Speciral From All Over The House Dry Goods Deptent 1000 yds Gingham Checks n Sale
SINGLE HARNESS; Regular price was 35.00- 19.89g RUBBER BOOTS: U. S. BRAND PERCALES: Regular 30o kind; all color; and kinds; will sell
During Sale ............. ................................................... Best boot mde sold for 6.50 and now, during sale 329 during this sale, at .............. ...............12 1-2 1 hour each day of sale $ 1 00
they go for ... Voiles, 85c kind, new patterns; now.....................................39c at 12 dy for .
20 BEDS Beautiful goar sawed Oak finished, four post BOYS' RED TOPS--Regular price 4.00; wool lined; 89 36-inch, Crepe de Chiene, was 2.75 yard; ow......................1.29
2 BEDS beds; beautiful turned and carved; a bed which Sale ... 36-inch Taffetas, all shades, were 2.7; n . 1.3..........................................39
sold orginally for 10.00 and 12.00; "-Say I'll..................... sayI' sell"
Sale prices as long as they 5.89 I 36-i36-inch Taffetas, fancy, were 3.0; now ....................... .69
last,........................................OIL CLOTH; regular 65c; sale price ........................................39c Poplins, (silk) was 1.75 yard; now............ ..n........................79c e's Best Beaver and felt Hats sold for 6.50 and 7.00;2 29
OIL CLOTH ; regulae 65c;.sal..pr.ce.......................................
"I said I would Sell" Assorted colors and wide kind Belding guar, quality satins, 3.50 kind; no 2.29 Men's 1.00 Capsow sell for .................................
HEN COOP SHIRTINGS, all go for ..................................17c 40-inch Tricotine, highest grade, beautif l colors, did sell for
FARMERS; 8-inch DAVIDSON TURN PLOWS; Steel COTTON CHECKS, all go for ..............................................13c 5.50; now..............................................................................2.89 Crack Shot Rifle, 7.50, will sell...................................29
and 18.00. WE ARE m yGou alln thi FOw 1INDIAN BASKET WOVEN FELT ART RUGS, was 4.50; Finest quality, Brown Serge, very fashionable colors, was 500 Boxes Sht Gun shells, 12 gauge, regular 1.15 price; 59c
and 18.00. WE ARE GOING TO SELL IT FOR 11.49 small one....1.69 6.00 yard; now.............................3.29 1
10-DAYS ONLY; at .............................................. small one ..................................... ......... . .... I am her to
"I say I will"-Make me prove it. Good QUALITY VELVET RUGS, 27x54-inch; use to sell for Men's Suspenders 50 and 75 for ......... ........29
8.50; sale price................................................. ............ 3.69 1 9 c
Conventional patterns Men high grade, half Hose, sold for 40c; sale
Planet Junior Cultivator ___v_________pattern._ UNBLEACHED DOMESTIC, 6 yard ......... ........49c price............. ................................
Combination, you all know this cultivator sold for 6 9 Bed lanket Good Heavy Wool Knap, 62x80; were UNBLEACHED DOMESTIC, Regular 2kind ................13c Silk ones, for59...........................................
12.00. WE SAY FOR 10-DAYS ..........................3.00; while they last, at.............. 1.89 BEST OUTING, 35 grades, go for.........c Some more, Men's ..................... ....
Dollars Do Double "i say, I'll Sell 'Em" " 5 C
PEPPERELL SHEETING, was 1.25; now. ......... ..........9 -
RBrindley 1 ur Plows fUGSl DELTOX GRASS, 9x12, beautiful stencil patterns, 30-inch COTTON CREPE, a ol, 40 nd................ ...... SH O E S
12.50 MACKINAW COATS, go for . .. . .. .. . . .. 4
Brndley urn Plows Green and Brown, use to sell as high as 16.00- RAIN COATS, 9.50 kind, go now.................4.39
Sold relar price for 1600 But during this sale 8 49 BOY'S BLUE SERGE PANTS, was 3.50; now.................169 American Lady Oxfords and pumps, late 698
Sold egular price for 16.00. But during this sale 8.49 Sale price........ ........................7.98 20.00 AUTO ROBES, all wool; heavy frige...........11.89 styles, sold for 14.00, will go during sale..........
y "I say I'll Sell" 16.50 AUTO ROBES, all wool, plaids..............8.79 12.50 ties and pumps, sale
"Come Wake Up; It's Here" 8.50 AUTO ROBES,.all.wool.plais,..t.9.89.andpum
LOT OF MAYES UNDERWEAR, 1.00, Ior...... ..................49c
AEOLIAN VOCALION PLAYER: This beautiful, solidLOT OF MAYES IN, or 9 Others that sold for 8.00; now .... .................3 49
FRENCH IRON POTS; Sold for 2.50; 123 any. Rub satin polish finish best money can buy, will cost 2.50 UNION SUITS, heavy weight.......... ..98 All marked at ridiculously low prices, space will not
sale price ............ .......................... 165.00-right now; we are going to offer it 115.00 HAINES UNION, was 2.50 regular, non-srik................1.08 riicu sly low prices, space will not
for; during ten days, at ................ .................. 3.00 MEN'S PONGEE SHIRTS; now........... ....1.29 allow prices of all this mammoth stock of shoes
PLOW POINTS FOR 10-DAYS 30 c 1 LOT MEN'S SILK SHIRTS, all colors and stripes, sold for
PLOW POINTS FOR 10-DAYS 30C 8.00; now ................................................3.29 come and see.
RECORDS-while they last at .............................. ........49c would sell em"
PAI GwUMBRELLAS up to 3.00; nowchoice ............................. 1.49 aid I would e'm"
PARIS GREEN; was 89c lb.; now 49c PANAMA MEN'S HATS as high as 8.00, for.......................2.29 Competitors "Read 'Em and eep" FREE DOLL DAY FOR THE KIDS
MEN'S FELT HOUSE SLIPPERS, was 2.50; now..................1.39
LANIZED69c CHILDS MIDDY SUITS, very best, sold for 9.00; now.. You must bring this Bil with you
MIDDY WASTE, good quality; now sell for.................... .......89c 5000 Yards of laces and embroidiery sold high as 1 To the person purchasing the largest amount of' goods on thi
SMALL FOOT TUBS, was 85; now............. 49c CHILD'S GINGHAM DRESSES, fancy plaids, and good quality; 25c yard, will sell during sale; at.... day we will give a beautiful life size doll value 12.00; can be
SMALL FOOT TUBS, was 85c; now ................................4 C all sizes; collar and tie ...........................................................1.29 seen at store opening day.
MEN'S good quality, Blue Chambrey Shirts for........................79c
SIDE HARROWS, were 10.00; now........... .. BED SPREAD, was 3.00; now................. .................... 1.69 Ladies' Ready t W ear
S BED SPREAD, was 4.50; now ................................................. 2.19to 50 rd, will sell during
L aes ' e r ea D sEmbroderies that sold for 30 to 50 yard, will. sell during
K - Sit w sale, fore. .
GALVANIZED BUCKETS, was 60c; now ......................23 J. & P. COATS THREAD-7c Spool Ladies' finest Georgette Crepe Dress, so. r 65.00. I'll27.69
say, now .............MAC
Ladies' 35.00 fine Black Satin Dress .............................16.89 80.00 NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE Cabinet Case; 8
TURKISH TOWELS, all cut in half and below, sell from 79c Wedding and ball costumes, will sell durig sale for 40 cents on drawers, very highest attainment in sewing.
STORE LOSES 2 DAYS don.machine; during this sale.
S LHANDKERCHIEFS-Ladies and Gents, for ............................3c
MONDAY AND TUESDAY, TO MARK DOWN AND MADAME GRACE CORSETS, sold for 15.00, 749 Ladies' Millinery Special
ARRANGE GOODS tRBE To every Man-who purchases a pair of shoes above 3.39, sale price
AT eoh o v PINK SATIN, all sizes; best Franch Batiste Corsets 46 ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16TH
____ __will be given pair of Hose, worth 25c. 7.50; now ............................................... .................... 4.69 Big display of ready to wear hats in new styles,
-Sale-at. .. .............. ..... .949 prce.fo.. .......... ........ 3... 49 to 9.89
Another-at .............. ...... ..................................4OPELO USAN , buy.It won't do any harm to wait until you see thes before you
Another--at. buy. There will be some real values and bargains.
Railroad fare to all customers who trade 50.00 or Rem ember 9:30: B Early
more; just show your tickets or receipts.