When Visiting New Orleans =============== STOP AT -------- THEGRUNEWALD Largest, Newest and Best - Hotel In TheSouth »***COST $2,000,000««** TUCKER GENERAL INSURANCE LAND AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC Abstracts of Titles a Specialty Represent Fidelity Companies accepted as Sureties on all bonds of any kind. OFFICE OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE to sell the most remarkable bargain in the magazine world this year. Regular Price Everybody's $1.50 •lineator $1.50 BOTH $2 To One Perion Total $3.00 . monthly salary and a liberal commission on each order. Salaries run up to $250.00 per month, depend, ing on the number of orders. This work can be done in your spare time, and need not conflict with yom present duties. No investment or peevious experience necessary. We furnish full equipment free. Write for particulars to The Ridgway Co Spring and Macdougal Streets, New York A 'T Postal Brings This Book '' '"">■»* ; • It is free—it tells how you can have local and long distance telephone ser vice in your home at very small cost. • f Send for it today. Write nearest Bell Tele phone Manager, or FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company INCORPORATED. BOX 231, ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA. R. G. VOIERS P. O. Box 149 TINNER Phone 41 Successor to Bonnette & Voiers. See me for sheet metal work of any kind. Cisterns and Guttering a specialty. "THE SOUTH'S GREATEST SCHOOL OF BUSIHE88.' SOULE COLLEGE. rot/p. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Shonldbsrlvta .hebest training toptt pare them for success in business. Personal Instruction, Free Employ ment Department, Complete College Bank. Colle* e Store and Wholesale Offices. No misrepresentations to secure stu dents. Through the success ofits 32000 former students, Soule College is recofulged everywhere as a Wide Awake, Practical, Popular and Sue ceraful School. GEO v » 0om People's Garage [PHONE 148 Open day and night. No trip too short. None too long. Clean Cars—Careful Drivers. Expert Mechanic Always on Hand. T- . . Wednesday, November 3—Opening Day; Ruth Law Day. Thursday, November 4—Rural Progress Day;! Fraternal Order Day. Friday, November 5 —Drummer's Day; Shreveport Day. Saturday, November 6—School and College Day. Sunday, November 7 —Automobile and Ruth Law Day. Monday, November 8—Negro Day. - --- . ■ . .... ' * AUTOMOBILE RACES. LOUISIANA Si ATE FAIR, SHREVEPORT. STATE FAIR. FEATURES Tenth Annual Fair. State Fair of Louisiana. Opens Wednesday, November 3, and closes Monday, November 8. Six-day Fair. Ruth Law, world's leading aviator, in flights, Wednesday, Novem ber 3 and Sunday, November 7. State Normal Band of thirt -five pieces. Great Patterson Shows, with twenty high-class attractions on the Gladway. Better Babies Contest ln Sei mnpert Home. Horse Show three nights- November 4. 5 and 6—in front of grandstand. J. Alex Sloan with his automobile racing cars, five in number, Sunday only,-November 7. Vaudeville attractions in front of grandstand every night. Two football games Saturda', November 6—L. S.'U. vs. U. of Ark., also L. I. I. of Rüsten, La., vs. S ate Normal of Natchitoches, La. $2,500 offered in premiums 'or the Junior Extension Department. Fine show of Boys' Pig Clut-, Corn Clubs, Poultry Clubs and Can ning Divisions. • Harness and Running Races, three days only—Wednesday, Novem ber 3; Thursday, November 4; Friday, November 5. State Fair School. Big tent for boys Lectures and judging contests. Sixteen Parish Fair Agricultural Exhibits. $1,000 in premiums for them. Best Agricultural Exhibits ever shown at State Fair. Three Big Auction Sales of Pure Bred Cattle— Herefords, November 4; Jerseys, November 5; Shorthorns, November 6. Big Livestock Parade each day in front of grandstand. Fine exhibits in Art Building, Educational Building, Automobile Show, Poultry Building. Dog Show four days, Wednesday to Saturday, November >3 to 6. Î.'CO head of Fine Poultry. Incubator and Brooder displays. J-C head of Fine Blooded Cattle. 1,000 Registëred Hogs. 600 Her.* 3. ^ Morse Show and Vaudeville Attractions in front of grandstand at right, and no admission charge to grandstand. I have moved nr, itoches Compress i City all of my time better position tha all Insurance busir Take this occa friends for the i they have enabled hoping to add nuim list of customers, I office to the Natch ad will be in the now, so will be in . before to care for >ss intrusted to me. ion to thank my ice business Ahich ie to build up, an>4 rous ethers to that am yours to serve. ROBT, J. PHILLIPS Agent Phonk No. 8. V •itti iiimeieiiM Saved Girl's Life I "I want to tell you wha' wonderful benefit I have re- J ceived from the use of The ford's Black-Draught," writes JjjjJ Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Cli ton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no eq tal for la grippe, bad colds, J ■ liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught Jj saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, ? they went in on her, but me gdod dose of Thedford's 1 Black-Draught made them br ;ak out, and she has had no J more trouble. I shall never >e without BLack-DraugHT j in my home." For constipatic n, indigestion, hèadrche, dizzi- jj ^ ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, anc all similar j ailments, Thedford's Black-D aught has proved itself a safe, ^ reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. 0 If you suffer from any <* these complaints, try Black- # Draught It is a medicine c î known merit Seventy-five ® years of splendid success aroves its value. Good for jf young and old. For sale evi ywhere. Price 15 cents. 5; 5T* THE & NATCHITOCHES ENTERPRISE IS THE Advertising Medium IN THIS SECTION OF North Lsuisiana BECAUSE cr ES The Official Journal of the Parish The Official Journal of the City The Official Journal of the School Board t \ ( IVES ail the local and State news _ and publishes matters of national Jl and international interest.......... Advertise and Subscribe Now Job Work of all Kinds. Send In Your Order Nou 0 / The Largest Typewriter Sale Id TEN THOUSAND UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Have been sold to the Western Union Telegraph Company for use in all offices throughout its vast organization. \ \ All Telegrams, Night and Day Letters in the future ' w'll be typewritten on the Underwood. Every wed known writing machine was carefu..y con sidered by the purchasing committee and the Underwood won from the standpoints of practica, utility and ir.ccl ; n ical construction. Underwood Typewriter Company, incorporated. 132 Carondelet Street NEW ORLEANS, LA. » THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLYBUY,' Inti*. , .— . f Give US You_ , ,