Newspaper Page Text
I We will win this war — Nothing ehe really matters until we do! The Flavor Lasts If you paid a Specialist $25.00 for «'Prescription, you would not get any thing that would give quicker relief for Croup, Colds, .Catarrh, or Sore Throat, than VacheriKalm, which only qosts 25c. Beware of Imitations.—Adv. Identifying Her. '•Which on.e of those girls is it you dislike so, Stella ¥' "gh ! ^lie'll hear you. I'll kiss her first." —Loulsvi 11 e Comrier-Jf ou rual. New \ 3 ork judge rules tenants must pay runt whether contract heat ma legalizes or not. . • Englffirfi makes . school children sneeze* t(r*p^{*vent adenoids. Aviators Have Superstitions. Aviators have their own supersti tions. Joseph B. Lierre, just eommis sioned it first lieutenant in the air serv ice,..although he has been flying for nine' years, and is perhaps the best y.äniin »reronautics in America, never foes up unless he wears a cap made »f the top of a sill: stocking.. "It Is my sweetheart's," Lieuten ant Llevre explains. "If I don't wear It I can't fly."—New York World., * * * A Indigestion, Bloat, Heartburn, Caused Acid-Stomach ' feCES :S SSI 53 ! & .KM! What Is the cause of indiwsHon, dys ■psi*. Ulort. U*Öbiuro. food tepeatjns. ■Idling, gassy, »our stomach, and so iny atoraacli miseries? Jim this— iiqid tomart—-superaeldlty as the doctors caU It. 0 roU of, their full Strength. Y1 ratify HfiJ the power to enjoy life—to it* real men and- women. It Is weU known that an acid month enamel and causes the teeth to decay. This Is fair warning of what «ct-ss acid lty win do t* the d> lica*e owaulrail'm of the stomach: is t m^t.-r of faet, < x ceas addtty not offly ftodnctj a man» painful and disagreeable symp toms that we generally anme , Stom-ch troubles." but 11 ts the creator of a long , train of »cry serions ai mants. Art« » stomach hlterferos with .the digr.-oIon and causes the fixai to fopaent. A mass of sour, fermented food J anses Into the intestines. wl.ire H l>Wi« breeding place, for, g«-tms- gpd to'ile nuisons which, lu turn are atiso. oea Into the blood and distributed thioivgb ' erew-i'sg',»! rtetlihs. of .iQMiictr»™ people who, whit* Dot 'tv down side are alleys no appetite, ffwd «hr«" t .dtgdrt. beidtlng •« th- time. eonUmii.Rv com daiuiag of being weak and tired ' "■« takes the pep and pun-b out of them, leaves little or no vitality. strike at the very cause of all this trouble nud clean this excess odd out of the stomach. This will give the stom ach a chajiçc to digest the food properly; nature will do the rest. A wonderful new remedy removes ex cess acid without the slightest dlscom forf. It Is i-aUed KATON10. nuule 1» the form of tablets- they are goodto vet —Just like a bit of candy. KATONIO literally absorbs the injurions excess acid and carries It away through tie in testlaes. It drives tbc bloat oat of the body—you can fairly féal H work. Try EAT9.VI0 and bow quickly ft banishes bloat, hear bnm. belching, foodrepeallng, lodlgeMion, etc. See too. how quickly your general health Improves — how muob more of your fund la digested—how nen'om-ness and Irritability disappear. beam bow easy ît Is to get back youlr physical awl men tal punch. Have the power and energy to Work with vim. Enjoy the good things of life. Learn what tt means to fairly bubble over with health. «o get a box of EATOMC from Tour druggist today. We authorise him to gu«:»nte« EATONb: to please you and you can trust yimr druggist to make this gnsrantee Bond. If tt fall* In any way. take It back—lie will refund your HRGtiiC CONSTIPATION IS A CRIME AGAINST NATURE Stop K'cr you never ean Vepweit. Jf Vou.wak. wlth^ bad^astejn the I« no betîcr remedy tor U'csf_£isordr Try them just once and be eternally tb-sedi^rderrthan DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS. Tm them iimt nnra ar.d be eternally convinced. For aale all druggists. Dr. Tuttk Liver Pills Shades of Scotland's Pride. Francis Disney of Albany, secretary of the upstate public service commis sion, was a guest at a dinner at which pociry and Burns ware discussed. "Well,' said Mr. Disney, turning to an absent-minded physician who was at the table, "what is your opinion of Burns, doctor?" "What's that? Burns?" asked the doctor. "Of course I couldn't say off hand, but as a rule the hospital is the proper place for anyone suffering from burns."—New York Mail. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of| In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoriu in Both Ways. Molly—Were you much upset by the bank failure? Cholly—Yes, I lost my balance. Los Angeles destroyed 4,300 cats this year in the interests of food con servation. GEfUl REPLY DOES PLEASE fiRITAiN ATMOSPHERE CHARGED WITH SUSPICION— BELIEVE HUNS ; SEEKING COMPROMISES. j liontion.—-Germany's reply to Pres ident Wilson reached London too la* : for any authoritative comment, it was bound to come, however, into an atmosphere charged with suspicion, and the opinion is still held in ail quarters that the reply would be v, good gauge of the degree of Cor many's military distress. An arr :. - tice is the old familiar ruse for a di. tressed army. Apparently the reply gives on ' statement of news. It associates Austria-Hungary, but not Turkey, ■with the German government. The implication seems to be that unie; - the German secretary for foreign af fairs has written the message with unusual haste, Turkey is no longer Germany's ally. In all previous im portant diplomatic documents Ger many has scrupulously mentioned all her allies. The phrase. "To agree upon practi cal details of the application of tlieso terms is on its face a straight reply to President Wilson. It was not unex pected here, but is likely to be re garded with suspicion. English pa pers have said that a conference bas ed on such a formula may be consid ered by the Germans to mean an ex tended debate. Some of the most important Ger man pepers, in latest quotations ca bled from Holland, persist in u.iihg the word "compromise" with ret r t-nce to the application of the presi dent's priniples. But the feeling n London is that it will be hard for the allied armies to hold their hand in the hour of seeming victory. "Unconditional surrender" is the v. atchword ranch more appealing 10 the British people in this hour than anj commission to arrange for evacu ation. Events in the past week, par tit ularly the sinking of the Leinster, have steeled British hearts against a compromise. There is a strong belief here, voic ed even by the "compromising" pa pers, that there are yet two powere n Germany—one power of the new government, the other of the arm; — and that it is not yet decided which is supreme. Germany's acceptance of President Wilson's terms in no wise means that her acceptance will be met by Great Britain and France. The restoration of "ship for ship" from the German .mercantile marine for all submarine losses is a British principle which ap parently is accepted by all the British people. Commenting on the reply, the Sun day Observer says: "The first issue for us is the mari time question. We ought to insist that the German submarine campaign should be marked out tor special treatment in immediate connection, with any peace preliminary. If any military armistice is accompanied by concrete guarantees so must a naval irmistice. We ought to insist, before there can be any suspension of hos tilities, that the German submarines hall be surrendered to the allies and America." News of the World says: "Any ces : at ion of military operations at this stage would compromise all our mili tary success. They will not enjoy riKth a respite. Foch and his gallant armies, now hot in pursuit of the ene my, are not to be thus easily cheated of the fruits of their splendid victo ries." WANT FINAL SURRENDER Germany's Acceptance of President s Terms in No Wise Means Her Ac ceptance Will 3c Met By Great Britain and France. Increase in Tobacco Rates. Washington. — Increase of 25 per cent in rates on manufactured tobac co from points in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia to Cen tn*! Freight Association territory are asked by the railroads operating therein in cp application to the In terstate Commerce Commission. Bigger Balloon Corps. Washington.—The balloon corps of the American army is to be trebled in size immediately to meet increas ing demands from the forces in France. ! Another phase of the battle co::*. n need at 4:30 o'clock, and yet an other phase when tiie first gray dawn was filtering into the dull sky. which jresenltly fulfilled its threat lo rain. A New Solution. , Vachère- What is the meaning o> •eighth? The Kid—I folget. 'Vacher— -Ii tight of yvycr -re visiting you and you 1 &<! oni « apple for them whnf would you : ; The Kid—Walt till they'd go.te horn ii "at it myself. \n attachment been patented If • k together a r.K King chair babj ach, the iTiDtionc of the former isafc jg the Utter eerxv as a ciadw. j , 1 IPS COLLIDE; 37 SOLDiERS PERiSri THE OTRANTO, AFTER COLLIS ; ION, DASHED TO PIECES ON j ROCKS OFF IRISH COAST. DESTROYERS SAVES MANY Of the 699 American Soldiers on Board 310 Were Landed—17 Were Rescued Alive at Islay, Leaving 372 Unaccounted For. A British Port.—Pioimbly 372 Amer ican soldiers have been lost as the result of the sinking of the trans- I port Otranto in the north channel oo-1 tween the Scottish and Irish coasts ] in a collision with the steamer KasL The Otranto, after the collision, j was dashed to pieces on the rocks| off the south Ccottish coast. Three hundred and one men were taken to Belfast by the British destroyer j Mounsey, the only vessel which mad-; i an attempt at rescue in the terrific gale when the Kashmir, another ves sel jn the convoy, with the Otranto, rammed the Otranto amidships. Sev enteen men were picked up alive on the Scottish coast. Of the 699 American soldiers on board the Otranto, 310 were landed. Seventeen were rescued alive at Is lay, leaving 372 unaccounted for. The Otranto and the other vessels of the convoy were battling with the heavy seas and high winds Sunday, morning. The storm was so severe j and the visibility so bad that the ; Kashmir, a former Peninsular and Oriental liner, crashed into the Otran to squarely amidships. The Kashmir backed away badly j damaged, but was able to make port. ; As the bows of the Kashmir were pulled from the great hole in the side of the Otranto, the water rushed in, but for a time it did not stop the engines. The Otranto tried to pro ceed, but made no headway against the gale in her crippled condition. Within a short time the water put out her fires and the Otranto drifted helplessly toward the rocky coast of Islay Island, where most of the Tus cania victims met their deaths. The Otranto struck the rocks Sun day night south of Saligo Bay, Islay IsianS, an uninhabited section, where the coast line in many places rises straight out of the water to the rocky peaks many feet above. As the destroyer neared; the side of the Otranto the men began to jump from 30 to 40 feet from her decks. The more experienced sailors of the crew of the steamer had better auc cess than the soldiers, many of whom had never seen the sea until thk. trip. As the destroyer steered toward the steamer, many of the men leaped too quickly and dropped between the boats. Some of these dropped in the water, but others of them were caught and crushed to death between the boats and the lifeboats which had been lowered to act as buffers. The destroyer was badly battered. Warns Italian Soldiers. Washington.—General Diaz, com mander in chief of the Italian army, has issued a general order reminding his soldiers that the enemy still is on i Italian. French and Belgian soil, and calling on them not to be weakened by flattering hopes of peace, but to hold themselves in readiness to completely crush the enemy if his peace offers prove to be "a fresh form of the old guile." New Laurels For Fonck. Paris. — Lieut. Rene Fonck, ac cording to an announcement here, has brought down four German airplanes within 20 minutes on the same day. Fonck now is credited with 70 offi cial victories and has actually brought rtown 109 German machines. Marshall Sells Bonds. Washington. — Vice President Mar shall sold Liberty bonds in front of the capitol. His customers included Senator Walsh of Montana, Watson of Indiana, Harding of Ohio and Gora of Oklahoma. To Stop Vote Buying. Washington. — Final action was taken by Congress on the bill making ! vote buying at congressional elec tions a federal offense. The Senats agreed to amendments to a bill passed by the House and sent the measure to the president. 100 Vessels Completed. Washington. — One hundred seago ing vessels, 46 steel and 54 wood, ag gregating 301,433 gross tons, were completed in American shipyards dur ing September. To Increase Holdings. Washington. — A Senate bill de : signed to permit homesteaders to ; enlarge their land holdings to 640 ares by obtaining noncontiguous lands, was passed by the House and now goe 3 to the president. Murdock Confirmed. Washington. — The nomination of Victor Murdock for another term as a-j j member of the Federal Trade Com- j , mission was confirmed by the Senate j 1 without opposition. —t Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Saiii/ate is! Please Try Dodson's Liver Tone I am sincere! My medicine does not upset liver and bowels so you lose a day's work. I ] j j i j ; j ; You're bilious! Your liver is slug gish ! You feel lazy, dizzy uud all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated : breath bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick ; you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my persoual money-back guarantee that each spoon His Mother's Keepsake. la the midst of a battle one young lieutenant, running into a pal of his, showed him under the flap of his pock et a little gold brooch. "If anything should happen to me," lie said, "try to get hold of this pin. will you, and when you get time ship it back to my mother." The other promised, and the lieu tenant went on ills way. He had not gone 20 feet, when he was struck by a shell and killed instantly. The pin is on its way to the United States. RED CROSS BALL BLUE Makes clothes whiter than snow. De lights the housewife. Large packaga 5 cents at all good grocers.—Adv. New York requires military drill for all school children. Los Angeles is exterminating eats. wilts Ice Boxes on Wheels Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice boxes traveling on wheels. Most people in America wotdd have to go without fresh meat, or would have to pay more for what they could get, if it were not for these traveling ice boxes. Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the packing industry, saw the need of these traveling ice boxes before others. He asked the railroads to build them. The railroads refused. They were equipped, and preferred to haul cattle rather than dressed beef. So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars himself. The first one was a box car rigged up to hold ice. Now there are 7,OCX) Swift refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice box as you have in your home. « Day and night, fair weather and foul, through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go rolling up and down the country, keeping meat just right, on its way to you. Thus another phase of Swift & Company's activities has grown to meet a need no one else could or would supply, in way that matched Swift & Company ideas of being useful. When you see one of these Swift & Company cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be reminded of what is being done for you as tbir> fruit of experience and a desire to serve. Swift & Company, U. S. A. dr Lend the Way They Fight Buy liberty Bonds ful will clean your sluggish liver bet ter than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will lie working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel tike working; you'll be cheerful ; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo mel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stopped entirely here.—Adv. 'Twas Ever Thus. Grandpa (at movie, in 1910)— Humph ! There aren't any real actors nowadays. You just ought to have seen the original company that pro duced that photoplay in 1911!—Buffalo Express. Bud Colds, Pneumonia, and Croup may be prevented by using Vacher Baltn in time. Everyone should keep it in the house. Beware of imitations. Ad. ! Easier Way. "When Jims saw the burglar com ig did he bolt the door?" "No ; he bolted himself." When Baby is Teething GROVH'9 B AH Y BUW HL MHliIClNM will cor'»«» the Stuniach and Buwel troubles. Perfectly harm less. See directions on the bottle. Philadelphia expects to lose 200 pool rooms owing to war taxes.