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............• {LmL wü Germans n* Recaptured by Wate d Trpfps big Gotmb offensiv* Pleach litt« cut of , la which tm •ad captured, h «"«i* ÎWI» "* sept corered by I henry nr 4M matorg ft*« 'fun dead on the field of tgMfa.' I» rh U f fteé. prince hu hosn b a dly batfar* Mont Camflldt aad Hont In an attempt ta tjBemaus first were Reach, who 1$sa i Berlin wir «gkp, toe artillery Rusrians and AaMro-Gcnsaiui • increased in activity in Volhynia : Galicia. At sereral points the hare attempted to carry against the teutonic frönt» said to hare been erery are repulsed. Litle new* explana- ■ sna of the situation on jtoe Trentino, j __ fa toe Auatro-ftalian xoaa, ha#^ received, but unofficial reports battle, which is of great pro extends along the entire , from the Sugana valley to the plateau. It is in this region Italians are endeavoring to through the of their main objectives— I Austrian line to Dont forget the Red Cross Bar Sale at Hy. Loebs Big Store sy. Read the prices dn the ad. paper. . f« Take He Risk Whse Y« Sene Ym Cetory theIibÄÄv^SS/S ^ 1917 With oar young men wiVlmvr and anxious to offer their lives the least we who stay at home can do is to lend oar money country $90 or more, thereby rendering spatriotic aeyvice—and your mo pey y^ l) te«lfe^ Sntn|s Bank ^ _ _ m# bTSSS'-a™. uutfl S p. fk GU8 DREWS, President E. W, DREIBHOLÏ, Vice-Pre*di J Tbs Baak Morgan City fn»T os tssssow- or sono» How You Can H# Y°»r Country FHODUC&-AU You Can WlurtVoM.Can ., ^ .. _ * • " 'n,.. <#• *>. «r<r» ■f* wfaV _ PRODUCE FOOD--STOP AU- WASTE mwiw »«»g»»* 8t»*w by te »J&n 'mm the w»r. TW• ItePk »W PÇ aubecriptkm. Xm can 0* bond, w»d We wfirkaslêtlrtoi im»ae fo» «*■ PWT sllcaab. HqfH [jfSj gÊÊ [jWMtoa F. D hé jStXmt ■ *# : ~----« «***—- 1 - |Fwd B| Jty Pa$s Befind Mr l*i Cfcgages h M Hea&ft 21,—I VffMPftop. due f*T pasaageof the *tefIfMCffl P by July 1, u cctiy aeR roid by President Wi •ppeured brighter tonight after HI »ent» which promised to dels* aad&eaate ' "* ^ WftnawaSLt ■mmm I» site nd«t ént A fiul a&g Is and ite|The •* *» r^m # ^ *|T gejaetfaa I» the lou**. on a potef of on fay» of proposals to indndoj m thé obly appàrfpt ». to a fb^ rote ft A%t tine. T» pass the measure with as ffw UÉp h tin original draft 'u '» fa pfder to expedite cep espail eration, is the plan if Lerer, in charge #f , .. le told the Hone toH«M»f day that fajpar changea could i of Mure, while it now is of | 8 ,e He told the House itoJsMM could fte while it bow is of lhat the hfa'by be started. HoS a rallying to support the bill, one of speeches today in it» behalf beftig delirered by Representatire Gillette of Xfassachnsetts, acting Republican leader. While perfunctory debate prœ^ing fa fa« Senate, substantial ____ ^ ___ j m<gW)t <> | n ^ n j compromising dff ___ ______ _ ^ fences was made by the leaders at informal conferences. NOTICE There will be a special meeting of Doric Lodge No. 205- Sunday, June 24 > 1917 a t 2:30 p. m. for initiation. C. A. BIBBINS, Sec. Doric Lodge. No. 205 F & A. M. Pure Maple Syrup in 10c cans; 3yrup in 10e and 15c cans-wt Dyer Lehmann Co. Only Thr« Hör« Diy$ ôf y _ |n ji^e $ip£f fipe üttr Ti HJn <1 Hm (VJm ' S*x Ä rW WP? Twte AtTkEk At Pten« AI um Tkf $Mgf j^S; Mro- M. non *&■&'*** ..._ toH«M»f | Wllmi mc *? 91 dona if Cross •f H Cron will be 4 *» Card Pu*y ,e * Ilf The MB and be department m oi itoJsMM *»! _________ __ Mrs. Albert Cotton and assistants *•«• *« prise of thb weefc—toey ahsau hare something, especially when* Il b for a good humanitarian cause—and Red Cron work fa intep|fd onl y to alle * viate the sufferings of humanity. J WMO«« fa Ch s f I s o hay Tomorrow the entire parish will be in charge of the many sports at Charenion. The spot is various ^ ____ ______ _ an 'deal one to spend the day and to en joy yourself to your heart's content. Boating, swimming, fishing, danc ing, and other sports will be at your disposal, and not tjho least, your bodily wants will be supplied by all tiie delicacies of the season prepared in a culinary manner that will be most appetizing. eBar in mind that all the nickels or dollars you may spend at Charenton tomorrow, the half of it will go to the St. Mary Chapter, as the concessionaries of jthç, various business located on the grounds have generously donated half of the day's receipts to the Red Cross. Mr. John R. Drackett, toe o blig ing ferryman bee decided to ri»n the ferry and to bandle aft car» oh rotprn trip as Ifte as midnight and oyer, eo tjbere is no exçyàç why you gtouid iregp* tote b Wr» g * j ! ' Patterson has ob» Red Crop* sur prise tor &wffaf . lfe*. ty tf. Rous ael has this entertainment in change, j faßt*!' >yje tel ujp things, toere is soitoa(§M owï'd^ré ordinary J 0 W to« A*?* ^i^tion at Pattero® 11 next , June ^4. Details of the af^ I ve been withheld from the r ____ huit, we are'guessing that in tjke Alands of ifrs. W. D. Roussel the day will be an enjoyable one, and a ope—financially—for St. Ifaty Chapter i press, building new wire The increased telegraph business of the Hestern Union Telegraph Co. an d in order to facilitate thejirompt and efficient handling of that busi ness has prompted the Western Un ion, to string two additional wires along the Southern Pacific railroad. One line will run from New Orleans to Crowley, which will to cut i®to toe Morgan Cite office, the other line ii ç a«™» v« grijl be a through circuit from New i Orleans to ReaumonjL Messrs C. f. ïâi ttof». .and jÇ. j Y. McChesney, with Hooiton, T' re of ing with his gang west Mr.'A. 8. Ptete ft who is chièf of Con ÄT* / 7 » * ' « ! have tJs ttï. V iim *fw|l FWiTUPFf offteTflw heal mequ* of __ the fun feed «jjp. ft tte hiyT to namthc tee« CON* The mn sa r r ing 9s or ere r ***** fF?I te? to® I »re will who hpve äy ... «hit 9t ire gr dairy re* and in crease 4}ie npÜk production. It « a palatable feed keeps the stock fa a thrifty conditiop and the young stock growing all winter. It ip more, conveniently fed than ftay, conr fod der. Silage enables one to beep a 4 larger number of live stock on a giv of up will be tory en area of land than may be kept on i forage crops cut for hay. It furniahes succulent food during the summer j when droughts frequently occur. ! It prevents the waste of corn cobs, stalks and overripe fodder that would otherwise not be eaten by the ' animals. It is not too early to begin pre parations for building a silo for the crops of this summer and fall. The Extension Division of the Louisiana State University will furnish free of charge complete plans and specifi cations for a silo of any size.—L. S. U. Press Bulletin. VEGETABLES MAY BE SAVED BY DRYING Where tin can and glass jar* arr not available, dr if toe price of suph containers are too Ugh, th* lurpteà fruit* and vegetables that are perty fruit* and vegetables that pro perufi able should be saved tjf drying. Root j crops, such as Iridi potatoes, sweet g** 0 ?' h^v^j**«*** fans, etc., should be stored rather J than dried if thfy mature at a time of the year when toey can be safely kept in that way. Hie more perisft I able crops such as sweet corn, string bcaqis and early cabbage should be dried. TU« can. be done in an oven. in trays or raefat, over the kitchen stove, or in a spécially constructed -drier. There are small driers on the market which give satisfactory re i suits. Some of tiiese are made for use on tiie cook stove, while others have a metal base furnace. In both these styles the principles of drying are toe same. Full instructions for making home driers and directions for dry ing fruits and vegetables are con tained in a circular entitled "Home Drying of Vegetables," which has been issued by the Rome démonstra tion department of toe Extension i Division, Louisiana State University. i.Tbis circular will be seht free who Inquest it—L. 8. U. Press Bulletin. ÜST Wta fke$ 8 fit's Skwt MME. PETROWA Opera House» Saturday h m etc. nice on teed try. per 6 or War Tu §n PubËshers [ Profite Abort Ü06 ffitesPaten« bai ?"■-*>** a. Approved Wuhipafon, Jnae 21.—The Sen ate dn&ee 'committee late today took what' Hé* csjjiaitfae expects to be final action an publisher»' tax»» in S.7JWTC 1 cent n »i +A* gw by a 4f 1-4 of lass postage leff of ? per Iw frtQWCTI AB* Tm mjw* due tote M9 smShg who don# back 4 Georgia recently. f «hing toe hSTif ltura) it the ■eientifid methods of fanning and Idtchei^ economies. By home authod of practical education to the grown up as wpll as the child, the people will be taught service, the emence of patriotism." The Dixie Produce Company will be ready for business in this terri tory next week. They will buy and i poultry, eggs, butter, vegetables, etc. How would you like to have a nice dressed chicken for your dinner on Sunday, July 1st. Guaran teed young and fine grain fed poul try. Young hens, dry picked,, 30c per pound. Young hens, picked and drawn, 35c pound. Hens from 4 to 6 {founds. Delivered any house in | Morgan City or Berwick. Delivery Friday and Saturday, June 29th and 30th. F. HUTCHINGS, Phone 216 or address P. O. Box 26, Morgan City. TMf A*T OP NAKlNfr BofM teeer is tauohj ÖNLY IN THÜÉ jSSSSMS I A. J. GLASER, TAILOR Be you a pupil or a graduate of the School of Experience you can learn a lesson in the gentle art of making both ends meet by paying a visit to this ahdb of style and ser vice. The experience of years has taught us the road to a customer's friendship. ft is the highway of honest values snd proper prices. L I. GLASEIS TAILOR SHOP GIVE US A TRIAL ow Does It Benefit Me? Business men believe in the Federal Reserve System, but many of them know little about it or how it operates. To tell our community how the system benefits 11 them and how they can contribute directly to its sup 1 port, are have prepared a short pamphlet. If you haven't seen it we shall be glad either to mail it*to you or give it to you if you will call. lie flnf MhhI ftank of Horp Capital and Surplus, $100,C0(*. Send for Booklet, "How Does It Benäht M« ? " Active Operations To to At Once By Russia i> (**ftPuHw iMNMhiAifli j p g* Washington, Jude 21.—Russia's consoctetl&b to a tear to toe end with aüpéracy "was Skewed f'S6!Aetet Ambetdaier ftefcia ictiePf, nead oT'the »' here, fa à statetaièat to the nlr torjudh vKteiry, * be can A steWJ wdrid'pteee gad £ffuita*ofW Russian teveta&oa to A. see not thoroughly céhvwted." it fa ub lft rote; but DM ou wiléfc ' uhderU* fftrmfcn mto #é #tero, to» Irnlpfaem' of the 5*5?. Ji ... uuotM »vWohhl Bakhmeticff rojeetteg all toohghts peste' and ato«d toit fa Rhtefa leavM frQeäM&ti toeAteemifF of ff^t Ing t^e Gttethh autoertey until too conditions fot o genétel and teabU peace ' ih Europe tee estaffiitoèd" No. No. No. EASTWARD 12 lvo...:.;:____ s-m 8 Lve.. ......... 4(48 2 An........... 7(47 Lvo. .......... 7:57 8 A»........... 1(12 10 Lve...... .... 8:48 Lve*..........1:22 WESTWARD 5 Lve ........... 9:29 a. 7 Lve. '..........3:18 p. 9 Lve. . ..........1:58 a. No. 11 Lve...........11:03 p. No. 1 Arr........... 6:24 p. Lve.........6:34 p. m. No. No. No. m. m. m. m. m. m. Excursion Launch The Dalles to | Patterson, next Sunday, June 24.— Leave Morgan City Cane Wharf on Front Street at 1 p. m. Arrive Pat terson 2:15—Leave for returne trip 45 minutes after the ball game is over—Fare round trip—50 cents. 8t