OCR Interpretation

The Natchitoches enterprise. (Natchitoches, La.) 1888-1965, October 05, 1922, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064317/1922-10-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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V o e * 8 Forecast — Oc
sr 6 storm ifi northern states;
showers; 9, hot wave over
Issouri Valley moving south
tward; 10-11 oloudy, sultry; 12
over the lower Mississippi
[Ihy will move eastward.
>r. L. A. Cockfield of Bermuda
a business visitor Monday.
fudge J. W. Jones, Jr., has
in Coushatta this week hold
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock of
>u tier ville were among Mon
k's visitors.
me u> your orders for Hay Wire
I Mrs. E. S. Self has returned
>m New Orleans where she went
enter her son, Robert, in school.
[Mr. Willie Lucas of Alexandria
a visitor to his old home last
[Mr. L. L. McEachin of Little
sk was a business visitor. Thurs
I slender silhouette, which charac
the new dresses for tnis season,
[earned out in the new line of dresses
received at—LIEBER'S.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McBride
»ent a couple of days in Houston
)6 early part of the week.
Mr. J. L. Bryan is enjoying
t to the city of Mexico, where
of his sisters make# her home.
Don't forget we otfer some of the
it models in New Fall hats—at just
> less.— SEMMELMAN'S.
> F. G. Kelly motored to
ireveport then over to Marshal
rith friends last week end.
Mr- and Mrs. Carl Henry and
ms motored to Shreveport Satur
ly to enjoy. Ringling Brothers
Min Helen Freeman is being
>rdially welcomed by friends
ir spending the past year in
Phone us your orders for Hay Wire
came in
Me Hilton Holland
a rather ..extended
week end at home.
Mr.. Phanor Prudhomme and
Phanor, Jr., of Bermuda,
among Monday's visitors.
,___jseksepers can find the best
Ivalaes in pyrex-giass cooking utensils
of all kinds at _ „ n <TM .
-He UnBfimS
Messrs. Robert Phillips and
' Traber motored to Alexau
Senday for the day with
Dr. G. W. Stephens spent a
tw days in Provencal last week
with bis oncle end sunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Stephens.
Mr. E J- Gamble of St. Mau
rice was a visitor Thursday, when
|s was the guest of his daughter,
lip. f T. GaMion. Jr.
This b the Uom to select your fall
had winter salt, bill line in the best
mÈi lasest eat, Style, material, suitable
for school girts and woman. Just see
mo nt—LlSBBR'8.
Dr. nod Mrs. JE. W. Breazeale,
Mrs. Charles Keator and son and
Mim Kate Keator were among
Gaaspti visitors during the week.
Jodies O V. Porter left for
Sorsvsport Friday after spending
the months of August and Septem
ber, Ms vnesUon, at his old home.
Master Robert Harmanson came
up from New Orleans Wednesday
night and wiH be the guest of bis
great-aunt, Mrs. Phillips, for the
neg b« weeks.
Hsgfesr^ we have net forgotten son
an! Mi sshssl rsgnirsmants. Let us
ata» you an outfit.—SEMMELIIAN'S
Mr. nnd Mrs. L Semmel man ol
Hay n e s ville and Mr. A. Semmel*
*man of Wees Point, Mississippi,
■pent the week nnd here looking
After their loosi interests.
Mr. Q. G. Somnayrso and
lighters of Clarence motored
over Sunday, when they were the
nnd Mn. B.- B.
Mr. Bw MsaoMbnl of Alexai&ria
came np Saturday night to join
Ms wife, who had been visiting
Mr. A. Kafle, escort«
K R Welch, who has been
as civil eiuri
F with Ihn Stain Highway *0
lisse, is et
i ts Ms family
Mrs. N. T. Smith has re
turned from Shreveport where
she was called to the bedside of
her daughter, Miss Saidie, who
has now recovered from ati attack
of dengue.
The regular monthly meeting of
Pol ice Jury and School Board,
Monday and Tuesday, attracted
the usual contingent of visitors
who had business before these
Our dresses offer you the newest
style effects, in any material. A dress
or every occasion.—SEMMELMAN'S.
Miss Marie Breazeale left dur
ing the week for Princeton, N. J.,
to visit her sister and brother,
Captain and Mrs. A. Waters, and
expects to enjoy some of the pleas
ures of New York City while in
the East.
Dr. Penn Crain was called from
Shreveport Saturday night by the
illness of his mother, who is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
Breazeale, when she was taken
suddenly quite ill. Her many
friends will bo glad to learn of
hei recovery.
We have again secured the exclusive
agency for the celebrated Welworth
and Worthmor waist. $1.00 and $2,00;
new lot just received..—SEMMEL
Mrs- S. J. Henry left Sunday
in her car for Reserve where she
will spend the winter with her son
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C).
Monlegut, Miss Doris having pre
ceded her to begin her studies at
the High School at the opening of
the session. Mr. U. O. Hicks and
son accompanied Mr. Henry.
Have you seen the new side lace
oxfords and Colonial pumps— the sea
son's latest fads in shoes? We have
just received a shipment.—S EMM EL
The Jewish congregation assem
bled at their synagogue Sunday
evening and Mouday during the
day, when* in lieu of a minister,
who generally comes from the
Rabbinical College at Cincinnati
to conduct services during this,
the most sacred period in the year^
some of the members read the
prayers and organ music was ren
dered during the most solemn
Our new shipment of coat suits rep
resents the last word in style, and at
prices that will interest you.—SEM
Attention of Leschians is again
called to the first regular meeting
for 1922-23, Monday, (October 9th,
at 6 p. m., in the Social room at
Normal, when Mr3. A. F. Storm,
ex-presideut of the S F. W. C.,
will be the leading feature on the
program. * Full attendance is
urged and each member is privi
leged to invite a guest for this one
meeting, but she must notify the
hostesses, Misses Weeks, Varnado
or Feltus at Normal, whether or
not she will be present and with «
New Fall Sweaters, plain and gay
colors, in fancy weaves—low prices.
For sport, school aad every-day wear
they are excellent» Full line of Jersey,
silk, wool and mixtures, at—LI EBER' 3.
Miss Marguerite Stewart was
unanimously «looted guardian of
the Girl Scoots to succeed Miss
Perkins in New York this year
at Columbia, who effected the or
ganization last year, and'started
off her guardianship with a hike
to Breazeale Springs last Friday
afternoon where they camped the
night, returning next morning.
About 18 enjoyed the outing,
cooking supper and breakfast in
the open, just like the Boy Scouts,
many of whose rules and regula
tions are similar. Miss Stewart's
mother, sister and uncle, Mr. J.
T. Sandlin, attended as chaperons
and equally enjoyed the frolic.
The death of Mrs Hattie Gid
dens occurred at her home Iq
Gampti Friday, bringing to an
end a long and useful life that
lasted nearly four seore years.
One son, T. K. Giddens, now of
Shreveport, and one daughter,
Mrs. M. J. McElroy, and a great
mant grandchildren survive to
ever hold her memory in tender
in the latest novelties, in
stand wool, nnd priced at «rfy $2.95.
Yee^ ----------------
Amiisu Theatre
For Week Beginning
Anita Stewart in "HER MAD
BARGAIN'' and Ur bins Movie
Friday, October 6th
A Vitagraph special "TOO MUCH
BUSINESS" with a selected cast
and aGoldwyn Sport Review.
Saturday, October 7th
Will Rogers and Lila Lee in
Larry Semon in "THE RENT
Sunday, October 8th
Betty Compson in George Loane
Pathe News and Comedy "THE
Monday, October 9th
Garreth Hughes in "LITTLE
7 Tuesday, October 10th
John Gilbert in "ARABIAN
TRAIL'' No. 14.
Wednesday, October 11th
Coleen Moore in Rupert Hughes
Production "COME ON OVER"
and Pathe News
Coming, Friday, October 13th
Allefi Holubar's Production
special cast headed by Dorothy
Phillips, Wallace Beery as the
Les Jeunes Femmes
Mts. W. Alcocke entertained
very delightfully at strictly a club
affair Wednesday at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Williams, when orchid cannas
were used in reception hall and
parlor and roses in the parlor
where the tables, were placed for
the game.
Mrs. Browne won first prize, a
set of handsome cut glass tumblers,
and Mrs. J. H. Keyser, second, a
manicure set of Parisian ivory.
Miss Beth Williams assisted the
gracious hostess in serving a de
licious punch thruout the evening
and brick cream and cake at the
end of the game.
The Round Table Club
Mrs. B. B. Breazeale scored
Rome success as hostess at her in
itial entertainment as member of
the Round Table Club Thursday
afternoon when that club enjoyed
one of the most delightful of the'
many delightful entertainments
for which it has been notdd for
Dahlias, roses and ferns were
used for decoration thruout the
house, and at tbe end of the ani
mated game the first prize was
awarded Mrs. M. Hyams, a hand
some pottery flower basket; Mrs.
Crain, second, a dainty handmade
negligee, and Mrs. Keyser,. conso
lation, a beautiful hand-embroid
ered bridge set.
A pretty conceit was carried out
in the score cards, tiny "round
tables," tbe clever work of tbe
eldest daughter of the bouse, Mrs.
Rivec, who with Mrs. J. C. De
Blieux assisted in serving a deli
cious luncheon of roast chicken,
dressing, potato salad, peas in
patti shells, pimol&s, bread and
butter sandwiches, ice tea, pra
lines, while tdainty little baskets
filled with candies, for favors,
adorned the boards.
The guests who enjoyed the
evening with the members were:
Mmes. D. J. Hyams, Desire and
D. W. Breazeale, Norris, E. Sud
dath, Crain of Shreveport and
Miss Carmen Breazeale.
A GoUeured Party
One of the prettiest and most
enjoyable parties of the season
was the one given by Mrs. R. O.
Hicks Monday afternoon, a week
•go, when goldenrod was the
flower scheme carried oat most
attractively, this early autumnal
flower in brown backets and bank
ed on mantels* fireplaces and in
every nook and corner making a
brilliant contrast to the ivory and
brown background of the suite of
rooms where the tables were
placed for the game.
Vlargaret, the lovely little
daughter of the house, distributed
the tally cards, sprays of golden
rod, the clever handiwork of Miss
Irma Sompayrac, and with Mrs.
Voiers, who kept score, assisted
the hostess thruout the evening.
Mrs. Henry won first prize, a
handsome Jap work basket; Miss
Carmen Breazeale, second, and
Mrs. Norris, consolation, both of
which were also Jap baskets of
different shapes.
The same flower scheme was
carried out on the handsomely
appointed luncheon boards on
which was served chicken salad on
lettuce hearts, pineapple with
cheese and mayonnaise, saltines,
ice tea, and the favors were dainty
little yellow butterfly baskets filled
with minis.
The guests who enjoyed this
lovely party were: Mmes. Norris,
Winslow, L. Deßlieux, llunel,
Chaplin, P., D. W. and C. L.
Breazeale, Henry, F. Hyams, H.
Hughes, Poleman, L'hérisson,
Rusca, Alcocke, Bell, Misses Som
payrac, Kile, Unter and C. Brea
The Bermuda Club
Unusually beautiful and abund
ant were tbe prize dahlias, zennias
and ferns that decorated all the
house Wednesday afternoon, when
Mrs. Ed. (J. Prudhomme of Ber
muda entertained her club and a
few guests from town.
Upon arriving, after a long
dusty drive, she refreshed her
guests with delicious iced nectar
tit for the gods, made by her own
capable hands from home-raised
The game was interesting and
resulted in Mrs. A Miller winning
first prize, a pretty cut glass cream
and sugar set; Mrs. M- Hyams,
second, a cut glass flower basket
with a potted fern, and Mrs. C. L.
Breazeale, consolation, a handsome
Jap sewing basket.
Miss Julia Prudhomme assisted
the gracious hostess in serving a
delicious course luncheon of roast
goose, dressing, jelly, potato salad,
lettuce, stuffed mangoes, ice tea,
conserved peaches with cream and
layer cake, every item Cf this de
lectable feast being home raised
oxcept the flour, sugar, and tea.
The guests who enjoyed this
lovelv party with the members
and were given bouquets of the
prize dahlias as souvenirs of the
occasion were Mmes; Lawton,
Chaplin, Carr, E Prudhomme, M.
Hyams, C> L. Breazeale, and
Misses Carmen Breazeale and
Elizabeth Lawton.
Whatever you need or want in flat or
odd pieces of silver, you can find in
the neatest designs at
This Simmons Bed Outfit
for $50
Delivered in Individual Cartons
Complete with Mattress and Slumber King Spring
This is an opportunity to own, use and
enjoy a Complete Simmons Bed and Bedding
Outfit at an exceptionally low price—an extra
ordinary value of which there is only a
limited supply.
Our suggestion is that you come as early in
the day as possible for your choice. Other
wise the finish you want may be sold out.
THI TVïNCff£5T£R stör»
Natchitoches, - - Louisiana
Jßuilt for Sleep
Should bo given the bent training H
prepare them for amccet i in tmsinear
Hiebest Courses. Best Vacuities. Pet
sons! In at» action, Pres Employment
Deportment, Complete College Bank
CoUcsre Store and Wholesale Offices.
H- misrepresentations to secure stu
ds. *„ Through tbs success of V
}4Ov0 former students. Soule Collet«
is recognised everywhere as a Wide
. * -ske.Practl':» 1 , Popular and Worths
•wit.' ». ' äOVUSMM
Advertisements S
WANTED—Experienced lady clerk
foi our Keady-to-Wear department.
None need apply who has not had two
or three yeais' experience.—LIEBER'5
FOUND— Pair tortoise-shell rim bi
focal spectacles. Owner can have same
by applying to 116 St. Denis St. and
paying for this notice.
WANTED—Salesman for Natchi
toches and vicinity. Commission con
tract only, for spare time or full
time. We will teach you to sell in
come protection through our free
school of instruction and help you build
a profitable business.—Massachusetts
Bonding and Insurance Company, Ac
cident lind Health Dept., Saginaw,
Michigan. Capital $1,500,000.
FOR RENT—My Natchitoches home
known as the Walmsley house. Apply
to J. H. Williams, or to me.
tf 1224 4th St.. New Orleans, La
Sheriff's Sale
Peoples Bank
Vanburen Freeman
Uth D. U. 17108
By virtue of a writ of seizure and
•ale issued in the above cause to m«
directed and to that effect! I have
seized and will offer for sale at public
auction at the front door of the court
house at 11 o'clock A. M.
1 black mare mule named "Stella"
1 black mare mule named "Carrie"
1 mouse colored mule named "Tag"«;
Terms of sale: Cash, for what they
will bring without appraisement.
Sheriff of Natchitoches Parish
They ere
Come to Us
ts W. £ Ö, •#***- *
^ ou* proof
ß A M K B*? AND
/T iY
These thick walls and heavy doors were built to
protect your money.
When you have some little extra money, you
can spare, why not start a bank account with us?
We will serve you well and can advise you cheerfully.
You can start a bank accout now and have a
"big wad" some day and not fear old age or poverty
Exchange Bank
Uhis is our T ledge -to the Vuhlic
We guarantee that we stand guard over the
health of everybody we serve. Make bread
out of the best flour in a most sanitary plant.
Give full weight and quick dependable service
Just* try our, Bread and Cakes
\ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »
Now That School is Open
Do You Know That You
Boys and Girls Need
Tablets, Paper, Stationery» Pen
Points, Pencils, Erasers, Edison &
Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens
City ©rug Store
Natchitoches. La.
Near High School and
St. Mary's Academy
Covenient to Normal
and Training School
» »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦•♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Best Material, Modem
Equipment and Pa.ii\s
taking Efforts
Make it The Best
Orders for Large or Small Quanity
Natchitoches, La.

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