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BLACK" ® PKra,nD LEG wtt » fre*h. tellable ; preferred by Stock« & I —% ytamt they ÂÂSS33ÂÜÆ8 - 2* any fniector, but Cutter's simplest sad itroepett. The superiority of Cuttn product* ta due te over 15 yesrs of speclsiuillf In VACCIHÏS At D 8KRUMS Sda direct °* UJTT "' S ' « unobtalnabta. 1H C«tw IdwHtTT. HUkt. ÜI.. w CMtafi. BL mULU^KllKS 1*11 fee 80 Tam. FOR HAIMIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. AMinaeGeunlStraiUuliiTtilc. At All Dn ( Stem. „ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps te eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Boauty to Gray cur Faded Hair. êOc. and $L0t at Draçglsta An Exception. An old proverb says, "The anvil lasts longer than the hammer." Thanks he, there Is n beautiful ex ception to It. Take the case of the brave boys who are hammering away at the kaiser and his brood. Cuticura Stops Itching. The Soap to cleanse and Ointment to soothe and heal most forms of Itching, ■burning skin and scalp affections. Ideal for toilet use. For free samples address ; "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. Ministerial Advertisement. Squib—Our new minister certainly has a sense of humor. Squab—What's he went and done? Squib—Put a sign on the parsonage reading, "Spirits Rectified." An Over-ripe Tomato And other over-ripe vegetable, or trait» often cante very sertons Bowel Trouble In ho' weather Cheek It as ouiekly an possible. Get a bottle of GKOVB 8 BAUT BOWHLMKMCINS.a safe and sore remedy for Summer Diarrhoea*. It Id lost as effective for Adult* as for Children. HAD SEEN THEM "AT WORK" Tommy Had Little Need to Puzzle His Brains Over Question Propounded by Teacher. Here is a little story that was told at a social session by Representative Hubert D. Stephens of Mississippi, as an illustration that the best industrial results cannot always be obtained through team work : Some time since, the teacher of a public school in a country town was instructing a Juvenile class in mathe matics when she turned to a small boy named Tommy. "Tommy," said she, "if your father can do a piece of work in six days and your uncle Jim can do it in seven days, bow long would it take them to do it together?" "About ten thousand years," was the rather startling rejoinder of Tommy. "Ten thousand years'' exclaimed the teacher. "Why, Tommy, what do you mean?" "I mean," was the prompt response of Tommy, "that if you put them to work together they would sit on the fence, smoke and swap fish stories." Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. He Got What Was Needed. Church—You know Fiatbush? Gotham—Oh, very well. "He's a generous soul, don't you think?" "How so?" "Why, I met him downtown today when it was raining, and he had an umbrella and I had none." "And he took you in tov?" "That's it. And he said we needed the rain badly." "He said that, did he??" "Yes; and he carried the umbrella so I got most of the rain." Savannah, Ga., was the birthplace of the Girl Scouts of America. s? Is Tîiats what is done in making GlBÔ^NUtS food — nancy and other grains arc used with wheat. This adds to food value and flavor and the sum total requires less wheat The malted barky in Grape=Nuts also helps digest other foods. For an economical, nourishing and delicious food, try fapeits FRANCO AMERICANS El ENEMY MACHINE GUNNERS ARE MOWED DOWN AS ALLIED RE INFORCEMENTS ARRIVED. CAPTURE TWO GERMAN 77'S At Last Accounts Great Hordes of Germans Were Continuing North —Organized Resistance Has Oniy Been Met at a Few Places. With the American Army on the Marne.—The French and Americans have broken through the German line northwest of Chateau Thierry. The French and Americans, driving the spearhead toward the northeast, have already advanced five kilometers (31-10 miles) at various places. The allied troops have taken many prisoners, including three officers, who said they were tired of the war. American ir'antrymen captured the German 77's. Previous to the break ing of the German lines the allies bat tled with the desperate machine gun ners, who were mowed down as the allied reinforcements arrived. The German losses were terrible. An attack from Chateau Thierry to Rheims began on Saturday. American forces captured Hill No. 103, north of Vaux, and advanced more than two kilometers. At last accounts they were more than holding their own against German resistance. The German retreat across the Marne began under cover of a great smoke screen. At last accounts great hordes of Germans were continuing north. Organized resistance has been met with bo far only at a few places. The district south of the Marne and east of Chateau Thierry is entire ly cleaned of Germans. Two badly cut-up German regiments were left south of the Marne at the German re treat. Allied aviators bombed the bridges across the river, and their es cape was impossible. All Saturday night tjie allies ham mered ^.way at the widening wedge between the Germans and Paris as the Germans withdrew north of the Marne. Americans continue taking prisoners and guns. Allied rein forcements are pouring in to over come any determined resistance the Germans may attempt The heavy artillery of the allies continues the clearing of districts north of the Marne. Indian scouts who were with Pershing in Mexico played a prominent work in the scout work in the river. Emperor William Intercedes. London. — At Emperor William's personal request, says a dispatch from Amsterdam to the Exchange Telegraph Company, a majority of the members of the Prussian House of Lords have agreed not to expel Prince Charles Lichnowsky, German ambas sador at London at the outbreak of the war, who issued a memorandum last March criticising the German foreign policy and blaming the Ger man government for starting the war. To Lead Marines. Washington. — Three hundred en listed men were commissioner as sec ond lieutenants in the Marine Corps upon completion of a three months' course cf training at the Marine Corps officers' training camp at Quan tico, Va. 7,000 More Men Called. Washington. — Fifteen states were called upon by Provost Marshal Gen eral Crowder for 7,000 draft regis trants fit for general military service to be sent to schools for special train ing. The movement will be between August 1 and 15. German Flier Killed. Amsterdam. — Captain Reinhard, commander of the air squadron of the late Captain Baron von Richthofen, has been killed during a trial flight, the Lokal Anzeiger says. The squadron claims 177 a.erial victories under Cap tain Reinhard. Cholera in Petrograd. London.—Owing to the grave short age In food, cholera is on the in crease in Petrograd, and hundreds of persons are daily falling victims to it, says a Russian wireless dispatch received here. Kaiser Saw Offensive Opened. Amsterdam. — Emperor William watched the opening of the latest German offensive from an advanced observation post northwest of Rheims, his favorite correspondent, Karl Rosner, reports in a dispatch to the Berlin Lokal Anzeiger. To Raise Big Ships. New York. — An electrically driv en diving machine designed to make possible the recovery of steel vessels eunk by German submarines, was giv en a successful private test In Ix»n? Island Sound. More Men For Australia. Amsterdam.—The Austro-Hungarian war minister, says a Vienna dispatch to the Vossische Zeitung, announces more than 500,000 Austrian war prls «noM have hen returned from Russia. A CHILD DOESN'T IAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHER1 IS TONGUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUR? ''CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" CAN'T HARM TENDER 8TOM ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. * / A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ail ment, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It is perfectly harm less, and In a few hours all this con stipation poison, sour bile and fer menting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, play ful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" is oftimes all that is neces sary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company."—Adv. How 'Bout the Trip Back? The thing he liked to do best of all was not to go to a family reunion. One was on the schedule, however, and he had to go. It meant a long ride on the train. He was telling a friend about it. "Yes, I'm going to a family reunion," he said, "and there's Just two things I don't like about it. First, It's the trip there; secondly, it's the being there after I get there." A New Excuse. Jimmie had gone to bed 'way up the dark stairs and into his scary black bedroom. Shortly thereafter his moth er heard him call in a frightened voife, "Ma, I wisht you'd come up here." She went up. "Ma, won't you keep the light burn ing in here? I—uh—it's so dark I can't see to sleep." KIDNEY TROUBLE OFTEN CAUSES SERIOUS BACKACHE When your back aches, and your blad der and kidneys seem to be disordered, go to yonr nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician's prescription for ailments of the kidneys and bladder. It has stood the test of years and has a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of cases. This preparation so very effective, has been placed on sale everywhere. Get a bottle, medium or large size, at your near est druggist. • However, if you wish first to test this preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and men tion this paper.—Adv. In Compliment. Jack—I'd like to have a street named for me. Stella—You have—you are Easy. Thousands of railroad shop men have been lured by high shipyard pay. GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE This valuable and harmless Baby Medicine is composed of the following: BISMUTH, LIME, PEPSIN AND CATECHU WITH PURE SIMPLE SYRUP Bismuth is healing to the mucous membrane of the stomach; the Lime neutralizes the acid where there is a sour stomach; the Pepsin digests any indigestible food that may be in the stomach, and the Catechu acts as a mild astringent to control the beweis where there is a disposition to Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Flux or Sick Stomach. GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE is not a patent medicine. We give the ingredients and tell the effect of each ingredient so that you can judge for yourself. SPECIAL NOTICE.—This preparation does not contain Morphine or Opium in any form and we don't advocate the giving of Opiates unless it is absolutely necessary. For Dyspeptics who are Troubled with Sour Stomach AIDS DIGESTION RELIEVES SOUR STOMACH It Relieves Stomach and Bowel Trouble and is Just as Good for Adults as for Children We have numerous letters on file from parties claiming that this preparation relieved their babies of Chrome Dysentery, where everything else had failed and where they had been troubled in this way for several years. Children like to take it for sale by all Dealers in Drugs. . Made and recommended to the public by PARIS MEDICINE CO, Manufacturers of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE and GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, St Louis. Ma His Explanation. "I've seen you collect seven fares on this car that you haven't rung up," said the lady on the street car to the con ductor. "Yes, ma'ani," replied the man, eye ing her cautiously. "Well, do you think that's honest?" "Oh, I'm not going to keep the nick els, ma'am." "You're not going to keep them? What, then, are you going to do with them?" "Pm going to give 'em to my little boy to put In his bank, ma'am." FRECKLES Now I« tke Time to Get Rid of Theie Ugly Spot* There'» no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne—double strength—Is guaranteed to remove these homely »pots. Simply get an ounce of Othlne—double strength—from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished en tirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce la needed to completely clear the skin and gain • beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne. •a this is sold under guarantee of money back if It falls to remove freckles.—Adv. Those Good Times. "Do you think it will do any good to ask your father for you again?" asked the young man, twirling his hat in his hand. "I think it will, Mortimer," said the sweet young thing. "He has refused me three times, you know." "Y'es, I know ; but he's running for office now, remember, and I think he will give away anything he's asked for." MILLIONS USE RED CROSS.. Millions of good housewives use Red Cross Ball Blue. Each year Its sales increase. The old friends use it and tell others. Red Cross Ball Blue will make your old clothes look like new. Ask your grocer.—Adv. Two Recipes. Anne Hodges, age seven, offered her mother, Mrs. Fletcher Hodges, "221 North Pennsylvania street, two war time recipes the other day. One was for oatmeal cookies and the other orange peel cake. The first formula included: One cupful oatmeal, one cupful baking powder, one cupful o' dough. •The second formula included: One half cupful orange peel chopped in a meat chopper, one cupful yolks of eggs, half cupful o' dough. "Beat both to a 'suds,' and eat cold," wrote the Juvenile culinary ad viser.—Indianapolis News. Berlin Is going to ask peace terms, not to make them. id Nervous Mothers Should Profît by the Experience of These Two Women Buffalo, N. Y.— "I am the mother of four children, and for nearly three years I suffered from a female trouble with pain« in my back and side, and a general weakness. I had pro fessional attendance most of that time but did not seem to get welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound which I had seen advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed a marked improvement. I continued its use and am now free from pain and able to do all my house work."— Mrs. B. B. Ziblinska, 202 Weiss Street, Buffalo, N. Y. iN \V^ Portland, Ind.—"I had a displacement and suffered so badly from it at times I could not be on my feet at all. I was all run down and so weak I could not do my housework, was nervous and could not lie down at night. I took treatments from a physician but they did not help me. My Aunt recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 tried y \ it and now I am strong and well again and do I my own work and I give Lydia E. Pinkham'a I Compound the credit."—Mrs. Josephine Kimble, 935 West Race Street, Portland, ind. Every Sick Woman Should Try LYDIA £. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND LYDIA E.WNKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. Calomel Loses You a Day's Work! Take Do dson's Liver T one Instead Read my guarantee ! If bilious, constipated or head achy you need not take nasty, sickening, danger ous calomel to get straightened up, Every druggist in town—your drug gist and everybody's druggist has no ticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same rea son. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it. while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults." said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle doesn't cost very much, but if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only Hot Weather Hits Us Hardest in Stomach Keep a close watch on yourstom ach this summer. We need all our fighting strength. War work change of diet—will make us all easier prey to stomach and bowel trouble than ever before. It is so easy to become overheated on a blazing hot day, especially after eating a hearty meal. And then the excessive heat makes us flood our stomachs with all kinds of cold drinks. That's bad at any time; much worse—even danger ous—when there is the slightest feeling of stomach trouble. Keep the stomach sweet and cool and free from too much acid —that's about all that is neces sary. It's not so much the diet as to keep the poison from start ing trouble. You can easily do this if you will just take a tablet or two of EATONIC after your meals. His Training. "He certainly is a man of fetching manners." "Why not? He used to be a waiter." to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant* tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head ache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow yon will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work ! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition.—Adv. EATONIC is the wonderful new compound that absorbs the harm ful gases and juices and almost instantly drives away stomach misery. Instead of sudden and painful attacks of indigestion, after you begin using EATONIC you'll for get you have a stomach. And there will be no more heartburn, food repeating,sour stomach, gas pains, or that lumpy, bloated feeling you have so often experienced after eating. Then your appetite—you know how hard it is to satisfy in hot weather—eat one or two EATONIC Tablets a half hour be fore meals—and you will enjoy the re sults and feel better in every way. These are a few reasons why yon should 6tart using EATONIC today and fortify your stomach against the chanc» trouble this summer. It costs only 50o for a big package. Your druggist whom, you know and can trust, will promptly refund your money ii you are not more than satisfied. * • Long Beach, Cal., forbids publié "spooning" by young persons. W. N. U., LITTLE ROCK, NO. 30--191*