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ýii ,Y h £ Y y; 5,r ,.:,: ý., n+ lras dnao,--. i f.&ý.rk : i ý"ýg·i'". ~ ý r ''d»r{w RACE BOAT stroke-stroke-stroke, the cox awain is shouting to the shirtless young oarsmen, and they are puting Severy ounce of energy in the task lbefore them. Bodeis that have been under systematic training for many moonths are now finding an outlet for their pent up force in the most favored of all navy sport-boat rac These youngsters are taking part in their las tathletic venture before be .f g sent to sea. They are products of one of the naval training stations, and have been "through the mill" : , (OFFICIAL) Procedings Board of Aldermen Opelousas, La., Dec. 28 ,1920. ` To the Hon. Members of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ope , lousas, La. Gentlemen:--You are hereby notified there will be a Special Meeting of the members of the board of aldermen, L "this city, at the council chamber SaTuesday, December 28th, 1920, at S1:30 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose (-) of authorizing a re-imbursement '*Aoam the Public Improvement Bond hrsg for funds advanced against same S:°phr the purpose (2) of authorizing the .jawor to negotiate a loan to re-am "terae certain accounts for funds ad Siyuced and for the purpose (3) of act uag upon any other matters relating 40 the municistality. E. L. LOEB, Mayor. ,Aest:-J. J. PERRODIN, City Clerk. , Opelousas, La, Dec. 28, 1920. i . W. L. Prud'homme, mashal of the iy of Opelousas, oLuisiana, do here. Sprtify that I served the above and Sforegoing notice upon the aforenamed_ swtnbers of the board of aldermen of 4 city of Opelousas, Louisiana, in person, more than three hours previ to the hour fixed for the holding sO faid meeting. W. L. PRUD'HOMME, City Marshal. Opelousas, La., Dec. 28, 1920. iThe board of aldermen met this day special session, pursuant to the # lbve call. Present: E. L. Loeb, mayor, presid ag:; Aldermen: Mouret, Dejean, Danel, '.tIlly and Clark. Abeent: None. 1 Mr. Clark ,seconded by Mr. Danel ifir ed the following resolution: SWhereas, there exists an overdraft i knt the Electric Light and Power s'.;ht account, due to having paid nec r>4ary obligations for the improve and construction of the -Power Snt, pending the final approval and e of the Public Improvement Bonds payments having been made out bother funds of the city; and Wiereas said bonds have been fi vry approved and sold, and the pro thereof deposited with the city urer; therefore, be it ved, that the mayor and clerk and they are hereby authorized to a warrant against the Electric t and Power Plant Improvement Extension Bond Issue fund, to or the amount of said overdraft from the said fund. Be it dnrther esolved, that'the mayor be and he hereby authorized to negotiate a with any bank or individual to ..¢er the balance of the said over . not included in the Public Im We extend the ery best wishes of the Season D every Man, Woman and Chit in this locali ty and we thankur many cust omers for their valed patronage, during 1920 whici has made the past year one longto be remem bered in our grow. Est. J. 1. Sandoz that turns a flabby, soft muscled youngster int oa healthy athlete. Seven months before it would have been imposible for these same young men to pull one-quarter mile without becoming exhausted. On the eve of their departure for -sea they are able t otake their places as members of a race-boat crew and send the sleek craft over a two mile course at a rapid gait. There is always a trophy for the winner when the race is run, but winner and loser share alike in the knowledge that they have a strong, healthy body thta can stand the "gaf.' in any race. Iprovement proposition, and that the mayor and clerk be and they are here by aut+torized to issue a certificate or certifiates of indebtedness to repre sent tie amount of said loan, payable on sun terms as they may see fit, carryizg five per cent per annub in terat tfm date thereof until paid, and paybalh out sccounrt the surplus re venues of the Electric Light and Power 'lant, or out of the license rev enues 1r the year 1921, and subsquent years, lot otherwise dedicated. The aregoing resolution was adopt ed by ne "folowing vote: Yeas Mouret, Dejean Danel, Stelly, and CIrk. Nay& None. Move by M& Clark, duly seconded, that th4 mayorand clerk be and they are herby authorized to issue a war -rant, it favor of H. D. Larcade, Jr., againsthe proceeds of the Bond Issue as per lis proposal of December 2, 1920. Motid.carried by the following vote: Yeas: fouret, Dejean, Danel, Stelly and Clc. Nays: None. Absent: None. Movedby Mr. Danel, seconded by Mouret #d carried, tha tthe mayor be and he I hereby authorized and em poweredto employ an assistant for the cityclerk, on such terms and condition +as he may see fit, and that the city tx collector proceed at once to enfort payment of delinquent tax es. There ling no farther business. the meeting as adjourned. eAttesttn: J E. L. LOEDB, Mayor. AtJt . t .RRODIN, ty Clerk. NOTIC OF FINAL TABLEAU ESTATI OF LAURENT NOEL No.-, Fsbate Docekt, Sixteenth JudiciaListribt Court, Parish A f St. LIandry, La. A Whereas, rene Shute, administra trix, of the.bove numbered and en titled estathas filed therein her fi- 14 nal tableaus classification of debts A and distribubn of funds of said suc cession, antraws for the homologa- T tion of the sae, now Therefore,totice is hereby given to any and .,parttes who may have cause why tbiaid tableau should not be homologa to, file same in writ ing in this oft within ten days from di the first' pubition hereof. H ty LASTRAPES, Jan 1 2t Clerk of Court. G ,. b-Wy-Ti a grest pain killer. It relve. pa and erane aased by Rkeaeatwie Neeraglr, Sprains, B ela.--ev. segt. Melville Board of Aldermen Melville, La., December 7, 1920. Regular meting of the board of al demen of the town of Melville, La. met on the above date with his Honor Mayor P. W. Lawleur, presiding and the following members were present: Messrs. R. H. Jones, Gus Rosenberg Peter Glaser, W. J. Bergeron. Thi minutes of the last regular meetinw were read an dapprovtd. The following reports were read ani approved and ordered filed. Report of C. H. Coffree, superinten dent M. E. L. S. For month of October, 1920 collections .............. $205.9' For month of November 1920 collections .... .. .......... 111.32 Total.... ................$317.24 Report of E. J. LeBlanch, tax-col lector: Licenses collected ............$62.50 Report of Tom Capps, marshal. H. Williams ,fined.. $20.00, cost $1.00 Alvin Hill fined.... 2.50 cost 1.00 Anthony Bivens fined 25.00 cost 1.00 Total. ........ $47.50 $3.00 Report of Telson Jones. town treas urer: Oct .1st. to balance in bank..$1320.01 Received from E. J. LeBlanc, clerk.... ............... 62.50 Received from Thomas Capps marshall.. ............... 50.50 Received from C. H. Coffre, superintendent ............ 317.24 • $150.25 Vouchers paid .. .....183.36 Balance in general fund...... .08 M. E. Light system .......... 604.64 Improvement fund ........ 145.19 Street and bridge fund ...... 2.83 Special E. L. tax ....... . 807.87 Sundry account ............ 6.28 1566.89 at The following bills were read 166.8nd aproved and vouchers orders in ,t. payment of same when funds are available. y, To bill of C. H. Coffree, two month's salary ... .... . . $300.00 To express to New Orlenas, La. 50.00 To lamps furnished to town street lights. . .. 20.44 To freight, oil, drayage, etc..., 57.03 ie l$427.47 Bill of E. J. LeBlanc, clerk and tax collector. Two month's salary ............. $5.00 g 5 per cent commission on $62.50 3.12 Recording three trials........ 3.00 $11.12 Bill of Thomas Capps, Marshall: Y Two month's salary . .... $0.00 e To ,1-2 of fine, $50.50..........26.25 I- Seven electric light poles, $6.00.. ........ .*....... 42.00 r 6.002.00 $115.75 Bill of -Mrs. H. K. Smith. Two month's salary, at 2.50 .... $5.00 Bill of Tolson Jones, auditer. Two month's salary, at 2.50....$5.00 Bill of James Thompson: One day's labor E. L. Plant....$5.00 Bill of W. M. Romig: I.or placing light poles........ $8.00 for 1 1-2 days labor ........ 7.50 $15.50 Gus Roseberg. As per itemized acct. on file..$12.65 Novelty Machine Works Co. As per bill rendered ..............$286.80 As per bill rendered .......... 73.50 A. M. Lockett and Co., New Or- I leans, La. As per bill rendered .........$16.72 A. Rosenberg, assessor. To copying assessment rolls . .$60.00 t Gulf Refining Company. To bill rendered oils ..........$48.08 t J. E. Dorroh 0 One month's salary as treasurer.$2.50 t We your committee appointed to draft budget for town of Melville, La., a beg to report the following: d BUDGET FOR-19201 General fund 10 mills, regular tax, on $425,000 assessed val. uation.. Special E. 2 mills tax on$425000 e 425,000 assessed valuation.. 850.001t Balance in bank to credit E. 14 ______ L. t',..i ad . a . .... ... License and street tax aL..i cipated .... .. .... ........ 600.00 Electric Lights receipts anti 'cipated....... ............ 3000.00 Fines anticipated.... ....... 100.00 $9607.87 DISBURSEMENT Mayor's salary ............. $ 300.00 Marshal's salary ............ 300.00 Clerk's salary.. ............ 30.00 Treasurer's salary.. ........ 30.00 Inspector of accounts salary.. 30.00 Assessors' salary ............ 50.00 Street commissioner's salary.. 60.Q0 Attorney ... ................ 100.00 For printing minutes of the town proceedings .......... 75.00 Tax collector's commission for colecting general fund...... 212.50 Tax colector's comission for colleoting special E. L. tax 85.00 Merchants and Farmers Bank, loan. ... ..... .... . 1500.00 Electric Light, salaries' ..... 1800.00 Electric Bonds and interest.. 1300.00 Expenses for street lights.... 900.00 Improvement fund...... .... 2835.37 $9607.87 .00 Respectfully submitted, as- GUS ROSENBERG, R. H. JONES, SR. '01 Moved by W. J. Bergeron and sec onded by Peter Glaser that the above .50 budget be accepted. On roll call the following vote was taken, W. J. Ber .50 geron, Peter Glaser, R. H. Jones, and Gus Rosenberg. Nays: None. .24 Moved by Rosenberg ,and seconded by R. H. Jones that the following or .25 dinance be adopted as read. On roll .36 call the vote was as follows.: .08 W. J. Bergeron, Peter Glaser, R. iH. 64 Jones and Gus Rosenberg: Nays: 9 None. 83 Ordinance No. 82 of 1920 87 To provide for an annual revenue for 28 the town of Melville, La:, for the year - 1921, by levying an annual tax upon 89 all property situated in the corporate id limits of the said town, not exempt in from taxation under the laws and con re stitution of the state, for the year 1920, and providing the enforcing and collection of same; and To provide for the payment of the 0Electric Light bonds maturing during 4 the year 1921, and the interest on 3 bonds during said year, by levying a special tax for the year, 1920, upon all property situated in the corporate limits of the said town not exempt from taxation ,and providing the man ner of enforcing colection of same. 2 Section 1. Be it ordained, by the 0 mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Melville, La,. that for the year .2 1920, there is hereby levied a tax of ten mills, (10) on the dollar of the 0 'assessed valuation of all property sit uated within the corporate limits of the said town except euch as is ex 0 empt from taxation under the consti tution and existing laws of the state. Section 2. Be it further ordained. etc., That there is hereby levied on all property in the said town of Mel Sville, La. subject to taxation by the said town a special tax of two ($) 'mills on the dollar of the assessed value for the year 1920 for the pur Lpose of paying principal and Interest of the electric light bonds maturing during the year 1921. Section 3. Be it ordained ,etc., That said special tax, when collectetl shall be applied first to the payment i of principal and interest of said bonds maturing during the year 1921, and any sum remaining shall constitute a sinking fund and be held separte and apart from all ohter funds of the said town, for the purpose of paying prin cipal and interest of bonds thereafter maturing. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That *the taxes hereby levied shall be due nad payable at the office 1 of town tax-collector as soon as the tax roll of said town shall have been completed and filed in the office of said town tax collector and after this ordinance shall become effective. F Section 5. Be it further ordained, etcr, That no force collection of taxes due upon movable property shall be I made before the time or date set 'apart for the forceable collection of state taxes. ).00 Section 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of the ).00 town tax-collector to receive and cpl lect the taxes interest penalties and cost due thereon to said town within such time and in such manner as po vided by the existing state law" pio vided for by the charter of this town. Section 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That 'all ordinances of parts of dinance shall take effect from and after its promulgation. Section 8. Be it further ordained, etc., That al lordinances or part of ordinances in conflict herewith or in consistant to this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Thus done nod passed in regular session convened this 7th day of the month og December, A. D., 1920. P. W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Attest:-E. J. LeBLANC, Clerk. Moved by Peter Glaser and seconded by W. J. Bergeron that the h-' -o .'rn foregoing ordinance be adopted uU read. On roll call the vote wwa :, L. lows: W. J. Bergeron, Peter Glaser, R.' H. Jones and Gus.. Rosenberg. Nays None. Ordinance No. 83 of 1920 An ordinance for the levying and col lecting of town licenses. Section 1. Be it ordained by the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Melville, La., in regular ses sion convened, that the license laws of the state of Louisiana now in force shall insofar as applicable be the li cense ordinance of the town of Mel ville, La., for the year 1921, and each subsequent year thereafter, unlest otherwise changed. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That this ordinance shall take ef fect fro-: .:_d after December 31st, 1920. Seotion ?. 3e it further ordained, etc., that all o-dina,nce of parts of or dinances in "'- flict herewith be and the same "ar hereby repealed. Thus done and passed in regular session convened this 7th day of the month of December, A. D. 1920. P. W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Attest:-E. J. LeBLANC, Clerk. Moved by R. H. Jones and secondel by Peter Glaser that the board do now adjourn. P. W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Attest:--E. J. LeBLANC, i Clerk. C Chamberlain's Cough Remedy This is a pleasant, safe and reliable medicine for conghs and colds. It has ' been in use for many years and is held in high esteem in those house holds where its good qualities are best known. It is a favorite with a mothers of young children, as it con- to taius no opium or other harmful drug. T Try it when you have need of such I a remedy. 4 U.S. SAILORS BECOME EXPERT MECHANICS U" A .NI iU S N i · THE MING TOMBS OF MANKINL If you were to visit the Orient on an American man-o'-war and make the trip from Manila to Shanghai through the hina Sea and enter the Yang Tse Kiang River, the largest in the world, and your ship should stoy at Nanking, you would see some very inteersting sights. It has been the pleasure of many American bluejackets to make the cruise. It has ben their duty 'to nav igate the Great Yang Tse as far as Hankau (600 miles) and many of the smaller ships have braved the rapids as far as Chung King, (1200 miles). The river lneds an imposing sight to the visitor, and there are many inter esting land marks to be seen. Ohin!t iang, a beautiful J.ttle city is passed on the lett yet there are many vii NOTICE TO TAX-DEBTOR of ti e. To Mrs. Isatire LeBlanc: d. You are hereby notified that I bur. >n chased at taxsale, in May, 1920, the al- following described property assessed se in your name: {) Twenty (20) acres, improved, bound td ed north by Langlois; South, by r- Thompson; East, by Bayou Courta" it bleau ,and West by'Brown et als, g which said property is located in the first police fury ward of the parish of St. Landry. u The amounts paid by the under it signed is as follows: s Taxes and costs, 1919 ........ $17.43 d Taxes and costs, 1920 ........ 25.06 d Total ............... $42.49 d To redeem said property it is neces i- sary for you to pay the foregoing r amount, together with twenty (20) per cent penalty and eight (8) per cent interest to be added to total. O. A. DURIO, Sjan 1 6t Rt. 2, Opelousas, La. NOTICE OF TABLEAU Receivership Port Barre Timber and Tie Co., Inc. a No. ,21,114, Civil Docket, Sixteenth t Judicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry La. Whereas, Dugas and LeBlanc, Ltd., receiverq of the Port Barre Timber aaid Tie Cao., Inc., have filed, therein their final tableau of classification of debts and distribution of funds of said receivership, and prays for the homologation of the same, now, Therefore, notice is hereby given to alry end all parties who may have cause why the said tableau should not be homologated to file same in writ ing in this office within ten days from the first publication hereof. HENRY LASTRAPES jan 1 2t 'Clerk of Court. !r Worth Considering e The question is not so much how you contract a cold ,but how to gel rid of it with the least loss of time and incenvenience. If you will oon sider the experience of others uxded d similar circumstances ,who have beed a most successful in checking thefr colds, in their beginning, you will se cure a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy without delay, and use' it s faithfully. There are many tamlltl wh ohvae used this preparation im0. oessfully for yeai-s and holu it iu high esteem. It is excellent. CUMBERLAND MANAGER TELLS OF LOCAL WORK We have been furnished with the following bit. of information concern ing the work of improvement going on at the Opelousas exchange of the Cum berland telephone company: "An important part of the manage ment of the Bell system is to keep the public informed concerning all matters relating to the telephone. "The work of remodelling and en larging the central office of the local exchange is near completion.' The main part of the work is finished and now the finishing touches are being put on. The management of the lo cal exchange invites all patrons of the company to visit the central office. "A nation-wide telephone serivce, in its daily operation, requires the co operation of all those served as well as those serving, and the financial and moral support of each individual sub. scriber." Bilious Headache When you have a severe headache, a disordered stomach aned constipation take three of Chamberlain's Tablets. They will oorrect the disorders of the liver and bowels ,effectually curing the headache. lages of striking picturesqueness along theb anks of this widely-heralded stream. Nanking, meaning Southern Capitol is 205 miles from Shanghai. The city owes its name to having been the cgpitol of the Empire, the last occasion being in the Ming dynasty at the be gining of the 15th century. The city is surrounded by great walls varying from forty to ninety feet in height and from twenty to forty feet in thick ness. These walls are said to have been built in the lift and sixth cen turies B. C. Nanking is the home of the cele brated mausoleum Emperor Hung Wu -died in 1398-with other great monu ments known as the Ming Tombs. There are many interesting ruins in and near the city, including those of Rosa Echoes The annual jubilee (Christmas), or the celebration of the birth of Our Savior, has come and gone. Young and old seemed detremined to cele brate it with due zeal, with a Christ mas tree. Happy groups of children chatttered like blackbirds- and occa sionally fired a pack of fire-crickers to the infinite dismay of horses and driv ers and shouts of laughter, and mutters of minature drums, swelled to a con tinuous dip. We have much to tlink our much esteemed teacher, Mr. J. A. Roulett, for the courtesy shown to each and every one at the school house where the tree was given. Mrs. E. V. Hudspeth brought a nice Cake which was awarded for school purposes. Mr. Geo. Hanly was the lucky one to win the cake, the pro-! ceeds being $21. Miss Rena Foote is spending the:, holidays with her brother in Arkan sas. Miss Ruth Simpson of Morrow is now employed as Mr. E. V. Hudspeth's bookkeeper. We are glad to see. Miss Julia= Thoms of Jennings and Miss Edith Baker of Garland, and all of the chil- t dien tht it;e boarding awiy frort i home at 'school that are now in our midst. a 'p i I SNOTICE TO ALL Water and Electric Customers ' Unless some unforeseen difficulty arises we will be able to furnish electricity to consumers n tr than Wednesday Night, December 29 One of the engine shafts was taken to i*OrIleans and welded at a shop making a specialty of work of this ::1 kind and they guarantee an absolutely satisfactory job. The other shaft is expected from the factory in New York any time and will be installed at once. This will again give us the three a in working order and with proper to-operation and ceful use of the current we shoaild be able to get along without further difficulty until after the new equipment arrives and is" installed. DANGER---KEEP AWAY FROM WIRES! I must especially caution parents of childra. _ wain them against the danger of wires. The high vole wwires throughout the city are in an extremely dangerous condi tion and are apt to drop at any time. With one of these wires down any other wire is a source of potential danger. KEEP AWAY FROM ALL WIRES-NO MAT TER OF WHAT KIND! V There is an especially dangerous condition existing near the High School, and parents should warn their chil dren not to play under any wires. These conditions will be remedied at the earliest possible moment, but right now they are UNSAFE. G. C. J0RDAN, Supt Hung Wu's Palace. The Ming Tombs are the most interesting in China, and have probably been photographed more by American navel men e titsan any .other statues or temples in the empire. The famous porce.ain tower' of nine stories ,and over ,t'o hua dred feet high, is also vry iMterest ting. in Nanking one can either ride I carriages, jinrickshas .,or' utomobtle, - and the later may be secured aes well as the former for sightseeing, in and, around the city. Sailormen. paking the trip up the river are prone t to take advantage of these wond" i asightn, and there is prloblbly no, body ot tourists wh obecomne more 'faminlia with hina's history than the Armer- . ,an meno'- war's-men . Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hudepetlh spent Christmas in Opelousas.~ The oyster supper given at eh g home of Mr. ELgee Hicks was quite.i a success and all those that weroe la vited were much plea.ed with the tI tertainment. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION )ESTATE OF LAWRENCE M L .UR No. -- Probate Docket, 8izteeathk Judicial District Court, Parihr of St. Landry, La. t Whereas, Numa Miller, has 1appliffi to be appointed admialatrator of tbe,'--": above numbered and' entitled estate, ;:,= and " Therefore notice Is hereby given to any -Ind all interested parties to abhow..i ; r cause, if any they can olt .a... l j: ! writing. in this offlce within ten days of the first publication hereof, why& the prayer of the sa4 petitrio r should not be granted. By order of said court, dqte olec. cember 29, 1920. Jan 1 2t Clerk of Court. STRAYED About December 1st, one s'ackand`} tan hound dog. HAs collari aw4m plate marked: E. Frilot, Seeond Lake.. Reward for return, to J. A. DURIO, dec 4 it Opelousae, 14.