Newspaper Page Text
il ITE ft P 1EM RI T. -* VOL. 5. ST. FRANOCIWr 'ILIE, ILOUISIAIA, SA3AURDAY, JULY 4, 1800. NO. 12. "Wry -A , ,, /rcrjmmeasac c · JOHN ": . ATTOR _ ' L W.. . uji4 1)otl h" , , ,: jltoD. ýýiTGE i' . .$£MPLE.: 1~ ROY, ATTOR"I - ' .T I_,L W, \illpractic : tInI i ~i . DR, W. R. AB EY, pHYSIGIAN and SURGEON, :M.-,you ,+urn, Tin. Otlicc at reI~iden!; e, (1' S.111p st. DR. A. A % F,. ARRºOW pHYSICIAN and , URGEON, St. Fran:ci:ville, La. OJflce il l. kueL liilding. 'Telephone' cas H ~ s.weredfrom either hKillourue's oi )ltUmford's Dr g-,,t,,ores. )r.h 1. L !FTO') N, DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work A EUCIATL'L'Y. Will he in, St. lFr:ncisville on tlhe 1st and Ut en the l:_th, of namuth. Sidney Powell, D. D. S. Dentist, St, Francisville, La. is prepared to tdi all work in his liue Olice at residencse. Chas. Weydert, I;ayou Sara, La. itLACKL SMIT1I -V I E ],1'iIGI-(T. Lock & Ounsmith. SUQILERS AND GIN ,'SANDS RE PAIRIHNG.A IP'ECIALTY. All work that remains in my slhol over ,9) IDAYS, will beo sAd to pay co,. JOSEPH STERN -Dealer in SEERIAL MEIRCHlANDISE, "LIVERY S'I'TABLE IN CO-NNECTIOIN WITH STORE. Supply of Horses and Mules for Sale. SAT IFAC'T ION G GUAi-iANTE ED. JOSEPH STERN, Foot of l1ill, A. T GASTREL,L Hardware, Stoves, Wagon Sand Carriage Woodwork HOISE FURNISHTlING GOODS, IRope, Woods' Mowing na chines, H-ay Rakes, Sash Mlii.ds, D])oors, Etc. Cntural Mainfactaring and LUnmber Co,, Lirited. MANUFACTURERS OF Sah, Doors&Blinds '.All kisls of Storo and Office Fittings, ROLUGl AND DIIESSF.D LUMBER. tBeo andl Factory: Co. Howard Avenuec and Dryades St., Headu of New Basin. $. 1. HACKNEY, Pres. and Gcu'l. Mgr., .I*, -a. NEW OfRIJAiN~S, LA. :",alberlain's Eyo Rad 8kin Ointment Js: unequalled for Eczema, Tctter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, 0Sore Nipples, Chappec I _ands, Itching P.i!·., Iurns, Fiost ites 'Ctronic Sore Evces mnd Granunlatcd Eye Lids. S'or sale by dr ggists at 25 cents per box. rO OI3E OOWTERS. For putting a hlorse in a line :healthy con :iton try Dr. C'adly's Condition Powvders. ' -hey tone up thle system, aid digestion, cure l sof appetite, rel;ere constipation, correct ney (~d srders ::5:d destsr- wormsl, giving uew life to an old or over-workled h:orse. 25 nts per package. For sule by druggists. WE HAVE NO A(CENT8 but shiblp from our factory ast wholesale prices. Ship any. where' for examloatlon: pay freight both ways tf not satis factory, to styles of Carragel. 90 styles of Harltes. 8end 4cta fat 11$iagetas1ue. g.!... - ~ . ... ....... -cc.. I ASK the recovered 'y lwcptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and appetite; R 1 tell you y to ifig TS Moss LIvEa REGULATOR. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! 'For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of MsacURY, or any mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Dlseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. . The SYMPTOMS of Liver.Complaint are a bitter -or bad taste in ;he mouth; Pain in the Back, Sides a joints, often -miistaken for Rheumatism; Sour matomach; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; Debility; Low Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few; but toe LIVER, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and DEATH will ensue. The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR: Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co.; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son, Eaq.,Sheriff Bibb Co.,;a.; J. A. Butts. ainbridge, Ga.; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R.; Heon. Alexander H.Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and know .that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head. ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tem porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured us."--ED. TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, MACON, GA. MAtIUPACTURED ONLY SY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. The Only Compl ete Book St.Louis Cyclone By Julian Curzon. Containing 425 siarge. hitantiftully print ed pavges, emrit:ill":ii :t conlll'.ete h: s'olr of line gr'eatest tor·nado that erer Ilsited Amerlica, Illustrated with 150 Special Large Size Photographic Views. Extra cloth hinding, $1. 0; extra llalf mnoriccW , $2.(d): ]Hither style will he sent, by mail, postpaid, onil rcceil)t of pricc. Very Liberal Terms to Agenta. Write for on': special discotnlts :ard tenits to :gittlts, 'fre by mail. Agents senld fnor JE lit 1l'.rospectIls, by mail, 2i ccits, whi'ci th nlr'vly co\eits the cst of positag'e land ailing. Do imot cnt'lise ti.i.; .om]plhte a1i1d atn *thenti- Ihistory with I the stn;;ll pantlhlolts of views now being t'cirlatted and sold. AddtIrtss P 1.LJS,, ElS' SIUPP,'1 CO. 67 &69 Emilie Bunildiig, St. Louis Mo. .... to d~istrtmt 4mCcbstcc :r r, tir x,::, t mr c,'!:'.ah !.rrao ;!n.1, IbirCsv',"l i'ch S..) a:- ' -.n.,se4p.'. e"l. No I XW. Mosiron, N. Y., Oct. 15, '95. Lat.iA Sls:.l:-'T'hi wheel arrived yes terday~, aind I hlve ridden it about40 riles antt it htas given perfect-sat isthet-ion so mf and. I think it will contnutne to do so. Yours truly, F. C. NORTIRUP. Sleenton, Ky., Oct. 14., '95. Acme Cycle Co., Elkht"rt, Iitd. •-, ]).:uAR Si's :-I harve this day received your Acme Road Racer agd am greatly pleased with your wheel. Seviral have seen the wheel and pronounce it a beauty, and not a word have I heard againtst it. Your friend, G. LEMON. P. IS. I thi willing to cotoparo it withi any wheel in this country. Fl. aptist Wit- J. C. Porter, PIUh. DetLand, Fila., Oct. 19, '95. Acme Cycle Co., Elkhait, Ind. )l)lEA SltS :-Thc- cycle came O. K. and to say tha.t I an, after a good t-ial ol it, delighted, (l0o niot more thtua h:tlf ex prtess it. Snorely it is a beauty. I select. ed the ladies' Wf'heel for my wife and my self, but ilesiro a 24 pound loadlster fir my own personlt use, Please entd 1oad sters C. O. D. at once. Yours truly, C. S. IARRISS. J. G. Diem St. FR.ANCISVILLE, La., PRACTICAL Tin Smnith, Copper & Sheet Iron Worker TIN CUTTERI C AND ROOFING A SPECIALTY.. a. ll Work G ' r--' "' 'ante:ed. A :ii _ LI Li ii Ii rib I., r ; iM ' kll t 3 ir Il'i '('I 'leC t s~.i1 s 134 (3lii323~ Ilijilol 3 I:i 1331j112ofl I is eni t.i3 3ii it, .13( i IiiMt 13i:3k1' 1t:{vier 3 I::i 1 a rty sit ll I o k 131333)133 il~ti ,}13 :1 its 're~i ~*was 3 31)33. I 't 1:3'ti ho 'lttl b:311a23 t1(2i& l iii its (Lis 11V ilt ti vin `itl' lii t( 1 't(In'l rut Ott isal f1 g ('::;!'.lis151 1It3t n !(:123. IIC tit It)i SiniakiI (ilt('!it' tIlglit(a. bail, it utti 5t for Ic'nsite it' ilv3 l au tid inle its Vti' i(i slilt iti~i3 t 1312 \*i3 the Vast (it b31314('ll (>i a 3i vat 331i135 V 11. Io: the it l ol ;n ºi:;t tlon ligV it. h l ie : W uith rIt leis jIca;33*12 itS ouit vt3(t 11)l kaill I' 12V"it h 1:11.13 Si)15(4 1.V12ti. er o 3as ;!3. Itcll i t'li(*. liii ot e its wort3y3t:12.. Tli a snaiil 1iv"'I ne't'v'tr cti3ls:it For aoi t;llSltcl ~~lcti~i~ tiII 335lliM! iiieoi A'ItiC:312333.t It (11333'~. o tt.Ien ":1(3' Wit 333 ltt 11( 3tt1(' 12tº (3e13 ntt(N l stiiicHeil ;itt soon bil 'il· iti~ "(SIC tt'i uliss, of l;y tcnilig aii, brtltll (:t'~, (' Bt'>t. ini Its c]u it'iii' 1l' ' 'it s tl i'tC t l utit Ii d! a:t~a.". gItl e 1lmS. ctlln. : 111551 liii 1i 13iver tº its o i33i'(a'V a12Z it3Wi'l1 i S; It (f:ijIi.r t. theirs, b siott. 12 II.31330'13g 11) 53t(' i hil ii''iiut lhe boilC;5 n.133. $21 asItiV Etl W3li331 \vot Wul-. itis wrtyit waol king et fitn w t, on his Isle 333333 3333 11 eii Il ie 3 slit 'l ion s lli 10113'5 1113)333, is ) 33511 Ii li i 35g in3 ard his 2'svi 13 1 llaiu t-i it. away, 33'iJ c33l iScing to see (it(' Fond d 3 Csnai333123 1 1)o Soil li, wO In 1133~ln wi333h~en SJ313& aline 1131s0i 3311325 1111 Wl~illiteý ciit lt e ar oflu3ii F;it:1 i iene 01! to you~3j hope t \'n"13 are 33130 deind l\ ;I It tit33 105 WL3 tile (1th ell 3worldit. with 123331ºn f its IllAie.. talke!) in the itigltt wi'th clamu3ping pains3~.~ 13331 t10he net dahy (laIi:1]10a set3 i.). S13' too3k 13:31113t bat13ik of lac1:k berriy cord ial b)ut got 130 relief. S~he then3 Sent3 to33 inot see ifI h1ad11 anI' ii i3g tha~it would1 13l1 he1r,3 T3r30M .. ut keI.IIIptI. gotlg W031 ). ' In ;n on("l IL5PlC~tO ft n0111 I jijLtr 'O), eI*~ tttlle Oll l~i'ti S·Littll hUelilbatid wil C1' 3~i·: O~vidt 13(11 ltaM JPI4AI'Ili' to uki esi t :u (;I ,o1t lL 'sCde 1t 11,, the talu i l \uioit. II~II :lt 5) zI))1 ' 411; It, tnt' ha gf ( -II te : 1 1 ee w~is ~ic~k w\ith ii \'-~~r· bowel tttt~uFie. ()url do('tm~s 11'i tito ic III'd f1;Il 1! $te weio tii h'l (C1ll.a t elni o' i Coli, Cb\ itra aii ltirrho a UdIiti)4 ve, w1it ci e g;o 1* v1.or Ispeodv rclhf W' \o ri'cG:ui'4 it :;s tule h~±st If(l4the Sopi'hilt Owil ttt Ctorllege. ttv Mi (s()ttlki t~s Mt's. A . nie . l ('loy..Yo Pl'ed1 11.0111.(' siii inie 1 She hills 11"09,1-s very-r (uiiktti t i ,ll, tiou ill ¶J'b iiS c d:uiesu wi ll f'lls c,~:-ej~lc~ pe] t Ol tilOf ~QlZI.rl.lkt hit' Ihci Ios to gi Vt' jn~t'Olp. icnlSef wIC'LtYt tt~ed ii spendl their sitteeret grw r~itha1w he r mot ,uMi,'s ii latis ell:hted. sor salle by' f. t '. JaIli rtttt , I reggi eot.. Siitigtesrid. Len, Jnll 2O, le Ti. Slilte . h -st i 0 I it l The '1)4 ll0 I( 110 fj.'St itttii t y a I he ple;i . wt ' id1th lir no ewai u p1tOstie tg Las. t 1urne i ' r:: p o ur i a itld I;loktolrt' wt Clnick with a se ere. 'Xht'owel baoue hiiOn rVotu criiiI ttut, ;htfil thoed ihll) sped lotte ut We bitgar ioty uas th bs ~iiiji8 tttC~ J~ItttO NOfI'ItlY ill 1110( at!; itit Iici IS to b wtu'li.'lS ol nleieine eve pt o te utrie fr hte fd iestt( ie'lcl itl Ti t st L It IOt:' O CI' is t 00(1t ;)y'$n pe ttc evrtIlt o.n tema Irket lilt Sotto Id his dncisiou1c callicg 1111 ttl ott pt 1 C rli itg tIii itl it W nC iij 1IPIC!ci~?tfd.:lr t :i u lplltt1iuc l by sp~ec. 11citicr i t'llitL illoit.sel tl , Ihave expressttd their siincer s;aU-pp for Itheai ueis iotts eVI'ix ii Ftorlie ttsol3' o l iby. hil io rtt Ito 1gul-st.ike Qustiou but iii 1!:;C regardlr i~t-~~l 'Was au ev Iii(dl37 gte Barlyl.~Sa o sl iil·8ell 1 pt ot. La., June 2it4 l8 . asua oghtir byd Sttr hi Wll) welay-C· file finst; tttl itis sipeas i. Stoils Httl hilt Jte it itt ul sid -the 10(1kr it; itt (itt hlis'kol't. 'V Le epeet t~!ot'.s ulml bti fOtir tcoL b allted (I iwpiui Ae(:; t~itd( t lie. Bull 3puan . SnBoite, ST a litl Sl, with Case. 'lil.e ba afl itpe t03(,I i'Vº ply the i nfield 'Vi - ;iitunsL trade 1but, I'LItit sorr nis ntos. buatt the Bc~nlks Sit'S. FPiattlisvi~lle. I' ItryC. iJell i olited s to teot its, ath ,le d tIss, SCIet tity StI - litti; B.l U. 1J· Club, iStar tl ilu. inpesn its ells in rtyrs ad. i 0t1e of ii, tol hesi t ritBo niter otny~ ualtiu~gthird'ts a flau Blt sh1-ao ntie orthy fiv',iy breatit. Erlts I, hr h ltil$1I~ity* by aiwnie, IiHav~'e Iºlº(l0e one, (4lA'it iig of Ihejri clays M jFor triii I, for right., 444 ~I.'u-eoni's Rtesigneed 1t4e bitter (A'ti t~ei takre A.IIl ,Sit.letl3' ill ealess (S i l~ll lowing I iwLles r 8wll to Wheri'e s(iue14 tile }'., 1Earth ? by tin prolld S tone k1i)r WI\,I· r·MW · UV·· o st i No---not a tree I 1ie I(.('Volr1d 18r Yet lu'-:rdy' uroiitol lie st teeu' 'I'The 118118d of the Itiull,tit.ude ; It mnay I)e tItot eaeli. day .e WhIere .hlti'. dlevot'red Iheartsl hve (th:uulºibeiai ifr' Cough Ueteoooy cures colds; croup nug l iloopiitg &ougfih It is pl)easant safe andl reliable. L'ur sal by L. P. Killonrllo, dzuggi4. The Four Quarters of the iGlobe are Drawn Upon Daily. Out of the abundance of its Store ,of News The Democrat Will enable you to garner up knowledge of the world and its affairs. The business man, the ,clerk, the mechanic, the faimer, the young and old, the grave and gay, willfinl Hleat and Flatter in its Columns, Daily and Sunday................2.oo a year Semit-Weekly, issued Tuesdays and Fridays ......... ......... .oo a year Sunday only ................... 2.oo a year ,Sample copies free on application. The Times-Democrat, New Orleans, La. ++H+H44 t BANK OF WEST FELICIANA, St. Francisville, La. CaPsh Caita1, - 2,00 Safety deposit Boxes For Rent. Exlchango boughlt uad Nl l l.. Pi'mzlpt srvice guaranteed. % Your business is respectfully solicited. I Iauk hours from 9 A. M. to 3 P. Ml. • 5t-L..- ., -ZDIREC.TO(R): ... . --n .-- --,--: E. J. I}UCK, ... M IA,113A ASO'. ' A O)oLIi'UH TE1.'raC'I H, O. I). IBl001181. 1.,. 1": CIM.LrOlNI . ,AS. ILEAKE, M. I>., .IN0. F. IlhVINE, SIR., E. L. NElWSdrla,lf, ROUT. DANIEL, T. W. |ibTII.Elt. - "- ~ Hawv Your GLOTHES made, to Order o O y...O" S ercbarit Tailor. Threy Guarantee to Fit and PMeoae You. LA4RQEST IS6ORTFPENIT. P -hLOWEST PRIQES. ,LOOK AT THEIR SAMPLES AT MAX MANN, AGENT':. :YAZOO & K, Mississippi Valley RAILROAD O ,rs iti pntrnIr for the 4th '.tlh y Low itates of Faroe. t c t nil stltioI on its lulv Tiidets o mn lnln July 2nd and rd the 41h for trains schrdled to rmach: till tio ,iy ino of that dlty .'gna, Q + trn ni til Jiuly 7th iihelusiveo. Fuor sp rI';t, tickets, etc., call rilo your Lueu;l & .t V t. , t icket Hotel Widso,. SLAUOHTER, LA.: : M1rs. J. O. IIWELL, Proprietrt I.oju;4 liy the day or nionth.i Singlo Meals Iarmished. NOTICE. .''le Police Jiury will meet. i& 13tr0' ,ot ].levi(w, the first, Moidi J)U[WU4N STEWART: ;. Pt i' ,l$,it The New Orleans PIEAYUNE: The Leading NewsIap'e of the South. ALWAYS RELIABLE! ALWAYS 61VII,6 THE LATEST IEIIR THE DAILY PICAYUIE Is a real newspaper. lio eapense Is spared in producing it. Iti telegraph service is unsurpassed; Its news gatherers cover all plaee.* "of Interest. Its mechanical applt: ances are modern tand the b ts; staff of talented: writers n artiats is ompletA. THE SUNDAY PICAYUNE to a household treasure of ewA Information' and literature, illI9fr trated and tasefuily presste4 TE WEEKLY PICAYUNE Is pleriass as a country, feell-. newspaper and literary joureatI and po home in the S.3.b abould be without It. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION: Daily and Sunday ,- - Sta.oo a y.a . Sunday * - * 00a yet Weekly . - - *1.o00 a• y NICHOLSON .a CC. I . Proprletore• ..ew oriA , L-.... ..