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Newspaper Page Text
iîînrgan City ;Oailg Bebiriu C. K. King, Managef RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION L Year in advance ............$4.00 « Months in advance-........... 2.00 3 Months in advance............ 1.00 1 Month................-......40 l Week................. 10 Rates of Readers. Notices. Cards of Thanks, Obituaries, etc.: Per Line first issue....... 5c Subsequent issues............2$c Rates on display advertisement, Ring managers office 278. Entered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice of Morgan < ity. La. Train Schedule EAST BOUND No. 12 ............3:37 a. m. No. 8 No. 2 . No. 6 . No. 10 WEST BOUND No. 9 . No. 5 . .............9:29 a. m. No. 7 ...........2:42 p. m. No. 1 . ............6:53 p. m. No. 11 ..........10:38 p. m. HOW THE BIG DAILIES VIEW THE PRINT-PAPER SIT UATION Many of the larger papers of the country are intimating very strongly that all of the raise in price of print paper is not justi fied on the grounds of increased cost of labor or raw material, but that a combination of print pa per manufacturers is responsible Ur the greater portion of the in crease. These same statements were made before the federal trade commission investigation at Washington. The following editorial from the New York World is a fair example of the attitude of many of the most in fluential papers of the country : Piracy in Paper "When the federal trade com mission reassembles in August it will meet an important problem relating to the price of print pa per . If this government agency for the correction or rapacity in business is ever to have an op portunity to prove its value, it can ask nothing better than that which now presents itself. "Except as individaul publish ers have protected themselves from monopolizes in this coun rry for almost a generation. There is a pretense of competi tion, but the consumer who en ters the market soon finds that he has allotted to a single pro ducer and that nobody else cares to do business with him. This is combination at its worst. "Of late, purchasers not pro moted by long-time contracts 1 ave met prices prohibitive on : II sides, and the evidence of « mspiracy are too numerous and too plain to be disregarded. Extortion in this line can make no plea of necessity. It is to he attributed to nothing but the :hics of highway—the power 1 •> rob and the helpessnes of the victim who is to be robbed. "Perhaps a vigorous protest on the trade commmission will ing this buccaneering to an e nd. If not, the case should go to a federal grand jury with out delay." Shelby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Arceneaux, was sev < ely wounded about the ankle Yam glass cuts received while ■ laying in the rear of their home . . nday morning. Octave J. Delaune CITY MARKET Fresh Meats .OF ALL KINDS ; Ym cm s mi jm rUAti to iy j mrket aptf fet hi wright wA I bat fnity. iy mi ic to (rat j ay cwto—i É» we m I wmM { PHONE lb. U f HOKANCmr I Prompt Delivery INDEMNITY FOR PARTIAL DAMAGE TO REGIST ERED, INSURED AND C. O. D. MAIL Theretofore the payment of indemnity on account of injury has been restricted to irrepar able damage to articles of parts of articles contained in regis tered, insured and C. O. D. par cels. Under the amended regula tios payment will be made in cases where articles are not ren dered worthless for the actual, usual, direct and necessary cost of repairs required to place them in serviceable condition. Complaints or requests for in demnity must be submitted to the postmaster who will willing ly explain and complete the necessary forms in order to ex pedite the payment of same. J. P. Hebert. P. M. U. S. MARINES MAKE LONG HIKE Washington. Aug. 14. What is believed to have been one of the longest tropical hikes ev-r made by American troops tl 'own on their own resources in a hostile co ntry, was the hike .eade by Eight Com pany. Fourth Regimen' of U. S. Marines, when it covered in a day and-a night, of July 2nd and 3rd, the 111 kilometers be tween Monte Ch.isti and Santi ago, Santo Domingo, after fight ing most of the way. It is sev enty-six Americans miles be tween these two points and the hike was the third longest ever : made by the U. S. Marine Corps, approached warfare. With a handful of U. S. Mar ines, Col. Pendleton maintained I unbroken, an eighty mile line ; of communication, and the quick settling of the Dominican trouble is probably due, in the opinion of Marine Corps officials, to the rapid hiking of the Marines to the interior of the country. The natives have been disarmed and there is no further fighting. The expeditionary force un der Col. Pendleton of the Mar ine Corps, consisted of two regi ments of Marines. The Morgan City Daily Review, 40 cents per month. UNITED STATES of AMERICA STATE OF LOUISIANA,—PARISH OF ST. MAtiY 23rd Judicial Distrct Court. Frank J. Price VS. No. — - Leo Guidry. Be it known, that acting: under and by virtue of a writ of fieri facias to be directed in the above styled and numbered cause, dated July 14th, 1916, and having advertised the fol lowing described property for sale at public auction according to law on Saturday, July 29th, 1916, for not less than two-thirds of it's appraised value, and upon the day and date aforesaid -said property having been offered at public outcrv as aforesaid, and there being no bidder for same, upon the terms aforesaid; Now, therefore, in accordance with aw, and under the aforesaid writ I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, according to law, at the prin cipal front door of the courthouse at Franklin, La., between the legal hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P M., ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH, 1916, the following property, to-wit: The stock in trade, furniture fixtures and content of the saloon of Leo Guidry in Morgan City. La., situated on Lot 9 in Square 25; as per list and inven tory on file in my office. The said property to be offered for what it will bring on a twelve month's credit, purchaser being required to furnish good and suffi cient joint security, according to law, CHARLES PECOT, Sheriff. Franklin, La,. July 29th, 1916. Wedding Announced. [ I The social circle of Morgan City and Franklin will have the! ! pleasure to learn that one of it's foremost young Pharmacist Mr. Hy. Poncm will be marr ed to one of Franklin's belles. The bride-to-be is Miss Louise Caro, I the beautiful and charm ng daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Caro of Franklin. La. The wedding will take place at the Catholic Church of Franklin, on Wednesday Sept. 6, : 1916 after which the young couple will entertain at the resi idence of the bride. A grand reception is planned and after. entertaining friends I for the evening, the bride and groom will leave for the Gulf Coast, and then to the East. ; "If you need help" try the I Columns of Morgan City Dai iy Review". If you feel "blue", "No ac count," Ih^.v, you need a good ! cleaning uut. HE RBI NE is the riglu thing 'or that p .rpose. I stimm .tes the 1 iver. tones up the stomach and purifies the bowels. Price 50c. Sold by Bel anger Drug Co. adv ! LATER STORM WARNING ! 4:45 P. M. Ad victory tropical : disturbance probably not far j south of Sandomingo evidently : moving Westward intensity not jyet apparent. For the stomach and bowel disorders of babies McGEE'S 'BAEV ELIXIR is a remedy of j genuine merit. 11 acts quickly, is j pure, wholesome and pleasant to take. Price 25c and 50c per bottle. Sold by Belanger Drug Co. adv When you yawn a good deal in the daytime feel full achy and want to stretch frequently it is an unmistakable symptom of malaria, and unless you do something at once you are book ed for a spell of chills. HER BINE is a chill medicine that will prevent or cure the disease. It drives out the impurities on which the malarial germ thrives, strengthens the liver and cleanses the bowels. Price 50c. Sold by Belanger Drug Co. adv The Morgan City Daily Review, 40 cents per month. _________ Doing hard work ma bent or stoop 1 ng position puts a stich in the back j hat is painful. It the muscles have j become strained, you can't get rid of if without help. The ,/reat penetrating power of Bal'ard's Snow Liniment will appeal to you most strongly at such times, because it is the very thing you need. Price 25c, 50c and SI.00 per bottle. Sold by Belanger Drug Co. adv. The Morgan City Daily Review, 40 cents per month. Stings or bites ot insects that are fol lowed by swellings, pain or itching should be treated promptly as they are poisonous. Ballard's Snow Liniment counteracts the poison. It is both an tiseptic and healing. Price 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Belanger Drug Co. adv. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cur - has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy .'or Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure acts .hru the Blood oil the Mucous surfaces, ex pelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Halt's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a ftrea* improvement in your general healtn. Start takln? Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Ferry Schedule Leave Berwick on hour and half hour. First trip 6 o'clock a. m. Leave Morgan City on 15 min utes to hour and. 15 minutes -after hour. First trip 6:15 a. m. I ; j j j j FEATURE WEEK At The Opera House, - - Starting Monday, Aug. 14^ A TREAT IN PHOTO-PLAYS, COMMENCING TO-NIGHT Monday-Blue Bird Two Reels, "Peg O' The Ring", Serial No. 9 One Reel, L K.O. Komedy, "A Gamblers Gambol" One Reel, "A Romance zt Random, Laemmle Feature __ Five Reels in all; 5 & Ilk Tuesday—Fox Night Presenting Vivian Martin, in Israel Zangwills Masterpiece, "Merely Mary Ann", ____ In Five Acts, lfc W ednesday—Worlds Feature Night Shubert Film Corporation, presenting Geo. Behan in "The Pawn of Fate". The above Company igsisis upon us having a World Night, and presnts this feature for your considéra/ tion We want your opini o n. _____________10c Thursday—Red Feather A five reel production, featuring Fred Church, Myrtle Gon/ zales and Val Paul, "It Happened In Honolulu". i\ De?'i Romance of Love and intrigue, Friday—Triangle Night A new one presenting Wm. S, Hart with Clara Williams in a feature 6 act photo drama, "Heirs Hinges", This is another photo play for your consideration. 10c r; WDY NIGHT The Peoples Drug Com pan y knows it's good and want you to know it. 4 lbs will be given Away Saturday — Universal Night Presenting A Great Aerial Komedy, 2 Reels "Pirates 01 The Air." Laemmle, "Anv Youth." Big U, "God And The Baby." _ 5 and 10 c 1 j j Sunday—Mutual and Triangle Service 2 Reels, "The Secret Of The Submarine " Serial No. 5, And The Triangle Comedies, considered the very best, Intro/ during such Famous Players as; Charles Murray, Arbuckle and a hestof All Star players, "In Love's Riot." 10c A F eatur e Program for the Week that is Hard to Beat SAVE THIS AD FOR REFERENCE Face the Facts You are earning about so much now. Probably you will earn more. Possibly you will not. Certainly there will come a time when Your Earning Capacity wm Be Less Eventually it will cease entirely. Are you so planning your efforts that yon can't earn any more your accumulated earnings will take care of and those de pendent upon you? This Bank encourages that kind of prudent foresight and offers you amble security and good interest on your sauings. The Peoples State & Savings Bank The Bank that Pays 31 per cent Nerf to The Postoffice Building —OFFICE OF— ÖMWW 0. S tmm ATTORNEY AT LAW notary public First National Bank Bldg. - ÏJ«"' Practice in Federal and State MORGAN CITY, LA Senette & Maddox For WINES. LIOU0I& Cigars, etc Telephone 192 Morgan City-1* Dr. M. F. Meyer Physician and Surgeon Office: Terrebonne's Fh»"» Residence: Costel 0 State of Ohio, City of Toledo. I,u. as County, as. o*Ü» Y Krank J. chen " y „ f uîe Rn» ot J& Is senior partner« j^gineW 1*^ Cheney * Ço • and State — - ,f Toledo, County . u p»jr £ and that dSu^JS Sworn W ÜSST In my preaenje. U»W OL»A*2k ber. A. D. 1» floUrT ^ (Seal) ---- la takta Hall'a Catarrh «n< ally and____ said, and — sum of ONE each