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TAR AND GRAVEL APPARATUS Device Invented by New Jersey Man ufacturer for Heating Materials I for Pavements. Emulating the* famous hunter of the olden days who killed two birds with one stone, a New Jersey manufacturer has recently brought out a combina tion tar and gravel heater that heats these two dissimilar materials quite in dependently but with one operation. The device, which is shown in the ac companying Illustration, is particularly fitted for street paving where block pavements with tar joints are laid. The apparatus consists of two main parts, a rectangular tar kettle and a Y-shaped gravel bin, with a furnace extending beneath both parts, from one end to the other. The furnace is fired from the gravel end of the de vice. The smoke and gases escape through an ordinary stove pipe in the kettle end. The inside of the gravel t !-«AVtl BIN nua* heatld ha <xn Taft SETTtf MOT GASU UNDta. TAR KfTTLZ, AND UP OUT Of STACK Combination Tar and Gravel Heating Device In Operation. heater is triangular shaped while the outside is made up in steps consisting of perforated metal plates. The Y shaped top acts as a reservoir bin and the gravel feeds down the steps and out at the bottom. The perforations in the step plates allow the moisture in the gravel to escape readily as it is turned into steam by the heat of the fire, thereby making it possible to heat both tar and gravel.—Popular Science Monthly. BENEFIT OF SHADE TREES In Wisconsin Owner Is Given Annual Bounty of Three Cents for Each Rod of Highway. The Wisconsin law provides that financial consideration may be given by the state to people who plant and cultivate trees by the roadside. Ev ery person along or through whose lands a highway passes may plant and cultivate on one or both sides of the road where he shall own land, trees of such varieties as commonly grow at least 40 feet high. These must be set two rods or less apart and in a row within eight feet of the outer line of the highway. When such trees reach 12 feet in height the superintendent of highways shall give the owner upon request a certificate accepting the trees as pub lic shade trees. Thereafter they be long to the public and are protected as public property, but the title to them or to the fruit they bear belongs to the owner as long ns he maintains the trees and replaces such as die. The owner shall receive an annual bounty of three cents for each rod of highway along which such trees nre planted on one side and six cents if planted on both sides, to be credited on his highway taxes. BENEFIT OF IMPROVED ROADS From Standpoint of Almighty Dollar It Pays Handsome Yearly Divi dend to Farmer. I,ft everybody awaken to the im portance of Improving the public road, for improved roads will bring: Better schools and greater attend ance. Better henlth and quicker medical attention. Better farms and more cultivated land. Better crops and better transporta tion. Better social conditions and less iso lation. Better churches and better homes. Better men and a better nation. Improved roads have a money value as well ns a social value. Looking at an improved road from the standpoint of the almighty dol lar. it Is found to pay a handsome dividend each year. Maintenance cf Gravel Roads. On many trunk highways, a grnvei surface would be entirely unsatisfac tory. but we must not overlook the fact that on roads carrying compara tively light traffic the annua' Interest cost of h more substantial pavement may exceed the maintenance cost of gravel. Durable Roads. Tirne-ssvlng. durable roads are nou as Important ns quick-firing guns, and It Is high time to speed up construc tion in order to quicken food delivery. ffîs A TTTM TAT JJJMfnrs: TREATMENT FOR MILK FEVER All Dairymen 8hould Be Prepared to Administer Simple and Successful Remedy to Cows. {Prepared by ths United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) In view of the fact that milk fever Is a very common disease affecting cows, particularly the heaviest milkers In the large dairy district. It Is of great Importance that dairymen ac quaint themselves with the present ex tremely successful methods of treat ment. The disease more frequently attacks well-nourished, fleshy, heavy-milking cows. It occurs during the most ac tive period of life (fourth to sixth calf), and Is characterized by a sudden onset and complete paralysis. One at tack does not render the animal im mune. It generally follows closely the act of calving and terminates In a short time (usually from 18 to 72 hours) either In recovery or death. While the disease may occur at any time during the year, It is seen prin cipally during the warm summer sea son. It is rarely, If ever, met with In pure beef breeds. At the commencement of an attack there Is usually ex-citement, the spe cialists say. The cow Is restless, treads with the hind feet, switches the tail, and walks about uneasily. These symp toms are followed within a few hours by partial paralysis, Indicated by a staggeriDg gait, especially In the hind legs. The animal then becomes qui eter. mere weak, and finally falls down, unable to rise. While down the animal assumes s very characteristic position, which 1« a great aid in diagnosis. The head Is turned around to the side (usually the left) and rests on the chest. On the day following the onset of the disease, and in some cases even within a few hours, the animal may be up eating and drinking In a normal manner. In fatal cases the animal may remain perfectly quiet, bélng com pletely paralyzed, until death. The treatment consists of Injecting air through sterile absorbent cotton, preferably Impregnated with carbolic add, into the teats by means of a specially designed syringe. Soap and water should first be applied to the teats and udder, after which they should be carefully disinfected with a five per cent solution of carbolic acid (three tablespoonfuls to one quart of water). Then insert the syringe in the teats and force air in each quar ter of the udder. After one-fourth of the udder 16 well distended with Al tered air a broad piece of tape should be tied about the teat to prevent the air from escaping. In case the air becomes absorbed and no Improvement Is noted within five hours, a repetition of this treatment should be made un der the same antiseptic precautions as the first, each quarter of the udder being filled. The air should be left In the udder for 24 hours, and when the recovery Is assured It should be grad ually milked out It is best to secure the services c* a veterinarian for this treatment, but this Is not necessary if the dairyman or farmer has proper equipment and takes due precautions. GUERNSEY BREED IS POPULAR Has Maintained Steady Growth and Found in Large Numbers in East ern and Central States. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The Guernsey breed developed on the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Alderney, although probably the par ent stock came from Normandy, & Purebred Guernsey With a High Rec ord. France. This breed has maintained a stendy growth in numbers and popu larity In the country, and its largest numbers are found in the Eastern and middle Western states. The characteristic colors of Guern seys are some shade of fawn and white. Cows average about 1.05U pounds and bulls about 1,600 pounds In weight. Guernsey milk Is noted for Ita extremely yellow color and high percentage of butterfnt. In the Guernsey breed the average of 6.200 cows that have completed a year's record for advanced registry is 8.934.44 pounds of milk, testing 4.99 per cent, amounting to 446.01 pounds of butterfat. Tbe ten highest produ cers of this breed range from 24,008 to 17.297.51 pounds of milk, with an average, for these ten, of 19,337.9 pounds of milk. The teu highest Guernsey butterfat producers range :rom 1,098.18 to 910.67 pounds, an av erage, for these teu, of 976.75 pound* of butterfat. Beware of Drafts. A thermouieB'r should be bung in every stable. Beware of drafts on u ieusltlve cow. M. A CHILD GETS SISK CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED LOOK AT TONGUEI THEN GIVE FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR STOM ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. -CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS' CAN'T HARM CHILDREN AND THEY LOVE IT. V / r Mother ! Your child isn't naturally cross and peevish. See if tongue is coated ; this is a sure sign the little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom ach-ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gen tle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea spoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this hnrmless, deli cious "fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleans ing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomor row, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company."—Adr. Would Admit That Much. Frankie was visiting in th e home of his uncle, when the subject of homesickness was being discussed. "I don't think I was ever home sick," said the little boy, "but I've often wished I was where 1 wasn't." To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regu late liver, bowels and stomach.—Adv. A boy who is taught to save money will rarely be a bad man or a failure. —Gladstone. Whit Do You Know About CATTLE? Do Ton Want to Know tbe CATTLE BUSINESS? Drop os a post card today and get fbhb Information about, the New Book, "CATTLE. BREEDS AND ORIGIN" about all breeds of cattle on earth. M. DAVID ROBERTS' VETERINARY CO., A 100, WAUKESHA. VIS. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. For Constipation Carter's Little Liver Pills will set you right over night. Purely Vegetable Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price Carter's Iron Pills Will restore color to the faces of those who lack Iron in the blood, as most pale-faced people do. GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE This valuable and harmless Baby Medicine is composed of the following; BISMUTH, LIME, PEPSIN AND CATECHU WITH PURE SIMPLE SYRUP Bismuth is healing to the mucous membrane of the stomach; the Lime neutralizes »he acid where there is a sour stomach; the Pepsin digests any indigestible food that may be '.n the stomach, and the Catechu acts as a mild astringent to control the bowels where there is a disposition to Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Flux or Sick Stomach. GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE is not a patent medicine. We give the ingredients and tell the effect of each ingredient so that you can judge for yourself! SPECIAL NOTICE—This preparation does not contain Morphine or Opium in any form and we don't advocate the giving of Opiates unless it is absolutely necessary. RELIEVES For Dyspeptics who are AIDS SOUR STOMACH Troubled with Sour Stomach DIGESTION It Relieves Stomach and Bowel Trouble and Is Just as Good for Adults as for Children We have numerous letters on file from parties claiming that this preparation relieved their babies of Chronic Dysentery, where everything else had failed and where they had been troubled in this way for several years. Children like to take it For sale by all Dealers in Drugs. Made and recommended to the public by PARIS MEDICINE CO, Manufacturers of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE and GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. St Louis Ma --------------------• TITLES UNFAMILIAR TO HIM All That Defendant Knew was That the Song Had a Distinctly Ger man Tinge. "Just what did he say that caused you to strike him?" asked the judge in a city court recently. He was speak ing to a young man, with a decidedly Irish name, who was being tried for assault and battery on a man, with a decidedly German name, who It was alleged, had made some disloyal re mark*. "He said." replied the defendant, "that he was for Germany, first, last and all the time. That he had a piano in his house and that he played and sang 'Rock and Rye,' and 'Germany Forever' several times a day and that he would like to see anyone stop him." "What did you say the songs were?" asked an attorney. " 'Rock and Rye.' and 'Germany For ever,' answered the defendant. "Wasn't it 'die Wacht am Rhine,' | j , I and 'Deutschland Feber Alles?' ques tioned the attorney. "Maybe it was, hut it sounded like 'Rock and Rye' and 'Germany For ever' to me." "I guess it's all according to the na tionality." remarked the judge. The defendant was discharged.—In dianapolis News. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County—rs. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN* DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use Of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 188«. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. One Thing All Patriots Can Do. "Made in Germany?" The answer Is. "MADE IN HELL." "Glorious Victory?" Bombarding churches on Good Friday and then dar ing to thank God for his aid. You nmy not be able to make a law for a nation—but you can create a law for yourself. You may swear an oath to your soul never to buy anything made In Germany, nnd keep that oath —who Is to prevent you?—Henry Rus sell Wray of the Vigilantes. FARMERS ARE W0RKIK8 HARDER And using their feet more than ever before. For all these workers the frequent use of Allen's Foot=Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot-bath, increases their efficiency and in sures needed physical comfort. It takes the Friction from the 8hoe, freshens the feet, and prevents tired, aching and blistered feet. Women everywhere are constant users of Allen's Foot—Ease. Don't get foot sore, get Allen's Foot= Ease. Sold by dealers every where, 25c.—Adv. Considerable Come-Down. "Where is your brother now?" asked the American. "Oh, lie's in London yet," replied the English lady. "How's he getting on?" "Oh. he's been greatly humiliated of late." "Indeed! And how?" "Why. it's a considerable come-down from a high silk hat to one of those fiat steel helmets." True to Life. "I don't see how you rend that trashy novel," declared mother. "Do you see any merit in it at all?" "Why, yes.i answered father. "It is intensely renljistic." 'What do yinu mean? Why, the con versation betjveen the lovers is utterly «V .1 r, .1 é- 1 k A i t* notl/kllO II l«i\ ï (1 I / »ft 0*1 1 î V silly, and tin absurd." "Yes; that father, mildl Knicker —I ernl housewc ir actions are idiotically what I meant," agreed The Boss. >oes your cook do gen rk?" Bocker—No, she does generalissimo. Many a man who objects to carrying a bundle home from a dry goods store goes home from his club loaded. Smile, smile, beautiful clear white clothes. Red Cross Ball Blue, American made, therefore best. All grocers. Adv. Be charitable—a tight fist is likely to get rheumatism. Trust Me! Try Dodson's Liver Tone! Caiomel Harms Liver and Bowels Read my guarantee! Liven }*our liver and bowela and get straightened up without taking sicken ing calomel. Don't lose a day's work! | There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calo mel when n few cents buys a large j bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone—a per fect substitute for calomel. It Is a pleasant, vegetable liquid , which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn't make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is I perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is a Don't Be Afraid o f Your Meals Take "Eatonic" and Laugh At Stomach Troubles II. L. Kramer, the man who origin ated Cascarets, has discovered a sure, safe, quick-acting relief for bad stom achs. He named it EATONIC for your stomach's sake. You can eat anything you like now nnd digest it in comfort, for stomach ease is positively assured if you eat each meal. EATONIC acts directly with the food the moment It enters the stom ach. It Immediately checks any ten dency toward too much acid and en ables the food to pass from the stom ach Into the bowel in a sweetened con dition, and thus prevents the forma tion of sour distressing gases that up set digestion and cause a bloated, dull, lumpy feeling that makes your FOOD REPEAT. EATONIC enables you to eat your fr OH/ y C9 Spring Run o! Distemper MAY BE WHOLLY AVOIDED BY USING • *CDflHNC M A small outlay of money bring:* very 31 911113 great results. It is a sure cure and * preventive if you use It as per directions. Simple, oaf* and sure. The *1 size is twice the quantity and an ouaes more than the 50c size. Get your horses in best conditio* for late spring and summer. All druggists, harnea* deal ers or manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL. CO, Manefactnrera, Goshen, tad. You Need More Than A Laxative NR Today—Keeps the Doctor Away To Ur* and be healthy, your body mechanism must properly digest your food, extract all the nourishment from it and promptly throw off the wasto that Is left. This is accomplished by the processes of digestion, assimilation and elimination—the work of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. The failure of any of the vital or gans to do Its work properly affects the action of all ti e others. A forced bowel movement does not help constipation; It only re lieves for a few hours the con çût:. n that constipation brings about. Now If you ar© used to taking so-called laxative pills, oil, purges and the like, you know mighty wen you've got to be taking them all the time. Moreover, If you stick to any one laxative, you've got to be Increas ing th* dose all the time. That can do you a lot of harm. Stop dosing yourself with such things just long enough to give Nature's Rem edy (NR Tablets) a trial, and let the results show the difference. NR Tab lets are not mere bowel movers, their purpose is to correct the condition that Induces constipation and give you real, genuine, lasting benefit; to Improve y o tfl f digestion and assimilation, give you * good hearty appetite, regulate your liver and bowels, tone up kidney ac tion and give your poison-clogged bodjr a good cleaning out. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) Is no£ harsh; it is mild, easy, pleasant In ac tion: no griping or pain ever follow® its use: but It is thorough and sur® By its action on the digestiv® organs It promotes assimilation, which means extraction of fuQ nourishment from your food, and thereby gives you new strength, energy, better blood, better appetite. By toning,, nee stirring your lazy liver, NR aej into tne intestines, improving in testinal digestion. Lastly, by gently encouraging more vigorous bowel an® kidney action, NR drives polsonon® impurities out Of and cleans up you body. Try Nature's Remedy {NR Tablets? and just see how much better you fee® in every way. Get a 25c box today and take one each night for a week. You'11 say you never felt better In your life. NR is sold, guaranteed an#. recommended by your druggist. Aßtil® S mercury and attacks your bones. Tak* a dose of nasty calomel today and yo® will feel weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and you will wake np feeling great. No more biliousness constipation, sluggishness, headache^ coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don't find Dod son's Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money is waiting for you.—Adv. fill and laugh at indigestion, dyspep^ sia, heartburn, "sour stomach" and all the other bugaboos of "the-man-afraJd of-bis-stomach." Kramer says: "EATONIC should b® in every home ready for use after ev ery meal. An EATONIC tablet wiO aid you naturally to easily digest and assimilate—your food can be tbor* oughly enjoyed without the slightest danger of misery from acid stomacb. I strongly advise every one to take EA~ TONIC after meals. To correct bad stomachs and keep them In perfect condition, it is a most wonderful covery." If EATONIC falls to give yo® prompt stomach relief, your meney will be refunded ; 50c buys a large b«t at any drug store. Or write to Eatonic Remedy Co., 1018 S. Wabash Ave, Chi cago, U. S. A. To correct constipation, all organs of digestion and elimination should be helped. Try NR and see how much better you feeL