Newspaper Page Text
-CHARTER OF THE CITIZENS FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF LOUISIANA United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of St. Landry. Be it known, that on this 1st day of December, in the year of Our Lord One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty, before me, Allen Dezauche, a Notary Public, duly commissic and qualified within and for the ish of St. Landry. State of Lo therein residing ,and in the pi :·oe of the witnesses hereinafter na. ed and undersigned, personally came ayid appeared the undersigned, for the 1'r pose of incorporation of The Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana, who are subscribers to the said com pany, and stockholders, which said company is a Louisiana corporation to be domiciled in the parish of St. Lan dry, who by these presents adopt the following articles as the charter of the said Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana, to-wit: Article I. The name and title of this corpora tion shall be: "THE CITIZENS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LOUISI ANA," and under and by this name, unless sooner dissolved in accordance with law and this charter, it shall ex ist and continue, and shall have and enjoy corporate existence and si s sion for a period of ninety-nine ' from and after date of its inco tion ,and it may sue and be sued Article II The domicile of this corpc-.' shall be the City of Opelousas, Pa. t St. Landry, State of Louisian. s. I :a2l citations and other legal p . ..t shall be served upon the president, or in his absence, the vice-president, ori An his absence the treasurer or secre Stary. Article III 'The objects and purposes for h nich -,this corporation is formed and , ie aa tare of the business to be car ,;,' -n by it are hereby declared to I- ,: an gage in the business of insu. n:e of property against loss or damage by ire, lightning or tempest on land and in the transaction of fire insurance business in all of its branches. and ~eenrally to hold and exercise all such 4ncidental powers and privileges and Sdo and perform all things as relates ,to the objects and purposes herein .b.ore stated or as may be needful, nec e-sary, proper and useful as well as -. caoavnient for effecting such objects IAnd purposes. Article IV The authorized capital stock of this a -,6.6poration is hereby fixed and de- t ..catred to be the sum of two hundred thousand ($200,000,000) dollars, iivid '-ed into ten thousand (10,000) ;hares 4t twenty ($20.00) dollars par value e '-each, which shall be paid for i: ':ash s 'within one year from date of thi. :! ar ter. The capital stock shall `.e ip resented by certificates and h.: be d personal property and shall ."e ns- 0 terable only on the books of ,n< am pany. Article A Whenever this Corporatio t eems o proper to increase its capital stock, it r shall be done upon the vote of two- c thirds of the board of directors, rati- h tied by the vote of two-thirds of its ,. stockholders representing not less than p UNFORTUNATELY The Homes and Barns Sof our rural districts do not enjoy the protection afforded by the fire de O s- partments of our cities and towns, hence the greater need of insur - ance against loss or damage. SEE US ABOUT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE! OPELL.U' SA LH.D.LARCADB JA. MG2. G3GENEPAL INSUPANCE BANK On anctd with The Opelousas National lank OPELOUSAS, LA. THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN THE PARISH Resources ample to care for its friends and Customers ACCOUNTS SOLICITED OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: E. B. Dubuisson, President Chas. F. Boagnl hmas. F. Boagni, Vice-Piesitdat . B. Dubuisson A. Leon Dupre,. Viae-Pre idnt, A. Leon Dupre and Cashier R. LeBourgeo. s M]. J Pulibsrd, Assistant Cahiler Rdbert Sandos A. A. Comeau, Assistant Cashier - B. L.a 4 s, vuUitr I l l l I I II two-thirds of its capital stock at a meeting called for that purpose, after " the notice putlr. hed for thirty conse cutive days in the official journal, anti the notice mailed to each stockholder at least thirty days prior to the date of such meeting. Upon the completion of the proceed of ings the company shall submit to the Secretary of State a certificate setting d forth the amount of the increase and the facts of the transaction, signed ' .nd sworn to by its President, Secre "ary and the majority of its directors. f the Secretary of State finds that the .acts confrom to the law he shall is ue a certificate to that effect. ld Article VI r- This corporation shall be managed is by a Board of Directors composed of a, fifteen (15) stockholders. The follow n- ing persons are hereby nominated for id the first Board of Directors: Dr. o Charles F. Boagni, Opelousas, La., Dr. Q- John A. Haas, Opelousas, La., J. P. e Barnett, Opelousas, La., John Deblieux, e Opelousas, La., Leon S. Haas. Opelou .y sas, La., Adolphe Jacobs, Opelousas, La., Frank W. Meyers, Lafayette, La., Joseph M. Boagni, Opelousas, La., A. 3, Leon Dupre, Opelousas, La., R. Le E Bourgeois, Opelousas, La., L. J. Lar - cade, Opelousas, La., Armand L. De ' jean, Opelousas, La., L. T. Castille, e Opelousas, La., L. R. Rpberts, Crowley, La., and H. D. Larcade, Jr., Opelousas, d La., of whom Dr. Charles F. Boagni, . shall be president, J. P. Barnett, vice s president, Dr. John A. Haas, treasurer, and H. D. Larcade, Jr., secretary. Said board of directors and officers shall hold office until the second Tuesday of January, A. D., 1922, or until their successors shall have been elected an I qualified. I The first board of directors of this r corporation shall organize as soon as r the legal formalities and the provi sions of this charter have been com plied with, and shall proceed to the election of one or more assistant sec retary, or such officers or other em ployes as they may deem proper, and such officers or employes shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. Article VII The board of directors and the presi dent, vice-president, treasurer, and sec retary of this corporation shall be elected annually on the second Tues day of January of each year at the t stockholders meeting and in the case of that day being a dies non, on the following day. No person shal be i elegible to serve on the board of di rectors who owns less than ten (10) e shares of the capital stock of this a corporation. All such elections shall be by ballot t and conducted at the ofice of the cor poration under the supervision of e three (3) commissioners, to be appoint- i ed by the board of directors. Notice of such election shall be giv en by written notice mailed to each stockholder at least thirty days before said election, and by publishing same in the offctial journl at least ten (10) days prior to said election. Each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote. Each of the stockholders may vote in person or b.y written proxy, and the c majority of the votes cast shall elect. Any vacancies, occuring on the board of directors shall he filled by it for the remainder of the term of the board. In J case an election is not held as provided herein, the directors and officers then in office shall hold until their succes- P Pors are elected and qualified. - ----a R Five (5) directors including the president or viee-president, shall con stitute a quorum for the transaction r of business, at the office of the cor e poration. Article Viii f All corporate powers are hereby e vested in the board of directors, or in i such committees or officers as may be I appointed by the board, with sub-dele i gation of authority and the board of directors shall have the power to make an destablish, as well as alter and amend, all by-laws, rules and re gulations necessary and proper for the conduct and management of the af fairs and business of this corporation, not inconsistent with this charter. Said board shall also have full power and authority to borrow money through the president or some duly authorized person or persons, to exe cute mortgages, buy and sell or issue notes ,bonds or other obligations, in : such amounts and on such terms as, in ' their judgment, may be advantageous, land generally to do all things as may be necessary to carry out the objects and purposes for which this corpora tion is organized. The board of di rectors shall have the power to sell, lend, buy, mortgage or pledge all prop erty, movable or immovable, belong ing to this corporation and to receive in consideration money or stocks or bonds or other obligations of another corporation, and also to purchase for cash or credit property of any kind re qtired for any of the purposes of this corporation. Article IX This charter may be modified, amended or altered or this corporation dissolved and its affairs liquidated, in the manner and method prescribed by law, as now, or hereafter in force, by a vote of two-thirds (2-3) of the stock holders in general meeting called for the purpose by the board of directors after ten days notice has been given to each stockholder, in the manner provided in this charter, and when ever this corporation shall be dissolv ed by limitation or otherwise, its af fairs shall be Iquidated by three (3) liquidators appointed by the board of directors then in office. Article X No stockholder of this corporation shall ever be liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of this corpora tion in any farther sum than the un paid balance on the stock for which he has subscribed, nor shall any mere informality in organization have the effect of rendering this charter null or exposing the stockholders to any. liability other than as above provided for. A list of the names of all stockhold era of the corporation is attached here to: CHAS. F. 'BOAGNI, Iv. J. A. HAAS, ch J. P. BARNETT, re M. J. PULFORD, ae ADOLPHE JACOBS, 0) LEON S. HAAS, re A. LEON DUPRE A, ARMAND L. DEJIAN, in JOHN DEBLIEUX, Per H. D. Lar je cade, Jr. t. ROBERT SANDOZ Per E. S. Fields. rd M. WINSBERG, he J. A. HOLLAND, per H. 1. Larcade, in Jr. 3d JOHN FAKOURI, n J. LANDAU, i. R. LEE MILLS, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. W. J. SANDOZ MRS. J. A. BUDD,. Per H. D.' Lar cade, Jr. C. A. MORNHINVEG, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. BEN RISEMA J, LEO. N. LARCADE, R. B. CHRISTMAN, J. ALOYSUIS CASTILLE, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. L. M, COUVILLON, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. L. J. LARCADE, L. T. CASTILLE, L. E. CASTILLE, H. D. LAROADE JR., DR. C. A. GARDINER, Per H. D. Larcade Jr. R. LeBOURGEOIS, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. JOS. M. BOAGNI, Per H. D. Lar. cade Jr. FRANK W. MEYERS, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. L. R. ROBERTS, Per H. D. Larcadq Jr. R. MORNHINyViG, Der H. D. Lar cade Jr. JOS. Sr.. Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. J. J. BE ' Larcade, Jr. C. M. b r. D. Larcade, Jr. L. J. BAt M E-n, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. JOS. P. GARBO, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. MRS. O. L. GOODLOE, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. MISS P. R. ISAAC, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. MISS NINA MIZZI, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. WITNESSgS: (Signed). C. J. BUDD, J. T. HAWKINS. Thus done and passed at my office in the parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, in the presence of C. J. Budd and J. T. Hawkins, competent witnesses, who hereunto sign their names with said appearers and me, No tary, on the day nd date first hereinabove written, as witness such signatures and the seal of me, Notary. (Signed) ALLEN DEZAUCHE, Notary Public." STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. I, the undesigned, deputy clerk of St. Landry parish, Louisiana, hereby certify that the within and foregoing Ast of Incorporation of "The Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana," was this day duly recorded in my of fice in Charter Book, No. 1. pp.-. Witness my hand and the seal of my office, at Opelousas, St. Landry parish, Louisiana, thisD first day of December dec 4 A. J. T. LITTELL, Deputy Clerk. ti rlevspan..~- .---pi ile. Rub.My.Tism is a great pain killer. It relieves pain and, soreness cansed I by Rheumatism, Neuraigia S etc.-adv sept 25. SR D. HUDSPErTH Dental Surgeon Opelous, La. oMce ,n Landau" Building. Pike.,m h 6t. 14 - -ys sand p M ta rrrr~ d~a ~ I I 0 REPLES TO "SUSIE TICKMItRE" Route 1, Sunset, La., Dec. 21, 1920. Mr. Editor: In your issue of December 11, an y article signed "Susie Tickmire," she n protest against the treatment accorded her by the "good people of Coulee Croche." 0 After a careful perusal of a conglo r merate mass of bad English, worse diction, and rhetorical assininity, I am forced to conclude that "Susie" has an exagerated case of mental itch. The irritant, to her otherwise good (?) nature, that caused the emission of such sulphurous vituperations against the "good people of Coulee I Croche" seems to have been tire troubles. Optimistic indeed, one who owns an automobile and does not an ticipate punctures and blow-outs. But, Sue, my dear girl, you came to Cou lee Croche on the rim, and did you expect that the old family heirloom would grow another tire? You were told by the "good people of Coulee Croche" that the asthmatic old bus was suffering from senile de generation, and that the night air wold probably no tagree with its deli cate constitution. Why, then, such a diatribe on the ingratitud eof the "good people of Coulee Croche?" Do you not admit that the old "Tooner ville Trolley" was two miles away, when "auto troubles loomed-up?" By the way, Susie, for my inforihation, could you explain this unusual phenomena? I don't remember ever having seen them "loom up." In summing up your extraordinary vicissitudes, you use the sentence "a bad fix but not to be detected or mended." Now, Susie, may I pre sume upon your proverbial generosity, and beg that you enlighten me as to your meaning? I have performed all sorts of mental gymnastics, but can not understand what was the matter with the "fix." Elucidate, Susie, come clean. The protests of Susie would be tra gic were they not so ludicrous. In the eame breath that she heaps an athemas upon the heads of the "good people of Coulee Croche" she says that one of them, Mr. Savoie, took the party to Grand Coteau. Susie, your mental pus-cavity needs tapping. What more did you want or expect? Did you want .the whole congregation to go forth with brass and cymbals and escort you to your home? Did t you want the "good people of Coulee t Croche" to gasp with horror and as- 1 tonishment because old Henry had t exploded an antiquated tire? Ye gods I and itlle fishes! In concluding her trade, Susie asks that "a thousand tongues be given r. her that she might carry the news faster." I, and the "good people of Coulee Croche," earnestly pray that r- her wish be granted, and to further show our gratitude, we beg that with each tongue, there may be added an ounce of gray matter. 3. Come again, Susie, we love comedy. AN INGRATE. Don't suffer from KidneyTrouble! r. Why let the pain, irritation and in convenience of kidney and bladder trouble make youiilife miserable, when * hundreds of sufferers have found bless ed relief by taking HOBO Kidney & 3 Bladder Remedy? Why not do as they. did and begin taking HOBO now? This r- wonderful herb remedy contains no al.; cohol or harmful drug so it'can do you no harm. Yet it CAN give quick and sure relief. Druggists sell HOBO for $1.20 the bottle. Hobo Med. Mfg. Co., Shreveport, La. HOBO IdInmy Bladder Rmed, CITY MARSHAL'S SALE By virtue of an ordinance of the City of Opelousas relative to stock roaming at large within the liirits of said city, I have empounded and will proceed to sell, to the last and highest bidder, at the city pound, on e SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1921, 2 at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de, F. scribed property, to-wit: One brown Creole horse; both hind . feet white and star in face; no visible t brands. TERMS--Cash, to pay and satisfy impounding fees and all costs. W. L. PRUD'HOMME, dec25-3t City Marshal. f FURNISHED ROOMS-With all mod ern conveniences. Centrally located. ApplyF at Sandoz building, upstairs. Entrance on Grolee street. Phone No. 376. novl5-3t To Cure a Cold in One Dhy Take IAXATIVE BROMO QMUININE (Tablets.) It ethe Cogh and Headache and works off the . LW. tGROVEV' signature on each kbox. te SALE CHEAP My 16 b ;c: property, 100 by 160 feet; fine location in western section of this city across O'Gee track. Apply to F GUSTAVE TUJAGUE. dec 4 4t Colds Case Orip sad laiemaS U~IAZUWE H WOM UVI=rN blegs semotMas ems,. he.s b ealy a "Bome ~ -ahe'." L W. lOV" sinsas . Mas. -- a Christmas candies were made by jd the senior class domestic science girls. se Monday Miss Fleta Morgan made chocolate fudge and Miss Lucille Tros 0- clair made cocoanut candy Tuesday e Miss Odessa Huckaby made divinity I fudge and Miss rrrosclair made cocoa nut candy again. Wednesday Miss a Adele Lawler and Lucille Trosclair made fundent. Wednesday Miss p fertie furnished the materials for a cake and had two members of the senior class make it s for her. Misses Fleta Morgan and e Odessa Huckaby had charge of the e cake making while the other two Thmembers of the class were making their Christmas candies. u School closed Thursday for the Christmas holidays and will reopen on January 6, 1921. e Soon Opelousas high school will be c able to boast of a play ground equip ?- ment worthy of the institution. Pro Fr essor Pavy intends to expend about i- three hundred dollars in various kinds h of play ground apparatus. The new e equipment will probably be secured for o the use of the pupils in the early part of 1921. O. H. S. owes gratitude to Dr. J. A. Haas for these proposed up-to-date playgrounde equipment for it is due r to his generous donation of $500 giv en to the school last year that it has the funds necessary to secure them. The remainder of the $500 will be Lused in securing library books for Ihe schooL School closed Thursday for the I Christmas holidays. True holiday hpirit reigned everywhere, both teach. ers and pupils. There were several Christmas trees. Every class from the first to the fourth grades had this emblem of Santa Claus planted eon oicuousel in the room. From the fourth to the seventh grades each class had a Christmas box but no tree. The exchange of presents went on with the same gusto as in the lower grades ,and dear old Santa seemed about as generous to the older children as to the little tots. In the high school department Christmas spirit reigned dominant through there was neither boxes nor trees. Classes went on with usual re lentlessness to the very last minute but Santa was hidden behind every book cover and no iron-clad school rule could eschew the old gentleman therefrom, and both teachar, and pu pils felt his presence even though ular routine class, In all grades, from the first to the seventh, there was no classes for an hourbefore dismissal. Each class had a program which it took up at this time. The students of O. H. S. will have two weeks of freedom. School will not reopen before January 6. It will be unable to open before that date as the teachers' institute will take place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of Jan uary. The fourth month of school ended Thursday. When the pupils r6turn to school there will be four days of re view and then will accur the mid term examinations. A recent change has occurred in the school faculty. Miss Evans resigned; Miss Corinne Trosclair, who was a 'departmental teacher in the left sec tion, was removed to the right sec tion where Miss Evans formerly taught; Miss Clyde Lawler replaced Miss Trosclair in the left section. I SHERIFF'S SALE GILBERT L. DUPRE, TUTOR Versus ALCEE A. LEGER No. 21,700, Civil Docket, Sixteenth Ju dicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana By virtue of an order of seizure and sale, issued out of the Honorable Six teenth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, Louitsi ana, in the above entitled and number ed suit, land to me directed, I have seized and will proceed to offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the court house of St. Landry parish at Opelousas, Louisiana, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de scribed property, to-wit: A certain tract of land containing twenty (20) acres, together with the building and improvements thereon, situated in the Fourth Ward near Bay ou Rouge in the parish of St. Landry and bounded as follows: North, by Property of Ursin Schexnaider; South, by property of Azenor Lejeune; East, by property of J. F. Phillips, and West, by property of Ursin Schexnaid. er. Being the same property which the said Alcee A. Leger acquired from Ernest Soileau on the 27th day of De cember, 1917, by act of sale executed before Gilbert L. Dupre, Notary Pub lic, and duly recorded in Conveyance Book "I" No. 4 1-2, page 501, clerk's office, St. Landry. oTERMS AND COrNDITIONS--For! cash to pay and satisfy the sum of fifty-four dollars and eigthy cents with eight per cent per annum inter est from December 27, 1919, and ten per cent attorney's fee on both said amounts, and on terms of credit as follows, to-wit: Fifty-four dollars and eighty cents .to be paid December 27, 1921, and Ffty-four dollars and eighty cents, to paid Decmeber 27, 1922, with etght per cent per annmm interest fr December 27, 1919 together with to per cent attorney's fee on both -sid a '~all the costs of this suit. CHARlUS T ODEAUX, dec 25 tds Sheriff. · Warm Up the Raw Weather by ls. Instantly-with a Per de fection Oil Heater. os- Brings gl o win VA;%A ay warmth to the spot 4 º 1 ity when and where need- A oa- ed. Burns 10 hrs. on iss a gallon of Stanocola air Burning Oil. Safe, clean, odorless. ed if. all regular dealers it STANDARD OIL CO. nd OF LOUISIANA. I ***+**s a he -L *LA bO o is PERFECTION t Oil Heaters ,e O4 UNG men liee L the trim lines and Ssmartly designed pro. portions of Born S.Tailored, to. Measure clotls. SAnd theyliketheway a Born Tailored suit holds its style; the way tit fits; the way it wears. r Then,too,Born prices are within easy reach of modest incomes; an important considera. ..1 tion these days. FELIX CHACHERE High Grade Chocolates New Orleans Made in the atmosphere of the "Vieux Carre," which made New Orleans fain ous for good things to eat. PAUL GELPI & SONS, INC. - for sale by MAMALAKIS & BALLAS SUCCESSION 8ALE ESTATE OF ALEXANDER. PAPIL LON, JR., AND WIFE No. 7133 Probate Docket, Sixteenth Judicial District Court, St. Lan dry Parish, La. By virtue of an order of the Hon. B. H. Pavy, Judge of said court and pursuant to a commision to me di rected by A. J. T. Littell, Deputy Clerk of said court, I will offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder at the principal front door of the court house of the parish of St. Landry on SATURDAY, JAN. 29, 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de scribed property, to-wit: 1. A certain tract of prairie land, situated near the Mallet woods in the parish of St. LIandry, together with all the buildings and improvements theie on, bounded on the North, by Francois Papillon; South, by formerly Mrs. Al exantire Papflton pere; East, by Aug uste Papillon, and West, by Mrs. Las tie Guillory; being a portion of the! same property which Axleandre Pap illon purchased from Nancy E. Sand ora by act of sale recorded in Con veyance Book E-2, page 423, of the clerk's office of the parish of St. Landry, pail tract of land contains about forte-five arpents. 2. Also a small tract of woodland in the Mallet woods, lying jiust North of the N. O. T. & M. Railway tract in Section 48, 4. 6 S, R 2 E, contain ing five acres, more or less, and -be ing a part of the property purchased by Alexandre Papillon, fils, from Nancy B. Sanders by act of sale ree orded in Conveyance Book E-2; page 423. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:--One foarth or more cash, balance, if any, in one, two and three years to be rep resented by the promissory notes of the purchaser bearing eight per cent per annum interest fropn date untli paid to be secured by special mortgage and vendor's lien on the property sold. LEOPOLD PAPILLON, dec 25 tds Administrator. 11. Qddue That Doe !4et Affect The lead bs a..n.mwl. raevu.eo ua luaM. ha the head. LW. GNVE boz FOR RENT-ulite of Rooms furn ished for light housekeeping. Modern conveniences-center of town. MRS. LAURENT DUPRE, nov 13 tt Market Street. ESTRAYED From Chretien's Point last Novem ber, one small, round bodied, black horse mule. Unbranded, about 4 years old. A' liberal reward will be given for its return or any information that will lead to lita recovery. J. X. GARDINER, dec22 2t Sunset, La. No Wor.s in a Healthy Child All chlkdes tmobled with Worms have an an hesithyoolr, which Indicates poor blood, sad as a rule. the is moe or les stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC iven rea lary for two or three weeks will enrich the blood. improve thedigtesuonandat.s agenerslStrength ening Tomite the whole ystam. Nature will themn throw offr dispel the warms, andtheChild Nil be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. lc per bt LOST-Bunch of keys, containing about fifty keys, on a silver chali betwen Opelousas and the 0. G. depot at Port Barre. Reward If returned to the Clarion office. dec-26-2t