OCR Interpretation

The Era-leader. [volume] (Franklinton, La.) 1910-current, October 26, 1916, Image 5

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

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Thursday, October 26, 1916.
ACT NO. 4.
House Bil1 No. 4-B1y Mr. Byrne.
Proposing an allnlr'lldnient to the Consti
tution of the State of Louisiana pro
viding for: The funding of certain
debts o the City ofl New Orleans and
or the Loard of Directors of the Public
Schools, Parisll of Orleans, respective
ly; the issuance of serial bonds by said
city, the purpose for aind the manner
in which sallie may be issued and the
duties and rfunctions of the Board of
Liquidation, City Debt, with reference
thereto; and the levying by the City
of New Oricansl aind tile Board of
School Directors, Parish of Orleans,
respectively, of certainl taxes for gell
elwu munricipal ari(d school purposes;
and pruoviding for the sulbmnissioni of
said alllelloilerllt to the electors of tile
State lor their arl)roval or rejection.
lie it enactedl by the General Assembly
of the btate of Louisiana, two-thirds of
all tile iiembners elected to each Hlouse
:oncurring, that subject to the ratifica
tion aind approval of tile electors of the
state, the Colstittitloni of tile State be
amended by incorporating therein the fol
lowing l provisions, to wit:
Section 1. The City of New Orleans, by
a vote oi three-fourthls of all the mienmbers
of the Board of Liquidation, City Debt,
approved by resolution of tile Commission
COUincil, of ILS succesSor ias tile goverlnilng
body of said mlnicipality, adopted by a
vote of two-thiurds o all llembers of said
council or goverllinirg body, shall hiave
power and is hereby author'ized to issue
Nine Million Dollars (,UU00,000) of bonds,
to be stylet "City of New OUrleans Serial
Uol Bonels," and to bear such rate of
interest as tihe lHoUard of Liquidation, City
Debt, ma\ fix from time to time as each
installment of said bonds is offered for
Sale as hereinatter provided.
Section 2. Three Million Dollars ($3,
vU,oUUO), ill par value, of tlho bonds au
thorized by Section I of this amendment
shall forthwithi be suoi.
Th'i proceeus of said three million
dollars of Ihoniis shall be applied exclu
Sively to the followinig purposes and ill
the following order:
(a) The paymlent of thle outstarnding and
unpaid 'School Teachers' Salary Bonds of
the City of New Urleans," issued utinder
Act No. 2 of the General Assembly of the
State of Louisiana for the year 11306, which
bonds shall be called for payment and
uaid as soon as practicable;
(b) The payrient of the principal of the
floating indebtedness of the Board of Di
rectors of the Public Schools, Parish of
Orleans, evidenced by note or notes out
standing at the time of the adoption of
tlhis amendment to an amount not ex
ceeding Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($650,000); provided that, in the
event that said indebtedness or any part
thereof shall have been paid by said
Board out of its current revenues pre
vious to the adoption of this amendmrent,
the amount thus paid (not to exceed $650,
000, however), shall be paid over in cash
to said Board to be used by it for school
purposes, as provided by law;
(c) The payment of the suin of Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000), with
interest thereon, borrowed by the City of
New Orleans for storm emergency pur
voses in the year 1915;
. (d) The payment of the overdraft or
other indebteaness due by tile City of New
Orleans to its fiscal agents or other banks
representing loans or advances made by
them. to said city, other than those re
ferred to in paragraph (c) of this section,
to an amount not exceeding in principal
and interest the sum of One Million Three
Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars
($1,350,000); anrd
(e) The balance of saia proceeds shall
be used and employed by the Board of
Liquidation, city Debt, for the payment
of Public Improverment Certificates of the
City of New Orleans, as set forth in
Section 3 of this amendment.
Section 3. The remainder of the bonds
authorized by Section 1 of this amend
ment, or so mnuclh thereof as may be
necessary, shall be sold, from time to
time, in such amounts as the Board of
.Liquidation, City Debt, may determine,
and the proceeds of the sale thereof shall
be agpplied by said Board to the payment
of. Public Improvement Certificates au
thorized by Act No. 46 of the General
Assembly of the State of Louisiana for
the year 1908, and acts amendatory there
of, and presently outstanding or' issued
at any time in payment of any contract
rmade before this amendment takes effect,
at their respective maturities or when
said maturities can be anticipated upon
terms satisfactory to said Board.
Said Act No, 56 of 1908 and all amend
•rments thereto, as well as all statutes upon
the same subject, and so much of Acts
No. 128 and No. 270 of the General As
sembly of the State of Louisiana for the
year 1910 and other statutes on the same
subject matter, as may affect, apply or
pertain to the City of New Orleans, be
and the same.are hereby repealed; never
theless Public Improvement" Certificates
'may be issued in thie manner provided by
Said Act No. 56 of 1908, and amenldments
thereof, in payment of any contract made
•before this ,aamendment takes effect.
SSection 4. Thie City of New Orleans
.may also issue and negotiate its bonds
Swhen authorized by a vote of a majority
in number and amount of the property
:taxpayers, who shall have been assessed
for property in said city as shown by tihe
Slast assessment made prior to the submis
-asion of the proposition to the said property
taxpayers and who are otherwise qualified
Sto vote under the Constitution and laws
.of'this State, voting at an election called
by ordinance adopted by a vote of two
Sthirds of all the members of the Commis
Arion Council, or its successor as the gov
Serning body of said City of New Orleans,
:and which ordinance before any such
'-election is ordered shall be also adopted
i-by a vote of three-fourths of all thie mem
-ers of the Board of Liquidation, City
Debt Due notice of said election shall be
published for thirty days in the official
journal of said city (four weekly insertions
of- said notice constituting a publication
f.. or thirty days, providing thirty days in
:tervene between the date of the first
:: insertion and the date of said election).
No bonds shall be issued under this
:section for any other purpose or for any
- greater amount than stated in the sub
mission of the proposition to said tax
- payers.
Section 5. In case of fire, flood, pesti
lence, storm or other public calamity, the
City of New Orleans shall have power,
Sby a two-thirds vote of all the members
of the Commission Council, or its suc
'essor as the governing body of said city,
:::coincurred in by a three-fourths vote of
Sall the members of the Board of Liquida
tion, City Debt, to borrow money and
issue and negotiate bonds in such sum,
n':ot exceeding Five Hundred Thousand
_Dollars ($500,000), as shall be necessary
- in any one such emergency.
Section 6. For the purpose of refunding
:all or any part of the bonded indebtedness
.of the City of New Orleans existing at the
:time of the adoption of this amendment,
b;onds may from time to time be issued
Sahd negotiated. When any of the issues
:of the bonds of said city outstanding at
Sthe time of the adoptiqn of this amend
:ment shall become callable according to
their terms or the sttitutes under which
Sthey are respectively issued, or when the
-consent of all the holders of any such
tissue of bonds can be secured, the Board
;of Liquidation, City Debt, shall have the
.rlght in its discretion to call and pay any
;one or more of said issues of bonds, and
:shall be authorized by resolution duly
adopted to issue and negotiate bonds to
p:.rovide the funds necessary for that
purpose; providing, however, that in no
event shall the par value of the bonds so
Ssold and negotiated exceed the par value
of the bonded indebtedness thereby to be
--Section 7 The full faith and credit of
the City of New Orleans are pledged for
the payment of the principal and interest
of all bonds issued under this amendment.
'.-The principal and interest of all bonds
uthorized and to be issued under this
amendment shall be paid primarily out of
.(1) that one-half of the surplus of the one
pr cent debt tax which heretgfore hak
en dedicated for the.support and.inain
tenance of the public schools of said city,
levied under and authorized by Act
.' No. 10 of the General Assembly of the
tate of Louisiana for the year 1890, and
ubsequently made part of the Constitu
tion of this State, and (2), after January
1:1928, that portion of the one per cent
bt tax, authorized and levied under
fActl:No. 110 aferesaid, and the two-mill
_tz:authorized by and levied under Act
tNo.-6 of the -General Assembly of the
State of Iousiana for the year 1899 which
shall have been released and freed from
dedicatlon either by the calling and re
" , . .
funding or the payment in due course of i
all or any part of the bonds existing at1
the time of the adoption of this amend- I
ment; provided that, if the funds derived
from the sources aforesaid shall be in
sufficient in any one year to pay the prin
cipal and interest of the bonds issued I
under this amendment and then out
standing and unpaid, or if for any cause
there shall not he funds appropriated to
i or available for such purpose, the City of I
New Orleans shall levy a tax upon all
taxable property in said city sufficient to
provide for any such deficiency; and pro
vided further that, when the aforesaid one
per cent dlebt tax and two-mill water and
sewer tax shall cease to be levied, the
C_ ity of New Orleans shall levy a tax upon I
in all taxable property in said city sufficient t
Id to pay the principal and interest of said
c blnds as they respectively become due.
e- Section 8. It is hereby intended that all
id existing dedications and appropriations of
er said one per cent debt tax authorized by
oe said Act No. 110 of 1890 (except with re
of spect to the said one-half of the surplus
cc of the one p1;'r cent debt tax herein dedi
ty cated to public schools), and of said two- I
of mill water and sewer tax, authorized by
s, said Act No. t6 of 1899, shall be respected
_ and performed according to the priorities I
s; by said statutes established; that all of '
of that portion of the funds resultingi from
Ic the levy of said taxes which slhall be
I. released from said nlipproioriations and '
ly dedications by the paryment, satisfaction
of or refunding of any of the bonded dlebt
, obligations now charged thereon and
I there-against shall, together with the one
e half of the surplus of the one per cent debt
be tax heretofore tledicate(l to public school
,- Ilurposes, le used and applied to the pay
ment of the principal and interest of all
iy honis issued under this amnendment; that
r. any residue thereof remaining after the
t, p'ayment of thie principal and interest in
n any one year of bonds authorized by this
ig ameltdnient shall be turned over to the
a City of New Orleans to be used by it for
id general municipal purposes, but when,
e and to the extent that, the obligations
e now chluarge on said taxes shall be paid,
,satisfied or refunded, said taxes shall be
al released frorm said obligations, and, ulti
of mately, when entirely released and dis
ty charged, shall cease to be levied; and,
11 that, thereafter, any and all bonds issued
Al under this anmendment shall be provided
for by a tax upon all taxable property in
- the City of New Orleans sufficient to pay
the principal and interest of said bonds as
t they respectively become due; provided,
however, that, in the event the funds
n hercinabove specially dedicated for the
paylent of the principal and interest of
ill the bontl issued under this amendment
should prove insufficient, the City of New
Ice Orleans shall, andl it is hereby required to,
of evy in every such instance a tax upon all
r axable property in the City of New
• rleans necessary to pay the principal
11 and interest of said bonds.
dl Section 9. 'tle principal and interest of
all bondis authorized by this amendment
e shall be payal)le in gold coin of the
I 'nited States of America, or its equiva
f lent, of the standard of weight and fine
ness at the time of the issuance of each
f installment of said bonds.
Said bonds shall be exempt from all
:1 taxation for State, parish, municipal or
oe ther local purposes.
r Et ;vings banks, tutors of minors, cura
tors of interdicts, trustees and other
liduciaries may invest the funds in their
hands in said bonds.
Said bonds may be used for deposit with
'11 any ollicer, board, municipality or other
1 political subdivision of the State of Lou
isiana in any case where by present or
future laws deposit or security is required.
I Said bonds may be registered and re
f leased from registry under such rules as
the fBoard of Liquidation, City Debt, may
Section 10. All bonds issued under this
ý, ameit nent shall bear such rate of in
s terest or, from time to time, different rates t
of interest, and shall, except as herein
otherwise specially provided, be in such "
,fothm, terms and denominations, and pay
Sablet at such times and places, within a
period of not exceeding fifty years from
the date thereof, as the Board of Liquida
tion, City Debt, shall determine, Said c
tionlds shall be issued in serial form and
iI shall be payable in annual installments, '
connnenclilg not more than two years a
t from their respective dates, and the in- t
e stalhnrents payable in each year shall be a
t1 so fixed that, when the annual interest is I
added thereto, the several annual total
s amounts of principal and interest to be r
- paid shall be as nearly equal as practi- 0
cable; provided, said installments may be
f fixed at five thousand dollars or the near
est multiple thereof.
Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor a
1 and the Commissioner of Public Finance
t of the City of New Orleans, or officers 1
exercising similar functions, and counter
signed by the President or Vice-President "
Sandt the Secretary or Assistant Secretary
of the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, It
and the coupons attached to said bonds
t shall bear the facsimile signatures of said e
Commissioner of Public Finance and said '
I Secretary or Assistant Secretary. In case
1 any such officer whose signature or coun
ter-signature appears upon such a bond b
or couplon shall cease to be such officer
1before delivery of said bond or coupon to n
Sthe purchaser, such signature or counter- P
-signiature shall nevertheless be valid for
Sall purlioses. The cost and expense of
Spreparing and selling said bonds shall be
rpaid for by the Board of Liqr(idation,
SCity Debt.
Section 11. All bonds issued under this
Saniendment shall be sold by the Board of
SLiquidation, City D)ebt, to the highest
Sbidder or bidders by sealed proposals after
dlue advertisement of not less than five
insertions in the official journal of the a
SCity of New Orleans (the first insertion to 1
bie at least fifteen days prior to the date
Sof the sale), and such other advertise
m nent, in said city or elsewhere, as saidI
B loard of Liquidation may in its discretion I
edirect; provided, said Board of Liquidation d
-may reject any and all bids.
SSection 12. Except',as otherwise pro
I vided in this amendment, the City of New l
5Orleans shall not borrow money, issue
d bonds, notes or other evidences of in- I
-dehtedness or pledge its credit or an
- ticipate the collection of any of its taxes. [
No money shall be drawn from the '
, treasury of said city without specific
h appropriation therefor previously made,
d nor shall saidt city make any contract or
-incur any debtt or obligation for any pur
y pose whatsoever unless sufficient funds,
C not otherwise appropriated, to pay and
LI discharge same are actually in the treas
5 ury of said city at the time of making the
n contract or incurring the debt or obliga
tion and are specifically set aside and
t dedicated to said purpose, unless herein
otherwise provided. The foregoing limi
. tation .nd restriction shall not a pply or
y he held to appy to contracts or obligation
- incurred with respect to the furnishing to
Ssaid city of light, heat or power, water,
teleplhone service or garbage removal or
e The sail ct.y many in any calendar year
r, in aiticipation of the collection of the
s taxes of such calendar year, and for the C
-purrposes for which such taxes are levied,,
, borrow such sums as shall not be in
f excess of the amount of its uncollected
- taxes of such year, and may issue its t
d notes or other evidences of indebtedness 9
, therefor, and such sum, notes or other
d evidences of indebtedness shall be pay-I
'y able only out of the taxes of the calendar
year in which said loan or loans are first
g made, and for which indebtedness said r
s revenues shall be pledged, and said in
e debtedness shall not be payable out of
, any other funds or moneys whatsoever.,
d No money shall be borrowed by the said
s city excelpt fgr current municipal pur
t poses, and in no event shall any money
- be horrowed by said city to make or to I
: pay for works of public improvement. s
SSaid city may issue for street paving
e purposes certificates on its faith and
h credit pursuant to legislative authority, 1
d to an amount not in excess of any special c
e assessments which have been or shall be
L made for such purposes. Such paving
L certificates hereafter issued shall be
l chargeable primarily against the special s
0 assessments in respect of which they are t
t issued, andt secondarily against the reve- s
o nues of the City of New Orleans derived j
o from taxation for general municipal pur
e oses an" from sources other than the
e taxes for the payment of the principal and a
interest of the bonds now outstanding or I
f hereafter to be issued under this amend- 1
er nmet, which revenues shall be applied in
t payn.:ent of such paving certificates only t
t. in the event and to the extent that such
s special assessments shall be insufficient t
is for such payment, and reimbursement I
f shall be made to the general funds of the I
e City of New Orleans when the assessments I
n are collected to the extent of the amount I
- that the said general fund shall have con- r
Stributed to .the payment aforesaid. So c
t much of Act No. 2b of the General As
e sembly of the State of Louislana for the v
d year 1914 as may be inconsistent herewith s
- is hereby repealed, and hereafter no pav- a
y ing' certificate shall be issued upon the i
it pledge of the reserve fund of the City of e
r New Orleans, but such certificates shall s
1 be secured as herein and as otherwise pro- I1
t vided for by said act or subsequent legs- t
8 lative authority not in conflict herewith;
h provided, however, that paving certificates, v
Sfor which the faith and credit of the City
- of New Orleans shall be pledged, whether
issued under the aforesaid Act No. 213 of
1914, or under subsequent legislation, shall
not at any one time be outstanding in an
amount in excess of Five Million Collars
(%5,00U,000) in face value.
Section 13. The total issue of ionds by
the Cit:- of New Orleans for all purposes
shall never exceed ten per centumn of the
assessed valuation of the Iroperty ill said
city; providedl, however, that neither the t
Ibolnds issued for water, sewerage and
drtainage ltpurpose; (namely, the .11,000,
000 Pu 'tlli"e mInlprviemenilt Bonds issued
under said .\ Act No. 6 of 15,9 and the
$8,000,000 New Public Iimiprovrment lIonds
issued under Act No. 1'r of the General
Assembly of the State of ouisiana for
the year 1906. and acts amtielidatory there
of anl supple:iental thereto, as well as
such bonlds, her'eby or herIeaftcer author
Ized, 11ito which the aforesaid bnds or
any part thereof may be reifu/derd, nor
the 02,0u0,00U0 'ubhe Belt Ibailro:d 1onllds
authorized by Act No. 171 of the general
Assembly of the State of I.ouisiain:t for the
year 1909, iolr any iolds lhereafter an
thorizedl for P'ublic Belt lRailroadl pur
poses, 11or any bonds which iimay ihereafter
be issued for water supply or for the
aclquisition or construction of any revenue
plroduclinig publice utility, nor any lpaving
certitcahtes primar:ily e:hargeable against
special assessiments for street paving,
shall be included ill computing the :idebt
etl iess of said City of New c)rleanus under
this limitation; anld prorl'vded further, that
et'lergel.cy boils may, be issued as au
thlorized ill Sectioin 5 of this amtendlment
even though said limitationli shall have
been reached; pIrovided lthat the Nine Jlil
lion Dollars of botids autiiorizerd by Sec
tion 1 of this amnendument shall not be
subject to the limitation I:erein fixed at
the time or times that sLLie shall be
issued; ibut. with respect to any other
oiinds thatI may be issued herreafter under
this amendment there sh:ill be included
in the comiputationi said Nine Million
Dollars of bonds, notwithstanding the fact
that all of said Nine Million Itollars of
boiids shall not have been actually issued,
amld such amnount of emnergelccy bonds as
imay be tlhen outstanding.
Section 14. The Board of Liquidation,
City Debt, as now org;anized and created
anud with the rpowers, duties aiid functiollns
prescribed by existing laws and by this
amenllldllent, shall be continued while any
bonds 1authorized by this amelldllnlellt are
outstaudiulg and unpaid: and all taxes
which m1ay Ibe levied for the paymnemnt of
said boiids s!tLml-, day by liny as collected,
be plaidl over to said lioa:u'd, and shall by
it be apprlied in payiment of the i principal
and interest of said bonds; anl said board
shall w\ith reslpect to all bonids authorized
by this :ullenwltentt be entitled to exercise
all theill rights all d enforce the ierfOlmlllillce
of all the obligations, the smine ais it is
authorized to do under laws existing at
the time of the adoption of this itnmend
menlt with respect to any of the priesently
outstanding bonds of said City of New
I rleans. All funds, property tnd things
of value held by the board of Liquidation,
I'ity Debt, for bonded debt purposes other
than taxes now or hereafter levied, and
lparticularly all funlds, property and thinigs
of value now or hereafter held by said
B:oard under Act No. 133 of the General
Assembly of the State of Louisiana for
the year 1560 and all anmendmelnnts there
to, shall when released from contract
obligations or dedications imposed by laws
existing at the time of the adoption of this
amientlldenit be used and employed in the
discretion of said Board in paymlent and
retirement of any bIonds of the City of
New Orleatrs then outstanding.
SectiLon 15. ]-or general iiunicipal pur
poses, exclusive of the support and mimailn
tenance of the jIublic schools and the pay
nment of the bonded debt of the City of
New n)rleanis, saidI city may in each year
levy upon all taxable property within said
city a tax not exceeling six and onie-half
mills oni the dollar of the assessed valua
tion thereof: provided, however, that when
the one per cent debt tax authorized by
said Act No. 110 of 1890 and the two-mill
water andml sewer tax authorized by said
Act No. 6 of Ib5ir shall tboth have ceased
to be levied, and if thereafter the taxes
levied by the City of New I)rleatns in any
onle year for bondetld debIt purposes be less
tlhan ten mills, said city may in such
events levy for its general ltu'rposes such
additional tax which, when aldded to the
tax of six and one-half mills hereby
authorized amll the taxes levied for the
payment of the pIrincipal and interest of
its bonds as they severally mature, shall
not exceed in the aggregate sixteen and
one-half mills.
Section 1(i. 'Ile reservation of twenty
per cent of the revenues of the City of
New Orleans shall not hereafter he made
as directed by Section 40 of Act No. 159 of
the General Assembly of the State of
Louisiana for the year 1912, except inso
far as the fund so directed to be reserved
shall have been appropriated or dedicated
before this amendment takes effect to the
Ilayment of any obligation of the City of
New Orleans. and said reserve fund of
each year, when released from the obli-'
gations charged against it by law and
because of contracts, existing at the time
of the adoption of this amendment, shall
be used for general municipal purposes.
Section 17. For the support, mainte
nance, construction and repair of the
public schools in the City of New Orleans,
the Board of Directors of the Public
Schools, Parish of Orleans, or its legal
successor, shall levy annually such tax,
not exceeding three alnd one-half mills, as
said Board shall deem necessary, which
levy shall be certified by said ]3Board to
the Commission Council or other future
governing body of the City of New Or
leans, which shall cause the tax to be
entereld up1on the tax rolls of said city
accorlding to law against all taxable
property in saidti city as assessed andi
valued for city taxation purposes; and
said tax shall lie collected by said city and
paid over to said Boarl of Directors of the
I'ublic Schools, Parish of Orleans, day by
day as collected.
Said tax shall be in lieu of all taxes,
appropriations and funds now authorized
or directed to be levied or contributed by
the City of New Orleans for public school
purposes, either )by said Act No. 110 of
1890 or other provisions of the Constitu
tion of this State. All constitutional pro
visions to thle contrary, as well as Act
No. 262 of the General Assembly of the
State of Louisiana for the year 1914,
ratified as an amnlndmnent to the Consti
tutiolfof this State, are hereby abrogated
and repealed; and tlhe City of New Orleans
shall have no power or authority to use
or employ any of its taxes or funds for
the establishment, support or maintenance
of the public schools, directly or indirect
ly, except as herein authorized; provided,
however, that the City of New Orleans
shall administer, use and employ all the
funds, Property or things of value now or
hereafter held by it under any special
legacy, bequest or donation mnade or to
be made directly to it for school purposes,
and shall carry out and execute the con
ditions of all such special legacies, be
quests or donations that have been here
tofore made to atnd accepted by said City
of New Orleans and all such as may here
after be made to and accepted by said city.
Section 18. For the purpose of giving
additional support to the Public Schools,
the Bo:tlrd of Directors of the Public
Schools, Parish of Orleans, or its legal
successor, may levy upon all taxable
property in the City of New Orleans a
special tax not exceeding two mills on the
dollar of the assessed valuation of said
property (which special tax shall be in
excess of the tax authorized by Section 17
of this amendment), whenever (1) in the
manner prescribed by Act No. 256 of the
General Assembly of the State of Louis
iana for the year 1910, and amendments
thereof, or in such other manner as shall
be prescribed by law, the rate of such
special tax, the number of years it is to
be levied And the purpose for which the
tax is intended shall have been by said
Board submitted at an election to a vote
of the property taxpayers of the City of
laws of this State, who shall have been
assessed for property in said city as
shown by the last assessment made prior
to the submission of the proposition to the
said property taxpayers, and (2) a ma
Jority of the same in number and amount
voting at said election shall have voted
therefor. The levy by said Board of any tax
authorized shall be certified, assessed, col
lected and paid in the manner prescribed
by Section 17 of this amendment.
Section 19. The Board of Directors of
the Public Schools, Parish of Orleans, or
its legal successor, shall not capitalize
the whole or any part of the taxes which
by this amendment it is authorized to
levy. nor fund the same Into bonds, nor
borrow money in anticipation of the col
lection thereof: provided that said Board
may, in any calendar year, in anticipation
of the collection of the taxes of such
calendar year and for the purposes for t
which such taxes are levied, borrow such 1
sums as shall not be in excess of the
amount of its uncollected taxes of such
year, and may issue its notes or other i
evidences of indebtedness therefor, and I
such sums, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness shall be payable only out of I
the taxes of the calendar year in which
said loan or loans are first made and for
which indebtedness said revenues shall be I
pledged, and said indebtedness shall not
be payable out of any other funds or
of moutres whatsoever; provided, however,
1i no morneys shall be borrowed by said Board I
in for any other purpose than current pur- ,
rs poses, and in no event shall any money I
be borrowed by said Board to make or to
pa;y for permanent improvements; and i
es .rovied further, that said Board shall I
tie not make any contract or incur any debt
id r ol,ligatioi unless suflicient funds. not
Sotherwise :aptpropriated, to pay and dis
Iad charg tile Sanle are actually in the treas
i,- tr y of said Bloard at the time of miaking
ad s:aid c'ntli:Lt or incurring said debt or
he blliiation a:nd are specially set aside and
ris ledicated Ito said purpose, except as may c
alb li'ererlab'eve specially provided.
or Said Board shall annually and prior to
- tihe begini.tig of the scholastic year pre
as iare a budtet of its receipts and expendi
r- tires anld said budget, before it becomesI
or etffctive, must be approved by the Corn
or mission Coouncil of the City of New Or- I
ds leans, or its successor as the governing
al body of said City, and all alppropriations
he Iby or eXl)enlitures of said Board not in
n- ciudled ill the said budget shall likewise
r- before beco.inrg effective be approved
er by said Coa:inission Council or its said
hie suocessor;
no Provided that nothing herein shall be I
ig :1taken o" unstrued as aurthorizing the
St ('colnnissio4in Counllcil or its successor to
g, cli nue, altter, substitute or elirtnate any i
t- of the itcmiis of the budget thus submitted;
or Ith tlre i!ntI'l anId meaning hereof being I
at that the said couricil or its successor shall
u- have 110 ailthority whatsoever in or over I
lit said Iudgcet x:cOlt to the extent of ascer
vie It ilingi whether the ]proposed exl)penditures
il-s exhibit.dl by said budget are within the
- probable and estimated revenues of said
be I ,:Ird of Directors of the Public Schools,
at l 'rish of t leans.
.e s,ction -"u. T 'I'I inhibition herein estab .
r lished ultainst tihe City of New Orleans
S1awl1 the I: oiit, of Directors of the Public
ed Schoals, ' rish of Orleans, or either of
on thrII. boi'i 4wAilig money, anticipating their
I\t revenues. Ci,piitalizing their funds or issu
of Ing notes or otherl evidences of debt, shall
:l, daply to all bo:lrds, commissions or bodies
s ureated y or undller the authority of the
('(oln issio 'Council of the City of New
i hrlen.i;ns, or its successor as the governinlg
edl body of said city.
l us Section 21. The provisions hereof are
uLs self-olierative, and the City of New Or
hry Iiens and tile several boards and bodies
re herein referred to shall carry the same
es into effect.
of I:e it further enacted, etc., That the
dl, lltldmeilt prolosed by this act shall be
LD suinmitted to the electors of the State for
al their alpproval or rejection at the Congres
rtd 'sinal election1 to be held on the first
ed 'l'ues;ay afiter the first Monday in the
se inoith of November, 1916; that there shall
c lbe trintetl on the official ballots to be used
is .it said election the words:
at "For the rollosed amendment to the
(t- C'stitutlion of the State of Louisiana
1l 4rovid4n; for the funding of certain debts
- of the C(ity of New Orleans and of the
g;s I toard of iDirectors of the Public Schools,
11 'iarish of I 'leanis," and tihe words:
d "Against the pirolposed amendment to
the Constitution of the State of Louisiana,
il pro\'iding for tile funding of certain debts
.ii the t'ity of New Orleans and of the
or c:irord of Directors of .the Public Schools,
P_ arish of Orleans;"
ct and that each elector shall indicate on
the ballot cast by him, as provided by
is the general election laws of the State,
he whether he votes for or against the pro
tl Iposed amendment.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Lieut. Gov. and President of the Senate.
S Aplproved: June 8, 1916.
S Governor' of the State of Louisiana.
id A true copy:
.Ii .1, \MES J. BA ILEY,
'- Secretary of State.
on ACT NO. 13.
ill louse ;ill No. 5-By Mr. Heintz.
ed l'roosing an amendment to Article 118
es of the Constitution of the State of
, I.ouisi:ina on the subject of Juvenile
S, Courts.
ii Section 1. Be it resolved by the General
ch \Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two
thirds of all the members elected to each
)House concurring, that the fifth section
le of Article 11S of the Constitution of the
of State of Louisiana, be, and the same is
ill hereby repealed.
id Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc.,
that this proposed amendment shall be
ty slrbmitted to the qualified electors of the
of State for adoption or rejection at the
de Congressional election to be held on
of Tuesday, November 7, 1916.
of Section 3. Be it further resolved, etc.,
- that on tihe official ballots to be used at
el said election there shall be placed the
ed words: "For the proposed amendment to
lre Article 118 of the Constitution of Louis
of iana." and the words, "Against the pro
of posed amendment to Article 118 of the
Ii- Constitution of Louisiana," and each
id elector' shall indicate, as provided in the
ne general election laws of this State, for
ill which of the propositions he votes.
e- Speaker of the House of Representatives.
, President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
ic Apllroved: June 16, 1916.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
as A true copy:
to Secretary of State.
e ACT NO. 28.
Senate 11.ill No. 77-By Mr. Leon R. Smith.
t Proposinrg an amendment to Article 270
le of thie Constitution of the State of
i .ouisinna, relative to the voting and
d levying of special taxes in aid of
id public improvements.
Ic Section 1. ie it riesolved by the General
A' .ssermbly of the State of Louisiana, two
thirdts of all members elected to each
s' Ilouse concurring, That Article 270 of the
ed ('onstitution of the State of Louisiana be
or :lrnledtl so as to read as follows:
Aol rticle 270. The General Assembly shall
of lhave power to enact general laws au
Ut- thorizing the parochial, ward and mu
0- nicipal authorities of the State, by a vote
ct of the majority of the property taxpayers,
hIe in umber entitled to vote under the
.' provisions of this Constitution, and in
'" value, to levy special taxes in aid of
ed public improvements, railway enterprises,
ns river transportation lines, such as steam
se boat and barge lines, and navigation
or canals: provided, that such tax shall not
c exceed the rate of five mills per annum,
r nor extend for a longer period than ten
dyears; and provided further, that no tax
nspayer shall be permitted to vote at such
oe election unless he shall have been assessed
Sfor property, the year previous, in the
parish, ward or municipahty to be affected.
to Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc.,
s1 Tha;t the foregoing amendment to the
n- Constitution of the State of Louisiana be
e submitted to the electors of the State at
Sthe next election for Representatives in
SCongress, to be holden on the first Tues
Sday "tfter the first Monday in November,
S1916, and on the official ballots to be used
rg at said election shall be placed the words:
Is, "For the proposed amendment to Article
ic 270 of the Constitution of the State of
al Louisiana," and the words "Against the
lie proposed amendment to Article 270 of the I
a Constitution of the State of Louislana,"
ie anrd each elector shall indicate, as Dro
id vided in the general election laws of the
in State. which of the propositions, "for" or
17 "against," he votes for. t
Ie Lieut. Gov. and President of the Senate.
ts Speaker of the House of Representatives.
ill Approved: June 23, 1916.
to Governor of the State of Louisiana.
re A true copy:
S Secretary of State.
re ACT NO. 68, t
an By Mr. Kantz, Chairman, Committee on t
s City Affairs. Substitute for House
or ill No. 178. by Mr. Barrett
r- Prloposing an amendment to the Consti- 1
rt tution of the State of Louisiana, grant
od ing to the City of New Orleans power (
ix to construct, equip, maintain and
1- operate: through and by the Publict
od Belt Railroad Commission of the City 1.
of New Orleans, buidges and tunnels I
of across the Mississippi River at or near t
Nr New Orleans, and to do various acts
4e incidental thereto and to the operation (
h generally of the Public Belt Railroad
to system of the City of New Orleans, r
r and providing for the submission of C
1- said amendment to the electors of the I
d State for their approval or rejection. e
n Section 1. Be it enacted by the General
'I Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two- t
r thirds of all the members elected to each S
h iouse concurring, that subject to the h
e ratification and approval of the electors a
h of the State, the Constitution of the State
r be amrnended by incorporating therein the E
d following provisions, to-wit:
f (1) The City of New Orleans is hereby I
f granted plenarv and exclusive power, by
h such means andl methods as it may deem
r meet and proper not in conflict with the
e lrovisions of this amendment:
)t (a) To construct, equip, maintain and
r operate across the Mississippi River at or
near New Orleans bridges and tunnels for
d railroad and highway use, together with H
- all approaches, railroad and highway con
v nections, roads, roadways, railroads, ter
nminals, water craft and other structures,
d improvements, facilities and accessories
1 thereunto appertaining;
t (b) To acquire, by expropriation or
t otherwise, tihe property, ownership, use
- or possession of any lands or other things
- necessary for the construction, equipment,
r mainte.nanlce or operation of any such
r bridge or tunnel and appurtenances; and
i (c) ''To lay out, open, close, alter or A
Scllhange tire route of any roadway, non- tli
tavigable stream or drain over which the il
o approaches of any such bridge or tunnel, 0
- or over which any part of the Public Belt sr
i Railroad system of the City of New Or
s leans shall extend. A
r 2 The City of New Orleans is further sl
Sherl,eb granted power, for the purpose of I';
g 'constr uctinrg any such bridges or tunnels si
s anrid appurtenanclles and for the purpose of
- acquiring the lands or other things neces
e sary thereto, to issue its obligations in
d such formis, numbers, denominations and til
d amounts, at such times and prices and st
upon such terms and conditions as to in
e tulatrities, rates arid paymenllt of interest
e and linal redemption as the said City of hi
o New )rh.ans may deem advisable, subject -t
y to the following limitations: {0
(a) Except as may be herein otherwise
g Irovidli, all such obligations shall be si
I secured solely and only by liens and inort- ::
r g1ag's upon and against such bridges or s1
- tunnriels and appurtenances, and thie lands lI
s or oither things necessary thereto, and by i"
at lien and pledge ulpon the net revenues C'
di le'rved from the operation thereof, and at
shall be paid therefrom and from no other ti.
sourcre or sources whatsoever, except as
otherwise stipulated herein, and not by T
:iny tax or assessIrmenLt or levy upon any St
c taxable property in the City of New 51
I irleanis, nor out of any other funds, C
Srevenues or things of value of said city; v
the true intent and meaning hereof being s1
that save and except, to the extent, out L
of the funds, and in the manner herein
stated, the City of New Orleans shall T
never be liable for, nor shall it assume, t'
any debt, liability or obligation incurred A
or created in the execution of the pro- bi
visions hereof.
(b) During the period of construction of T
such bridges and tunnels and appurte- st
inanitices anid during such times as the t
revenues from the operation thereof shall tl
not he sufficient to provide for the interest W
e on, and for the redemption or, any and all tc
of the obligations hereinabove authorized is
to bie issued, any and all of such obliga- p1
tions falling due shall be redeemed and ti
e all accrued interest shall be paid from the
it net revenues of the Public Belt Railroad
d system of the City of New Orleans to such S;
extent as may be required, after provid
ing in the manner prescribed by Act No. I
a 179 of the General Assembly of the State
s of Louisiana, session of 190S, for the pay
mernt of the principal and interest of any
be onds authorized by said Act No. 179 of A
1908, whether heretofore or hereafter
0 (3) Any bridges or tunnels and appur
a tenances thereof constructed, equipped,
s maintained or operated by the City of New S
e Orleans under the authority hereby con
. ferreidl, and all other property acquired by p
the City of New Orleans under the pro
n visionis of this amendment, shall form and
Y are hereby constituted an integral part of
tihe I'ublic Belt Railroad system, as it now
or as it may hereafter exist, which said
system the City of New Orleans is hereby tl
authorized to extend and operate in and Ii
s5 beyond the Parish of Orleans; anti the C
Public Belt Railroad Commission of the
s. City of New Orleans is hereby vested with
the same powers with respect to the t
Plublic Belt Railroad system as well as
1i with respect to such bridges, tunnels, ap
purtenances and property, their acquisi
tion, construction, operation and develop- 0
ment as are now vested in said Commis
sion by Act No. 179 of the General As
sembly of the State of Louisiana, session
of 1908, with respect to the Public Belt
Railroad as presently established.
8 The Public Belt Railroad Commission is O
f hereby authorized without prior authority t
le or applroval therefor by the Commission
('ouncil of the City of New Orleans, to
11 expend out of any of its revenues and for
i- the purpose of constructing such bridges
h or tunnels a sum not to exceed twenty- f
n five thousand dollars on any one contract, t
re provided, however, that all disbursements
is beyond said sum shall be made only after
they shall have been first authorized and
approvel by the Commission Council of
1e the City of New Orleans.
eo (4) The Public Belt Railroad Commis
re sion, under such terms and conditions as
in it may deem advisable, shall have the
right to switch, handle or convey, in con
.o tinuous movement, for any railroad, trains
it over such bridges or through such tunnels
to and over the main lines of the Public Belt
to Railroad to the depot or yard of sail rail
I- road or to any umon passenger depot or
)- union terminal of the Public Belt Railroad
re system; it being understood that the sole
h purpose of this provision is to facilitate 2
re the movement of trains entering the City
)r of New Orleans on the east or west bank
of the Mississippi River. Under no condi
tion can the Public Belt Railroad Com
s. mission grant switching privileges to any
), railroad over the Public Belt Railroad
e. system.r
(5) Any bridge or tunnel constructed
and any appurtenances thereof and any
a. lands or other things necessary thereto,
acquired or constructed under the pro
visions of this amendment, and any and
all property leased to or by the City of
New Orleans for the purpose of this
amendment, during the life of the lease,
shall be exempt from every form of tax
0 ation, special assessment or license, and
shall in no manner be hypothecated, leased
d or alienated except and only to further
the acquiring of other property or proper
ties for the Public Belt Railroad system, I
or to otherwise advance and carry out the
objects and ourtoses of this amendment. E
h (6) The provisions of this amendment
shall constitute a contract between the
0 holders of any and all obligations issued
e thereunder, the State of Louisian* and
11 the City of New Orleans.
(') None of the provisions of this amend
ment shall be construed or interpreted so
as to conflict with the provisons of Act
SNo. 4 of the General Assembly of the
SState of Louisiana, session of 1916, being A
a Joint Resolution proposing an amend- tl
if ment to the Constitution of the State pro- E
viding for thie funding of certain debts of C
Sthe City of New Orleans and of the Board a
Sof Directors of the Public Schoois, Parish A
t of Orleans, respectively, nor as repealing, a
affecting, changing or altering Act 179 of
Sthe General Assembly of the State of n
Iouislana for the year 1908, authorizing
the issuance of two million dollars of f
d bonds for Belt Railroad purposes. p
S (8) That all the rights, franchises and
. immunities herein granted shall continue t
and exist only upon the condition that the o0
'construction of said bridge shall be ac-di
e tively begun not later than May 1, .1920, or
t and that the said bridge shall be com- A
Spleted within five years from the date of al
the commencement of the work; provided, f
that after the work of construction has
Sbegun, in the event of delays occasioned U
by litigation, strikes, panics, lockouts,
Sfailure of contractor or sub-contractor to
deliver materials on contract time or o fi
any contractor or sub-contractor to com- cn
iplete work on contract time or any delay t
occasioned by any act' or circumstance or
over which the grantee herein has no er
control, there shall be and is hereby l
e granted further time for completion equal '
to the period covered by such delays; and,
provided further, if the Congress of the
United States shall, after the construc- el
Stion of said bridge has begun, grant an in
extension of time or further delay for the C
completion of said bridge, then such iII
additional delay shall be and is hereby, t
ipso facto, granted under this Act.
Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc.,
That the amendment proposed by this Act ci
shall be submitted to the electors of the w
State for their approval or rejection at pl
the Congressional election to be held on hl
a the first Tuesday after the first Monday Zi
e in the month of November, ,916; that he
there shall be printed on the official Cr
ballots to be used at said election the st
-words: Pm
For the piroposed amendment to the Si
r Constitution of the State of Louisiana al
1 granting to the City of New Orleans power hi
c to construct, equip, maintain and operate ia
y bridges or tunnels across the Mississippi m
sl River at or near New Orleans; etc., and sl
r the words: as
s Against the proposed amendment to the St
SConstitution of the State of Louisiana hE
j granting to the City of New Orleans fu
p, ower to construct, equip, maintain and fe
Soperate bridges or tunnels across the sh
e Missisqippi River at or near New Orleans; th
etc. th
S And that each elector shall indicate on ce
- the ballot cast by him, as provided by the pr
Sgeneral election laws of the State, whether to
a he votes for or against the proposed on
g amendment, th
a Speaker of the House of Representatives. th
SLieut. Gov, and President of the Senate. th
v Approved: June 30, 1916. sh
a Governor of the State of Louisiana. ye
A true copy: fu
SSecretary of State. ...ap
ACT NO. 84.
House Bill No. 193-1By Mr. Powell, Chair
man, Committee on the Judiciary,
scetion "A." Substitute for House
hill No 3.
L'C.s.,il ang a amendment to Article 148
of the state Constitution relative to
thei District Attorney for the Parish
lLf Orleans, his election, qualifications,
term of cllice, compensation, assistants
and ollie force.
'sctotion 1. i3e it resolved by the General
Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two
thirds of the members elected by each
house concurring, That Article 148 of the
Constitution of the State of Louisiana be
so ameln ed as to read as follows:
Article 14b. There shall be a District
Attorney for the Parish of Orleans, who
shall be elected by the voters of the said
l'arish for the term of four years, and who
shall receive atn annual salary of ten thou
sand dollars, forty-six hundred dollars of
which shall be paid by the State of Lou
isiana, in equal monthly installments, and
thile balance of fifty-four hundred dollars
shall be paid by the City of New Orleans,
in equal mollthly installlentlts; he shall
receiv. n0u other compensation. lie shall
be a licenlsed attornlley and shall perform
such duties as are now prescribed by law,
,r ma'y hereafter be prescribed by the
1;lneral Assembly, and shall take no out
side practice. lie mlay appoint and remove
a:t his discretion such assistants, who
shall be licensed attorneys, and such
c(lerks, stenographers and special officers
as mrany be lprovided by the Commission
Council of the City of New Orleans, and
at such salaries and terms of payment as
tile said Commission Council may ordain.
Section 2. lie it further resolved, etc..
'T'hat tlhis proposedl amendment shall be
submitted to to the qualilted voters of the
State, for a;iloptionl or rejection, at the
Congiressional election to be held in No
vember, 1916: and, if adooted, the same
shall take effect on the first Monday in
December. 1916.
Section 3. Bie it further resolved, etc.,
That the voting either for or against this
resolution b)y any member of the General
Assembly shall not prevent him from
being a candi(date for the said otlice.
Section 4. Ble it further resolved, etc.,
That oil the official ballots to be issued at
said election, there shall be placed "For
the proposed amendment to Article 148 of
the Constitution of Louisiana" anti the
words "Against the proposed amendment
to Article 148 of the Constitution of Lou
isiana" and each elector shall indicate, as
provided inl the general election laws of
the State, which of tile proposed "For" or
"Against" he votes.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
L,ieut. Gov. and President of the Senate.
Approved: July 5, 1916.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy:
Secretary of State.
. ACT NO. 91.
Senate Bill No. 15-By Mr. Delos Johnson.
Proposing an amendment to Article 210
of the Constitution of the State of
Louisiana fixing the qualifications of
holders of office.
Section 1. Be it resolved by the General
Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two
thirds of all the members elected to each
house concurring, that Article 210 of the
Constitution be amended so as to read as
Article 210. No person shall be eligible
to any office, State, Judicial, Parochial,
Municipal or Ward, who is not a citizen
of this State, and a duly qualified elector
of the State, Judicial District, Municipality
or Ward; wherein the functions of the*
said oflice are to be performed; provided,
that resident women over the age of
twenty-one years shall be eligible to hold
the office of Factory Inspector and any
office connected with the educational,
eleemosynary, penal and correctional sys
tems of the State, Parish, Ward, Munici
pality, or any other political division of
the State. And whenever any officer,
State, Judicial, Parochial, Municipal, or
Ward, may change his or her residence
from this State. or from the district, par
ish, municipality or ward in which he or
she holds such office, the same shall
thereby be vacated, any :eclaration of
retention of domicile to tl;h contrary not
Section 2. Be it further resolved, etc..
That this proposed amendment be sub
mitted to the electors of the State of
Louisiana for their approval or rejection,
as required by Article 231 of the Consti
tution of the State of Louisiana and the
general election laws of this State in
November, 1916.
Section 3. Be it further resolved, etc.,
That on the official ballot to be used at
the said election shall be placed the words
"For the proposed amendment to Article
210 of the Constitution relative to women,"
and the words "Against the proposed
amendment to Article 210 of the Consti
tution relative to women," and each
elector shall indicate, as provided In the
general election laws of the State whether
he votes for or against the said amend
Lieut. Gov. and. Presfdent of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Approved: July 5, 1916.
Governor of the State of Louisiana.
A true copy:
Secretary of State.
ACT NO. 101.
House Bill No. 10-The Fields-Nix Bill.
Proposing an amendment to Article 303
of the Constitution of the State of
Louisiana relative to pensions for
Confederate Veterans. As amended
by Act No. 193 of the General Assem
bly of 1914, and for the purpose of
pl)roviding a sufficient revenue for the
carrying out of this Article of the
Section 1. Be it resolved by the General
Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two
thli'ds of all the members elected to each
House concurring, that Article 303 of the
Constitution of the State of Louisiana as
amended by Act No. 193 of the General
Assembly of 1914 be so enacted as to read
as follows:
Article 303. A pension of like amount
not to exceed Twenty-Five Dollars($25i.00)
per month shall be allowed to each Con
federate soldier or sailor veteran who
possesses all of the followingqualifications:
1. He shall have served honorably from
the date of his enlistment until the close
of the late Civil War, or until he was
discharged or paroled, in some military
organization regularly mustered into the
Army or Navy of the Confederate States
and shall have remained true to the Con
federate States until the Surrender.
2. He shall not own property of more
than two thousand dollars valuation.
3. He shall not be salaried or otherwise
provided for by the State of Louisiana, or
by any other State or Government. In
case he enlisted in any organization mus
tered into said service as a Louisiana
organization, or in case at the date of hi.
enlistment he resided in the State of
Louisiana, he shall have resided in this
State for at least five years prior to his
application for pension. In case he re
sided elsewhere than in this State, and
enlisted in an organization not mustered
in from Louisiana, or in the Navy of the
Confederate States, he shall have resided
in this State for at least five years prior
to his application for such pension. A like
pension shall be granted to the widow who
shall not have married again, in indigent
circumstances, of such soldier or sailor
whose marriage to her was contracted
prior to January, 1895; provided that if
her deceased husband served In an organi
zation, musteredt In from Louisiana, or if
he resided in Louisiana, at the date of his
enlistment, then in order that such widow
shall be entitled to the pension as herein
provided, she shall have resided In this
State for at least five years prior to her
application therefor; and if her deceased
husband enlisted elsewhere than in Louis
iana, and served in an organization not
mustered in from Louisiana, such widow
shall, in order to entitle her to a pension
as herein providled. have resided in this
State for not less than five years Drior to
her app)lication for such pension; provided
furthert that all widows who married Con
federate soldiers or sailors a second time
shall not be debarred from the benefits of
this Act but be entitled to a pension on
the same terms as other widows of de
ceased Confederate soldiers or sailors;
provided further, that pensions whether
to veterans or to widows shall be allowed
only from the date of application under
this Article, and the total appropriations
for all pensions in any one year shall be
the proceeds of the annual one-mill tax
hereby levied on all taxable property in
the State, provided said appropriations
shall never be more than an amount suf
flcient to pay all pensions for any one
year. Any accruing surplus from said tax
fund shall be held as an accumulating
fund for the Confederate Veterans to be
appropriated by the General Assembly for

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