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pull TOUETEUES the patr ADVANCE vor if commun: Vol 22 TIMBER LUMBER GLENMORA, LOUISIANA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 26. H>18 XAVAL STORE No. 20 j. I. T JUST IN TIME DISINFECTO A Powerful Disinfectant, Gerir.icide, Insect Des. troyer-Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Lice, Ants Removes Offensive Odors, Purifies the Air This Remedy Possesses Great Germacidal Power GLENMORA DRUG CO. Glenmora, La. , ! ta. a MANHEIN FLORAL COMPANY Flowers and Decorations for all occasions. ' Flowers delivered by wire anywhere in the U. States 310 Murray street 310 Milam street Alexandria, La, Shreveport, La. & g m & ë ë R 1 Buy that W.S.S. now. Preaching ssrvices at McNary Sunday morning and evemg Webster Britt answered the call of his country Monday. Robert Morris of Camp Nich-. oil was here a few days last week. Herbest Cady answered the call of Board No 1 Monday. L. M.R uliai returned to Mc Nary after the tire, but did not rrylong. Professor C.B. Turner was in town last Thursday. Mass at t>e Catholic church at ten A every fourth Sunday. Break your Cold ov LaG rippe with a few doses of 666 ; Mrs. W. A. Blue and daughter Eva, and granddaughter Marga ret, of Good Pine, are the guests of Mrs. T. L. McNiccol this week Mrs. J. L. Pouns was in Alex andria this week i,n the interest of our Red Cross. Dr. H. A. Bremer and a party of friends motored to Alexanrria and Camp. Beaunegard last Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Joseph have had as their guest Mr, Jos eph's mother* Mrs. Jules Joseph and sister, Mrs. J. K. Gaudefc. W. E. Hailiday has been away a few days on a trip to Texas. LAME SHOULDERS. This ailment is usually caused y rheumatism of the muscles, ill that is needed, is absolute est and a few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment. Try it. GOOD BUSINESS Is our Summer slogan MORE VALUE GOODS AT SAME MONEY CAN BE OB TAINED THAN ELSEWHERE.. We are always ready to serve you. CatnpbeU-Penny Company Free delivery THE ALLIES ARE WINNING: So are we winning, because we WE KNOW WHAT OUR PATRON AGE DESIRES and keep it lor them Gleemora's quality house for service . And ries Mercantile Company f "'Ÿ' w?--r- y. ■ •- * Phooc 1 Free Delivery C. A. Car ruth mado a business trip to Alexandria last week and brought back another new automobile. A card from Mrs. B. F. Bre mer who is visiting relatives in DeRidder, states that she and children are enjoying themselves very much-.also that her sister, Mrs. W. E. Tant left for her home in Elpaso Texas last week. That long looked for ram ar rived last Thursday uight. Our fishermen report having better luck lately than in the early season. The political pot is beginning to boil quite freely in some parts of the state. Nothing «ut of the ordinary is going on here. The Methodist Ladies aid ga e a picnic last Wednesday for their members and a few friends, on Calcrsien river. They report a de lightful day for the outing THE JOY OF LIVING. To enjoy life we must have good health. No one can reason ably hope to get much real pleas ure out when his bowels are clog ged a good share of the time and the poisons that should be expel led are absorded into the system, producing headache and indiges tion. A few doses of Chamber lain's Tablets will move the bow els, strengthen the digestion and give you a chance to realize the joy of living. Try it. RUB. MY-TISM— Antiseptic Relieves Rheumatism, Spraine Neuralgia etc. Glenmora and McNary are en - joying a tide of new comers lately. Scarcely a vacant house is seen in tlioss towns m i&ct dw^llingrs are at a premium Good wages and fair treatment are partly re- j for this tide; the en- j larging of the Louisiana Saw Mill j Company, Incorporated, and the j prospect s of other industries coining, have also stimitated in- | terests. j We trust these new people wiil ; find conditions of labor and iiv- j iag to their liking and will an-j chor for a long time. Most of j them move to often. They cost j time and money every time they make a change. Plenty of workat ; good wages, a good school, good j churches and community should induce them them to have a home feeling. A card from Mrs. Radial says: "We are located in a beautiful cottage right on the beach and think if you will send us the Pat riot we will have a great summer. All send best wishes to you and family." Our soldiers aie giving a glor- j . ins account of themselves on the battle fields of Europe. No doubt! some o£ the Europeans will under ; go a very decided change of op- j inion as they regard the ability j . . and valoi ot t ie / met leans. Mrs. W. W. Perry was a Sat urday visitor to Oakdale. Mrs. W. C. Easton left this week for an extended visit to her old home in Indiana. Sgt Newt Blue of Camp Nicb oll was a visitor to the T. L. Mc Niccoll home last Sunday. A. M. Crowder wiLl soon be come a citizen of Oakdale as he is now employed by one of the lead ing business houses otthat town. Louis Berger is visiting reiat ives in Now York for awhile. F. G. Châtelain was kept in doors a few days last week on ac count of illness. He is back ai his post now. Mr. and Mrs. Albriton hav* the sympathy of their friends bt cause of the death of one of theii children, which occured Friday. Interment was at Amiable cejne tery Sunday. Corporal E. Pringle is here a few days with relatives and friends. The next time you return ho me from a trip look ut your town with the eyes of a stranger, a visitor, and"see how it looks Rarely do things p.erish from my memory thaeare worth rem dies inst embering rubbish tantU' Rubbish dies instantly, but there is a resurrectiou. j nstc * ad of a horn it generally uses a a fire alar 13 Rev Brisco Carter mabe the round of the third Quarterly Conferenee with us last yunday Corporal J. a. Bar spent Sun dpy with homefolks here Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. W Lewis, a girl où the 20 th Miss MayLong of Kinder is. the guest of Misu Ollie Colquitte J. S. Gerson lias leased the Knight building;, as this store is adjacent to his, this arrangement will put his stores together and save him much time and trouble handling his wares. WAR MAP FREE SUNSET MAGAZINE increases its rates to 20 cts. per copy on news stands and *2.00 . . ... , . . per yearly subscription begming with September issue, 1918» j A LAST CHANCE ! , ..u. ^..:u 4 orwurrn , < : subsenbe to SUNSET Maga -1 zine at the old;price of ^1.50 per ! year and receive a Large Liberty War Map of the Western Battle Front, FREE. This remarkable offer is open to all whose subscriptions will be received at this office up to Aup ust 15th, 1918. Subscribe before this dato and save the price of TWO THRIFT STAMPS "Kill two birds with one stone" Help the Government and j'our self. SUNSET MAGAZINE SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 1 The Glenmora Potato Comp j iin J - s earing plant is being rou | structed under the direction _ of; ^ciiruson uuct Mill soon oo , completed. A house oi ten thou - j sand capacity is con.siruct-ed anti j wo hope ..r tamers .ill take ad! j vantage of tins and make and j «ave that many and more <xf pot jatoes. | Me v-ere at tue Louisiami Saw j Mill one night ihm week and met ; some of the new men that are on j the night shift. Among the mini ber we mention, Messrs. Wardj j the sawyer; Beard, mill office: j Bridges, scaler. The premises a (bout the mill are showing thej ; change of owners as the office is j fenced, yarn enlarged and other jlike improvements are evident, tion for his hea'th, is brek at his Mrs. W. E. Meigison will spend three weeks at Hot Well reçu ne ratine- bon hmlth ' idL e 11 1 uuaun. H. C. Barron after a little vacu o, w MJ11 uisidna öd\i jlilll ■re office. place at the Louisian Company's stor_______ James Hattaway joined the U S. Marines this week and will be LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN sent to Paris Island soon. Make this beauty lotion cheaply tor your lace, neck, arms anil arms At the cost of a small jar of or* dinary cold cream one can nrep -1 ' are a quarter pint of the most wondorful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeezing t he juice of two f«?sh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, Care should be taken to strain the j Jice thiough a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon j lice is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles sat lowness and tan and is the id •al skin softener, whitener and oeautifier. Just try it! Get tb röe ounces of! orchard white at any drug store! md two lemons from the grocer swvct nd a , ,.rter pint ui die fragr mt ai.»u lotion and mas ;age it daily into,the face, neck, inns and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. A cut and slash at W. W. John son's store—Credit cut out and credit prices slashed. See me. Subscribe for the Patriot. We feel that a word should be said as to the growing com spiri t among us. Itiseas iesnow to get concerted act ion on public utilities than ever. We are gird of i-t. Team Work will win for us in many cases where we would lose if that was wanting. Our business and sociaj lifeseems to be more intimate; growin sood will seems to be apparent; wo hope that it is, anyway, for it is needful for our welfare and ach % A worthwhile patriotic service for the Glenmora Community will be held at the-Baptist Chuch jhe first Sunday nigh tin August. Get ready for it, attend it, and show your good Americanism by being Courageous at home and helpftl to thd boys away from home. Pork FavorKo Chine»» Poe* The Chinese est ist tie or no beef. The beef consumed ia the empire is chiefly the food of foreigners. But the natives are exceedingly fond of P° rk and consume vast quantities of it Not only is the native article ar, excellent grade> but ChiEefie po rk i3 retailed at a price far lower than the mere cost of potluction in this conn 'ry. American pork could not com pcte 0 | c b j na even if there were no question of transportation, Enthusiasm Befcro AU. Every good and commanding move ment In the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever accomplished without it.—* Emerson. Chamberlains Tablets. Those tablets aro intended est pecially for stomach troubles,, biliousness and constination. II you have any troubles of this, ort, <rive them a t-hi and rea-izo vouv seif what a first class; medicine will do for only cost a quaater. you. They j j i ; j j You can't afford to take a chance when your health's at stake, so make assurance doubly sure by buying your medicines at mJGCQ, Opticians Glenmora Louisiana V .I" -• > i' $ i't Mrs. Oliver Writes " Dear Sisters of Glenmora WC TL j Please may I have your atten ' D 11 !l jeU minutes. We hold meeting every two; weeks Of an houas duration only. : , moutinifi jo ; |L\Ol\ one Ol .3t. ' mporfcant. There is where we are supposed to get our orders and instructions for our work, and there is always much to be. done. And we are much hindered ; Us a Union bv many members being absent. Absent ones can not know of the work done or work to be done unless the foui or five members present "with " the plans and reports do more than double duty by going to see absent ones cr in some vray giv ing much of their valuable time h giving individual instructions I want to beg yon to attend these meetings,every oneoi you. îheie lis» no work more needed, none Christian, nor any more patriotic uuui the work of the Woman's Oiiiistian Temperance Union. Did you kaow limi the National and oU.c W. C T. U, s have given altogether four ambulances thirteen field kitchens, and tweu cy steieouiotoi'grapbs and have adopted -06 fiencn oipa.a,... ^- nt * 5' 0U not ' ' v ' u ' , v - 1 ^ oc;L ' lia5> 01 •, j doing How can .you: You do net] come in touch with it. Come toj the next regular meeting Mrs. N. E. Oliver president- ! Sch<x>l time will soon be here. ! Oct boys aud girls «« regular; visitors to Spring Cieea aud, Calcosicu river They are learning i te swim quite rapidly and thus f t I add to their fun anb s iIOlA . , One hundred par cent patriot ism demands constant service' and sacrifice. The Helder family will moue to Orange,. Texas Saturday ' Mrs B. F. Bremer returned home Tuesday evemg. M.r. W. E. Tant reports thrt ht likes Elpaso and that his health is improving Mrs Tant withholds lier opinion for she has not bt,<_ long at her new home. • Man's Complex Makoup. The average man in health has the material for 13 pounds of .candies, one pound of nails, carbon sufficient lor 800 pencils, bindings for 1G octavo books. 500 knife handles. 28 violin strings. 20 teaspoonfuls tell and one pound of loaf sugar. Avoid AM Evasion. Evasion* are employed either to avoid speaking the iruth or perform ing a good action. Hence, a lover of the real and trae. as weil as the tea der-hoarted am?"bene voient, hold then", in direct and unspeakable abhorrence The First Thimble. The thimble of plain sewing was Invented in the year 1681 by a gallant young Dutch goldsmith oi Amsterdam, who devised the "thumb-bel!''—for this was Its original name—In order to pfotedt his sweetheart's thumb tops when she was engaged with a needle and cotton. The "thumb bell" has, however, become a "finger-bell," but in shape only little change has taken place In It since the iovlng Hans placed the first thimble on the thumb of this lady love. WANTED! ^weet potatoes, yarn varieties, for future delivery. Contract now. Price 55 cents per busliel, guaranteed at curing plant at Gknmorn, La. Hampers fur nished free. ! See G. Châtelain, care of Glenmora Potato Co , Inc^ f******* K a' A V ft '*< ' ■ —' w. S. s.-. ; To win this war it is hot oily necôà* „jsary that every American soldier j agM , but every American dollar. quarter, dime and penny must fight. too. This is not a war of soldiers, but a war of nations—soldiers ngainst eo'.dierH, manufacturers tycr man : uract.urers. farmers again .«t farmers, ; dollars against marks. That nation ^ win w i lose people are game to. nd stand .a the {i „ ht tbe hardest, save ran closes, oeu.nd ' _\v. s. S.— Amorican soldiers while fiGhtias - ; fpr America a-e risking thfcir lives. but American dollars are running no. risk while serving the government. In. fact t)l „ ( i 0 u ars are getting better , j ! pay than the soldiers. War Savings Stamps earn compound interest and are backed by the* richest government oa earth. —V*. S. S.— If cvcy man and woman in thi country would only unders'and the by extravagance and by v.'ast'ng money on unnecessary luxuries they are unconsciously prolonging the w-r and cauainr the needless los3 of ycuna American lives they would do all in. tlieir power to dlsconUjiue and dis courage the purchase of luxuries. —W. S. S.— To manufacture and aeu iuxnn :n requires material and labor that a-e roreiy needed by the gdvernmertt to supply our army and navy with, the necessary arms, food, clothing and ct'.e. equipment. When yon waste monnr oft non-esseutials you are dr priviug cur ?oii(ier3 of supplies ther urgently' nasd Tor their comfort and safelv. — W. S. 3.— Remember every cept you invest la War Savings Stamps shorten the wa*. The individual investment shortens It to a very small extent to bo sure, but multiply this investment by 100,000, 0C0 and you have something gigantic rr.d its effect on shortening the wtr ran he measured in weeks, month« and even sears. Every day the war ! i t shortened means the preventing .*f housand^'of American casualties, not "»»• »' "f"', gJ ,,3 t >,; 3 ^een at i raen, last year and ta-.s nave ceen at the rate of *a million a year, and next year, when our Sammies are bearlQß the I brunt cf the fight we will learn that a. , fighting m 3 y cost us 100,000 racn. If you will only realize that every dollar you save and invest with your government has a definite effect in shortening the war. you certainly have a most powerful incentive to buy War Savings Stamps. —W. 3. 3.— The sa 1 ® of War Savings Stamps is not an affair for children alone, al though they have done a great deal l.t the past, but tais sale haa been pro moted by tiro- government as one of its main sources of revenue for car rying cn the war. $2,C00,000,00ft 1* to bo raised by the sale of War ings Stamps this year, $37.000;000 in boutniaoa and $40 000,000 in Missis* sippi. Judging by past records these states will not fall behind, but it will require the co-operstfo» and ban! vroric of every nan, woman and child —W. S. 3.— Tînt war will be wen by eteaéy and pesietent endeavor rather than by spurts and spasmodic exertion. We have fcc.d great ?nd sdniirab'e out bursts of effort, in th® different Lib erty IvOf'.n campaigns and later wo cfcr.ll witness sudden and treraendcnF efforts in battle, but we rely upon something els® ns the mainspring fit our war enterprise. That- something eTae is the steady and sustained e*r penditure cf- national energy at al? times and under ail conditions. That alone makes decisive victory possible its battle. At home this ic best exem plified fcy the steady, par?!stent fiow o? money into the United States. Treasury from ths sal® ef War Sav ings Stamps from cvt'ry nook ecst cranuw of this immense country. —- vr. s. s.— Remember that National War Sut ing® Day is June 2Sth. Flodge yoar relf on or before that day to save to the utmost of year ability and to buy War Savings Stamps that there may be- more money, labor and material» to back up those who fight and dto* fior- you. ........... Blind Man tnvcn*3 tfucles! Iiwtrjme«'! An exhibition oi a new ioventton will fce given this sftemcon at the reading room &r,d library tor the bltuil by Joseph Garner, a man who !s hîîofc The invention .t 0 i~.~f rar> writ vk lir. attadbed. ant of 1 * 0 ; t are set ci. tin, ter r* tx -'C s-.. zi v îx!eOT€; * lit «Î vftltitiu'we. tarps.—use Fracciîcc CaU,