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'^xscrrr^.rrr MYSTORESARESUPPL ED TO MEET YOUR SU ' MER NEEDS Let us show you our assortment £/ You will be convinced. ;Vl ,J : T r - •» • •:4/ «i .# <»•. GLENMORA, LOUISIANA & V T iH\ r Plan Your Whr Garden Now* §av© Tinie and Money* ^ /? «F 4 ■tfi? W>V*"!.**-,- - <* *•-'*:<.%.«• V a^v' ??-f !' ! ! • • • ■• T- v -' ! < * ■■ 1 Mælp /HCF fßöi f OuftEXFOßT Food Stocks N CITY and country more war gardens are needed this year j than ever before. Patriotism prompted 2,000,000 American? j to plant gardens last year, according to estimates of He, United States Department of Agriculture. Transportation j g facilities of the nation will be strained this year hauling mum } tions of war and foods for the Allies Ihe surplus food ore- j mod by home garth ns help In the railroad problem. An* : the Dation will eat tsu of the goods we must export—wheat I uietit tais and sngfc. Every boy aud girl that helps with the ! garden is helping »-in the war Leaflets of Instruction In j garden making may be secured fruo tàe Department ol Agriculture at v ' ttSil ] tugiou, upon r^*^e*L vvitiiout ciiurjp*. in 100 PERCENT LOYAL Over the top for Enterprise No Slackers White and Colored i jo per ct W. E. Halliday $50.00 ! H. Fisher 1.Ö0 II. C. Hooper 5.00 W Allen 1.00 C. Gautier 10.00 J. Sheffield 1.00 N. Hooper ' 2-, 50 H. Butler 1.00 L. Babb 2.00 M McCarter 1.00 D. Nelson. 1.00 L. Lockwood 1 00 L. Bean 10.00 S Hawkins 1.00 A Brown 1.00 F. Hurt 1,00 I. Jackson 2.00 C. Adkins 1.00 W. Davis 2.00 N. Morris l.oO C. Cook 1.00 P. Ferrel 1.00 D. TTiompson. 1.00 S. Wheeler 1.00 W. Moss 1.00 J. T. Peninger 4 00 M. Cyrus 1.00 D. Williams 1.00 C. Lockwood 1.00 D. Chavis 1.00 L. Jordan 1.00 D. Chavis Jr. 1.00 C. Penninger 2 00 Ed Welch 2.50 J. Washington 1.00 W. Hopkins 1.C0 S. Powers 1.00 S. Eady 1.00 J. Gill 2.00 M. Smith 1.00 C. Meyers 5.00 H. Jackson 1.00 W. R. Ferguson 5.00 H. Duberry 1.00 > e-. Beck 2:50 D. McLain 1.00 . Jr. Lockwood 1.00 i D. McPherson 1.00 ■ G. Mathews 1.00 j L. White 1.00 B. Mackey 1.00 A. Welch 1.00 M. Mackey 1.00 E. Ebert 1.00 C. Gilmore 1.00 W. Brooks 1.00 ' 1 j { : ! I j ! i j I 1.00 FOR SALE Choice cut-over lands suitable for Homes. Farms, and Cattle Ranches; in tracts of io acres and up wards; in the neighborhood of Glenmora, La. For further particulars apply to, John Evans, P. O. Box, 68, Alexandria, La. Andries' Confectionery THE PLACE TO GET YOUR Cold Drinks Cigars Candy Tobacco Ice Cream F. A. Andries, ProprieLor Authors Net Posted. How He Voted. Wills have often proved a sttimbiln* B fturch court a pastor had to block, to the novelist. One flag-an* »o^g qx> g deiirate question KM her case may be mentioned P ropu nr way would estrange so writer causes an old aristocrat to I * g 0 be voted o. fcis "last will and testament equiva.ent >t> as-..:s cessed by his butler and bis The nest dm a co>-- - keeper, yet he makes thorn b ' usktd how tide r,r. fit under IL By so doieg ht : vexed qu*-' ' the will Invalid But tie author r- man ,5;^ no , s •ct know it be voted that V feis u O. Long L. McManus A. Golinan A. E. Smith $105.50 PROPER STORAGE WILL SAVE SWEET POTATOES 1.00 1.00 I 00, 5.00 • ; i VALUE OF CFÎCP OFTEN Di CREATED BY CARELESS METH OD 3 Or HANDLING. i STORE IN WELL BUILT HOUSE An Abandoned Tenant House Can Very O.ten Be Utilized For This Purpose. j j Improper methods of and storing sweet potatoes j g p 0 nsible for large } friea.t!y decrease the valu** of Lie j j cron< according to A. F. Kidder, pro : fessor of agronomy, Louisiana Slate . I University. Louisiana's sweet pota ! ( . r0 p j> or t i 5 j s year i- esiimated to j ^ 5.090,000 bushels, and growers ] would do well to lui:" precautions , ,. (li .|j. r I " \e re- ' losses which through careless j ■; to be observed ! against uDCiaa Ins. ■ • ' handling. Some of the (bin? 1 are as follows: 1 T'otalocs should he thoroughly j mature b«doro being harvested. { 2. They should be handled cureful : ly to prevent brui ses, '<-• such places ! cause roi very quickly. I Injured potatoes should not be j stored v.ith sound ones. ! 4. The pot aloes should be sub i j ec teil to a température of 85 to 95 I degrees Fahrenheit as soon as they ere put away, and the moisture con tent reduced to 10 per cent, or less. 5. Potatoes should be stored in a well built house, where the temper ature can be kept uniform. This will save a large per cent of all good sound potatoes, while the old bank method usually causes a loss of 25 to 50 per cent. Old tenant houses can often be utilized lor that purpose. DISPOSE OF THE UNPROFITABLE HEN Culling Should Be Done Frequently and Thoroughly. The Rent Sheepskin. The president of a college near Bo» ton tells me that he received today a letter, the writer of which, a graduate, asked for a cecond diploma. He said that he had been engaged but that he and the lady of his choice had a falling out. The lady showed her dis pleasure by tearing his diploma into bits. "I am afraid." said the presi dent, "he will have to go through life minus his diploma, but with a certified eopy."—Boston Record. Saith the Cyn , '% Character is like money; when yeu lave a jreat deal, you may risk some for, if you lose it, folk will still be lieve you have plenty fn c ? •« GROWING HOGS For a hog to be profitable he mu3t be kept growing from birth to marketing age. He cannot be profitable unless he is healthy. He can always be in a profit-pro ducing condition if he is fed B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder. We pos itively tell you that this remedy prevents cholera, removes worms anu cures thumps. If the pow der does not makegood, we will. Glenmora Drug Company ______ j rnrcu Millie FRESH MILK Furnished, free delivery, { twice a day, in any quantity: also ; J ' 01 butter and butter milk. : ; Vega tables of all kinds. ! We have several good milch COWS „ I for sale. CARRUTH BRO'S DAIRY, i Phone W- 2 THE METROPOLITAN SERENADERS * The Metropolitan Serena tier-'. • under leadership of Mr. I I"-I Uialt, of Chicago, will furnisn | the entert -. * : tuen number*' on j I lie mV. did < v oT 1 i.e Cnautau : qua. * nubt a ai iS one t t T.a utuuqi the j I 'certaine r> in tl. v ..untry,and wej {are fortunate hi having him here j j . with his own company for twoi concerts. Mr. Pratt is tt reader| and musician, making a specialty ; of character portrayals in s**rg and musical readings. Miss Lela Kcpp* '* t,!1 ,,c '~ complisln d musiCii.ii up m vai - ious insti umctil s and a splendid singer. Miss Grace L. Penn, vio I lin and soprano soloist, formerly ' first violinist with tiie Symphony {Orchestra of Sp**ki»ne, Washing n. wiilappearoti both programs j ! n din\ . and h* - t' . s did nf the u> e live** days. .> e in vi-ntor of a lit for gast : -, ,v !l as an ex- j . : .j, r, and his nveu | a. ! -rgc part in the sne : romuuiiy's entertain—- j nils T he local < 'bau mu qua commit- j t *> is very desirous that every ! i;p who can possibly do so wiiljr^ >.iy a season ticket to the Chau uqua, and that every cm v ill tend all ot the sessions ihis •'WAKE UP AMERICA" pro y vam, sent out fr'-Ui \i ;i - hingtuli D, G., is composed <-f very interesting and important discus sions, put into a setting of splen did music and entertainments, and it will he very profitable to all who attend. Irreverent Youth. J On a recent publication day at a | iewspaper printed cut west, a boy, some ten or twelve years of age, came into the office, and, with a peculiar grin on hi§ face, Inured, "if that pa^ account of the man that has been mur- j dered in Delevan?" He was an- ! swered in the affirmative, when de- , positing five cents upon the table, be ' remarked, with an air of self-impor | tance, "Well—that's my dad, and I ! want to read about him." —Beaton ! Herald Few Hens in England. England has one hen to tbs acre at territory. DIRECTORY Fraternal and Religious The Columbian Woodmen Household \'< 223 meets the tlrst Thursday In each month at 8 p. tn, Dr. Geo. M. Mosroi.. Worthy Consul. Edwin Oku. Worthy Clt-rk. Camp No. 130 meet; the first Saturday in each mo th at 8 p. m, . P. Ferguson. r. < l. W, Britt. Clerk Glenmora Bodge So. 3JW meets third Satur day In each motnîi ai 7 ä*p, m J. F. Pennington W. M. J. W. IÎRlTT, Secretary BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching each Lord's day at lia. m ant! j 7017 p, m. Sunday school each Sabbath 111 u 111 . Prayer meeting each Wednesday even ;tngat7:30. L. H. SnuTTLESWoitTH. i*asicr. { Methodist church ; c Glenmora-Preach,ng each first and third jSundaysatlt a. ai. and 7;3o p. :n. Sunday : school each Sabbath at I0 a. m. Prayer ser- i ; vice Thursday at 7;3U p, m. ! McXarV— Preachlugeach 2nd and 4th Sun days at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. sundey school each sabbath at 10 a. m. I Melder— Preaching eadi third Sunday af ternoon at 3. Sunday school each Sabbath i aftern,K,n at 2:3 °- w w - Paster^ X H E GLENMORA P A T R (Successor to Lecompt-o Drummer-Arnerk Published Every Fridav \V. Vv. PERRY a-no Year Entered at Hi* ilishcr SU B SCR f i 'T 1 ON RATES On* . >e postoftice at G len more. rttidl-Fii .o:vi olas? priilgle &Jenmng' Auto Transfer Accessories and Repair Work. All Work Guaranteed. C. T MERCI AL h* urance Agency • ire, Life, Windstorm and Casualty Insurance G A. Petrie Alexandria, La. oGOt®a®îïi*3*3cr.<rr:i3'îaîsr.6©.£3®4na»®©ü.oo6©*®«*»»*»«s*®a I THE SQUARE DEAL STORE i . o*r^*.î3ww«»taï*wd. Kgna—j—— a man — 1. vrep.*ring to make .Special Rates, to purchasers buying •Family îjots—S e e ns for particulars. : j I W. W. JOHNSON, prop. I » ^ S e or,09 $99dS<i«e»SieigSMü«MtOMc«90«t9«M9000«tl »«949630 f?s f Authorized Dealers j *|| ! FORD CARS And Real Ford Accessories Auto Transfer and Repair Work a-Specialty Anything you want for your car, we have it; if not, we will get it for you. Before retireing, see us for casings and inner tubes—we have 'em. The GOOD onea-Goud Year, Fisk, United States and Firestona. Did you ever think about it, putting shock absorbers on your Ford? We have 'em, four styles to pick from. Why don't you put supports on your Radius Rods? We have 'em. How about bumpers for your car? Save a big bill from a big bump. We have 'em—(Bumpers) Don't throw that casing away-letus vulcanize it for you. "We to serve." C. A. CARRUTH MOTOR CO. Phone 75 GLENMORA, LA. £ If it can be done, we can do it. J | .ç, . ....... j ! ----- ' ' ' X X _.......... , ' | ! ! Taberlet's Restaurant —-AND BAKERY Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies Baked and Delivered Every Day. Patronize the Home Man ïn the Restaurant We are prepared to serve on short order many of the good thing to eat. Our service is the best. Our prices are very reasonable. Get in tlio habit of eating at Tabarlet You will grow fat and save enough to start a bank account. Try our Home Parched, Special Dripped Coffee. Pies, the kind mother use to make A. R. TABARLET, : : : Proprietor f rrj. W. BRIT T— I Real Estate Agent Notary Public Justic of Peace. ^All kinds of Insurance- Rental Agent. at Non-residents. Taxes paid for % Eggs for Sale RHODE ISLAND RED GAME *1.00 for 15 Eggs Mrs. J. W. Britt, Glenmora, La. Olotlxes OlestacLecA PRESSED AND DELIVERED CHARLES SEGARS back of Savoy's'Barber Shop.