OCR Interpretation

The Era-leader. [volume] (Franklinton, La.) 1910-current, June 25, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064305/1914-06-25/ed-1/seq-5/

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iie (ra =Leaner.
Mrs. J. VOL BROCK, Editor.
Franklinton, La., June 25, 1914
I ilimsi is anId tilhe Fashions.
:\ IPt11, ,. i.\ilv a ll, i a letter
to the l'liil;uletii'l ia hecord.
iblJ,,lllg \ 'illli' .llj~ld r ; i r)1i'
\whl e,- . :i, : tiOu tii.' tiiui.t l h
;\1um:( L .' is ;ina d out of. ( s" il
illg !to ;;l , ''ill ;W i 11111' 1'
less l)eiit l,1.V. A.\ dtll('I)tl ii ] -lIt
store )Ut ',. lie \1i!t.ries, Wtheii
asked to I l:,i, an oirder for a
"line of St :,le goods," ri'leli in
this fashion: " e lire not ,,li
ing pearl uttons 1or lingerie
tapes, tecause thecly (1 notl nls
under'wear. \We do not sell tanv
drless shields, hc'ause tihe, thin.
lacy waiists ilIake thei lo0ok un
sightly if they are seen. We do
not sell colar forms or collar
supporlts, bi-ecause nelcks are now
(Ires.,ed low. We do not sell
o(loks and eyes, b aause waists
are not nowv hoikeid. We do nt
sill fetlherbone, because it is put
on (orsets. We only sell oin
sion l (if silk iii te place of throe
ordiniariallky used iii m;inl ng
dr'ss, l ee se there is olly i ni
5(0111, and( that is o(Il IV SeWed\
halfw ay." And lie concludes
fron this that the way to "put
thetala,:ity howlers (ut (if biusi
neoss " is to ehlianghet feminine
fashions in the directin of am
ac  r' esent thie Phiiladellphia
suggestion without inIdosemnit
for wlihatever it lmay be wo tilh.
That the ladies are wi'aring less
clothes than the used to do is
demonstrat"ed, according to re
l)port, every sunshiiny day. It
was admitted some weeks ago
by a priomlinent clubwoman of
a Western State, who rose in
convention to detend the p)re
vailing modes because, where in
old days she had to carry several
trunks of raiment to the annual
convention meetings. her pres
ent day outfit could be trans
ported in a suitcase of ordinary
dimensions. The Pennsylvan
ian's theory is rather ungallant.
But in placing the blame fo1r the
current business depression by
indirection upon the ladies ie is
merely following the example of
Father Adam, who tried and
convicted Eve of responsibility
for the first great increase of
living cost. And in this case the
ladies may transfer the blame
tio the masculine designers oe
the modes.
If the new thicory be correct,
the return of prosperity awaits
the return of high-necked and
oia);que apparel; we do not need
ampler lrail rartes so much as
ampler skirts; more clothes for
women will m han more money
for everybody. The inventor
of the doctrine would care less
than nothing about the anti
trust laws and the anti-adminis
tration letters written if he were
only prmitted to write the plans
and speciticateions for feminine
;ttire. iisid idea is novel, but we
fear that his argument will be
riddled by men of family who
happen to recall that the abbrev
iation of feminine apparel has
resulted in no corresponding ab
breviation of the bills therefor.
.No need for calomel with its
nauseating effects. LIV-VER
LAX is happy in results.
People's Drug Co.
TrIlUilS of Court.
Fourth Monday in February
Second Monday in May
First Monday in July
First Monday in December
Fourth Monday in March
8i;lecond Monday in November.
State Tax Sales of Immovable
State of Louisiana, P'arish of W:ehinzton,.
Vs. Delinquent Tax Debtors.
By virtue of the authority vest(ed in me by the
Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana,
I will i 1, at the principal front door o: the
court htouse, it the Town of Franklan:, a.,
within Igtal hour, for judicial sales. i .,i int n
at 11 o'clock a. in.. Oin
Satu'i-a i . Jun, "t . I 914
and cont inu tg on eacn surceeling day a ''ii
said ..a!s are completed. all immovable prop
erty upon whi(h taxes are tow due the state of
I Lout -,n:. t'arisc h of Washington. to enforce
the ttyment of taxes assessed in the year 1913,
tog. ther with the interest thereon from the
31st day of Ietcembet r of sa l Vtear, at the rate
of 2 pe; r " : ptier tmonth untilt paidand all costs.
Tih e Rn.tmtte. f it ,td dtelinqtuelt t tax dehti rs. lthe
Iatil(Otlt of tixes dutie )by each on the isemi t ent
of su l \*.::r tid the proptrty a-se.sct tto etch
to be utiltered fir sa.lt, is as follows:
ant~i tic
i"R.IT \\.\RI)- WHIlTE
HIttnry (C'hr,,kett, 40 a nw4 of
Ssee 2-2 11 ......... ... l;.!ºt)
\V 11 Erwin. 5.5 acres. its3 antI
Ssee 30 and i:att of 1)1 1. sec 31'
30 .et s in hr 41,2- 10 ...... 18.3
J A Passrnan, 22 a par't of sW\i
of ,, - 3. )-- 10........ 7.0 i
M1's S 1 'ittmnan, 121 a e hf
tf -t. s. 23 and lot 3 see 24-3
1l ........ .............. 10.14
W . Seal. 13 a in hr 42-3-9, e
II usser S I ulloc . ...... 4.55
IRST '\I'WA I)-L-i')L) IREI).
DIave Bickhan, GU a n hf sw.
see 22-2-9 ... ... ...... 0.15
.J 31 Brock & Co., 100 a iii n1
'orner' her-t 49.1 -9 ..........
lettie Fortenlherry, 80 a nortih
State Line, e .1 31 Thornhill, s by
Jack Washington ....... 14.31
lhrs W J McElveen, 425 a, part
in hr J8-1-, part in bect 1-2-9 ut.
creek, e M Schilling, w B S Rich
ardsot .... ......... .... 24.00)
W\V ' .ilev, 40 a o tf ne Set.'
13-2-. and 3 lots in RI.io; 10 a sw,
,cf "w sec 15-3-13 ....... 10.05
1) ; Varitatlo, 1 a and itiitpriv.
ments in 31t. Ilermon...... 8 78
s1:' )ND WAR) C(iLORIIEI).,
Leon Tat-, 1 lit in tlt Htii'
m n .... .............. - . 1l
T Z ickhamtn, hf a and imniprov
nments at Pine ............ 3 T7
ist It 11 Balhit gton, lOtta, ntl rt
'r less in hr 453-2 10, n l 1) :,ll
gee, s town of l"ranklinton, w bi
BHugue Chito River, sq 40 in;
Franklinton .... ... ..... 73.29
W. W. B3abington, a patrcel of
land tiand imnprovment in Fratklin
ton .... .... ........... 47.7
J. W. Bryant, lots 7 and , llk
12 in Hackley . ........... 7.(
Edith Brown, 2 a, n Jim Kemp,
e public road s and w Jerry
Smith ... ....... ........ 8.92
J B Bateman, 120 a e hf of sw}
see 17 2-10; 40 a set of nw} see
17-2-10................... 15,30
Mrs A C Coyne, 1 lot and im
provments in S Franklintcn 6.25
Louis Danziger, e part of lot
28 sq 6 in Franklinton .... 5o..)
Frankli)iton Auto & Repair Cu
w hf of lot4 blk 46, Franklinton
..................... 15.88
Mrs Mary M Foil, 40 a sw} of
nw. see 17-2-11.... ..... 3.78
11 E Gayer, 100 a part of w If
of nwI sec-54-1-9; 12.84 a, lot 2
see 4-2-10; 6 a in hr 49 2-10; 2 a
e and w joining tp line s, 3 a on
n side of tp line"........8.69
Andrew Graves, 53 a, nwJ of
swj and part of se 1 of sw sec 5
1-11 ........... ........ 8 .18
C C Holmes, lot 1 in Warner
ton................... .. 3.26
C K Knight, 40 a neJ of sel
sec 3-2-10 ................ 5.50
Miss A Letchworth, 120 a in
see 13-3-10 ..... ......... 6.94
Mrs C Letchworth, 1 a in n hit
of ne} see 15-3-18; lots 1. 2, 3, 6,
7, 8, 9, aid 10 blk 11 in Rio. 4.64
M M Magee 337.54 a, 210.24 a
in sec 9-3-11 all of se4 of se- and
that part of the sw} of ne4 and
se4 of nw} and e hf of sw} see 10
:3-10; 50 a one half interest in
i00ainsee9-3-11; 118ae hf of
ne} and el-2 of sej sec 20-3-11 ;20
a, lot 2 see 36-2-10; 14.28 a lot 1
sec 25-3-10; 2 a in Franklinton
n Sampson St, e NO G N R R, s
Big ditch, lot 3 blk 216, fractl sq
54 lot 4 blk 238; lots 9, 10, 13 and
14 blk 402, lots 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17
18 and 19,, blk 403, undivided in
terestin lot 4 blk 46 including im
provments in Franklinton 144.6b
R W Rodes, lots 3, 4, 13 and
14 and 16 blk 4 in Llackley 15.59
Martin Roberts, lots 3, 4 and 6
in Warnerton......... ... 6.96
A E Stafford, so a e hf of se4 sec
29-1-10 ............. .... 14.48
W D. Spears, 80 a nw} of nw}
see 2 and ne} of ne sec 3-1-1l 9.07
A T Smith, so a ne} of sek and
ne4 of net, sec 6-1 11 ..... 10.84
Alex Burton, "22. a "hf of
nw4 and ne4 of sw. see 12-1-10
.. ................... .1.2,
Mrs. Tom Barker, 25 a in w hf
of sw} see 24-1-102 ...... 2.90
T C Dyson. 50 a in see 29-2-11
Jesse Blackwell, e Lawrences
Creek, 8T J Hood.. ...... .62
Chas Magee', 40( a sw; ,,f sc:.' -ee
C),. eliJ I; . 4. a in e -1
, e .i1 \ i c m ... j:jn 4, I
l:t i eah R've's, 40 ni\ of -i\
se 1 .... ........ . 1
N t3ogalusa .... . ..... 3_:.1
11 o gu.. ,a ...... '3" o.
M-s Alm B, '.c, reeý'U' lot :"'
ilk 12 .I n s All, d 1. : ;iiu, . ].,i
I) I, I ;ihrl).r, "1 :a l:it tI"f ',M (
I' , i u l,'st I 1 II l, ( . '; I.
1 l .. .. , ',
1)r 11 C ('ole, h of lo:its 25 ani
21 blk :l1o N i ngalii- .. .. 7
\ .a l ena.lu lot "tl I.)eliha in
Add t I u galun a .......... 1.1
. W \ 'ssell. 5() ;I a Lot I si 11) i
ald mn\' of n',;t E'(' H -;l -11; le-,'
Sa in n ' ; 2: pa.'t of i\\v (.f
I Ik E ....ialus.... 23.:
Sira b huies, ti. ;l, 17 Jones, I
na (; u ifild . .. . ..il. 9.',1
j i Mizil, :1; a in hr ;- _ 71
l 1i N. u ............... 1 17
S1).. ' l i'at, lot i i l k l 11
H r ...................... 10. 1
1.I) M., ' atthi s, l, s 1. , s 1i
1ti . i :1 . m . h -.. ..........-.:
\i, .',' .\l l In, Mor a n,, t ; 1 sec
,n hj,, f ; :-\ I. . - a );t :: a
i:t-1- :;;' " J" eon i'r:; '4-I 1;
!2110 a iin i t 1 ,f hr :;i - 1 1:;: 2) a
sv cUrPh :l . i-13:l 6 a 1. . 'i , . I
:f :n o tin ; i; ' . ; l ts "2 ' it i n l 2i '
blk i ; I' I!., galum.  .. tI.t
Pierce tml , I ..20 a n,-; of I
S Ba d lot 2 ,' :" 13; 21.11, a
Il.t 2 scc 11 4-1- : o : se. " n.. 1
see 10-4-1:1: ' a in i -iw if se. - I"
" '; oe{ o If n.vi and s htf of n',.
ald I bf of s\\' and swv of s\\L
sec 14 1-13; 160 a see of ne} and
ne of sel and sw. of nei sec 1: 1
43.1 2 a lot 4 e 28: 4R1 a in hri
49-4-13; 149 a l hf of sivi and sw, f
of se} and lot 8 see 27-4. 1:;: 106I a
in ,sec6 and 7-4-14........ 7r .47
457 ......... ........... I.02 1
Rosana 1'on'tlil, 1 lit 100 feet
by 200 fe~'iet in frat ne. of s. i."
14-,.1...... ........... 2.5i
i11 H Schloemran, lots 5 and 17
blk 2 lots 1 and 18 P 11 Add Ii'- I
galusa................... 74.11
H W Storatus, liots i; and 7 on
Main St Richardsontown ... 8.13
John Sable, lot 2 blk 130 N
Bogalusa.................8 .7,
Dominico Trentacosta, I a off
south end blk 41 L 13 Pierce Add
Bogalusa......... ........ 4.50
Est A Tanguis, lots 9 and 10 on
blk 21 Richardsoutown .... 3.77
Maria Tonipturia, loIs 4 and 5 on
s ,ide of 4th St E [Iogalusa 5.77 7
Maria Ventle, 2 lots Oin Super
ior Ave, N Bogalusa and lmlprov- I
ment.................. 10.43
J I Waller, 115 a in see 2-4-18
50a adjoining above described
land; 80 a in s hf se" see 16-4
AD \Wood, 40 a in hr .0-3
ll ....... ..... ....... ..12.30
Mrs Ora Wheat, lot 7 blk 11
Richardsontown Add to Boga
husa ...................... 10.45
Est M G Williams, 84 a lots 1 1
and 2 see 114-13, M6 a fract '1 see
6-3-13; 571a in hr s 43 -3-13 and 14.
247 a in hr 39-4-13; 77 a lot 2 see
29 and nw} of nwl see 28-3.13; 4
a acqd of Mrs J W Mizell; 2 a, in
see 21-3.13; lots 2 to 8 inclusive
in blk 28 in Rio......-... 54.95
A Brown, lots 1 and 2 blk 2,
in Richardsontown ........ 5.65
MO Dean, 4 a in see 11-3 13
in NE Bogalusa-........... .l81
J Elry Hart, 20 a n hf of nw} of
sej see 28 3-13 ............ 5.8s
Archie John, 1 a acqd of Mike
! turns ..... ... . ....... t.49
SE Prescott, b a undivided 40
a of President Lewis Hmstd 3.09
Mrs AU Alford, 40 4 swj of
ne.i see i-1-14-- •- -----9.04
Wiley Blackwell, 40 a sw.j of
riswl sec 14-1-12....... ....75
) J J Bulloch, 260a s hf of ne}
land n hf of set and s hf of swk
land all s and e of Joe's Branch of
lneo of seseo 22*1-12.... 14.22
cj Fram:is ulunes, lilt 1101)1k I i!l
I.... . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. - -
- 1- . 1i, ,;.. t . . .; ,
1 I :h()< -º .. .. ... .. ..... I "'
Di 1: 1 111t, ý27, an 'art (!f nIea ,If
n s e 11 2-1 .. ..... . .
1? J Kni; Ht, 1- a n, ( . .
J WJ \I '~r ., 1i a i ll 1 r :.-1-12 I
in. 1H : In rl is, e 1'' 11 l .b
(u tis \lil.y, -) rne'I of Ew.
S; " i- 1 ..... .... ... .... 7 .15
W A f' irc ,. 11;0 i: , i hf of .se
e 29 and _ !t and , s - S' 1
I J1 t ' 1, . :1 )a Ii'4 l l'i . 2 ,1.
i 1 1. 1 lI)m a , ,t i a ,t4 i f ,w
t~ll \" ) lit' !I -IIt -H 111 ý"
S" 1".'1 ii,, a.-, "1:' 'l r,,n ,, w
and a iin si o(if - 'H e 17-1
lar1yi 1Th1 nlº,u)Sn. '2" 1a in 5e
1-.1-14 ...... . . . . ... . ltS.
WhAi t and s ns, tI,, a i4 e
part I ' thr .-1 11 l.......... 19. ,o
FIfTH \\.\W-l l  L'a, I .l,
.lulln A (Ialli oway. a net of
ne ee :2-1-13 ..... .. 4. :;.:I
Eliza arry, ;- a in hre 1-1 14
Ecr l M ', as , . a, . . I Moses.
s M Mose, w W re'n ..... 1.7
W 1) 1'etrds. 5 a in n hf of ne,
se ..-1 11 ... .. ...... .
lirs. lr:Ik Peters, ;,t a sw.; f,'
ne; see :2-1 .1+ ..... 4.Itu
Isom 1iloughmaun. a in see 11
S 3-1; L 1 1. lank-tn .\,1 l gln.4
lusa ...... .......... 1.. '
Geo Sam .I, 2" a a iin  12' aind
4l:1-2 11. n \V W Seal. u Sl Sam
s (Chas lPete,'s . ......... 7.0(0
lIrl-''y \'" i .(,!l, - i a 111 ,f n,. f
and li oi f s- , s,e 21-1-'1 11.21;
N(N IE,11 1:N1I
'st of E L hAd,,m:-, lot 1 2ik 2
.i lal.. . ..s.)t,, .. ........ ).)(
.1. .A A ,",Iek ', l" , , I -)t talk 1, !
V L ai'ý it", n hi lot 17 b1k i'
i'ierce Adid i' ugalU 1 .. . .
SS. Boie one, lot 30 blk ; in
A ngie ......... ......... 2.0:1
1i C Cterron, lot 2 ik 1 ih1.
ardsontuwi 2...... 2U.
Fred Coiuis, lot 2 bilk 12 Hack
ilcy .................... . .37
Cliftron cide, lot 3i blk 2
P I Add ogalusa ........... 1.4
H L iaiy. lots 219 and 220 and
w hf of lot 221 1k 22 lots 1 and
82 blk 3 in A. re........... 8.4
W Civiti, lot 120 blk 28 Min
Angie.. ............... 2.30
ArS I inton, lot 2 blk 14, lot 3
blk 11 Richardson4town...12.76
Mrs Bertha Harp, lot ts 9 and'
ne. seA g-lu.1........... 1.41
J C McQirkof i2 lots 4n ima
provme2 t in iio. .......... 3.4:2
J M-I Moody, 1 a in sec 21- 1-13
acqd 4).oL W Mizell, ....... 8.42
Harriet Neal, lot a S blk 109 SE
Richardson Add Bogalusa 45.
MG Merrros, lot 31 blk 27 in
Rio............ ..... 1.0
SMrs Florence Peak1, 1l0 a in
hr 43-4-11, larnds formerly own-.2
Chitto Rivert, a lands formerly
page 4b ..2.....r...n .. >.30
Pearl River .lfg Co, 47( a in hr
n3-1 ................... 3.1
P J Patonia, 2lots blk i Rai.
ardsontown ............. 2.24
Josephine Porter, 2 a running
lusa acqd of Sylvia Jackson 3.43
W W Roberson, lot 11 blk 2
Richardsondtown. o...... 4.58
R Richaux, lot 13O blk 25. in
RAngie ....................2.27
J A StFart, lot 17e bkk 03 in
cho Smith, 820 ans hf of hr 57
1 -10..................... 3.94
WM Sullivan, iot 8 blk 224 N
Franklinton ............ 2.7.
L W Speais, sw cor of lot g
ik 7 Richardson town.... 11.81
Mrs HJ Wheat, lot 7 blk 7 E
Bogalusa.................. 2.20
Hrs of M White, 160 a in s hf
of hr- 0 2 2-l. . ........... 10.80
Joe Sherman, lot 1 blk 9 Bo
ganlusat................. 2.27
TM Talley, lot 2 blk 7 in Rio
Bgu........................ 1.72
Thos Rhodes. Wite 1(3, 134 and'
o 155 in Varudo ........... 3.12
2 L Fergerson, 39 a swn of s. -
1 1.5: ll I and 12, tbik 1. ti' :
ai"r son i t , , l - ...... . .
fj \IL j oI' t s ' , I l a t I> 1 ", ,I,
\ J) lar.I'y, 1-2 acie in .\il 'L.
I l ll t·! 111 I i1 , It.'. tt t1 I. ,
.. .. I .. t.......... i.. 1
" i ,a- ull I',, a 'I Ii t l i lik,
1 : Ilts lo, t 1II . i : 1 "2 i . 11Hi
a I ' ion hai l'ui ....n d . 1 gl... la-.
.1 (' 1'rli lt, li , : 1 l._'a in n\\" 1" !'
Atn ;11o!t!teI rlt.;S , l a.otil .1 land 1 ; 1 "Ik
"1p. la ry, 1-' , rcr i :in h. i
S\lat'tha (._'a"w'i,r, a; ,
I *it u--1') one-third inlterIest in los
li' I ~n Ahd to Bugain n: 2f ,n
inre i -. .and 1.. .. .d .4-'. .U
I1 h inr 5-312: N.uare 221 in
(: . 'i. t la ; i'i re , 1tI 21. hlk .
1i ,n 'irce ad il hg t alu- a.t it i st
\lox rJey ili, a e hin ' uif it f t I
i am ;r IuI,, I ' l l t 17 tik
-11 i c I' I[ IU , Ir) l 1ii, ia l.-.i. :;"l i
,:1arI ll apa, l t I, _ fLi: 1 t , i. t
1,, ._ il Ii a I I'.' 1 L( 12 tIi, ' I 1
'ILng li.ichart i n AL' itL LL aLt liat I',la
Anna rc otter, tuti 11 and 12 Ieb ik
Jtc L A l'iere \dy Adld 1;1gatu a It',
f Wit -12 ton, l-., 0ti interesi t il 1( Is
3 hat -ot 3e. p-i3,; twt,-iia t I w ill ti
I . a l ', of Il .I tde '.w 'I Fr 'kli t. P1; -
ih of atiLIgt i, 1a ., .Lt u ri a , :i:1e
ll 1114, at 1:iL o-lli . L., thai "; ium d O1
p in. of io5-p 3-rt 2 t I i ia re ini.
tralii litof i ; fi\ e -dit!iil . ill 'ei t i
+1i1t a l i ie: 'it , ,l l''v. 1,1t II t , L It S
: Iili 4t t tlh e ha l rtse, ef i' t, al' -a '
lI alt ', a ni l ik ttiie ll I e\' 1 p ii r tll" . I
S It took a Nedi Yli7 ILillioLnarjo to
.:it upon the bet L:ei, tln et for cut- .
ting down house'ld Xna se h s if one
lmust wed; he OFni'd a fashionable
milliner.- altimreoNews.
One . I i; Carred.
The holy ea - V0 a of friendship is
nof so sweet. ale steady ands luoyal and
enduring a nt i in tha ,t t will lastl ll
English naI, ufact irelra ag ts" are
ready to pro. Lt inrican goods to.!.
the tirles in South Atu'trica, buLt they
like t promote irele kind lof goods.
replied l Maymie. f'r ut 1 "ye at tenled
pa loLt of Chautau g ua lectures and heiit
was never one of tile speakers.
Washington Star.
, A : little gil from oU.lt !n .ii
i ' 1 , l. h l ".l','"C - , t
Itiiing tr li ttle ri'h: - loh . I ... t iS, t :E
lOtimist says, ard the visitor l tieed
Sth no one asked divine blessing be
fore the meal wal s served. " y paai
f alwayshing, asks then blessing befte et
eat." said the i little visitor nto herl
chum. "Th'athigo,'s all right." quickly re-l'
plied the little hostess,lu who as eager
a ertid h His ti. Devotio n. 'lt
wither husband lltrats going to teach tiher hot
to skate this wintlert't," says Mis. Gooph,
n thye l' itone a woman etploys wit" tlit
shle concealsa reproof in a morsel ofih.
conversation. "Isn't it nice to se, a
man so devoted to his wife?" ' De
Goted-shucks!" grumbles GExoph fromns
It oyaline Oil is STRONGER Ti ANt
PAIN, inside or outside, man or beast.
muAlso nakes it go further and give
2 Thit's wr-y it wins everywhere over
everything, when people try it. It is
of prised loudest by peopie who have
2 used it longest. It', different. You'wa
like it better. Tra it nowt, 1fo, tae,
to le. Money back plan.
The Duty
Of SpectL cie
, ' (i
. I, ,' It
I Am Able
S1 I I
I. L. IR K e R
. " ' ; ti i iti
7 .
Nr.w Home
Sewing Machine
is to buy the machine
v ith the name NEW
HOME on the arm
and in the legs.
This machine is -
warranted for all
No other like it t
No other as good
The Msw Home Sewing Machine Company,
No Other Remdy
Like It
*a.?Lc "-*rDNOP rR Et OM RtequE
,war.son Rheumatic Cure Co.,
ts8"I-c W. k.: Et., ci:Ir,CIua
New Orleans Great Northers
Double Daily Service
13 T W LEN
:Franklinton, La.
New Orleans, La.
Jackson, Miss.
Columbia, Miss.
Tylertown, Miss.
Folsom, La.
Cheap Round Trip Week-end
Tickets on Sale,
North-Bound. South-Bound
NO. 32-10:25 a. in. No. '1-2:23 p. In.
No. 34-7:40 p. in. No. -5: a. n.
No. 38-9:35 p. i. No. .7-.25 a.m.
No. 36-11 :05 a. m. No.5. :20 : '. m.
For furt)1cwr iiiformati,,tn, apply
to local Tl'i(ket A.eit, tr to,
M. J. McMahoi, (. I'. A.
G. U. AunrlmNt'r,,A.G.t.A.,
905 Whitney-Central ]1'Jg.
Ne.w fOrleanr, La.
I.c(n ) [i'tanw I' Plr; Main 48.
W;ike ip .v Iiv,:r. A lPzy
Liver brings on tihe worst of dis
eases. Take LI V-VE-LIAX now.
i Peoples Drug Co,

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