Newspaper Page Text
-CHARTER OF THE CITIZENS FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY OF LOUISIANA United States of America, State of Louisiana, Parish of St Landry. Be it known, that on this 1st day of December. in the year of Our Lord One Thousand, Nine Hundred and rwIentY, before me. Allen Dezauche, a Notary Public, duly commissioned anad qualified within and for the Par ieh of St. Iadry, State of Louisiana herein residing ,and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned, personally came and appeared the undersigned, for the pur pose of incorporation of The Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana, who are subscribers to the said com pany, and stockholders, which said company is a Louisiana corporation to be domiciled in the parish of St. Lan dry, who by these presents adopt the following articles as the charter of the said Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana, to-wit: Article I. The name and title of this corpora tion shall be: "THE CITIZENS FIRE [NSURANCE COMPANY OF LOUISI ANA," and under and by this name, unless sooner dissolved in accordance with law and this charter, it shall ex ist and continue, and shall have and enjoy corporate existence and succes sion for a period of ninety-nine years. from and after date of its incorpora tion ,and it may sue and be sued. Article 11 The domicile of this corporation shall be the City of Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, and all citations and other legal process shall be served upon the president, or in his absence, the vice-president, or in his absence the treasurer or secre tary. Article III The objects and purposes for which this corporation is formed and the na t®lre of the business to be carried on it are hereby declared to be to en -Age in the business of insurance of property against loss or damage by tire, lightning or tempest on land and in the transaction of fire insurance business in all of its branches, and geenrally to Bold and exercise all such ikcidental powers and privileges and do and perform all things as relates to the objects and purposes herein above stated or as may be needful, nec essary, proper and useful as well as convenient for effecting such objects and purposes. Article IV The authorized capital stock of this corporation is hereby fixed and, de clared to be the sum of two hundred thousand ($200,000,000) dollars, divid ed into ten thousand (10,000) shares of twenty ($20.00) dollars par value each, which shall be paid for in cash within one year from date of this char ter. The capital stock shall be rep resented by certificates and shall be personal property and shall be trans ferable only on the books of the com pany. Artible V Whenever this corporation deems 'proper to increase its capital stock, it -shall be done upon the vote of two -thirds of the board of directors, rati tied by the vote of two-thirds of its stockholders representing not less than UNFORTUNATELY The Homes and Barns of bur-rural districts do not enjoy the protection afforded by the fire de Sse! US partments of our cities and towns, hence the greater need of insur a ance against loss or damage. SEE US ABOUT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE! OPLLOUSAS __ H.D.LARCADE JR. MGR. GENEiAL INSURANCE BANK On and with The Opelousas National Bank OPELOUSAS, LA. THE ONLY, NATIONAL BANK IN THE PARISH Resources ample to care for its friends and Customers ACCOUNTS SOLICITED OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: E. B. Dubuaison, Prpsident Chas. F. Boagni Chas. F. Boagni, Vloe-President E. B. Dubuisson A. Leon Dupre, Vice-Preaident, A. Leon Dupre and Casher R. LeBourgeois H. J. Prltord, Assistant Rebert Sandoz A. A. AComeau, Aasistaat Cashieer - RL. .FMds, Utility two-thirds of its capital stock at a meeting called for that purpose, after the notice published for thirty cose. cutive days in the olfcial journal, and the notice mailed to each stockholder at least thirty days prior to the date of such meeting. Upon the completion of the proceed ings the company shall submit to the Secretary of State a certr~icate setting forth the amount of the increase and the facts of the transaction, signed and sworn to by its President, Secre tary and the majority of its directors. If the Secretary of State finds that the facts confrom to the law he shall is sue a certificate to that effect. Article VI This corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of fifteen (15) stockholders. The follow ing persons are hereby nominated for the first Board of Directors: Dr. Charles F. Boagni, Opelousas, La., Dr. John A. Haas, Opelousas, La., J. P. Barnett, Opelousas, La., John Deblieux, Opelousas, La., Leon S. Haas, Opelou sas, La., Adolphe Jacobs, Opelousas, La., Frank W. Meyers, Lafayette, La., Joseph M. Boagni, Opelousas, La., A. Leon Dupre, Opelousas, La., R. Le Bourgeois, Opelousas, La., L. J. Lar cade, Opelousas, La., Armand L. De Jean, Opelousas, La., L. T. Castille, Opelousas, La., L. R. Roberts, Crowley, La., and H. D. Larca4e, Jr., Opelousas, La., of whom Dr. Charles F. Boagni, shall be president, J. P. Barnett, vice president, Dr. John A. Haas, treasurer, and H. D. Larcade, Jr., secretary. Said board of directors and officers shall hold office until the second Tuesday of January, A. D., 1922, or until their successors shall have been elected and q~tlified. The first board of directors of this corporation shall organize as soon as the legal formalities and the provi sions of this charter have been com plied with, and shall proceed to the election of one or more assistant sec retary, or such officers or other em ployes as they may deem proper, and such officers or employes shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. Article VII The board of directors and the presi dent, vice-president, treasurer, and sec retary of this corporation shall be elected annually on the second Tues day of January of each year at the stockholders meeting and in the case of that day being a dies non, on the following day. No person shall be elegfble to serve on the board of di rectors who owns less than ten (10) shares of the capital stock of this corporation. All such elections shall be by ballot and conducted at the ofice of the cor poration under the supervision of three (3) commissioners, to -be appoint ed by the board of directors. Notice of such election shall be giv en by written notice' mailed to each. stockholder at least thirty days before said election, and by publishing same in the offcial journal at least ten (10) days prior to said election. Each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote. Each of the stockholders may vote in person or by written proxy, and the majority of the votes cast shall elect. Any vacancies occuring on thd board of directors shall be, filled by it for the remainder of the term of the board. In case an election is not held as provided herein, the directors and officers then in office shall hold until their succes sors are elected and qualified. Five (5) directors 'inouding the president or vice-president, shall con stitute a quorum for the transaction of business, at the olfles of the eor poration. Article VIII All corporate powers are hereby vested in the board of directors, or in such committees or officers as may be appointed by the board, with sub-dele gation of authority and the board of directors shall have the power to make an destablish, as well as alter and amend, all by-laws, rules and re gulations necessary and proper for the conduct and management of the af fairs and business of this corporation, not inconsistent with .this charter. Said board shall also have full power and authority to borrow money through the president or some duly authorised person or persons, to exe cute mortgages, buy and sell or issue notes ,bonds or other obligations, in such amounts and on such terms as, in their judgment, may be advantageous, and generally to do all things as may be necessary to carry out the objects and purposes for which this corpora tion is organized. The board of di rectors shall have the power to sell, lend, buy, mortgage or pledge all prop erty, movable or immovable, belong ing to this corporation and to receive in consideration money or stocks or bonds or other obligations of another corporation, and also to purchase for cash or credit property of any kind re quired for any of the purposes of this corporation. Article IX This charter may be modified, amended or altered or this corporation dissolved and its affairs liquidated, in the manner and method prescribed by law, as now or hereafter in force, by a vote of two-thirds (2-3) of the stock-. holders in general meeting called for the purpose by the board of directors after ten days notice has been given to each stockholder, in the manner provided in this charter, and when ever this corporation shall be dissolv ed by limitation or otherwise, its af fairs shall be liquidated by three (8) liquidators appointed by the board of directors then in office. Article X No stockholder of this corporation shall ever be liable or responsible for the contracts or faults of this corpora tion in any further sum than the un paid balance on the stock for which he has subscribed, nor shall any mere informality in, organizatio{ have the effect of rendering this charter null or exposing the stockholders to any liability other than as above provided for. A list of the names of all stockhold ers of the corporation is attached here to: CIHAS. F. BOAGNI, J. A. HAAS, J. P. BARNETT, M. J. PULFORD, ADOLPHE JACOBS, LEON S. HAAS, A. LEON DUPRE ARMAND L. DEJEAN, JOHI DEBLIEUX, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. ROBERT SANDOZ Per E. S. Fields. M. WINSBERG, J. A. HOLLAND, per H. D. Larcade, Jr. JOHN FAKOURI, It J. LANDAU, R. LEE MILLS, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. W. J. SANDOZ MRS. J. A. BUDD, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. C. A. MORNHINVEG, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. BEN RISEMAN, LEO. N. LARCADE, R. B. CHRIST'MAN, .J. ALOYSUIS CASTILLE, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. . L. M. COUVILLON, Per H. D. Lar cage, Jr. L. J. LARCADE, L. T. CASTILLE, L. E. CASTILLE, H. D. LARCADE JR., DR. C. A. GARDINER, Per H. D. Larcade Jr. R. LeBOURGEOIS, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. JOS. M. BOAGNI, Per H. D. Lar cade Jr. FRANK W. MEYERS, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. L. R. ROBERTS, Per H. D. Larcade Jr. iR. MORNHINVIG, "er H. D. Lar cade Jr. 30S. er.. Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. J. J. BI! , t , Larcade, Jr. C. M. i . D. Larcade, Jr. L. J. BAt' .~;., Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. JOS. P. GARBO, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. MRS. O. L. GOODIXLE, Per H. D. Larcade, Jr. MISS P. R. ISAAC, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. MISS NINA MIZZI, Per H. D. Lar cade, Jr. WITNESSES: (Signed). C. J..BUDD, J. T. HAWKINS. Thus done and passed at my office in the parish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, in the presence of C. J. Budd and J. T. Hawkins, competent witnesses, 'who hereunto sign their names with said appearers and me, No tary, on the day nd date first hereinabove written, as witness such signatures and the seal of me, Notary. (Signed) ALLEN DEZAUCHE, Notary Public. STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. I, the undesigned, deputy clerk of St. Landry parish, Louisiana, hereby certify that the within and foregoing Ast of Incorporation of "The Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Louisiana," was this day duly recorded in my of fice in Charter Book, No. 1. pp-. Witness my hand and the seal of my office, at Opelousas, St. Landry parish, Louisiana. this first day of Decembea, A. D., 1920. A. J. T. LITTELL, dec 4 6t Deputy Clerk. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Sprains, etc.-adv. sept 25. R. D. IRJDSPETII Dental Surgeon Opselousas, La. Office In Landau Building. Ple Snod m 6 t 14 Bqy . Melville Board *f Aldermen We your committee appointed to draft budget for town of Melvrille, La., beg to report the following: BUDGET FOR 1921 General fund 10 mills, regular tax, on $425,000 assessed val uation.. .$..............$4250.00 Special L L. 2 mills tax on 425,000 assessed valuation.. 850.00 Balance in bank to credit B. L. tax fund.. ............ 807.87 License and street tax anti cipated.... .............. 600.00 Electric Lights receipts anti cipated... .............. 3000.00 Fines anticipated.... .... 100.00 $9607.87 DISBURSEMENT $9607.87 Iayor's salary ............ ..$ 300.00 Marshal's salary ............ 300.00 Clerk's salary .. ........... 30.00 Treasurer's salary.......... 30.00 Inspector of accounts salary.. 30.00 SAssessors' salary ............ 50.00 Street commissioner's salary.. 60.00 Attorney.................. 100.00 For printing minutes of the town proceedings .......... 75.00 Tax collector's commission for colecting general fund ...... 212.50 Tax colector's domission for collecting special E. L. tax 85.00 Merchants and Farmers Bank, loan....... ........... 1500.00 Electric Light, salaries'...... 1800.00 Electric Bonds and Interest.. 1300.00 Expenses for street lights.... 900.00 Improvement fund...... .... 2835.37 $9607.87 Respectfully submitted, GUS ROSENBERG, R. H. JONES, SR. Moved by W. J. Bergeron and sec onded by Peter Glaser that the above budget be accepted. On roll call the following vote was taken, W. J. Ber geron, Peter Glaser, R. H. Jones, and Gus Rosenberg. Nays: None. Moved by Rosenberg ,and seconded by R. H. Jones that the following or dinance be adopted as read. On roll call the vote was as follows: W. J. Bergeron, Peter Glaser, R. H. Jones and Gus Rosenberg: Nays: .None. Ordinance No. 82 of 1920 To provide for an annual revenue for the town of Melville, La., for the year 1921, by levying an annual tax upon all property situated in the corporate limits of the said town, not exempt from taxation under the laws and con stitution of the state, for the year 1920, and providing the enaorcing and collection of same; and To provide for the payment of the Electric Light bonds maturing during the year 1921, and the interest on bonds during said year, by levying a special tax for the year, 1920, upon all property situated in the corporate limits of the said town not exempt from taxation and providing the man ner of enforcing colection of sa'me. Section 1. Be it ordained, by the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Melville, La,. that for the year 1920, there is hereby levied a tax of ten mills, (10) on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all property sit uated within the corporate limits of the said town except Auch as is ex empt from taxation under the consti tution and existing laws of the state. Section 2. Be it further ordained. etc., That there is hereby levied on all property in the said town of Mel ville, La. subject to taxation by the Laid town a special tax of two (2) mills on the dollar of the assessed value for the year 1920 for the pur pose of paying principal and interest of the electric light bonds maturing aduring the year 1921. Section i. Be it ordained ,etc., That said special tax, when collected shall be' applied first to the payment of principal and interest of said bonds maturing during the year 1921, and any sum remaining shall constitute a sinking fund and be held separte and apart from all ohter funds of the said town, for the purpose of paying prin cipal and interest of bonds thereafter maturing. Section 4. Be it further ordained, etc., That the taxes hereby levied shall be due nad payable at the office of town tax-collector as soon as the tax roll of said town shall have been completed and rfiled in the office of said town tax collector and after this ordinance shall become effective. Section 5. Be it further ordained, etc., That no force collection of taxes due upon movable property shall be made before the time or date set a'part for the forceable collection of state taxes. Section 6. Be it further ordained, etc., That it shall be the duty of the town tax-collector to receive and col lect the taxes interest penalties and cost due thereon to said town within such time and in such manner as pro vided by the existing state laws pro vided for by the charter of this town. Section 7. Be it further ordained, etc., That all ordinances of parts of dinance shall take. effect from and after its promulgation. Section 8. Be it further ordained, etc., That al lordinances or part of ordinances in conflict herewith or in consistant to this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed. Thus done and passed in regular session convened this 7th day of the month og December, A. D., 1920. P. W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Attest:-E. J. LeBLANC,. Clerk. Moved by Peter Glaser and seconded by W. J. Bergeron that the above and foregoing ordinance be adopted as read. On roll call the vote was as fol lows: W. J. Bergeron, Peter Glaser, R. H. Jones and Gus. Rosenberg. Nays None. Ordinance No. 83 Of 1920 An ordinance for the. levying and col lecting of town licenses. Section 1. Be it ordained by the mayor and board of aldermen of the town of Melville, La., in regular ses sion convened, that the license laws of the state of Louisiana now in force shall insofar as applicable be the li cense ordinance of the town of Mel ville, La., for the year 1921, and each subsequent year thereafter, unless otherwise changed. Section 2. Be it further ordained. etc., That thi or'" -ice shall take ef fect from and ,-;r December 31st, Seotc:on 3. Be it further ordained, etc., that all ordinance of parts of or dinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Thus done and pass4d in regular session convened this 7th day of the month of December, A. D. 1920. P. W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Attest:-E. J. LeBLANC, Clerk. Moved by R. H. Jones and seconded by Per ter Glasers that the board dg now P. W. LAFLEUR, Mayor. Atteet:-E. J. LeBLANC, Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE SILAS W. DAY Versus MARY W. HENDRICK ET ALS No. 21,646, Civil Docket, Sixteenth Ju. dicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, issued out of the Honorable Six teenth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, Louisi ana, in the above entitled and num bered suit, and to me directed, I have" seized and will proceed to offer for t sale, at public auction to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the court house of St. Landry parish at Opelousas, Louisiana, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de- t scribed property, to-whit: ("A") All of the property purchased F by the vendbrs herein from E. G. Clark c on March 13 ,1919, in Section Fifty- i five (55) and Fifty-six (56), Township I Three (3) South Range Three (3), 1 East ,lying west and south of the South i ern Pacific Railroad, but expressly ex cepting therefrom the one-half (1-2) acre tract specifically described in i said deed from Clark t ovendors here- I in, which deed for more certainty of description is by reference made part I hereof. ("B") Begin at an iron stake on the east side 'of the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railway Company. near the dividing line between sections fifty-five (55) and fifty-six (56), Town ship Three (3) South Range Three (3) East, thence run at right angles, more' or less, from the railway right- E of-way along the fence a distance of two hundred and fifty (250) feet; then run South parallel to the railroad a distance of thirty-eight (88) feet; then run at right angles, more or less, and parallel to the fence away from rail way right-of-way a distance of eighty. nine (89) feet; then run at right angles t more or less ,north and parallel to the railway right-of-way a distance of sev en (7) feet; then run at right ariles. more or less, away from the railway right-of-way along the center of the irainage ditchl to the rear boundary line of the property acquired by ven dors herein from E. G. Clark on March 13, 1919, then follow the boundary line of Section Fiftylive (55), Township Three (3) South, Range Three (3) East ,back to the railroad right-of-way then along said right-of-way to point of beginning, it being 'the intention of the vendor herein to convey to the vendee herein one-half (1-2) of the acreage, more or less, acquired by ven dors herein from the said E. G. Clarkl as per.deed dated March 13, 1919, of record in St. Landry parish, Louisi ana. ,TERMS AND CONDITIONS--Cash, to pay and satisfy the sum of Nine Thousand Five Hundred and No-100 Dolars ($9,500.00), with interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per-annum from February 3, 1920, until paid, and ten (10) per cent additional on prin cipal and interest as attorney's fees. and all the costs of this suit, unless the same is immediately paid. CHARLES THIBODEAUX, Sheriff St. Landry Parish, La. dec 14 tds. SHERIFF'S SALE t J. LEER LACOMBE Versus WIDOW AND HEIRS OF C. C. POR TER No. 21,639, Civil Docket, Sixteenth Ju dicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale, issued out of the Honorable Six teenth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, Louisi ana, in the above entitled and ntim bered suit, and to me directed, I have seized and will proceed to offer for sale, at public auction to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the co-rt 'house of St. Landry parish at Opelousas, Louisiana, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1)20, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de scribed property, to-wit: Two certain lots or parcels of land, situated in the town of Eunice, parish of St. Landry, state of Louisiana, and known and designated upon the official map of the original townsite of the said town of Eunice, filed September 10, 1894, with deed records of St. Lan dry parish, La., as Lots Nos. 8 and 9 of Block No.' Thirty (30) thereof, each of said lots having a frontage of fifty (50) feet upon Sixth street, by a depth of one hundred and forty-two (142) feet, running west between parallel lines to a public alley, as fully shown per said map, and being the same prop erty which the said Sarey C. Porter acquired of James J. Lewis and J. Leer Lacombe'on November 5, 1913, passed before James L. Hammers, and duly recorded on November 10, 1913, in Mortgage Book No. 48-A, page 288 of the files of the clerk of St. Landry parish, Ia. TERMS AND CONDITIONS----Cash, to pay and satisfy the sum of Two Hundred and No-100 ($200.00) dollars, with eight per cent per annum inter est thereon from November 5, 1913, until paid and ten per cent additional on the aggreg'ate amount due as at Storney's fees, and aill costs, unless the same is immediately paid. CHARLES THIBODEAUX, Sheriff St. Laadry Parish, La. dec 11 tds. 3 STOCKHOLDERS'" MEETING Notice is hereby given that the an Snual meeting of the Stockholders of the St. Landry Bank and Trust Co., Opelousas, La., for the purpose ofJ electing Twelve (12) Directors and a President, Vice-Presidents and Vice SPresident and Cashier to serve for Sthe year 1921 will be held at the! Sbanking house in Opelousas, La, on January 11th, 1921, between the Shours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. L. J. LARCADE, - jan 1 2t Vice-President and Cashier I FOR SALE AT LEONVILLE--One Sresidence, store and lot of E. E. Voor Ihies.' Best location in town for busi 'ness, with beautiful shade trees, fruit trees and flowers.' Retiring from Sbusiness on account of-bad health. Will sell on easy terms. Jax 1 St SHERIFF'S SALE GILBERT L. DUPRZ, TUTOR Versus AL.CEB A. LEGER No. 21,700, Civil Docket, Sixteenth Ju diolial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, Louisiana By virtue of an order of seizure and sale, issued out of the Honorable Six teenth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, Louisi ana, in the above entitled and number ed suit, "nd to me directed, I have seized and will proceed to offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the court house of St. Landry parish at Opelosasa, Louisiana, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following de scribed property, to-wit: A certain tract of land containing twenty (20) acres, together with the building land improvements thereon, I situated in the Fourth Ward near Bay ou Rogge in the parish of St. Landry and bounded as follows: North, by > property of Ursin Schexnaider; South, by property of Azenor Lejeune; East, by property of J. F. Phillips, and West, by property of Ursin S.hexnaid er. Being the same property which the said Alcee A. Leger acquired from Ernest Soileau on the 27th day of De cember, 1917, by act of sale executed before Gilbert L. Dupre, Notary Pub lic, and duly recorded in Conveyance Book "I" No. 4 1-2, page 501, clerk's office, St. Landry. TERMS AND OONDITIONGS-For cash to pay and satisfy the sum of fifty-four dollars and eigthy cents with eight per cent per annum inter est from December 27, 1919, and tea per cent attorney's fee on both said amounts, and on terms of credit as follows, to-wit: Fifty-four dollars and eighty cents to be paid December 27, 1921, and fifty-four dollars and eighty cents, to be paid Deomeber 27, 1922, with eight per cent per annum interest from December 27, 1919 together with ten per cent attorney's fee on both said amounts and all the costs- of this suit. CHARLES THIBODEAUX, dec 25 tds Sheriff. Kidney Trouble Relieved! No matter how much pain and distress your kidneys and bladder are causing you, quick relief may be yours through HOBO Kidney & Bladder Remedy. Made from native herbs, this remedy has given prompt and permanent relief in hundreds of cases, and may be taken freely without harmful effects. No alcohol Sold by all druggists for $1.20 the bottle. Hobo Med. Mfg, Co., Shreveport, La. HOBO I dny #laddw.Reudy TREPASS NOTICE Al hunting and trespassing on my property. in West Bellevue, is posaf tively prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted. ADAM GAL. decl8 4t. From a man who has traveled a million mites "My A B. Cheques were just as good as gold and taste as ha ndy--negotiab at any time and anywhee," says a wellknown lecturer and writer on travel topics. He carries "A. B.A" Cheques because he knows the are everywhere accpted and because they are safe. Until the owiaer has placed his countersignature on each Cheque in the presence of the person accepting them, they are useless to a finder or thief, if lost or stolen. Ask for attractive booklets further describing the conmn. lance and safety of these Cheques. Planters Bank & Trust Company MEN of sound judg, ment appreciate the true worth of Born Tailored-to-Measure clothes. The Born Label gives them assurance of sen sible style; clothes com fort; long wear. And men who like these features find ad ditional satisfaction in T the economy afforded by Born prices. FELIX CHACHERE PROPOSALS Sealed proposals will be reoei the Board of Commissioners Bayou Boent and Waxla )D trict, at its offices in Opelo until 11 o'clock a.i m., JANUARY 15, 1921, for the en.ravtion of appro nine hundred thousand (900,000 yards of earth in the cleaning you Waxia, Little Bayou W Cow bayou, the bottom width of. bayous ranges from. twenty ( forty (40) feet; and the exca approximately one.. hundred enty-five thousand (175,000) yards of earth in the cleaning, the laterals and ditches with the above mentioned which laterals have a bottom ranging from ten (10) to flfteen feet. All proposals must include the ing of the right-of-way for the yous and laterals in said Drainsg trict. The successful bidder is req purchase the three hundred and five thousand ($335,000.00) do thirty-five (35) year five 15 per per cent serial coupen bonds of MiListrict at par and accrued in The proceeds from the said bondas be placed in a depository of the and two boats must be put to the District within sixty (O). from the date on which the bid cepted and on which the nishes the bidder with ihe ap, opinion of some recognized bon torney or attorneys that the bonds a legal and binding obligation ea District. The Board reserves the right ject any or all bids. For turth formation, apply to ALLOTES TLETHWAITE, President, o.' FRANKLIN SCHELL, Special sentative, Washington, La. Janl-2t NOTICE OF FINAL TABLr~A ESTATE OF LAURENT NO~j No. , Probate .Docekt, 8 Judicial Listrict Court,' of St. Landry, La. Whereas, Irene Shute, ad trix, of the above numbered: and titled estate has filed therein her.o nal tableau of classification of do and distribution of funds of said, cession, and praws for the he tion of the same, now - Therefore, notice is hereby g. to any and. all parties who may haI cause why the said tableau should be homologated to file samne n . ing in this office within ten days. the first publication hereof. HENRY LASTRAPUS Jan 1 2t Clerk of Co NOTICE No hunting or trespassing oa my places. J. B. HI DALGO, louses, La. Itub-My.Tlsm is a great pai It relieves, .pains and sornesse by Rheumatism, Neuragifa, Sp ete.-adv. sept 35.