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Matÿsox ~ Published daily except Sunday. C. E. KIHa M e bates op subscription l Year in advance ........$4.00 $ Months in advance .......2-®® $ Months in advance ......1-0® 1 Month .................. * 4 ® I Week ................... 10 Bates of Readers, Notice«, Cards #f Thanks, Obituaries, etcî Per line first issue • » .......* «Subsequent issues...... 2 %e Entered as second class mail mat ter at the Postoffice of Morgan City* U arcade tonight ~ «a Goat Without Noras," the tenth episode of Yite^ph's roman serial by Louis Joseph Vance, entit led "The {secret Kingdom," is shown at the Arcade Theatre tonight- This episode tells how the treacherous oc toroon, jealous of Julia, betrays Phillip's party into the hands of * powerful Negro Voodoo priestess. The priestess, who is very avaricious meets Ramon searching for Julia, sud for a large sum delivers Princess Julia into his hands. Ramon and his party, with their royal prisoner, start off .through the swamp. Meanwhile Phillip and Juan dis cover Julia's absence, effect their escape and set out in pursuit. The Voodoo priestess calls a meeting of the Voodoo worshippers, and sends for the sacrificial goat to be offered to Voodoo. In front of the altar, the worshippers work themselves into a religious frenzy with their weird howling, chanting and dancing.' Ramon and his party have lost their way—and are without food. Meeting the negro courtier bearing the goat to the sacrifice, they offer to buy it; when he refuses, they-slay frf m , kill the goat, and eat it. The superstitious Cuban guide, fearing vengeance ef Voodoo, steals Ra mon's rifle, which is provided with a Maxim silencer, and escapes. Philip and Juan capture the guide and te** the rifle from him. Ra mon's party, meanwhile, has been captured by the howling, frenzied Voodoo worshippers, enraged at the slaughter of the goat, and the pries tese decides that a human sacrifice must be made. She pifcpares to sac rifice Princess Julia on the Voodoo «Har. How Phillip and Juan save the hap Jess Julia from death, even as the huge knife of the priestess is about to sever her throat, and how the "silent death" which the rifle deals swiftly right and left terrorizes and uts the other woshippers, works up a thrilling climax—and the white escape through the maze of the dark and dangerous swamps. Should a WIFE TELL EVERYTHING To Her HUSBAND? Opera House; Saturday UNCLAIMED LETTERS List of unclaimed letters advertis ed at Morgan City, La., PostOfflce. Week ending June 16. l!)17. B. Billaruso, L. D. Teseur Bangain, Mr. Ernest Brady, Mr. Frank Caldwerc, Mr. T. * Calandra, Antonio, (4) Caro Tailoring Co. Crawford, Miss Alice Creasy, Richard (R. W.) Caruthers, Willie (R. W. River.' Davis, Mr. James Delaune, Mrs. Octave Diamond, Mrs. Sarah G. Gask, Rafield Giles, Miss Birder a Hamlin, Mr. Peter Hardy, Mr. W. C. Harding, Mrs. Susie Harries, Mrs. Emer Henry, Miss Hattie Hurley,Ethel (R. W.) Hood, Mrs. Mary J. R. B. J. (W. R.) Johnson, Rubin (R. W.) Johnson, Mrs. Steller Joseph, Mrs. Josephine Jooeph, Oveal (Special Ddy.) Johnson, Nancy (D. L.) Landry, Sidney Lawton, Mr. F. R. Lawrence, Mrs. C. B. (2) Lyons, lbs. A. P. H. McFan, JasMa, (D. L.) MeMJBen, John L. I B«n. j L ® 10 P. Marchive, Mr. Marcel Maycan, Miss Emma Mishlears, Mr. Houseler Mitchell. A. J. (D. L.) Musan, Mrs. Elizabeth Patunum, Mr. Allen Powers, Johnny %e the oc * his of the a Ra a Ra the the the and up of R. Rituecce, Mr. George Robinson, Bernice, (R. W. Sp. Del.) Robertson, William S. Simpson, Mr. W. B. Smith, Mr. Willie Solomon, Chas. (D. L.) Squire, Mr. Ben V. Verret, Mr. E. C. Vincent, V. E. (R. W.) W. Walsh, Mr. Thos. D. -■ Washington, Mrs. Chassits Wiliams, Jas. W. ....._ v . * Wixora, P." <R. W«) : Woods, Ever. Yy ' • Youngs, Miss F. . 1 ,, In calling for the above ' letters please say ADVERTISED. J. M. HEBERT, Postmaster. ... THURSTON. HOTEL . Opposite Depot . . . . Mr*.* Fred .Smith, Prep... . Cool rooms, with board. $2.00 « per day. Special rates by the week,. _ Excellent Services . The Pelican firecery ANDREA DR AGRA, J^ROP. Butter Beans 25c gal. To matoes 15c di-z. Green cow peas. Potatoes 25c ga. Onions Sc lb/ Uncle Romus Peaches 15c can. OKra 20c Gal. PHONE 96 JITNEY Day and Night Service WALLACE DITCH Office Phone 31 Res. Phone Md Ditch's Butcher Boy Says Heues avert luscious treat, htATTHATiS 'PURE AND SWBBT ! ceci .PROMPT DELIVERY Phones: Market 147. Res. 153 -— RING PRONE 354 FOR MILK WILLARD DITCH I l ! SEMITE For WINES. LlOl'ORS Cigars, etc j Phone 192. Morgan City, La L vOUR____ I Countersign ['quality 1 * The pass word in this market is "Topnotch Quality." Yon will never he disappointed with ary purchase m this shep. A telephone oraer re* «•hes the saine courteous cens •>» •Won as a personal visit ; Octave J. Delaune ; ,, ... Construction Eqmyment For Union Bridge Shipyard Mow Here Several cars loaded with the equip ment which will be used by the Un ion Bridge and Construction Com pany in their shipbuilding work here are now on the S. P. Tracks here. The spurs being built from the S. P. onto the shipyard will be completed in a few days and the machinery and material will then be unloaded upon the site. Ties are being laid on the spur tracks and it is believed that the rails will be in place by Monday and at that time the equipment will be placed in permanent position in the shipyard. .» The shipbuilding equipment in cluded several great traveling^ der ricks and many other .massive pieces of machinery which 'will be needed in handling the 300 ton ships tP.. be built here. Ways will be built -te-*e commodate six of these mammoth hulls. Shipbuilding experts have sta ted that a wooden ship is. ; heayjçr than aiteelhull'-shipami, this be ing trne, the Morgan City , shipyard can easily change from 1 wooden to steel shipbuilding. This change is undoubtedly contemplated m the plans of the company but the first nulls to be built will be wooden. Work on the yard will be pushe^ rap idly as soon as the constriction equipment- is placed* ' upon the ground. EVANGELINE FRIDAY A married man wins th? love of a •Ousting girl. H 19 wife dis covers.him.* fie marries the girl, then blames her itor the disaster" in his life. She quits/him and faces poverty. Kindly persons obtain employment for her as a trained nurse. In that work she nurses a young American millionaire back to health. She loves him; he loves her. They are married. Sre tells him nothing of her past. Years go by, and a tiny soul stands waiting at the threshold of their home. The wife is wrapped up in that child. She dreams of it, plans for it —and then comes to her the thought that her own silence means she is de ceiving her husband, and that the waiting soul may suffer by it. SJhe decides to tell him all. She does so. And she learns that her husband is the type of man she had not sus pected. It is a remarkable play which shows that truth always triumphs, ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVID UALS INVITED BY RED CROSS TO HELP PAY FOR SOLDIERS* MESS HALL. Do you not want to add your name to the list of patriotic organi zations, firms and individuals who are volunteering to give financial aid to the Red Cross Society in the expense they have incurred in erect ing the screened mess hall in Law rence Park for Company "C". The total cost of the building is $250.00 and thé St. Mary Chapter of the Red Cross is giving $150.00 of this amount. The khaki boys now station ed here have quarters where they may get all the pleasure possible during their training period and dur ing their service here as guards for important structures along the Southern Pacific. Soon they may be called to cross the Atlantic to take their places alongside our allies on the firing, lines. But while they are still here, you may be one who con siders it a pleasure as well as a pri vilege to take part in the work that has been done to insure their* com fort and good health. The Morgan City Daily Review will be glad to receive your dona tions and add your name to the list of contributors, or you can mail direct to Mrs. E. E. Moberly, Jr., Ramos, La., who is parish chairman of the St Mary Chapter of the Red Cross. The following amounts have been contributed : Red Cross Society ........ $150.00 Book Club............... 5.00 Woodmen Circle .......... 5.00 590 Club ........ 7 ...... 5.00 Eastern Star............. 5.00 Tribe of Ben Hur......... 5.00 King's Daughters ........ 5.00 Mother's .Club ........... 5.00 Junior Kings Daughters .. .. 2.00 Toernor and Young....... 5.00 E. E. Ditch . ............. 6.00 $6.00 Chamber of Commerce Woodmen Priscilla Club of Berwick .............. Methodist Church ........ C. R. Brownell ........... Wm. Drews, Jr., Walker, T ,a Mrs. E. A. Pharr fora» the, King's Daughters ........ 5.00 8t Elisabeth Circle of ; Civic League of Morgan City. .5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 Total $242.00 a AMERICAN it TERIALS CUBA, is SHAH BATHE PRO GRAM 4XHÜIETE Below is given the program of ex ercises pretexted by Company "O", 1st La. Infantry, nnder command of Captain G. C. Collier, at the base hall park here Wednesday for the benefit of the St. Mary Chapter of the American Red Cross Society: (1) . Close order drill. (a) . Boxing. (b) . Wrestling. (2) . Shelter tent pitching. (a) . Butts Manual. (b) . Setting up exercises. (3) . Bayonet exercise. (a). Bayonet Combat. (4) . Equipment race. (a). Recruit drill. (5) . Signaling by flags. (a) . Attack of a position. (b) . 1st Aid to wounded. Tent Pitching Squad. Sgt. Free in Charge. .Millebert, Slaydon, Callahan, Pearson, Sibley, Searle, Reid, Han- sen. Won by Searle in 2 minutes and 40 seconds. -- Equipment Race—^-100 Yards '1st. Private Kenneth Griffith, in 1. minutes and-32--seconds. ». 2nd. Private" 'Alfred E. Berlin, in 1 minute and 37 seconds. •; Butts* Calisthenics —A Physical Drill (Sgt. Bertuat in charge) Wills, Bond, McAlpin, MaynoT, Marcantel, Royer, Tatum,'' Dyer, Spears. Butts' Calisthenics —A Physical Drill Fears,- Hall, Weintraub, Whitman, McGee, Guy, Bullock, Berry, Ken nedy. '• *..... Bayonet Exercises (Sgt. Ber-taut in charge) 'Blacker, Doster, Cole, Bertrand, Gibbs, Jackson, Morgan R., Wilson. Exhibition Bouts—Boxing (2 Rounds) Allen, G. W., McGreevy, Mayo, arid Perkins. ' Private Ducros—Referee. Private Aycock—Timekeeper. Wrestling Contests Gordy and Craft Won by Private 'Gordy. Securing two falls within 9 minutes. CONSTRUCTION MA FOR PROSPECTIVE Cuba's prosperity has resulted in extensive plans for new sugar mills, new railways, and many other phases of engineering activity, all of which will mean new orders for American construction material and machinery according to an official survey of the situation recently completed by Special Agent W. W. Ewing, of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commer ce. A number of new sugar mills are projected for this season, and rail way construction and extension is being planned on a considerable scale. The heavy traffic movement of both sugar and general merchandise will make necessary a great develop ment of the wharf facilities, and the greater warehouse space and other port improvements is apparent. Modern hotel buildings are already being planned and sites acquired in order to meet the demand of the tourist traffic. Many other indica tions of engineering activity are to be seen in all parte of the island. The United States is in the best po sition to supply the materials needed for all such improvements. Mr. Ewing's report is entitled "Market Materials and Machinery in Cuba," Special Agents Series No. 139. It deals with present ' building activities and with the demand for general construction materials, floor ing materials, roofing materials, materials for interior finish, and construction machinery and tools. There is also a chapter on commercial practices and require ments and several pages of statisti cal tables. Although the booklet con tains 62 pages, copies may be ob tained at the nominal price of 10 cents from any district or coopera tive offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce or from the Superintendent of Documents, Wash ingfon, D. C. EVANGELINE TONIGHT Grace Vaughan falls in love with Dudley Kent, a married man, and a sensational divorce follows, after which he and Grace leave for Eng land. On the boat they meet ~~John Hargrove, a lecturer, and his wife, Mrs. Hargrove recognizing Grace, tries to befriend her, realizing that the girl is certain to meet with sor row, but Grace does not accept her kindness in the spirit in which it is offered. For a year Grace and Kent are ideally happy in their English home. But Kent never forgets his little son, te w h o m ho has been passionately de voted, and he b eco m e s frantic at re ceiving a cablegram announcing the 9 is IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO SPEND DO IT WISELY If you need new clothes, dont hold off, Get them Now. True economy, lies in buying wisely—buying the things yon need. You can get more for your money when you buy "FISHER'S QUALITY MEN'S WEAR'' We stand back of every article pur chased in this store. Dont wait—in vest your money in Men s Wear. Take our tip—Prices on everything are soaring. Get in at the old price. Buying at Fisher's makes you abso lutely certain of the values. "It pleas«« us te please YOU." "Get in one of those new bathing suits just arrived." (We are members of The Morgan City and- Berwick Chamber of Com merce. Are you?) 0 JACK'S STORE "Sun-Maid" Seeded Raisins Pkg. "Kup-FuH"Choice Seeded Raisins Per Can. "Dunbar's" Maple and Corn Syriip Per Can Fresh Vegetable's Green Peppers, Tomatoes Beets. Carrots Spinnach and Gr^en Cabbage, 'Direct From the Garden to your table-. GOOD PROVIDER S FAMILY mm ^roM\d€r fc&Ajs vie SVvouAd. prevue US tvq ou-Y ^oo<Jl s Yi\tVi cAve \ Jack's Store THE HOUSE OF CLASS Opera House Tonight MME PATROVA IN THE • "Waiting Soul" A five act metro Wonder Play of a wife who risked Ruin to tell the truth. And a Great Big Comedy Six Reels In All SATURDAY JUNE 23 We have succeeded in haying a return date on The Great Fox Feature Presenting Theda Bara In "The Vixen" In Six Swell Feature Parts ADMISSION 5 and 10 cents a is death of the boy. He denounces Grace for having lured him away from family and respectability, say ing that if he had been with his child disaster might hot have come to him. Grace leaves him at once. In the apxious days that follow she tries in vain to find employment. Exhausted, she is resting on a park bench, when a motherly looking wo man comes to her assistance and takes her home with her, saying the girl jieeds rest and food. All these she gives her, before Grace discovers that she has been taken to a ques tionable boose. She implores Willard Ashbrook, who visite the bouse, to take her away, and struck by her sincerity he does so. He gives her a card to Dr. Blackwell, head of a hospital whore he has influence, and she obtains a post as mm. a After three years of ministering to humanity she is declared by Dr. Blackwell to be his most efficient nurse. To her is assigned the care of Staurt Brinsley, a young American millionaire who is ill with typhoid fever. So pleased is his mother with Grace that she prevails upon her to accompany them back to America to care for her son on the voyage. Staurt and Grace fall in love, and Staurt proposes marriage. To see this picture complete come to the Evangeline tonight. Dr. Berwick's Ant Paint will stop ants—Have you tried It? Peoples Drug Co.—Phone 6 . Dont forget the Red Cross Bar gain Sale at Hy. Loebs Big Stew Saturday. Read the prices in tha ad. ® in this paper.