OCR Interpretation

The Era-leader. [volume] (Franklinton, La.) 1910-current, October 08, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064305/1914-10-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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Washington Parish Fair
At Franklinton, Louisiana
October 15, 16, 17, 1914
Official Journal of Washington Parish and the Town of Franklinton.
VO LU M E 5. n oRA . , ,,,,I .,,, 6R ., ........ , .n
',,,,A, . . ^...... NKLINTON, LA., T URSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1914NUMBE 28
r I t_ ..
586,557 525 t
, i. .. ! ..
Hitting the nail on the finger is often very painful! A
We have some excellent preparations that afford ready
relief for bruised and cut fingers, burns, etc. Try them a
next time!
(Incorporated, )
School Board Proceedings
Franklinton, La., Sept. 30.-Oi
the above date the board of di
rectors of the public schools o:
Washington Parish, La., met it
special session as per adjourn
ment with the following memberE
present: J. D. Sylvest, O. E. Mor.
ris, F. B. Bateman and J. A.
The meeting was called to or
der and Prof. Peters and H. H.
Wilcox, Commissirner of Educa.
tion for the City of Bogalusa,
came before the board to discuss
matters pertaining to the Boga
lusa Schools. The board will
take no action on those matters
until next meeting.
The board proceeded to canvass
the returns of the special elections
held in the Bell school; District
No 26, and South West School,
District No, 27.
Process Verbal.
Be it known and remembered,
That on this the 30th day of Sep
tember 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
in accordance with resolutions of
the board of directors of the pub
lic schools of Washington Parish,
La., passed on the 20th day of
August 1914, notice of which was
issued ai4 published according
to laW~ii 6 undersigned members
of the Board of directors of the
public schools of Washington
Parish, being a quorum thereof,
metin public session at the office
of said board, and sooeding to
law opened the ballot boxes used
in, aqd which were received from
the commissioners of the elections
held on Tuesday Sept. 29th 1914,
'ordance with said resolu.
_and there proceed to count
theballotsboth in number and
amount, for afid against, to de
termine the following proposition.
1. Proposition to levy a five
mill tax on all property subject
to state taxation in Bell School,
District No. 26 of Washington
Parish, La., for the period of five
years for the purpose of building
a school house for said district
No. 26,and the result of said count
was 10 ballots and $5330 in favor
;. of said proposition, and 9 ballots
and $4720 against said proposition
n and two spoiled ballots.
2. Proposition to levy a three
f mill tax on all property subject
" to state taxation in South West
school, district No. 27of Wash
ington Parish, La., for the period
offive years for the purpose of
giving additional aid to the pub
lic school in said District No. 27,
and the result of said count was
11 ballots and $3510 in favor of
said proposition, and not any
votes against said-proposition.
And, therefore, the majority in t
both number and amount cast by
the property taxpayers of the
said school districts No. 26 and 27
in the Parish of Washington in
said elections being in favor
thereof, and at the same time we
did examine and canvass the re
turns as evidenced by the dupli.
cate talley aheets and duplicate
compiled statement, the correOt
ness of both being sworn to by
commissioners, according to law,
and finding also that the returns b
indicated a majority both in num.
ber and amount of property in
favor of said propositions. a
Therefore, we declare that the d
result of the said elections are in
favor of the aforesaid proposi. ti
tions, and,
In accordance with law, a pro.
mulgation of the aforesaid re
sults was prepared, and the Sec.
retary of this board was ordered
to have a copy of the same signed e(
by the president, and published
in one issue of the official journal.
And likewise, we did order fe
that one copy of this process
verbal be sent to the Secretary of d
State to be recorded in the arc.
hives of the State of Louisiana; ea
that one copy be sent to th re*
corder of mortgages to be record- re
e in the martgage records of the
I rish; and that one copy be .
kept in the records of the said
school board. re
This done and signed in the
presence of G. W. Magee and D. eu
H. Stringfield, competent wit
nesses and electors, on this the
30th day of September 1914, at fo
the office of the Board of diree
S tors of the public s(,ho, .l. of
\VWahinLton Parisi,, by the un -
S de'sig ned , m-Ilrl!)e's tf thte sch,o,º
board if said Parish, present and
participating in the cailv;Iss of
the said returns of special elec
J. D. Sylvest, O. E. Morris, F.
B. Bateman, J. A. Moore.
And the canvass of the returns
of said elections having been
made, the results thereof were
ascertained and declared to he
as follows.
Votes Amt.
School District No. 26.
For said proposition... ...10 $ 5330
Against said proposition.... 9 4720
ful! Majority in favor of said
d proposition............... 1 e 610
ady School District No. 27.
em For said proposition........11 3510
Against said proposition None None
And the results of said elec
tions were declared to be in favor
oE of said propositions.
Ordinance of Promulgation.
Whereas, on the 29th day of
September 1914. elections were
held in school district No. 26 of
tion Washington Parish, La., to de
termine the following proposi
ect 1. Propositions to levy a five
sh- will tax on all property subject
to state taxation in Bell School
io District No. 26 of Washington
Parish La., for the period of five Nc
27 years for the purpose of building 1
a school house for said district 2.
No. 26. 3
2. Proposition to levy a three 4.
`ny mill tax on all property subject j.
to state taxation in Soºuth West 6.
by school district No. 27 of Washing. 7.
the ton Par ish. La., for the period of 8
127 five years for the purpose of giv- 9.
I ing additional aid to the publi, 10.
schools of said district No. 27. 11.
Where;as, said elections were 12,
held and the returns thereof were 13
canvassed by the board of direc 14.
,to tors of the public schools of the 1J.
ts above said parish, according to ,,i.
law, and notice on the 20th day 17.
of August 1914, and the results 18.
of said elections were declared to 19.
be, 20.
in That a majority in number and
amount of the taxpayers of said No,
he school districts Nos. 26 and 27 1.
in in the Parish of Washington, La., 2.
voted in favor of said proposi- 3.
tions, now therefore, 4.
Section 1, Be it ordered by 5.
the board of directors of the £.
public schools of Washington 7.
ed Parish, in lawful session conven. H.
ed ed, that the .
ed Propositions to levy special 10.
l taxes for the aid of public schools 11.
as herein above stated and re. 12.
ferred to are carried. 13.
Section2. Be it further or- 14.
Sdained, etc., That the results of 15.
said elections shall be promul- 16.
Sgated by the president and sec. 17.
Sretary of this board by publica. 18.
tionin one issue of the official 19.
e journal of Washington Parish, 20.
id signed by said president and sec. 21.
retary. 22.
Farm Demonstration Agent 23.
submitted the following report: 24.
Mr. President, and members of 25.
Washington Parish School Board. 26.
I beg to submit this, my report 27.
for club work done in the Parish 28.
since Feb. 1, 1914. 29.
Have enrolled 132 members in 30.
Boy's Corn Club and 133 mem- I h
bers in Girl's Canning Club; have and I
given five demonstrations in can. rect
ning attended by 275 persons; Juro;
have made491 official visits to erbe
adult farmers and 125 visits to Distr
club members. Wasl
In making these visils I have iqg t
traveled more than 2000 miles by Septi
team and 744 miles by rail.
Boys anid girls have been Vell
supplied with literature frmnv the
department, (it wa- mnailed to ac
them at crst) and have ?Peceived and c,
my personal instructior relative
(Continued on Las Page.) pardi
Bought from the Farmer
and Sold to the Consumer
At 10 Cts.
We Have Joined the "BUY A BALE CLUB" and Bought Our Iale.
SOur deposits are guaranteed, dollar for dollar, under
the Banking Department of the State of Mississippi
the ONLY BANK in this section GUARANTEEDI
We are a member of the Regional System
just organized by Uncle Sam.
I Impossible to LOSE your Money in THIS BANK. 
Do you want it in a Bank of this kind? If so, call at
ct I'enire.
n Grand Jurors.
ve No. Name Ward.
g 1. Buck Crow .... . .... I
ct 2. C. M. Sylvest........ 1
3. N.1Y. Jones.......... 1.
ae 4. Eugene Bankston ... 2.
ct 5. E. A. Carter........... 2.
st 6. L. V. 3ankston ...... 2. h
7. C. R. Mcl anus........ 3.
t . W . S. Stringfield ....... 3.
9. S. E. lorris......... . 3
10. W ill l.ittnman.......... 3.
11. Morgan Bankston,...... 4.
re 12, Russell Adams ....... 4.
., 13 .1. M . .\liteh ll......... 4.
14. E. H . lt i d ............ ,.
e 15. Abram Adams ........ 5
S16. W. N.Crain........._ 5.
17. M N. Knight......... 5.
18. \V. N. Corkern..... .. 6.
0 19. J.P. Parker . ... .... 6.
20. L. E. Jinkins. ..... ... 6. -
i Petit Jurirs.
I No. Name Ward. C
7 1. Leon Sylvest........... 1.
2. L. W. Ford .......... 5.
3. W. J. Corkern ........ 6.
4. John M. Fussell....... 6.
y 5. A. L. Strahan ......... 1.
S,. H. D. Ott .......... . 4.
7. W . S. kurris........... 3.
b. Steve Sylvest.. . .... 1.
9. W ilbur Tullos... ...... 5.
110. W.J Kemp ........... 5.
11. J. T. Thigpen ......... (i.
12. M. A. Miller . .
13. M. B. Hennesy......... 1. -
14. C. M. Breeland ......... 2.
15. Walter V. Burch....... 2.
16. Oscar Seal........... 5.
17. R. W. Knight.... ..... 3.I.
18. Needham Baughman... 5.
.19. M.C. Pool.... ....... 3.
20. W. H. Jenkins 1.
21. J. J. Miller, 21
22. C. L. Brumfield........ 2.
23. B. B. Williams....... . 4.
24. T. M. Jones............ 6.
25. Angus Bankston....... 4.
26. A. M. Schilling . .... 2. :
27. Ben Graves ........... 3.
28. Joe Nobles........... 3.
29. A. G. Magee........... 3.
30. Mouton Bulloch..... 2
I hereby certify that the above "
and foregoing is a true and cor.
rect list of Grand and Petit
Jurors drawn for service at Nov
ember Term of the 26th Judicial "
District Court of Louisiana for
Washington Parish and accord.
ig to law. This 28th day of
September, 1914
M. A. Thigpen, Clerk.
Best and Cheapest.
For Constipation, Biliousness, Head- *
ache, Royaline Liver Begulator is best *
and cheapest. 16e. Mone, back plan.
Ntice-- am aipPlyi'g for a *
pardon. Quitman Galloway. :
Neuhauser Bros,, Slidell, La,
\ Wt ar,' otlering direct to the user, a line of reliable vehiwle. that can
not be bat in the United States for tie money.
2. Wheels wade of allit Hickory. selected stock, screwed rims: stecl tires'
hardwood sills well seasoned and braced.
Axles long distance style, full wood capped.
Easy riding end springs.
3 Handsome Roomy Comfortable
Comfortable Farm. $35
4. ers' Buggy $
Nifty Stick.Seat
Bug.tylish Panel Seat .....
Buggy, 6.
uto Seat Buggy 38
Twin Auto eat........ 39
Buggy. . ..... .... 3
S(;enuine Leather
6. tushion and Back.
: Splendid
4: Buggies
Write For Cut and Complete Description. Can
Make Immediate Shipment and Save You Money.
5. " *********,nw nn" n g gg
2. M. MARX
3. - Sash, Doors, Transoms, Brick, Lime, Cement,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Lead, Shingles,
Corrugated and Paper Roofing
a Bicycles and Supplies General Merchandise
. 2A Complete Line of *
Telephone No. 150
•. j We keep everything from a needle to an elephant
* , oUR MOTTO:
We have it, will e it or it is not made

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