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Police Jury Proceedings (Continued from page 6) trict, 4th Polce Jury Ward of St. Landry parish, and report to your hon orable body its recommendations as to whether or not, said claim should be paid, beg leave to report that a ma jority of your committee voted to re ject the entire claim and the subject matter referred to the court, if clai mant so desires, for adjustment. Respectfully submitted, W. C. DEJFIAN, Chairman. Opelousas, La., Jan. 3rd, 1921. To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury, St. Landry Parish, La. "Minority Report" Gentlemen:-We your committe ap pointed to consider the claim of C. W. Krcst against the First Road Did triot, Fourth Police Jury Ward of St. Landry' parish ,and report to your honorable body its recommendation -is to whether or not, usid claims should be paid ,beg to report that a minority! of your committee voted to pay the' C. W. Kr:itz claim against the First Road District of the Fourth Police Jury Ward ,anounting to $905.00 less the $205.00 covering his trip and ex penses to Baton Rouge. La. Respectfully submitted, W. F. BROWN, M. J. GODEAU. Motion by Mr. Guidroz. duly secend ed, That the majority report of com mittee appointed to consider claim of Mr. C. W. Krotz, which majority, re port rejected payment of said claim be received and adopted and commit tee discharged. Mr. Clopton. moved as a substitute that the minority report recommending pa~l nt, of said claim of C. W. Krotz be retelved and approved. Motion duly seconded. For the substitute; Messrs. W. F. Brown` Godeau, 2 yeas. Against Messre. Mills, Phillips, Du pre, Cummings, Guidroz, Pavy, Moreau MCat-ery, Deshotels,. Sylvestre, De . jean, 11 'nays. Substitute lost. .The original motion was then voted* npon atid carried. On motion of Mr. Guidroz, The ,police jury adjourned until to anorrotw morning at 10 o'clock. January 5th, 1921. 'h'e police jury met pursuant to 'tdjournment. I Present: Dr. F. O. Pavy, president, presiding; Messrs. Mills. Phillips, Du I .pre, Guldroz, Moreau, W. F. Brown. MtCaffery, Deshbotels, Sylvestre, De Mr. w. F. Brown ,offered the fol " owlng ordineade, duly seconded, to An Ordinance Levying a special tax for the payment of bonds and interest authorized and Issued, by virtues of the au thority vested in the police jury - in the Firest (1st) Road Listrict, -i:". 4th Police Jury Ward of the par t.: i of St. Landry, La., whereln L .: >-. ectSal Road elections were held" Si:: )ondoa authorized issued. : Heit ordained by the police jury e of the parish of At. Landry, in lawful i session convened, that a tax of five (5) Umills on the dollar, be and is Shereby levied on all the taxable prop 'er y situated in-the First Road District of thle Ith police jury ward of St. I.ndry parish, La., for hte purpose of l.i . the bonds and interest of said t.,'disl'tlt t as same matures. S. turther ordained, etc., that the easeesor of the parish of St. Landry, .,.;,. ., . .. . . . . . .. . SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Planters Bank & rust Co. OF OPELOUSAS, LOUISIANA At the Close of Business December 31, 1920. RESOURCES: LIABILITIES: Loans and discounts _------------ ---------$1,042,921.15 Capital stock paid in _....-. . ...--- ------$100,000.00 Cash on hand and with banks-- --------------- 105,138.54 Su plus_ - - - -- - - - - - 20,00000 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ------------22,000.00 Undivided profits, less expen3es ar' taxes paid ..... 21,745.6 Now reduced $1,000.00) Total deposits-_ -------------- ---- --- 897,258.98 Other bonds- _ . _ _ . 217,185.65 Dividend No. 5 payable January 1, 1921- - D _ _ _ 4,000.00 Liberty bonds and other U. S. Bonds- - 41,550.00 Dividend unpaid e - - ----_----------------_ _ 104.00 Bills payable .. ....... 370,845.82 Re-discounts_ -----------_ - - ------ 14,840.88 Total- ------------_--- -----------------$1,428,795.34 Total_ -----------------------------$1,428,79534 SSTATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. I, J. A. Perkins, Cashier of th e above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. A. PERKINS, Cashier Correat Attest: Sworn to and subscribed be RQOERT- CHACHERE, fore me this 31st day of Decem J P. SAIZAN, ber, 1920. ANDREW MORESI, C. P. DUNBAR, Notary Public Directors. . I I I I I I be notified of the, foregoing .tax levy to the end that he may calry id tax on his assessment roll for thle t. year 1920. 1- The foregoing ordinance was duly a read and considered, and a majority d of the member& elect being present, voted as follo s, 4-wit:, For: Messrs. Mills,sPhifllip Jpre, t Guidroz, Pavy, Moreau, W. F. Brown, . McCaffery, Deshotels, Sylvestre, De jean. Against: None. Adopted January 5th, 1921; F. OCTAVE PAVY President. Attest:-J. J. HEALEY, Clerk. Motion by Mr. Brown, Whereas, the First Road District of the Fourth Police Jury Ward, in S1918 constructed a bridge on the Krotz Springs Road over and across Darbonne Bayou and the cost of which was paid out of the toad Pis trict funds, and SWhereas, the Board of Commission ers of the Red River and Bayou Boeuf Levee District took up a part of said bridge without the knowledge and consent of the Board of Supervisors of said Roard District, and Whereas, the possession, care and maintenan: e of said bridge has been and still is in the Police Jury of the parish and it is the duty of the par ish through its police jury to replace said bridge out of the parish contin gent funds, and Whereas, the parish is without con tingent funds for such purpose at present. ,and the .said Road District has Road funds in its treasury: Now, therefore. be it resolved, that - the Board of Supervisors of said Road District is hereby authorized and in struoted to replace said bridge at once and pay for the same out of the Road District funds, the amount and cost of ! which to be refunded to said Road District out of the next parish con tingent funds. Be it further resolved,, that the clerk of the police jury is instructed I:to notify the Board of Commissioners of said Levee Board that said Levee Board will be called upon by this body; I a reimburse the parish for ,the amount of money expended to replace said bridge. Motion carried. On motion of Mr. Phillips, The police resolved itself into a committee of the whole to examine and approve claims. Mr. Phillips in the chair, ROAD DISTRICT CLAIMS Road District No. 2-Ward 4 Dr. H. S. Joseplh, expenses incurred in performance of duty as chairman of board:$ 150.00 Road District No. 1-Ward 6 SDuriel AguiHard, moving fence 81.95 Eron Fontenot, right of way.. 250.00 Mrs. Rudolph Savoy, right of way .................... 250.00 i Road District No. 14 - D. E. Durio, expenses work ing up notes on Pershing Highway .. ............. 156.00 Road District No. 1-Ward 4 W. B. Robert, cross section [ ing, etc................ 124.80 N. A. Dawson ,estimate No. 1 1444.25 Lilla Pavy, report of mem bers of board and esti mate ....... .............. 2.00 Road District No. 1-Ward 2 . Est. J. B. Sandoz, two kegs t of nails ...13.55 Albert Andrus, fence and road work .... ..................125.00 St. Landry Lumber Co., lum ber ................976.41 Leo Richard, one keg of nails.................... .. 8.00 Hopkins Bros. O)., lumber :. ..: 106.25 IFHptbJa Bros. Coah, jvsber .. . 6.70 Hopkins- Bros.. Co., lumlber.. ".1, Andrus Bros. estimate N. o. I 1806.S~ Road District No. 11 T. Soileau additional right of way ................... 10.00 W. A. -oberteon, drafting oon -tracts ... 1.....0.00 D. E. Durlo, engineering fee for December ............ 17.60 D. E. Durio, engineering fee for December .. .......... 78.23 F. P. Martin, nails.......... 56.02 Ole K. Olsen, iron beams.... 502.95 D. E. Durio, cash paid Desho tels a-c r-way .............. 25.00 G. W. Prutsman, 431.1 tons washed gravel ............ 439.94 E. Fisher, Sr., & Son, esti mate for December ....... 1143.93 Road District No. 1-Ward 3 W. A. Robertson, drafting contracts .... ............ 10.00 D. E. Durio .engineering fee for December.. .......... 34.45 G. DeKerlegand, right of way 12.00 lgn3ce DeKerlegand, right of way .... ........... .... 15.00 La. Construction Works, esti mate for December......... 813.66 Public Road Claims Aricise Labore, road work, 2 ward .................... 7.00 Maurice Daigle, road work. 2 w ard .... ................ 9.00 Vaitere Ballard, road work, 2 ward .... ................ 15.00 Moise Guidry, road work, 2 s ,ward.................... 16.50 Earl Cummings. road work 2 ward...... .... .......... 14.00 Maurice Braussaure, road work, 2 ward.. .. .............. 7.00 Maurice Richard, road work, 2 ward ...... ............ 6.00 L. A. Guidry, road work. 2 ward.... ................ 4.20 L. L, Perrault, notarial service in preparing sale of right of way, 2 ward.. ......... 5.00 Ovignace Meche, bridge work, 2 ward .... .. .......... 1.00 Vessay Smith, bridge work, 2 ward ............ .... 13.35 Joe Camatello, road work, 4 ward.. .. ................ 113.00 J. L. Carter, lumber. 4 ward.. 229.91 i0. C. Foster, bridge work, 4 ward ...... .............. 22.50 Kenneth Quirk, road work, 5 ward.. .................... 5.00 Felix Lafleur, road work, 5 ward.. .... .............. 3.00 Contingent Expense Claims Cumberland Telephone Co., service and tolls Decem r b ................... 19.45 W. F. Brown, expenses attend ing meeting R. R. comm..... 24.25 City of Opelousas light and o water, November and Decem ber... .................. 29.08 Jonas Roos, clothing and shoes " for prisoners ............ 15.87 Bennett Stores, Inc., clothing and shoes for prisoners.... 19.15 McNeel Stationery -Co., book of estates for clerk of court 39.04 Bodemuller, stationery and printing for clerk of court.. 11.10 Bodemuller, stationery and printing for clerk of court.. 81.50 Jacobs News Depot, stationery and supplies. .............. 7.96 Clarion company, publishing proceedings ,etc. .......... 107.00 Dave Hollier, repairing toilets 5.501 Ivy Schwartzenberg repair ing court house bell........ 7.50 Andrepont & Dossmann, in stalling heaters in jail .... 5.00 Andrepont & Dossmann, re pairing lights and materials 10.05 Henry Lastrapes, registering 'voters and liata'tor electiouid 70.66 Henry Lastrapes, ordering and pro arlgating returns ot. elee tion held December 14, 1920. . . .... .. 615;00 L. . a Gosselin, ordering and promulgating returns of eiectioq held' Ilecember 4, L. L. Danel, ordering and pro mulgating returns of elec tion held December 14, 1920 15.00 Anthony Beutionio, 2 days coroner's jury ... 4.00.... Joseph Anselm, 2 days coro ner's jury.............. .. 4.001 Jno. Nicko, 2 days coroner's jury................... 4.00 Lastie Harmon, 1 day coroner's jury.... ................... 2.051 Waldorf Restaurant 3 lamps for sheriff's office ........ 31.89 R. E. Budd, salary for Dec.. 75.00 N. W. Davis, burying pauper.. 12.00 Chas. Thibodeaux, conveying prisoners to jail .......... 4.40 Chas. Thibodeaux, feeding and maintaining prisoners De cember .... .............. 188.68 On motion of Mr. Sylvestre, The committee on claims resolved i itself into regular session of police jury. Dr. Pavy in the chair, The committee on claims reported through Chairman Phillips that they had examined the claims as above I detailed and found same correct. On motion of Mr. Guidroz. The report of committee was ac cepted and committee discharged. On motion of Mr. Phillips, The reading of the minutes was dis pensed with and stand approved. On motion of Mr. Guidroz, The police jury-adjourned until the 'first Monday in February, being the seventh day of said month. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President. Aittest:-J. J. HEALEY; Clerk. Promulgation of Result of Election ISTATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. By direction of the police jury of' the parish of St. Landry, La. notice is hereby given that on Thursday, De cember 23rd, 1920, an election was held in the Second Road District, 4th Pol ice Jury Ward of the parish of St. Landry, La., to determine the fol lowing proposition, to-wit: "Proposition to incur debt and issue serial negotiable bonds of Road Dis triot Number Two (2) of the Fourth (4th) Police Jury Ward of St. Lan dry parish, state of Louisiana, in addi tion to the debt previously incurred and bonds previously -isued for said district, said additional debt to be incurred and bonds to be issued to the amount of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand DollarS,; ($150,000.00),-and said bonds to be serial bonds running from one to thirty (30) years, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum (5) per annum, payable semi-annually, said additional debt to be incurred and bonds issued -for the purpose of constructing and mintaining public roads and highways within the terri torial limits of said road district, and particularly for the purpose of com pllting the .MelilleiPalmetto High way, and for the construction of a gravel road along the Atchafalaya Riv er and that portion `of the Palmetto Bayou Rouge road-hlying within the bounldaries of thd'+said Second Road District." The result of said count showed that said proposition was carried in favor of said proposition; and take further notice that the vote in favor of said proposition was as boilows, to witt - Proposition for the Issuance of Bonlds: No. of .property taxpayers voting in favor of issuing bonds ........27 No. of ,property taxpayers vot ing'against issui lg bonds........ 1 Majority for:.. ........ ......26 Total valuation of property voted in favor of issuing bonds ................ ..$78,140.00 Total valuation of property voted against issuing bonds 3,430.00 Majority in favor ........ $74,710.00 Therefore, said proposition was ear ried by a majority in favor therof, as follows: Majority in favor of issuance, of bonds: Twenty-six (26) votes in num ber, and Seventy-one thousand, Two hundred and eighty dollars ($71,280. 00), in amount of valuation of prop arty. Therefore, it is hereby publicly an nounced, proclaimed and promulgated that the proposition submitted and above set forth was duly carried and that said election was therefore fav orable to said proposition. Thus done and signed on the 3rd day of January, A. D., 1921, at Opelou sas, St. Landry parish, La. F. OCTAVE PAVY, President of the Police Jury. Attest:-J. J. HEA.LEY, Clerk of the Police Jury. jan 8 It SHERIFF'S SALE JOSEPH BOONE Versus LUCIEN LAVERGNE No.-, Civil Docket, Sixteenth Ju dicial District Court, Parish of St. Landry, La. By virtue' of a writ of fi-fa, issued out of the Honorable Sixteenth Ju dicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, Louisiana, in the above entitled and numbered suit and to me directed, I have seized and will proceed to offer for saje, at pub lic auction to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the Court House of St. Landry parish, at Ope lousas La., on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1921, at 11 o'clock a. m., the folowing de scribed property towit: 1 sorrel mare mule, 1 Black horse mule. 1 bay horse. 1 Buggy. 1 Set of buggy harness. 2 Cows and 2 calves. 1 Cow without calf. 125 Bushels of corn. TERMS:--CASH. CHARLES THIBODEAU, jan 8 3t Sheriff. (OFFICIAL) Board of Aldermen Proceedings Opelousas, La., Jan. 4 1921. The Board of Aldermen met this day in regular session. Present: E. L. Loeb, mayor, presiding; Aldermen Mouret, Dejean, Danel, Stelly and Clark. Absent: None. Meeting called to order. On motion, duly seconded and car ried, the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. The monthly reports of the street commissioner, city clerk and tax-col lector and city treasurer were re ceived as read and -ordered filed. On motion of Mr.- Clark, seconded by Mr. Dejean, ..and carried, -the bond of HI. U. Callahan, as assistant clerk, was tilied': at; $1009,00.-. Moved by Mr. Clark, duly seconQed and carried, that this board constitute itself ea a committee ofi the whole to .look into the advisability of convert *ig tfhe city market into a city ball, and to report at some subsequent meeting of this board. .Moved by Mr. Danel, seconded by Mr. Stelly that the question of the fee due P. R. Sandoz' for services in connection with the $250,000 bond is sue be submitted to atbitration in the following manner: This board to bli ect one arbitrator, P. R. Sandoz to se lezt one arbitrator, and these two arbitrators to select a third, all of whom are to consider the question of the fee charged, and to determine what fee shall be allowed fpr the serv ices in question. All three arbitrators are to be selected in advance of the submission to them of the proposition, in the manner above detailed and their decision shall be binding upon the city and the said Sandoz, irrespective of the amount fixed by them. When the arbitrators have acted upon the question, which it is re quired shall be within the next ten days, their report shall be submitted to this board in writing, and i tis agreed that a special meeting will be called to receive the same. Mr. Sandoz being personally pres ent, in open meeting hereby declares his willingness to accept the decision of the arbitrators as final. T'he city likewise agrees to accept such deci sion as the arbitrators may render, as final and binding upon it. Motion carried by the following vote: Yes: Mouret, Dejean, Danel, Stelly and Clark. Nays: None. I agree to the above. P. R. SANDOZ, On motion, duly seconded and car ried, the following bills were approv ed: W. L. Prud'home ........... $ 3.20 D. E. Durio ................ 70.00 Chas. W. Dupre ............. 5.45 Haas Garage ............... 266.70 R. V. Miles .. .............. 119.55 H. Bodemuller.. .......... . 13.75 J. A. Dejean ................ 3.30 R. Mornhinveg & Son ...... 20.00 Albert. Clary ............... ".75 Star-Progress ................ 8.00 Clarion Company, Ltd., ...... 44.80 Chas. Borchers ..... ........ 27.10 Jacobs News Depot Co. .... 1.75 A. L .Lacombe ............... 40.00 Soniat & Deblieux, Inc ...... 91.50 W. D. Lastrapes ............ 3.00 St. Landry Wholesale Gro. Co. 12.50 T. Coriel & Co................. 1.50 Opelousas Moto Co.,......... 7.50 St. Landry Lumber Co., Inc., 2,336.98 Oliver H. Van Horn Co., Inc. 11.25 A. WW Faber, Inc............. 4.16 A. M. Lockett & Co......... 15.08 Garlock Packing Co.,........ 3.75 Anderson & Gustafson, Inc., .. 576.93 Cargill Company .......... 62.15 Texas Oil Company .......... 496.14 Woodward, Wight & Co., Ltd. 299.23 There being no further business, on motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. E. L. LOEB, Mayor. Attest:-J. J3 PERRODIN, City Clerk. FOR RENT-7 Room house, Eight arpents of land. Apply to D. CONKLIN, jan 8 It Washington, La. NOTICE OF ADMINISTrRATION aSTTrE OF WIA EDWARDS No. 7139, Probate Docket, Sixteenth .u- dicia District Court, Parish of St. Landry, La. Whereas, Paul Edwards, has ap plied to be appointed administrator of the above. numbered and entitled estate, and Therefore, notice is hereby given to any and all interested parties to show cause, it any they can or have, in writing in this office within ten days of the first publication hereof, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. By order of said court dated, Jan uary 7, 1921. HENRY LASTRAPES, JR., jan 8 It Clerk of Court. TRESPASS NOTICE We, the undersigned, notify the public that ,all hunting and trespass. ing on our properties situated in the Second and Third wards is prohibit ed. VioLators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. D. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, MISS E. HIGGINBOTHAM, PERRY HIGGINBOTHAM. Jan 8 4t FOR SALE-One Maxwell touring car, equipped with winter top, cheap. also, one Ford truck, with Bosch mag neto ignition. Must sell at once as leaving city. Apply to W. T. STAUTZ, N. Market Street, Opelousas, La. Jan 8tf. FOR SALE 1 pair large mules-young and per fectly sound. 1 pair small mules, gentle but not broke. 1 Good saddle horse. 350 sacks Blue Rose Seed Rice (get sample). CHAS. O; DEJEAN, jan 8 3t Port Barre, La. LOST-On November 27th, ring with small diamond set, gold slightly worn on inside. Finder return t. Leonice Browne at Dardeau & Roberts and receive reward. Jan 8 St. FOR SALE One-hore wagon and hack, in good shape, for sale cheap. Apply to Mrs. O. FUX, Opelousas, La. Charles Dejean and Herbert Guil lot attended to busienss in Eunice dur ing the week. Arthur Veltin returned Wednesday after spending ten days visiting in New Orleans. Miss Hemphill, efficient stenograph er at the Bennet Stores in this city, has returned 'here after spending the holidays with relatives in Mississippi. Sergeant D. D. Davenport of Hous ton, Texas, returned to his home Mon day after spending the holidays here with friends. Charles Pucheu of Ville Platte was a visitor to Opelousas last Monday. Sheriff F. M. Latiolais of Lafayette was here Monday in attendance of the federal court. Mayor Jas. A. Going of Washington was a business visitor to Opelousas yesterday morning.