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(OFFICIAL) Police Jury Proceedings Opelousas, La., Jan. 8, 1921. The police jury met in regular and lawful session, this third day of Jan uary, 1921, with the following mem bers present: Dr. F. O. Pavy, president, presiding; Messrs. Phillips, Cummings, Guidroz, Moreau, W. F. Brown, McCaffery, De shotels, Guillory, Dupre, Lejean, Syl vestre, Mills. Motion by Mr. Guillory, Resolved that Mr. Jno. F. Launey be end he is hereby appointed as a mem ber of the Board of Equalizers, of the parish of St. Landry, as per Act No. 231 of the General Assembly for the year 1920. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. McCaffery, Resolved that Mr. Arehie Dunbar, be and he is hereby appointed as a member of the Board of Equalizers of the parish of St. Landry, as per Act No. 231, of the General Assembly for the year 1920. Motion carried. On motion of Mr. McCaffery, The police jury adjourned until 2 o'clock, p. m. Evening Session The police jury met pursuant to ad journment. Present: Dr. F. O. Pavy, president, presiding; Messrs. Mills Phillips, Du pre, Cummings, Guidroz, Moreau, Mc Caffery, Deshotels, Dejean, Guillory, Godeau, Sylvestre, Clopton. Motion by Mr. Moreau, Whereas, the board of supervisors of the 1st Roard District, 3rd Police Jury Ward has obtained a right-of-way through the property of D. H. Bernard on the west side of Baylou Teche, and Plie ManWho Works with mind or muscle, needs that sturdy blend of wheat and malted. barley - Grap e Nuts Concentrated noux ishment of pleasing flavor at low cost. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE ad&ty Postum Cereal Co.Ic., Battle Ceek,Mich. • - =. r=.*r* Am C| ii |ur St. Landry Bank & Trust Co. OPELOUSAS, LOUISIANA Report furnished to the Examiner of State Banks by the above Bank at the close of business on Decmber 31st, 1920. RESOURCES: LIABILITIES: Loans secured by mortgage-- -_ _$ 558,958.22 Capital stock, paid in ......... $125,000.00 Other loans and discounts-----. ---- 1,236,842.31 Surplus . - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- . 50,000.00 Overdrafts secured and unsecured - - NONE Undivided profits, less expenses, taxes United States Government Bonds. 228,550.00 - .and dividends paid--------.... .. 35,087.46- 210,087.46 Other Bonds, stocks, securities, etc., . 373,129.37- 2,487,479.90 Dividends unpaid ($20.00 per share payable Banking house, furniture and fixtures. _ 19,000.00 Jan. 1, 1921)-_-_ .,--------- -----.- -. 25,000.00 Other real estate owned - 2,468.18 Due to other banks and bankers .. ... 133,998.82 Cash items - - -------------- 1,556.28 Cashier's checks outstanding --- - . 22,736.24 Due from banks and bankers.. . 273,017.90 Individual deposits subject to ch ck - - 1,433,047.26 Checks on other banks ------- .. 5,583.49 Demand certificates of deposit...... 786.50 Gold coin . -- --.. - - - - ---------- 15,000.00 Individual savings deposits ..... .. -- 255,371.52 Silver, nickel and copper coin---. 9,509.58 Time'- certificates of deposit-.. .._ 474,554.53 National bank notes and all issues U. S. TOTAL DEPOSTS - --- ---- -- - 2,320,494.87 government- ..... -- --------- ---- 31,967.00- 336,634.25 Bills payable------------------ 290,000.00 $2,845,582.33 $2,845,582.33 STATE OF LOUISIANA, j . PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. I, J. A. Haas, President, and I, L. J. Larcade, Vice-President and Cashier, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowldge and belief. ~ , J. A. HAAS, President, L. J. LARCADE, Vice-President and Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of December, 1920. H.D. LARCADE, Jr. Notary Public. Whereas, the old road is .o loinr. r r.eedd, therefore be it resolved, taat the parish hereby abondons its claim to said old road opposite the property of the said D. H. Bernard and be tween his property and the Bayou °Teche; the same to revert back to the said D. H. Bernard. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. R. L. Mills, That a committee of two be appoint ed. with the clerk of this body, to canvass the returns of the election held in the Second Road District, 4th Police Jury Ward of St. Landry par ish, La., on Thursday, the 23rd day of December ,1920. Motion carried. Chair appointed Messrs. R. L. Mills and Eloi Guillory. The committee composed of Messrs. R. L. Mills and Eloi Guillory, assisted •by the clerk of this body and duly ap pointed to -canvass the returns of the election held in the Second (2nd) Road District 4th Police Jury Ward, parish of St. Landry, La., on Thurs day, December 23, 1920, in open and regular session of the police jury, did canvass the returns of said elec tion and reported the resulsts thereof, as follows, to-wit: Melville Precinct: No. of property taxpayers voting in favor of issuing bonds ....... 27 No. of property t'axpayers voting against issuing bonds .......... 1 Majority for ...................26 Total valuation of property voted in favor of issuing bonds .... .. ...........8 ,140.00 Total valuation of property voted against issuing bonds ................... 3,430.00 Majority in favor ........$74,710.00 Pa :netto Paccn-,:: Nv vc*es r. Upon mcn io:l cf Mr T?. Is. Mc ..t,-y., the report of committee on the can vags of the returns of .ald road bond election held in the Second (2nd) Road District 4th Police Jury Ward, St. Landry pariah, La., on December 23rd, 1920, was received and accepted and an ordinance ordered drafted in accordance therewith nad the promul gation of said election be published according to law. Motion carried. Mr. M. J. Godeau offered the follow ing ordinance. An Ordinance Whereas, on Thursday, the 23rd day of December, 1920 ,an election was held in the Second (2nd) Road District, 4th Police Jury Ward of the parish of St. Landry, La., to determine the following proposi tion to-wit: "Proposition to incur debt and Is sue serial negotiable bonds of Road District Number Two (2) of the Fourth (4th) Police Jury Ward of St. Lan dry parish, State of Louisiana, in addition to the debt previously incur red and bonds previously issued for said district, said additional debt to be incurred and bonds to be issued to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, ($15(1.000.00), and said bonds to be serial bonds running from one to thirty (30) years, bering interest at the rate of five per centum (5) per annur, payable semi-annually, said aditional debt to be incurred and *bonds issued for the purpose of constructing and maintaining public roads and highways within the terri torial limits of said road district, and particularly for the purpose of com pleting the Melville-Palmetto Highway and for the construction of a gravel road along the Atchafalaya River and that portion of the Palmetto-Bayou Rouge road lying within the boundar ies of the said Second Road District." Whereas, the returns of said elec tion were duly canvassed by the po lice jury of the parish of St. Landry, according to Ldaw, and notice to that effect given on the 3rd day ofNov ember, 1920 ,and the result of said election was declared to be that said propostlion has been carried in favor of said proposition, as follows, to-wit: Majority in favor of issuance of bonds, Twenty-six (26) votes in num ber; and Seventy-four Thousand, Sev en Hundred and Ten Dollars ($74, 710.00), in amount of property valua tion. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the police jury of the parish of St. Landry, in regular session convened, that said proposition having been car ried at said election the result there of shall be promulgated by the presi dent and clerk of the police jury by the publication of one issue of the official journal under their respec tive signatures and this shall be their authority for so doing. The foregoing ordinance was duly rea dand considered an da majority of the members elect being present voted as follws: For: Messrs. R. L. Mills, F. H. Phillips, E. M. Dupre,, E. A. Cum mings, C. Guidroz, Dr. F. O. Pavy, D. P. Moreau, W. F. Brown, M. J. Go deau, Thos. McCaffery, A. Deshotels, A. Sylvestre, W. C. Dejean, Eldl Guil lory. Against: None. Abserft: Messrs. J. T. St. Cyr,, B. W. Clopton. Adopted January 3rd, 1921. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President Police Jury, St. Landry parish, La. Attest:-J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Mr. C. Guidroz offered the follwo ing Resolution Whereas, there exists the necessity fc-r the' `itabiislsment of a public raid ccnne-uing t--ithe pbhli r-i-jd on Lite front of the A. C. O~lvtir -home place, li the 2nd police jury ward of the parish, ac tie .oint, where the same ,turns separating the Oivier piope.ty fromn the Higginbotham property with the public road leading from Sunset, to Carencro bridge and running in a southwesterly direction through the properties of Perry Higginbotham, Mrs. Eliza Higginbotham, Dave Hig ginbotham, Frank and A. C. Olivier, Gerard Marks, .Baptiste Marks, Eug ene Stelly, Joe. Landry and Euclide ¶.andry; therefpre, Be it resolved, that Dr. E. S. Barry, Felix Stelly, A. C. Olivier, Euclide Landry, Armand Stelly, and Artebus Landry,' resident ,inhabitants of the said parish and ward ,be and they I are hereby appointed as a jury of freeholders to lay out and trace said public road to the greatest advantage of the inhabitants of said locality and with as little prejudice to existing in -closures as possible, and to assess such damage as any person may sus tain by reason of the tracing of said road; said jury to be duly sworn as the law directs and to report to this body at its next meeting, the location of said road as traced 'by them, as also the amount of damage sustained by each land owner through whose property said road has been traced. Motion carried. Acceptance of State and Federal Aid Extract from the minutes of the meeting qf the police jury of St. Lan dry parish held this 3rd day of Jan uary, 1921. Be -it remembered, that the police jury of St. Landry parish, state of Louisiana, met in the court house in the city of Opelousas, St. Landry parish, Louisiana, on the above date, in regular session convened, with the folowing members present: R. L. Mills, F. H. Phillips, Edgar M. Dupre, E. A. Cummings, Clarvais Gui droz, Dr. F. O. Pavy, D. P. Moreau, W. F. Brown, Thos. MoCaffery, Arthur Deshotels, Alex. Sylvestrer W. C. De jean, Eloi Guillory. A quorum present. Whereupon the following proceed ings were had and ordered recorded. By Mr. D. P. Moreau: Whereas: The police jury of St. Landry parish, under resolution of Jan. 3, 19211, and under the provisions of Act No. 49 of 1920, petitioned the State Highway Department, Board of State Engineers, for State Aid and Supervision and for Federal Aid in the construction of the Opelousas Arnaudville Highway, and Whereas: The State Highway De partment, Board of 'State Engineers, has made the necessary surveys, and has submitted a report together with maps, plans, profiles, typical sections, etc., relative to the location, length, quantities and estimated cost, etc., of said highway, situated in the par ish of St. Landry, State of Louisiana, between Devilliers' Corner and Cain Store, same being approximately 3.55 miles long, and, . Whereas: The state of Louisiana, through Its Highway Department, Board of State Engineers, has agreed, provided it can, secure aid from the Federal Government, to extend the parish of St. Landry the sum of $17 500.00, or approximately 50 per cent of estimated- cost out of funds avail able during :the year 1921, and the sum of $........... ., from funds that will beavailable during the year 19.., towards the cost of constructing the aforesaid highway, and provided that the parish of St. Landry has on hand, or will- secure without delay, all addi ,tional :fUnds necessary for the -construe tiolrof',this highway ,and the mainten ance-of same after completion; there foitei:: B- it resolved: By the ipoice ~uif .; St. Landry parish, State of Louslana, that President F. Ooave Pavy, or -his sacce€sor, be and he is i:ereby in strauetsd, authorized and empowerr' ed to accept the otter cf st. ze 'nd fcd eral aid made by the s".a 2 L,.:," ana through ' the state highway de partment Board of State Engineers, on the construction of the above highway, as indicated on maps, plans, profiles, and as described in report submitted by the state highway engi neer and embracing a total distance of approximately 3:55 miles. Be it further resolved ,etc.: That the president of the police jury of St. Landry parish, notify the state high way department, Board of State En gieers, that the parish of St. Landry, and the police jury of said parish, have on hand the sum of thirty-five thousand and no-100 ($35,000.00) Dol lars ,to be used for the construction and completion of said highway, and' that the same is now on deposit with the St. Landry Bank & Trus tCo., the Opelousas National Bank and the Planters Bank & Trust Company, of Opelousas, Louisiana, and further gurantee to secure, if- required, all additional funds necessary for the con struction and completion of said high way, and in addition further guar antee and agree to secure, by deeds of conveyance, all rights-of-way 'that are required by the state highway de partment, board of state engineers, and by Act 49 of 1910. Be it further resolved, etc.: That the president of the police jury of St. Landry parish, notify the highway de partment, board of state engineers, 'that the parish of St. Landry has in addition to the thirty-five thousand and no-100 Dollars ($35,000.00) Dol lars, construction funds, hereinabove mentioned, to be used in construction of the Opelousas-Arnaudville Highway, the sum of .. . ..... ($..........,) Dollars, which sum is derived from the bond issue tax, which, for the year 19.... wil yield approximately .... ........ (...........) Dollars. This fund, or as much thereof as may be necessary ,will be applied to the maintenance of the Opelousas-Arnaud ville Highway, and' will be available each year after the completion of the highway. Be it further resolved, etc.: That if the cost of constructing the proposed highway should exceed the estimate as made by the state highway engi neer, the police jury of St. Landry parish promises and pledges itself to raise such additional fund as may be necessary to complete the work. Be it further resolved, etc.: That the president of the police jury of St. Landry parish,state of Louisiana, make formal request upon the state highway department, Board of state engineers, to proceed to, as soon as possible, .pre pare form of contract, plans and spe cifications ,and advertise the above mentioned highway, and invite seal ed proposals for the construction thereof. Be it further resolved, etc.: That the president of the police jury of St. Landry parish, F. Octave Pavy, or his successor, be and he is hereby instructed, authorized and empowered to sign, make and execute contract for the construction of the above mentioned highway on such terms and conditions as he may deem proper in conjunction with the state of Louisi ana, through the Highway Depart ment, Board of State Engineers, and the Federal Government ,'through the Department of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering, and to any and all things necessary in the premises. Roll call resulted-Ayes 13; Nays none; Resolution adopted.' 'F. OCIAVE P1AVY, President Police Jury, S;. Landry' Parish. S~f~ ~.~:~C INr ary. (.i Chtei ' of Mr. Cummings, The. po~tce. jur.... recessed for twen ty minutes. The police jury reassembled after recess with, a quorum present. On motion of Mr. Deshotels, The police jury adjourned until to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. January 4th, 1921. The police jury met pursuant to adjournment. -Present: Dr. F 0. . Pavy, president, presiding; Messrs. Mills Cummings, Moreau, W. F. Brown, Clopton, Go deau, McCaffery, Sylvestre, Dejean, Phillips, Deshotels, Dupre. Motion by Mr. Sylvestre, Be it resolved, that the president and clerk of this body be and they are hereby authorized to issue a war rant for the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars against the "sheiff's salary fund" of 1920, in favor of the parish treasurer ,to pay salaries of the sher iff and expenses for the month of December, 1920, and the parish .treas urer is hereby authorized to pay said salaries from the "sheriffs salary fund," accordingly. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. McCaffery, Be it resolved, that the clerk of this body be and he is hereby in structed to notify 'the Superintendent of the Southern Pacific R. R. Co., to have repaired the railroad crossing on the gravel road between Opelousas and Washington, as said crossing is in a most dangerous condition; an automobile having been wrecked at said crossing, on yesterday. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Brown, Whereas, due to the extraordinary conditions following the readjustment of financial affairs and business gen erally throughout this parish, state and country, the great ,majority of the taxpayers of the parish of St. Lanary 'find themselves financially embarrass ed at the present time; the farmers of this parish like their fellows throughout the nation, are especially depressed due to the fact that their crops, raised at heavy and unusual cost, are either not salable at all or are being sacrificed at very low prices; many of the farmers in an effort to sell their crops later on at a more satisfactory price than at present can be secured, are holding their rice and cotton for better prices which many financiers agree is likely to Ibe realized within the. next few months; and Whereas, the assessor of the par ish of ,St. Landry has just filed with the tax-collector of said parish the tax rolls for the year 1920 and the tax-collector has entered upon the collection of sid taxes; and, Whereas, it has been customary to give to the taxpayers in ordinary years until March 1st to pay their taxes without' any penalties being added because of deinquency until af fter that date, so that a corresponding extension should be granted to the taxpayers within which to pay their taxes during this extraordinary condi tion of affairs, and at the same time would give the tax-collector a little extra time to do the work which he has heretofore been able to commence thirty or sixty days sooner; there fore, be iLt .. Resolved, that the police jury of the parish of St. Landry hereby or dains: that the time from which pen Salties shall be enforced as against those taxpayers who fail to pay their taxes sooner shall not begin until April 1, 1921 ,and the clerk of this body be and he is hereby instructed Sttion to' the s~aeriff'in3 tI z s cki.t, of t:he of St. Landry so that' insofer as applies to the collection of : the taxes due this paitl"' for the' .rir 1920 thatno penait'.s wih be pn forced against the "taxxayers of taos parish until after Arll 1., 1921. Motion "unricd. Motion by Mr. Guidros, ..` Be it resolved, that a comitt" tee, composed of Messrs..$ Alex. Sylvestre, Arthur Deshotels,: Thmlie Vidrine ,Ernest B. Fonteo t` oiduis Sylvestre, and Clemont Vidrwt `be ap. pointed to lay out road leading from ` Barron bridge to Guillory r~ildge same being for the purpose ol making a change in said road existingbetwee said points. Motion carriedM" " Mr. McCaffery moved- that.. M r.: Theo. Doucet be added tO the above committee. Motion car ied. Motion by Mr. Milla, . Resolved, that the re .ipon of Mr. L. L. Valin, as a -o the Board of Supervisors of district 4th ward be received and ac cepted. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Sylvestre, Be it resolved, that Mr. Am qte Valin be and he is hereby aapoin~ - member of the Board of :Suwrs or of Road District No. 1, 4th. ` *Zce Jury Ward, vice L. L. Valin,; r4igne ed. Motion carried. On motion of Mr. Moreau, The police jury adjourhed until 9 o'clock, p. m. Evening Seslsion The police jury met pursuant to ad..* journment. Present: Dr. F. O. Pavy, president, presiding; Messrs. Mills, Dupre, Cam mings, Guidroz, Moreau, W. F. Brown, Clopton, Godeau, McCatfery, Desfioteils, Dejean, Ijhillipes, Syfrv tre. Motion by Mr. W. F. Brown, Y 4 Resolved, that the report of ,t Board of 'Supervisbrs of the Road District of the Foutith iPoliee Jury Ward be received; that, t sa4:: cordance with said report, the clerk: of this body be, and' he is, hereby, authorized and directed to deliver t' said R. .M. Hollier, as provided, by h*i contract of September 7, 1918, widi this body, all the rematining ,bo.l Of the issue of $25,000.00 made by esaid_ Road District, such cash as may ba: on hand and collected by said cler.i for account of said Road District aMi was on hand at the time of the ltthng out of said contract (and not enpezd; ed), including the collect'ion uf ttei eat coupons on said bonds to t1is': date; provided, however, th. the sum of four thousand five hundred Collar. be retained by said clerk until the' final completion of the oontirad:c said Hollier and provided fuather, that the bond of said Hollier, be kept in full force and effect until the fp completion of said work. Motion fried. Motion by Mr. Godeau, Resolved that a committee comipo.c of Messrs. L. L. Gansonsi H. Beords4i E. Leger, Frank Frame B. M. Andew' son nad Simon Allen be appointed. W; lay out a road through the 1%ewma:. plantation, beginning where the arert. road turns off at Niggerfoot brI.d running through Newman plaýta ti to the Bayou Jack road; 'said Q mittee to report back to this bOdy at nex. regular meeting. Motion eao"' ried. Committee Report Opelousas, La., Jan., 3rd, 1921; To the Honorable President. Members of the Police Jury, . Landry Parish, La. Gentlemen:- We, your committe appointed to consider the claim of + W. Krotz ,against the First Road'.s (Continued on page 8).: