jfgATHEB FORECAST—Tonight and Friday fair.
(ttttg Satlg Srtrtntt
No. 268
ve You Contributed
Red Cross
To The
Cross Benefit At The Arcade Today And
Night-Tomorrow Night Entertainment
At The Elks Home
Teday is Red Cross Day at The ben are engaged. Just watch the
Teday is Red Cross Day at The
Both Matinee and Night
will be given for the benefit
Hsry Chapter of tike Ameri
ed Cross as the patriotic man
Messrs. goumeillan and Chas.
have donated the- entire re
to the Chapter. The entertain
is in charge of Mias Lens Stan
sod Mrs. M. Blum. The Boy
will help to swell the receipts
day by selling refreshments
the supervision of Mrs. Will
The film chosen for this spes
occssion is one of intense inter
vital and timely showing the
elution conditions in DARK
RUSSIA, which, ipJkhf
star of this
the role of
at a certain
on her violin,
This is a
to the An
afternoon bear
amount you
he spent in
of men who
lives to protects
Red Cross y op. are
your mite for Iffiigp^RyV sake
amount is small as the 'admission
10 cents and 5 cents; but
that every drop of water
tatt* imtoease Oceana»
row night, Friday, June 22,
wt 8:30 p. m. a Red Cross
ha gûrenin ths Elks
toe proceeds to be donated to
J. M.1
le càrâfing
'.charge o
and an admission fee of 25c
be charged. Refreshments as
he Elks aye known to provide will
disposed'by a bevy of young lad
ï of whom Mrs. Albert Cotton is
halrinan. Judging by past enter
given at the Home, there
I no doubht that it will be a huge sue
toe Elks may lavs a bigger
that will enable the Chapter
realise quite a substantial
thé noble wotic to Which its m«W
or. to
How Yb«, Help Your
**'• Lu» ' I '-IBprtW W •
vdstittir ié aLiWtj bobd, i^ hhlp qw coi&ld
*. pioaaed to I
vest in a $50.00
au bee rip
me wUL asaiat y<* in caae céq no* pay
Wi*h opr youngmen wfiHnirahd taxions tootfar their
the least we who «toy at lioipe can do is to leud oar i
for their eupport. '
Yqu can Imf your country $&0or«nof$, thereby
a patriotic —£ SNfT~ >u Vf ft 1 ? !.**!
_ Bank
On Busy Ra&road Avenue
ns. i
ben are engaged. Just watch the
Elks and see if they don't do for the
Red Cross something not thought of.
flushing, Long bland eras the
first city to wire heir daily report to
toe War Council. Apportioned five
thousand dollars by the War Council
the Long Island town wired this af
ternoon before toe campaign
$10,568 had already
telegram was short,
a report from New
"Campaign got
start this morning,
this noon." Tele»
ffect continued to
Doing Her Bit
'received from Den
this morning: "Colon
Company have contrit»
..fifty -thousand dollars. Dem
veT apportionment was two hundred
thousand; dollars. They felt this toe
low and voluntarily raised it to f ivp
hundred thousand dollars and Coi
mittee confident will
do $ring pjfoportien
Ty to
beginning. Situation most encourag
throughout entirè division." y
Two Womb Flier* Volunteer Ser
fixed it one hundred thousand, re
ported practically assured. Wichita,
ices forty
tions of one thousand dollars each as
Ruth Law and Catherine Stinson
two of toe most widely known women
fliers in toe world have volunteered
their services to toe Red Cross dur
ing the present week. Ruth Law who
first came into prominence when she
jfiew frpm Chicago to New York has
already commenced flying over a
number of toe Southern cities where
campaigns are being held. She is dis»
jtributing Red Cross appeals among
I the southern inhabitants.
I Katherine Stinson, a youthful and
atractive Chicago girl of twenty-one
years, came to Washington today to
offer her service to the Red Cr^ss.
She is gonig to Buffalo to secure a
new machine and will commence to
distribute pamphlets for the cam
paign in the course of a few days.
Miss Stinson has been flying for the
past five years and is considered one
of the most proficient women fliers
on the globe. She recently returned
from the Orient where she made
flights for the Emperor of Japan
and the President of China. She has
also assisted in instructing the Cana
dian army aviators. Miss Stinson
also has two brothers and two sisters
who are aviators.
Other Campaign Notes
Glen Ridge, New Jersey was
among the first to send in a report,
the New Jersey suburb, apportion
ed eight thousand dollars, wired in
to headquarters that twenty-five
thousand had been raised . and a
minimum of a thousand dollars a
month had been, pledged for the rest
of the year. Montclair, a suburb
dose by Glen Ridge is getting out a
daily Bed dross journal during the
present week.
By Gelegt Burgess of toe. Vigilantes.
Mem must wait to be drafted, but
aay woman can. volunteer to this
war. Every woman should. An Army
of Women is enlisting recruits. Its
is ths American Red Cross,
and to cere for toe wounded is its
Don't think, however, that means
that you can pub on « becoming uni
form, and, after a few lessens, go to
Fmnce and nurse hgroes in hospi
tals. Wou)d you. if you wore ill,
want to. bo, cared for by an amateur?
No, you would want a trained nurse
who has graduated from a hospital
that would guarantee her character
and efficiency. Don't you want your
boy, if he is wounded ,to have the
very beet cate in. toe world?
Both in England and in France
many auxiliary hospitals were at
first filled with amateur nurses.
Men .were neglected, ill cared for.
iThe bed sores alone were terrbile—
all caused merely by the lack of ex
perience of toe nurses.
To avoid such horrors, toe Ameri
can Red Cross has enlisted thousands
of graduate nurses, women efficient,
experience and conscientious
and so scientifically trained that the
surgeon's work is made effective. It
has formed and prepared thirty base
hospital staffs—with surgeons, nur
ses, orderlies, dieticians, defies, and
housekeepers and
enough adequately to provide medi
care for an frmy of t • million
It is the work of the. women of the
Inn# to help fcwp these hospitals
Yop must do your share tont
rs. may be cared for: Joiif
Cross today. Apply at fite
neuest Chapter or Brandt. They
tell you what to do. G«t pine
other women and form an Auxiliary
|Sad -thy. Red, Cross will sent you on
There are two thing* the Red
[Cross wanto, and ym»% r quftkl*—
mquf? and. surgical dressings. Both
are' vitally necessary tfl keep tRe ho*»
4M an army in tRe field, it to to*
a least five per eeat
during the first jpeurt of the
psiigii, be in toe bbipjhl For
vm *v>Jm ill «
is a?snrs
an exactly alike. They must sei
the Headquarters
^ -r.» -4*
fet thé nearest Chapter tell yon
4m* »
„ Already
H$mre is enough work far every wo
man in toe United SRha
in tiie New
Week of June 23-30j
Designated by President
For Enrollment of Volunteers
To Fill Regniar Arm;
Washington, June 20.—President
Wilson issued a proclamation today
designating the week of June 23-30
as recruiting week for the regular
army and called upon unmarried
men without dependents to enroll
for war service in order that the
ranks of the regulars might be filled
This was the President's first call
for volunteers in connection with toe
war. The proclamation follow:
"Proclamation by toe President:
"I hereby designate toe period of
June 23 to June 30, next, as re J
cruiting week for toe regular army
and call upon unmarried men be
tween* the agss of 18 and 40 years,
who have no dependents and who are
not engaged in pursuits vitally nec
essary to toe prosecution of too
war, to present themselves for en
listment during the week herein de
signated to toe number of 70,000.
An authentic electric lighting opt
f t which requires no attention other
' than filling with gasoline and oiling,
8tarts itself when electric lights Is
wanted, and stops automatically
when toe lights are turned off.
A new typé of portable lamp is
equipped with a turn-down lamp re
gulated by a small rheostat in the
base. Four degrees of light, from
dim to full candle-power may be ob
tained from any Mazda lamp by
turning a lever. %
"Electric Miagara's" are used in
the vineyards of France to prèvent
destructive hail storms. In principle,
they arè simply numbers of light
ning rods which dissipate the
charges of atmosphere electricity
said to form the hail storms.
Four hundred automobile engines
are tested by electricity each day in
one of our largest automobile fac
tories. The electricity so generated
is put to work about the factory and
the current generated by each en
gine measured with G-E meter.
A tiny Mazda lamp has been per
fected which is so economical that it
will remain lighted steadily for a
peroid of twelve hours with the elec
tricity supplied a single cell of
an ordinal y door oell battery. One
of tl.ese lamps used in triangulation
surver ye v£ the Ü. >. Coast and Geo
detic Survey may be seen for a dis
tance of $0 mile«.
Waphington, June 21.—Men who
registered on June, 5 under to* selec
tive draft law Mrt »* Mverty to en
,11ft in toe f U.,SL M*npa* «t any time
pijor te their aelectian tor military
pervjee, white- «te o* ragistra
tian age who faibd to register will
qot ha acqteto^. tor enlistmsnt with
toe "Soldiers of the Spa", it wns an
nounced at Marina Corps Head
quarters today.
Recruiting, officials aay, that this
tagst to fight* organization will reach
V itp authorized rtreqgth of 30,000 msn
liefere, the close, of the. present
month, after which a waiting list tor
enlistment wilt be. maintained.
1 -14
!*_ ACRES )■'
1 Dr. F. R. Mprtin of this city, who
owns a torn several miles ont from
town, stated a day or tore ago that
Jn 1 1-4 acres of ' ground which
ionsly had been covered by rice
straw burnt off, that he had gather
ed 71 bushels of potatoes.
The potatoes were planted in the
way that is known as till "Lazybed
method." The potatoes were of ths
White Star'variety.
f Dr. Martin also, said that the en
tire cost tot raising ths crop was
$36.—Lafa yette. Advertiser . .
Dent forget
telT*nte at J|^#4 ** *•£
^ toe prices K « H « 4 *
this paper. '
Enactment of Foodj
Legislation Possible;
This Month
Both Houses Will Pass
Measure Desired b; Presi
dent To Curb Speculation
And Hoarding of Food
Washington, June 20.—Adminis- 1
tration leaders hi Congress said to
night public sentiment was begin
ning to make itself felt among op
ponent? of the food control bill and
predicted enactment of the measure
within two or three weeks.
Debate continued today in both
with toe House again sit-.
ting until late at night to dose gen
eral debate, with a view to proceed
ing under the five-miaute speech
rule tomorrow, and taking a final
vote by Saturday. In the Senate
there ^oja serious discussion with,
jlaregr attendance. The amending
stage pnAptehr will be reached there
next week Am«' toe measure, as it
passes t toa E|ouse, is suhstitated for
the Senafe draft Ultimate enact
ment of Rto legislation in acme form
is conceded «Ven by itn opponents,
and Senator Chamberlain said to
night it was possible it would be
finally enacted by July 1, as desired
by toe President. Few shared his op
timism, however, the general opinion
being for two more weeks at least of
Senate debate.
The Dixie Produce Company will
be ready for business In this terri
tory next week- They wiJJ bj»y. and
sell poultry, eggs, butter, vegetables,
etc. How would you like to have a
nice dressed chicken for your dinner
on Sunday, July 1st Guaran
teed young and fine grain fed poul
try. Young hens, dry picked,, 30c
pear pound. Young hens, picked and,
drawn, 36c pound. Hens from 4 to
6 pounds. Delivered any house in
Morgan City or Berwick. Delivery
Friday and Saturday, June 29th and
30th. F. HUTCHINGS, Phone 216
or address P. O. Box 26, Morgan
Daily Review 40 centr. per month i
tmc art op
Meer 15 TAU6HT
Be you a pupil or a graduate of
the School of Experience yon can
learn â lesson in the gentle art of
msking both ends meet by paying a
visit to this shop of style and ser
j The experience of years has
taught us the road to a customer's
It is the highway *f honest vaines
and proper prices»
How Does It Benefit Me? ?
Business men bdieve in die Federal Reserve
System, but many of them know little about it or how
it operatas»..............
To teil our community how the system benefits
tteam and how dfey edn contribute directly toils sup
port, we haye Brepamd a short pamphlet
If you haven 1t seen it we shall be glad either
to mail it*to you or give it to
you if you will call.
He FM Nation! Beikel M*pa
Capitol and Surplus, 1100,000.
8end for Booklet, "How Does I\ Çenefit Ma?'
v ; 't# t v
Important Points
Recaptured By
Italians in Their New Ofen"
sive on the Asiago Plateau
Wins New Positions
On the British fighting fronts in
France British forces have recaptur
ed important positions from the Ger
mans east of Arras, while the Ger
mans in Champagne region have
gained a foothold in French first
line trenches.
The British gain was .made east of
Monchy-le-Preux where Monday the
Germans under cover of a violent
bombardment drove back the Bri
tiah and occupied their .trenches. Be
tween the Ailette river and Moulin
d|e Laffaux toe Germans, in a strong
attack in which huge effectives were
used, captured a section of a trench
held by the French. The attack was
delivered over a front of ebont two
thirds of a mile and followed a vio
lent bombardment of the French
Near Lens the Canadians in an ap
sault on a position held by. the. Ger
mans which was barring toe way to
tlw city, routed out the defenders
and captured the trenches and in
corporated them into top British
lipiea. The Germans in serious at
tacks endeavored to regain the lost
tercsin, but were beaten off.
In the Aujtro-ttaliap theater, thé
Italians on thé Asiao plateau, south
east of Trentino, are again develop
ing the offensive which last week
gave them considerable territory»
but which was stopped by weather
conditions. .The Rome war office re
^e taking of formidable post
(tionB on p uteau and the capture
0 f more than a thousand officers and
men, besides inflicting heavy casual
ties on the Austrians, who strenu
ously resisted' the advance.
The expected general engagement
along the Macedonian front has not
yet developed, but on various sec
tors, notably in toe Cerna bend and
north of Monastir toe artillery acti
i vity again has increased.