion line to the southeast corner of scetion twenty-eight, township six south, range one east, thence west following the section line to the point of bs;inning; the said boundaries be ing more particularly and exactly de lineated on a plat made by Durio & Tate, Engineers, on September 15, 1920 .and filed in the records of the police jury of the parish of St. Landry this day. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., that the said drainage district shall be known as the Ennice-Choupi que Drainage District of the parish of St. Landry and under said name arld style the said drainage district is hereby constituted and declared to be a body corporate in law. It shall have perpetual existence and shall enjoy and exercise all the right, powers and privileges ,hereinafter set forth, as well as those which have been grant ed, or which may hereafter be grant ed by the constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana to coroprations of this character with full authority to contract, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, appear, answer and prosecute in all courts of justice of this state or elsewhere, to make and use a corporate seal. The domicile of this corporation shall be the town df Eunice, parish of St. Landry, state of Louisiana. All citations and other legal process hall be served upon the president ,and in his absence upon the vice-president, and in his absence then upon the secretary. It shall keep at its domicile all its official books and records. Section 3. Be it further ordained, etc., that said corporation through its board of drainage commissioners, shall have the power to receive by donation or to buy or expropriate property when it deems it necessary to use such property in carrying out the plans and purposes for which said drainage district was created. It shall have the power to purchase or rent machinery that in its judgment may be found necessary for the pur pose of draining any or all of the land situated within said drainage district and have the work executed undet their own supervision and shall own the right-of-way for canals and ditches anl all sites which are acquired either by donation, purchase of expro priation in full ownership. It is here by vested with full power and it shall be its duty to open, straighten and clean out all natural drains which in its judgment it may deem necessary or proper, and to perform any and all other work incidental to or connect ed therewith which may be needful to render the natural drains of said drainage district more perfect and ef effective. It shall have the power and authority to cut and open new drains or canals. The drainage commis sioners for the purpoe of securing a proper outlet for the waters of the said drainage district shall have the full power and authority to extend drainage ditches or canals beyond the boundaries of the said drainage dis trict with the same power and author ity to expropriate the right-of-way in the same manner and to the same ex tent as though such canals or ditches were situated within the boundaries of the said district. It shall have the power to make and execute, contract and to do and perform any and all acts necessary to carry out the plans and pqrposes for which it is created, namely: To design, construct, com plete and maintain a comprehensive gravity drainage system within its boundaries. It shall have the power to divide the district into one and more sub-drainage districts as confer red upon Act No. 227 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Louisiana of 1914, as well as any and all amendments thereto. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., that all the corporate powers and the administration of the affairs of the said Eunice-Choupique Drainage District shall be vested in and con trolled by a board of commissioners to be known as "The Board of Commis sioners of the Eunice-Choupique Drainage' District;" and said Board of Drainage Commissioners shall be com posed of five members who, or whose wives, shall own real estate situated within the boundaries of said drainage district assessed for not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or must be the representatives of some corpora tion owning real estate within the said drainage district assessed for net less than five hundred dollars ($500. 00). Persons pospessing such quali fications may be appointed drainage commissioners whether they be resi dents or non-residents of said drain age district. The police jury shall have the power to appoint three com missioners, one to serve for a term of four years and two to serve for a term of two years each. The remaining two commissioners shall be appointed by the governor of the state to serve for a termn of four years each and all appoinments of drainage commission ers by the said police jury thereafter shall be for a term of four years each. The appointment of the drainage com missioners by the police jury shall be made upon a written recommendation signed by not less than twenty-five of the land owners of said drainage dis trict. All vacancies on said board caused by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filed in the same manner in which the drainage commissioners thereof were orginally appointed and for the unexpired term only. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., that drainage commissioners ap pointed under the provisions of Sec tion Four of this ordinance, after hav ing qualified in accordance with the laws o fthe state of Louisiana, shall convene and hold their first meeting in the town of Eunice, at 10 o'clock a. m., Nov. 13, 1920, and shall then and there proceed to organize by the elec tion of officers as follows: First. They shall elect from among their number a president ,and vice prsidenft. It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the board and to perform such oth er duties as are usually required to president of corporate bodies of this character. It shall be the duty of the1 vice-president to act in the absence of the president or during the time orf his inability to act. Second. They shall elect a secretary and treasurer who may or may not be a member of the board of commis sioners. The treasurer shall furnish Ii bond in a sum fixed by the board, but I must be of an amount of at least one i fourth over and above any amount of f uands that may come into the posses Ssion of the said treasurer, which bond a may be increased or decreased as the e said treasurer shall from time to time a have under his control, more or less Smoney. t The premiums on such bonds execut. I ed by the said treasurer shall be paid B by the Drainage Commission. Such secretary and treasurer shall receive a salary not exceeding twenty-five ($25.00) per month and shall perform all duties required of him or them by the board of commissioners. Third. They shall select one 'of the solvent chartered banks of the parish of the district in which all monies shall be deposited, which bank shall pay interest on said money as provid ed in Section Seven (7) of Act No. 227 of the Acts of the General Assem bly' of the state of Louisiana of 1914 as amended by Act No. 57 of the acts of 1918. Section 6. Be it further ordained, etc. that the board of drainage commis sioners shall meet as often as they deem it necessary to properly conduct the affairs of the district, provided that at least one meeting shall be held every year. All of the expenses of administering the affairs of said drain age district including salaries of offi cers, etc., shall be paid out of any funds in the hands of the treasurer belonging to the said drainage dis trict when such items, bills, salaries or other expenses shall have been ap proved at a meeting of the board of commissioners provided that the drainage commissioners themselves shall not receive any compensation for their services as members of said drainage district, but may be reimburs ed for any expenses incurred in per fornfing the duties imposed upon them by virtue of their appointment. It shall be the duty of the drainage com missioners to inform themelves of. the needs and requirements of their dis trict and to administer the affairs so as to procure as near as possible a perfect drainage system within the boundaries of their said district. Section 7. Be it further ordained, etc., that the said board of drainage commissioners shall make and adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for its government and that of its officers and employees; it shall keep a book iii which shall be recorded all its proceedings. It shall be the duty of the board to examine all accounts and operations of the district and to de termine what work shall be undertak en. It shall be the duty of the board to see that an accurate account of its affairs and finances are kept and to cause the treasurer to make, when as called upon, a detailed statement show ing their receipts and disbursemehts of all monies of the district which has come into his hands and as such tresurer, also showing the character and cost of work done ,salaries paid and other expenditures made under .authejity or the beard and balance on hand. Section 8. Be it further ordained, etc., that in order to carry out the provisions contained in this ordinance relative to the drainage of the land situated within the boundaries of said drainage district, the said board of drainage commissioners are hereby fully authorized ,empowered and di rected to provide the funds necessary therefor by levying and collecting in the manner provided by law, any tax 1 or forced contribution which is now or may hereafter be authorized by the constitution and laws of this state and 4 to incur debts and issue negotiable ] bonds as authorized by act No. 256 1 of the general assembly of 1910, of < the state of Louisiana as well as any and all amendments that may now exist or my hereafter be made thereto. 1 Section 9. Be it further ordained, etc., that said drainage district shall ,have and possess all the rights, pow- 1 ers and privileges that are now con- c laws as well as any and all laws or t ferred upon it by the constitution and I parts of laws or amendments thereto, ] that may now exist or may hereafter t be enacted by the general assembly i of the state of Louisiana. Section 10. Be it further ordained, I etc., that this ordinance shall take ef tect immediately from and after its 1 adoption. Voting for said ordinance: Messrs. 1 Mills, Phillips, Dupre, Guidroz, Pavy, Moreau, W. F. Brown, McCaffery, Deshotels, Sylvestre, Guillory. 1 Voting aginst: none. Ordinance adopted October 6, 1920. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. 1 Police Jury Proceedings Mr. J. T. St. Cyr offered the follow ing ordinance, seconded by Mr. R. L. Mills to-wit: An Ordinance: Whereas, on Thursday, the 21st day of October, 1920, an election was held in the Fourteenth (14) Road District of the parish of St. Landry, La., to determine the following propositions to-wit: FIRST: Proposition to incur debt and to issue serial negotiable coupon bonds of said Road District to the amount of Three IHundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00), to run for pe riods of from one (1) to twenty-four (24) years, bearing interest payable semi-annually, at the rate of five per cent 5 per annum, for the purpose of constructing a permanent public road and the necessary bridges and cul verts therefor, and for acquiring rights of way, etc., commo'ly known as the Pershing Highway (formerly Evange line Highway) starting from a point on the line of division between the parishes of St. Landry and Avoyelles, near Gold Dust, and running in said District near or through Barbreck, Whiteville, Dubuisson, Garland, Beggs, Washington, Opelousas, Shuteston, Sunset, Grand Coteau, and on to the of St. Landry and Lafayette, title to line of division between the parishes which said public road bridges and culverts shall vest in the public; said public road, bridges and culverts to be constructed under the direction and supervision of the State Highway De partment, and with the financial assis tance of the State of Louisiana and of i the United States if such assistance be obtainable. SECOND:, Proposition to levy a special yeally tax of one (1) mill on the dollar on all taxable property within said Road District for five (5) years, beginning with the year 1921, for the purpose of aiding the Police Jury of the parish of St. Landry in according to law and notice to that effect given on the Seventh day of 'its legal duty of maintaining said pub lic road, bridges and culverts. Whereas, the returns of said elec tion were duly canvassed by the pol ice jury of the parish of St. Landry September, 1920, and the result of said election was declared to be tha i said propositions had been carried hi favor of both of said propositions as follows: Majority in favor of First: Issuance bonds: 139, One hundred and thirty nine votes in number; and $1,385,872. 00, One Million Three Hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred and sev enty-two dollars in amount of prop #erty valuation. Majority in favor of second: Foi the levy of a special yearly tax of one (1) mill on the dollars for five (5) years for maintenance purpose: One Hundred and thirty-nine 139 votes in number; and $1,385,872.00 One Mil lion Three Hundred eighty-five thous and Eight Hundred and Seventy-two dollars in amount of property valua tion. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the police jury of the parish of St. Landry, in regular session convened, that said propositions having been carried at said election the result thereof shall be promulgated by the president and clerk of this police jury by the publication of one issue of the official journal under their respective signatures and this shall be their au thority for so doing. The foregoing ordinance was duly read and considered and a majority of the members elect being present voted as follows: For: Messrs. J. T. St. Cyr, R. L. Mills, F. H. Phillips, E. M. Dupre, C. Guidroz, Dr. F. O. Pavy, D. P. Mor eau, W. F. Brown,,Thos. MoCaffery, A. Deshotels, Alex. Sylvestre, Eloi Guil lory. Against: None. Absent. Messrs. E. A. Cummings. B. W. Clopton, M. J. Godeau, W. C. De jean. Adopted November 1st. 1920. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. Attest:--J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Mr. W. F. Brawn offererd the fol lowing ordinaunce, duly seconded, to wit: An Ordinance -Galing a special ulection to be held in Road District Numbs: Two (2) of the Fourth Palice Jury Ward of the Parish of St. Landry, state of Louis-. ana, to take the sense of the prop erty taxpayers of said district, quali ftied to vote at such :.n election under the constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, on the propostion ss to whether or not the police jury as the governing authority of said road dis trict, shall on behalf of said road dis trict, in addition to the debt previous ly incurred and bonds previously is sued, incur debt to the amount of One Hundred and Fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) and issue negotiable bonds of said district to represent said debt, said debt to be incurred and issued for the purpose of constructing and maintaining public roads and highways within the territorial limits of said road district, and particularly for the purpose of completing the Mel ville-Palmetto highway and for the con struction of a gravel road along the Atchafalaya River and that portion of the Palmetto-Bayou Rouge Road ly ing with the boundaries of the Sec ond Road District. Be it ordained by the Police jury of the parish of St. Landry in regular session convened: Section 1. That a special election and it is hereby ordered and called, to be held in Road District Number Two (2) of the Fourth (4th) Police Jury Ward of the parish of St. Lan dry, state of Louisiana, on Thursday, December 23, 1920, between .the hours of seven o'clock a. nl. and five o'clock p. m., to take the sense of the property taxpayers of said dis trict, qualified to votet at such elec tion under the constitution and laws of the state of Louisiana, on the pro position as to whether or not the police jury, as the governing authority of said Road District, in addition to the debt previously incurred and bonds previously issued in said Road District on behalf of said road dis-, tirct incur debt to the amount of One Hundred ;nd Fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) and issue negotiablal bonds of said Road District to repres ent said debt, said bonds to be serial bonds running from one to thirty (30) years, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent (5) per annum, payable semi-anhually, and said debt to be in curred and bonds issued for the pur pose of constructing and maintaining public roads and highways within the territorial limits of said Road District and particularly for the purpose of completing the Melville-Palmetto Highway and for the construction of a gravel road along the AtLhafalaya Riv er and that portion of the Palmetto Bayou Rouge Road lying within the boundaries of the .aid Second Road District. Section 2. That on Monday, the 3rd, day of January, 1921, at 2( o'clock p. m., the police jury of the parish of St. Landry shall meet at the po lice jury room in the cfty of Opelou sas, and shall then and there in pub lie session, proceed to open the bal lot boxes ,examine and count the bal lots in number and amount, examine and cahvass the returns of said elec tion, and declare the result thereof, which result they shall ·thereafter promulgate according to law. From a man who has traveled a million miles My A. B. A. Cheques were just as good as gold and twice - handy-negotiable at any time and anywhere," says a well known lecturer and writer on travel topics. He carries "A.B.A." Chques because he. knows they are everywhere accepted and ecause they are safe. Until the owner has placed his countersignature on each Cheque in the presece of the person accepting them, they are useless to a fintler or thief, if lost or stolen. Ask for attractive bookldets further demeibing the conven. meace and safety of these Cheques. Planters Bank & Trust Company Section 3. That said election shall be held in said district at the Mel ville Town Hall, at Melville, Louisiana and at Dr. Hawkins' office at the vii. lage of Palmetto, Louisiana, which are hereby designated as polling places, and those of the property taxpayers qualified to vote at said election, who Ireside within the bounds of the Mel Sville election precinct as established by ordinance of this bodly, shall vote at the Melville poll, and those of said electors who live elsewhere in said road district shall vote at the Palmetto poll. Section 4. That the folowing reg Sistered voters of said district are hereby appointed as election officers to serve at said polls, with compensa tion at the same rate paid such officers in general elections, namely: At the Melville Poll: P. W. La fleur, W. A. White, Sr., C. C. Rosen berg, Commissioners; A. Rosenberg, clerk. At the Palmetto Poll; r. R. G. Hawkins, Harry Meyer, L. L. Gansen, commissioners; G. A. McDaniel, clerk. Section 5. That the ballot boxes, the necessary blanks, and tally sheets lists of voters, valuation of property and compiled statement of the voters in number and amount, shall be provid ed by the police jury, through its clerk, who shall also cause to be print ed the necessary ballots for use at said election, which balots shall be substantially the following from, to wit: Propositon to incur debt and - issue serial negotiable bonds of Road District Number Two (2) of the Fourth (4) police jury ward of St. Landry par ish, state of Louisiana, in addi tion to the debt previously in curred and bonds previously issued for said district, said additional debt to be incurred and bonds to be issue4 to the YS amount of One Hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150, 000.00), and said bonds to be serial bonds running from one to thirty (30) years, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum (5) per annum, pay able semi-annually, said addi tional debt to be incurred and bonds issued for the purpose of constructing and maintain ing public roads and highways within the territorial limits of said road district, and parti cularly for the purpose of com- NO pleting the Melville-Palmetto Highway and for the construe tion of a gravel road along the Atchafalaya River and that portion of the Palmetto-Bayou Rouge road lying within the boundaries 6f the said Second Road District. Taxable Valuation: $....... Signatures of Voter:........... Notice to Voters: To vote in favor of the propositon submitted upon the ballot, place a cross (X) mark in the square after the word "yes" to vote against it, place a similar mark in the square after the word "No." Section 6. That notice of the said election shall be prepared and signed by the President of this body, em bracing substantially all matters set out in this ordinance, stating the pro positon to be submitted to the tax payers and the time and place of said election and further setting forth that this body, the police jury of the parish of St. Landry shall meet at the police jury room in the city of Opelousas, La., on Monday, January 3rd, 1921, and shall then and there in public session proceed to open the ballot boxes, examine and count the ballots, in humber and amount, examine and canvass the returns of said election, and declare the result thereof. Said notice shall be advertised for thirty days in the official jotrnal of the parish of St. Landry, by not less than four weekly insertions, the Fýrst of which .hall appear op November 13th. 1920, at least thirty days before the date on which the election is to take place. Section 7. That for good and euffi cient reasons this ordinance shall take efect from and after its passage. Adopted November 3, 1920. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Yeas: Messrs. R L. Mills, F. H. Phillips, E. M. Dupre. C. Guidros, Dr. F. O. Pavy, D. P. Moreas, J. T. St. Cyr, W. F. Brown, W. C. Dejean, N. Guillory, Thos. McCaffery, Alex. Syl vestre. Nays: None. Absent: Messrs. B. W. Clopton, E. A. Cummings, M. > Godeau, A. Deshotels. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. Attest:-J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. L. D. HUDSP Fr Dental Strgeen Opeleous, La. Offlee In Landau Eullding. The Qe.m e That Does Net A#ct The sed -.....can be take. Ir t r ck.LIl;r~nm~br s