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Do you love our land? Want to Serve it -then Buy war saving stamp Buy all you can afford The Big Drive i3 getting results, and our w orkers will do all they can to help Our Country win the war. To the lady in the Glenmora District selling the most stamps by Dec. 31, goes $25 in W. S. S. GLENMORA, LOUISIANA J. S. GERS CHARTER OF THE GLENMORA POTATO COMPANY, INCORPORATED. State of Louisiana, Parish of Rapides: Be it, known and remembered thatonthis 25of JuueA.D.l91âbe fore me John W. Britt Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified according to law in a. d for the Parish of Rapides, State of Louisiana, and in the presence bf the witnesses herein after, na tned and signed, personally came and appeared before me, the sev eral persons whose names »re hereto subscribed who severely declared unto me, said Notary be fore the said witnesses that a-, vailing themselves of the l a ' vs of t.he State of Louisiana, relative to the organization of corporation and in particular act 276 of 3914, they have covenanted and agreed and do by these presents, coven ant and agree and bind them aslves, as well as all other per sons who may hereafter become associated with them, to form and organize a corporation and a body politic in law for the objects and purposes and stipulations here in after set forth, which they hereby adopt as the charter of the said corporation. ARTICLE 1 The name aud style of this corporation hereby formed is do* dared to bo the Glenmora Pot ato Company Incorporated, and its domicile is hereby fixed at Glenmora, Rapides Parish Lou isiana, by which uame it shall en joy corporate succession for ninety nine years from above date unless sooner dissolved ac cording to the laws of the state of Louisiana at time of dissolution. ARTICLES Under said uame aud style, the said corporation shall have the power to contract, sue and be sued, to make and enforce such by laws for its government and operation as it may choose , . not contrary to existmg laws, to! employ and fix compensation of such officers, employes and a gent? aif.tbe interest ef this cor poration may require or suggest tp own, buy, sell, lease, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise alien ate, property real or personal, movable or immovable, and gen erally to do and perform any s«t necessary for the succesful ope ration of the business outlined at the objects and purposes of the corporation, to issue ware house receipt for commodities in its curing or storage plants, to adquàtely bond such officers or employes in the performance of their duties. ARTICLE 3. The ob jests and purposes of th^ corporation aie to buy sell, 4 FOR SALE Choice cut-over lands suitable for Homes, Farms, and Cattle Ranches; in tracts of 10 acres and up wards; in the neighborhood of Glenmora, La. For further particulars apply to, John Evans, P. O. Box, 68, Alexandria, La. Andries' Confectionery THE PLACE TO GET YOUR Cold Drinks Cigars Candy Tobacco Ice Cream F. A. Andries, Proprietor fK ,t; jcultivate, store and cure and qt-, j herwise acquired or dispose of 'sweet and Irish potatoes, to lease own or acquire and operate pot-1 in >to curing plants and. farms the promotion of the growth 1 dol!ars($3,C'00 00) to be known as prti{e , rct i stoc k to be divided in * c 50l) sliares of ten dollars each a-, provided that the corpora the sweet and Irish potatoes. ARTICLE 4. The capital stock of this corp oration is fixed at five thousand . f 01 ■ 1 j j i concern 1 ion becomes a going an ^ b e gi ns t 0 transact business as soon as fif . y perce nt of the ^pjtai stock is paid for in c ash j except that the same may be p a j<j for hi property or services rendered said corporation. The c - ap jt;il stock may be increased to ten thousand($10,000.00) if tho board of directors so desire, but m case oI i ncrease the additional stock will be known as common stock,and îhe original stock pre f ere d stock. Theprefered. stock , shall receive 19%,dividend before any dividends lire paid on the com mon stock. ARTICLE 5 All corporate powers of this corporation are hereby invested in its board of directors which j said board shall be composed of three stockholders of the com pany. The first board of direct ors shall be composed of the fol lowing: Joe Babb, Glenmora, La. Pres. F, G. Châtelain, Glenmora, La. Secretary and Treasurer. Ei P.Ferguson, Glenmora, La. Vice President ARTICLE 6 The annual meeting of thestock holders of this corporation for the election of directors shall be held 1 on the third Tuesdav of January , , J of Oüpn venr Mnrino't.hi> pyist.oiM>a 4 of each year during the existence of this corporation beginning with the thirdTuesday in Jan uary 1919. ARTICLE 7 No stockholder of this corpora tion shall never be held liable or responsible for the faults or con tracts of this eorjioration in any further sum than the unpaid bal ance,if any,due upon his shares subscribed by him. Nor will any mere informality in this charter or organization here-of have the efiect of rendering the charter a n«h and void or of exposing any stockholder to any 'liability be yond the unpaid balance,if any,of his stock subscription. ARTICLE 8. The incorporators here-of are Jon Babb subscribes 1 share. E. P. Ferguson subscribes 2 shares. M. Quick subscribes 1 shares. M. F. Baham subscribes 20 shares. W. \V. Perry subscri bes 2 shares J W Britt Jr. sub scribes 20 shares. L. E. P.>e ^ub scribes 4Û.«hares. L. B. Phillips subscribes 1 share F. (?; €hatq r lain subscribes 213 share* ARTICLE 9. f -> rins coaporation sluul enjoy ^ L. j all the corporate powers grurrted. il» to corporations by the laws of the state Louisiana and in pnrti cular Act 267 of 1914 of the Gen , , , , any amendment there ot that mav , ,, , J be added. ei al Assembly of Louisiana and Thus done read, signed at my office in tho town of Glenmora, Parishof Rapides, State of Louis iana, on the day and date first written in the presence of me Notary, and the two competent! undersigned witnesses, Joe Babb me share, by F, G. Châtelain. E P. Ferguson two shares by F. G. Châtelain. F. G. Châtelain two hundred thirteen shares. L. E Poe forty shares. J. W. Britt Jr. twenty shares. M. Quick one share.. M. F. Baham twenty shares. L. B. Phillips one share. W. W. Perry two shares. Witnesses, A. G. Pringle, D B Jennings. Notary Public Jno W. Britt. cleaaing away the debris prepar atory to rebuilding, and will soon FIRE AT MCNARY At 2 A. M. Wednesday morn ing the inhabitants of MeNar, were rudely awakened by tin fire whistle and upon looking out found the block of buildings which contained the comqiissary post-office, picture snow and ware house enveloped in flames It was so dry that tho flames spread very rapidly and, excepi the mail which was saved mad» a clean sweep. The loss is very heavy, probat ly $100,000; but partiall covere« by insurance. We regret to chronicle this de Struction, as every thing tha was destroyed was needed an< will be hard to replace, if indeec. some of it can be repiaced at all. Several, conjectures are put forthas to the origin of the fir« but the one that seems to pr< vail among the leaders, is that i was the work of an incendiary. The men in charge with thei characteristic energy are atwoi4i j have things in running order, T. L. McNiccol family. Miss Blanche Pryor was in town this week, the guest of the MARKETING HOGS beats buying them. Steve Hoov er, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, writes, "Commenced feeding my herd of about 100 hogs B. A. Thomas Hog Powder over two months a go Fifty were sick and off fed. Nearby herds had choiera. I did not lose one -they are well and growing fast. FLIES NEVER BOTHER. In the summer flies worry an animal. Get a bottle of Farris' Healing Remedy—costs but 50cts makes a pint worth $2.00. Apply it to the wound. Flies will not bo ther it. Get it today. Yoo may need it tomorrow. We sell it. Glenmora Drug C'o. >:% läs» Tà Mrs. Burns Letter. Here is a letter that is certain to prove of interest to*people in this vicinity, as cases of this sort occur in almost every neigh borlioud, and people should know what to do in like circumstances. Savannah Mo., Oct. 12, 1910 I used a bottle of U ham be- iain's Colic aud Diarrhoea Rem edy about nine vears ago and it -, . . , T çuiredmeof flux(dysentery). I * k>, , , , tf'-î - ,-v. ïïàd-rmbth« - of Huk. saüie complaint some three or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy cured me. I have recotn mended Chamberlain's Colic and rv , „ , . , , Diarrhoea Remedy to dozens of , T .. . .. ,, people since I first used it. SLACKERISM OF AN OTHER KIND The terms "slacker and slack erisra" are commonly .heard a raong us and apply to men and women who do not stand loyally by the government in this world war. It has made many people push up to do something worthy to save themselves from tho odium of such terms and estimation. But what sort of slaokerism is that which fails to attend church and support its ordinances? Do we think that we are strong by rush and hurry? by big money and loud talk? If so we are sadly mistaken. We are strong only in that degree that we are moral ud spiritual and if we deny our •Ives the source of this stiength t is only a question of a little ime till we are weak, hopeless ind helpless. While grateful for physical strength with which to work money with which to carry on all ,ur enterprises; let us still be more grateful that God is access able at all times; and when we ire in right relation to him, the Sundays do not seem lonesome, nor does the call to worship seem inimportant. Our men are called upon to 1 ce this question fairly. How do you expect for churches, Sunday schools and other religious work to go on with success and power when you absent yourselves from such services? Slackerism here will ruin the morale of our civil population. Wake up fellow citizens and cut ont this evil a uong us. Misses l.ula Mae Atkins an Gussie Harris of Athens Louisi ana are the charming guests of W. E. Barksdale and family. Miss Atkins left Friday, but Miss Harris, Mrs. Barksdale's sister will remain a few days longer, Miss Eulalee McNiccol who has been with M iss Pryor the past five weeks is at home again. DIRECTORY Fraternal and Religious The Columbian Woodmen, Household N/) ÎC3 meets - the Urst Thursday in each month at 8 p.m, Dr. Geo. M, MohrOk. Worthy Consul. Bbwiï Orr, Worthy Clerk. CainP No. 180 meets the first Saturday In each mo tti at S p. m, .P. Kergcsox, C.C. •/. W, Britt, Clerk Glenmora Dodge No. 366 meets third Satur day in each month at 7 :B 0 p, m J.r. nmaorov W. M. J. w, Britt. Sec «darr THE GLENMORA PATH (Successor to Lecompte Drummer-American.) Published Every Friday \ i o W. W. PERRY Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES .»ne Year One-Dollar-and-Fifty Cents ^1—P°stoffice at Glenmora, La., as second class matter Pringle & Jennings Auto Transfer Accessories and Repair Work. All Work Guaranteed.. CL j j , is» is. • 'g. SAVE MONEY By trading at Glenmora's square Deal store. Strictly cash only. W. W. Johnson, Prep. s. Authorized ïTWy.v yiaii/ud. Dealers ford cars And Real Ford Accessories Auto Transférant! Repair Work a-Specialty Anything you want for yonr car, we have it; if not, we will get it for you. Before retireiug, see us for casings and inner tubes—we have 'em. The GOOD onea-Good Year, Fisk, United States and Firestono. Did you ever think about it, putting shock absorbers on your Ford? We have 'em, four styles to pick from. Why don't you put supports on your Radius Rods? We have 'em. How about bumpers for your car? Save a big bill from a big bump. We have 'em—(Bumpers) Don't throw that casing away-letus vulcanize it for you. If it can be done, we can do it. "We to serve." C. A. CARRUTH MOTOR CO. J Phone 75 GLENMORA, LA g Taberlet's Restaurant AND BAKERY-— Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies Baked and Delivered Every Day. Patronize the Home Man In the Restaura. : We are prepared to serve «>n short order many of the g<xxl thing to eat. Our service is the best. Our pric»?s are very reasonable. Get in the habit of eating at Tabarlet You will grow fat and save enough to start a bank account. Try our Home Parched, Special Dripped Coffee. Pies, the kind mother use to make A. R. TABARLET, : : : Proprietor W. BRI T T: Real Estate Agent Notary Public Justic of Peace. All kinds of Insurance- Rental Agent. Non-residents. Taxes paid« L . -t Erratic. -One objection. It seems to me. against being a great man.' said tbe person who hcbituaîij does his think ing along erratic lines, "is that after a statesman has made footprint* on tbe sands of .tin.*- u it m i hin buoy trying to ofcuter —^nch. How Atout HT It m«7 Also be true that the roil ing moss gathers no rock». COMMERCIAL Insurance Agency Fire, Life, Windstorm and Casualty Insurance G. A. Petrie Alexandria, La. O' PRESSED AND DELIVRE —by— v>iiARiJS8 SEGARS back of Savoy's Barber Shot* W<xi«cn in Business. Women are now engaged in ail bar two of the 303 gainful occupations of the men of this country.