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rtXLL togetehokk THE PATRIOT Voi 22 TIMBER LUMBER GLENMORA, LOUISIANA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY' 19. 1918 NAVAL STORES No. J moi 1. T. JUST IN TIME Mircrr^Tn k/IWIIll 1— w ■ v A Powerful Disinfectant, Germicide, Insect Des. troyer-Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed Bugs« Lice, Ants Removes Offensive Odors, Purifies the Air This Remedy Possesses Great Germacidal Power GLENMORA DRUG CO. . Glenmora, La. I MANHEIN FLORAL COMPANY J Flowers and Decorations g for all occasions. Flowers delivered by wire anywhere in the U. States 310 Murray street 310 Milam street Alexandria, La. Shreveport, La. Buy that tiV.S.S. now. Break your Cold or LaG rippe with a few doses of 6,66. Sgt. Slater was here last week end, the guest of the P. P. Joseph home I.awrcnce Cashen enlisted with Uncle Sam's forces last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs Jack Savoy on Monday the 14th, a fine girl. Mother and babe are doing well. Frank Daniel after a few days restât Ball returned home Mon day. Mrs. Daniel is tarrying a while at Pollock. L. M. Rachat left Sunday for Mineral Wells Texas. After a short stay there, he will go to New Mexico for a season. Mrs. W. C. Stokely was an Oakdale visitor this week. Ear* Calhoon was home Sun day a few hours. Hadley Morris had the Patriot ordered to his address in New Orleans. THE JOY OF LIVING; To enjoy life we must have good health. No one can reason ably hope to get much real pleas J UU1V IIUDÜ IU JUUVU ure out when hi, bowel, are clo* j ged a good share of the time and the poisons that should be expel led are absorded into the system, producing headache and'indiges tion. A few doses of Chamber lain's Tablets will move the bow els, strengthen the digestion and give you a chance t* realize the joy of living. Try it. GOOD BUSINESS Is our Summer slogan MORE VALUE GOODS AT SAME MONEY CAN BE TAINED THAN ELSEWHERE. We are always ready to serve you, Campbell-Penny Company Free delivery OB Your long-cherished desire to own W. S. S. may now be easily realized. You help yourself, us, and our country all at the same time. Here is the plan: to everyone buying TenDolllars worth of our goods we will give two and one half per cent disc ount or the price of a Thrift Stam p. Thi s o ffer go od du ring July & Aug. on cash trade only Andries Mercantile Company Phon« i , F«« Delivery Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cady and daughter, Octavia, uccompained by Miss Mattie Calhoon, M rs. L M. Rachat and Mr. B. Calhoon left Thursday of last waek for Nantuckett, Massachusetts to spend their summer vacation. W. M. Cady Jr. had a fine com pliraent paid to him recently, when he was chosen one of twel ve out of 600 boys to assist in training our young soldiers at Camp Sheridan. Too young te enter the regular service, yet old and patriotic enough to serve Uncle Sam in another capacity. Messrs B. F. Lewis, R. O. Byrneand J. L. Bullock motored to Alexandria Sunday. Messrs Yawn and Parnell of Oakdale were weekend visitors Glen m ora. Mrs. Sarah Scott suddenly died in Alexandria last Friday. Her body was brought here Sat urday and interment was in the local cemetery Sunduy morning. She leaves four children and many friends to mourn her death. MissAudye Reynolds enter tained her Sunday school class and a few of friends at a picnic on Calcasieu river last Friday to : afternoon. They report a rery en joyable timo. Several of our young men left for New Orleans Suuday to enter the army mechanical school, there. Hadley Morris and H enry Ehlers were among the number. RUB-MY-TISM—Antiseptic Relieves Rheumatism, Spraiue Neuralgia etc; 'Y" MEN for he Aceording to matter sent us Mr. A. P. Oakes, San Antonio, Texas our "Y" men are proving themselves real- heroes on the ! western battle front. "They are not quitters." They stay witu the men in all the places of war , and enjoy the perfect confidence j of the soldiers as they act as be their brokers. These "Y" men al so handle vast amounts of mail for the army. | the More men are now wanted for service. Men of const« uctive leadership are especially desired for Russia. For further inform ation address A. P. Oakes, Be dell Building, San Antonia lex as. at Hear Rev. Briscoe Garter a the Methodist church Sunday j^e fair morning and evening. Red Cross day at Tab.-rlet's last Saturday was a splendid success as $130 was realized. Miss Neva Lewis left Sunday to take charge of her school. H. Meyer will leave Sunday for Chicago to spend about two weeks with his brothers. Messrs Buiter at Enterprise ami Burns each of whom was hurt in a railroad accidents are improving quite steadily. ed not the Alger Gill Tuesday evening at 8.45 at the homeof Mr. Chester in McNary Misr Myrtle Alger and Mr. Sam Gill were united in marriage by Rev. W W. Perry. The Alger family lived in Glen mora bat for the past two years have made their home in Ruston. Miss Alger came on a visit to her sister and while here brought to a close four years of court ship. Mr. GUI belongs to one of the bidestand nicest highly respected families here. He is studying dentistry and will complete his : course next year. May joy and success bless their lives. "Over the Top" a great war drama to be shown at the La Grande Saturday night, starring Sgt. Arthur Guy Empey. Grace Mouroe and Iraa Ferg uson are at home again after a short visit with relatives and riends at Iota. Read the home paper. Willie Hewitt of Longleag who is serving in the navy is home for a short stay. no ly to Miss Doris Johnson, with her sisters Clothilde and Jeanette, jieft Friday for Birmingham where they will make their home. Miss Louise Naquin returnd to her home in Labadaville Tues day after a pleasant stay with the H. Meyer family to whom she is related. Misses Alice and Gladys Wei din who haye been gueste of the Misses Perry returned to their home in Boyce Monday. WAR MAP FREE SUNSET MAGAZINE increases its rates to 20cts. per copy on news stands and $2.00 per yearly subscription begining with September issue, 1918. A LAST CHANCE to subscribe to SUNSET Maga zine at the old price of $1.50 per year and receive a Large Liberty War Map of the Western Battle Front, FREE. This remarkable offer is open j .. .____________ , to all whose subscriptions will be j received at this office up to Aup ust 15th, 1918. Subscribe before this date and save the price of TWO THRIFT STAM PS "Kill two bfrds with one stone" Help tbe s Governinent. and your self. SUNSET MAGAZINE SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA LAME SHOULDERS. This ailment is usually caused ; by rheumatism of the muscles. . Al! that is needed U absolute restand a few applications of ( Chamberlain'» Liniment. Try it. k P. F. Châtelain left Sunday for Marksville to spend a few days with homefoiks, from there he will goto Hot Springs for a couple of weeks. •JOHN OVERTON EN TERS THE RACE Hon. John Overton seems to be making rapid progress in 1rs campaign for vacant seat in the United States Senate caused by the death of M r. Broussard. Iu this neck ol the woods many voters have expressed themselves favorable to the can dacy of this nativesou of Central Louisiana. We note that he has recently invited his opponents to appea • witli him on the platform and each in turn present his cause to j^e people .This seems to us a fair proposition and should meet with the approval of all fairmind ed people. We trust principles, not mud slinging, will govern the campaign. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beanty lotion cheaply tor your face, neck, anus and arms At the cost of a small jar of or dinary cold cream one can prep are a quarter pint of the most rvondorful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two f«'esh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles sallowness and tan and is the id eal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and a quai'ter pint of this sweet ly fragrant lemon lotion and mas sage it daily into the face, neck,' arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. GLENMORA BANK j Sweet The readers of the Patriot, no doubt, read with interest the statement of the Glenmora Bank in last weeks issue. This institution meets a felt want in this community; and it conservative management is steadily Winning for it a larger business in this section. Since we have been here its deposits havegrown from a little over $125,000 to nearly $150,000. Its president, J. W. May, and cashier, F. G. Châtelain, as well as the Board of Directors, are justly proud of this growing con fidence and larger business. To them this advanoement is largely due for they are actively identified with all that makes true progress in any community The policy of this bank is con servative; the personnel of its ad ministration is beyond question; therefore we expect to see this bank grow in power aud useful ness in the passing years. A cut and slash at W. W. John son's store—Credit cut out and credit prices slashed. See me. Subscribe for the Patriot. WANTED! potatoes, yam varieties, j for future delivery. Contract now. Price 55 cents per bushel, guaranteed at curing plant at Glenmora, La. Hampers fur nished free. SeeF.'G. Châtelain, care of Glenmora Potato Co., Inc. Chamberlains Tablets. These tablets are intended es pecially for stomach trouble«;, bilionsmesF ~r.r .>! c ,i, ; y ()lT bavé a; y tr: . SO rt, give them a [for yôur sejf whe ( meàieiu tids: ITT ibies of, this j rial unckreaUze ; f«i ^ wiii — U 101 .v « h>.'. Tut»/ only cost a quaater k * ; - ITT j ; I You can't afford to take a cha : I when your health's % » f make assurance doi b I buying youf*medicin J THE CRESCENT On SU. Opticians Louisiana * Glenmora 5 ä S » • Chain" Tread a a AT. V vj m 1 j F <1 n «»? 5*3 fSm ilä MA ■iWF w Back the Government to the Limit The Government has asked American busi ness to pursue a certain course for the dura tion of the war. Keep quality up and prices reasonable,. —a strictly non-profiteering policy.. It is the only patriotic policy. It is the policy this company has always adopted and the one we will continue to pursue. We stand ready to undergo any sacrifice, in order to cooperate with the Government. We believe it is best for ourselves. We know it is best for our country. We appeal to all concerns—big and smalt—» to adopt the same policy. American business must rally as a unit to the support of the Government. It is the surest and quickest way to win the war. United States Tires are Good Tires SB« m m 'RoyalCord' 'Nobby' 'Chain' * Usco * 'Piabth^ , .V A complete stock of United States Tires is carried by thé : following Sales Depot, A. G. Pringle. ___ Who Is Your Choice For Senator? A man selected by Political Leaders, Factions « Cliques, or to Represent some Particular Lection of the state, or a Man Chosen by the Voters wco own. their own votes to Represent the whole State of Lou isiana? John H. Overt jn was not ''Brought Out* by Any body; Asked Permission to Run from No Leader or Set of Leaders: LOOKS TO THE PEOPLE For his Election; Not to Some Political C iisfu* or Combination Meeting Behind Closed Doon. DON'T BE STAMPEDED • By Politics! Dopesters into Approving the;-? Hand-Picked Candidates. Use your awn Juagment Vote for w - : Says What- he Stands for, and Stands, isr -• Clean and Upright, VOTE FOR JOHN OVERTON!